• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 1,019 Views, 5 Comments

Re-earning Your Cutie Mark - Ractrin

Two ponies have lost their cutie marks and have to find a way to get them back. Thankfully Twilight Sparkle can help with a special spell.

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The Catacombs

Nova let out a subtle sigh. The carbon monoxide expelled from his lungs crystallized in the cold air and became a subtle mist in front of him. Oz bit his lip and took a step back, his rump thumping against the cold steel door. Nova glanced at him with his good eye and rolled it. "C'mon coward." he spat as he began walking down the tunnel. With a gulp, Oz followed. "I don't know what you're afraid of, you've got armor on after all."
"Yeah…b-but what if it's not enough to fend off the baddies down here?" Oz stammered.
"What 'baddies'?" the Alicorn glanced over his shoulder as he slowed his pace, suddenly concerned that there might actually be a fight before them.
"Celestia mentioned something about horrors down here…I put it off as a joke, but now that I see this place…" they moved into a great cavern. A river ran through the middle of it which had a crystal bridge arcing over it. The lights on the wall stopped where the entryway expanded into the rest of the room. Little lights planted in the crystallized dirt ran to the archway that jumped the river. The cart tracks could be seen running between the two rows of illuminated amber. The small light sources could be seen refracting along the crystallized walls and ceiling of this room. Both ponies gazed in awe at the reflecting hues of purple and magenta mixed with green streaks that the crystallized rock produced naturally.
"I don't see any signs of 'baddies'" Nova remarked as he continued into the room. Oz followed, his eyes darting everywhere within his vision that the helmet he wore limited.
"I dunno…I mean we've just started into this cave. Also I wonder if there are any baddies what they would be. Ponies? I don't wanna shoot ponies. Speaking of shooting," he glanced at the box on his back, "I wonder how many of those…bullets…are in there. Dammit, I forgot to ask Twilight, we're still nearby maybe I can-"
"Just shut the fuck up!" Nova snapped as he spun around and let loose a few blue sparks from his horn. Oz's ears lowered and he cowered a little.
"Sorry, I get talkative when I'm nervous." Nova just shook his head and looked down at the river having stopped on the crystal bridge. The water was pristine and looked very cold.
"Do you have any form of carrying water?" Nova inquired after his anger had settled. Oz looked down into the river and frowned.
"Shit. This better be quick." Nova turned to continue into the cave when an orange glow was seen at the tunnel leading out of the cavern. It split into two malicious eyes and flew up into the crystal mirrors above. Princess Luna's face could now be seen scattered across all the different surfaces. Her eyes were billowing orange magic and her snout was curled with the expression of a malefic grin.
"So I see you two have finally managed to find your way down here. Oh how I've been waiting to be rid of the both of you." her voice echoed through the chamber. However, both ponies noticed that there was another voice intertwined with Luna's and it sounded familiar to Nova. He twisted his head in confusion.
"Who are you!?" he roared at none of the faces particularly.
"Ah, Nova, If it wasn't for you I would have never made it to these lands. Such glorious magic here. I had never realized that Tesorias was so devoid of such pure, raw power. And these crystal caverns," Luna raised her hooves over her head and motioned to all the mirror like rocks around her many illusions. "they are capable of intensifying anypony's magic at will. I can breath so easily here."
"Who the fuck are you!?" Nova demanded again, ignoring her monologue. Luna was taken back by his arrogant retort.
"You still haven't figured it out? Well come find me and you'll get not only answers, but a Eulanar Crystal." all her images converged on the middle one that was directly above the two winged ponies and then became a floating orb of orange light. It zipped into the tunnel and disappeared around the corner. As she passed the lights illuminating the hallway, they erupted into pluming sparks, causing the tunnel to look as if it were a dark menacing void.
"GET THE FUCK UP!" Nova shouted at the top of his voice to Oz, who had been cowering behind him. Oz leapt to all fours and stood there looking concerned at the Alicorn. "This is serious! Get those guns ready for a serious fight!" Oz nodded and curled his wings to where the barrels were pointing ahead of him, just over his head. "Good now lets-" suddenly a clamoring sound was heard from down the tunnel. A light could be seen reflecting off the crystal wall. The noise sounded like a rockslide, but also as if gravel was being shuffled across the ground. Both stallions looked at the tunnel for a moment. Nova was first to comprehend the possibility of a threat and leveled his misshapen horn at the gaping maw. Oz noticed his stance and did the same by making sure both his guns were ready to fire on anything that turned the corner. Nova's anticipation built as the light reflecting on the wall grew in intensity. Suddenly a crystallized foal rounded the corner and stopped upon seeing the two fleshy ponies. Nova's eye shot wide as he turned his horn up and used his magic to point Oz's weapons away. The Pegasus foal sat and stared at them. The glow that it was emitting was a bright orange hue. It took Nova a moment to realize what the creature actually was. He realized it was a malefic manifestation, but before he could react the tiny crystallized creature zipped into his chest, ejecting him off the bridge and onto the floor. Once he landed he slid a few feet, crushing a few of the lights on the ground as he did so. Oz pointed his weapons at the flying rock formation and opened fire. The concussion from the weapons surprised Oz, he wasn't expecting such recoil. The hydraulic tie rods held and he was able to correct his aim. The stream of bullets that missed their mark punched into the rock walls behind the Pegasus and shattered them. The buzzing rock pony attempted to ram Oz too, but as he flew at him, a bullet shattered it's tiny wing. It flopped sideways and then slid up to the gunpony's hooves. Nova stood and let out a subtle cough from the pain in his chest. It occurred to him that the little foe had been taken down and was laying just at Oz's feet. The Alicorn walked over to them and looked down at what he considered a little freak. The crystal pony started to stand, and as it did so it began to huff as if it was going to charge as soon as all four hooves were solid on the ground. Nova didn't give it this chance. Oz looked away and heard the metallic crash as crystal shards ricocheted off his helmet. When he looked back he saw Nova with his horn tilted down at a burn spot in the soil.
"That little shit head won't bother us again." he huffed as he stood back up. Without any second thought, Nova began to trot across the bridge again. "Be ready, Oz, I'm sure Luna's got more little bastards for us to kill." he disappeared into the tunnel. Oz jumped up into the air and flew to catch up.

Nova wasn't wrong. The next cavern was abuzz with more little crystal ponies. As soon as they had entered the room Nova had to blast one out of the sky. This room had a s-shaped ramp that led further down into the catacombs. The rails that the carts had ran on now stopped, having been destroyed by the crystal ponies. Oz let loose a few rounds into another Pegasi that was diving at him. The bullets tore through the rock and it fell to earth. Upon impact it shattered into hundreds of shards. They galloped across the open expanse to the s-shaped ramp. Bullets zipped out of Oz's guns as he took down flights and flights of Pegasi ponies. Nova kept blasting Earth Ponies that dared charge him. One almost got to close but he had opened his wings and lifted up over the crystal stallion. After dodging that attack however he had to land abruptly to avoid an incoming Pegasus. As the reached the ledge that had the ramp go down both ponies just leapt off without even discussing the proposition first. They cupped their wings and drifted to the floor below. A few crystal Earth Ponies had leapt of with them and were now shards of glass scattered across the ground. They looked up and saw a horde of Pegasi bearing down on them from the cliff above as the earth ponies were starting to filter down the s shaped slope. Nova growled. He knew that even if they ran from these masses, that they would just continue to follow them into the caves. He couldn't imagine fighting them and Luna simultaneously. He closed his eyes and began to summon massive amounts of magic. "Keep them busy!" Nova called out with obvious strain in his voice. Oz glanced at him and noticed the buildup of magic around his broken horn. With that he turned to face the oncoming mass and gulped. He flared his nostrils to let in a deep breath and then bit down on the mouth piece in his helmet. Bullets erupted from the metallic maws on his wing joints and pushed back into the tie rods. The fountain of heated metallic slag slammed into the front line of crystal ponies and shattered them. However, the bullets maintained enough momentum to continue through the lines of crystallized ponies and shatter more of their numbers. Oz let the bit go to give his wings a rest. They were beginning to buzz from the constant vibration. He took in a deep breath and was just about to fire again when all of a sudden a dark blue wave erupted from behind him. It shot out from the tip of Nova's horn and passed harmlessly by Oz, however his guns were suddenly unresponsive to him biting the bit. The wave passed through the lines of crystal ponies without any resistance. As the magic went through them, they froze and then shattered into tiny pieces. Oz stopped gnawing on his mouth piece to watch as glass came clattering to the crystal floor. He spun around to see Nova laying down and breathing deeply. The blue Pegasus trotted over to him and examined him for injury.
"Are you okay?" he inquired. Nova just looked up to him, panting, and nodded. "I didn't know you had that kind of power!"
"It took everything….phew…I had to cast that anti-summoning spell."
"Anti-summoning spell?" Oz looked at the sand like floor examining the shards of once living crystal.
"Luna had summoned…" Nova strained to stand, and with Oz's help managed to get up onto all four hooves, "all of these from the magic crystals down here."
"How do you know?" Oz stepped back from Nova now that he was up and moving.
"I can sense the magical power in each of these crystals. It's part of being able to cast magic. Each crystal in here can focus magical energy."
"Then why do we need this Eulanar crystal?"
"From what my father told me, a Eulanar crystal is the most pristine and polished naturally forming crystal on this planet. It has internal lay lines, something that no other crystal formation has. Eulanar crystals are magic."
"I know this is weird…but I think that's the longest sentence I've heard come from you…" Oz stared at him blankly.
"Oh shut up, lets get moving." Nova spat as he rolled his eye. He then turned and began meandering to the tunnels leading into the next chamber. Oz sighed and followed.

The next chamber provided a unique challenge. It had two exiting tunnels. While there were no enemy ponies to be worried about for the time being. They peered down each pathway, unsure of which to choose. "This has got to be the right way!" they both exclaimed the same time as they turned to go down different passageways. Upon hearing each other they stopped and looked at one another confused.
"We should go this way." Nova insisted.
"Bah, she's this way for sure." Oz said as he nodded his head down his tunnel.
"I can sense her magic this way, Oz. We need to go this way."
"I dunno how you can sense anything with that broken horn of yours." Nova teleported right in front of Oz and beard down on the Pegasus. Oz returned the glare, for once brave enough to hold his ground.
"What the fuck do you mean by that!?" Nova demanded.
"How am I to know you're really sensing what you are? I mean, when my wing was broken I couldn't fly."
"I can still sense magic you fucking ignorant bastard of a mule!" some small sparks emanated from the broken splinters of the Alicorn's horn.
"Are you sure? I mean, maybe that's why you're such a fucking ass hole! Always being rude and selfish!"
"That's because I'm the only Pony in the Equestria that matters!" Oz looked at him with a sincere look of understanding
"So that's how it is huh? You're only doing all of this for yourself. I bet you don't even give a fuck about Princess Luna." As soon as the Alicorn of the Night's name was brought up, Nova gritted his teeth. He had in fact been growing feelings for her.
"What's it to you!? You're only doing this to get your worthless Cutie Mark back!"
"No I'm not Nova. Like how you came to Equestria to try and save your nation; I'm doing this for mine."
"NOTHING I'M DOING IS THE SAME AS YOU!" Nova yelled and then teleported a ways down the tunnel he had chosen to be the right one. Oz watched his glowing horn fade into the distance. The Pegasus's adrenalin was still flowing as he turned down his tunnel of choice. He fumed for a couple of meters, but as he ran the argument through his mind again, he began to regret it. He lowered his head and sighed, letting the gravity of the situation take hold. Nova and himself were now separated in hostile territory with no way of finding each other should one become overwhelmed in Crystal Ponies or find Princess Luna. He looked up and noticed his tunnel became darker as he continued down it. Soon he wouldn't beable to see at all. He noticed that the ambient light was fading because there were no new chambers for a single light source to bounce off the reflective surfaces of the crystals. When he finally could go no further because of not being able to see, he sighed and turned back, admitting defeat far to late.

Nova pounded his hooves against the crystal floor as he stormed down the tunnel. He couldn't believe the nerve of Oz in accusing him of not caring for Luna. Of course he cared for her! Thoughts of her flowing portrait hanging in Canterlot Castle's foyer made his anger fade slowly as he began to smile at the memory. He remembered how she had walked around him in the throne room, his mind's eye following her tail. He couldn't stop thinking of her. Her flowing mane, her dark fur. Everything about her made Nova's mind turn into mush. He stopped, and looked down the passage way he had gone down. He was in shock. It occurred to him that he was in love. This feeling he felt creeping up his spine lurched at his very soul. He never knew what it was like to love somepony else in this way. Yeah he loved his parents, but that was different from this. He lowered his head and thought of how he had treated Oz just now. In his mind Nova had been ridiculing Oz over his infatuation with Rainbow Dash, but now he understood. Now he could see what drove the blue Pegasus to try and get her to be with him. He turned his head to look down the long void behind him. The emptiness separating him from his potential friend almost seemed to signify Nova's empty heart. He turned to take a step when he heard the sound of flapping wings getting closer to him. His gaze lifted up to see Oz appear out of the darkness and land in front of him. The Pegasus gave a weak smile, even if Nova couldn't see it for the helm on his head. "I'm sorry Nova." Oz said. The Alicorn was taken back at how fast Oz was willing to apologize, and be first to do it.
"Apology accepted" Nova stated with a nod.
"What? You're not gonna apologize too?" Oz's eyebrows furrowed.
"Of course not." Nova gave a smug grin and then continued down the tunnel. "Why should I apologize for being right?" Oz just shook his head and followed the stubborn Pony.
"I'm just glad we got over this little spat." Oz said as he trotted to catch up.
"Look, as much as I really dislike you right now…I need your help. Your analytical skills are better than anypony I've met."
"Well thank you…Yah know. I think you're chan-" Nova stuck a hoof on Oz's helmet and pushed it down over his eyesight, causing Oz to choke on the strap around his throat.
"Say I'm changing and I'll plant your face into the ground…again." Oz just did an subtle nod and Nova removed his hoof. They rounded the corner to see a dark silhouette huddled on the far side of the room. Nova went to dash at it, but Oz stopped him, placing a hoof on his chest. Nova glared at him, but then noticed what Oz's vision was resting on. He followed the gaze and saw a large crystal formation being held up by orange magic. Should anypony walk into the open expanse the crystal could easily have been dropped, crushing anything under it. Around the room could be seen large spiked crystals as well. They all seemed to be pointing at the precipice of the cavern's ceiling.
"You are good, Oz" echoed a dark voice throughout the room. Luna's image appeared on the crystal walls and looked at them. "I never would imagine a Pegasus to be so annoying." the rock moved left and then was thrown right, the magic disappearing at the crest of the throw. Nova and Oz now moved cautiously into the room. Luna's maddened stare following their every hoof-step.
"For the last time, WHO ARE YOU!" Nova shouted at the balled up figure across from them, ignoring Luna's image above. A black mist could be seen coming off of it as it shivered and rocked back and forth.
"Well, since you found me, young Nova, I guess I can teach you one more thing."
"Teach me?" he raised an eyebrow in confusion as the images of Luna converged into one that started to circle the cavern walls.
"Yes Nova. I'll teach you like the days of yore."
"What do you-" His eye shot wide, and the flesh under his patch pulled again. "No." it all made since. The orange magic, the mind controlling. Even the use of forbidden magic right in front of him. They all connected to one being in the universe "HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL ALIVE NAHIMANA!?" he bellowed.
"Ah so now you finally remember me. Well that was what I was wanting to teach you, familiarity. To answer your question, though, I believe that spell you used so many years ago mixed with my removal spell to some degree and displaced my soul from my body as you tore it in half!" A moment of rage let loose from the dark Alicorn that slowly settled back into a cool tone. When she was calm once more, she continued, "When you did that though you had infused my magic with my sprit. With that I had to relearn how to use my magic and as I did so I learned that I could cast spells without end. Without a body, what is there to fatigue me? I am as strong as my mind lets me!" she let out a menacing laugh that screeched through the cavern. The image of Luna slowly changed to a Unicorn with a steal colored coat. Her mane and tail were black with red highlights. A purple highlight ran just down her snout between her eyes. Orange magic billowed around Luna's body as she began hovering into the air. Her eyes were closed as her limbs and wings began to spread open. Nahimana's malefic grin came to stop behind the Alicorn that was now hovering many meters up. "Her magic is stronger when she is not of this world!" suddenly orange magic began to creep down Luna's shoulders and face. After a few moments light blue armor could be seen around her chest and a helm on her head. Her eyes shot open and orange magic billowed from them. "She is strongest as…Nightmare Moon!" Oz's eyes shot wide.
"NO!" he knew who Nightmare Moon was. He was in Ponyville that night so long ago when she returned from her one thousand year exile threatening to keep the world shrouded in night. "She has abandoned that part of her!" he continued. Nahimana just laughed, clearly amused by Oz's ignorance.
"She has held onto that grief, that pain. It's what makes her so weak. She is pathetic…and she is mine!"
"Release her Nahimana! Your quarrel is with me!" Nova yelled. A wind began to pick up as Luna's horn began to glow with an orange hue.
"All Pony's are involved in our quarrel Nova." Nahimana said with a subtle chuckle in her tone. "Then I will force you out of her!" he leveled his horn at Luna's chest and began powering a spell. He closed his eyes in order to concentrate further as magic began to spark and billow from his horn.
"You still have forgotten what I taught you? Rule 67 of casting magic in a fight. NEVER CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Luna teleported to their left and let out an orange missile of magic. Because of the wind in his ears, Nova didn't hear the pop of the teleport and therefore didn't move. With his eyes closed he couldn't tell what was coming at him. At least, not until he heard the sound of metal vibrating. He looked up just in time to see Oz being thrown into him by the magical blast. The Pegasus tumbled over the Alicorn and slid across the ground. Once he came to a stop, he didn't move. Nova stared at him, in complete disbelief. There they were arguing only minutes ago and now Oz just took a hit for him. Nova stopped casting and galloped over to the Pegasus and saw a subtle mist coming out of his helmet, indicating he was breathing. Nova looked over Oz's armor and saw that the missile had blasted a spot on the Pony's chest, leaving a black carbon splash. Nova looked over his shoulder to see Luna still floating there. Nahimana's image behind her with a malefic grin.
"How heroic. To bad he just saved the biggest bastard in Tesorias. Such a waste." Nova needed time to cast the Separation Spell his military tutor had taught him years ago. The spell was what could be considered forbidden, but allowed in special instances where something like its use could be justified as an emergency. He needed to separate Nahimana from Luna, but the spell required a long casting time and Nova's only form of distraction just got taken out saving his life. He glared and figured maybe he could weaken Luna's body and that would limit Nahimana. He sensed the magic lay lines in Luna's form and realized that both Nahimana's magic and hers were being used simultaneously. The magic of an Arch-Unicorn combined with the power of Nightmare Moon. How could he stand up against such a pairing? After all, his own magic was limited by his broken horn. He figured he would try a direct approach at first. Unfortunately most of his magic techniques she taught him. He grunted and figured a combination of physical attacks with magic might be enough to throw her off. She grew bored of him just staring at her and fired another missile. Just as it drew close to him he teleported with a loud quivering snap. He reappeared behind Luna and slammed both his hooves into her back. She flew forward into the dirt and slid. She didn't move, making Nova consider the possibility that he had knocked her cold. Without warning however he was hit by a magical blast from behind, spinning him out of the air with his back slamming into the ground. Luna had made a doppelganger of herself while he had spent the half second in teleportation and her real self snapped away as he reentered reality. The Luna laying on the ground melted into an orange mist that just whiffed away with the swirling wind in the room. He sat up and looked up at the hovering Luna. The orange magic field surrounding her was billowing bouts of magic. He noticed she wasn't even using her wings to fly. As he stood, he let our a grunt from the pain in his back. He tried again, teleporting to her, but then immediately teleporting again. As he teleported the second time he charged his horn with a weak magical attack that once he came back to reality he had leveled on Luna's real self. Nahimana's image on the wall saw his new location and tried to move her puppet away, but the magical attack Nova released upon spotting his target slammed into her lower back. He had been aiming for her neck, but Nahimana managed to move her just enough to get Luna mostly out of danger. As the Alicorn plummeted the few tens of meters to the ground Nova teleported to her and slammed his fore hooves into her chest which hurried her decent. Once she slammed into the dirt floor she bounced and rolled. The black mist dissipated and Luna woke. Nahimana's image disappeared off the crystal wall. Luna looked up at Oz as she sat up and gasped. She then looked at the descending Nova. She held up her hooves to stop him as he came bearing down on her.
"Stop Nova, it is I! Luna!" he stopped as he noticed her Nightmare Moon armor was no longer on her. Her eyes glistened with the beautiful light blue that slowly drew him in. he leaned close to her, initially inspecting her to make sure he didn't hurt her to much, but as his snout drew close to hers, she shot up. Their lips slammed together and this caused his eye to shoot wide. This was the first time he had ever kissed somepony.
"Such a pathetic sentiment!" shouted Nahimana from the wall. Nova pulled back from Luna to see orange magic burning from her eyes again and her armor was slowly coming back. He reeled back and slammed his hoof into her snout, twisting her sideways. As she fell she teleported back into the air. He spun around and glared at her. The Alicorn licked at the blood running from her snout and then mimicked Nahimana's own malicious smile. Oz stirred, making an audible moan. Luna's attention diverted to him. She teleported to the ground and leveled her horn with his exposed eyes. He opened them to see her charging a blast at him. He opened his wings and blasted her with a gust of wind, throwing her back. Oz jumped up and hovered above the ground for a moment. Nova flew over to him and checked him over.
"You okay?" he asked.
"I've got a headache like you won't believe, but yes, I can fight." Oz responded. They looked down to see Luna standing up. Oz leveled his guns at her, and then frowned. He just went back to flapping normally, realizing he couldn't shoot Princess Luna.
"Distract her, I don't care how, but do. Keep her from attacking me. I need to cast a Separation Spell."
"What will that do?" Oz asked as he dove under a magical beam. Nova leveled with him and continued.
"It will separate Nahimana from Luna's body." That's all Oz needed to hear. The cerulean Pony dove right for Luna. He closed in his wings to fly as fast as he could at her. He knew she was going to do something, so he kept his wings at the ready to turn up so as to not hit the ground should she do exactly what she did. She teleported away from him and he cupped his wings. His hooves slammed against the wall as he pushed off, flapping at the same time. The guns on his wings were hindering his flight. The hydraulic tie rods had to be pushed and pulled with each flapping motion, making him work harder at flying. He figured he could chase her around the room so long as it gave Nova enough time to cast his spell. Nova landed and leveled his horn with Luna. He knew she would move before he got the spell cast, but he knew head movements wouldn't stop his concentration. He began to cast his spell, which was evident by his horn glowing. Oz dashed into the spot where Luna was, but she teleported again. He stopped and turned to see her firing a magical beam at him. He let his wings shoot straight up as he fell under the attack, it ricocheted off the wall and burnt the dust near Nova. Oz then developed an idea. His eyes danced across the room as his mind calculated. He ducked another attack and watched it bounce around the room. His mind reeled with mathematics and angles trying to find the perfect spot. She fired at him again and he flew over it as he pushed at her, both hooves ready for impact. Like usual however, she teleported away. He sighed and took a moment to catch his breath. He then realized, where she teleported to was at the crest of the room. It was perfect. He was just in front of a curved crystal that would bounce her magical beam back up and around into that area. Should he keep her distracted the beam may hit her. He waited till she fired the magic. Once it drew close to him he barrel rolled out of the way of danger and watched the beam bounce around and then up. It hit a crystal and leapt across the room. He had to keep her mind off that magical beam as it crisscrossed around above her. He knew that it would either run out of energy or hit her soon. She fired another beam but he dodged it. He glanced at Nova just in time to see his spell reaching completion. The Alicorn's hooves were dug into the ground as magic plumed out of his horn. He gritted his teeth as he aimed at Nightmare Moon. She too noticed Nova and went to fire a missile at him when all of a sudden an orange magical blast hit her in the back of the neck, at the base of the skull. This attack made her go completely limp and Nahimana's image faded from the wall again. The Alicorn fell what would be a fatal fall, but Nova let out the beam of energy from his horn. She fell right into his beam and was pushed against the crystal wall. Nahimana's spirit could be seen splashing across the wall.
"NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" she screamed as she tried to hold on to Luna with her ghostly hooves digging into the Alicorn's shoulders. Nova pushed as hard as he could, but it wasn't enough. The white magical stream faded and he fell forward unable to continue casting the spell. From the laying position he was in he saw Luna's body slide down the wall and harmlessly land on the ground. Oz landed next to him and knelt down.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"I'll live, but what about-" Suddenly Oz's shoulder was struck with a magical blast that sent him spinning through the air. He landed on his back and then rolled another good meter. Nova looked at him and then back to Nightmare Moon who was walking up to him. Nova had put everything he had into that spell, there was no moving on his own at this point. If he hadn't of cast the Anti-Summoning spell earlier he might have had enough strength to remove Nahimana from Luna's mind. Nightmare Moon stood over Nova.
"Such a waste of flesh." Nahimana's voice echoed out of Luna's snout. "Why did I spend all those years teaching you magic? If I knew I was just going to kill you one day I'd have never wasted my time on you." she leveled her horn at Nova and it began to glow orange. He closed his eyes in acceptance of his fate and waited for it to all end. Moments passed and nothing happened. He looked up and saw her just standing there. Her horn wasn't even glowing anymore. She then stood, her eyes blank, of anything. They were pure white. Suddenly Nahimana's spirit could be seen being pushed out by Luna. She pushed the Unicorn out of her body and then disappeared back into herself. The ghostly image of Nahimana simply laid on the ground as Nightmare Moon shrank back down to Luna. Her armor disappearing as well. She knelt next to Nova and nuzzled his cheek.
"I couldn't let her kill you." she said in a soft coo. Nahimana stood, and glared at them
"Do you think that I'm that pathetic! I'm not done yet!" she extended her hooves upwards and then stretched in an upward arch that came down on Oz's body. His back was to the Alicorn couple and all they saw was his wings stretch out and pick him up. He spun around and looked at them, Orange magic billowing from his eyes. "And now after I end both of you, I will crush this pathetic excuse of a Pony's mind!"
"I don't think so!" Luna stood and her horn began to glow.
"Oh what are you going to do!?"
"THIS!" in mere seconds Luna cast the same spell that Nova had spent minutes to try and cast. The beam of magic slammed into Oz's body, and Nahimana could be seen being pulled out of him. She tried to hang on to his shoulders but was quickly forced out and disappeared when her spirit hit the crystal wall. Oz tumbled backwards to the ground and landed square on his back, his wings sprawled on each side of him. Nova stood and walked over to him. The Pegasus shook awake and looked at both of the Alicorns.
"That was the crappiest thing to ever happen to me. Please tell me that will never happen again." he said.
"The Possession Spell leaves a mental block on the possessed Pony when the possessor leaves, keeping them from taking control of that pony again for some time." Luna said as she helped Oz to his hooves. He shook the dust off of him and looked around.
"So how are we supposed to get the Eulanar crystal now that we got rid of Nahimana?" he asked, his eyes darting to each crystal formation in the room.
"She inadvertently told me where it is." Luna stated with a smile.
"Can you remember where that is?" Nova asked as he walked up next to her. He chanced a wing over her back. She didn't move anywhere but closer to him. He hid his surprise as she started walking towards the center of the room. He moved as quick as he could to keep up and not let his wing slip off of her. Oz followed, looking away, thinking of how he wished he could do the same to Rainbow Dash. As they entered the center of the room, Luna looked up at the precipice of the cave's ceiling. There she closed her eyes and let a beam of magic slam into the center there.
"Uh, Luna…won't that cause the cave to collapse?" Oz pointed out. No one heeded his warning as a crystal slowly began to slide out of the outline she was creating. It then fell from the molten rock and once it got in front of them, both Nova and Luna caught it with their magic. She grinned at him and then pulled it out of his grip. She placed it on her back and then lifted into the air.
"C'mon, I'll teleport us back." she said with a grin. Without question Nova lifted into the air and placed himself next to her. Oz had second thoughts as he looked up at them from the ground.
"Are you sure? You took a pretty bad hit to the back of your neck."
"Just shut up and get up here so we can go!" Nova demanded. Oz rolled his eyes and joined them in the air. Moments later they were gone with the snap of magic.