• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just a pone who likes to write about other pones in compromising situations ranging from sexy to deadly and everywhere in between. https://ko-fi.com/scarletribbon

Comments ( 11 )

The descriptions of the army makes me conflicted. On one hand, I totally want to see her get destroyed. :twilightsmile:

On the other hand:

"Finally, there are strict rules about fraternization," he began. "Homosexuality is not permitted among the ranks." I nearly gave myself whiplash with how fast my attention turned back to the instructor. "We don't need any of that distraction among the troops. If you can't handle that, feel free to speak with me privately later, and we can work on alternative employment." His emphasis on those last words was unnerving.
By the end of the third day, there was a rumor floating around that the stallion who had been showing off his equipment to me in class had attracted the attention of a colt-cuddler named Starfeather, who had subsequently been reported to the upper brass. If the rumors around the barracks were to be believed, Star wasn't just expelled from the military system, but they even threw him in prison. It reinforced my decision to stay quiet.

Man, that was a huge boner killer. :fluttershyouch:
I want to see her live now and do as much damage, despite the fact it's a tragedy with a death tag as well, plus a bunch of trigger warnings.

It seems to want to be The Rainbow Factory with sex, but that ship sailed, sex or no. Snuff is always serious business to the people into it. Just hang out as a peripheral guest to vore and adjacent fans and all the configurations come up and become commonplace. Adding politicized veneers like homophobia doesn't make it more intense, just more like an edgy concept. It's literally like when someone does a zebra edit of a clop picture to try and add something more wild. I'm not given to quoting the Nostalgia Critic often but, the Casper review still holds true. Paraphrased because it's been forever. Just saying bad words doesn't make a movie more adult. If anything it makes it even less mature.

As someone who is into snuff, I completely disagree with you, so your entire premise fails. You don't like it, you don't have to read it.

I made it plainly clear what you were getting into when you started reading it. If there's something about that that bothers you, the only person you have to blame is yourself

Edit: Now that I'm at my desktop and can properly write something. Specifically, the parts of your comment I disagree with are:

Snuff is always serious business to the people into it.

Not really. Most people who are into snuff don't care how serious (or not serious) the snuff is, and the majority of the stories about snuff are not written to take themselves seriously; they're written almost exclusively to appeal to the fetish, with little other consideration. This story is not that.

Just hang out as a peripheral guest to vore and adjacent fans and all the configurations come up and become commonplace.

I am also into vore. There is a horrendous shortage of quality vore in the MLP fandom (and outside of the fandom, for that matter), for basically the exact reasons I just mentioned. Vore is a fetish, first and foremost, and few people try to write serious or realistic takes on anything, as making vore believable actually takes work.

Adding politicized veneers like homophobia doesn't make it more intense, just more like an edgy concept.

I'm not politically soapboxing. I'm writing characters. Homophobia is a real thing that real people engage in, and I'm using it as a vehicle to tell the story. And I sure as fuck don't need to add homophobia to make a snuff story edgy.

This idea that we need to avoid subjects that make people uncomfortable in our fictions is patently stupid, but I make damn sure to tag my stories appropriately. You can choose not to read such things.

I also suspect you're just here to politically soapbox about your dislike for the material. I'm not going to delete your comment, but if you choose to reply by soapboxing as opposed to engaging the the story materials, you will be blocked. My stories are not a place for your soapbox.

As someone who is not into vore and finds snuff repulsive I still have found this story enjoyable outside of the sex. Its got the same vibes as horror movies, where I really hope it doesn't get to a bad end. But we will, and I'm sure I will tap at once it gets there. That said my biggest issues with vore and gore adjacent fics is always that it's got aspects of stuff I like, non-con and domination, but skips straight into Not My Thing territory.

Still enjoyed what I read and even if I won't end up loving everything by the end, I can go back to chapter 3 or anything else in between. Hope we get to the end as you should definitely continue. Dark fics are always one-shots and I can't remember the last semi-long fic that was actually a fic not just porn (or just abandoned which plagues anything dark related)

I didn't say anything political, though if you interpret it, I accused you of it, in a loose, oblique sense. The defensive repetition of soapbox is a good indication of where your focus lies.

You also misunderstood me. In the end, when it's become the focus for so long, everyone has to laugh. Because as grim, pinched, and dour as you insist you are, no one else is forever and a day. In the end, again, you must ultimately surrender to the absurdity and audacity that are the soul of extremes. Someone like Sharue has a laugh over the situations and certainly the audience sees the risible nature of the mass hanging and fields of carnivorous plants. Gathered together, everyone is laughing and pointing fingers to note the silliness. Because a sustained campaign of either becomes darkly funny. It's literal gallows humor because it's inherently silly the longer something goes on. Think about it, it's why movie monsters turned into The Ghoul School, and cthulhu has marketable plushies. On the other end of things, someone like Deedonis leans into the patent absurdity of repeated deaths and eatings. It is, as said, fundamentally funny if it lasts long enough. The deathly serious is mockably funny. I find the comically serious seriously comic. Laughing at dialogue one might see in snuff and vore is kind of inevitable. Again, that's why Deedonis works. It's turning failed pathos into blatant bathos. And frankly, the more serious someone is the more I feel like they're missing the point. It's why a long-lasting creation like Kevin & Kell is a comedy. It would get there. It's the difference between exiting dramatically and being asked to leave. If you start where you'll end, you're working the angles. If you begrudgingly slide to where you are pushed it's just a misery for everyone. I don't have a political agenda. I just have so many years of knowing folks who like this stuff, but do it in ways that are more realistic about what it is. It's the CS Lewis line about people thinking that being very grown up means being very serious. I hear and read critics constantly fatigued by the idea that to be adult is to make a word of unending misery. That kind of thing gets pointed at and made fun of. It's no fun. And we all have jobs already. Chosen things are supposed to be different.

Oh and at the start, I meant we already have a Rainbow Factory. We only ever had one, and the only latecomer that was really good was the comedy one I saw on YouTube. We have these things already. We have a Bittersweet, we have a Cupcakes, My Little Dashie, Anthropology, The 63rd Rune, Friendship is Witchcraft. That's all I meant.


I'm not even going to address one whit of that post, since you didn't actually do what was requested and address the content of the story. A soapbox need not be political to be a soapbox. My stories' comments are not the place for it. Go use your blogs or your own stories if you want to engage in /r/im14andthisisdeep conversations.

Finally some good fucking snuff.

...What in the flying fuck are you trying to say? You have tons of words and I felt nothing was said. I kinda get thr rainbow factory and other shock fics trying to capitalize on the mlp craze. The comparison falls mute because if you look around the mlp craze is long since dead, the story feels like a middle ground trying to be its own thing. Comparing to horror again not a movie on the big screen but nothing like a low budget film. Like a slightly more edgy then average hentai that instead of stopping at a single episode goes on for 4 or more. I detest snuff and gore but trust me there is much worse. Look up a The Raider from the fallout mlp boards if you want some real snuff, that's rainbow factory two (also found a non-pony thing from some /mlp/ archives that's even worse. Buzzsaws. Trapped to a wall.)

Most things that have gore of some kind always seem to be 10% sex and 90% death, besides a decapitated head I can appreciate the story starting at a lower threshold. Sinful Gold's fics are the closest I can tolerate and enjoy as I fell theirs are a 50/50 split.

Just say you don't like it and move on. I very regularly check out tons of dark fics but then I read a Headless Rainbow fic and yeah, not for me. I need something more tame, and yes I see the irony in calling goreless non-con porn tamer then snuff.

I don't even like snuff, but damn rarely have a seen a fic for more into the derails of emotional turmoil for the victim? This is hot as hell, I hope you write more.

Honestly gripping stuff, is there any plan to continue?

Hey there, thanks for the comment and the interest in this story.

Unfortunately, I'm starting to realize that making promises and predictions about my future publishing plans doesn't work well for me, so I'm not going to make any promises. I'll just stick to the facts. If you want to read more about my current writing status and the state of my projects, I've just updated my user page with the latest details.

The update relevant to this story is as follows

Storm in a Teacup -- Partially Published
Chapter Five is completed apart from editing, but I'm reconsidering my outline due to a pretty major plot oversight. Until I have resolved this oversight to my personal satisfaction, I don't want to publish Chapter Five, as it may require restructuring the chapter. I expect the full story to be 8 to 10 chapters.

This is one of my favorite stories I have ongoing, and I have multiple personal friends who desperately want to see this story finished. I think it's also some of my best writing, so I definitely want to put in the effort to finish it, but I also want to finish it right, so progress on it is slower than other projects. Out of my 15 current projects, it is priority number 5.

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