• Published 1st Oct 2021
  • 273 Views, 6 Comments

The Tower of Doom - Matthew Penn

Two sisters, Tia and Lulu, find themselves locked in a dark tower with no way to escape.

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Chapter 4

Tia’s eyes remained closed as they stepped through the portal, and then the blinding light vanished. The fillies landed on a cold surface made of stone. The journey only lasted for a second, from one location to another.

“Up!” the masked pony barked.

Once again the girls were under the blade of his giant axe. The pony grabbed Tia, forcing her to stand. He did the same to her sister, who was lying on the ground seemingly unconscious. Tia heard Lulu let out a sharp gasp, then a whimper. It was too dark to know if he had hurt her.

Tia wondered if they were back at the Tower. Unlikely, she realized. A great and dark hall replaced the dark corridor of the hotel. Columns of pillars stood on either side with cracks on them. A few toppled over, lying sideways on the floor. Across the hall were piles upon piles of rubble from the ceiling. It looked more like a creepy temple than a torture chamber. Where did the portal lead them?

“This way!” ordered the pony.

“Where are you taking us?” asked Tia.

The pony never answered. He made a sound like the grunt of a wild beast.

The walk was long and silent through wherever they were. Lulu stayed close to Tia, looking all around her as if something monstrous will emerge from the shadows and darkness. To where the masked pony was taking them they did not know. Tia already knew they were not at the Tower, and yet there was something peculiar about this new location. Among the ruins was a glimpse of what it once was, the grandness it once had.

For a quick moment, something happened. Tia blinked - the entire interior changed. Golden light filled the hall, the floor crystal clear like a porcelain ocean. Chandeliers lined up the ceiling like the hotel dining room. The vision of the great hall faded just as it appeared, and once more she walked among the ruins. Tia shook her head. What just happened?

The masked pony led them to a large doorway. He glanced at the sisters, growling like an agitated dog. He opened the door.

Tia had another vision. She trotted into a room surrounded by happy and smiling guards, stained glass windows, and great seats at the other side which were occupied by two very important looking ponies. Tia might have believed they were smiling at her. She couldn’t help but smile back.

The vision ended, fading into a dark, desolate and cavernous chamber. The sound of hooves trudging the cold ground echoed throughout the black chamber. Ahead of them was a tall throne made of iron where a cloaked figure was seated.

Lulu huddled close to Tia. “Who is that?” she inquired fearfully.

The masked pony trotted only a few inches from the throne. He laid his axe on the ground and bowed.

“My Lord, I have returned,” he announced.

“Rise, Lord Thorbane,” said the pony on the throne. His voice was like rusty nails on a chalkboard.

Air escaped Tia’s lungs. Lord Thorbane had been chasing them all this time. She thought back to the tour guide, and how he explained the horrible things he’s done to innocent ponies. Another horrible thought crossed her mind. If the masked pony is Lord Thorbane, then the cloaked pony must be. . . She held Lulu close to her, tightening her grip. She hoped to protect her from what is to come.

The cloaked pony rose from his throne. Tia heard Lulu gasp. The little pony brought herself closer to older sister. They can feel the pony’s eyes under the cloak watching them, examining them, even though his face is concealed.

“Lord Thorbane,” he finally said. “You have done well. . . for an imbecile.”

“My Lord,” Thorbane began to say. There was a slight change in his gravelly tone. He did not speak with the dread and menace that his voice carried. “I have brought the lost princesses to you. Are you pleased with my work?”

Tia and Lulu glanced at each other. Princesses? What is he talking about? They’re not princesses - they don’t have wings or horns. Neither of them had their cutie marks.

The cloaked pony was silent. “Yes, you have brought the Royal Daughters to me,” he replied. Then with a loud and angry voice he said “It’s also because of you that they have escaped from the Tower!” Thorbane continued to bow. “What has transpired is because of your negligence and folly! You are fortunate enough to have completed your task, or else I would have had you locked up in the Tower with the other filthy prisoners!”

“Yes, Emperor Sentarion,” answered Thorbane.

“There must be some kind of mistake!” said Tia. “We’re not princesses, we’re just-”

“SILENCE!” shouted Sentarion. “You speak only when spoken to, child!”

“I’m telling you, we’re not princesses! We’re just ordinary fillies! You have to believe me!” pleaded Tia.

Emperor Sentarion slowly rose from his throne. He stood like an elderly stallion, frail and weak. For a moment he only gazed at them with eyes they could not see under the hood.

A red magical aura surrounded him, then Tia and Lulu were lifted off the ground with the same magical aura enveloping them. Neither of them could move their limbs, like being wrapped around an invisible hand. Magic propelled them forward in front of Emperor Sentarion, whose face remained hidden underneath the shadow of his cloak. He inspected their fear laced faces, Tia especially.

“Yes,” he said slowly. He let out a long stretch of breath, like he was on his deathbed. “I see the souls of the King and Queen in your eyes. You have royal blood flowing through your veins. Your mother and father have raised you well,” he continued. “Now your power shall be mine!”

“Please! We’re not royalty!” said Tia. The magical grip of Sentarion was so strong she could barely get her words out. “We don’t even know who we are! You got the wrong ponies! Let us go!”

The beams of magic grew brighter. A surge of energy struck their nerves. The sisters writhed in pain, feeling as if the creepy pony was trying to steal their souls, like a vacuum being run through their insides. Tia begged him to stop.

Suddenly, Tia gagged as Sentarion’s magical grip forced itself around her neck, cutting her air supply. She closed her eyes. When Tia opened them she no longer saw the dark hooded pony, but a tall stallion clad in silver armor from head to hoof, with a flowing red cape on his back. The red swirl of magic surrounded him. His eyes were fixed on her with murderous intent. Tia caught a glimpse of an object hanging on his neck, which also seemed to glow that terrible red aura.

Tia closed her eyes, feeling the life being sucked out of her from the strangling. She opened her eyes once more, and the reaper-like figure appeared. Sentarion muttered some phrases she didn’t understand under his breath. It sounded similar to what Lord Thorbane was saying when he took them through the portal. Once in a while he paused, then continued the incantation. After a few moments he shift gazes from Tia to Lulu. The red swirls of magic withered away, releasing the sister. They fell on the hard surface on their backs.

Tia lied on the floor unable to move, slowly trying to breathe. Lulu helplessly crawled toward her, lying her blue head on her older sister’s white chest. Her whimpers turned into quiet sobs. “What did you do to my sister?” screamed Lulu.

Sentarion opened his wrinkled and scarred mouth, letting out a breath of hollow air. He stared at his deformed hooves. “I am still weak,” he croaked.

Tia had been slipping in and out of consciousness. She felt her young sister’s tiny hooves try to shake her awake, but her voice sounded far away. Knowing that magic was real sent shockwaves throughout her aching body. Tia wanted to believe so desperately everything that has happened up to this moment must be an awful nightmare, or a hallucination, or her imagination running wild. Even as the dark world around her grew evermore darker, she hoped she’d wake up in her own bed, with her sister and parents by her side, returning from the void of their lost memories.

Sentarion watched Lulu cry over her sister. Such a pathetic scene, he thought to himself. The youngest one always cried, even when he ordered them to be locked in the Tower. The terrible thought crossed the dark recesses of his mind. He ordered Lord Thorbane to stand up. Sentarion filled his weak lungs with the dusty air of the chamber.

“The transformation must be completed,” he wheezed. “The magic of the sisters must be reawakened.”

“I shall force the wizard to undo what he did,” said Thorbane. “Under threat of my blade.”

“Yes. . . take them to the Tower. Restore their power. Time is of the essence.” He inhaled again, then struggled to speak, almost as though the next words he tried to say were stuck in his throat. “I must be rejuvenated, or else my soul will be forfeited to the Great Darkness.”

Lord Thorbane said nothing. He gave a look to his frail master. “Yes my Lord. It shall be done,” he finally said.

The masked pony swiped Tia off the ground and placed her on his back, while holding a forceful grip on Lulu. The blue filly screamed and banged her hooves against Thorbane. He turned around and raised his axe over her head. “Shut up, girl!” he growled. She remained silent while Thorbane led them out of the ruined castle, to the black wagon that waited for them outside.

Tia slowly opened her eyes, and when her blurry vision became clear, she realized she was lying on Thorbane’s back. The pain from Sentarion’s assault subsided from her body, but gained a splitting headache as she regained consciousness. Ever since she and Lulu arrived at this strange place visions flashed through her mind. Visions of what, she did not know. She could only remember a few of the fleeting images - smiling ponies, a great castle, a stallion and mare. . . looking at her with love; and another stallion in a suit of armor. . . looking at her with hate.

Tia turned her head. Thorbane was leading them to a creepy-looking wagon. She heard her sister whimpering. A powerful feeling burned inside her. Her forearms, and soon her entire body shook - not from fear, but from loathing. She didn’t know how or why she became Fate’s little plaything, why everything she knew and loved was taken from her in a single evening. Loathing grew into hate. She hated the way Emperor Sentarion treated them, and her hatred especially grew for the masked pony, Lord Thorbane. He ruined what was supposed to have been her special day with her sister.

She raised her white forelegs and tugged at his black mask, and pulled it back. Lord Thorbane leapt in circles, kicked his hindlegs in the air and grunt and roared like a raging bull. He tried to shake Tia off him. She caught Lulu staring at her.

“Run!” she screamed.

Lulu wanted to protest, only for her older sister to scream at her again. The little blue filly ran off, which gave Tia enough time to keep Thorbane leaping in circles. I’ll catch up with you, I promise! Tia said to herself. She hoped, somehow, Lulu heard her.

Tia tried to remove the black mask from Thorbane’s face. He grabbed her hooves with one strong arm. “No!” he roared. He pulled her off his back, then stood on his hindlegs, holding Tia by the arm like a ragdoll.

“I don’t know why Sentarion won’t let me kill you,” he said.

He reached for his axe. Thinking quickly, she kicked him in the stomach. The sudden force of the kick made him lose his grip on Tia, and immediately she ran down the dirt road. She tried not to look back, and if she thought she heard hooves galloping after her, she only ran faster, until she tripped on a root and tumbled on the ground. Tia tried to stand - pain stung her right hindleg. She looked up and saw some houses ahead of the road. She limped towards the small village.

She didn’t receive a warm welcome when she arrived at the village. Most of them looked at her strangely. When Tia tried to ask for help, they only turned away. Others looked as though they didn’t understand her. She approached a stallion for help, speaking to him as clearly as she could. He only had a stunned reaction, his open mouth not making a sound. Tia limped toward a group of fillies playing, only to gallop away when she came too close.

Tia heard frightened shrieks from not too far away. Lord Thorbane had arrived at the village. She looked around to see many of the villagers were closing and locking their doors and windows. A young red-haired mare holding her foal rushed past her toward a nearby house. Tia followed her, calling her out.

“Please, hide me! Don’t let him find me!” she pleaded.

“Away with you!” retorted the mare.

“Please, I’m only a filly! I can’t be taken away! You gotta help me, please!”

The mare was ready to turn Tia away, but she looked so helpless. What crime was she guilty of to have Lord Thorbane come after her? The young mare lifted her eyes, seeing the village empty of ponies, and a black wagon pulling to a stop. She held her foal close. She let Tia inside, then quickly shut the door before he could notice the tiny home. It smelled of fish. The mare placed her foal inside its small crib, then instructed Tia to climb inside a kindling basket. There was loud banging on the door just as she placed the lid on top.

Tia crouched inside the straw box. She could move any of her limbs. Her heart pounded against her chest, then she realized she could hear herself panting. She tried to stop herself; she didn’t want Lord Thorbane to find her. Tia wondered where her sister ran off to. Did she manage to get away? Had she found shelter? Hopefully she hadn’t gone too far. She’s okay, Tia thought to herself. I’ll find her soon. All I have to do is wait.

There was a loud banging at the door. Tia held her breath.

“Give me the girl,” demanded Thorbane.

“I don’t know no girl,” answered the mare.

The cottage was silent, not even Tia could hear the harsh breathing of the masked pony. She heard his hoofsteps as he wandered about the cottage. Shivers ran up her spine when she felt his presence standing over the basket.. She continued to hold her breath.

“There girl is here,” he growled. “Where is she?”

The mare tried to sound convincing. “I have seen no girl,” she said.

Thorbane glared at her, not saying a word. He approached the small crib, noticing a slight reaction from the young mother. He picked the foal from its crib, drawing a dagger from his side. The young mare let out an ear-piercing shriek. She begged Thorbane to release her foal.

“Bring me the girl. . . or this foal shall taste the blade,” he snarled.

The young mare had no choice. She opened the lid to the kindling basket. She gave an apologetic look to Tia.

“I’m sorry child,” she sobbed.

Comments ( 1 )

Hello! I have returned to a title I still remember from 2 years ago to find it is still on hiatus… 🥲

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