• Member Since 4th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday


Comments ( 14 )

I'd ask why, but I think I know this feeling.

Well that was... something.

Pretty good scene.

I just don't get how this is even a thing. Like, even ignoring the staggering ignorance of how penises and balls work, how did someone come up with the unholy mix of cannibalism, snuff and a catheter and then turn it into a sex thing?

If you're serious, let me try to enlighten you: 1. Those of us who enjoy and write cock vore know how penises and balls work (penis of course only has muscles that push out not in, could never stretch like that, etc. and ball-sack contains...well balls as in testes that take up any possible space in them, and are not the producer of seminal fluid, just sperm, whereas the prostate located further up in the body contains and produces semen. At least, unless I missed something, those are the basics as I understand them) we just use this thing called "artistic license" where when you are writing fiction you don't make it exactly like real life, like how movies like Disney's Up would not work at all the way it's depicted in a variety of ways, and how in action movies a lot of the stuff that happens wouldn't work either, or how in horror movies giant animals don't really exist and couldn't exist, etc.
2. This is vore, not cannibalism. Cannibalism is the act of eating one of your own species (which does fit here, in the story's universe and what is happening that is), and also can refer to the desire to eat the flesh of your own species, like a compulsion (which does not). Vore is a fetish that, in basic terms, is arousal at the concept of one thing consuming another, whether your own species or otherwise, and like is shown here, is often done in a cartoonish or impossible manner, though "hard vore" as it's called, is also a thing, where more realistic consumption is depicted. It's much rarer though.
3. Snuff, as in death, is essentially something the majority of people into vore don't like (I know since I do enjoy it, and the consistent reaction everywhere, understandably so, is that if it has death, it's less appealing to the masses, even where vore is the main thing. The two are not interlinked much at all, despite actual eating involving death somewhere down the line.
4. Catheter?...if you're referring to Twilight being sucked down Cadence's urethra/cock, then I suppose that does apply, but yeah, this is how cock vore as a thing works, how else is Twilight supposed to get into Cadence's sack? There isn't really any other way in there that I am aware of, so it's kind of necessary for this to still make some sense and also apply to it being a consumption-like act as well.
5. As to how this is a thing, it just is, like any other fetish. For me at least, I like how bizarre it is, it makes it more interesting, even if I love more typical Oral Vore, or even Anal Vore, to pieces as well. I, and others who like this, also see it as a sort of ultimate domination and sexual superiority move, like the predator (Cadence in this case) is literally taking their prey (Twilight) and using them not just as a sexual object, but fuel for their sexual pleasure and functions itself, as well as the humiliation and submission of the prey being used not as fuel for the body, but as just as a jet of cum to be fired out somewhere and disposed of. Vore ties into a lot of primal underlying themes and concepts tied to more typical sex, like power and control as well as intimacy and expression of emotion, and even affection too. There's discussions among the vore community on sites on this all the time, and I can hunt down and link a couple if you're really curious beyond what I've said here, because hey, I'm just a guy, so what do I really know?...

I wish you'd given a few more bits of backstory to this personally Draygan, but other than that, this was Exquisite Absolutely marvelous, the descriptions of the sheer unabashed visceral nature and the musk and everything involved in this got my heart absolutely pounding in my chest like a drum, and the ending bit alluding to Luna and Celestia and her heading to Ponyville with a sack still full of Twilight was awesome! That mental image is so sexy, and a bit inspiring for me to do other stuff like that! :rainbowwild:

Draygan, you may not write things like I would if it were me doing this, but damn do you write well in your own way! The way you depict things is fantastic, and I really appreciate it:heart::rainbowkiss:

Also, the title is very nice. You've gotten really good at that, and that's good as it makes you're stories stand out better in my experience. I'm still convinced a couple of my stories on another site are so loved and seen at least partly because of the titles I gave them...

Reading this story and others you make also makes me feel better because there are a couple vore stories that I've read that had great concepts, but executed them so terribly it hurt...at least you know how to actual write something and give it the attention it actually needs and where it needs it. Why others don't get that I cannot understand (sighs)...sorry about that everybody, I just had to rant about that again. It's been years, and I still can't get over it. I suppose I'll put this in spoiler tags so no one has to read it.

This story was written based on a dream that someone told me about so there really wasn't any backstory, to begin with.

As far as giving attention to where it needs the attention, a big part of that is in the editing/rewrite portion of my process. I tend to write more stream of consciousness as the first draft, getting the gist of the story out. Then when I edit, I take the time to rewrite some parts and find places where things need more, whether it be more description or more focus on what's going on in the story. Seems like my process keeps working!

I wish the writers of those bad stories had done that, or if they did do it, they'd seen the problems I see...

If it had been me, I would've made something up to go with the parts that I had been told, at least as long as the person who had the dream would be okay with it.

Regardless, I just love seeing Cadence pred cock-vore, I think this might really be the first I've ever seen, and could even be the first ever, who knows with how big the internet is. The thought of that thick pink horsecock, and dark pink sack swollen with Twi-seed...oh just :rainbowwild:

In medias res is fine and all, but this really suffers from the lack of setup.

There are several complaints about missing context, and I agree. You could have thrown in a few lines about how they'd been having an affair for a while and Cadence's feelings on devouring Twilight. Was this spontaneous surrender to desire, or had she been planning this for a while? Little things like that go a long way.

Anyone complaining about lack of context or backstory is completely missing the point

I feel like this is leading up to more chapters with cadance eventually consuming all the mane six

Petty dramatics in the comments aside, great work on the fic! It would have been better with an orgasm, in my opinion, but this was written very well, and the addition of musk was fantastic!

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