• Published 22nd Oct 2021
  • 874 Views, 11 Comments

What makes a villain, a villain. Cozy Glow. Manipulation. - Ryoup

Cozy Glow failed again in taking over Equestria. But this time she decides to share with her wardner the reasons for her anger and desire for power.

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Author's Note:

I don’t like telling you guys what's gonna happen in the chapter ‘cause it feels like a spoiler. Sooo, look at the tags, yes the red ones. Yeah, it’s there for a reason and the reason is this chapter.  (except death)
welp, I warned you.

I’m sitting in the middle of the school, many of my… loyal voters are around me. I grab one grape from the many plates around me and eat it slowly. I don't remember the last time I ate grapes.

I clapped my hooves and another round of plates emerged. This time I didn’t spot anything particularly good. I clapped my hooves again and they left.

"This is bullcrap! She was cutie-less not too long ago!”

“Shut up! You want trouble?!”

“Yes Blue lamp, do you want me to expose your nasty doings? What about the bribery you daddy has been doing for years?”

They both gulped before leaving. This is so easy and they barely resist my threats! I got elected and had access to the school files. Now I rule this class.

I looked around and many of my loyal voters gazed at me with frowns and angry faces. I just needed to raise an eyebrow and they happily started smiling and nodding happily at me.

Then one pony stepped in front of me, I smiled because he is one of the onlys I couldn’t find a flaw to exploit or bribe to become my... friend.

“Mint! My friend! Want some grapes? Or maybe some nuts?” I happily said, but before I clapped my hoofs he said to me stop.

“Cozy, this is wrong! What you’re doing here is wrong!”

“Oh my, but what did I do? Tell me, Blue Lamp, did I force your father to bribe your teacher? Or you Shining Star, did I force your father to embezzle money from lunch?” They both wisely shaked their heads of course.

"See? I’m being a great friend by not telling the authorities! Isn’t it super cool!”

“NO! I mean yes? You know what I meant! You can’t treat them like this! They are ponies too!

“Oh, like me when I arrived here? they-YOU treated me like a piece of crap from the very first step I took inside this school!”

“I already said I’m sorry!”

“BUT THEY DIDN’T!” I shouted hitting the bench. Blue Lamp raised his hoof. “No, you can’t say you’re sorry!” Blue Lamp lowered his hoof.

Mint looked me up and down before sighing and walking away.

“I thought you were better than us all. I was wrong.”

I wanted to yell at him, but I hadn’t the right words. I wanted to be mad at him, but couldn’t for some unknown reason. Then, for some ungodly reason I wanted to cry.

No, I said to myself biting my lower lips and holding in this ungodly feeling. I closed my eyes and started breathing slowly. In and out, in and out.

When I finished I witnessed Mint trotting away, but he stopped and looked back at me. I wanted to raise my hoof and call him, I wanted to tell him some of my problems I vehemently kept to myself, but I just snorted, crossed my hoofs and looked away.

He… he has no use for me...

“-And tell ya one thing princess, your daddy always cried when some bully beat the heck outta him! But me and another pal of us avenged your dad! Ahh, the good ol’ days.”

“No way!” I giggled at the Mister Wheels story. He alway got a new one every day and he keeps calling me princess due to my… weddin. I asked him to stop but after a day or two he seemed to forget or just ignore my request, so I just gave up and rolled with it.

“Yes! Totally! Your daddy probably still a push-over, at leas’ when he is not workin’.” I chuckled with the idea of daddy being a push-over.

Mister Wheels stopped in front of my house and I left his cart. I turned to him to say thanks as I always do but I noticed his fixed gaze at my house. A bit curious I followed his look and what I saw made me do a little jump!

In one of our windows a pegasus flew away desperately and before I could say anything mister Wheels opened his wings and chased him! I blinked a pair of times before processing everything, that’s daddy’s room!

I grabbed my bag and flew in. I almost headbutted the door due to my hurry!

“MOM!” I shouted while throwing my bag on the stairs and flying to her room.

When I opened the door I expected… I don’t know what I expected but it certainly wasn’t mom sitting over her bed with a coup floating magically around her.

"Mom?! What happened?!” She just sighed and put her coup away.

“Shit.” She said dryly. From under her bed she got a fancy bottle filled with something pink. Before I could say anything she opened it and started drinking directly from the bottle!

“Get out!”

“you’re ok-”

“STOP PREDENDING YOU CARE ABOUT ME AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!” She yelled and threw the bottle at me! I shivered and closed my eyes ready for the impact, but using her magic she stopped the bottle and… and started petting it?

Before I could say anything Mister Wheels entered from the window with a k-knive in his hoofs?! When he basically chased in he looked around the room and he threw himself against the door.

“Is the house clear?” His voice, direct and firm, almost didn’t sound like him.

“Yes W, it is.” Mom said, hiding the bottle under the bed and looking at him.

Mister Wheels nodded, keeping his knife in his fedora. He approached mommy and grabbed by her shoulder.

“Did he hurted you? You‘re ‘kay?” Mom just shaked her head and he released her. He put one of his hoofs on his mouth and started looking around before staring at mom again.

“He threatened you? He stole anything?” He said, his voice high and filled with authority, again, almost didn’t sound like him.

Mom shakes her head again, this time Mister Wheels shouted in anger and layed on the window.

“Fuck, I lost him on some alley, shit! Just say a word and I get tha’ fella head for ya Sprint, I marked his face!”

“N-no, he was a… client.”

“A CLIENT? What kind of client leaves a house using a window?!”

“That kind of client.”

“Oh, shit.” Mister Wheels ears folded and he looked away.

“So, is the house clear?” Mom nodded with her half-opened eyes, she seemed almost elsewhere.

“You know, I... I mean, he is my-”

“I understand W, I’m not gonna be mad at you.” Mister Wheels gulped, took off his hat quickly and trotted away.

I turned to mom and her face scrunched up in anger. Now that was my time to gulp and walk away! But when I was about to leave, my mom called me.


“Y-yes?” I said while a bit nervous and understood half the things just happened.

“Put… put some ice in the freeze for me, please.”

I quickly nodded and flew to do it!

It’s the next day and we’re all sitting at our now-mended table and eating a bit of cheese and not-so-old-bread. It’s early, 7 p.m. more exactly. Mom didn’t even touch her food and I already finished mine.

When dad ate the last part of his bread, he cleaned his throat and looked at us.

“No one got nothing to say? Maybe, dunno, confess anything?” He said using that face and staring at mom and then at me. I started looking away, scratching my neck and trying to whistle but failing miserably .

“Well, Wheels told me some wild… thing, happened yesterday, and I should talk with you. I really don’t want to ask directly at him, so, what happened?”

Mom took a deep breath and closed her eyes. After dad decided it was foolish to gaze at someone with closed eyes he looked at me! I gulped immediately.

“Tell me Cozy.” I looked at him a bit nervously.

“Please don’t be mad!” Mom sighed her deep breath out.

“I would never be mad at you darling, now tell me.” Dad said undoing that face and smiling at me.

I was about to look at mom but he softly hitted the table and widened his eyes towards me.

“Somepony was here yesterday. He fled from your window.”

Dad's eyes slowly seemed to process what I said and immediately that face came back. He looked at mom and then he got up. Mom stared at him, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and anger but dad walked by her and punched the floor!

He started punching it in some points until one plank just popped out of place. He then kneeled and put his hoof on that hole and got a jar half-filled with bits. He hugged it in relief.

I looked at mom trying to understand what’s happening and she seems equally confused to.

Dad put that jar on the hole and put the plank in the same place again, sealing that hideout. Then he gazed at mom and get up.

“I don’t care who you sleep with or how you make your bits to spend on cheap booze, but you bringed a stallion to this house while Cozy was here, and this I’ll not tolerate.

“B-but she wa-” Dad slapped her in the face violently! The sound was so loud that I flinched.

Dad turned to me and smiled, g-gently?

“Sweetie, since today is Saturday and you have some hours before you go to ballet, what do you think about going to the park? Mommy and daddy gotta talk for a while.” I looked at mom, she covered her hurted face with her hoof and looked away from me.

“S-she is in trouble?” Dad just smiled in answer and mom got up and walked to her room. Gulping, I got up and trotted towards the door.

“You know the park, right? Where Wheel works, just go talk with him or alike; don’t speak with strangers!” nodding, I left the house. I heard some yells and bad-words. I heard some screams. And then I heard nothing.

“To-today… is a new… a new…”

After dad got to work I walked back home. The table got turned over, mom's food laid on the floor and the table seemed a bit more shanky.

I looked around, everything seems dark, even with holes in the ceiling the sun fails in illuminate the house.

I flew upstairs and I noticed one step of the stairs looked broken like somepony smashed it. I gulped and continued flying up.

Dad's door knob is missing and the door looks a little dented. When I touched it it moved easily. I don’t have to go there, I said to myself when I heard a sobbing coming from there.

Licking my dry lips I slowly started opening it. I gasped with what I witnessed, I immediately flew downstairs, opened the freezer and got as many bags of ice I could carry.

When I got back I felt an urge to puke, but I swallowed that and gazed a-at my mom.

She is laying against the bed. Her pink fur is covered with some bloodstains and a blood pool on her back. But the worst was her face.

Her snout seemed broken, her face swollen with bruises in such a way I can’t see her golden eyes. Blood dropped from her half open mouth and some part of her mane were missing, just to be found in some random part of the room; in her neck I could see some kind of marks like something pressed her there.

I put the bags of ice on the bed and grabbed one. Where should I put it? I questioned myself. Then mom coughed and some blood came out of her mouth. That sound, that was sick, sounded like some part of her just broke from coughing and her own breathing sounded… wrong.

Not knowing where to put the bag, I gently placed it on her head. She instantly reacted, she raised one of her hoofs, which was bent at an unnatural angle, over her head.

“Peasee, stolp peaseee!” She cried in sheer panic and fear. I never heard her voice so broken and fearful. I never heard a voice this broken or fearful actually…

“It’s me, mom.” I said and her movements ceased.

“Gow awey!”

“But you’re hurt! I-"

“GOW AWEYE!” She yelled, spitting blood and curses toward me. I quickly got to my room and hid myself under my blanket. I was shaking all over myself, I peeked my hoof and noticed one thing. I’m covered in blood.

I got home, Mister Wheels is cool and all, but I wasn't in the mood to chit-chat. I looked at dad’s window now covered with planks. It’s hard to believe it happened two months ago.

I flew in and sighed leaning against the door. My loyal voters are plotting something. I can’t tell what, but I smell conspiracies from far away.

I put my backpack over the table and put my homework over it, basic math. Gotta take half a hour an-

“Cozy, get here.” I raised an eyebrow from mom’s call, shrugging. I just flew towards her room.

The door was still a bit dented, but they put in a new knob. I touched it for a few seconds before opening it and going in.

Since the window is barricaded, barely any light filled the room. But I could easily recognize mom sitting on her bed.

“Yes mom?” She instantly, upon hearing my voice, looked away and the door behind me slammed closed.

I looked back and my eyes wided seeing a tall white pony wearing a black suit behind me.

“Indeed, she is gorgeous!” A strange and shrill voice said. His voice sounded unnatural.

“H-hi mister? Y-you’re one of mom’s friends?” I tried to look at his face, but it seemed blurry, I couldn't recognize anything but a monocle.

“And she has good manners? Indeed a rare find.” He said lowering his head to my level. From his blurry face I could recognize a lick of lips.

“M-mom, who is him?”I turned to my mommy, already a bit nervous. She just looked at him, I expected now to the part where this crepiness ends and he introduces himself, not what mom just said.

“Where are the bits?” The stallion chuckled and from his suit he grabbed two little bags and threw them over the bed, the indistinguible sound of bits echoed.

“Direct to busyness ahm? good, here there one thousand bits as we agreed.”

“One thousand! Wowwee! This is going to help us pay the bills!” I chucked cheerful!

Just when I was about to touch the bags, mom quickly grabbed them and put them away from me.


“Ohhhh, her voice! Hmmmm, it's just divine!” I turned to him, even unable to see him, I know he gazed at me like a hawk. I gulped, a bit nervous now.

“Mom, who is he?” I said again walking away from the stallion who approached me every second. But I never got an answer, when I peeked quickly at mom I saw she was looking at the bags of bits.

“Your name is Cozy Glow, little girl?”

“Y-yes mister, and your name?” My voice failed for one second.

From his blurry face I noticed an ear to ear smile and another lick of lips.

“She is perfect!”

Then I felt… something in my special place! Something poked there! And I did a little jump from sheer reflex! My entire body trembled for a second and I started sweating while looking at his now glowing horn.

I tried to say anything but again I felt that pressure on my special place. This time I squeezed and lowered my tail to cover my special place. An indiscredible sensation invaded my body while, for some unknown reason I felt… dirty.

“So beautiful. Worth, every, bit.” He said again. I gazed now almost panicking to mom. She was just counting the bits!

I retread, with every step he does I take two steps back! Until I hit the wall. Then my heart stopped for a second, there was no more space to retreat!

With his magic he started touching my wing, my sides, and then I felt that same pressure in my special place! I wheezed and contracted my body for reflex and only one thing stuck in my mind. This is wrong.

“Shhh now little one, you’re gonna love it.” His horn shined again and he lifted me by my front hooves, my entire body exposed to him. I don’t know why, but this felt so wrong, I felt so dirty and tears already formed in my eyes even though I can’t tell why.

“Wait, you’re going to do it here?” Mom said, don’t know, my mind is so confused I can barely think.

“You can go now dear, go have the life you wanted!”

“B-but you’re going to do it here? Now?”

“We will have plenty of time to play in my house, but I want to unseal this pretty now! But if you want to join. I'm going to tell you that it is pretty sick even for my standards. But I’ll allow, I even gave you some bit’s for the inconvenience!”


“So my dear, the door is right here!” I gulped, then I shivered when I felt his tongue on my belly! I felt sick, my stomach twisted in disgust and I felt like I was about to puke!

Slowly his tongue got higher and higher. I felt that pressure again and I squeezed my back hooves together the best I could. It's insane how I can’t describe what I’m feeling without using strange or dirty as adjectives.

When he finished licking me he grabbed my face and forced eye contact.

“You’re going to love it dear.” Then the pressure came thousands of times stronger and! And something happened! My mouth opened involuntarily and I started to cry.

I felt his magic sneaking through my whole body, my wings, my flank, every small part of me.

Using my last strength I cried to mom to help me and I looked at her. She was still sitting on her bed. staring at me.

He put his face near my neck and started sniffing and then licked my neck. This is wrong! There is no way this is merely right!

Then something happened, the underside of my body started lifting. I tried to resist, to move my hips or hoofs but it was in vain! Soon my special parts were in front of his face! I Was already crying and sobbing, begging for help.

He approached his face and I prepared myself for the impossible and inimaginable, I contracted what I could of my body while he got a long sniff of it. He opened his mouth and-

“STOP!” Immediately he stopped, and slowly he turned to my mom.

“Pardon me? I was about to get in the best part!”

“I-I said to you stop!” He released me and I fell to the ground. It hurted, but even so it seemed insignificant compared to what I’m feeling right now. I started immediately curling the best I could and scratching my body trying to get rid of this invisible feeling of dirtiness!

“You’re not saying what I think you’re saying, miss?”

“L-let my daughter alone or I’m gonna scream.”

“Really? Feeling guilty now? Just get the heck outta here! I didn’t ask you to see it!”

“Get out of my house.”

I opened my eyes after scratching my body for what felt like and eternity and I looked at them. Mom is in front of him, he is a bit bigger than her, but she is using that face.

The stallion looked at her for some moments before looking at me. I squeezed and contracted my body from fear of… of anything.

“I gave you a thousand and five thousands bits!” he said, throwing another bag to the bed.

Mom said nothing but pointed her hoof to the door.

He stretched his eyes and looked again at me before throwing another bag.

“Two thousands bits! With this you may finally drink until you die in some random alley!”

Mom's eyes widened a bit, almost unconsciously while she quickly looked at that fortune over her bed. She shakes her head and points her hoof to the door.

“You son of a- “ He grumped and looked me in the eyes. Even though he had a camouflage on his face, it didn’t stop the sick feeling I felt when he started staring at me for some time. I curled again and sobed.

“Okay!” He shouted, throwing one big and heavy bag over the bed.

“This is the biggest fortune I paid for a filly but she is worth it. Three thousands bits and none more!” Mom's eyes widened like plates while she gazed at that big bag layed over the bed, many bits scattered around her bed. She opened her mouth but nothing came out, just a mute gasp.

“Yes, with this you can drink literally for months and still have some bits! Or you could open a ballet class like you dreamed. If you fear your husband I even include here a I-get-rid-of-him ticket. Just. Get out.

Mom slowly kneed against the bed, her hoofs shaking while touching the bits.

“Good, everypony has their price Miss, now if you excuse me.” He said, opening the door and looking at me again. I gulped and felt a cold bolt going through my spine when he lifted me again! I shaked and resisted the best I could but his magic was too strong. This time he spread my back hoofs and that strange and sick feeling filled me again. I cried for help once again and mom shouted.

when I looked at her, she, using her magic, levitated all the bags and threw them at him. I fell and gazed with a mix of disgust and sickness while mom yelled towards him! She threw bag after bag and used many bad-words I had never heard before.

Finally the biggest bag hit his chest and mom walked toward him, hitting the floor and using an incessant flow of curses! He retreated surprised with mom’s action and when he stayed on the door he stopped his retreat.

"Stop! Dammit! You’re mad! I gave you the opportunity to change your life and you just threw it at me?!” Mom fulminated him with her eyes and he peeked at me.

“Two thousands bits for an in and out.”


“Ten minutes, I’m giving the best deal of your life! just give me ten minutes and I will give you two thousands bits! You can keep her if you wish!”

Mom blinked for some seconds before smashing the door closed and walking away from it.

“YOU BETTER DON’T TELL A PONY ABOUT THIS OR I’M GOING TO HAVE YOUR HEAD OVER MY FIREPLACE!” He yelled from behind the door before leaving our house.

Mom sobbed and laid against her bed before bursting into tears. She levitated a bottle from under her bed and grabbed it. Her hoofs shaked frantically and she just threw the bottle away!

I was still curled, my body shaking sometimes from an indescribable feeling which was still permeating my body. But gulping and using all my strength I breaked my defensive curl and crawled towards mom.

She was crying and sobbing like me a few moments ago. I sat by her and cleaned my throat.

“M-m-mom? You’re okay?” She stopped crying and stared at me with her golden eyes moisted due to her cry.

“I’m a pi-piece of shit Cozy! I almost! I barely-” She breaked in tears again.

I looked her up and down before sighing and releasing some pressure from my chest I didn’t know I was holding, and tears formed in my eyes while that strange feeling started building up again in my belly.

I felt something touching my shoulder and at first my shoulders shivered, and soon my whole body trembled and a feeling of panic spread in my body.

I gazed at my shoulders and for a second I saw that faceless pony, and a second after that the pony disappeared and mom looked at me with her eyes wided. Her hoof recoiled instantly due to my shudder.

Her face trembled in a mix of guilt and disgust before she put her hoof on the ground.

“I’m sorry Cozy, I know my words may mean nothing to you, and you may forever hate me, but I’m sorry.” She said, sounding like a squeaky cat before crying.

“M-mom.” I Said raising my hoof and reluctantly touching her shoulders.

“I don’t hate you, you’re my ma.” She instantly cried before grabbing me and hugging me. I did my best to not squeeze at her touch and after a few seconds I returned the hug.

We stayed there, hugging each other for some moments until mom pulled away from me a little bit and grabbed my shoulders. Her eyes were deadly gazing at me.

“L-listen here Cozy, your dad, he can’t know shit about what just happened!”


“If you think what he did to me months ago was… too much. He is going to kill me Cozy! For what I did!

“I don’t get-”

“I KNOW!” she cried looking down and pressing her head towards my chest. She repeated again before sobbing.

I looked down, trying to remember what just happened and my belly started to feel weird again. I bite my lower lips.

“But mom, you did something bad.” Mom raised her head and I pointed at her with my hoof.

“P-please Cozy, he’s going to… to…”

“You said bad-words.” I said to her and her eyes wided for one instat. She smiled shyly at me.

“Y-yes Cozy, I said.”

“And dad said I must tell him, when you say bad words.” Mom nodded

“Yes, you must.” She let me go, and a strange and good sensation filled my chest when her touch ceased. I nodded and turned to walk to my room.

When I passed the door I heard her muttering.

“I’m so sorry.”

I closed the door without looking back.

I runned towards my room, quickly closing the door and throwing myself on my bed. I covered me with my blanked and as soon as I did it I started crying for some unknown reason.

That sensation of dirtiness filled me again and I put one hoof some centimeters over my groin. I bit my low lips while curling and tremiling for a reason I can’t explain.

Everything felt so cold, so dark, and for the first time in my life I felt… alone.

It's the next day, we are sitting in our kitchen and I stare at the food. I thought about eating it, but an urge to puke filled me. I pushed the plate away and sighed.

Mom, who was eating some bread, noticed and dropped her food. Dad was the last one to notice it all.

He raised a brow and also dropped his food gazing meancily at mom before putting his hoof on my shoulder.

I instantly shivered and squeezed internally, recoining from his touch. Dad looked at me surprised, his smile fading while he stared at mom.

Mom coughed, filled her lungs with air and stared dad back.

“What happened?” Dad questioned and mom let out her breath.


“Mom said, bad-words yesterday.” They both blinked at me while I gazed at the floor. Dad laid on his chair which even after all those years didn’t break, just creeks and twisted with his weight while he crossed his hoofs.

“Is it so?”

I nodded.

“I think it’s time for you to go to school, Cozy.” Dad said. I just nodded and grabbed my backpack before trotting outwards.

I heard dad shouting, then nothing else.

I got out of the cart a bit tired, I turned to mister Wheels and got a little surprised when he showed me a strawberry lollipop.

“A tribute, for my princess!” He said bowing and making a fun voice.

I chuckled while I took the lollipop and put on my backpack.

“Thanks mister Wheels.”

“Thou shall know that I am always here for you, my princess!” Mister Wheels joked, bowing his head and taking off his hat.

I smiled, stuffing my chest and raising my head.

“Then thou shall know your loyalty is known, my friend!” I said trying to do the fanciest voice I could.

We both bursted in laughs before mister Wheels trotted away.

I turned to my house and trotted in. When I closed the door I trotted towards the freezer but stopped noticing somepony sitting on the table.

Mom was there, I saw half her face. In front of her was a closed bottle of wine and an empty glass. I was about to walk away when I realised it.

A closed bottle? I thought not remembering a single time I saw her not drinking or opening a bottle to drink.

I approached mom and she turned her face to me. Her right cheek was a bit bruised. Sadly, I had seen worse.

“H-hi sweetie.” She said with a hoarse voice. I felt something indescribably when she said sweetie, but different from yesterday, this feeling felt good!

“Hi mom.” I said sitting by her. She sighed and looked at the bottle.

“It's, tempting. A torture actually. I never wanted so bad for a drink in my whole life, but I know if I drank it, all that happened yesterday will mean as much as nothing. Despite that, this is the cause of what happened yesterday.”

I raised a brow and read the bottle. It's the same fancy bottle mom kept under her room with a pink liquid. I didn’t find anything particularly interesting write in the bottle.

“I didn’t get it.”

“It's easy to agree with something absurd when you are drunk and filled with luxury and greed.” luxu-what?

“I dunno why I didn’t drink yesterday. You and your dad leave and I go drunk or find some… a client to buy me wine. But I didn’t yesterday. I can only imagine what could’ve happened if I had drunk.”

Gulping and trying to not think much about yesterday I grabbed her hoof.

“You would’ve helped me! You're my ma!” She tried to smile, but it clearly was forced.

“I hope so.”

Mom raised her hoof and touched the glass softly.

“What do you think about your marriage?”

“I-I try not to think much about it.”

“Yeah, I know. Your daddy Cozy, he is using you, like he used me and many others. Heck! He may not even be a friend of Wheels and may be using him as far as I know!”

“N-no! daddy is-”

“Do you know how I met him?” She interrupted me and I shook my head curious about that.

“I was young and rebelled towards my pa. He wanted me to follow rules, to follow our home tradition, not dance ballet; then I met your dad in a bar; he promised me the world, free of responsibilities and connections with pa. I was a fool believing him.”

“T-the world?”

Mommy nodded.

“The whole world!” She raised her hoofs in the air like she witnessed something majestic. “And we were pretty happy in the beginning. Your daddy worked for Wheel’s pa at that time; like that my life started.”

“But?” She looked me in the eyes before gazing at the bottle.

“But then you born Cozy.” I opened my mouth and looked down. Before I could say anything she gently grabbed me for my chin and looked at my eyes.

“Don’t dare think about it, Cozy! You are one of the few things I did right in my life! Even if it took years for me to realise it.”

I nodded to her.

“When you were born, he changed. No more hugs, no more kisses, no more se-love.” She blushed a little.

“Then, some days after that my accident.” Mom puked her back hoofs. “Two broken legs; end of my career. Then everything turned about you. Where we spent our bits, what to buy or sell. Everything. Slowly my life turned into a hell and I loved him too much to realize it.” Mom said softly, grabbing the bottle and looking at it.

“Just when he hitted me for the first time I realized how fu-bad, my situation was. It was already too late to go back. With him I got a roof over my head; my dad still hasn't forgiven me.”

I looked to the floor not knowing what to say.

“Golly.” was the only word scaping my lips.

“Golly Cozy, just golly to help us now.” She said moving the bottle and watching the liquid inside.

“Mom?” I said, thinking about something.

“Yeah darling?” My heart warmed a bit from her words but I had to focus and not forget what I was about to say.

“Why don't you stand up against dad?”

“Pff, really?” She pointed to her back hoofs. “I can barely run, now fight with him? I learned early to just endure it.”

“B-but you standed up yesterday!” Her eyes twitched for one moment before she sighed.

"That was different.”

“You’re a unicorn! You have magic.” Mom touched her horn before looking at me.

“I still don’t think I can win, Cozy.”

“But there it is! it’s not about winning or losing, it’s about showing what he is doing is not cool!”

“That discussion will not end well Cozy.” I looked at her and grabbed her hoof.

“Isn’t it a burden you’re willing to face?” She opened her mouth to say something, but she didn’t say anything. Sighing she used her other hoof to hold mine.

“I’m gonna try Cozy.” I barely contained my smile before hugging her!

“Thanks mommy!” She returned the hug. "Tomorrow! I have a school trip tomorrow and dad doesn't work! So it’s a perfect day! It’s almost destiny!” Mom chuckled to me.

I got up and grabbed my backpack.

Nothing can go wrong!