• Published 4th Oct 2021
  • 1,128 Views, 12 Comments

MLP: A New Generation - Rainbow Dash Does Everything - Rdasher12

Rainbow Dash defies the laws of continuity and does everything in the "My Little Pony: A New Generation" movie pretty much by herself. Because we all know that she could if she had to...

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RD Does Everything 2: Electric Boogaloo

Author's Note:

Not sure what it is about me and spontaneously creating a short story after a new MLP movie releases, but I guess I'll consider it a tradition :rainbowlaugh: . As with the last one from four years ago now, don't take this seriously... The last time I did this, people had a ton of fun with it, so I hope the same is true for this, as well! Enjoy.


Here we go again...


The sun rises over the land of Equestria for the start of another beautiful day. For the Earth ponies of Maretime Bay, the unicorns of Bridlewood, and the pegasi of Zephyr Heights, it seemed as if today would go on to be about the same as any other day. However, something in the Equestrian sky was amiss...


"Are you sure you wanna be the one to do this, Rainbow? You really don't have to." A concerned Princess Twilight Sparkle questioned this from atop her somewhat new throne within the castle of Canterlot. Rainbow Dash huffed this off, clearly showing no signs of doubt about her decision.

"Twilight, you've known me for how many years now? Have I ever said 'No' to that question before? I got this!" The decision in question being one that no pony had ever made in the history of Equestria.

Twilight had invited all of her friends for a weekend at the castle to not only catch up with each other after some months apart but also to test out a new spell that would allow them to investigate what the future has in store for them if they continue down the path that they're on through time travel. After very little debate, Rainbow practically forced Twilight to let her be the one to take the spell for a test run.

"Alright, if you say so. But remember, once you go through the portal, you need to-" Dashie is quick to stifle Twilights repeated instructions and cuts her off.

"Make sure that everything is working properly and confirm that the time you're trying to send me to is the time that I end up in, aaaaand I need to get back as soon as possible to avoid anything getting unstable and if I don't get back to the portal by sunset then I'll be stuck there forever yada yada yada... I didn't forget, Twilight. Everything is gonna to be just fine!"

Twilight had already asked the other ponies to leave the room while she performed the spell, making it difficult for her to argue with her friend having nopony to bounce off of for support. But, to be fair to Rainbow, she was probably the most suited to the job thanks to her flying skills, not to mention that she had done stuff like this before and it always turned out more or less okay. What could go wrong?

After another moment or two of preparing, Twilight used her magic to cast the spell that would open the portal to the future. With her horn still glowing, she gives Rainbow some last-minute information.

"According to my calculations, you should end up somewhere above the Everfree Forest. So you'll need to make sure that your wings are at the ready to avoid falling. Good luck, Rainbow Dash. I'm counting on you."

Rainbow Dash confidently smirks at her words, reassuring her that everything would be just fine.

"Hey, as the old saying goes, I'll be in and out in '10 seconds flat'!" Twilight couldn't help but laugh at this before giving her dear friend the all-clear.

After her signal, Rainbow Dash rears up and takes off at a steady pace straight into the portal. Little did she know that the other side of that portal wasn't too keen on making things easy for her...

Rainbow Dash disappears into the portal, seemingly without a trace. Twilight breathes a stressful sigh before opening the doors to the throne room. She wanted to make sure that nothing or nopony got too close to the portal, but she also knew that her friends wanted to be there to make sure that Dashie turned out safe in the end. Just like with Rainbow, they had no idea what the future had in store for Equestria's top Wonderbolt...


Rainbow Dash reaches the other end of the portal with little disturbance. "Ah, yeah. I'll get this done in a flash!" She exclaims as the future comes into sight. The portal opened quite some distance in the air, and Dashie took note of her surroundings. However, after a few seconds, she begins to realize that she's losing altitude, and fast.

She looks around for a moment, not quite sure what’s going on. She couldn't tell if her eyes were playing tricks on her. Her wings were flapping around just fine and she wasn't experiencing any pain that could cause her to lose height.

With the Everfree Forest quickly approaching, she starts to panic. "Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, AHHHH-" Rainbow Dash cascades down the layers of the Everfree, hitting tree branch after tree branch before hitting the ground with a thud. "Oof!" If it weren't for the still-existent cartoon physics, that could've ended very badly.

A few seconds pass before Dashie comes to. "What happened?.." she says gingerly. She manages to brush herself off and get up, although she could tell that she would be a bit bruised up tomorrow.

She tries to fly once again, but to no avail. "What the heck, wings? The whole point of me being the one to do this was because of you!" Clearly frustrated, she repeatedly attempts to pull herself into the air, but her attempts are futile. Even putting maximum effort into her wings, she can barely get her cut-up hooves off of the ground.

"Ughhhhhhhh..." She eventually calms down and takes a look at her surroundings. Tree, bush, tree, tree, tree... "This is gonna be a lot harder than last time...".

Despite this, the determination within her refused to let her give up. She chooses a direction to start with and begins to gallop at full speed. "I don't care what you throw at me, future! I will succeed!"

And with that, Rainbow Dash disappears into the brush of the Everfree Forest, having no idea how she would get back home without being able to fly.


After what felt like ages to her, Rainbow Dash finally makes it out of the Everfree Forest and can see some sort of city off in the distance. She talks to herself in between breaths. "That definitely doesn't look like any town I've ever seen...". She then ponders if any of the towns that she's accustomed to back in the present, er, past, exist this far into the future. If the pegasi here can't fly like her, then certainly Cloudsdale can't exist. A part of that saddens her slightly, knowing that, somewhere along the way, her house and hometown either got destroyed or disserted without a trace...

At this point, she had been running at a good pace for miles. She wasn't nearly as accustomed to it as flying, but her vigorous training routine did help her. Maybe she still is the best pony for the job, after all.

As the town comes closer into view, Rainbow can tell that it's one inhabited by pegasi thanks to the cloudlike aesthetic. 'Well, they may or may not be able to fly, but maybe the answer to why and the solution can be found there...' Rainbow thinks to herself.

She eventually makes her way to the front of the town, where she finally decides to give the running a rest. However, her work was only just getting started. She begins to meander through the city. "This place is nothing like Cloudsdale..." she says to herself.

As she makes her way further and further into the city, it becomes apparent that the pegasi here couldn't fly, either. But, that isn't the only thing that's becoming apparent to the rainbow-colored pony. Rainbow Dash looks quite a bit different in comparison to the new age pegasi of whatever this place is called. Not to mention that there are a lot of things there that she's never seen before.

Rainbow passes a giant movie screen that sits attached to one of the incredibly large buildings. "Dang, where do they put the projector for a thing that big?!". Obviously back in her time, there aren't any televisions. The closest thing that they have to that is home projectors. The more Rainbow Dash looks around, the more that she realizes just how far out of her league this place is when it comes to technology.

Dashie fails to realize this right away, but by now, there are several ponies murmuring about her as she passes, and as she starts to notice, she can't help but be a bit weirded out.

One pegasus filly, in particular, decides to stand in her path, forcing her to stop. After a short awkward silence, Rainbow breaks the ice.

"Uh, hey. Can I help you?" Rainbow asks the filly, who seems at a loss for words.

"Is-is it really you, Rainbow Dash?" The dark blue filly holds up a toy figurine that was sculpted to match Rainbow Dash's likeness. Rainbow is a bit thrown off by this. She's used to seeing merch and other things based on her when it came to the Wonderbolts, but this was just a straight-up Rainbow Dash toy, with no bits or bobs or anything at all...

Rainbow Dash thinks to herself for a moment before answering. 'Come to think of it, we did save Equestria like ten times...' "Yep, haha, you're looking at her!" Rainbow finally answers.

The filly stands there, starstruck. "The Rainbow Dash?!"

Dashie responds once again, this time with a lot more confidence. "The one and only!"

On second thought, maybe she shouldn't have said that so loudly. Anypony who was on the fence with believing that Rainbow Dash was somehow alive and in Zephyr Heights had fully hopped it at those four words. After so many moons, most ponies only grew up hearing the legend of the Mane 6 and what they did for Equestria during their lifetime. Of course, after each tribe's propaganda had set in after so long, pretty much everypony chalked it up to just that; a legend. However, they took a liking to the two pegasi in the group; Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. With her incredible stunts, sparky attitude, and unique colors, many fillies and colts grew up to idolize Rainbow Dash as somepony who embodies a pegasi's dream of flying in a time where they can't.

Within seconds, everypony within earshot of what Rainbow Dash exclaimed has convened around her. Clearly in shock, they can't help their excitement. Everypony around starts shouting over each other.

"Is it really you?!"
"I can't believe it!"
"What will the royal family have to say?"
"Can she be my best friend?!"

Usually, in situations like this, Rainbow Dash would simply fly away from the crowd in order to get some much-needed space. However, that isn't exactly possible. With seemingly no other option, Dashie takes things into her own hooves.

"Everypony quiet!". Her yell can be heard from blocks away, and local law enforcement start making their way over. But, that isn't the only attention that she attracts.

With the crowd reduced to murmurs, Rainbow Dash takes advantage.

"Yes, I am the Rainbow Dash. I came here through a portal that Princess Twilight Sparkle created so that I could travel forward in time to see how things would end up if we kept things as they were. I don't plan on being here for very long, but long story short, I can't get back home without being able to fly, which I can't do here for some reason. So, I need help. First thing's first, why can't you guys fly?"

Rainbow Dash takes her time pacing back and forth through the small circle that of space that the crowd gave her. From her rousing words, she mostly receives confusion. After a moment, the sheriff of the town speaks up after making his way to the front of the crowd.

"We honestly have no idea... We haven't been able to fly in our entire lifetimes. The only ones who can fly are the royal family."

Rainbow is disappointed at first, but upon hearing about the royal family, she perks up.

"The royal family? Surely they can help me get my flight back. Where can I find them?"


The sheriff escorts Rainbow Dash to the front of the castle while his deputy quells the crowd. On the way, he explains how the royal family doesn't know why they can fly while other pegasi can't, and said that if they did, then they'd surely try to resolve it. Still, Dashie doesn't plan on giving up. Eventually, they reach the castle, where the royal family is already waiting having heard the gossip.

Rainbow Dash, being used to the company of royalty, casually starts up a conversation without as much as a bow.

"Hello there, your highnesses. In case you couldn't tell, my name is-". Rainbow gets cut off by Queen Haven.

"Oh, we know who you are. Or at least who you're portraying as. To be completely honest, we don't believe your story one little bit. You better come up with some solid proof that you are who you say you are if you want to avoid being thrown into the dungeon."

Rainbow Dash is taken aback by this, not used to being on the opposing side of royalty. If anything, she was kind of annoyed. And at this point, the crowd has caught up to the castle despite the deputy's efforts to stop them.

"Man, you gotta lotta nerve saying all that... I'm pretty sure that the only creatures who could shapeshift to look just like me were converted to good a loooong time ago. They were called 'Changelings' and I don't even know if they exist this far into the future."

It was safe to say that Queen Haven wasn't expecting Rainbow to be so stubborn. She stands in silence for a moment while the crowd does their usual murmuring.

"I think I remember something about the Changelings back in History class."
"I think I read about them in a book once."
"Either way, she's either the real Rainbow Dash or one heck of an actress..."

Behind Queen Haven, Princess Zipp looks on in wonder, while Princess Pipp gets her phone out and starts broadcasting what's going on live to the big TV screen above the crowd for all of Zephyr Heights to see.

"Hey there, Pipp-squeaks! You guys will not believe what's going down just outside the royal castle right now. Remember that old legend we were told about when we were fillies and colts with that awesome pegasus 'Rainbow Dash'? Turns out she's here!" Pipp zooms in on RD "Or at least it might be her, I'm not really sure. Mom doesn't think so, but isn't this exciting?!"

Upon hearing from the young princess, Rainbow Dash replies in confusion.

"I don't know what that thing is, or how you're making it go from there to there" She points from the phone to the big screen. ", but I'm telling the truth! You ponies gotta believe me!"

With the murmurs growing louder from within the crowd, the Queen decides that she's had enough and takes action.

"Well, Ms. Rainbow Dash, you haven't shown me anything that could prove that you really are who you say you are. After all, surely if we can fly, somepony with as much flying talent as you do should be able to, as well. I don't know what your intentions are, but I'm not going to sit around and find out. Guard, seize here! Send her to the dungeons for interrogation!"

Rainbow Dash's look of frustration quickly turns into one of fear. She begins to look around for some sort of escape root as she backs away from the guards.

"I hope you all realize that you'd be arresting a pony that's saved the world like ten times, not to mention how close I am with Princess Twilight! Stay back!"

Dashie continues to back away but soon realizes that the castle guards have her surrounded. With nowhere else to go without her wings, she pleads for help.

"Somepony help meeee!"

The guards circle closer around Rainbow, but before they seize her, an unfamiliar voice yells out.

"Stop!" Princess Zipp comes galloping down the castle steps towards Rainbow, not keen on having them capture her. This leaves Pipp in confusion and Queen Haven in disbelief.

"Zipp, what're you doing?! She could be dangerous! Oh, but don't stop, this is great for views!"

"Princess Zipp, come back here at once!"

Zipp gets in between Rainbow Dash and the guards, making sure that Pipp was getting all of it. Rainbow slowly gets up as Zipp defends her.

"Everypony, listen! This is the real Rainbow Dash! You have to trust me! Deep below the castle in front of you, there's a small airport that we used to use to trade supplies with the Unicorns and Earth Ponies. I know this because the art on the windowpanes shows the three tribes connected together in friendship! I don't know what happened to make all of that stop, but I can tell you what I do know."

Zipp pauses for suspense and looks around to see her mother particularly furious.

"The royal family can't fly. We've been faking it for moons! We literally just use a clear tether! We've been lying to you all this time, and for that, I can only apologize. But, the point is, not a single pegasi in Equestria has the ability to fly. Not even when the most talented flier that the world has ever seen graces our time period!"

More murmurs from the crowd can be heard in the distance.

"I want to believe her..."
"Yeah, but how can we when she just admitted to lying to us her whole life?"
"I don't know, but what would she have to gain from lying to us about something like this?"
"You might be right, but she could just be wrong about everything."

As the crowd starts to heavily question Zipp's words, more unfamiliar voices charge onto the scene as the sun starts to set.

"She's right! Unicorns don't have magic either!"

To the surprise of absolutely everypony, Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow come galloping through the crowd with Queen Haven's crown in hoof, with Hitch close behind.

Princess Pipp chimes in for her live stream viewers. "What in the hay is going on?! Guys, I swear this isn't a skit!"

If the crowd was going a little crazy beforehoof, they were going berserk at the sight of two Earth ponies and a Unicorn galloping in like it's no big deal.

"I've never seen an Earth pony or a Unicorn before!"
"Aren't they bad, though?! Maybe we should get outta here."
"No way! It's just a few, I wanna see how this plays out."

The three newcomers gather the attention of the guards, who divert to them in a panic. Some ponies in the crowd even faint from sensory overload.

After a moment, Queen Haven realizes that the crown atop her head is a decoy after seeing Sunny with the real one.

"What in the world?! Guards, those ponies have committed the highest level of theft possible! Seize them at once!"

What started out as a fairly organized inner circle away from the crowd soon turns into the exact opposite. Sunny, Izzy, and Hitch are all running away from the countless guards, but with nowhere to go, it becomes neverending. Zipp, with her two friends she let out of the dungeon now running for their lives, has no idea what to do. Pipp, on the other hoof, can't catch all of the action and is starting to freak out. Queen Haven is having a hard time not coming down from the steps and dealing with her problem herself.

And then there's Rainbow Dash... For the past several moments, all she could do was absorb everything that was happening. She has no idea who these ponies that were siding with her were, but boy is she grateful. In her head, she's starting to make sense of this chaotic future that she finds herself in.

After making a split-second decision, she makes a break for it between a hole in the guards and takes aim for Pipp's phone.

"Mind if I borrow this? Thanks!"

Pipp doesn't even get the chance to react to this before it's too late to do anything.

"Hey, that's my phone! I can't live without it!"

Rainbow Dash then bolts for the podium at the bottom of the castle steps, just barely squeaking by the present guards. She climbs the regal pedestal and, after some fedangling, manages to get the live stream pointed at her for all to hear. The guards around her attempt to stop her, but both Zipp and Sunny block either side of the podium to keep them at bay.

After taking a stressful breath, she begins to speak. "Equestria. You guys live in a crazy, messed-up world. But it's not really your fault... From what I can gather, you've all been raised with lies right from the get-go. My good friend Princess Twilight once said 'With the magic of friendship, anything is possible.'. And you may have accomplished that within your own tribes, but it takes all of Equestria to create true harmony in order for the magic of friendship to truly show its' hoof. I might not know this for sure, but that might be why pegasi can't fly, and it might be why Unicorns don't have any magic. But, what I can tell you for certain is that in the present, er, past... there were no tribes. All three different types of ponies lived together in harmony. We all love each other for who we are, and magic was all over the place, thanks to our deep friendships. So, you may not believe me, and you may not believe any of these other ponies that I've never even met, but won't you try? Just give it a chance. You might find that you'll start to understand. Because if there's one thing that I've learned from Twilight as the element of loyalty, it's that friendship is magic!".

Through all of the drama that had unfolded up to that point, it seems that the citizens of Zephyr Heights are finally at peace. Some of them close their eyes, some look up to the skies, and some look down to the ground. But it's abundantly clear that everypony is taking the time to reflect on what Rainbow Dash had to say, even Queen Haven and her guards.

Rainbow isn't sure what's going to happen from here, but she does know that she needs to get back to the portal soon. The sun is coming close to setting over the horizon, and it certainly isn't showing any signs of slowing down. And as far as she can tell, there's no Princess around who can slow it down for her. Something needs to happen, and fast.

Then, out of the blue, a blue aura begins to shine over Equestria. It sprinkles down gracefully, settling on Rainbow Dash's wings first. Suddenly, Rainbow gets the urge to fly up into the sunset sky. She still isn't sure whether she can or not, to be honest. But she just had to give it a try.

With a powerful thrust of her wings, she launches herself into the skies above Zephyr Heights.

"Ah, yeah! I'm back, baby!" Rainbow exclaims.

The ponies down below look on in disbelief, but it's quickly replaced with looks of amazement as Dashie's legendary rainbow trail decorates the stars above. If there was any doubt about what Rainbow Dash was saying, it had fully dissipated by this moment.

With newfound spirit filling them all with glee, Equestria rejoices with each other, regardless if they were an Earth pony, a pegasus, or even a unicorn. The magic by this point had spread all over the land of Equestria, and it was clear that the word of what happened would do the same within a matter of hours.

With her job done and her ability to fly back with her, Rainbow Dash doesn't really have any reason to stick around. The sun is only a minute or two from setting, and she really needs to get going. She glides down over where she once was one more time to thank the ponies that helped her, as well as bid farewell to everypony, especially those who see her as an absolute legend.

After accomplishing this, she makes a beeline for the portal, hardly visible from Zephyr Heights. She decides to give future Equestria a good send-off however and pushes with all of her might to create a beautifully awesome sonic rainboom over the near-night sky. As the ponies look on at the masterpiece in the sky, Dashie rockets straight to the portal, just barely making it through before it disappears in her wake.


Rainbow Dash makes it through the other end of the portal with just enough space to slow down before smashing into the wall inside the throne room. Her friends all jump up, clearly startled, with looks of joy and worry.

All of Rainbow's friends rush to the end of the hall where Dashie is slowly pulling herself together after such a stunt.

They all burst out in unison. "Are you okay?!"

Rainbow Dash takes a second to respond, but can't help but laugh as she does, much to the confusion of her friends.

"Haha... Yeah guys, I'm fine. It worked, alright. I think I did a little more than I needed to... It took so much longer than I thought, though."


Back in the land of Equestria’s new generation, a lot of changes were taking place. Earth ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi start visiting each other’s towns and learning the truth about their past and present, while the top leaders of each tribe are arrested for malicious propaganda. It may not have gone the way that most would expect it to, but thanks to Rainbow Dash, it didn’t really need to. She sort of has a knack for doing things a bit differently than most, anyways…


Comments ( 12 )

I was amused. Have a like

I’m grateful! Have a follow. :rainbowkiss:

Can somebody please tell me where the whole (insert story title here) 2: Electric Boogaloo thing came from?

Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo. 80's movie about a break dancer or something, hence the name.

won't you try? Just give it a chance. You might find that you'll start to understand.

A true true friend is a friend we need, a friend will be there to help them see. A true true friend helps a friend in need to see the light, that shines from a true true friend... Rarity needs your help, she's trying hard doing what she can "Won't you try? Just give it a chance. You might find that you'll start to understand"

(I might've got the lyrics wrong but I'm just trying to say that when RD said this, it reminded me of the song😁⛈☁️🌈⚡)

You were super close! And yeah that’s a really good comparison haha. To be honest I had a totally different idea of how this story would go and it was much closer to the other one from the last movie, but it just didn’t happen that way and I kinda don’t like it as much because of that. Oh well

It's still good though:twilightsmile:... Just rushed:ajsleepy:

The first one on the other movie was even more rushed and it turned out great lol 😅. I was trying to get it out before the movie lost relevance.

Yep, anyways. Thanks for checking out my stories!

Hi, just asking. Are you still creating stories nowadays cause I just found this website this year and I really like your work

Hey, thanks for asking! The short answer is no, not really. I have so many other things going on in my life right now that I can’t even fathom writing another story any time soon. This isn’t helped by the fact that I have absolutely no ideas even if I wanted to write one.

What I’ve been trying to focus on now is doing readings of my stories, but this hasn’t been easy to get off the ground. Hopefully one day soonish I’ll be able to do something like that.

I’m glad you’re enjoying my stories, though!

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