• Published 29th Oct 2021
  • 2,463 Views, 11 Comments

Sunny, With a Chance of Precipitation - FoalishDesires

Zipp catches Sunny putting on a diaper at a sleepover

  • ...

The Sleepover

“Sleepover!” cried Izzy Moonbow as she bounced her way up the hill towards the lighthouse at the edge of town. She was flanked by her two pegasus friends, the princesses Zipp Storm and Pipp Petals, who flapped lightly to keep pace with the excited unicorn. All three wore big smiles. It had been a couple of weeks since Sunny’s home had been rebuilt, and they were all excited to hang out with their two best friends in Maretime Bay.

As they approached the lighthouse, the front door swung open to reveal a pair of earth ponies waving hello. Hitch and Sunny trotted down to meet the rest of their friends, but the trot quickly turned into a gallop, and soon they collided with their friends in a pile of hugs and laughter.

The diverse group of ponies had a wonderful evening together. Sunny made pasta alfalfa with a homegrown kale side salad, and unicorn cupcakes for dessert. Zipp won several staring contests with Izzy – best out of seventeen! – while Pipp live-streamed everything for her fans back home. Hitch and Izzy took turns telling increasingly silly ghost stories that soon had everypony on the ground laughing.

All in all, Sunny’s first party was a great success, but soon enough everypony began to yawn, and it was decided that bedtime was at last upon them. The sleeping bags were unfurled, and they all snuggled up in the living room with Sunny’s lantern projecting unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies on the walls around them. As everyone drifted off to sleep, Sunny whispered, “Goodnight, friends.”

For once, she wasn’t talking to the pictures on the walls, and that made her the happiest pony in Maretime Bay.

~ ~ ~

Zipp woke up in the middle of the night with a full bladder. She’d had way too much punch before bedtime, and was finally feeling it. Wriggling out of her sleeping bag, she carefully stepped over Hitch’s gently snoring form and made her way down the hallway, looking for the bathroom.

Where did earth ponies usually put the bathroom in their homes? Sunny had mentioned she had one, which was hilarious because Zipp had always been told that earth ponies just went outside like animals. Another misconception the ponies of Zephyr Heights were going to have to unlearn. But in the meantime, she had a toilet to find...

A noise from behind the door to her left made Zipp stop in her tracks. Was somepony there? Or something? Her mind flashed back to a story Izzy had told, about the hairless bipeds from space who snuck into pony dwellings to cuddle their victims to death. She shook her head. That was just a foal’s tale. Whoever heard of bipeds, anyways? It had to be one of her friends.

Nervously, Zipp cracked open the door to find a bedroom that must have been Sunny’s. A dark figure that Zipp couldn’t quite make out was squirming around strangely on the bed.

“Sunny?” whispered Zipp. The figure froze. Zipp’s eyes strained to see in the darkness. “That you, Sunny?” she called again. She took a few steps into the room. “Why are you sleeping in here? Dude, the sleepover’s back in the... oh!” Zipp came to a halt as her eyes adjusted and she made out the shape of her friend lying on the bedspread, caught red-hoofed with her legs up in the air and her rump nestled on an open diaper. The earth pony’s eyes went wide with shock, embarrassment, and dismay as she realised that she’d been caught in such a compromising position.

Sunny shot upright in a flash. Her rear hoof kicked the foalish garment off the bed. Her cheeks burned with shame. Oh no! How am I going to explain this?! she thought. Her mind racing, she stammered out loud, “H-hey, Zipp. Wha-what are y-you doing here?”

Zipp tilted her head. This was unexpected. “I was just looking for the bathroom, and I heard noises... um, sorry to barge in. You OK?”

Sunny’s blush became a small wildfire. “Yeah, yeah. Totally fine. Noisy, but fine. Just dandy. Not doing anything weird at all!” She realised that she was babbling and promptly shut up. Sunny plastered a big fake smile on her face and prayed to the ancient princesses for a miracle.

They were not forthcoming.

Zipp took another step into the room, and Sunny backed up until her rump hit the back wall and she sat down. Zipp knew she had to approach this carefully. “I, um, I saw. What you were doing, I mean. Sorry if I embarrassed you.”

Sunny’s head drooped. This was a total disaster. How was she ever going to live this down? “Please don’t tell anypony, OK, Zipp?” she pleaded. “It’s not what you think. I’m not a weird pony or anything.”

Zipp snorted. “Hey, dude come on! I didn’t say you were weird. Besides, Izzy’s totally weird, and we’re still friends, right?” Zipp flapped up onto the bed and draped a wing over Sunny’s back. The poor earth pony was trembling, and there were tears in her eyes. Memories of another night back in Zephyr Heights washed over Zipp. She knew this dance.

“Anyways, it’s fine, I understand. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, really.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Don’t tell anyone, but Pipp used to have the same problem when she was younger.”

“Pipp... Pipp really w-wet the bed? A princess like her?”

“Yep. Still does, too, when she has a big concert coming up and gets stressed out. Even princesses have accidents sometimes.”

Sunny turned that information over in her brain a few times, then raised her head to look Zipp in the eyes. She saw no dishonesty there, just compassion and understanding. She gave a weak smile of relief. “So... you’ll keep this a secret?” she asked hopefully.

“Totally, dude. Lips, sealed. I promise.” Zipp made a motion as if she was sealing her mouth shut. “They don’t call me Zipp for nothing!”

Sunny giggled. “You’re really nice, Zipp. Thank you.”

“No worries, filly. I got your back. Just one question... why did you invite us over for a sleepover if you knew you’d need to wear a diaper?”

Sunny’s blush deepened and Zipp began to worry that her face was going to melt. Zipp said the D-word! she thought.

“Hitch talked me into it,” she muttered. “He doesn’t know, and I couldn’t figure out how to get out of it. I thought maybe I could sneak back into my sleeping bag before anypony noticed. I-it wasn’t a really well thought out plan, I guess.”

“Well, tell you what. I’ll cover for you. This isn’t my first rodeo with this stuff, anyway.”

Sunny giggled with relief. “Sneaky pegasus.”

Zipp nodded and winked. “Maximum sneaky. Now come on, let’s get you padded up before anypony else notices we’re gone.”

Sunny’s cheeks went nuclear. Zipp could feel the embarrassment radiating from the poor earth pony, so she tried to remain casual. “Come on, dude. I’ve done this before, you know. It’ll be over before you know it, and you’ll get a better fit. I did this for Pipp all the time. Come on, lay down and let me take care of everything.”

Sunny hesitated for a few moments, then reluctantly nodded and laid down on her back. She felt strangely vulnerable, but Zipp was her friend, right? Memories from her fillyhood surfaced, when her dad used to diaper her at bedtime. Zipp had that same presence, a sort of firm care that made her feel secure despite the situation. She could let her friend do this for her, couldn’t she?

Zipp nipped the discarded diaper from under the bedside table with her teeth, and dropped in on the bed by her friend. It was baby blue, and had little stars printed all over the outside. It was something much more foalish than anything she’d seen in Zephyr Heights.

“Huh. Earth ponies are more... whimsical about this stuff than I’d imagined. Pipp’s diapers always just came in plain white.” Sunny abruptly looked to the side, obviously embarrassed, so Zipp hastily added “They’re cute, though. May as well have fun with it, right?”

Sunny’s cheeks had now reached the supernova stage, something most ponies only ever saw in a telescope. Her voice was small as she said “Canterlogic only makes them with stars or with horseshoes. I know it’s kind of foalish, but...”

Zipp shrugged. “No worries. Like I said, it’s cute. And it kind of suits you. Lift up real quick for me?” As Sunny grudgingly complied, Zipp quickly slid the diaper under her rump. Sunny’s butt came down onto the padding with a quiet rustle. “Do you have any foal powder? Um, like, talcum?”

“It’s fine, I don’t need any. Let’s just finish up, OK?” said Sunny. She really wanted this to be over with.

Zipp cocked her head. “You have to use powder, Sunny. Or you’ll get a rash and everypony will see it. You know I’m right.”

“Over there on the dresser,” whispered Sunny. “Just don’t use too much, or I’ll smell like a foal and everypony will know.”

“Don’t worry. I said I’d cover for you, right?” Zipp scooped up the bottle with a wing. “I’ll just sprinkle some on my wings. Everypony will just think it’s me.” She smirked at Sunny’s confused look. “Old pegasus trick, kid. Gotta keep the primaries dry in the damp seaside air. Pegasi use this stuff all the time.”

Zipp upended the bottle and gave it a few light taps with a hoof, sprinkling just enough over Sunny’s diaper area to ensure no moisture would irritate the skin under her orange fur. “There we go, all set.”

Powdering complete, Zipp deftly pulled up the front of the diaper and held it in place with one hoof as she focused on pulling Sunny’s tail through the hole in the rear. With a couple of quick nips, she fastened the tail-tapes, then moved onto the ones at the waist. Soon, Sunny Starscout was securely diapered, and very much in awe of how quickly it had been accomplished.

“You weren’t kidding. You’ve definitely done this before!” said Sunny as she stood up and moved around experimentally to test the fit.

“What can I say? I’m awesome. And you’re nowhere near as ticklish as my sister, so that helped.”

Sunny giggled and hopped off the bed. She wrapped a foreleg around Zipp and gave her a quick nuzzle. “Thank you, Zipp,” she said. “Thanks for everything. I’m lucky to have you as a friend.”

“No problem, Sunny,” replied Zipp as she nuzzled her friend back. “It’s what best friends do. I have just one favour to ask...”

“What? Anything!”

“Show me where the bathroom is? I’m about to burst!”

Sunny giggled and nodded, and they left the room. Together the pair slipped down the hallway, and Sunny pointed out the bathroom door on the way.

After a much needed bathroom break – and a quick wing powdering – Zipp peeked around the corner into the living room. She watched carefully to make sure nopony was awake, but there was nothing but stillness and quiet breathing from their friends. She snuck over to Sunny’s sleeping bag, unzipped it, and motioned for Sunny to climb in where she would be hidden. Once Sunny was safely tucked in, Zipp breathed a sigh of relief and carefully wound her way back to her own bedding. She smiled as she closed her eyes.

It felt good to help out a friend.

~ ~ ~

The next morning, Zipp awoke to find Sunny already up, showered, and groomed for the day. They didn’t say much as Sunny made coffee for the two of them, but there was a newfound depth to their companionship. They sipped the strong earth pony brew while they waited for the others to wake up. Soon their friends began to stir and wander over to the kitchen, following the enticing smell of roasted beans. Except for one pony, who remained conspicuously unconscious.

Pipp appeared to be deep asleep for a while, but Zipp started to grow suspicious. She and her sister were usually up around the same time, and Pipp had always been a morning pony. Zipp went over to nuzzle her sister awake, but when she approached, Pipp cracked an eye open and whispered desperately, “Zipp! You’ve got to help me!”

As the faint smell of pee reached her nose, Zipp sighed. A big sister’s job was never done.

Author's Note:

I wrote this story because... I dunno. I'm pretty weird, I guess. It seemed like a cute idea at the time, and Zipp gives me serious big-sister vibes.

This is my first piece of complete fanfiction. Everything else before has been snippets, unfinished scenes, and unformed ideas. If you have any pointers, corrections, or criticisms unrelated to the content, please feel free to DM me.

~ Foalish Desires

Comments ( 11 )

Nice work keep it up

A nice little story. I really like how you wrote Zipp in particular. :pinkiesmile:

Also, I guess Pipp was more nervous about the sleepover than she let on. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm gotta say it wasn't weird. To me it was Good and Fine as well too

Zipp is best big sis. ^_^ This was a cute little read. :)

Honestly, I was waiting for this to happen with the next gen~ Though... I was expecting Izzy to get the treatment first.

A cute little story, well written. :)

I just started watching my little pony, the next generation, I kinda don't understand this story, please don't hate me...

Not gonna lie, this is adorable… . I love it!

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