• Published 12th Oct 2021
  • 2,271 Views, 8 Comments

Apology Owed - L Drkheart

With magic back and Maritime Bay at peace, Hitch reflects on his mistakes and aims to apologize to Sunny.

  • ...

Apology Owed.

“Insubordination, inciting a panic, destruction of public and private property, reckless endangerment, singing a personal villain song, attempted murder of several ponies, vandalism, extreme littering, and misuse of power. Anything else?” Hitch asked looking up at Sprout who was pouting in his cell, having been taken in by Hitch after magic returned to the world.

The reinstated sheriff sighed as his old friend stayed silent. He shook his head and went to his now messy desk which had papers spread around with dozens of sticky notes that Sprout had made so he didn’t forget anything during his big attack. Hitch held his head in his hooves as he had had a long last few days and now the town needed him more than ever. He felt small taps on his front legs and moved his hooves just a bit to see his little friends. The two seagulls and the crab.

“Hey, you three… sorry for leaving you all here to watch over things when… well the whole town went crazy. They were always scared and I figured they always looked towards me for guidance but this…”

“Finally getting it huh?” Hitch turned sharply towards the cell.

“What do you mean Sprout?”

“This, all of this is your fault.” Hitch wasn’t one to lose his cool… well when it comes to anger at least.

“My fault? My fault!? I wasn’t the one that riled up the town with fear, I wasn’t the one that ordered martial law on Maritime Bay, and I wasn’t the one that built a robot and attacked my friends!”

“You also weren’t here to stop it!” Hitch blinked and scoffed facing away from the cell. “You were the one that abandoned Maritime Bay! You left me in charge even when you didn’t trust me!”

“I trusted you to not mess up for a few days!”

“You were the one that put one friend over the whole town! A town of ponies that relied on you.”

“Sunny was right.”

“Oh yeah she was, but that isn’t the important thing. The whole town was up for letting her go, letting her run off but you weren’t.”

“This is her home and she had just committed crimes-”

“Please, you have let her off every charge she has ever done. All the stickers she puts around town, the vandalism when she draws on things, the reckless endangerment when she’s skating and singing with her smoothies. You go all out on litter and others but not her.”

“I do not play favorites, I threw my other closest friend in a cell. Oh look, there you are.”

“And I’m here because of you. You left me in a town of scared ponies and never taught me once how to be the sheriff!”

“It’s not that hard to not screw up!”

“It is when you aren’t the perfect Hitch Trailblazer!” Hitch leaned back in his chair and shook his head in annoyance, his little animal friends picking up papers and arranging things to look cleaner.

“I’m not perfect, but I know the difference between being a leader and an emperor.” Sprout walked over to the cell door and stared hard at Hitch.

“What about being a fair sheriff and a good friend.”

“I was always a good friend to you.” Sprout laughed and rolled his eyes.

“Oh yeah, you’re just the best guy. You move to town, befriend me, take one of the only friends I had in Sunny.”

“What? You told me she wouldn’t mind having more friends since she was the friendless one and besides you were the one that didn’t want to be her friend because of your mom!”

“Then you go out of your way to make me look bad in everything we did together! Sports, grades, working out, yearbook photos!”

“Not my fault you always sneeze in front of a camera.”

“And most of all, you took my dream! You knew I wanted to be sheriff!”

“I was chosen because I was fit for the job! All those things were things you wanted to try out! I only did them to hang out with you! You may have actually been good at them if you just stuck with one! You never stuck with anything, it’s why I was chosen for the job! A sheriff needs to be there for those they take care of and protect them from things they fear.”

“And you walked away from that, for her.” Hitch rolled his eyes.

“Tell me you don’t think it’s for some crush or something.”

“No. I think you’d rather go for that Pegasus or Unicorn. No, you are always like that with Sunny because I think you always believed her deep down.”


“You were never so against the idea of us being friends with them. Just that the way the world is would never allow it. You’re a pony pleaser Hitch, and I think you wanted her to know she wasn’t alone. That someone out there may be believed even a bit. Especially after her dad... passed.” Sprout leaned his back against the cell door and sat down. “I was never a great friend to her when I could have been… but you’re different. You feel like you weren’t a good friend when you should have been.”

The two sat in silence until the door to the office opened and Phyllis Cloverleaf walked in, smiling a tired smile to Hitch.

“Sheriff. I hope my boy hasn’t been a handful.”

“Not any more than usual. I suppose that you got everything in order then?” She nodded and pulled out a form that showed that no pony was pushing charges against Sprout. “Hmm looks like everyone signed… you went for Sunny’s signature last? Even after the Unicorns and Pegasi?” Phyllis nodded looking more humble and walked around the office.

“I owed that girl years of apologies Hitch… I built my life around destroying what her father stood for just for him to be proven right. Could you imagine what that would feel like? To feel like you were wrong about something you believed for decades?”

“That’s how we’re all gonna feel, Mayor Cloverleaf… but I’m glad you are giving her respect. The whole town may start treating her better.”

“That’s something I hope to fix. But at the moment, things will start getting very busy around Maritime Bay. I even started to discuss trade with Alphabittle and Queen Haven. That deal promises to be big news for Maritime Bay! Not to mention all the benefits that will come for it.”

“Of course. Well I’m fine with you doing business but I’m to look over any papers before you all sign them. I need to make sure the town will be ready for anything you three come up with.”

“Naturally Sheriff. Well, I’ll be outside while you get my son.” He waved and trotted over towards the cell as she left the office.

“Come on out Sprout, your mom bailed you out.” Sprout was looking down as the door was opened and he began to walk out, stopping halfway to the door while Hitch locked the cell.

“Hitch… are we still friends?” Hitch sighed and glanced back at him.

“That’s up to you. You did all this because you felt lesser than me so why bother? We both know you lost your job here but… to be honest, I would miss you. You wanna be friends? Make this right. Apology to everyone that you hurt, apologize to the Unicorns and Pegasi, apologize to my new friends, and apologize to Sunny. Do all that and then we’ll see.” Sprout nodded and left Hitch alone in the station.

. . .

Hitch walked through the dimly lit streets, enjoying the starry night and gently cool breeze. He wondered if it was just his bias but he loved Maritime Bay. Through the natural beauty of Bridlewood or the loud city life of Zephyr Breeze, Maritime Bay had its own beauty. A cozy kind where you could just spend hours listening to the waves or watching the sunset.

His animal friends were on his back while he walked home, thinking about what Sprout and his mother said. Was it true that he had been at fault at least partially for Maritime Bay’s descent? Was it true he had let a friendship with Sunny overpower his dedication to the law? Was it true that he was feeling guilty for never truly believing in the one he would call his best friend? He groaned at the questions swirling in his head and ruining his night. He angrily lashed out and kicked a trash can over.

After a few minutes, he picked up the litter and went to throw the last piece when he saw something shining overhead. A bit of fear came to his throat but it was buried the moment he realized who it was.

“Sunny?” He ran in the direction she was going and stopped when he saw where she had gone. Her wings and horn disappeared as she landed in the town graveyard. He watched her for a bit, his animal friends pushing him to go see if his friend needed anything. He took a step and then pulled back. “Perfect Hitch…” He whispered before turning and walking home for the night.

. . .

It wasn’t the first time she’d gone to see her dad. Obviously. You don’t risk your reputation and dedicate your life to your father’s work if you two weren’t close. Sunny always tries to live up to her name, be proud of who she is, and what she believed in but it was true even she gets down some days and needs help. Hitch is usually the one to step in, to give her an ear to rant to, with Sprout even helping once or twice, but he never gave his own opinion. Just listening when she needed him to.

“I couldn’t face her… or him... not now…” Hitch thought as he put on his badge to start the day. He knew that he was feeling guilty, that on the very day he had given up hope on Sunny was the day she would be proven right. He had stood in the way of her goals and he wanted to make things right. With Sprout grounded and things being awkward between them, he decided he’d talk to his other friends.

Pipp and Zipp had agreed to stay in town while their mother smoothed things over back home and Izzy was allowed to stay as long as Alphabittle was in town and he was helping fix the lighthouse. Hitch walked around, looking for any of his friends. He did see Izzy but she was with Sunny just entering the theater. She did say something about wanting to see Judgement Neigh. He decided to go after one of the princesses. Checking Sunny’s half-rebuilt lighthouse first, he walked in and headed upstairs.

“Zipp! Zipp, are you here?”

“Nope. She’s up there, somewhere. Testing how high she can fly and how it impacts her wings or something.” Pipp seemed down, looking at her crown and sitting in front of a mirror. Her phone playing a live stream of her mother.

“Hey, something wrong Pipp?”

“Just stressed a bit but Zipp told me everything will be okay. But even if they do let us return home… many people may still hate me. Mom cares about our public image but she also prefers to give them a show here and there. Zipp hates being in front of crowds and honestly can be a good leader but she’s an unknown to the pegasi. They only know what mom has told them about her since she hates getting in front of cameras. I dedicated everything I do to them. They are my fans and while it was all a lie, my videos, and my dumb little catchphrases always made them all so happy… I don’t want to lose that. I don’t wanna lose them, you know?”

“Sounds like something… you need to tell them. No more lights, no more wires, no more crown, just Pipp Petals and the ponies that believe in her.” Pipp looked at the mirror while he sat beside her.

“And if they don’t like what they see?”

“Ehh, it could be a worse sight if you ask me.” She giggled at that and punched his shoulder.


“Hey, I could arrest you for attacking the sheriff!”

“I’m very scared.” He smiled and looked around.

“Are you gonna just stay up here all day?”

“What else can I do? No offense but for a city mare, Maritime Bay is not as lively as I’m used to.”

“Is that your way of saying you’re bored?”

“Yes.” He chuckled and looked over the town he loved.

“Well instead of hiding up here all day, how about we make things a bit more exciting? In a completely legal and safe way. It may even get you fans here.” Pipp’s eyes opened wide and she smiled.

“What’s the plan?”

. . .

Hitch walked away as Pipp started to give out suggestions and orders to the Canterlogic team that the mayor had given them. Hitch asked that it be a favor to him and added that Pipp doing a show for Maritime Bay would only make things better between them and the Pegasi. He began to head back into town when Zipp landed in front of him, her coat and mane were ruined but she looked ecstatic.

“So you got her to actually leave the lighthouse, sheriff?”

“Just had to give her a new spotlight. You know I do have a name, Zipp.” She walked beside him, flapping her wings of the water and cloud bits that stuck to them.

“Yeah, but you seem to care a lot about that dumb badge so I’m just giving you proper respect.”

“You just insulted my job.” Ignoring that point, she sighed and stretched.

“Thank you though. She was in a rut and I was never the best when it comes to talking. I prefer actions and facts to push me, Pipp is more like Sunny or Izzy.”

“Oh, Sunny was only as dedicated to her beliefs because she always believed they were true. She is also good at actions and words, I think she gets that from her dad.”

“Still, thank you.”

“It’s my job to help any pony in Maritime Bay.”

“Well… I have a question then. How would I apologize to Pipp? I’d rather not make anything worse by saying the wrong thing.” Hitch frowned and put a hoof to his chin before pointing to Canterlogic.

“Then do the right action. She’s getting a show ready and I bet she would love her sister to sing with her or at least be there to support her. I think it would mean a lot after that last show.” Zipp looked nervous but nodded. “Don’t worry, Maritime Bay is usually easy to please.”

“I hope so. I’m a bit rusty when it comes to singing but I’ll try.” She ran towards Canterlogic and stopped shouting back at Hitch with a smirk. “Don’t go stealing the spotlight this time, Sheriff. I doubt the ladies here could handle those moves!” Hitch blushed a bit and went to retort that he was taken off guard but she was already gone.

. . .

Hitch couldn’t help but think he was forgetting something when a colt and filly ran up to him, tears in their eyes.

“Hey, there little ones, what’s wrong?”

“Our cat is stuck in a tree!” Hitch followed the kids back to the tree with their cat but the three stopped when they saw Izzy using her magic to grab the cat, levitating it down when the magic flickered and the cat panicked. It scratched her cheek and ran to the two kids.

“Izzy!” Hitch ran over and moved her hoof from her face, seeing the scratch under her coat. “Oh good it’s not deep but I still think you need some ointment. I have some in the sheriff’s office.” The two began to walk there but the kids stopped them and thanked Izzy for her help. She smiled brightly and said it was her pleasure before she patted their heads and gave a hard look at the cat. Back at the station, Hitch finished applying the ointment. “There.”

“Thanks, Hitch, that kitty had some claws on her.”

“I wouldn’t know. Critters seem to just be drawn towards me, you know?”

“It’s your sparkle. It makes them feel safe around you, you do try to protect anything that you can no matter what.” Hitch sighed and looked at the papers on his desk.

“Some job I did.” Izzy frowned and tapped a hoof on his chest.

“Don’t go being down on yourself. No pony is perfect and no one should expect you to be. You’re a good guy Hitch, but you’re just one pony. Just like none of us could have brought magic back alone, you can’t protect all of Maritime Bay alone.” He knew she was right but it didn’t suck any less to hear it.

“Had to put it all out like that huh?”

“I find hopping around tough subjects doesn't really work, you have to face faults head-on if you want to get through them.”

“Thanks, Izzy. Hey, where’s Sunny? I saw her with you earlier at the theater.”

“She had to do her smoothie rounds. I have to say, you Earth Ponies have some weird ideas about what Unicorns could do with their horns.”

“Yeah, not the most realistic movie but I’m glad you liked it.” Izzy began to leave but Hitch stopped her, looking embarrassed, and then went behind his desk looking for something. “Hey uhh… if you aren’t busy or anything right now… I think… I could use some help if you want to.” He lifted an old blue officer hat and held it out to her. Izzy levitated it over and happily stuck it on her head, even as her horn stabbed through it.

“Perfect fit!”

“Umm yeah…”

“Well, let’s go chief!” She said as she ran out.

“I’m a sheriff, not a chief!!” He corrected as he ran after her.

. . .

It was late evening when everything was up and lively, Pipp and Zipp’s concert was a huge hit with Izzy making sure the crowds were kept in check. Sunny was missing though and Hitch went looking for her. He found her back at the graveyard, his fear and guilt returned and he realized that he had forgotten to ask his friends about how he should apologize!”

“Be yourself, no one else.”
“Don’t just tell her you’re sorry, show her.”
“No pony's perfect and no one expects you to be so don’t be afraid to be imperfect with her.”
“They already showed me…” He gathered his nerves and courage and took a step towards her, feeling a poke on his leg, and looked down to see his animal friends. They were holding six wooden carved dolls. Twilight Sparkle and her friends. “You three found them?” They nodded and he smiled, taking them into one of his arms. “Thanks, you three. You have the night off. Go enjoy the music.” They saluted and went off as he took a deep breath and entered the graveyard.

“Sunny…” She glanced back and smiled a bit seeing the dolls and Hitch.

“You found them?” He walked over and sat beside her. “I’m more of a delivering pony tonight. The little critters found them.” She giggled a bit and took them.

“I’ll give them a proper thanks tomorrow…” She arranged them in front of her father’s grave and the two sat in silence with the distant singing of Pipp and Zipp in the background.

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry.”


“What?” The two blinked and laughed, the tension shattering like ice. “I suppose we were never the best at apologizing for things.”

“Nope. Hitch, I’m sorry for making things so hard for you over the years. Never really treating you with the respect you earned and kind of using our friendship and your trust.”

“No, Sunny, you were right. All those years you were just trying to make things better for us and for all ponies. Just what your dad always wanted. I… was willing to put my job and reputation over our friendship and I’m so sorry for that. I was wrong…” He took off his badge and put it beside her dolls. She knew how much that badge meant to him and leaned against his side.

“I-I miss him… I wonder… if he knows-”

“He does… and I bet he’s as proud of you as the girls and I are.” He put an arm over her and the two friends spent minutes there, Hitch letting Sunny get out all her feelings. “Thank you Sunny also… for never giving up on me.” She sniffled and wiped her eyes.

“You know me… why give up when you can try again? Besides, I never needed Sheriff Hitch. I just needed the colt that I grew up with,” He smiled and chuckled.

“Then let’s try to enjoy ourselves tonight. Pipp and Zipp seem to be giving it all they have tonight. Also, we should run back before Izzy lets her power get to her head.”

“You’d be an expert in that, wouldn’t ya?” She stuck out her tongue like she used to when they were foals and Hitch mocked hurt.

“You wound me, dear Sunny. Truly I will never recover from this horrid burn you inflicted.” She rolled her eyes and gently pushed him away before standing with a smile.

“Race ya, Trailblazer.” She said while running off towards the show.

“That’s Sir Trailblazer!” He got to his hooves and glanced back at the dolls and his badge before smiling. “I’ll watch over them, Sir. I promise.” He bowed his head before running off after Sunny.

Author's Note:

Wow, this was my first written thing in a while. It is amazing to know but I'm not actually dead. My went through a lot of problems but hey that's not what is important. I watched the new MLP movie and I wanted to at least show my support in some small way. I know I've gotten rusty over the years now. But here's hoping this is still good and I hope that I managed to capture the characters right. Anyway. Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 8 )

This is such a nice story. I like the pacing and everything. Definitely into my fav list now.

Thanks! It's nice to know I haven't lost all my skills haha.

Wow this was a pretty interesting story and it looks like hitch is having some emotional thinking after that talk with sprout he wanted to find a way to apologize to Sunny but then he found pipp was still feeling bad of what happened back in Zephyr Heights but he gave her some pep talk reaching out her fans was all the fancy stuff and it looks like Zipp was also wanted to apologize to her sister so she wanted to help her to perform a concert and it looks like Izzy was helping out but hitch decided to ask her if she wants to help controlling the crowd while the concert is going on which she accepted then he went over to talk with sunny and apologize for not believing in her but she also apologize for giving him a hard time throughout the years and it looks like everything turned out pretty well I really like the story it's a pretty good one keep up the good work

You're back, great.


Yep! Slowly but surely getting back to it!

“Nope. Hitch, I’m sorry for making things so hard for you over the years. Never really treating you with the respect you earned and kind of using our friendship and your trust.”

sunny did disobey hitch several times, after all.

Yeah actually breaking laws which He no doubt didn't want to arrest her for but I mean I think he has no choice.

Me before seeing the movie: Eh, I get the feeling Hitch is going to be another Spike. A doormat who gets ragged on constantly and is way too full of himself. The typical idiot male character you see everywhere these days who's just there to make everyone else look better. He'll be a total wimp who can't stand up to Sunny. It's gonna get old fast.
Me after seeing the movie: Casually jumps into the screen, scoops up Hitch, and walks away. This is mine now.

Hitch is best pony.

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