• Published 10th Sep 2012
  • 5,498 Views, 149 Comments

Equestria Noir Case 8 "Scoots and Murders" - Jacoboby1

a kidnapping mystery in ponyville, tells of scoot's past

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Chapter 2 "The Many Secrets of Scootaloo"

Chapter 2

“The Many Secrets of Scootaloo”

All of our jaws dropped at the same time. Rainbow was the first pony to speak “Your nanny tried to kidnap you!?”

Scoot slowly nodded “Well, she was my nanny anyways”

I wrote this down in my notebook “When was the last time you’ve talked with her?”

“Besides telling her to let me go?” Scoot said trying to lift the mood a little “I haven’t talked to her since I was six”

“Why did you have a nanny in the first place?” I asked my curiosity peaking “Don’t your parents take care of you? Are they working parents?”

Scoot’s eyes went down. This was obviously something she wasn’t used to talking about even among friends. “My…mom died when I was little and dad is…well…”

Rainbow put a hoof on the little filly’s shoulder. Scootaloo looked comfortable with Dash around her like that. Dash smiled at her “It’s okay squirt, Private’s here to help”

Scootaloo nodded and turned her eyes back to me “My dad got really shaken up by mom dying and well…he had us leave our home and come to Ponyville in order to get away…he’s been a mess ever since”

Tailspin raised an eyebrow “I’ve never seen your dad…you always went home alone…”

Scoot nodded, “Yeah, I usually have to go home before he did something…drastic…”

Rainbow rubbed the filly’s back trying to comfort her. I was thankful that Rainbow cared so much for the young filly. I doubt I could’ve gotten this information out of the filly without Dash here to help her admit to her problems.

I decided to move on from her father “Where did you live before you came to Ponyville?”

“Canterlot…I lived in Canterlot…”

Twilight’s jaw dropped “You’re from Canterlot!? But if you lived there then you must’ve been…what’s your last name anyway Scootaloo?”

Scootaloo looked to Dash again. Dash nodded with a smile as if giving her permission. Scoot looked at Twilight and confessed “My full name is Scootaloo Themeara Loftwing”

“Loftwing!?” Twilight’s voice spiked in shock “The Loftwings are one of the most influential families in all of Canterlot…but I thought they were all unicorns…”

I shook my head “Not all of them, it was in the papers that one of the family members went against tradition and married a Pegasus”

Rainbow looked at me with a raised eyebrow “What’s the big deal? Ponies marry interracially all the time. Why would it
be a huge controversy for squirt's dad?”

“Maybe for you and me it’s no big deal” I said knowingly “But back when my dad was my age there was a huge schism between Pegasi and their ground dwelling cousins. Most traditional families in Canterlot wouldn’t see past racial prejudices and kept their families from intermarrying with them”

“You’re mother was a Pegasus right?” Twilight said looking over at me “Your father must’ve broke tradition as well if he married her”

I quickly changed the subject. As much as this was relevant I really didn’t want to talk about my father. I looked back at Scoot “Your father left the family in order to marry your mother?”

Scootaloo nodded “Yeah, I lived in Canterlot for a short time when they let him back in. But after mom died well…dad broke down”

“When was the last time you’ve talked to your family?”

“At least four years ago, and that was when Dad and I walked out the door to move to Ponyville”


“It seems so silly to me” Dash said as we walked down Ponyville’s street. We left Twilight and Fluttershy to stay guard over Scootaloo in case anypony tried anything. Tailspin was more than happy to stay behind and guard the love of his life. Like I said, T.L.C.

“What seems so silly?” I asked

“This whole issue about marrying outside of your race” Dash said shaking her head “I can’t believe that ponies can get so hung up over whether you have wings or a horn that they would kick a family member out of their own home”

“It was a huge conflict…at least Canterlot wasn’t as bad as Manehatten”

“How bad was it over there?” Dash asked nervously

“Oh you had gang fights in the streets, shootouts, rumbles…you name it the unicorns and earth ponies were doing something bad to try and get at their Pegasi brethren”

“All because we have wings?” Dash said flapping her wings to exemplify her point

“It goes deeper than that…the upper crust changes about as often as a solar eclipse” I sighed “One of the reasons I’m glad to be out of that world…”

“Let’s change the subject” Dash said “What’s the deal with Tailspin?”

“My brother falling head over hoof for Scootaloo?” I laughed “He’s been like that ever since his first day with her”

“Yeah but she doesn’t seem to like it so much” Dash said looking at me “What’s up with that?”

“Dash, Scootaloo admires you, you’re an independent self made mare” I said sagely “She must think that in order to be like you she has to appear tough. Tailspin is used to mares eating out of his hoof because he’s so eager to give them what they want. What tough girl would want that?”

“Wow” Dash flushed a little “I didn’t think about it that way. I knew she was my number one fan but…wow”

“You seem attached to Scootaloo” I observed “An outside observer would think you two were sisters by the way you two act”

“Well I always liked the little squirt” Dash said trying to hide her embarrassment “She reminded me a little of myself when I was that small. Over time I guess I just grew attached to the little kid”

“It’s good that she has somepony like you as a hero, she really seemed to trust you” I said smiling

“Well when you’re somepony as awesome as I am what’s not to like?” Dash said proudly

There was the ego I knew Dash by. I looked ahead at a small apartment building in front of us. I held up the address that Scootaloo provided for us. “Apartment four…”

“She lives in this dump?” Dash said as we entered the apartment. I knew college dorms that smelled less bad. The building itself was heavily run down and some of the paint was peeling off. I could not believe a young filly lived here. This wasn't the place to raise a kid.

I came to Scootaloo’s apartment and knocked on the door. No sound greeted me…I knocked again…no sound again. I pulled out Blackbird and turned to buck down the door.

The door fell after one buck and I aimed my gun inside…I found an orange unicorn sleeping on the coach…he looked just like Scootaloo.

I put my gun away and walked to the sleeping unicorn. I nudged him and he drowsily arose from his slumber “What…who the hell are you…?” His words were slurred…he’d been drinking.

“Detective Private Eye, I want to ask you some questions about your daughter being kidnapped…”

“Aww hell…I really got to lay off the scotch…”


The unicorn’s name was Jockey, and after sobering him up he managed to sit down on the coach while Dash and I sat opposite him. “The hell do you want with me?”

I spoke firmly “Last night somepony tried to kidnap your daughter”

Suddenly his violet eyes grew wide “Where is she now?!”

“She’s safe at my home” I said assuredly “We have two guards posted so that she’ll be safe” I wasn’t going to tell him that the guards were a socially awkward unicorn and a doormat Pegasus. “I was hoping you could answer some questions”

He nodded slowly “I’ll tell you what I can detective…”

“Where were you last night when your daughter was kidnapped?” I asked

“I was passed out on the couch…Tonight was supposed to be the night I got off the bottle. I was having one last drink…I guess it led to several last drinks”

Dash was about to tackle the irresponsible parent but I held her back with my magic. I moved on “Your daughter said her nanny was the pony who kidnapped her”

“Feather Duster? Why would she kidnap her? She loved Scootaloo” The orange unicorn said confused.

I levitated a picture that I took of the nanny before I left. “Is this her?”

His eyes scanned the picture and he nodded “Yeah, that’s her…why…oh Celestia she’s been shot?”

I nodded solemnly “Yeah, an assassin killed her as she tried to take Scootaloo away. Who would kill a nanny?”

Jockey thought for a moment but then his eyes became small pupils. “My family…they would do something like this…”

“Why would your family try to kill and kidnap a filly?!” Dash retorted

“Because…Scootaloo is the only heir to the family…she’ll inherit all the fortune once the head of the family, my father Blitzwing, dies”


“I can’t honestly believe that guy is Scootaloo’s father!” Dash said punching the earth outside the apartment in frustration. “Who goes off and gets drunk while their daughter gets kidnapped!?”

I looked over at Dash “You can choose your friends Dash; you can’t choose your relatives”

Dash’s wings drooped a little “At least…she has a dad…”

My eyebrow rose. “You don’t have a dad?”

Dash shook her head “No, I lost my dad when I was very small…Mom died when I was just a filly…” She started tearing up a little.

I rubbed the Pegasus’ back for comfort. “Dash I had no idea…”

“Its okay” She wiped her magenta eyes “I’m used to it at this point…”

I smiled at her “What’s say that we follow up on this lead?”

She nodded “But how are we going to meet them?” She folded her forelegs in thought “We can’t just walk into their mansion…they probably are expecting somepony to come looking after all of this”

“Wow Dash, you’re starting to sound more like a detective every day” I said smiling at her

“Well yeah, I get it from hanging out with eggheads like you and Twilight” She said smirking

“I am not an egghead!” I yelled as Dash ran off with me in hot pursuit.


Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow and I all sat at my kitchen table. I filled Fluttershy and Twilight in on what happened at the apartment. Fluttershy frowned “Oh that’s so awful that Scootaloo has to live there…”

Twilight shook her head “When I have foals I’m going to make sure my husband stays as far away from alcohol as possible”

I wasn’t going to tell her about the vision of our daughter. Then again this could be a not so subtle hint for me to stay away from alcohol. I shook my head “Either way we need to find some way to meet up with the family…”

A light bulb appeared over Twilights head. “I know just the place!” She dug into her saddle bags and pulled out a flier.

I read the flier aloud while Dash and Fluttershy read over my shoulder “Come one Come all to the Canterlot’s finest event. The Ball of the Bells is an event where Canterlot’s elite are invited to dance and have a good time…”

“The Loftwings will defiantly be there!” Twilight said triumphantly

“One problem though” I observed “None of us are Canterlot nobility…you maybe Twilight but your family doesn’t exactly scream elite”

“You have a point there” Twilight said defeated “Even if I am Celestia’s student that couldn’t get me into a party like that”

I suddenly got an idea…it was a long shot but it could get us in

“I think I know who could get us into the party…”

Dash looked over at me expectantly “Who? Who?”

I put down the flier and said two words “Raiden…Bolt”

Twilight’s jaw dropped again and then she squealed like a fan girl “The Raiden Bolt?! As in the world famous rock star?!”

. I sighed “That’s him…”

Fluttershy squeaked in delight “I have all his albums…I don’t really listen to rock and roll all that often but his lyrics are so well done and…” She blushed a little “He’s kind of cute…”

“I begged my brother for weeks to take me to his concert one time! I even got to touch his hoof onstage” Twilight said laughing in delight

Both mares squealed in absolute delight at the mention of Raiden. But then they stopped and looked over at me. Twilight spoke first “How do you know Raiden Bolt?”

“Well…we were kind of…” I said nervously

“What?” Fluttershy asked her aqua eyes begging for an answer.

….”Childhood friends…”


Every mare in the room including Rainbow Dash was looking at me. Twilight then got in my face “Why didn’t you tell me you knew Raiden Bolt personally?!”

“Because I knew at least two or more mares in the room would react like you two did” I said flatly

“Oh…” was all Twilight could say.

Rainbow snapped out of her stupor “You think he can get us in?”

“I have yet to see Raiden do any wrong when it comes to things like this. If there’s anypony who knows how to handle Canterlot nobles…it’s him”

“What’s a rock star doing getting involved in Canterlot nobility?” Twilight said tilting her head.

“I never said he was involved by choice”


I left Scootaloo and her father with a protection detail that morning. Tailspin insisted on staying behind with Scootaloo despite her objections. I also had Luca stay behind; nothing was scarier to a criminal then a wolf attacking them.

We arrived in Canterlot that evening via train. The four of us stepped off the train and Rainbow Dash looked around “How are we going to find him? Canterlot is huge”

A horde of fan girls ran passed us like a heard of stampeding buffalo. They were all wearing black t shirts with yellow lightning bolts on them. When they passed I smiled at Rainbow who had her mouth agape. “Just follow the herd…”


We arrived at an outdoor concert hall. Fan girls crowded the stage so bad it took two Minotaur security guards to keep them from running on stage. Twilight and Fluttershy ran to the front and joined in with the craziness.

Rainbow sighed “What’s so great about this guy anyway? So what if he can sing? I can sing it’s no big deal”

“You haven’t heard Raiden…” I said ominously

Suddenly the stage went dark. Streams of smoke met spotlights as a Pegasi took the stage. His dark coat almost blended in with the darkness of the stage. He lifted a guitar off a stand and walked to the microphone.

“This one goes out to all the awesome ponies out there that could come tonight! Are you ready to rock?!” He shouted into the mike

The crowd screamed and cheered as the spotlight revealed Raiden in all his glory. He was my age with a dark coat and large wings. His most distinguishing feature was the yellow bolts of lightning he had on his sides and flank. His wings spread out to show that he also had yellow feathers mixed with his black ones. His yellow eyes looked out to the crowd and he riffed on his guitar and he began to sing.

Open up your eyes take a look at me

If the picture fits in your memory

I’ve been driven by the rhythm like the beat of a heart!

And I won’t stop until I start

To stand out…

To stand out!

He began to move about the crowd as the fan girls squealed in delight. I was going to punch this guy if he even so much as toughed Twilight. I looked over at Rainbow…she was in a total daze at the pony on stage.

Some ponies settle for the typical thing

Living all their lives waiting in the wings

It ain’t a question of if, just a matter of time

Before I move to the front of the line!!!

Sparks flew out behind Raiden to allow him to stand out even more. He was truly a master on stage.

And once you’re watchin every move that I make!

You gotta believe that I got what it takes!

Suddenly Raiden was in the air flying over the crowd while still playing his electric guitar. His eyes passed over me as he flew over. He smiled and I waved to him. I couldn’t hate the guy after he pulled of something as impressive as that.

To stand out!

Above the crowd!

Even if I gotta shout it out loud!

Til mine is the only face you see

Gonna stand out…

His eyes suddenly found Rainbow…his jaw dropped a little but he shook his head and continued.

Till you notice me…

Suddenly my friend descended until he was hovering upside down in front of Dash. The cyan colored Pegasus flushed bright red as suddenly she was the center of attention by this guy.

He smiled and continued his song

If I could stop and have you take a look at me instead of just…

Walkin by…

There’s nothin that I wouldn’t do if it was getting you to notice

He sounded out the last bit of lyrics

I’m alive…

Suddenly he flew again back to the stage and continued. Several ponies were staring at Rainbow Dash who was blushing furiously. But all eyes soon returned to Raiden.

All I need is half a chance a second thought a second glance

To prove, I got whatever it takes!!

He landed on the stage and smirked “It’s a piece of cake…”

Suddenly lightning bolts came out of his wings as he finished up the song. The stage was alight with lights and neon to the point of near blinding. Raiden’s shadow ripped on the guitar as he continued.

To stand out!

Above the crowd!

Even if I gotta shot it out loud!

Til mine is the only face you see!

Gonna stand out!

Suddenly the lights died down until Raiden was the only pony on stage. He smiled at the crowd “Til you notice me…”

And notice they did, everypony in the crowd stomped in sheer appreciation. I looked over at Rainbow Dash who just looked stunned. I nudged her with a hoof to get her out of her daze. “You okay?”

Two words came out of Dash’s mouth that described the entire experience in a nutshell…”So…Awesome…”