• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 1,857 Views, 21 Comments

Destiny or Coincidence? - TalB

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Uncovering a hidden past

After having a meeting with both Princesses Celestia and Luna over at Canterlot Castle, Twilight Sparkle would head over to the library to read some books due to the fact that she was known for being a bookworm. Sometimes she would spend a good part of the day reading entire sections. Other times, she would even take some of the books with her realizing that she has been there too long as either princess would tell her it was time for her to go and would promise them, she would bring them back when she was done with them.

"As much as I enjoy reading these books, it feels as if I have read the same ones over and over again. It would be nice if there was at least one book here that I never read before.", said Twilight.

Wandering through the library for new books, she found herself bumping into a huge portrait of Celestia that went all the way down to the floor. She then tapped on the portrait with one of her hooves and felt as if it was part of the wall itself. This made her think if this portrait was really a door and if there is something special behind it.

Twilight then thought, "Could Princess Celestia be hiding something behind her own portrait?"

Walking back a little bit had her back hooves step on what seemed to be a panel that opened up the portrait revealing a book that was titled, The Legacy of Megan Williams and Her Adventures in Ponyland, and she was thinking to herself why was this book hidden in the first place and for what purpose as she thought to herself, "I have never heard any mention before of either Ponyland or Megan Williams before in the history of Equestria, but I need to take this book back with me and figure out why was it kept a secret."

She placed the book back where she got it from and came back the next day with a backpack to carry the book while trying to avoid any suspicions from either the guards or the Royal Sisters themselves. She later on headed back to her castle in Ponyville and started going through the pages to know more about who Megan Williams was and why she came in the first place and realized that she only became a hero by accident just for getting a particular pony who fell down a well, but it didn't seem to make her stop reading about her and what she did.

As she started to read more about Megan she then thought, "Although I have seen and read a lot about other creatures that lived in Equestria, nothing like this one has seemed to come up before, but that's probably because this one isn't even native to Equestria or even Ponyland in that matter."

While she was continuing to read the book, she didn't realize that the rest of her friends were coming in and wanting to know what she was doing.

"Wacha reading, Twilight?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Nothing that you will find important unless it's about Daring Do." said Twilight.

The rest of Mane 6 along with Spike started to become curious and go towards the book as Twilight showed each of them the pictures and descriptions of the ponies that reminded her of each of them including herself as well talk about Megan herself.

"Why does the shade of your fur look much lighter, and your mane and tail seem to be white not to mention your wings are missing?" asked Spike.

"That's because this isn't me, but another pony named Twilight." answered Twilight.

"Why does this picture of me look like I don't have my wings?" said Fluttershy.

"That's because it's not you, but a different pony named Posey" answered Twilight

"Wait a minute here!" said Pinkie Pie, "I know I like to have parties, but I don't look anything like that, nor do I have wings, plus I don't remember my fur being white with my mane and tail being green, though it does look like she shares a cutie mark similar to mine."

"Again, it isn't you, it's Surprise", said Twilight

"I do like to have surprises!" as Pinkie said back.

"No, that's the name of that pony in the book." as Twilight tried to clarify with her.

"I just thought I saw myself in there." as Applejack said feeling surprised about what she saw.

"This isn't you, but rather a pony that almost looks like you and even has your name for some reason." as Twilight gave her explanation to Applejack.

"How can they get my cutie mark wrong and even my mane discolored?" said Rarity thinking that her picture was messed up on purpose.

"You're not looking at yourself, you're looking at Glory." explained Twilight.

"Is this pony supposed to be me because it seems as if the fur and mane are all wrong?" said Rainbow Dash.

"That's because it's not you, it's Firefly." said Twilight.

"Why does it look like I gained weight?" said Spike.

"That's because you are looking at a picture of Spike that isn't you." said Twilight.

The rest then read more about Megan Williams and what she was known for.

"Reading about Megan Williams almost made me think about Daring Do." said Rainbow Dash.

"According to these pages, if Megan Williams really does exist, she actually predates that pony by thousands of years." replied Twilight.

Spike with now a lot of interest asked Twilight, "What exactly is Ponyland and how come I never I heard of it before?"

Twilight gave her explanation to Spike and said, "Until now, I haven't heard of Ponyland either, but I guess that's what this very land was called before being known as Equestria should it be true."

Now wanting to get answers, they head back to Canterlot to find out what is the purpose of hiding the book.

Twilight levitated the book out of her backpack and mentioned, "Princess Celestia, I would like to know why this book was hidden as well as know more about Megan Williams and her purpose for being here."

"How exactly did you find that book especially when it was placed where nobody would ever look for it?" said Princess Celestia.

Twilight angrily responded by saying to both princesses, "I found this book behind your portrait over at the library. Perhaps you have other secrets besides having dark sides such as Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker!"

Princess Luna weighed in and stated, "Just tell them already, Sister since they got the book and know about its secrets."

"Exactly what secrets does this book hold?" asked Twilight.

"Alright, since you know about this book, everything mentioned about Megan Williams and her adventures in Ponyland did happen." said Celestia.

"Why did you hide this book in the first place?" replied Twilight.

Celestia explained, "This book didn't originally belong to us either, but we kept it safe all this time after taking it from a fellow unicorn that was in our tribe."

"However, that still doesn't explain why this book was hidden and for what reasons." as Twilight continued to shout back.

"Since you want to know," as Celestia mentioned, "after what happened long after she left and when Luna and I got our royalty status, we wanted to give Ponyland a clean slate by calling it Equestria even if that meant trying to erase everything that reminded us of the original name including Megan herself."

Twilight responded, "I would like to know if Megan Williams did something that tainted her history of being here that possibly lead to hiding that very book about her."

Celestia said back at Twilight and the others, "It's not that she did something that would have someone question her actions on being Ponyland's savior, it was more about what happened to Ponyland after she no longer came back, and this has been a secret even to her. I suggest that you try to bring her here so that she can know in person what happened to Ponyland and why that was the case."

Hearing this brought shock to them.

"Seeing that this happened thousands of years ago, this Megan Williams is probably dead by now assuming that she can't live that long even for her kind unless she managed to live as long as both of you did." said Twilight.

"Not quite," said Luna, "She's still alive to this very day."

Twilight now feeling confused asked, "How do you know that she's still alive?"

"What she doesn't know that is that traveling here thousands of years ago is only equal to a few years in her world known as Earth, plus I do go into her dreams every now and then to see what's on her mind or what she might be dreaming." explained Luna.

"Does she even know that you are even in her dreams?" asked Twilight.

"As long as I don't interfere, she would never know I was there." said Luna

"How do either of you know about Megan Williams?" said Twilight.

"At the time we were just fillies that were just brought over to Paradise Estate in a basket with no knowledge of who our parents were or even having any names given to us. She then picked us up and gave us our names in claiming that what we reminded her of when she was looking at us.", said Celestia.

"Now that you know who she is, your destinies are now intertwined with her own," said Luna, "and what you don't know is that you are all descendants of those ponies mentioned with her"

"Say what now!?" shouted the Mane 6 in unison.

"Twilight Sparkle, you are descended from Twilight." said Luna

"I thought I saw something similar there." said Twilight

"Rainbow Dash, you are descended from Firefly." said Luna

"Could it be that we are both awesome?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Applejack, you are descended from Applejack." said Luna

"Isn't that darn obvious?" replied Applejack.

"Rarity, Glory is your ancestor." said Luna

"I thought there was something we had in common, Darling." said Rarity.

"Pinkie Pie, Surprise is your ancestor." said Luna

"Again, I love surprises." said Pinkie

"Finally, Fluttershy, you come from Posey." said Luna

"I thought there were something more to just a near resemblance here." said Fluttershy.

"What about me?" said Spike.

"Spike, you are from Spike."

"I should have known that from the start." said Spike.

"However, according to the book, she came to what was once Ponyland with a pegasus flying her over the Rainbow Bridge near Dream Castle, and we have no idea where in present day Equestria that could be today or if that passageway will ever open again.", said Twilight.

"The Rainbow Bridge never exactly closed, it was just made invisible to give that illusion," said Celestia, "Also, there was a special barrier that was placed so that nobody from here could go and invade Earth and vice versa."

"We still don't know where exactly where those places are or even how to stop the barrier let alone make the bridge visible to bring her here." said Twilight.

Celestia mentioned, "There is a spell that will do just that. Although Dream Castle is no longer around, Paradise Estate still exists and is actually on the outskirts of Ponyville as the very town itself was built on what was once known as Dream Valley. Also, Midnight Castle, where she had her first adventure, was the very castle we were once living in to seek refuge before building the one over by Everfree Forest near the Tree of Harmony."

"Now it's time for you to meet your destiny," said Luna, "However, you may have to convince her to return as times may have changed and she could have just moved on since then."

The Mane 6 along with Spike set off to bring Megan to Equestria.

Author's Note:

The ponies used as the descendants of the Mane 6 are the very ones used by Laurne Faust when she made them for the series, MLP: FiM