• Published 30th Sep 2021
  • 242 Views, 5 Comments

Rollercoaster - GabiShy

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Chapter 1

Our Story begins with a pale pegasus pony with Glasses named Gabi. A teenage pony who wasn’t always a mare but originally born a Stallion. Growing up her family was extremely abusive and she found herself being bullied at school for her interests to the point where the young pegasus was bullied out of liking one of those franchises that helped her not only get through those tough times but helped her find out her true gender. She immediately started doing research on being transgender and discovered that it was possible to go from Stallion to Mare except it was something only high class unicorns or someone like the Princesses of Equestria could do so Gabi stayed in the same body for years to come until she met her best friend Little Spell. She decided to try and get out of the house and why not travel to ponyville she thought since Gabi had only been there a few times as a young phillie but that was years ago, plus it was mostly done to help with her depression which she was diagnosed with at the age of 12 due to the abuse.

The Pegasus didn’t know much about Ponyville or have anyone familiar with her except not for long as Gabi would soon find herself in the market at Spell’s little (hehe pun intended) shop “Little Spells and Potions” He’d called. Funny enough she wasn’t really that interested in magic but something about it just drawed her in. Thought she’d then realised he might have some gender poison! Though unfortunately the Yellow Unicorn mentioned how it was near impossible to get your hands on without consent from Celestia.

“I like your bag,” said Little Spell. The pale pegasus blushed “hehe Thank You, I see you know what Daring Doo is” Spell also noticed something else on the bag “Say I also notice you have a certain pin. I kinda guessed given the vibe the vibe”, Gabi blushed and replied with a nood. After that moment the 2 became close friends with Gabs traveling to see him every weekend.

He taught her a lot about magic and potions along with some darker magic that most ponies don’t go near and that any pony can do called Witchcraft. Still though even with the joy of a new friend she still struggled deeply with depression and dysphoria from not being a mare however… One day would change everything when Little Spell told her that he might know some customer that does high level magic that could maybe transform her into the gender she dreamed. Within days he was able to contact the highly trained pony that could change her and schedule a day to perform the transition.

When the day finally came she met with the pony in a dark alleyway with a cloak. Unfortunately, Little Spell couldn’t make it due to him still running the shop and meeting up with her at the end of the day. After a bit of chit chat he started to set up and perform the spell. “O Celsita, I call on you.
I humbly ask for your assistance.
Hear my request, a simple change
Create this Stallion to Mare!”

The Unicorns horn glowed brightly and a large beam grabbed on to the soon to be mare. She slowly assented into the air as her body slowly started reforming into the body of her dreams. “Yes this is it. I’ll finally be in the body I’ve dreamed of since I was a child-” Before thinking of anything else the transformation completed and she passed out as her body flopped on the ground.

“Gabs… Gabs… Gabs you alright” echoed nuisance vision.

She stumbled to get up before asking what happened to only then realise that her voice was drastically different. She looked around her body in confusion before concluding that the spell worked.

She jumped for joy and shouted “IT WORKED IT WORKED IT WORKED!!!”

But a large feeling of fear washed over the pony after realising that she’ll need to go back home to get her stuff with Little Spell in case anything went wrong. On the train ride thoughts were spiraling out of control with constant worry about where she put the emergency bag was or maybe her mom was waiting in her room but Little Spell reassured her that he’ll be there in case anything bad happened, which it did. She flew up to her room and entire her window only to find her mother in the room pulling the pony in and beating the buck out of her while shaming her. Little tried to help but his magic couldn’t reach the room. Finally she was able to buck her mom away and grabbed the bag and attempted to fly out of the window before her mom grabbed her leg “now where do you think you're going?” She let out a loud scream and tried to free herself but couldn’t. Thankfully Little Spell freed her with some magic as she crashed to the ground.She was bruised badly. The two ponies quickly went to catch the train and brought the pale pegasus to the hospital to check for any broken bones which thankfully none.

She knew her family would be upset with her but not to that extent of feeling like nobody loved or cared about her. After that whole mess of emotions she moved in with Little Spell like was planned since he was very fortunate enough to have a spare bedroom in the house with only a futon in it. The next week Gabs stayed in her room for several days with curtains and lights off and only leaving her room for food and hygiene with most of the time being spent listening to stories about fictional story of pony depression and suicide along with grimdark’s as the mind has a tendency to want to consome dark media due to the current state.

The time not listening to that was spent reflecting on life after transforming into her true self though thinking about her childhood made her think about what life would’ve been like if she was born as a cis mare instead of a stalion which only made the weight on her heavier.

“Feels like someone threw a heady weighted blanket on me without being strong enough to lift me up. Just trapped in a pitch-black tunnel with no light show at the end and the more and more I think about ending my life it seems to be a relief of closure because what’s the point of fighting if the battle is such a struggle to keep on fighting. I’ll never get to experience my lost childhood as a girl, never get to know what franchise other girls got into, nor experience what other only cis girls got to experience while growing up.” Tears started to flow down her face. “What’s the point of continuing if all I feel is constant pain. None only way out of it would be suicide. If I ended my life then I may have a chance to relive my childhood as the girl I wanted to but if not then… then” She face planted in her pillow and started sobbing uncontrollably along with hyperventilation.

Just then Little Spell walked and cracked the door slightly open to check on his friend before quietly walking up to her. She looked up at him, tears were streaming down her red face for distress and shaking.

“Her lemme take off your glasses since I find it easier to cry” he said.

“T-thank you, c-can I have a hug?”

He opened his arms up with Gabi falling right into his arm before saying.

“I know what it’s like to greif about this sort of thing, heck at least every pony goes through lost childhood at some point including me. What I can say from my own personal experience is that it's easy to think of all the experiences you’ve missed out on which is why you gotta look forward and think about it. If you 're never trans then we would’ve probably never met since you asked me for a gender poison along or Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. You met them all because you are Transgender. Which is why I love you” now hugging his friend slightly tighter.

The two sat there and hugged each other for what felt like hours before Gabi finally let out some words.

“I-I l-love you too Spell. I’m truly grateful to have you in my life after all you’ve done from me. To help me transition, let me live here, and most importantly have someone who loves and cares for me.”

“Anytime girl, now how would you like to maybe go out to Sugarcube counters to get a little treat? I know sweets always cheer me up”

She nodded in return

“Great, let me know when you're ready. I’ll give you some time alone for you to collect your thoughts and feelings.”

She tried to get up but flopped back down onto the futon. It felt like she’d been sucked of her energy though after a couple minutes of pondering she’d finally gained the energy to roll out of bed and go out with Little Spell. Despite her not feeling any mental energy to go to Sugarcube conners she’d only accepted to make her friend happy since due to the thought of it hurting him. The Pegasus laid there before finally having the energy to roll out of bed and head out with Little Spell. This was the first time she’d gone outside since getting to Ponyville and something about it felt surreal. Maybe it was the sun setting or maybe it was the fact that she had very low energy. Little Spell caught wind of this and mentioned how they could go back home if she’d wanted though Gabs chose to push forward anyway despite the Depression feeling like it gulped her whole body so much that it kept the worrisome feeling about other ponies seeing her.

“Anyways we’re here!” He said grinning.

“Oh that was fast”

Ding ding ding went to the door as the pony entered. It was quite as the was around Sunset with Pinkie Pie cleaning the counter before looking over at the entrance to only burst in excitement, except it wasn’t her normal rather it was on a whole new level after gaining eyes on Gabs. The Pale Pegasus didn’t even notice Pinkie was looking in her direction until the Party Pony rushed up and greeted with a warm hug.


She tried to calm herself down as the party pony supired her before Little Spell tapped on her to notify Pinkie. Pinkie Pie put Gabs down and apologised.

“I’m so sorry for scaring you like that I promise I didn’t mean to”

“I-it’s okay, I understand you were excited to s-see me”, Gabs said, slightly shaking.

“Anyways what can I get for you, two mares and stallions?” Pinkie Pie asked with Little Spell responding

“Oh we just came down her to get some evening treats plus this mare could really use one”

Pinkie Pie slimed “Well why didn’t you say so? What would you like? Oh wait I should probably get back to the counter hehe”

The two ponies walked over to the counter to see what was available. Despite it being near closing hours the glass display was packed with Caramel Squares, Cupcakes, Chocolate Danishes, and of course cookies along with other sweets.

“Let’s see I’ll have some Circle City Sweets. What about you Gabs?” asked the Yellow Unicorn.

Gabi wasn’t really paying attention and instead looked down at her hooves shaking about what her mother did. She’d never thought she’d beat up a child let alone your daughter sure she was very abusive but that was only verbal abuse not physical violence. Pinkie Pie standing behind the counter patiently waiting for the pale pegasus’s order all though, she couldn’t help but ponder if everything was all right with her friend?

“Umm Gabi is everything alright?” Pinkie asked

Little Spell called her name again.


“Huh?” she zoned back into the current place.

“You alright?”

“Yeah yeah I-I’m okay. I’ll take a cupcake”

but in actuality, everything wasn’t okay.