• Published 25th Oct 2021
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Dear Sis, Wanna Hear a Funny Story? - SuperWriter2329

Zipp writes a letter to her younger sister, Pipp, a funny story about yaks. It was really funny.

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Dear Sis.....

Zephyr Heights is a new place far out in Equestria where pegasi took up all of its populace with different ages all around. One week ago, all magic seemed to disappear and all three tribes have separated out of fear. In turn, the unicorns can't use magic and the pegasi couldn't fly. But, with the determination of an earth pony named Sunny Starscout with the rest of her newfound friends, a unicorn named Izzy Moonbow, her fillyhood friend Hitch Trailblazer, and twin pegasus sisters Pipp Petals and Zipp Storm, she was able to restore the magic and turns into an alicorn in the process.

It is now one week since magic has been restored. Everypony now lived in harmony once again and they are now happy to be able to live together, including the queen of Zephyr Heights named Queen Haven. She is currently sitting in her throne, contemplating about something. She has a pale pink coat with purple hooves, blue with purple streaked mane and tail and her wings were colored with different shades of purple. Her choice of clothing often includes a purple vest with her necklace and crown. Though, her crown was now missing a piece, which is actually was one of the missing pieces that Sunny was trying to get when she wanted to restore the magic.

As of now, Queen Haven is thinking about what her older daughter, Zipp Storm, was talking about earlier during breakfast.

Earlier today

The royal pegasus family was having another lovely breakfast together, with the queen at the head of the table and her twin daughters opposite of each other. The younger daughter, Pipp Petals, has a light pink fur with fluffy white wings, golden hooves, a violet mane and tail, and a cutie mark that consists of a purple music note with spikes containing a gold crown with white notes. Her cutie mark lives up to what she does for a living besides being a princess, which is singing and dancing. She also does blogging as a side hobby. As for accessories, Pipp only wore a golden tiara with a green jewel and golden wheat.

Her older twin, Zipp Storm (her full name was Zephyrina Storm, but she shortened it to Zipp because pronouncing her full name seems too long) has white fur with blue and lavender feathered wings, a gelled hot pink mane and tail with aqua and pink streaks, and a cutie mark of a pink and blue lightning bolt with a crown top. She doesn't have a profession, but she does have an interest in athletics and science.

While they were eating, the royal family had a conversation about what had happened to them the week before, from the moment their secrets were exposed, until the point where they managed to come together to restore the magic. Then, Zipp changed the subject to what she and Sunny have been talking about yesterday.

"Mom? Can I ask you something?" Zipp asked her mother.

Queen Haven looked up from her meal to look at her oldest daughter and an heiress to the throne. "Sure thing, honey. What is it?"

"Well, I talked to Sunny yesterday about weather there were other creatures other than ponies and she said yes. She even mentioned the different types, including griffons, hippogriffs, and, my favorite, DRAGONS!" she roared, causing Pipp to scream and tumble backwards from her seat. "Oops, sorry sis!"

"It's okay, I'm good!" Pipp got back up on her hooves, righted her seat back and continued eating once she sat back down again.

"Okay then... Anyways, out of all of the creatures, I was actually curious about the yaks," the older sister continued.

"Really? Why is that?" her mother asked.

"Sunny said that there weren't a lot of details regarding the yaks because her dad didn't have any books about them at all. What she did know was that they were really strict about making things the way they did it, otherwise, they smash them. Literally smash them. Into tiny pieces."

Looks of horror can be seen on both Haven and Pipp's faces as they heard how destructive the yaks can be if something was not done to their liking.

"...Okay, then. That's gonna be a doozy," Pipp finally spoke after a full minute of silence.

"So, uh, what is it that you want, actually?" Haven asked her oldest daughter.

She blushed a bit. "Well, just about hearing what they can do is really interesting and I wanted to get to know them more. So, mom?" Zipp paused a bit, took a deep breath, and continued. "Can I visit the home of the yaks this weekend?"

She smiled, hoping that her mother says yes. But, three minutes of silence later, she began to sweat and her smile went to a small frown, thinking that she is against the idea. Finally, she spoke. "I'll think about it, honey."

Queen Haven thought back to when her daughter Zipp had wanted to visit the yaks' home place somewhere far out of their own hometown. She can be a bit hardheaded at times, but she is now responsible to do anything without any consent from her at all. Plus, she is a bit on the athletic side, so why is she still worrying about her daughter?

With that, she turned to one of her guards, and asks for Zipp to see her in the throne room, which he did immediately. About five minutes later, the white pegasus princess came flying into the room with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"You called, mom? Is it about me wanting to visit the yaks?" she asked her mother.

Haven nodded. "Yes. Please, sit next to me," she said. Zipp did so by sitting in her own throne to the left of her mother. Once she was seated, both mother and daughter turned to face each other, with Haven holding Zipp's hooves in her own. "Listen honey, I have been thinking about your offer since this morning, and... I kept going back and forth on weather I should send you there or not. Just from hearing from you that the yaks are really destructive nearly made me refuse your offer," her mother explained, causing Zipp's ears to wilt a little. "But, I can also tell that you are strong in your own way and can take a few, if not, a lot of punches, which is why I'm letting you go to the yaks' home place this weekend."

Zipp's heart stopped beating for a second. She couldn't believe that her mother would let her visit the place. It took only a moment for her words to register before cracking up with a big smile and launched upwards, performing a few loop-de-loops in the air, shouting excitedly all the while. The white pegasus then landed next to Haven and gave her a big hug. "Oh, thank you so much, mom!"

"You're welcome, dear," the queen replied before returning the hug with a smile on her face as well.

Ten days later

Another Saturday came by, and an already woken up Pipp is ready to start her day, though without her older sister Zipp, as she is still on her vacation days in Yakyakistan, the home place of the yaks. The day before she left, Zipp had told her the name of where she will be staying thanks to Sunny's knowledge of Equestria. After a quick shower, she flew towards the dining hall, humming one of her own songs along the way.

Once she arrived, she immediately sat down, Queen Haven already there waiting for her. "Good morning, mom!" the young princess greeted her mother.

"Good morning, sweetie. Did you have a good night sleep?" Haven asks her daughter.

She giggled a bit. "Oh, mom. You always ask me that every day. Of course I did! Although, it's not the same without Zipp around, especially during breakfast. She's still on her trip at Yakyakistan, isn't she?"

The mother nodded. "Yes, she is, dearie. I hope she is doing alright."

After the little talk, the mother and daughter duo went on for their breakfast. Ten minutes later, though, they were interrupted by a knock on the door, which was quickly followed by the doors opening, revealing the castle's royal messenger, a lavender coated pegasus mare with multicolored wings, a magenta colored mane and tail, and beautiful cerise eyes. Her cutie mark was unseen underneath her royal clothing fit for a messenger.

"Your Highness? I came by to give you two letters, and they are both from Princess Zephyrina," she said, handing out two envelopes in her hoof.

"Really now? Well, thank you. I've been wanting to see what she has learned during her stay in Yakyakistan," the queen replied, walking up to the messenger and taking the letters from her. She took a brief look at the names and, sure enough, they are both for herself and Pipp. "Pipp, one of them is for you. Here you go!"

Pipp gasped and quickly snatched the letter from her mother's hoof. "Oh, I've been waiting for her letter for a while now! I finally get to read it!" She then pranced around the room with joy, giggling to herself. After a while, she paused and looked around, especially to the two ponies still standing at the double doors, one with a grin on her face and the other with confusion. Figuring that she was acting out a little bit, her face was colored into a deep crimson from embarrassment before going back to being proper of a princess she is. "Sorry, I got excited," she sheepishly said with a smile.

Haven laughed a bit. "Oh, don't worry, sweetie. I did that sometimes, but only on closed doors when there were exciting news that reached me." That only brought more confusion to the poor messenger mare. "Anyways, aren't you supposed to finish your breakfast first, young filly?" she scolded playfully.

"Oh, right! Uh, hehe..... Sure thing, mom." Pipp then trotted back to the dining table to finish her breakfast.

Fifteen minutes later, after the messenger left to let the royal family finish their breakfast, Pipp rushed back to her room, really eager to read the letter given to her by Zipp. She sat down at her table, which was mostly used for her blogs, opened the letter, and began reading.

Dear sis,

How are you doing? I hope you're doing well. Oh dear, I haven't seen you for a week and I've already missed you. Luckily for me, I still have one more week of staying here, and then I can see you again! Isn't that exciting?! Oh, I can't wait for that day to come! Sorry, I'm getting off topic here. Where was I? Oh, yeah.

You are not gonna believe this, but remember what I said about the yaks last week? Well, the reason they are quite destructive was that they are big! Like, twice as big as us ponies and has really thick fur! Oh, I really wish you were here with me right now!

Anyways, I have been in Yakyakistan for a full week now, and I've been seeing that they are really destructive in a sense, but also quite caring and lovable. Their leader, Prince Crusher - I know, weird name - was quite respectful towards ponies. He even showed me their cultural heritage, like their taste of music, where they like to sleep on, and even their cultural dance, which is actually just swaying back and forth. Quite boring if you ask me.

Also, you wanna hear a funny story? The thing is, they've taken a few glances at my cutie mark, and they've been wondering how I got it, and if they can earn one as well. As soon as I walked away out of their earshot, I just couldn't stop laughing because it was just ridiculous! There's no way yaks can earn a cutie mark! Plus, Sunny said so herself when I asked!

Okay, I'm getting off topic again. Anyways, after my laughing fit, I walked back to the yaks and did my best answer their questions about cutie marks. Luckily, they have no interest in getting cutie marks anymore once I told them that they represent your special talent. Though, they did ask me what my cutie mark represent.

I told them that I have a love of sports, thus my lightning bolt cutie mark. I also showed them some of the sports that were my all time favorites, like buckball. I explained to them all about how the sport works, including how many players each team has, how to score and so on. Though, they got really excited that when I told them to play the sport, they nearly caused an avalanche from the nearby mountains no thanks to all of their stomping.

Oh, one last thing though. After the buckball game ended, the yaks did ask me again if they can earn a cutie mark. When I politely told them that only ponies can earn them, I thought that they were gonna bash my skull in. Instead, they just said, "Oh, okay" and just drop the question entirely. Phew, what a relief!

I think that's all I've got to tell you about. Again, I really hope that you were here with me. But, I get to go home next week! Ah, I'm so excited to get back so that I can be with you again! Okay, I gotta go now. The younger yaks had asked me to teach them about how to play soccer. I know, kids right? Well, bye sis! See you next week in person!

Your loving sister,
Zipp Storm

Pipp kept on smiling while she was reading the letter, even after she finished it. She really misses her older sister, and the letter was the closest thing she can be with her. After a quick hug with it, the princess quickly put the letter back in the envelope and place it in one of her drawers before finally heading out of her room to continue her day.

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