• Published 31st Oct 2021
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Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, chapter 21: Shine the Best, Full Color.

Author's Note:

I had to change the X-Swordsman to X-Swordswoman for an obvious resone.

"A Bonne Lecture to all of you." Tassel greeted as we open to inside his house. "It's me, Tassel. Right now I'm-" He got intrupt by the sound of the doorbell. "Seems we have a visitor. Coming!" He got up and went over to the door. He opened the door and the one who rang the doorbell is Radiant Light herself.

"The meaning of justice has changed in these 2000 years." Light told Tassel as she walked in his home. "I've learnt that from Twilight Sparkle, Flash Sentry, and this book." She pulled out the Swords-X-Woman comic book.

"So, what of it though?" Tassel asked as he took a look at the comic book.

"I will return from sword to swordswoman." Light said. "Now, please return it. The book containing my entire history as a swordswoman; The Story of the Radiant Blade Saikou." As she hold out her hand and waited for Tassel to hand her the book, he blinked a few times at her before giving her a nervous smile. "Don't tell me you lost it!"

"N-n-no, no!" Tassel quickly said. "Wait- Just hold on- I'll find it in a jiffy..." As he quickly went to go find that book, a book from the bookshelf fly out and opened itself to the next chapter.

We open to Beat alone and is scanning her sword. As she work on her sword, she thought back to her childhood and where she watched her father worked on wepons for the Sword of Logos. We get a flashback of her younger self watching a man with bright red skin and grey hair. This is her father.

"When the two destined to stoke the fire of the first Sacred Sword forged by human hands appears." Her father told her as he worked on a sword. "A Sacred Sword with the power to connect the stars and lead this tale to its conclusion will be born."

When the flashback ended, Beat picked up her sword and thought about what Ember told her when them and Saber fought. She told her that she and Flash wants to save the two victims, and anyone else suffering due to the Megido's books.

At Fantastic Books, there were books from the Northern Base stack at the front desk and Twilight was behind the wall of books as she read one of them. She turned the page and there was a image of a woman holding her arms up.

"Two thousand years ago..." Twilight read. "A great battle those enthralled by the power of the book of omnipotence began." We enter the book and see a fight between a swordsoman and a Megido. "In the beginning, a Sacred Sword of Light and Darkness respectively came to be." We then see both the Sword of Light and Darkness being wielded by Light herself as she used them to slash through multiple Megido.

"These two blades helped push back the forces of evil. To gather the pages lost in the conflict once more, Sword of Logos was formed." Twilight continued, as we see someone forging a sword. "Soon after, the first Sacred Sword forged by humans in the image of the Swords of Light and Darkness came to be," We then see the Sacred Sword of Flames be forged as we return out of the book and see Flash hold the same sword. "the Burning Blade Rekka."

The two of them remember what Mist said the other day. About how she lied about how they desire power, and they cannot allow it. They also remember what Light said about both Flash and Twilight are destined to obtain power. "What did she mean by we're destined to obtain power?" Flash asked Twilight. Before she could say anything, Fluttershy came in with a worried look on her face.

"Flash, Twilight! We got trouble!" Fluttershy told them. "People are disappearing again! And apparently people saw monsters." She show them her phone and it has a newsreport. "It has to be the Megido!"

"Let's go." Twilight said as she headed out with Flash.

At the Megido lar. A table is stack full of Altar Books, which means they had a bunch of new Megido made and Zooous laughed at their horde. "We're rolling in new Altar Books thanks to those humans and their Equestrian counterparts, both connected to Wonder World!" He shouted with glee.

"Once we have enough Altar Books, we will require the Sacred Swords." Legeiel said.

"In order to steal the blades from the swordsmen, we will need to create a new, unique kind of Megido." Storious told them as he picked up a blank white book.

Somewhere in the city. Flash, Twilight, and Fluttershy is at a table with a woman who looked very worried. "You saw a monster around the time your husband disappeared, correct?" Twilight asked.

"Yes..." The woman answered. "He was also saying he could see this weird world the whole time..." She told them as we get a flashback of her with her husband. He points to the sky to where he sees Wonder World.

"He must have been seeing Wonder World..." Flash said.

"Just where could he have gone...?" The woman asked, sounding really worried.

Later we see Rainbow, Scootaloo, and Soarin with a woman and her child. "They saw something in the sky a few days ago..." The woman told the three.

We see each of the group, even Spitfire and Lightning Dust asked a lot of people around who said they saw a monster around the time the people disappear and they told them that they see Wonder World before they do. These people are getting really worried for these people who disappeared.

The group soon meet up in the park and Twilight couldn't help but feel terrible for these people and ponies who could be gone. "I can't believe so many lives have been lost..." Twilight said as she remembers when she couldn't save her friend Star so long ago. Then she thought back to when she couldn't save Arabia and her mother. And she promised Star that she would save her and both Arabia and Velvet to protect the two worlds. "I even promised I'd save everyone this time..." She said to herself.

Everyone in the group heard what she said and felt sorry for her. "Twilight..." Flash said as he comfernt her.

Meanwhile at the Southern Base. "The Sword of Light has declared that both Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle are destined for power." Mist told the riders in the room. "The organisation must put a stop to this."

"I'll-" Wind was about to volunteer before Beat spoke up.

"I hate arguing. However, I will face them." She told them. Terra was surprised by that while Mist walked over to her.

"Can you really do it?" Mist asked Beat.

"My family has guarded the Sacred Swords for generations in the organisation." Beat reminded Mist. "We bear the responsibility of supporting the organisation and swordsmen. Rekka is a special Sacred Sword. The first forged long ago by my ancestor. I vow to bring it back."

"Alright!" Terra spoke up. "I'll join you." He told Beat before she headed out.

"Thanks." She said as Terra grabbed his sword and the two headed out.

Somewhere else is a man with grey skin and dark grey hair. He had a yellow undershirt with a brown vest and brown pants with a long white goatee. He is Discord of this world and he saw Wonder World outside the window. "There it is again..." He said as he walked to the window. "Why is this happening?"

"Because you've been chosen." Storious said, spoking Discord. He then pind Discord to the wall and place the blank book on him. When it entered him, the dark energy transformed him into a blob of darkness. "Now then, let us being." A Golem Megido, a Hanzaki Megid and a Ahiru Megid went over to the blob and transformed it into entirely new Megido. A Charybdis Megid.


Storious laughed as this, because of his plan to get Sacred Swords is all in hand. Meanwhile in Equestria, Fluttershy was setting up a picnic with Discord when he arrived and with somepony. "Princess Celestia?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

"Please, it's just Celestia now." Celestia corrected her.

"I just thought we might enjoy some extra company this time around." Discord said. "You know, with all the disappearance happening lately." Just as they sat down to enjoy a nice day, Discord started to feel pain inside him.

"Are you all right?" Celestia asked with concern. Before he could answer them, a Golem, Hanzaki, and Ahiru Megid appeared out of nowhere. "What are they doing here?!" She asked when she saw them and took a battle stands with Fluttershy hiding behind her.

"Don't...worry. I...will...just...." Discord said before he yelled out in pain as he transformed into a blob. The two ponies were concerned for him when that happened, but then the three Megidos went over to the blob and transformed it into a Charybdis.


"Discord!!" The two ponies called as the newly Megid ran away from them.

Back in the human world in Fantastic Books. The group returned there and Twilight was thinking about all those people and ponies that got turned into Megido. "What can we even do...?" She asked Flash.

Flash just shrugged as he played his guitar while the others gathered all the books from the Northern Base and was taking them back there. Sunset stop to see her two friends sad, so she put the box full of books down and went over to them.

"Come on, cheer up you two." Sunset told them. They didn't respond to her as they were both lost in thought. "We're going to convince them to fight alongside us again, right?"

"It would be easier with more hands on deck." Sprit said from Twilight's sholder.

They both looked at Sunset and they thought about. "Flash, Twilight." When the four looked, they saw both Beat and Terra came in. Both Flash and Twilight got up and walked over to them.

"We can't save everyone on our own. Even with our friends by our side, they are too many of them." Twilight admits. "Please fight by our side again..."

Beat said nothing before she looked at them and grabbed both of them by the shirt, with an angry look on her face. "You both don't understand anything!!" She shouted as she pushed them back. ""W'll save everyone!" It easy enough to say. But you of all people should know how difficult that actually is." She then looked at Flash. "Wielding a sword burdened by lives you failed to save... The longer you continue to fight, the more that burden grows. That's the life of a swordsman. If you'd rather pretend otherwise, then you have no right to wield Rekka. Why it is that Rekka chose you, is something I will have to ask your sword itself."

Later Beat, Flash, and Twilight went to an old abandoned warehouse and both Flash and Twilight had their drivers on and Beat ready her sword and took out her Wonder Ride Book.

Hanselnuts to Gretel

"No holding back." Beat told them as she placed her book in her sword.

"Very well." Twilight said as she and Flash took out their Wounder Ride Books out.

Brave Dragon
Wonder Paladin

They then placed their books in their drivers and Flash draw out his sword as Twilight pressed the button on her driver and Beat pulled the trigger on her sword and their books opened up.

Unsheathe the Flame!
Paladin Stand!
Jam With the Bayonet!

"Henshin!" All three of them shouted as they transformed into their rider forms. Flash to Saber, Twilight to Ember, and Beat to Slash.

~Brave Dragon!
~Wonder Paladin!
Suzune, the Sword of Echoes!

The three riders ready their swords as they took a battle stands, before they charged at each other. Slash clashed blades with both Saber and Ember. She then pushed them behind her before they clashed blades and she showed that she is not holding back as her sword went up Saber's and sparks went off as it did. She then punched them both into the warehouse and the two rolled on the ground. "Wait, what was that...?" Saber asked.

"Stand." Slash told the two. "I said stand!" The two stand up just as Sunset, Terra, Spike, and Sprit came to see the fight.

"Twilight, Flash..." Sunset said as she and the other three watch with concern. Saber place his sword back in his driver, just as Ember place her sword in her holder and they pressed the button on the handles before they draw them out.

Final Page!
Unsheathe the Flame!
One volume strike!

The two then send a slash wave right at Slash, but she charged through the flames at the two. The three clashed blades as she pushed the two back. The two ducked when she try to strike them before they clashed blades over and over again. "Each and every strike from her blade is so heavy..." Ember to Slash as she clashed blades with her and Saber before she slash them back.

"The weight on Beat's sword is heavy." Terra said as he watched the fight. "That blade contains every last burden she shoulders."

"Burdens...?" Spike asked. Both he, Sunset, and Sprit thought about how Twilight and Flash was thinking about it was their fault for those people and ponies that disappeared and they couldn't save them. "In thst case, both Twilight and Flash has their own share of them too!" He told Terra.

"Yeah! Besides," Sprit said. "They saved so many people!"

Saber had to go to his Crimson Dragon combo and he pressed the cover of the Saiyuu Journey book.

Saiyuu Journey

Saber then extended a red staff from his left arm and swung it at Slash and it clashed with her sword each swing. Slash took out her Bremen no Rock Band book and place it the slot under her sword.

Bremen no Rock Band, Yay!

Slash then send a sound slash wave at Saber, just as he swings the staff at her. As both Saber and Ember send flames at Slash, she used a sound barrier to block it and cancel it out.

Suzune: Recital Strike! Yay!

"They've certainly good at utilising the powers of the books." Terra told the three as they watched. "However, their still hasn't become a true swordsman and swordswoman!"

"You both are far too naiive!!" Slash shouted as she charged at the two. When Saber and Ember try to strike her, Slash struck Saber on his side before she struck Ember in the back. The two fell and roll on the ground after getting struck by those attacks. "You depend on your Ride Books to the point where I can't hear anything from your blade!" She told Saber. "The wishes you both shoulder, is that really all they amount to?!" She asked the two.

They both took deep breaths as they gripped their swords tight. "We-" Ember started as they stood up and Saber took out the Storm Eagle and Saiyuu Journey books from his driver. "We...!" They both shouted as they the raised their swords. They both remember all the sad looks of all the people who were close to the people who disappeared. "We never want to see people suffering ever again!" The both shouted before they charged at Slash.

"Come!" Slash shouted as the three clashed blades with one another. As they clashed blades, they show that neither one was showing that they are holding back. Saber and Ember thought of the people and ponies before who got turned into Megido and how they suffered as they clashed blades with Slash. From Soarin's mother to Pipsqueak and they felt so much pain because of the Megido.

Each thought of it made the two swung their swords harder. As they clashed blades with Slash, Saber's sword started to glow red and more sparks than usual and each clash made the sword glow brighter. Slash started to have less time to swing her sword as Saber and Ember moved faster. The two then thought of the deaths that happened because of the Megido. Night Light, Twilight Velvet, and Arabia Night. And Ember thought about Star and how she was taken a way because of both the true enemy and the Megido.

As they thought about all that, Rekka is glowing brighter than ever as Saber and Ember yelled out in frustration as they swung their swords and clashed blades with Slash. When they clashed, Slash could finally hear Rekka again and remember what her father told her. "A Sacred Sword that will lead this tale to its conclusion will be born. If you ever encounter that swordsman and his or her paladin, join them on their path."

Both Saber and Ember pushed down on Slash's sword and knocked it out of her hands, and somehow they were back to Flash and Twilight when they did. Sunset, Spike, and Sprit were shocked of what they just saw, but Terra just gave a small smile to it. The flames on Rekka soon went out as both and Slash tightened her fist before she looked at Flash and Twilight.

Both of them were shocked and surprise by what happened as they stumbled to stand straight. "What did I...?" Flash asked as he and Twilight looked at Rekka and wounder what was happening to it. Slash transformed back to Beat and she picked up her sword before walking off.

"Beat!" Twilight called out to her to make her stop.

"That one reverberated a little." Beat told them before she walked away with Terra following behind. When they left Sunset, Spike, and Sprit went over to Flash and Twilight.

"You both were amazing!" Spike told Flash and Twilight who are still in shock of what happened.

"Hey, you both okay?" Spirit asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I felt something from Rekka..." Flash told them.

"Me too..." Twilight said. "It's like it was speaking to the both of us..." All of them looked at the said sword. "Something important..."

At the Megido lar, Storious return and both Zooous and Legeiel were not happy. "Who said you could use our Megido?!" Legeiel asked Storious.

"You trying to create another one like Desast?!" Zooous asked him after he slammed his fist on on the table.

"But a very special Megido has been born thanks to you." Storious told the two as he walked over to the Charybdis and a see though one as well that are just sitting and doing nothing. "I'm sure it will produce us a most wonderful book." The hand written device is writing a new book as we speak. Storious then went through the see through Charybdis and after he did, he hold in his hand a orb that holds a fraction of Discord's magic.

Somewhere in the city, both Beat and Terra stop to talk. "When Rekka's hidden powers are unleashed, a legendary blade that will light the way will be born." She told him. "Two thousand years. My family has waited two thousand years for the two that can draw out that power." She sounds excited. "I've glimpsed at that potential in both Flash and Twilight! Sorry, but I'm leaving the organisation."

"Look at those eyes sparkling like a kid!" Terra told her as if he wasn't shocked or surprised by what she just said. "If that's the path you've chosen, I won't stop you. Our goals are still the same after all." Beat gave a smile to him before she walked away.

Meanwhile in Tassel's house, he threw some Wonder Ride Books with each of the riders on the covers from a chest to the floor as he is trying to find the book Light gave him. He even check his pockets to find it. When he could not think of where he put it as he hold on to his hat, he just realize where he put it. He took off his hat and there it was, in his hat. The book is grey with the Sword of Light on the cover.

"Found it!" Tassel said as he pulled it out of his hat. "Use it to show them the way." He told Light as he hands her the book.

"I now return as a swordswoman to carve a new page into history." Light said as she took the book and place it in her Saikou Driver.

The Sword of Light.

She pulled her sword out of her driver and the book open up.

Release the Radiance!

Outside, clouds gathered when Light pulled out her sword and a lightning bolt struck down and the book glowed bright green as it fly out the sword and into the belt. The book transformed into a light green Wonder Ride Book with a swordswoman all colorful and the title of it says, X-Swordswoman.


The announcer spooked Tassel as Light took out the book from her driver and looked at it.

At a construction site, workers were running away from the Charybdis just as Flash, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Celestia, Sprit, and Spike's square arrived at the scene. Just as the second on burst out dark energy and the pony counterparts, except for Spike the dragon of them appear next to them, the first one had its middle section open up wide like a mouth and swallow a hole truck.

"What's with that thing's ridiculous appetite?!" Sprit shouted when they saw it eat the truck.

"It's Discord!" Pegasus Fluttershy shouted.

"Discord?!" Human Celestia asked. The others but human Flash, Twilight, Fluttershy and Spike were shocked to hear that. Flash, Twilight, Sunset, and Fluttershy put on their drivers and for a moment, they saw both worlds Discords head pop out from the two Charybdis and struggle to get free as they slip back.

"Two more are suffering..." Twilight said as she and the others took out their Wounder Ride Books.

Brave Dragon
Wonder Paladin

"We will save them!" Flash said as they placed their books in their drivers. Flash even place his Storm Eagle and Saiyuu Journey books in his driver before he draw out his sword as the girls pressed the buttons on their drivers.

Unsheathe the Flame!
Paladin Stand!

"Henshin!" All four shouted as they transformed into their rider forms. Flash to Saber: Crimson Dragon combo, Twilight to Ember, Fluttershy to Reverb, and Sunset to Shine.

~The Mythical Beast passed down through the ages answers by the name of... Crimson Dragon!
~Wonnder Palladin

The five of them charged at the two Charybdis and when the two Megidos try to punch them, they jumped over them and land behind them. The two Megidos turned around and try to hit them, but they ducked under their attacks and swiped the legs and cause them to fall to the ground.

Saber and Spike pind them down but the mouths on their chest opened up and Golem fists came out and knocked the two off them. The two Charybdis then turned invisible as the four Golem hands struck Ember and Shine before they hit Reverb. They nearly hit Saber and Spike's square if they didn't rolled out of way.

Saber and the square strike the flying fists and as the other three got up, they kept their guards up since they can't see the two Charybdis. Ember and Shine felt something hit them and knocked them down. Then Saber felt something choking him as he is being lift up by the throat. When Spike's square and Reverb try to save him, they got hit back by something. The two Charybdis turned visible and Saber place his sword back in her driver and press the button on the handle before he draw out his sword.

Final Page!
Unsheathe the Flame!
J to the West
Three Volume Slash!

He slashed his sword at the Charybdis off him and he cut off its arm. Ember slashed the other Charybdis at the leg and cut it off as well. The two regenerated their lost limbs like the Hanzaki Megid. "They're using powers from other Megido we've defeated before?" Ember asked when they saw what they just did.

The two Megido charged at the riders just as Beat arrived to see this. "Flash! Twilight!" She called out to Saber and Ember as the two Megido pind them to the ground. When they did, the thought of both Discords who suffering.

"We will save you!" Both Saber and Ember shouted and Rekka started to glow bright again. Beat saw this and Ember's sword started to glow bright like Rekka. When they lift the two Megid off them, both Discords popped out halfway.

"Wait, what?!" Sprit shouted as she and the others are surprised to see that.

"Flash's sword is separating them!" Beat said. But they the two Discords went back in and the two Megido grabbed the two before they punched them and send them crashing into a few boxes. A man who was hiding stand up when they did and one of the Charybdis went over to him and was about to eat him.

"Stop!!" Both Saber and Ember shouted as they went over and pushed the man out of the way, just as the giant mouth of the Charybdis swallowed them.

"Flash! Twilight!" Shine, Reverb, and Spike called out when they got eaten.

"You're kidding!" Sprit shouted.

"You must do something!" Both Princess Twilight and alicorn Celestia asked Beat.

"My bad. Did I keep you all waiting?" Light called out. When everyone looked up, they saw her on the beam of the crane.

"Hurry Light! Flash and Twilight just got eaten by one of those, whatever they are!" Spike shouted.

"Leave this to me!" Light told them as she pulled out her Wonder Ride Book and open it.

Gold or Sliver?

She then placed the book in the slot in her driver and pulled out her sword.

Release the Radiance!

"Henshin!" Light said as her body turned into dust and went into the sword.

Who is This?
Saikou Second Chapter:
The shadow born from the light;

The sword flew down behind the two Charybdis as the shadow rise up and struck the two Megid to the ground. The shadow then took out the X-Swordswoman Wonder Ride Book and open it to reveal the comic episode within.

Episode One: Fight with all the colours!

The shadow closed the book and place it in the slot in the belt. It the raised the sword high before it slammed the button of the belt with the bottom of the sword and the book opened up to show a rider in many colours. A giant version of the book appeared behind her and comic book panels came out and cover the shadow.

Release the Radiance!
~Get all colours! X-Swordswoman!
Episode One: Taking the spotlight in full colours,

"I guard this as a sword..." Saikou said. "No, a swordswoman!" Her voice no longer in the sword but now in the rider.

"What's with the flashy look?" Pegasus Flash asked. Saikou the charged quickly at the two Megid and slashed both of them. When they struck back and clashed agenst the sword, it is like they are in a comic book. Saikou the bumped the two arms down before she kicked them back. She then swung her at the two.

The two Charybdis charged at Saikou as spin jumped and slashed the two before they could strike. She then kicked them both to the ground. When they got up, they open their mouths on their chest and try to eat her. But Saikou press the button on her driver with her sword and the page flipped and the armor changed.

Get moving Saikou
Ultimate Arm
~Full colour goes to arm!
Episode Two: The colourful sword goes boom and bang!

"I'll be taking Flash and Twilight back!" Saikou shouted as she used her shap arm and struck one of Charybdis and knocked the other away as she pulled out both Saber and Ember out of the first one. "You both alright?" She asked the two while they are on the ground.

"Is that you, Light?" Ember asked when they saw her. Saikou close the book and open the cover.

Finish Reading!

She then press the button on her driver two times with her sword for a finisher. "Let there be light!"


Saikou charged at the two Charybdis and slashed the two with both her blade arm and her sword. Both Discords separated from the two Megid and alicorn Celestia used her magic to catch them both. Saikou had returned to her episode one mode as the two Megido stood up from the ground.

"Let's end this." Saikou said as she closed the book and open the cover for another finisher.

Finish Reading!

She pressed the button on her driver once with her sword and the page flipped.


"X-Sword Break!!" Saikou declared her attack as comic panels appeared and she slash both Charybdis in a once and slash them again when she landed behind them and they both exploded. "Got 'im." When the Megido got destroyed the ponies and Discord returned back to Equestria.

The others transformed out of their rider forms and Sunset, Fluttershy, Sprit, and Celestia went over to Flash and Twilight. "H-h-hey, are you alright?" Celestia asked Discord.

"I'm fine, Tia." Discord said.

"Thank goodness..." Twilight said as she and Flash took a breather. "We managed to save him." Saikou transformed back to Light and went over to them.

"Thanks you for the save." Discord said to them.

"No need. Just another day on the job for a swordswoman of justice." Light told Discord.

"Um, what's with the comic book hero line?" Sunset asked Light.

"And seriously, where were you this whole time?" Sprit asked Light as she flew to her.

"Looks like something great happened while I was gone." Light said and confused the others.

"Flash. Twilight..." Beat said as she walked over to them. "I have chosen to fight alongside you." She hold out her hand.

"Beat..." Flash said before he took her hand and they shook. The three smile as they are great to work together again.

At night, the peaces of the two destroyed Charybdis gathered and formed a half crupted book. Storious went over to it and picked it up. "The fum has just begun." He said as he hold both the book and the orb with a fraction of Discord's magic within.

The Story Continue

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