• Published 20th Nov 2021
  • 500 Views, 16 Comments

In the fields of Equestria - Eltirions

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In the Timeless Halls sat Eru Ilúvatar, and gathered all around him were the Ainur, many of them, all singing in accordance with the themes He had set.

It had been a time of great upheaval lately, or at least as such things were considered in these Halls. The Valar had laid their guardianship of Arda down and surrendered to Eru’s wisdom, and with what His Children would have called a heavy heart Eru had unmade the Isle of Númenor and its peoples. It pained Him greatly to do so, but unlike His other Children - and indeed, all His creations - Men were free to make their own choices, and they had made them and paid the price.

And Eru had reshaped Arda, more fully than the Valar had ever done in all their wars against Melkor, called Morgoth now. The land the Valar had chosen as their home had been placed beyond the reach of all but the Elves, and the World itself had been rounded, a further step towards the Dominion of Men.

And now, Eru had before Him the Empty Lands, called the Lands of the Sun by those few who had heard of them. They had lain at the eastern end of Arda, but with the rounding of the world there was no eastern end, and so the lands had been removed from the circles of the world like their counterpart in the west.

These lands, however, bore no habitation. No Child of His had ever lived there, and no animal had ever made their home there. The Lands were very much empty, as their name suggested.

Eru, however, did not wish to cast them away. These lands still had a part to play in the Music, even if they were now separated forever from Arda.

Eru rose, and began to orchestrate a new Theme. The Ainur were greatly surprised, but did not question their lord, and they joined Him in music.

The Lands of the Sun were placed in a realm not too dissimilar from Arda; indeed, Eru did not wish to waver overly much from His original design. But changes would be made.

The Lands of the Sun had been much like Aman, shaped like a half-moon, with a dominating mountain range mirroring the Pelóri on the western coast that bent east in the south, cleaving the Lands in two. They were not as big as Aman; still, they were a considerable size.

Eru would reshape these lands, so they fit His plan. And He sang them apart, creating three continents where one had been, and replacing the geography until none could recognize these lands had once been the Lands of the Sun.

So satisfied, He moved to place these lands into their new plane, when a question arose from one of the Ainur, asking what He would place on these lands.

But Eru would not fill these lands. He would wait and see if anything did happen, and He informed the Ainu of as much.

The Ainu agreed with this, but then suggested that a watcher be appointed, so that if life did form they would know of it.

Eru agreed with this too, and then appointed the Ainu who had spoken to be the watcher of these lands. The Ainu was humbled, but agreed readily to the task, and set to it at once.

Eru moved His attention back to the lands, and considered if anything more ought to be done to them, when he heard a call from Ulmo.

‘’What bring you before me, Ulmo?’’ Eru asked perhaps His most determined Vala.

‘’A humble request, Father, for one who has both wronged and done right by me and many others. I speak of Kanafinwë Makalaurë Maglor Quentaro, one of your Children.’’

Eru, perhaps, would have raised one of His eyebrows, if He had them. ‘’What request do you have for him, then, that you and your brethren cannot fulfill yourselves?’’

‘’Maglor will not find peace in Valinor, and he will wither away if he continues to stay in Arda. He needs a place away from his troubles, where he can find healing, and I know not of anywhere he would be able to in Arda or Aman.’’

Eru heard the pleading tone Ulmo tried to keep out of his voice. ‘’Worry not, my child,’’ He said in a reassuring tone. ‘’I will do as you ask of me. There is a place for Maglor beyond Arda where he can heal his wounds in peace. Nothing will pursue him there.’’

‘’Not even the Oath?’’

Eru did not need to think about that for overly long. ‘’Not even the Oath,’’ He confirmed. ‘’I will take him now, unless you deem it to be otherwise.’’

‘’There is nothing more I can do for him,’’ Ulmo replied with regret. ‘’Take him, then.’’

Eru found Maglor without a problem. ‘’A wave, if you please, Ulmo,’’ he requested.

He felt more than heard the amusement of Ulmo as a great wave came and swept away Maglor. If he wanted - and if Eru had allowed him - he could have easily stepped back and fled from it, but instead Maglor watched the oncoming wave with pained eyes, and did not even try to resist as the water swallowed him whole.

So submerged, Eru then took Maglor and moved him from Arda to the new plane he had made. There, he placed Maglor on the western shore, and willed him to sleep, sleep until life had sprung up on those shores.

Now, everything was in readiness. And so satisfied, Eru resumed his seat and waited.

Author's Note:

So, here we go!