• Published 9th Oct 2021
  • 3,402 Views, 22 Comments

What If The Shredder Was In MLP: The Movie? - Battwell

A retelling of the MLP movie with the twist of adding the 2003 Shredder into the mix

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New World, New Army

"Exploding throwing stars, told ya they'd come in handy." 80's Donatello stated as he rubbed his head.

"Mwahaha. Fools!" Shredder stated as he rose up from his kneeling position. "Your pathetic little toys, are not enough to stop me!" Shredder yelled at his foes. Unbeknownst to him, 80's Rocksteady plugged the cord powering the laser beam back into the power socket, reactivating the laser. It fires as Shredder begins to speak again. "I will, ARGHHHHH!!!"

80's Bebop looks to 80's Rocksteady, unaware of what they had just done. "Whew, that was an easy fix." Bebop said to his friend.

"The master will be pleased." Rocksteady said with anticipation as he rubbed his hands together. Meanwhile Shredder is being torn apart by the laser beam.

"NO! NO! ARGHHHH!!! NO, NO, NO! I WILL NOT....I AM.... NOOOOOOO!!!" Shredder yelled as he was torn apart by the laser beam. The turtles and their allies rejoiced as their enemy was finally gone for good. Meanwhile in another dimension, The Storm King was sitting in his throne room while is top lieutenant, Tempest Shadow, made her way into the throne room.

"Your excellency, the airships are ready to make their way to Equestria on your command." Tempest said as she bowed to her master.

"Well that's good, real good. Another country hanging under my banner. I can't wait!!!" Storm King replied. Suddenly a flash of light engulfed the room and everyone had to cover their eyes to avoid being blinded by it. When the light dissipated, everyone saw The Shredder kneeling down on one knee in the center of the throne room. Shredder opened his red eyes and looked around to see several guards surrounding him. Shredder got up and looked around at his adversaries.

"What fools are these? So weary of life. That they dare threaten The Shredder. So eager to throw their lives away. Truly pathetic!" Shredder snarled.

"Um, I don't know what you're supposed to be, but you've entered my lands without my express permission. So guards, get rid of him." Storm King ordered. The guards began walking closer to Ch'rell, who merely chuckled in anticipation. Shredder then leaped into the air and brought his claw down on a Storm Guard and slashed his chest, killing him. The guard fell limp and landed on the floor. Another Storm Guard came from behind and tried to stab Shredder with a spear, but Shredder anticipated this and moved to the left and jumped in the air and kicked the guard in the face, forcing him to drop the spear. Shredder picked up the spear and threw it into the chest of an approaching guard. It impaled him and killed him instantly. The guard from before got back up and charged at Shredder, who saw this coming and did a backflip over the guard and slashed at his back with his claw. The guard then fell to the floor, dead.

"This was who you had guarding you? How incredibly disappointing." Shredder said while shaking his head. Tempest growled angrily and and fired a shot of electricity from where her horn would be directly at Shredder. Shredder rolled out of the way and glared at the unicorn.

"Oh yeah, you're gonna get it now. Tempest, get rid of him." Storm King ordered. Tempest then charged forward and leaped in the air and kicked a stone bomb at Shredder. Shredder saw this and leaped into the air and kicked it right back. Tempest's eyes widened in horror as she quickly maneuvered out of the way. Storm King's eyes widened in horror as the bomb came hurling towards him. He quickly jumped out of his chair as the bomb hit it and turned it into stone. "HEY, WATCH IT!!!" Storm King yelled. Tempest rolled her eyes as she fired another electric blast at Shredder, who rolled out of the way and charged forward at the unicorn. Shredder went for a roundhouse kick but Tempest slid under it and attempted to buck Shredder from behind, but Shredder backflipped over her and landed behind the unicorn and kicked her in the side of the head, sending her into a nearby wall, taking her out of the fight. Shredder then glared at The Storm King as he made his way over. "Okay, that does it!!! I'm gonna show you who's boss, whatever your name is!!!" Storm King yelled in frustration.

"Fool!!! You do not know to whom you speak!!! I am Ch'rell, Oruko Saki, Duke Akureds, The One True Shredder!!! I am a destroyer of worlds, and I bow to no one!!!" Shredder responds. Storm King dashes forward in a fit of rage as does The Shredder. Shredder ready's his claw and reels back his hand as he moves closer to The Storm King. Once they meet in the middle of the throne room, Shredder stabs Storm King in the gut with his claw. Storm King gags as he comes to realize what has happened. Shredder removes his claw and kicks Storm King to the floor. Shredder walks over to Storm King and places his foot on Storm King's neck. He then adds enough pressure to snap his neck, finishing him off. Shredder turns his head to see Tempest recovering from her injuries. He walks over and grabs Tempest by the neck and raises her into the air. Tempest's eyes widen in horror as she stares into the red eyes of The Shredder. "Answer my questions and I may spare your pathetic life! Where am I?" Shredder asks.

"Y-You're on Storm Island on the planet Equis." Tempest replied.

"Equis? Hmm, it would appear that I am in another dimension. I must find a way back to Turtle Prime and finish what I started!!! But without the Dimensional Portal it would be impossible for dimensional travel!!! Is there a means of dimensional travel here?!" Shredder asked.

"I don't know. But maybe the princesses of Equestria know a way? They are apparently powerful enough to move the sun and the moon." Tempest responded.

"These princesses are powerful enough to move celestial bodies? If that is true they must have a means of dimensional travel! Where is this... 'Equestria'?" Shredder asked.

"I could show you, we were about to invade in the name of The Storm King." Tempest replied.

"Hmm, it would appear that you could be of some use to me after all." Shredder said as he dropped Tempest to the ground. She coughed and rubber her throat with her hoof as Shredder looked around the throne room. "This worked out excellently!! Not only am I still alive, but I also have a new army at my command!!! I shall find these princesses and return to Turtle Prime and finish what I started!!! And there will be no one to stop me!!! Mwhahahahahahaha!!!" Shredder exclaimed.

Author's Note:

This is my first story on Fimfiction

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