• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 2,733 Views, 17 Comments

A Letter to the Ponies of the Future and Equestria's New Generations - Fluttercheer

Will the future know about us or will we be forgotten and erased from history? Twilight couldn't allow this to happen. And so, she devises a masterplan to preserve the friendships of all ponies and creatures for Equestria's new generations.

  • ...

A Gift for Future Generations


The barn door swung open softly, a rare occurrence on Sweet Apple Acres, but it wasn't Applejack, nor anypony of the Apple Family, who opened it this time. Twilight stepped into the barn and, behind the newly-crowned ruler of Equestria, her five best friends were following her.

“So, Twilight, what are ya needin' mah barn for? Ya didn't tell any of us why we are meetin' up here.” Applejack looked at Twilight with an expression that was somewhere in the middle between confusion and curiosity.

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash zipped at the side of her friend and looked at her in a similar way. “All you told us was that we should meet here today at this time, that it's very important and that we should all bring an item that stands for our friendship and a note that explains how. And every time we asked you about it, all you said was 'It's important'. What gives?”

Twilight looked ahead of her and seemed to pay no mind to Rainbow Dash. Her face looked thoughtful, she had her eyes wide open, but solemnity was in them and her mouth formed a straight line. The expression in her face was more akin to the one she had before meeting important dignitaries from other kingdoms to discuss urgent, diplomatic matters, not her own, best friends to spend a relaxed and joyful afternoon with.

Twilight owed Rainbow Dash, Applejack and the rest of them the answer on their burning questions until they were in the middle of the spacious building. Right next to where she stopped stood a metallic object, almost twice as big as she was and just as wide as the length of her body from the tip of her nose to her flank.

“What in tarnation is this?” Applejack asked, her mouth opening wide and her eyes slightly growing. Her and the rest of the small group surrounded the object and scrutinized it. “Definitely not one of our zap apple barrels, that's for sure,” Applejack assessed. “Those ain't that big. What is that barrel-shaped thing, Twilight?”

Finally, their patience got rewarded. Twilight looked up and at each of them before she rested her eyes on the large object. “This, Applejack, is a time capsule.”

“A time capsule? Ya mean, like a time machine?” Applejack tilted her head and looked at Twilight doubtfully.

“Awesome!” Rainbow Dash took flight and landed on top of the capsule. “How do we open it? And how is it operated? And how did you even build one, Twilight? I thought only the sci-fi books you're reading have something like that!”

“No, no.” Twilight chuckled and for the first time she had gotten together with her friends today, her features became brighter and a small smile adorned her face. “Not a time machine. A time capsule. We won't be travelling through time today.”

“Aww.....” Rainbow Dash dropped her ears and hung her head.

“Although, it can be used to send something to the future.”

Immediately, Rainbow Dash's energy returned. Her head shot up. “Really?! How?!” An eager grin was in her face.

“Sending something to the future? Does this really work, Twilight?” Fluttershy's timid voice rang out. She looked up at the time capsule in reverence, but there was still doubt in her eyes.

“I don't mean to be a damper, darling, but how exactly is this supposed to work? This sounds like a quite complex invention even for you.” Rarity looked at Twilight and doubt came from her eyes, as well.

“It's easier than you think,” Twilight answered calmly. “All you need to do is placing an object inside of it and then burying the time capsule deep in the ground.”

Her friends exchanged unsure glances. Rainbow Dash hopped down the time capsule again and took up position between them. Only Pinkie Pie was smiling. She approached the capsule and knocked against it. “So I could climb inside, lie down, sleep and you bury me with it and when I wake up again, I am thousand years in the future! Sleeping as long as that would almost be like sleeping forever!” She giggled.

All eyes were on Pinkie Pie all of a sudden. “Oh, my.....” Fluttershy held a hoof at her mouth.

Rainbow Dash looked at her with shrunken eyeballs and a haggard face and Applejack just glared at her. Rarity's face showed concern. Only Twilight remained neutral to the question.

Rarity gave a little cough. “Pinkie, darling, this isn't exactly a good way to–”

“Unfortunately, that's not how it works,” Twilight interrupted her. “It can't bring anything into the future that's alive. Only objects and items of any kind.”

“What about flowers?” Fluttershy asked. “Could you send a flower or maybe a little tree sapling into the future?” Her face lit up again and shone with enthusiasm.

“Well, you could send a dried flower. Or seeds. But a living plant wouldn't survive that long without any sunlight or water.” Twilight trotted around the time capsule, her eyes focused on it. “Plus, there won't be any oxygen inside of it and it would also be too cold for a living creature or plant to last long. Explaining how exactly it works would need too much time, but once the capsule has been closed and is ready to get buried, a complex mechanism in its hull sucks out all air and creates a vacuum and another one lowers the temperature to -22°. Sending fresh food would work, as well.” She stopped after trotting around the entire time capsule, back at her previous spot.

“So, in other words, it doesn't send something ta the future instantly after it was buried,” Applejack concluded.

“Exactly.” Twilight gave Applejack a nod. “But one day, maybe after a hundred years or maybe even after thousands of years, somepony will dig here, right under Applejack's barn, and find this time capsule. And when they open it, the objects inside will teach the pony about the past.”

Now the faces of her friends collectively it up.” Aaaaaaah.” Their sounds of realization and understanding filled the air around them.

“Very easy indeed,” Rarity agreed. “Almost too easy for a mind like yours.” She gave Twilight a wink.

Twilight blushed, but her sheepish expression only lasted for a moment.

Rarity's face became more serious again. “But, if I may ask, why is it that you suddenly want to send something to the future, Twilight?”

Now Twilight's face turned serious, as well. Her expression returned to the one from earlier, when they had entered the barn. “I would like to preserve something from us all in history. Discovering all those new element bearers and the other harmony trees has shown how easy something gets lost from historical records. And.....” Twilight cast her eyes down as she trailed off.

“And?” Rarity inquired. “Are you okay, Twilight? What is on your mind?” Her face filled with concern for her friend.

Twilight closed her eyes and sighed, then opened them again. “I'm okay. Everything is fine. But.....” She looked up, at the time capsule, and placed a hoof on it. “When the Knights of Harmony attacked us..... They were the most dangerous enemies Equestria had ever seen..... It made me realize that..... one day, all of us will be gone.”

The temperature in the barn seemed to decrease and with it, the mood of Twilight and her friends. They looked down, eyeing the ground, none of them knowing what to say as the meaning of the words lingered. Only Twilight continued speaking, after a few seconds of silence.

“We came out okay..... And Equestria is safe again..... But, no matter how many villains we fight, no matter how many enemies of Equestria we defeat, neither of us will be here forever. Equestria moves and changes. We see it everyday. Tiny things happen and they might seem insignifcant, but they cause other things to happen. And all of these things combined bring change. Equestria changes and we change with it.” Twilight took a deep breath before she continued.

“In ten years from now, or maybe in twenty years, some of us might do completely different things. I became the new ruler of Equestria, something that I never thought would happen just a few years ago. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna retired, even the Elements of Harmony and the Tree of Harmony aren't unique anymore and now there is almost an entire world of element bearers out there..... So much changed in such a short time. In ten or twenty years, we might be very different. And even later than that, after a few more decades..... All of you will be..... One day, even I will be.....”

Fluttershy looked over the sad faces of her friends to her left and right, then over at Twilight. “Twilight, are you really okay? We are all still here.” Her voice was a whisper, but empathy and encouragement were ringing in it.

Twilight shook her head, slowly. “You are right. And I'm rambling. I'm sorry. What I want to say is..... Equestria changes. And time doesn't stop for anypony. One day, Equestria will be a very different place than what it is now. And who will tell the ponies of the future about us? Will they still know us? Will they know how Equestria was a very long time ago? There are history books. But historical records are fleeting. They might not last forever. I think, if we truly want to preserve who we are, we need to take care of this ourselves.”

Twilight's five friends exchanged glances, their ears still dropped and sadness in their faces.

“It was an awfully difficult time lately..... I understand where you're coming from, Twilight.” Rarity said.

“Me too,” Fluttershy announced meekly. “We could..... we could send seeds to the future.” A small smile built on her face. “Seeds of our trees here in Ponyville and seeds of apple trees from Sweet Apple Acres. Who knows if Equestria will still have the same trees in the future? If we send seeds, they can bring the trees back.” Her smile grew bigger.

Twilight looked at Fluttershy and returned the smile.

“And Wonderbolts stuff. Trophies. Posters. Autographs of Spitfire and the rest of the Wonderbolts.” The gloomy expression in Rainbow Dash's face changed and got replaced by a cocky look. “An autograph by me! Because hoow else would the ponies of the future know how awesome I was?”

Twilight giggled into her hoof.

“And fashion!” Rarity's enthusiastic voice sounded across the barn. “There are a couple dresses I've made that I have more than one of. And if the ponies in Equestria's future learn about the fashion trends of the past, maybe they'll become trends again!” Rarity squealed and squished her cheeks with both forehooves.

“Streamers and confetti and cupcakes!” Pinkie Pie shouted at the top of her lungs. “Oh and a party cannon! The future NEEDS a party cannon!”

“And apples!” Applejack lifted the brim of her hat up from her eyes and smiled. “Not just apple tree seedlings, also fresh, grown apples! And zap apples, too! And instructions how ta grow and harvest them! In the future, ponies might not know how ta do that anymore, so ah need ta help them along.”

The sad expression had left Twilight's face completely now. She smiled, wide and full of newfound joy. “Exactly! This is what I'm thinking of. But not just things like these. What I want is that everypony lets the future know about their best friends, by putting something into the time capsule that stands for their friendships and expresses them. I want that the ponies of the future know what friendships once existed in Equestria.”

Like earlier, the faces of Twilight's friends lit up as the realization of Twilight's plan dawned on them.

“Ah think that's a mighty fine idea, Twilight!”





They all left their spots and surrounded Twilight now, complimenting her for her idea.

“So, now each of us puts an item in them time capsule here?” Applejack brought them back to the point of their meeting.

“Exactly, Applejack. Each of us puts in an item that symbolizes our friendship. And we add a note that explains how it is connected to us. At the top of everything, I will add a letter that I wrote, a letter to the ponies and creatures of the future.” Twilight looked around. “Are you ready to begin? Did you bring everything we need?”

Nodding made the rounds among Twilight's friends and sounds of confirmation emphasized them.

“Great! So, let's begin. Either of you can start. I will put in my item as the last one.”

“Hope it ain't any trouble if ah'm the one who is startin' with this.” Applejack chuckled. “Ah got somethin' very special and it wasn't easy ta find.” Applejack reached into the saddlebags she was wearing and pulled out a red ribbon. The number two was written on it with bold, red paint strokes and a small note was sticking to the other side of it. “Ah had ta turn the whole attic upside down ta find it.” She held the ribbon so that the others could see it.

“Is this.....?” Fluttershy asked, coming closer and eyeing the ribbon curiously.

“Yep! From the rodeo in Canterlot. Ah was so embarrassed for only comin' in at second place and not bringin' any money ta fix the roof of the town hall–”

“That you almost bailed on us and all of Ponyville!” Rainbow Dash took flight and charged at Applejack, then stopped inches in front of her face and gave her a haughty smirk.

“Yep. And ah was wrong about that and all of ya made me see it.”

Twilight gave Applejack a smile. “That's an excellent choice and a great start for our project. Go on, put it inside,” Twilight prompted her.

Applejack climbed up the time capsule, with a ladder she had retrieved from one of the barn walls, and opened it with the lever at the top. She held the ribbon above the opening and looked at it. “Back in those days, when ah left Canterlot and made mah way ta Cherry Jubilee's farm, ah never would have thought that all of ya would take so much on yourself ta bring mah silly flank back ta Ponyville. Ah couldn't wish for any better friends than ya, girls.” Having spoken these words, Applejack dropped the ribbon into the time capsule. It landed with a clank at its bottom.

Twilight's smile deepened. “And now the first item is added. This is exactly how I envisioned it. The ponies and creatures who live in Equestria's future will learn from us and see how wonderful our friendships were. And maybe, it will help some of them to improve their own friendships,” she spoke while Applejack climbed down and joined the group again. “Who wants to go next?”

“I will go next. If that's okay with you.....” Fluttershy responded meekly to Twilight's call.

“Of course!” Twilight reassured her.

“Okay with me!” Rainbow Dash did the same thing. “If I can go after you.”

“That's perfectly fine.” Fluttershy shot her a smile, then she flew up to the opening of the time capsule. “My item is a fashion magazine with a picture of me on the cover.”

“One of those fashion magazines, I suppose?” Rarity looked up at her and smirked.

“Yes.” Fluttershy answered the look and nodded. “We both learned that day how important it is that you always confess your true feelings to your friend.”

“Indeed. Although, you were still a gorgeous model, Fluttershy. It is a pity you didn't continue.” Some regret built on Rarity's face.

“Thank you.” Fluttershy smiled, then turned at the time capsule. “The note that explains everything is inside the magazine, so it won't fall out. I just hope they will find it in there.” With that, she let go of the magazine and it landed next to Applejack's ribbon. Fluttershy was hardly back on the ground, as Rainbow Dash already zipped up to where she had been a second ago, nearly throwing her into a spin.

“My turn!” she claimed. “I brought this, my old wingpony badge from Wonderbolts Academy.” Her face grimaced a little as she spoke those words.

“Oh, is it the same one you wore on that day? I'll never forget how you saved us from Lightning Dust's tornado, that was amazing, even for you!” Twilight praised her.

“Yep, exactly that one! I had to annoy Spitfire a lot to figure out the exact same one she gave me. I bet she still has headaches from that kind of detective work.”

“Lightning Dust is a rotten no-good,” Applejack scoffed. “But ya learned a lot on that day.”

“Applejack is right. And when you decided for us instead of your dream of becoming a Wonderbolt, your element grew stronger.” Twilight's face was full of satisfaction.

“It did,” Rainbow Dash agreed. “And, yeah, I am pretty awesome!” She tossed the badge into the time capsule and returned to the others.

“I will go next, if Pinkie Pie does not mind.” Rarity looked at Pinkie expectantly.

“No, sirree!” Pinkie shook her head, smiling and eyes closed.

Rarity stepped in front of the time capsule. She hovered out her item, but before she could speak about it, a knock came from the door.

Confusion spread out on her face and she looked over to Twilight. “Twilight? Is there anypony else coming? I thought we would be the only ones.”

“Not exactly,” Twilight answered. She turned at the door. “Come on in! We already started, so you have come at the right time.”

The barn door opened and in came Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. They gave them welcome smiles, each of them carrying something on her back as they trotted in a row to the center of the barn.

“Shucks, Apple Bloom!” Applejack voiced her joy over seeing her. “Of course our little sisters have ta be here for this! Ahm glad Twilight invited ya!” She trotted over to her sister and wrapped her into a hug.

“And I am glad that you three could come. Helping other foals with finding their purpose must be a tough job and I can tell you don't have as much time for spontaneous activities like these as you used to.” Twilight addressed them.

“Don't mention it, Twilight!” Apple Bloom said, her and Applejack releasing their hug.

“And how could we miss something as cool as this?! We will totally send something to the future, we needed to be here for this!” Scootaloo buzzed her wings, carefully, to prevent the item she brought from dropping on the floor.

“Yeah! We can't miss it!” Sweetie Belle strengthened Scootaloo's point.

“So, would any of you three like to go first?” Rarity made a gesture towards the time capsule. “I am sure you brought fascinating things with you and I don't mind waiting a bit longer.”

“Great! So, can I go first?” Sweetie Belle piped up, squeaking from excitement.

“Absolutely, darling. Come on, go ahead.” Rarity stepped to the side. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom grinned and nodded.

“Thanks, Rarity!” Sweetie Belle ran past her sister, took the item from her back into her mouth and eagerly climbed up the ladder. She levitated what she was holding out of her mouth. “I brought something that's very special..... A bag full of cookies! But not any cookies.” She looked down at her two best friends. “Do you remember these cookies?”

“Well, ya told us what ya gonna put into Twilight's time capsule on the way here, but yeah, ah remember them!” Apple Bloom confirmed.

At her side, Scootaloo nodded with a wide grin on her face. “Yeah, I do, too! Those are the first cookies we ate together, when we celebrated that we've met each other and founded the Cutie Mark Crusaders! It was at Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera!”

“That's right! I asked Mr. and Mrs. Cake to bake them for us and they said yes and even pulled out their old recipe for them.” Sweetie Belle grinned back at Scootaloo.

Twilight nodded up to the young unicorn. “Delicious food that is shared between friends makes it taste even better.”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo jumped up. “Put them in, Sweetie Belle!”

“Go and do it, Sweetie!” Apple Bloom cheered at her side.

Sweetie Belle turned at the open time capsule. “This is for the ponies of the future. May you know how the cookies that connect the three best friends in Equestria taste!” She levitated the bag in the middle of the opening, then lowered it and let the cookies carefully float down until she felt that they had arrived at the bottom of the time capsule. Her contribution made, Sweetie Belle jumped down the ladder and turned at her sister. “Now you can add yours, Rarity!”

“Thank you, Sweetie.” Rarity cleared her throat. “Very well then, here is what I have.” She unfolded a brown, leathery object. When she was done, one of Applejack's hats was floating in front of her. But it looked old and ragged, was dirty and had a big hole in the middle.

Applejack opened her eyes and mouth wide and her pupils shrunk. “Ya still keepin' that thing, Rarity? Really?”

“Naturally,” Rarity confirmed. “I know I was throwing it away in Manehattan, but I later changed my mind. This is a memento on our friendship mission and how hard we worked on the Midsummer Theater Revival.”

“Shoot, Rarity, ya got me good there. Ah had never thought ta see that old, busted thing again.” She chuckled dryly.

“Do you think it's a good fit?” Rarity asked.

“Ah think it is. It can't hurt if Equestria's future learns about the cutie map and how rewarding good, hard work is.”

“Exactly my thoughts!” Rarity looked up, where the opening of the time capsule was, then at the hat. “Now, let's put you in. I've even sewn the note about your meaning on your inside, now nopony can ever lose you.” Covered in her blue magic, the ragged hat got levitated into the time capsule. “And done! Now, who wants next?” Rarity looked at Pinkie Pie, then at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

“Ah'll go next!” Apple Bloom shouted. Like Sweetie Belle before, she took something into her mouth and climbed up the ladder. On top of it, she unfolded and revealed a black costume that was decorated with white stars. A black bandana was tied to it, adorned by white skulls.

Scootaloo gasped. “That's your costume from the talent show!”

Sweetie Belle's face showed a sad frown all of a sudden. “You really want to give it away? It's a reminder of the first time we tried to get our cutie marks.”

“Yep! But not exactly the same one. Ah asked Rarity ta make another one that looks just the same.” Apple Bloom clarified.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle breathed a collective sigh of relief. “And I already thought she would give away something that means so much to us,” Scootaloo said.

“Hey!” Apple Bloom shouted down at them. “I'm not like Rarity here who thinks about throwin' a memento away!”

Rarity blushed and grinned sheepishly. “I did say I changed my mind.” She nervously rubbed over her left foreleg.

Apple Bloom returned her attention back to the costume in front of her. “A special costume from a special day.” She smiled. “Ah wonder if any other filly will ever wear it.” Apple Bloom folded the costume neatly and placed the note between it, then she held it over the time capsule and let it glide inside. Cheerfully, she hopped down the ladder and joined Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle again.

“MY TURN!” it came from Pinkie Pie now. She hopped up the ladder instead of climbing it, then conjured a white bendy straw out of her mane. Her face turned sad as she looked at it. “And you are really sure about this, Fernando?”

Fernando bobbed slightly.

The sadness in Pinkie's face deepened. “Really, really sure?”

Fernando bobbed again.

“Okay..... I guess if you really want to see the future so much, then I can't stop you..... I shouldn't stand in the way of what you truly want, Fernando. It's your life, you have to make your own decisions.”

Fernando bobbed stronger.

Below them, all ponies gave each other glances. “Am ah seein' wrong or did that straw just move its head?”

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “Does it even have a head? It's a straw.”

“It's probably just Pinkie Pie shaking it..... Don't think about it too hard. You know Pinkie. Just let her have this. At least the straw is somewhat related to a friendship lesson. Right, Applejack?” Twilight turned her head and looked at her.

“Right so, Twilight. Not a lesson ah learned, but Coloratura sure did.”

“Fernando also wants to stay true to himself. That's why he wants to go to the future,” Pinkie Pie joined the conversation from above. A few tears dropped from her eyes.

“It's fine, Pinkie. I'm sure that, uh, Fernando does what his heart tells him. And you have many other straw friends who will stay here with us,” Twilight tried to comfort the sad mare.

“You're right, Twilight. But I'm still gonna miss Fernando.” Pinkie Pie squeezed Fernando against her chest and gave him a tight hug.

“Didn't you say that no living beings can go into the time capsule, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash snarked. “Then again, after that hug, Pinkie Pie probably doesn't have to worry about that anymore.”

“Sssh,” Applejack shushed her. “Try ta keep up the illusion, would ya?”

Apple Bloom watched them and raised an eyebrow again. “Seriously?”

“What she said. Yeah, seriously?” Rainbow Dash joined in. She rolled her eyes.

Up on the ladder, Pinkie Pie released Fernando from her hug and held him in front of her, standing on her hoof. “Goodbye, Fernando. Tell the ponies of the future about me and everything that you learned. And don't forget me, okay?”

Fernando bobbed his head again.

“I'm sure you are going to find a pony who loves you just as much, Fernando. Twilight? Could you levitate Fernando inside and make sure he has a soft landing?” Pinkie didn't avert her gaze from Fernando while she spoke.

“Sure, Pinkie. Don't worry about it.” Twilight ignited her horn and wrapped Fernando into her aura. Slowly, while Pinkie watched, she let Fernando down into the dark inside of the time capsule.

“Goodbye, Fernando,” Pinkie said again as Twilight's Aura vanished. “I love you.” Sighing and sniffing, Pinkie climbed down the ladder and joined Applejack's side.

“Ya okay, Sugarcube?” Applejack inquired.

“Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sure Fernando will have a good life in the future and find ponies who care about him. I just need a moment.” Pinkie pulled out a pink handkerchief, held it to her nose and blew loudly into it.

“Okay, let's continue,” Twilight said. “Now only Scootaloo and I are left.” She looked at the filly. “It's your turn now, Scootaloo.”

“Cool!” Scootaloo picked her item from her back but, instead of climbing up the ladder, she rushed over to Rainbow Dash. “Look what I'm adding, Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash inspected the item that Scootaloo was balancing on her hoof. “A rusty horseshoe, huh? I think I know where this idea comes from.” She lifted her right forehoof and ruffled through Scootaloo's mane.

Scootaloo lowered her head, closed her eyes and giggled.

“Come on, add it, squirt,” Rainbow Dash said after she had stopped and put her hoof down again. “Don't let the future wait for your own awesomeness!”

Scootaloo's eyes were glowing as she looked up at her honorary big sister. “Yes, ma'am!” Scootaloo saluted, then rushed up the ladder, giggling all the way. Arrived on top, she held the rusty horseshoe over the time capsule. “Maybe, in some distant future, this will help a pony to understand that there's nothing wrong about being scared of something and that everypony has fears.” Scootaloo gave the rusty horseshoe a last look, then she tossed it inside. Buzzing her wings, she jumped down the ladder just like Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had done before and joined her friends.

“Very good, Scootaloo.” Twilight gave the filly a nod. “Now, as the last one of us, I'll add my item.” Reaching into her saddlebags, Twilight pulled out a blue frame with a picture in the middle. She held it up with her magic so that everypony could see it. The picture showed herself, sitting in the grass and being surrounded by Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

“This picture, Twilight?” Rarity questioned the choice. “This is the first picture we got taken of us, right after we defeated Nightmare Moon together and you decided to stay here in Ponyville.”

“Don't worry, this is only a copy. The original picture is still in Canterlot Castle where it belongs. I even got a new frame that looks just like the original one. I am not Rarity, after all.” She gave Rarity a wink, then another one Apple Bloom.

Rarity coughed slightly. “This joke isn't becoming a tradition, is it? Please tell me it won't.”

Everypony in the barn started laughing. “Who knows?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Maybe, in a thousand years from now, ponies will say 'Never throw items away that hold important memories, they are a Rarity!'”.

The laughter increased in volume and intensity. Rarity frowned at Rainbow Dash and growled quietly, a bright blush in her face.

When the laughter died down, Twilight took flight and hovered in the air in front of the time capsule. “Six friends who shaped Equestria together, saved it and protected all ponies who live there. My best friends. There is nothing better I could show them.” She surrounded the framed picture with her magic and lifted it off her hooves. Gently, Twilight let it glide inside and all the way down to the bottom. She looked after it with a warm smile on her face.

“Way ta go, Twilight!” Applejack complimented the alicorn. “Now ya just need ta add your letter and we can go and close the capsule and get our messages ta the future!” There was excitement in her voice now and the same excitement was in the faces of her friends.

Twilight, however, flew down and landed next to them instead of putting her letter into the time capsule. “Not yet, Applejack,” she said to all of their surprise.

“Not yet?” Applejack asked, confused. “Ah thought the letter is the last thing ya want ta add?”

“It is,” Twilight confirmed. “But you don't think I would send messages to the future without letting my best students contribute, do you?” She smirked.

As on command, it knocked on the barn door.

“There they are!” Twilight eagerly looked at the door. “Open up, come inside!”

The door creaked and Smolder poked her head through the crack. “Hey, Headmare Twilight!” She pushed the barn door open completely and Sandbar, Gallus, Yona, Ocellus and Silverstream came into view.

“Welcome!” Twilight said and on her face was a slightly creepy grin, a sign of her obsession with her six star students.

The group walked inside the barn and the door fell shut behind them. “Thank you for inviting us, Headmare Twilight!” Smolder, who was still at the top of the group, voiced their gratitude.

“It's a pleasure, Smolder. Doing this without you wouldn't be the same. Did all of you find a good item to contribute?”

“Um-hm.” Gallus held up a round, purple box with an unshapely, violet splotch on it. “I have a box of goo powder. Perfect for creating a mess and arranging a Hearth's Warming Eve celebration with your best friends.” He looked smugly at the box.

Sandbar and the rest of his friends laughed. “But you could have just asked us to stay, bro, we totally would have!” the teenage colt pointed out.

“Yeah, making a mess of everything wasn't necessary.” Smolder joined the sentiment.

“I know. But it still were the best holidays we had together.”

That was something the group agreed on. Gallus spread his wings and flew to the opening of the time capsule. “You all know I don't like sappy speeches,” he said, looking down at his friends. “But this created one of the most fun times we had.” Gallus didn't hesitate and dropped the box into the time capsule. He landed next to Smolder and they exchanged a clawbump.

“Yona goes next!” their yak friend announced. She waved a slip of paper in front of her as she ran up to the ladder. It said “Amity Ball” in big, white letters and below it, a purple and a blue pony were dancing together.

Gallus lowered his eyelids and looked at Sandbar, then poked him with his ellbow. Sandbar blushed and looked to the floor. “Ehehe.”

When Yona set her first hoof on the ladder, it creaked menacingly. “Yona, wait,” Twilight called out to her.

Yona stopped and looked back at her headmare. “Why make Yona wait? Did Yona do it wrong?”

“No, not at all,” Twilight reassured her. “But it looks like you might be a little too heavy for this ladder.”

Yona frowned.

“But don't worry, we got this covered.” Twilight wrapped the yak student into her purple aura and lifted her in front of the time capsule. “There you go, Yona!”

“Wow! Yona too heavy for ladder, but not too heavy for pony magic!” Yona let the poster escape her hoof and it fell into the time capsule. “Yona not pony, but Yona good the way she is.”

“Now it's my turn,” Smolder announced as Yona was safely back on the floor. She took a thin object with colorful patterns on it into her claw and flew up to the opening of the time capsule with it.

Fluttershy scrutinized the object in her claws. “Is that..... an egg shell?”

“Yeah!” Smolder confirmed. “A dragon egg shell. I took a few with me when we left the Dragonlands after helping my brother.”

“Oh, that's wonderful!” Fluttershy shouted. “What a nice way to remember what happened that day!” Her eyes sparkled as pictures of little baby dragons entered her mind.

“That's what I thought! I hope the dragons of the future will also know that real strength means being true to yourself!” Smolder tossed the egg shell inside, then returned to the others.

“I want to be the next one!” Silverstream shouted and she was up and in front of the time capsule before Smolder had joined their midst again. “It didn't take long to find something, once I read Headmare Twilight's invitation, I knew exactly what my item should be!” In her claws was a large blueprint, with a crude, but still somewhat aesthetic picture of a building that looked like a mix of a treehouse and a castle. Silverstream flipped it around and held it up into the air for everypony and creature to see.

“That's treehouse Yona built with friends!” Yona grinned and jumped up, causing the ground to shake under her.

“Exactly! This is all about memories, isn't it? So what could be better than something that reminds us on the day when we tried to make a memorial for the Tree of Harmony!”

“That's super great!” Smolder agreed.

“Yeah, I can't imagine something better than that, either!” Sandbar smiled.

“Eh, it's okay,” Gallus gave the least enthusiastic answer. “Still think it should have been a museum.”

The other five students laughed. “Maybe blueprint will be in museum in the future!” Yona suggested.

“You think so?” Gallus turned at her, arms crossed.

“Yona thinks so! Silverstream's item original blueprint of crystal treehouse. Ponies will be interested!”

“If you say so.” The answer still sounded gruff, but a small smile played around Gallus' beak now.

“I think it's a nice idea, I wish my item will be in a museum, too.” Ocellus started smiling widely.

“What's your item, Ocellus?” Gallus asked, forelegs now back on the floor.

“I, well.....” The young changeling blushed. “It's probably kind of silly.....”

“Come on, spit it out! Can't be as cheesy as what Smolder put in.” Gallus' face turned smug.

“Hey!” Smolder flicked a claw against his forehead.

“Well, it is..... Uhm.....” Ocellus shrunk a little into her spot.

“Come on, tell us!” Silverstream flew at her side. “I know we'll all like it.”

“Well..... okay. But you can't laugh about it.” Ocellus pulled something out that she kept hidden behind her wing. “It's a pillow.” She held it out meekly.

“A pillow,” Gallus said. His voice didn't sound impressed and he gave Ocellus a deadpan stare.

“Oh, I knew it's not enough!” Ocellus wailed. “I wanted to bring a pillow because it reminds me of how we all hid in the Castle of the Two Sisters after we met, but it probably was stupid to think of that!”

“That wasn't stupid!” Silverstream said. “Sure, it's something everypony in Equestria uses, but if it reminds you on it, then it's perfect!”

“Yeah, it does remind me on it, too! You really liked those pillows I brought into the castle!” Sandbar joined in cheering up their friend.

Ocellus presented him with a thankful smile.

“I think it's a great choice, too, Ocellus. It's just like Silverstream said, this is all about passing on memories. If the item holds value to you and stands for the bonds of friendship you've made, then it definitely qualifies,” Twilight added her own words of encouragement.

“Well, okay.” Ocellus looked up and puled out the pillow completely. “Thank you, Headmare Twilight, thank you Silverstream and Sandbar.” She buzzed her wings, approached the time capsule and quickly dropped the pillow inside while hovering above it, then returned.

“So, I'm the last one then,” Sandbar said. “Here's what I have.” He showed a doll to the others, one that resembled him, but had dark green buttons as eyes. “I thought it couldn't hurt to add something that will remind the ponies of the future on Hearth's Warming Eve. So I brought my Hearth's Warming doll. You know, the one that almost fell into the fire.”

“That was the most exciting story I ever heard in my entire life. Couldn't bear the suspense of it,” Smolder commented the choice.

“Yona liked story. Pony holiday is a good thing to be reminded of.” Yona nodded.

“Well, I don't think that Hearth's Warming Eve won't exist in the future anymore, no matter how far of a future. But it's definitely important to keep ponies reminded on it why it's important to stand together in friendship. Who knows, maybe your doll will make a difference someday, Sandbar.” She gave Sandbar a look that radiated pure admiration for the choice. “Go on and add it. I think your item is one of the best contributions.”

Sandbar followed her prompt and climbed up the ladder. “I think I'm gonna miss this doll. But it's worth it if it will help somepony in the future. And I'll make a new one that looks just like it soon.” With these words, he let the doll disappear inside the capsule.

“And that makes the last one of you,” Twilight confirmed. “You are my best students and you can't imagine how proud I am of each of you. I am glad to have you be a part of this.”

“Great job, everycreature!” Applejack complimented them, as well. “Now Twilight can add her letter and then we'll see how that mechanism of hers works and–”

A knock on the door interrupted her. Applejack stopped and turned at it. “Somepony else? Who is coming now, Twi?” She looked at her friend.

“The Pillars of Equestria.”

A second later, the door opened and all six of Equestria's ancient heroes entered the barn.

“The Pillars of Equestria? Ah didn't expect ta see them here.” Applejack voiced her surprise.

“Yes, exactly them. They may have lived in a past that was long ago, but they've returned and shaped Equestria's present. They deserve to be here.” Twilight turned her attention to the six heroes. “I welcome all of you. I know that your contributions will be as useful in the future as they have been in the past and in the present.”

“Thank you, princess,” Starswirl spoke. “There is not much time we have to join your cause, the Everfree Forest never rests. But we will aid you in this effort to ensure that Equestria's future will benefit from the light and hope we brought to this realm.”

Twilight nodded. “We have already discussed your contributions, but feel free to share them with the rest of us.”

“It is our intent to aid the future with the most powerful items we possess,” Starswirl spoke. And, held by magic, wings and hooves, their six artifacts appeared in front of them.

“My Strength in this shovel.”

“The Beauty of the land that grew this flower.”

“Hope that prevails when the darkness blinds your eyes.”

“This mask to help Healing the sick.”

“Bravery to shield Equestria from all harm.”

“And Sorcery to banish all that is truly evil.”

Murmurs went through the ponies and creatures in the barn as their speeches had ended.

“You want to give up your elements?” Rarity asked, a sudden concern rising in her. “Won't Equestria still need them?”

“The Pony of Shadows is no more. The land of Equestria has grown and our magic and strength has become more powerful. Even other lands have their own element bearers now. Equestria and this entire world are more protected than they ever were. These artifacts are not needed in the present anymore, but they might aid ponies in a darker future.”

With no more questions coming, each of the Pillars added their artifact to the growing collection of items inside the time capsule. Starswirl was the last one. He stepped in front of the time capsule, hovering his spellbook in the air, and looked up at the large container. “It is thanks to Princess Twilight's knowledge of restoration magic that I am able to add this spellbook. I will hereby share the wisdom of our great experience with the next generation of ponies.” Now silent, Starswirl levitated the book into the time capsule and brought it together with the other artifacts.

“Thank you, Starswirl. And thank you to all of you. The Pillars of Equestria may not be here anymore after another thousand years, but now your legacy and your means of protecting Equestria will live on.”

“And you have helped the future, as well, princess. Your invention may one day bring forth the difference that is needed to let light win over darkness once more. We will now return to our mission of keeping the Everfree Forest where it belongs. Farewell, princess, and call for our help whenever Equestria is in need.”

“Farewell, Starswirl. We know we can always count on your abilities.” Twilight and Starswirl bowed down before each other, then the Pillars left as quickly as they had come.

“That was epic!” Rainbow Dash said. “Even Pinkie Pie is speechless because of it!”

“Ah guess that comes with it if ya'll an ancient hero from a thousand years ago. Those were different times back then. Anyway, Twilight? Ah guess it's time ta add your letter.” Her and the rest of the ponies and creatures in attendance looked at the princess in expectation.

Twilight shook her head. “We can't forget about another important group of creatures.”

Now the expectation got redirected at the entrance of the barn. A minute passed, then another, while everypony and everycreature waited for the new arrivals. Twilight broke out in sweat. “Who have to arrive any moment now.”

Finally, it knocked. The barn door swung open and inside came Starlight Glimmer. Behind her, Trixie, Discord and Thorax entered the barn. “Hey, Twilight. I'm sorry, it got a little complicated on the way over here.” She sent a glare to Trixie and Discord, who turned away from each other with angry faces. “I hope we aren't too late?”

“Only a little bit.” She still looked nervous, but left it at the quick confirmation. “Please go and add your objects. We all wait for it.”

Trixie and Discord stayed clear of each other as they came to the center of the barn and the time capsule. “My addition is this.....” Starlight began. Her voice sounded a little somber. In front of the group, she unfolded a piece of paper with her magic. As she was done and levitated it higher, a banner with two black, straight lines that were drawn above each other came into view.

“An equal sign?” Twilight asked. She gave the banner looks of confusion.

“Yes. I was thinking it is important to show the ponies of the future that friendship comes through unity, but that it can't be forced by equality. The letter I added explains everything, about my village, about my revenge and how you stopped me from going further down that path. It's a message and a warning at the same time.”

Now the confusion in Twilight's face cleared up and was replaced by understanding. “I admit, I was worried for a second when I saw this symbol. But you put just as much thought into your contribution as I thought you would, Starlight. I trusted you to come up with something great and not only did you not disappoint me, you surpassed my expectations. There is definitely one other student I can always count on.”

“It's no biggie. Really. It was an obvious choice.” Turning her attention away from her friend and teacher for a moment, Starlight folded the banner up again and carefully levitated it into the time capsule. “And done.” She looked at Twilight again. “Who's next?”

“It still was a really good choice. I commend you, Starlight. So, what is your contribution, Trixie?”

The Great and Powerful Trixie!” the magician corrected her.

“Oh, sorry. Great and Powerful Trixie.”

“That's better. The Great and Powerful Trixie will send a teacup to the future.” She levitated a pink teacup out of her bag.

The gathered ponies and creatures gave Trixie weird looks. Only Starlight giggled over Trixie's response.

“Silence!” Trixie hissed. “Don't make fun of Trixie. The future needs a teacup and teacups are a symbol of Trixie's friendship with Starlight. Starlight taught Trixie everything about transfiguration spells.”

The expressions in the faces of the ponies and creatures returned to normal. Some of them nodded.

“I also think it's a great choice,” Twilight commended Trixie. “So, now it's your turn, Discord. What did you bring?” She shifted her attention to the draconequus while Trixie put the teacup into the time capsule.

“Me?” Discord looked at the princess in a way that it was hard to tell if his expression was one of genuine surprise or mockery. “Why would I add anything?” he asked.

“Why?” Twilight frowned. “Well, that's why you're here for, aren't you? The invitation I gave you was clear about everything.”

“Oh, that slip of paper. Yeah, yeah, I read it before eating it. But this does make no sense. All of you will perish, but I am immortal. The ponies of Equestria's future will meet me anyway.” His mouth formed a sly grin. “If they want to or not.”

Rarity's pupils shrunk and she leaned a little closer towards Discord, like she wanted to confirm that she heard right. “Ah, Fluttershy? Is there nothing we say about this?”

“Discord?” Fluttershy asked, with a caring, but also warning tone in her voice. “You aren't going to do anything bad once I'm gone, right?”

Discord's grin became bigger. “Something bad? Me?” He snapped his claws and angel wings appeared on his back and a halo above his head. “Oh, no, how can you think of me that I would ever have such intentions, Fluttershy?” His voice had become much higher and he wore an expression of pure innocence. “Turning the future of Equestria into my new chaos kingdom, equipping ponies with otherworldly abilities they can't control, giving animals the horns of unicorns and making them able to cast magic, all of it once you aren't here to stop me anymore, no, I absolutely would never do such horrible, unfunny things.” He brought his claws together, tapped them against each other and grinned even wider, with a malicious glance in his eyes.

Around them, ponies and creatures gasped and started to murmur, only Fluttershy remained calm. Her expression changed into one of anger. Taking flight, she rushed at him and brought her face close to his one. “You best watch your step, buster, or I give you..... THE STARE!”

Discord gulped. “Oh, I'm just kidding, of course!” He snapped his claws again and the halo and wings disappeared. “But I am still serious. Why would I send anything? They're all going to meet me and then I can tell them everything about Equestria's past they need to know. If I feel like it.”

Puzzled expressions appeared on the ponies and creatures around Discord. Twilight cleared her throat. “This does make sense and I admit that I haven't considered your immortality, Discord. Still, if there's anything you want to add, you are welcome to do so.”

“I might as well add myself,” the Lord of Chaos spoke. Another snap of his claws let one of his clones appear next to him. The clone did the same thing and shrunk to small size. Discord picked him up and let him stand on his claw.”

“I am not sure if that's the best idea, Discord,” Fluttershy said, now calmer and kinder than before.

“What, you don't trust my clones? Oh well. Maybe a statue of myself will do then.” The tiny clone turned into a wooden statue of the same size.

“And you're sure that doesn't become alive once somepony digs up the time capsule again?” Rainbow Dash questioned him.

“I am sure,” Discord reassured her. “It's only a statue. I swear.”

“I really hope so.” Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at Discord.

“Me too. Don't try anything funny, Discord.” A bit of the warning tone returned into Fluttershy's voice.

“No funny things? Why, do you want to torture me, Fluttershy? But I understand. There is nothing funny about this statue, don't worry.” The statue disappeared from his paw with a flash. “There, my contribution. It's now inside Twilight's time capsule.”

“Alright, let's continue then.....” Twilight brought the attention back to something less startling. “Now it's only you anymore, Thorax. Please go and add your item.”

“My item is rather simple,” the green changeling king began. He put down a grey vase with a blue horseshoe pattern on it.

Twilight took a closer look at it. “Hmm, this looks familiar, but I can't place it right now. What does this vase stand for?”

“It's my cutie mark. Or used to be.” He activated his transformation magic and turned into a blue crystal colt with grey mane. “I'm Crystal Hoof. Nice to meet you,” he said, mimicking a nervous behavior and lifting his left hoof to greet Twilight. The cutie mark on his flank looked exactly like the vase he brought.

Twilight bumped his hoof. “Oh. Well, it's nice to meet you too.” A chuckle escaped her. “I remember this cutie mark. This vase is a nice reminder that even the kind of creatures we think of as evil are able to turn over a new leaf and start sharing love and friendship with others. Go ahead and add it, Thorax. Your story is an especially worthy contribution that ponykind should never forget about.”

Thorax changed back into his usual appearance, grabbed the vase and flew up the time capsule with it, where he gently levitated it inside. As he was done, he flew down and joined Ocellus' side, who greeted him with a smile and a hug.

“So, now this is done.” Twilight wiped a bit of sweat off her forehead.

“And that means we are ready. Now ya can add your letter and we gonna send our messages into the future!” Applejack continued for her.

A smile played around Twilight's lips. “There's a bit more, Applejack.”

It knocked on the barn door again. “Come inside you two!” Twilight shouted at the door.

When the barn door opened, Big McIntosh and Granny Smith appeared.

“Big Mac! Granny!” Applejack's face lit up. “Ya came, too! And ah thought Twilight was only going ta invite ponies who protected Equestria!” Her mouth was open wide from the surprise.

“Eenope!” Big Mac rejected the notion.

“If ya would know, Applejack,” Granny's raspy, old voice rang out while she and Big McIntosh came closer. “Ah defeated plenty of monsters during mah travels back in the days and protected Equestria from them. Ya haven't heard half of the stories ah can tell!”

“I don't doubt that for one second, Granny. Ahm just surprised ya and Mac are here.”

“Of course I wouldn't forget your closest family, Applejack. After all, family is the first group of friends you ever make.” She winked at Applejack, who winked right back at her.

“So, what did ya and Granny Smith bring with ya?” Applejack asked eagerly and craned her neck to see what's on their backs. Apple Bloom joined her side and proceeded to do the same.

Big McIntosh revealed his item first. From his back, he pulled a blonde, curly wig. It instantly caused Apple Bloom's face to turn into one huge smile. “Ah remember that!” she shouted loudly. “Ah remember that wig! Orchard Blossom!”

“Eeyup!” Big McIntosh grinned at his little sister.

“Gee, Big Mac.” Applejack poked his side. “Wouldn't have expected ta see that again.” Applejack gave him a smirky smile.

Big McIntosh only had eyes for Apple Bloom, however. “When ah pretended ta be Orchard Blossom for ya, lil sis, it was one of the best day of mah life. So ah've chosen this here wig that ahm keeping since then ta go into Twilight's time capsule. Ah want the ponies of the future ta know how much ah love mah little sister.”

In front of him, Apple Bloom was melting and her face became warmer by the second. “Come here, ya big goof!” she finally said and crushed him with a hug, hooves tightly wrapped around his left foreleg. She snuggled her head into his chest and remained like this, with the happiest smile she could produce on her face.

“Apple Bloom? Sorry to interrupt the intimate brother and sister moment, but Big Mac has to add his item.” Twilight carefully tried to separate the two of them.

Apple Bloom opened her eyes. “Oh. Yeah, you're right, Twilight. Sorry.” Apple Bloom retreated and gave her brother space to move.

“No need to be sorry.” Twilight looked at the stallion. “Big Mac?”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac got moving, over to the time capsule and up the ladder, where he dropped the wig inside the container.

“And here's what I brought with me.” Granny Smith spoke while Big Mac climbed down. “Something special!” She giggled. In her hoof was a white cap with a transparent, green visor. A golden horseshoe adorned it at the top. “The rest of the Gold Horseshoe Gals are mah best friends and, darn-tootin, everypony in the future has ta learn about us hoots!”

Applejack watched Granny Smith, moved and with a smile on her face. Some tears sparkled in the corner of her eyes. “G-Granny? Want me ta carry this up for ya?”

“No chance!” Granny Smith responded. “Ahm not too old ta climb a ladder, Applejack!” She proved it a second later, climbing up the ladder slowly, but steady and managing to climb down just as safely after planting the cap in the time capsule. Down on the ground, she turned at Applejack again. “See, young'un? Works just like in the old days!”

“Ya right, Granny. And ahm proud that ya still so strong!” Applejack wiped the tears out of her eyes and gave her grandmare a smile.

“Great contributions, you two. Now–”

“Ya goin' ta add your letter and we finish up here!” Applejack trotted in front of smile and smiled.

Twilight nodded. “I will add the letter, like I said. But before that, there is something more to do.”

“And what is it? Ya goin' ta add something more than just the letter? What will it be?” Applejack's curiosity peaked.

“Not quite. But we are far from done here, Applejack. In fact, you may realize that we only just started.” Twilight's cheeks lifted as another smile appeared on her face.

Applejack chuckled, dryly. “Now ya gotta be kiddin' me, Twi. Who else could ya have invited? There are us six, our little sisters, your six best students, the Pillars of Equestria, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie–“

The Great and Powerful Trixie!

“Pardon. The Great and Powerful Trixie, Discord and Thorax. Ah'd say everypony and everycreature that's important for Equestria is here already.”

Twilight continued her enigmatic smile, until it knocked on the door once more a few seconds later. This time, Twilight went to the door and opened it herself. One pony was standing there, mere inches away from the door crack.

“Cheerilee! I am glad you made it.” Twilight welcomed the new arrival.

“And I am glad for your invitation, Twilight.” There was pride in Cheerilee's face.

“Don't mention it. You are one of the ponies who shape Equestria the most, by teaching so many young foals what they need to make successful careers all over Equestria. It's only right that you are here. Speaking of.....” Twilight did a look over Cheerilee's shoulder. “I see that you brought company with you. Lots of company.”

Behind the teacher, foals of all colors and pony tribes had gathered, each of Cheerilee's students. They were eyeing the princess with admiration and curiosity.

Twilight looked back at the teacher again. “Cheerilee.”

“Thank you, Twilight.” Cheerilee stepped inside. Behind her, the foals started moving, as well.

Igniting her horn, Twilight opened both barn doors wide. Then she stepped to the side and invitingly held her right hoof at the inside of the barn. “And now Cheerilee's students. Come in, everypony. We have enough room for all of you. And I hope that each filly and colt has brought what I asked you for. You get a chance to go down in history in a unique way today!”

One after another, the foals poured into the barn, each of them greeted with their name by Twilight.

“Dinky Hooves.”
“Berry Pinch.”
“Liza Doolots.”
“Cotton Cloudy.”
“Tornado Bolt.”
“Pina Colada.”
“Peach Fuzz.”
“Train Tracks.”
“Petunia Paleo.”
“Kettle Corn.”
“Peachy Pie.”
“Sunny Daze.”
“Tender Taps.”
“Truffle Shuffle.”
“Button Mash.”
“Lily Longsocks.”
“Toola Roola.”
“Coconut Cream.”
“Shady Daze.”
“Diamond Tiara.”
“Silver Spoon.”
“Gallop J. Fry.”
“Bubblegum Brush.”
“Carrot Crunch.”
“Cucumber Seed.”
“First Base.”
“Hard Rock.”
“Lemon Daze.”
“Lickety Split.”
“Little Red.”
“Nursery Rhyme.”
“Perky Prep.”
“Cotton Puff.”
“Rainy Feather.”
“Sugar Stix.”
“Ginger Snap”.
“Tulip Swirl.”

Twilight looked at Tulip Swirl following the other Ponyville foals before her. She checked outside and, as she could not see any other foal anymore, left the barn entrance and followed the foals further inside.

Near the time capsule stood a visibly stunned Applejack, surrounded by the rest of her friends and their little sisters. Her mouth was wide open, while her pupils were small, as she stared at the foals that filled up her barn. “Y-Ya invited all of them foals, Twilight?”

“Yep. All of them.”

“Almost all of them.....” Apple Bloom looked to the ground. “The foal ah would like ta meet the most isn't here.....” Her eyes vibrated as a few tears formed in them.

Applejack reached out for her little sister and pulled her into a hug, before looking back at Twilight, who presented both of them with a smile.

“These foals are Equestria's next generation of ponies and before they grow up, they should have the opportunity to tell the future how the friendships of the foals of Ponyville look like.” Twilight grinned as she saw the foals forming a line and how the first of them were approaching the time capsule.

Applejack took off her hat to give her head some air. “Wow, Twilight. Guess ah was wrong when ah said that all the important ponies are here already. And just look how eager they are! Ahm sure all of 'em have big things ta share.”

“Exactly. Now you start to understand, Applejack.”

At the time capsule, Dinky Hooves was the first one to climb up the ladder. She was levitating a videogame console and an accompanying game in the blue aura of her magic. “Games like these maybe don't exist in the future anymore. But Ponyville game nights with Button Mash, Berry Pinch, Liza and the rest of the class are the best and everypony in the future needs to see how much fun we have with them.” Gently, the console and the game got placed in the time capsule by her. “And maybe I can make my own games one day.”

Twilight, having overhead the words of the filly, smiled. “All of these foals have dreams and ambitions, Applejack. They are those who come after us and who'll make sure that Equestria stays the welcoming, functional and safe kingdom that it is today,” she explained.

“Ah think ah understand now what your plan is, Twilight. So what you're sayin' is..... everypony is important?”

“Yes. Everypony, here in Ponyville and all over Equestria, even the creatures who live outside of Equestria, are who make our world a wonderful place to live in. All of them work hard to keep the world and life going.”

Twilight looked out of the open barn, at the sun in the sky. “We are Equestria's protectors. But there have been protectors of Equestria before us and there will be protectors of Equestria when we're long gone. There are even ponies who protect Equestria right now, at the same time as we do. Maybe even in this very moment, some ponies protect their home from a monster and we are just not aware of it. They are always around us, sometimes they stand right next to us and sometimes they stay in the background, but they are there and just as real as we are. If we were the only protectors of Equestria, if nopony else would do their part and everypony would rely only on us, then we wouldn't have a home anymore.”

Retracting her eyes from the sun, Twilight looked back at the foals who waited patiently in front of the time capsule. Two pegasus fillies were flying up at the opening of the time capsule together, one of them as white as the clouds that littered the sky on a sunny day and the other one as grey as rain clouds. Cotton Cloudy and Tornado Bolt were holding hooves and looked deeply into each other's eyes as they landed on the edge of the time capsule. They were blushing ever so slightly.

“Some ponies think it's just about us, that we keep Equestria together all by ourselves, but that's not true. It's everypony who contributes, everypony who does their part. And that's what makes Equestria such a beautiful place to live in. The efforts of every single pony and creature who lives here, each of them working hard and fighting brave, united by friendship and love for each other. All of them are Equestria.”

“This was a beautiful speech, darling,” Rarity said as Twilight had ended. “And you are right. I am able to take care of my boutique here in Ponyville, but without Sassy in Canterlot and my team in Manehattan, I could not maintain the two other boutiques I have now.”

“And all the apple farms across Equestria would not even exist if the Apple Family weren't so big. It's them who make it all possible that everypony in Equestria can enjoy fresh apples each day. It would be great if they could all be here right now and see this.”

Twilight laughed. “In fact, they can, Applejack. Turn around.”

“What? Ya aren't telling me that– Woah!”

Outside the barn, the entire Apple Family had gathered. Applejack's eyes grew wide at the sight of them all, but Apple Bloom's eyes grew even wider as her eyes fell on the pony who stood at the front. “BABS!” she shouted and ran off. Apple Bloom tackled her cousin at full speed, making her fall over and pinning her to the ground in the process. Hooves tightly clasped around her neck, she squeezed Babs. “Ya really came, ah can't believe it yet, ya actually here!”

After a first shock because of the impact, Babs chuckled. “What, gonna miss out on sending a message to the future with my favourite cousin? Fawget about it!”

Tightly clinging to each other, both cousins entered the barn, slowly followed by the rest of the Apple Family.

Applejack watched their embrace with disbelief in her eyes. “Babs Seed.....” She looked around, at the Apples that began surrounding her. “Braeburn..... Apple Bumpkin..... Apple Fritter..... And there is Apple Flora! Candy Caramel Tooth! Liberty Belle and Red June! Even the young'uns came!” She twisted around and turned at the Princess of Friendship. “Twilight, how did ya do all that? How could ya bring all of 'em here today and in that perfect order too?”

“Precise planning, Applejack. And I told all of them to come at a certain time today and that it's important not to come a minute later because this event requires perfect timing. Plus, I've sent a lot of invitations all over Equestria. And I mean a lot.”

“A-Ah can see that, yeah,” Applejack stammered. “This is amazin', Twilight! It's like ya brought all of Equestria together!”

“Not just like, Applejack..... I really did! We won't be done for a long time today.”

The confirmation for her words came a second later, as a voice sounded over from the barn's entrance. “Hey, Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash followed the voice. “Quibble Pants?!” Now it was her turn to look astounded. Coming towards her were Quibble Pants with his marefriend Clear Sky and his stepdaughter Wind Sprint. “Okay, Twilight wasn't kidding. She really brought all of Equestria together.”

“Yeah, she did!” Quibble Pants came closer and gave Rainbow Dash a light punch in the side.

Rainbow Dash frowned in response, then smirked. “You better add a Daring Do book into that time machine. They are going to be out of print in the future. And it better be one of the good ones!”

Quibble Pants narrowed his eyes, but before they could start an argument, Wind Sprint poked Rainbow Dash, requesting her attention. “Can we play and go buckball later?”

Rainbow Dash draped a wing over the filly's back. “Totally! That is, if you and your parents stay here in Ponyville long enough.”

“We will,” Clear Sky confirmed. “Wind Sprint has been dying to have a buckball match with you and Scootaloo, so we're staying in Ponyville for a few nights.”

“Awesome! Then it's settled!” She booped Wind Sprint's nose. “You go and add your item to the time capsule, bucker, and later today, we're gonna be on the field together.”

Wind Sprint responded with a huge grin, then rushed off to the time capsule, followed by her parents.

“Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash.....” another voice came from the barn entrance. It sounded deeper and harder than Quibble Pants'. “I didn't expect to see you play with a filly when I come here. Who's gonna cry at the end of that buckball match, her or you?” The voice teased her.

Rainbow Dash exposed her teeth and she shot her head at the entrance “Who's saying that?!” Her eyes found the pony who had spoken the words and her expression changed again. “Spitfire!” She lifted off and flew towards her. “And Soarin', Fleetfoot, Thunderlane, Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger are with you! Will the rest of the team come, too?”

Spitfire shook her head. “Unfortunately, they are spread out over Canterlot and Fillydelphia for some big shows today, so you gonna have to make do with us, Rainbow Dash.”

“No problem! Uh, I mean, better than no Wonderbolts. Come inside!” She turned around and headed back into the barn. The other stunt fliers came trotting after her.

While Rainbow Dash led them to the time capsule, two fillies and a mare went past her. Rainbow Dash stopped dead in her tracks as she noticed one of the fillies.

“Uh, Spitfire? Just continue without me for a bit, okay? You can't miss the time capsule, just look for the really big thing in the middle of the barn. There's somepony I gotta talk to.”

Spitfire, who had noticed whom Rainbow Dash was looking at, raised an eyebrow. “Another filly? Alright, then. You go and play while the adults do their important business, Crash.” Spitfire, Soarin' and Fleetfoot snickered as they all went ahead, the former two exchanging a hoofbump.

Rainbow Dash brought a wing to her lips and whistled through the feathers. “Hey, Hyper Sonic, buddy!”

The trio stopped and Hyper Sonic turned around at the familiar voice. “Hey, Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash caught up with them and landed next to Hyper Sonic. She ruffled her mane. “Great to meet another champ today! After that adventure we just had, there's something you have to tell the ponies of the future that will make them tear their manes out from excitement! Now if only Luna would be here to make it perfect. But I bet she and Celestia are going to show up at some–”

“You are right, Rainbow Dash.” The Princess of the Night approached Rainbow Dash from behind and took up position between her dreamwalking successor and the young lucid dreamer. “And I have to say, Hyper Sonic made you almost look a little old at the end of everything.

“Only because she can control her dreams! I'd never lose to a filly while I'm awake!” Rainbow Dash clarified, her pride hurt.

Luna laughed. “Perhaps you two should battle monsters in the waking world for once then, to see who is truly better.”

“I am ready for that anytime!” Hyper Sonic shouted, while Gooseberry and Candy Wave watched her with concern rising in their faces.

Rainbow Dash looked at her with zeal and determination in her eyes. “So, when and were?”

Behind Luna, Celestia came into view, wearing a similar expression as Gooseberry and Candy Wave. “Luna, are you sure it's a good idea to encourage fillies to go and fight monsters like that?” she tried to talk sense into her younger sister.

“I concur that normally it is not, sister. But Hyper Sonic is a special filly, she has many abilities that come close to our own.”

Celestia looked at her with doubt. “If you say so, Luna.”

“I will explain everything on the way to Twilight Sparkle's time capsule,” she promised to clear Celestia's confusion. The two of them waved at Rainbow Dash, Hyper Sonic, Gooseberry and Candy Wave, then made their way further into the barn.

Rainbow Dash saw Twilight approach the two former rulers of Equestria and greeting them, while gesticulating at her time capsule, then the three alicorns separated and Twilight made their way towards them.

“Hyper Sonic! Gooseberry!” she greeted the fillies. “After I dispensed you from school for a few days so you can visit your sick mom, I was thinking you wouldn't be here for this, so I'm extra glad to see you. Especially you, Hyper Sonic. Without your help, the pegasi would have never joined our battle against Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis and who knows what would have happened then if they hadn't come! You have proven yourself on this day, both as a friendship student and as a protector of Equestria.

Hyper Sonic's eyes were glowing with pride. Gooseberry and Candy Wave came closer and they wrapped her into a hug from both sides.

“It's good to know that Equestria has a filly like you it count on in the future. Now, feel free to join the others. I bet the future can't wait to hear your story, Hyper Sonic.”

“I'll catch you later, buddy!” Rainbow Dash and Hyper Sonic exchanged a hoofbump, then she, her little sister and their mom left them.

“Let's see.....” Twilight went through her mental checklist. “Who is coming next.....” Her face became ten shades brighter as she found the answer. “Oh, it's them! Rainbow Dash, I'm gonna be back in a moment!” She rushed to the barn entrance and just as she had arrived there, the ponies she anticipated came into view.

“Moondancer!” she shouted in glee. “And Minuette! Twinkleshine! Lemon Hearts! Finally you are here!”

The four mares came closer. And as if their arrival wasn't already great enough for Twilight, behind them, Lyra and Bon Bon trotted along.

“And Lyra! Just like I planned! Oh, it's so good to have you all here!” Twilight hurried towards them and when they met in the middle, the six old friends from Canterlot exchanged a tight group hug.

“Let's go and add your items together! I've already added mine, but I want that we are side by side for this.” She gave Bon Bon an apologetic look. “Bon Bon, I hope you won't mind if I abduct Lyra for a moment. I know how even just a few minutes of not being together feels for two newly married mares.”

Bon Bon sighed. “Alright, just go on. I'll be picking up Lyra again in five minutes. Exactly five minutes.” She narrowed her eyes slightly, just enough to get the message across.

“Thank you! I promise it won't be longer than that!” Twilight reassured her, then rushed off with her old friends.

While they were busy at the time capsule, Bon Bon didn't stay alone for long. In the entrance of the barn, many more ponies from Ponyville appeared and entered.

At the top trotted Derpy and Sparkler, with Chirpy Hooves and Crackle Pop in tow. They were followed by Daisy, Lily and Roseluck.

Behind the three sisters from Ponyville's flower shop, a larger group consisting of Cherry Berry, Carrot Top, Doctor Whooves, Raindrops, Berry Punch, Cloud Kicker, Shoeshine, Sea Swirl, Sassaflash, Sprinkle Medley, Pokey Pierce, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Flitter, Cloud Chaser, Caramel, Davenport, Blossomforth, Rainbow Stars, Cotton Sky and Tender Brush arrived, some of them engaged in idle chatter.

The group that followed after them was smaller again. Mr. and Mrs. Cake, carrying their foals Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake, Cranky, Filthy Rich, Bulk Biceps, Aloe, Lotus and Mayor Mare came inside the barn and joined the crowd.

Trailing behind them, in a slow tempo, Noteworthy and Night Shade entered the barn next to each other. Their faces looked sad, like two ponies who were grieving, but they tried to maintain an optimistic appearance.

Most of the new arrivals stayed with Bon Bon to spend her company, but Derpy, Sparkler, Chirpy and Crackle Pop headed further into the barn to meet up with the remaining member of their famiy who had arrived earlier.

From a corner of the barn, where she had been standing with Liza and Berry Pinch, Dinky came rushing towards them. Eagerly, the little unicorn threw herself at Derpy, which resulted in cozy snuggles between the mare and her daughter. A second later, Sparkler joined in and Chirpy and Crackle Pop followed swiftly.

“Finally!” Dinky shouted with glee. “I started to miss you already!”

Sparkler frowned a little as they retreated. “We missed you, too, Dinks. Mom and I wanted to see how you add your item into the time capsule, but Twilight had to ruin that with her weird planning.” Sparkler's head shot up and she gave the princess a glare.

“Sparkler, you know it wasn't just because of that. We also had to pick up Chirpy and Crackle Pop when their train from Rainbow Falls arrived,” Derpy reminded her.

“I know, mom.” Sparkler huffed. “But I still don't like her, even though she gave me back my job as Ponyville's organizer. New princess, same monarchy.”

Dinky gave her big sister another hug, an extra tight one. “Maybe, but we aren't here because of Princess Twilight, Sparks. Please try not being so peeved about her.”

“That's true, Dinks.” Sparkler's expression softened and she put a hoof on Dinky's back, squeezing her in return. “Come, let's do this together.”

Near the time capsule they trotted past Twilight, who was still mingling with Lyra, while Bon Bon observed the two of them from jealous eyes. Neither of them talked to Twilight, while Sparkler demonstratively ignored the princess. Only Chirpy split off of their little group for a moment and approached Twilight. She tugged at Twilight's tail to get her attention. “Twilight? Can we trade some books again later?”

Surprised, Twilight looked behind her. “Who is..... Oh, hey, Chirpy! It's you!” She turned around fully and looked at the little pegasus filly. “Of course we can!” she answered Chirpy's question. “We do this every time you visit your family in Ponyville, we won't miss out on it!”

Chirpy giggled, satisfied, and presented the princess with a joyous smile. “I can't wait, see you later, Twilight!” Chirpy waved at her, then zipped back to her family. Twilight followed her with her eyes, a warm smile on her face.

“What an interesting friendship, princess,” a dry voice coming from Twilight's left commented her interaction with Chirpy.

As she looked for the source of it, Twilight saw Tempest Shadow come towards her. At her side was Glitter Drops. Both of them were clad in warm winter clothes, which they slowly took off now.

“Tempest!” Twilight greeted her. “And one of your old friends. Hi, Glitter Drops!”

“Hi, Princess Twilight!” the green unicorn mare greeted her back.

“How about Spring Rain? Could you find him by now?”

“Not a trace so far, princess,” Glitter Drops answered.

“And I am not sure if it matters,” Tempest added, coldly.

Twilight's ears dropped and her expression changed from joyful to sad.

“This is a friendship event, Tempest, you shouldn't talk like this in front of the Princess of Friendship.” Glitter Drops scolded her. “Maybe Spring Rain hasn't changed, but you need to at least give him a chance to find out once we meet him again.”

“Glitter Drops is right, Tempest. Before you haven't seen him again, you can't know for sure.” Twilight looked at her intently, almost pleading.

The look in Tempest Shadow's face didn't change.

“Let us discuss all of that later,” Twilight suggested. “For now, we have something more important to do. Please, go ahead and add your contributions.” She pointed at the time capsule.

“Very well,” Tempest said, before she and Glitter Drops left Twilight and headed for the time capsule.

“Phew.....” Twilight crumpled down a little. She sat on the ground of Applejack's barn, resting for a moment, when the voice of one of the foals caught her attention.

“And you are really sure?” the high-pitched voice rang out across the barn in a nervous volume.

“Yes, I am! I said it a hundred times now!” an older voice responded.

Twilight rose back onto her legs. She composed herself by breathing in deeply, holding her foreleg at her chest and breathing out again while stretching her foreleg away. “Better,” she said. “Cadance's trick always works.” Feeling renewed energy, she headed to the source of the conversation.

“How can it be that this rumor keeps following me around! It's not true!” the voice rang into her ear again.

Twilight surrounded the time capsule, tracing the voices. “Hey, is there any problem? This is a peaceful event to celebrate friendship, there shouldn't be fights, so if there's anything I can do to help you solve whatever the problem is, then I'll be glad to assist.” As she was at the other side of the capsule, she could see who the two ponies were.

“Really, really sure?” Peach Fuzz asked again, a pleading expression in her face, with eyes that looked like she could break into tears at any moment.

“YES!” A. K. Yearling bellowed back, making Peach Fuzz flinch. “Daring Do is not a villain! She doesn't enjoy kicking puppies! That happened only one time! Accidentally!”

Neither Peach Fuzz nor A. K. Yearling paid attention to Twilight. The princess cleared her throat. “May I help with that? What A. K. Yearling says is true. We both know the real Daring Do and so do my friends Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. How about you go and ask them?” she offered Peach Fuzz. “They can explain and I'm sure they will calm your worries.”

“Do they really know?” Peach Fuzz whimpered, still worried.

“Yes. They've met her in person and got the whole story of how it really was,” Twilight reassured her.

Some confidence returned into Peach Fuzz' face. “Okay, I go and ask them,” the filly agreed and stepped away, leaving A. K. Yearling and Twilight to themselves.

“That was about time. I don't know how long I could have put up with those same questions she kept asking!” The author and adventurer sunk to the floor.

“I'm glad I was here then. Did you add your item to the time capsule yet?” Twilight asked, getting back to the point of the event.

“I did. Now, let me rest, please. My head hurts, this filly has interrogation skills that I didn't see during any of my adventures.”

“Okay, rest up well and get better soon!” Twilight left A. K. Yearling alone, returning back to the front of the time capsule.

Applejack was waiting there, still surrounded by her family. “Everypony in Equestria, huh?” She looked smugly at her.

“Yes,” Twilight responded a little wearily. “There is a potential for conflict if so many ponies and creatures come together, but we're still doing okay. Every friendship problem can be solved with care and a bit of talking.”

“Unless the villain screams into your face and shuts you up.” In a few meters distance, Starlight stood and made the same smug face as Applejack.

“Starlight! I thought you left early. Where have you been?” Twilight's face became happier again and her exhaustion seemed to be blown away.

“Oh, I was just going to the castle and waking a certain, sleepy dragon..... You should hear him any–”

“OUT OF MY WAAAAAAAAAAY!” Spike screamed as he sprinted to the barn. None of them knew who he was telling to get out of the way, as all ponies and creatures were still gathered inside the barn with them, but Spike didn't seem to care. He reached them after a few seconds and stopped, panting and wheezing, claws propped up on his knees. He looked to the ground.

“Twilight..... I'm..... sorry..... I-I overslept..... I'm not too late, is it?! Is everything over?!”

“Don't worry, Spike, you still came in time. Most attendees haven't even added their items yet. We are filling up quickly.”

“Oh, good.....” He removed his claws from his knees and looked up. “Wow, everypony is here!”

“And everycreature. Speaking of creatures, Starlight, where are the rest of the friendship students? They should already be here by now.” Twilight looked around to check if she had missed any of them, but there were still only Silverstream and her friends, Hyper Sonic and Gooseberry.

“Oh, I told them to stay at the school and to finish their remaining lessons with their teachers first. I figured learning is better for them than going on a field trip to Sweet Apple Acres.” The usual sass was ringing in her voice.

“Really? But this is a friendship event, Starlight. Telling the ponies and creatures of the future about their friendships, maybe even bonding and making new friends with ponies and creatures from every corner of Equestria is the best friendship lesson they could have!” Bewilderment dominated Twilight's behavior now.

“Well, I'm the new headmare now, so it's my decision. But, you're right. I'll remember it for the next field trip!” Starlight wasn't half as concerned about her decision as Twilight was. “Anyway, they should be here any moment now!”

The sentence had barely left her lips, as the students of the friendship school suddenly came in sight at the gate of Sweet Apple Acres. Some of them looked tired from their school day, but they all had motivation and enthusiasm in their faces.

“They look happy.” Starlight determined with satisfaction. “The other teachers push them really hard, I guess this field trip will bring the right relaxation for them.”

When the friendship school students entered the barn and made their way past them, Twilight's eyes wandered over all of them. “I better check if everypony is here..... Just in case.” In her mind, Twilight went over the friendship students that entered the barn.

“Raspberry Dazzle.”
“Peppermint Goldylinks.”
“Berry Bliss.”
“Citrine Spark.”
“November Rain.”
“Clever Musings.”
“Strawberry Scoop.”
“Auburn Vision.”
“Summer Breeze.”
“Summer Meadow.”
“Water Spout.”
“Sugar Maple.”
“Slate Sentiments.”
“Citrus Bit.”
“Violet Twirl.”
“End Zone.”
“Indigo Daze.”
“Berry Sweet.”
“Fuchsia Frost.”
“Night View.”
“Fire Flicker.”
“Fine Catch.”
“Midnight Snack.”
“Lilac Swoop.”
“Spicy Flavor.”
“Golden Crust.”
“Berry Star.”
“Ocarina Green.”
“Creamy Nougat.”
“Amber Grain.”
“Mystic Moonlight.”
“Goldy Wings.”
“Strawberry Swing.”
“And Shimmy Shake.”

Shimmy Shake having passed by her, Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “All of them are here. Perfect!” She gave Starlight Glimmer a smile of appreciation.

“So, all of Equestria. Right?” Rainbow Dash approached them, accompanied by Scootaloo and Wind Sprint who trotted left and right of her.

“And I would say that worked pretty well! It's getting so full in here!” Pinkie Pie suddenly showed up behind Twilight, biting into cotton candy from unknown origins. “I should really make the barn more comfy, now that so many ponies and creatures are here, bring some music, add some lights, put up tables with tasty food! But even I can't organize a party for so many guests in such a short time.” She bit off a huge chunk off her cotton candy.

“You alone can't. But how about two party ponies?” Twilight pointed with her hoof at the entrance of the barn.

“Huh?” Pinkie Pie followed her outstretched hoof.

Cheese Sandwich trotted into the barn at this moment. At his side was Coco Pommel.”
“Cheese? Wow, that really is perfect timing!” Pinkie Pie expressed her surprise.

“All my planning,” Twilight spoke proudly, holding a hoof at her chest.

“Coco Pommel!” Rarity, who just joined them again, said. “Yes, I have to say your plan is impeccable, Twilight.”

“It really is,” Fluttershy agreed, flying over. “You brought together all of Equestria today.”

Twilight nodded. “All of Equestria and more. We can't forget the friends we've made in other kingdoms.”

Twilight's friends, Scootaloo, Wind Sprint, Cheese Sandwich and Coco Pommel turned their heads at the barn entrance, were a group of different creatures came in this very moment.

“Princess Skystar and Terramar,” Twilight began to introduce the newest guests. “Hurry inside, I know Silverstream is eager to meet the both of you,” she told them.

Princess Skystar, energetic as ever, zipped past them, not needing any prompt for that. Terramar followed her slower, but with an expectant smile on his face.

“And then we have Autumn Blaze and–”

“Gilda!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Hey, Dash.” The pegasus and the griffon grinned and bumped hoof and claw together. “Still nothing but partying in Equestria, eh?”
“You bet!” Rainbow Dash confirmed.

“I won't mind that.” She peered at Pinkie Pie. “Least as long as I can hoofshake ponies without getting electrocuted.”

“Oh, don't worry, we have nothing like that planned! Right, Cheese?”

“Can't say we do! But we gonna need whoopy cushions here!” He pulled one out, blew it up and pressed down on it.

Gilda hadn't come alone. At her side was Gabby, wearing saddlebags with three-colored shield emblems that displayed a trophy in their center. “Where are Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle?!” she shouted, zipping through the air in excitement. “And Spike?!”

“I am right here!” Spike showed up all of a sudden. Behind him stood Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle who had been attracted by the familiar voice.

“There you are!” Gabby shouted even louder than before. She landed, picked the three of them up and squeezed them tightly. “Oh, I'm gonna have to tell you everything about what happened in Griffonstone since we've last seen each other!” Gabby grinned, while her three fellow Crusaders gasped for air.

“Make sure to give them enough air to breathe, Gabby.” Twilight smirked and giggled.

“Just mah luck.....” a deep, depressed voice found its way into their ears. “Ahm arrivin' and the first thing ah see is mah three best friends gettin' choked in front of me.” Trouble Shoes observed the scene with a weary expression.

“Eh, don't worry about it,” Spike waved off his concern. “That's just Gabby's thing, she does that with everypony, with me too! Her hugs look bad, but we always survive them in the end.” And as if he asked for it, Gabby put down the three fillies and gave him the same kind of hug, squealing in delight while squeezing him.

After Gabby put him down again, Spike was hit by the next surprise as he suddenly got tackled by a blue blur that came out of nowhere. “Woah!” he said, startled.

“What's this?! Can't even stand someone bumping into you, dragon?!” a loud voice shouted into his ears.
Spike rubbed his head and looked up. “Ember!”

The female dragonlord stood imposing above him, wielding the bloodstone scepter, and gave him a naughty grin. “I remember better from your performance during the Gauntlet of Fire,” she teased him.

Spike stood up and dusted his scales off. “Yeah, I guess it was long ago,” he admitted. “When's the next one?” he gave her a smirk in return.

“You better start practicing now, I'm not giving up this scepter for at least a thousand years!”

“Challenge accepted!” Spike said. Then he reached out and hugged Ember.

“Also, dragons still don't do hugs. Remember?” Ember looked uncomfortably down at him.

“Like it was yesterday,” he answered. “But pony-dragons do hugs!” He began to laugh while Ember's face turned increasingly red.

The sudden commotion over, Twilight looked at the kirin among the arrivals. “There aren't many trains going to the Peaks of Peril, I was worried you wouldn't make it, so I'm relieved you're here, Autumn Blaze.”

“I wouldn't miss this!” the upbeat kirin mare shouted. She looked around, checking out the attendees and guests. “And I've never seen so many creatures at once. There's gonna be a lot of conversation today, I hope all of them like musical theater!” Autumn Blaze leaped into the air, then ran off without awaiting an answer by the princess and disappeared in the crowd. All that was left for Twilight was to grin.

“Our next guest is a surprise, but you know him well,” Twilight announced. “You just need to look closely.....”

They all did, but it was only Fluttershy who pointed it out. “Seabreeze!” she shouted. “Twilight, how did you do this? The portal to the breezies' homeland doesn't open again for another hundred years!”

“I take credit for this, actually!” Discord popped out of thin air next to them. “I don't need to adhere to any astronomic patterns or dimensional rules. I opened a portal and here he is!” With a flash, Discord disappeared again before Fluttershy could say thank you.

“Wow..... This is amazing!” Fluttershy cheered. “Seabreeze, how are you doing? Gosh, it's been so long.”

“I'm doing fine,” the tiny, squeaky voice of the breezie. “How are you doing?”

“Oh, thank you for asking, I'm doing fine, as well!” She let Seabreeze sit on her hoof. “Oh, there's so much to tell!” The two of them began an excited conversation.

“And then we have some of our friends from Farasi, Caninia, Abyssinia and Ornithia,” Twilight announced, turning back at the others. “Especially one old friend who just recently left Equestria to move back to her home.” The tone of her voice was filled with melancholy at the last sentence. Next to her, Applejack teared up a little.

“Welcome Zecora, Katherina, Jenn, Moon, Indy, Fiona, Amber, Capper and Captain Celaeno. And I see you have brought some of your own friends with you today.”

Pinkie gasped and her eyes filled with sparkles. “Molly!” she shouted. The party mare galloped over, scooped up the tiny, blonde cat that sat next to Capper and gave her a tight hug. “Oh, I missed you so much!” Pinkie squealed.

Between her hooves, Molly struggled for air. “I am happy to see you, too, but you need to squeeze a small cat like me more cautiously than that.” She coughed.

“Oh, right!” Pinkie stopped hugging her and put Molly on her back. “You've never been to a Ponyville party, you'll have so much fun today, Molly!”

“If you say that, I'm sure it's right,” the little cat said. “Especially if I add some of my own tricks to the mix!”

“This cat friend is right up my alley!” Cheese Sandwich shouted gleefully. He exchanged an eager grin with Pinkie and Molly, then the three of them broke out in laughter.

“They're gonna have a great time together,” Twilight said upon watching them. “And I see you brought Chummer with you, Capper. It's good that you met each other again and are still friends.”

“It's a miracle after how much I messed up,” Chummer said, propped up on his cane.

“All long forgiven, old friend.” Capper draped a paw over Chummer's back, earning a smile from him, then they went deeper into the barn together.

Twilight directed her attention to the six diamond dogs who had been standing right behind Capper, Chummer and Molly. “I heard everything about you and your sisters, Katherina. Six element bearers who are also sisters, you are a one of a kind group of element bearers. I'm sure your bond is extra strong because of it.”

“Thank you, princess,” Katherina spoke and bowed down to her. “And in the future, you may call me Kat, if you wish.”

Moon grinned at her side and the others gave their big sister smiles. “Finally she eases up about that, too!” Jenn said with relief.

“It will be a pleasure of mine to do so, Kat.” Twilight also bowed at her, then the sisters mixed with the other guests.

“It is a pleasure of mine to be here today, to aid the future with our stay.” Zecora took a look at the time capsule and smiled.

“And it's my pleasure that you've joined us.” She looked at Zecora's company. “And this is Crystal, right? I have never seen a kelpie before. Is it true that you can control water and turn into ice and vapor?”

“I can!” Crystal confirmed. “You and your friends are also element bearers? Equestria's local goody two-shoes?”

“Well, not like how I would put it, but yes! We are the bearers of the Elements of Friendship. I hope after you and Zecora added your items, we can talk and discuss everything about the differences between our elements and the Elements of History from Farasi!”

“Maybe,” Crystal said. “But I'll probaby raid the buffet first, that is probably the most interesting thing here.”

“Well, there is no buffet yet, but I'm sure Pinkie and Cheese will take care of this in no time. Enjoy your stay. Oh and make sure to look for Tempest. You two just became friends, I'm sure you'll have plenty to talk.”

“Tempest Shadow is here?” Crystal's mood visibly increased. “I guess I was wrong about the food being the most interesting thing here. Thanks, I'll hang with her the entire day, I like the energy of this mare!” With that, Zecora and Crystal left the group and joined the other creatures in the back.

“Captain Celaeno and Ocypete.” Twilight turned at the last of the arrivals. The two parrot hens stood close to each other, Ocypete leaning against Celaeno's shoulder.

“Thanks for inviting us!” Celaeno voiced her gratitude. “We both weren't sure about coming together because this is a friendship event.”

“You've still come to the right place,” Twilight assured them. “The bond with a fiancé is pretty close to the bond with a friend, so Ocypete is more than welcome to join us. And I'm happy for you two that, after all the obstacles that got thrown in your way, you still managed to find each other and to ascend above the bond of friendship.”

The two lovers smiled at Twilight, then looked at each other and brought their beaks together. Engaged in passionate kissing, they followed the other creatures who had come before them.

“Almost everypony and everycreature I've invited is here. And since the bond with friends that are family is the strongest, I have saved the best ones for last,” Twilight announced.

At her cue, with the same precise arrival as the other groups before, the parents of Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity, Pinkie Pie's family and Fluttershy's parents together with her brother Zephyr Breeze arrived.

“Maud!” Pinkie shouted in joy.

“Hey, Pinkie,” Maud greeted her younger sister. “I missed you. Boulder did, too.” The two sisters exchanged a hug, with Boulder sandwiched between them.

Marble retreated a little as she saw the many guests.

“Oh, Marble!” Pinkie approached her younger sister after peeling herself away from Maud and Boulder. “I know it looks a little overwhelming, you just had your first party a couple days ago, and there weren't as many guests as here, but just let Pinkie handle it! You'll be familiar with all of them in no time! Also, Cheese, Molly and I have an amazing party to plan.” Pinkie Pie took Marble's hoof and pulled her along with her and Cheese before the shy mare could voice any protest.

“Rainbow Dash's parents are here!” Scootaloo left Rainbow Dash's side and ran up to them. Forgetting everything and everypony around her, she began a conversation with them.

Rainbow Dash watched how her little sister was gushing on about her and began to make her way towards them, as a voice stopped her dead in her tracks.

“And I am here, too, Rainbows!” The sultry tone in the voice caused Rainbow Dash to shudder.

“Zephyr Breeze,” she said as she saw the stallion coming for her. “Of course you had to be here. Stay off my coat, Zephyr!”

“Of course, indeed!” Zephyr shouted, creeping closer. “And I have a better idea than that!” He came closer and held his mouth at Rainbow Dash's ear. “How about you send that other filly away and we climb up the hayloft together where nopony can see us?”

“Ugh.....” Rainbow Dash flinched back and gagged. “Come on, Hyper Sonic,” she turned at her little companion. “Let's go and help Pinkie and Cheese with the preparations for the party.”

“Oh, Rainbow Dash, always doing your best to impress me, just like I remember!” Zephyr Breeze shouted.

“Only in your dreams!” it came back from Rainbow Dash.

“There's plenty of you in my dreams, Rainbows,” The sultry tone in Zephyr's voice became more intense. “And I'm sure we'll make them real together one day.” He left his spot and followed Rainbow Dash.

As the last new guests, after their parents got settled in, Shining Armor and Cadance joined the event, Flurry Heart giggling and bubbling in Cadance's hooves.

“Shining Armor! Cadance! Flurry Heart! I couldn't await your arrival the entire morning!” Twilight cheered as they came into the barn.

“Hey, Twily.” Shining Armor pulled this little sister closer. “It's amazing to be here.”

“It really is. It's been difficult in the Crystal Empire lately, we've been so busy calming the crystal ponies and assuring them that Sombra has not become evil again and that he won't try to conquer us. And Flurry Heart is in the middle of getting her first teeth. She's doing good right now, but she kept me and Shining awake the last couple nights.”

“Oh, wow, really?! You have to tell me everything about it!” Excitedly, Twilight wrapped them into her magic and pulled the three along.

Three hours and many more arriving guests later, each pony and each creature had added their contributions to Twilight's time capsule. Now, after countless conversations, new friendships that got forged and games the foals and the rest of the attendees had played, Twilight called all of them to gather before the time capsule one more time. She stepped in front of them, ready to make a few important announcements.

“First, I want to thank all of you for your contributions today. No matter if what you added was big or small, the messages you send and the stories you tell in them will help Equestria in the future. Before I now add my own letter, we have two more contributions to make by one of Equestria's former rulers.” Twilight waved a hoof behind her. “For this, I now hoof over to Princess Celestia.” Twilight stepped back and let her mentor take her place.

“Thank you, Twilight. And from myself as well, thank you to all of you for attending this special occasion today. As one of Equestria's former princesses, there is one last, important thing for me to do before the time capsule gets closed.”

The crowd became silent as Celestia took flight and positioned herself up in the air in front of the opening of the time capsule. Two items levitated in front of her, held up by her yellow magic aura, a bow with an arrow and a silver flute.

In the front row, Night Shade sobbed as her eyes fell onto the bow and the arrow. Noteworthy, who stood next to her, draped a hoof over his mom. At their side, Noi watched the two with sadness in her own eyes, out of words and unable to say anything. A big lump was in her throat.

“Many important contributions have been made today, from ponies and creatures that came from every corner of our realm,” Celestia continued to speak in a solemn voice, with a trace of soft sadness vibrating in it. “But those we should never forget are the ponies who have gone missing.” She levitated the bow and the flute above the opening of the time capsule. “Archer Bodkin and Monochrome Sunset, these items are for you, in the hopes that you will one day join our midst again and return to your friends and your families.” Celestia's words lingered in the room, sending cold shudders down the spines of all ponies who now watched in sadness as their former princess lowered the two items into the time capsule.

Night Shade sobbed again, then broke out in tears. Crying heavily, she leaned herself against her remaining child and let the tears flow into his coat. Noi switched position and joined Night Shade's side, where she placed a hoof on her back. She began stroking over the mare's back gently, still unable to find words and crying herself now. The two earth ponies and the unicorn huddled together, sharing in their sadness and grief.

Celestia remained at the time capsule for one minute, with closed eyes and in silence, before she left it and flew down onto the ground again.

Twilight had watched, as well, in the same way as the others. Standing in the shadow of the time capsule, she wiped tears from her eyes. The hardest part still lay before her. She stepped back in front of the crowd.

“Thank you, Celestia. Now, the time has come to close the time capsule. But there are two last things I have to add myself.” She did a short glance to the group of her gathered friendship school students before she continued. “The students of friendship have made their contributions to a very important cause. Unfortunately, there is one of them who can't join us today.”

As the words had their effect on them, the face of each friendship student showed that all of them knew who the former headmare of their school was talking about.

Twilight lifted her hoof, to show the gathered ponies and creatures the last item she was going to add. In her hoof was a rook, painted with a red color.

“I am still not sure if I can release Cozy Glow from her stone prison. I still have to find a way to free her without endangering Equestria in the process. So, Cozy Glow can't be here today, but in her honor and in the belief that there is something good even in her, I will add this rook.” Twilight flapped her wings and flew up to the opening of the time capsule, like Celestia had done before.

“Cozy Glow, you are not here today and I hope you can be with us again soon. But, just in case that you have to remain in stone for the safety of Equestria or that all attempts to turn you from an enemy into a friend fail, I will add this rook where you can't. Maybe one day, you will find yourself among completely new ponies who you don't know, but I promise they will take good care of you. Goodbye and see you later, Cozy.”

With these final words, Twilight turned her hoof around and let the rook fall into the time capsule, where it landed on top of the large pile of items that was now in it. She added her letter and covered the rook with it. Then, using her magic now, she closed the lid of the time capsule and pressed the button at the top. The capsule began to hiss and it emitted a cold, white mist. It vibrated slightly, then stopped and became silent. Only the cold, white mist remained, as it slowly wavered outside through the open barn door.

“This is it. The next time the time capsule is being opened, it will be in a distant future when new lives in Equestria have taken over for us all.”

Twilight and the crowd of ponies and creatures below her stared at the now sealed time capsule in silence, each of them in deep thoughts about what the future might hold for Equestria.....

~ * ~

3,000 Years Later

Somewhere in the center of the continent, between the borders of the earth pony kingdom, the pegasus kingdom and the unicorn kingdom, in what ponies only knew as the “Forbidden Land”, the rotten and moldy remains of a barn door opened and a pink pegasus mare with white wings, a violet mane and a golden tiara on her head stepped through it.

“Did you find anything yet?” she asked into the wide, empty space in front of her. It was surrounded by wooden walls, that were just as moldy as the door and could barely uphold themselves against gravity and the breeze that occasionally pulled at them.

In the middle of the ancient, dilapidated building was a deep hole. A purple unicorn mare with a long, flowy mane of a blue color was lying flat on her stomach at the edge of the hole and stared with a bored expression into it. Sounds of a shovel could be heard from within the hole.

“Not yet!” somepony responded.

The pegasus mare rolled her eyes and came closer. She peered down the hole, as well. A ladder stood at its side and not far from it, an orange earth pony mare with a purple, braided mane repeatedly dug with a shovel into the ground and threw the dirt she removed onto a pile next to the hole. She was sweating, but kept going, seemingly effortlessly. Having been born as an earth pony was on her side.

Will you find anything?” the pegasus mare asked, now more impatient.

The earth pony mare sighed, stopped and looked up. “This takes time, Pipp! Archeology doesn't deliver fast results. We need to be patient if we want to find something that will help us to unite our tribes again!”

“I think you said this about three hundred times now. We already searched this entire, abandoned town. You even dug up the ground under what's left of that treehouse in the grove we came through on the way here and there was nothing. What do you even expect to find at this point, Sunny?” Pipp asked.

“I don't know,” Sunny answered, digging again. “But this is the last building that's left. It's our last chance.

“And how long do you still want to dig here? I have agreed to finance this expedition because you promised it would deliver results. But there is nothing. All just dirt, rotten wood and the occasional skeleton of an animal I've never heard of before. Unless you want to turn this into a paleontological expedition, it's a bust.” Pipp sipped from a cup with a cold drink she was holding.

The unicorn mare turned her head at her. “Don't be like this, Pipp.” There was usually an extraordinary amount of cheer in the voice of this mare, but right now, she only sounded weak and hopeless. The tone of her voice betrayed what she tried to say. “You have to give her more time, I'm sure we'll find something eventually.”

“Wasting time.” The pegasus mare scoffed. “She is wasting time and money, Izzy. My money. The money of the pegasus kingdom. And my kingdom needs this money more.”

“Just a little longer.....” Sunny said, gritting her teeth.

Pipp ignored her desperate plea. “I'm going to pack up and return to my home. If you two want to stay here and chase pipe dreams of a long lost civilization, then you are alone from now on, don't expect me to–”

A sharp, metallic sound interrupted her stream of words. Sunny's shovel had been hitting against something hard. “There!” she shouted. “I found something! I knew something would be here!”

Pipp was not as optimistic. “First I want to see if that is not just another useless piece of metal scrap. That's truly your last chance now.”

It wasn't a useless piece of metal scrap. What Sunny had unearthed turned out as a solid metal container, after she had been digging a little deeper. To the surprise of all three of them, they were able to open it with a rusty, but still functional lever at the top. Now all three of them stared into it, the insides of the container lit up by Sunny who was holding a flashlight.

“Did somepony bury all of their junk here?” Izzy asked.

“I don't think so.” Sunny narrowed her eyes. “There's a letter at the top. I think somepony wanted this container to be found.”

“This would surprise me. Why would anypony want that? And do you have an idea for how long no pony set hoof into this place anymore?” Pipp looked down at the container with scepticism in her eyes.

“I don't know why, but this letter will probably tell us more,” Sunny answered, ignoring the second question. She reached inside the container and pulled the letter out. When her hooves touched it, she immediately felt that something was off. “That's parchment,” Sunny determined. “Ponies haven't written on this for at least a thousand years now.”

“Then go and read it. But if this letter doesn't reveal anything that will help us, I am out of this and my money will be, too.”

“I am sure it will help,” Sunny spoke with all her confidence. She held the letter a little higher and began to read it out loud.

To the Ponies of the Future and Equestria's New Generations

My name is Twilight Sparkle. I am the Princess of Friendship. This title might sound unfamiliar to you, maybe even my name will, depending on what year it is when you read this letter. But don't worry, I will answer all your questions.
I have recently become the new ruler of Equestria, after the two previous rulers Princess Celestia and Princess Luna retired. Here in my era, there are several princesses in Equestria, each of them with a title that reflects their purpose and their destiny.
Princess Celestia is the Princess of the Sun. She raises the sun each morning and lowers it again when night falls.
Princess Luna is the Princess of the Moon. After Princess Celestia lowered the sun, she lets the moon rise into the nightsky and lowers it again on the next morning.
Controlling the moon is Princess Luna's special talent, just like it is Princess Celestia's special talent to control the sun. They have gotten their cutie marks more than a thousand years ago, when both of them were still young fillies. Since then and until recently, they ruled over Equestria and protected it.
Then there is Princess Cadance. She is known as the Princess of Love. Her purpose was a mystery for a long time, until the Crystal Empire returned, an ancient empire that had disappeared for a thousand years because of an evil king's curse. Now Princess Cadance protects the citizens of this empire, the crystal ponies. The crystal ponies are known for having an especially high amount of love in them, which they use to empower an ancient artifact that we call the “Crystal Heart”.
Princess Cadance has a daughter, Flurry Heart. She is the youngest princess of Equestria and, at the time I am writing this, still a baby. Obviously we don't know what her purpose and special talent are, but I'm sure she will grow up to do great things.
And then there's myself. Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.
The five of us are not like other ponies. We are alicorns, ponies that possess the magic, traits and physical abilities of all three pony tribes. I don't know if alicorns still exist in your future or not, but try to imagine a pony with the wings of a pegasus, the horn of a unicorn and the strength of an earth pony. Then you know exactly what alicorns are.
There are only five of us, alicorns are very rare and a pony cannot be born as one. Well, except for Flurry Heart, who is my niece, by the way. We aren't completely sure how this was possible, but we assume it has something to do with it that Flurry Heart's dad, my brother Shining Armor, is a unicorn.
Normally, a pony only transcends into an alicorn after a great, heroic deed that revealed their destiny and purpose to them. It took me a while fo figure out mine, but now I solve friendship problems together with my own friends and spread friendship all across Equestria and to the lands beyond. I've even founded a school to teach friendship to all creatures in Equestria and outside of it.
The town I live in is called Ponyville. It's my home for more than seven years now, ever since I moved here from Canterlot. I met my best friends here: Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Together, we retrieved six magical artifacts, the Elements of Harmony, and became their bearers.
My element is the Element of Magic, Applejack possesses the Element of Honesty, the Element of Kindness is Fluttershy's element, Pinkie Pie's element is Laughter, Generosity is the element of Rarity and Rainbow Dash's element is the Element of Loyalty. The Elements of Harmony chose us because each of us embodies one of these virtues.Thanks to them, we could defeat many enemies of Equestria, like Nightmare Moon, Queen Chrysalis or Lord Tirek.
The Elements were grown by a magical tree that stands inside a cave in the Everfree Forest, known as the Tree of Harmony. It unfortunately got destroyed together with the Elements, but the Tree grew back in the form of a crystal treehouse. You can find it in the old castle ruins that are right above the cave, if they still exist. But the treehouse is hard to miss, so I'm sure you'll find it either way. It might even have grown new elements, so if you are ever in trouble, try to find it and maybe it has what you need to protect Equestria.
Speaking about trouble, there might be a statue in the statue garden of Canterlot Castle that you need to be careful with. I can't say for sure if it will still be there once you read this letter, but in case it is, look out for a statue that shows a centaur, a changeling and, perhaps, a young filly. They are actually living creatures, enemies of ours who we had to encase in stone to protect Equestria. All three of them are very dangerous, so don't use any magic near their statue. And if you have to free them for some reason, make sure to take the necessary precautions so they won't cause any harm.
Oh, and, if the filly is there, please don't be too harsh with her. She seems evil, but I know there is a good core in her. If she is there, it means me and my friends failed to help her. But maybe you can do what we couldn't. The name of the filly is Cozy Glow. If you should decide to free her, be aware that she is very intelligent and skilled at manipulating others to make them do what she wants. If she asks something of you, take your time to think about her request first or else she will use your good will against you. Cozy is also a great strategist, so whatever she does, make sure that you are always two steps ahead of her.
When you read this letter, it means that me and my friends and everypony in Ponyville and all of Equestria are long gone. Your history books might mention some of us, those who shaped Equestria in a big and significant way. Ponyville is full of foals with great potential, like Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Dinky Hooves, Rumble, Tornado Bolt or Cotton Cloudy. I wouldn't be surprised if you recognize some of these names. Maybe some of them will even become new element bearers in the future.
Of course there are many more ponies and creatures with potential than just them and this letter would go on for too long if I talked about them all. But there are many individual messages and letters from all of them inside this time capsule, so you will learn who all of them were.
The barn you found this time capsule under belongs to my friend Applejack, her little sister Apple Bloom, their big brother Big McIntosh (most ponies call him Big Mac, though) and their grandmare Granny Smith and it stands on their apple farm Sweet Apple Acres. The Apple Family is a huge clan that owns apple farms in all corners of Equestria and has founded Ponyville. It used to be an earth pony town, but eventually, many pegasi and unicorns moved here, as well.
There is a small chance that some of the ponies and creatures from my time are still alive when you read this letter. Alicorns like me aren't immortal, but we can live for more than a thousand years. There are also dragons, like my royal advisor Spike or Dragonlord Ember, who is the leader of the dragons in their lands. I don't know when this letter will reach you, so maybe you still met a few of us. Maybe even me. In which case I'll probably order this time capsule to be buried here again.
But if you read this letter later than that, then each pony and creature who left a message in this time capsule, even the oldest of us, will probably be long dead. And in this case, I hope that Equestria is in good hooves with you and that, if any trouble should arise, the messages, items and stories in this time capsule will help you with finding a solution.
You belong to one of Equestria's future generations and what you'll find under this letter is our legacy, the legacy of ponies and creatures from an Equestria that has existed long before you were born.
Your Equestria might be very different than ours, but now that you have opened this time capsule and begin to discover its contents, we are all with you through our memories and experiences. And I know that, in one way or another, many ponies and creatures of your time will find something useful in here that helps them in their own lives.
My Equestria is a wonderful place built on the principles of Harmony, Friendship, Tolerance and Love and I hope that your Equestria still holds these virtues.
In the name of all of us, I wish you only the best in life, that your ambitions will make you fulfill all of your dreams and that each of you will make experiences that are as magical as the experiences of me and my friends.
And whatever happens, never forget the most important thing, that Friendship is Magic.

With the Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic of all our hearts,

The Ponies and Creatures of Equestria

Once Sunny put the letter down again, her mouth was wide open and her eyes were bulging. “Alicorns,” she whispered. “And..... and a town that had earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns live together in harmony and friendship. In peace.....” Her hooves started to shake and she had to grip the letter tighter to prevent it from falling out of them and into the dirt. “Pipp, Izzy..... This..... this is what we need. With all the knowledge in here, we can show them how the past was before they divided. We can show them that it is possible for earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi to live together without fighting each other.”

“Who would have thought?” Pipp said. “You really found something. In the last moment.” Some of her attitude from earlier still vibrated in her sentence, but it changed quickly and a smile appeared on her lips. “Great to know that all of the money I poured into this mission was actually good for something.”

To their left, Izzy reached into the time capsule like a young filly who gets excited for a new toy. She picked up the first item that she found, a red chess piece. “What is this?” she asked with her high-pitched voice that was now once more filled with all the enthusiasm and optimism that Sunny and Pipp knew well.

Sunny looked at it. “It's a rook. They are one of the most powerful pieces in a game of chess and develop their full potential during the endgame.”

“And what does it mean? Why is it in here?” Izzy turned and twisted the rook in her hoof, looking at it from every direction like she was expecting to find a secret message on it.

“I don't know, but a feeling tells me that it's an important hint for something and that we will find out.” She folded the letter and carefully stored it in her saddlebags that rested near the time capsule. “But for now, we need to dig up the time capsule completely and take it with us. We need all of this and we have to bring it to a safe place.”

Sunny took her shovel and began to dig again. This time, Izzy and Pipp joined her.

“With everything in here, we will make a difference and restore the friendship between our three tribes,” Sunny spoke, encouraging them. “We finally have the answers we need. We will bring the spirit of Equestria's friendships back.”

~ * ~

3,000 Years Ago

Under the clear nightsky, after most ponies and creatures had either returned to their homes or went to bed, three ponies who couldn't sleep sat together and watched the stars.

“Ya'll think the constellations will still look the same when somepony opens Twilight's time capsule?” Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked at her. Their faces showed the same amount of contemplation as Apple Bloom's. “I'm not sure,” Scootaloo answered. “Miss Cheerilee said they change, but that they only do it very slow.”

Apple Bloom nodded, remembering that lesson.

“But we don't know how much time it will take for a pony to find the time capsule, so maybe they will look different,” Sweetie Belle added her input on Apple Bloom's question.

Apple Bloom's forehead wrinkled and she narrowed her eyes, still fixated on the stars. “Ya'll think that Twilight will ever free Cozy Glow?”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked away from their friend again and back up at the sky. “If she does, then we can sit here with her and watch the stars together,” Scootaloo mused.

“I would like that,” Sweetie Belle agreed.

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom said. She gulped. “A-And if she doesn't? If Twilight keeps her in there?

Instantly, the ears of all three of them dropped with this question being spoken.

“Maybe she will,” Sweetie Belle tried to lift the mood again. “It's too early to give up hope.”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah. We have to keep hoping.”

“But..... what if she ain't? What if..... what if Twilight never lets Cozy out and centuries or even millennias go by while she's trapped in stone?” Apple Bloom shot her head around and looked at them.

“I guess then..... Cozy Glow will tell them all about us. The ponies of the future.” Sweetie Belle looked at Apple Bloom and forced a smile.

“But will it be good things she tells them about us, Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom questioned.

“Why not?” Sweetie Belle's face turned into surprise.

“Yeah, why, Apple Bloom? We were her friends and we always helped her before she betrayed us.”

“Ya right, but.....” Apple Bloom looked down. “We still judged her, didn't we? Since she went ta Tartarus, we never even asked why she did all that. We were just mad and..... hated her.” Her eyes got filled with sorrow.

“Are you worrying about this? That Cozy Glow could tell the ponies of the future that we were horrible friends when she realizes that we never tried to free her?” Sweetie Belle took a guess.

“I doubt that,” Scootaloo rejected the notion, picking up on the question. “Does she even care enough to do that? Cozy didn't really want to be our friend, she only needed us for her plan.”

“Ah..... ah don't know, but it still wasn't right. After Twilight's speech today, when we talked about Cozy, we all agreed that she ain't evil. That we just didn't see things from her side and never tried ta figure out why she did all that. So, what if she really wanted ta be our friend and there was more behind her plan than we know? If there is, if she really wanted ta be friends, then.....” Apple Bloom gritted her teeth. “Then Cozy will feel just as betrayed by us as we feel betrayed by her. And she ain't tellin' the ponies of the future nice things about us then!”

Now all three fillies lapsed into silence and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked down at the ground like Apple Bloom. The wind picked up and blew a stiffer breeze at them. The leaves on the apple trees rustled. Suddenly, the frown vanished from Sweetie Belle's face, a smile built on it and she looked at her friends in excitement.

“Then we should write Cozy Glow a letter!”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked up at her. “Huh?” Apple Bloom asked her, tilting her head.

“With a time capsule!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. “A time capsule of our own! And we are going to bury it right over there between the trees, where Cozy Glow was sitting when we first met her!” She pointed down and at the spot she meant.

“You mean, we should apologize to her?” Scootaloo asked.

“Um-hm.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “We will apologize to Cozy for judging her and explain that we forgave her everything she did. And also that the only reason why we never begged Twilight to release her from stone was because Twilight already wanted to do that on her own and just looked for a way to do it that keeps Equestria safe. If Cozy reads all that, she'll know that we cared for her.”

“But how would Cozy find our time capsule? How could we let her know about it?” Apple Bloom pointed out the flaw in the plan.

Now a ponderous expression appeared on Sweetie Belle's face and she held a hoof at her chin. “Hmm..... We have to leave her a sign somehow, so that she knows where to look. Eventually, she is bound to come back here to the clubhouse when she thinks about us.....” Sweetie Belle looked around and over the trees, as the solution hit her like a splash of cold water.

“Trees!” she shouted and jumped. “Of course! Trees live for a very long time. We just need to edge her cutie mark into the bark of the tree under which we'll bury the time capsule and then she'll find it!” Sweetie Belle looked at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, proud of her plan.

“That..... could work.” A smile appeared on Apple Bloom's face.

Scootaloo started smiling, as well. “Then let's get to it! Let's go inside and light candles.”

“Uh-huh.” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded together.

The clubhouse was lit up in a second and almost as fast, the three Crusaders had placed paper, a quill and an ink bottle on the floor, in front of which they were lying now, ready to start. They looked at each other with optimism in their faces.

“So, how do we write it exactly?” Scootaloo asked. “It needs to sound good.”

“And emotional!” Apple Bloom added.

“We'll figure it out,” Sweetie Belle assured them. “We have a lot of time to write this letter. And the beginning is easy.” She dipped the quill into the ink and brought it down on the paper.

Dear Cozy Glow,

these are Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle from the past...

Author's Note:

It was cathartic to write this story. It's now 5 days ago that Generation 5 started and I still haven't watched the Movie. This story needed to get written and released first, before I could dive into the Generation 5 Movie myself and begin this new adventure in Equestria's distant future.

This story is a love letter to Equestria and all the ponies and creatures who live there, but also to those who live outside of Equestria, and who we met and befriended throughout Generation 4. And, technically, also my first Generation 5 story. But not my last Generation 4 story. As much as I love Sunny Starscout, the ponies of Generation 4 will always mean the most to me and I don't intend to ever stop writing stories for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

The inspiration for the silver flute that Celestia gives into the time capsule for Monochrome Sunset comes from this picture by IslaMilenaria.
The inspiration for Archer Bodkin and the bow and arrow that Celestia is adding for her, well..... let's just say I am very familiar with Archer. I wrote a blog entry for her at the beginning of this year, you can read it if you want to learn who Archer Bodkin is and what is so tragic about her.

Soon after this story has been published, I will go and watch the Generation 5 Movie for the first time. Now that I have written this story and released it, I can do that in peace.

Comments ( 17 )

Twilight closed her eyes and sighed, then opened them again. “I'm okay. Everything is fine. But.....” She looked up, at the time capsule, and placed a hoof on it. “When the Knights of Harmony attacked us..... They were the most dangerous enemies Equestria had ever seen..... It made me realize that..... one day, all of us will be gone.”

Oh yeah those crazy creatures thinking that getting rid of the other harmonies is a good idea but the thing is the final comic is not out yet I wonder how that would end

“Ah think ah understand now what your plan is, Twilight. So what you're sayin' is..... everypony is important?”

“Yes. Everypony, here in Ponyville and all over Equestria, even the creatures who live outside of Equestria, are who make our world a wonderful place to live in. All of them work hard to keep the world and life going.”

Oh we're going to do a Super Smash Brothers ultimate thing everybody is here

I love that idea

Ok this was a pretty nice story and nice to see main six including Starlight spike cmc the pillars and young six and so many background characters Side characters and even the characters from the comics awesome to see them although there was a couple of ponies and creatures missing and I'm not including the antagonist characters like lightning dust or flim and flam but but the ones who are missing from the ones I actually kind of remember is pharynx prince Rutherford queen nova the characters from Rainbow Roadtrip feather bang even the three ponies From Starlights Old Village and the buffalos like little Strongheart and Sunburst and sunset Shimmer and even the characters from Generation 5 I did not see Zipp and hitch they are the part of the main five but this was a pretty good story and it brings back so many memories of the show keep up the good work

And I do not see garble and sandbar family fancy pants fler le de donut Joe stygian grubber Chancellor neighsay photo finish rara aka coloratura and songbird sernade nurse redheart mayor mare the spa ponys silver shell flash sentry ma hooffeild and daddy mcolt saffron masala coriander cumin Scootaloo parents and her aunts cranky and Matilda and Steven magnet

10996422 10996453

You are right, both of you. There is not literally every single pony and creature mentioned in the story. The reason for that is, it turned out that writing a one-shot that not only has so many characters, but also has all of them contribute to the story in a meaningful way, is extremely difficult. And this is the first time I wrote a one-shot with so many characters in it. Eventually, I reached a point where I realized that I have to put a cap on the story if I want to keep it in dimensions that are acceptable for a one-shot and with a wordcount that people are willing to read in one go.
My original intent was that literally everypony and everycreature, those you mentioned and many, many more, including all background ponies, has their own scene at the top of the time capsule and says or does something meaningful when adding their item to it. But I soon learned that this just isn't feasible, not only would it have made the story repetitive with that simple pattern, it also would have meant that I never could have released this story as a one-shot. If I had done that, this story would have to be a multi-chapter story, but a story in that format wouldn't have been fitting for the experience and atmosphere I was going for here.
So I had to change that and focus on a few ponies at the time capsule to serve as symbols for the others and I had to write more diverse and unique scenes for the ponies and creatures that have an actual role in the story. And even that was very difficult to balance, hence why a lot of ponies and creatures are merely mentioned by name or only speak a sentence or two before they leave the scene again.
Writing the story like I originally envisioned it would have resulted in 50,000 or maybe even 100,000 words at the end, with literally everypony and everycreature getting their own scene. And no one reads a one-shot with that wordcount.
The result here in regards to representation of the individual ponies and creatures is not perfect, but I tried my hardest to have as many as possible of them in the story. And on the technical side of things, they are all there, that's why I mentioned that many more guests have arrived in the last three hours before the final contributions:

Three hours and many more arriving guests later, each pony and each creature had added their contributions to Twilight's time capsule.

I included this line after realizing that I simply can't have literally everypony and everycreature be in the story without hurting the reading quality, to at least imply that all of them (minus most of the Wonderbolts who are mentioned to be busy with stunt shows that day) are there and have added something to the time capsule.
I have something more planned with this story, however. The story itself is technically over, so it will remain tagged as "Complete", but I have thought of something special to add to it that will give the ponies and creatures who weren't directly mentioned in the story or who didn't have their own scene still their time to shine.
I am going to make an announcement about that in a story-tagged blog entry once I have figured out the details. The trip down memory lane here is not over yet.
Thank you for reading! Both of you contributed to the tremendous success this story has in the Popular Stories section and you have all of my gratitude for this. :heart:

Archer Bodkin and Monochrome Sunset

Damn. I didn't think I would ever get feels from reading up what happened to them. Archer got erased because she is likely an animation mistake of Scootaloo and the classroom is already full while Monochrome got erased because of Hasbro thinking that she was too "scary" due to sticking out in a brightly colored crowd.

Are there any full stories on these characters online?


Thank you for comment. :heart: This is the best reaction I've got to this story. This story is a story of memories and of showing that everypony is important. And you talked about the two ponies in it who are barely known in the fandom and who are overlooked by nearly everyone. You got interested in them by my story here and that means I managed to make you aware of them and that I made you think about them.
This is the best thing I could've hoped for to achieve with this story, that people become interested in Archer Bodkin and Monochrome Sunset. You won the prize for best comment and best reaction to this story. :heart:

Are there any full stories on these characters online?

I haven't heard of any stories about Monochrome Sunset. There are only the pictures that IslaMilenaria drew of her, the one I've linked in the Author's Notes and this one:


And for Archer Bodkin, there are luckily a few stories of her. Two of them are here on FIMFiction.net:



Another one has been deleted from here, but can be found on FIMFetch:


These are the only three stories for Archer Bodkin in the entire fandom. They are a rare find, make sure to save them and backup them in case they are ever gone.

I have plans to write about Archer Bodkin and Monochrome Sunset myself, and I have already done so for Archer in one chapter of my story "Dreamwalker Dash" this year, but if you want to get a story written for either of them, approach me about it and I'll write it. I currently have a reward on my Patreon account that gets supporters a monthly story about anypony or creature from me, but for Archer Bodkin and Monochrome Sunset, I am also willing to take requests, because they deserve more attention in the fandom.
So if you want to see a story for them, be it any idea, send me a message and I'll write it for you.

Oops, when I meant "full story", I meant what exactly happened to the characters themselves meta-wise, not more fanfics featuring them. But that's nice too.


What do you mean with "meta-wise"? Are you asking from the standpoint of why they were removed from the show? Or are you wondering what happened to them in their universe that they went missing and were never seen again?


In the fandom, it is said they were removed from the show for the reasons you named in your initial comment. I don't know if any of this was officially confirmed, though. Archer Bodkin, however, was seen one more time in Season 2 while Sweetie Belle was singing "The Perfect Stallion", playing an arcade videogame:


What I think happened to them is that they went missing for some reason. Equestria is a dangerous place. Monsters and demons roam the land, magic can get out of control, magical artifacts get abused by villains, there are villains who have strong, magical abilities themselves, Equestria even has some connections to other worlds. There are many things that could have happened to them.

Which one of your stories are the Knights of Harmony from?


They aren't from any stories of mine. They appear in the Season 10 comics, together with the creatures towards the end of the story whose names you probably didn't recognize, like Katherina, Molly or Crystal. You should read them, they add a huge amount of unexpected and incredible, epic worldbuilding to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic right before Generation 4 ends. There is one more issue coming out this month, Issue #102.

That was a really good story.

When the schoolponies showed up, I began to cry. And the speech for Cozy I sobbed.

My only wish was that Discord did in fact appear to meet with the Mane 5 when they found the capsule.


Thank you! It's a story from deep within my heart. :heart:


I was shedding quite a few tears while writing this story. Generation 4's Equestria and the ponies and creatures who lived in it must always be remembered by us.

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