• Published 20th Nov 2021
  • 528 Views, 20 Comments

My Little Mages: The Rainbow Keys - Foxhelm

Sometimes you find what you need in places you didn't think to look, even five of the six keys Twilight and her friends need to open the strange six lock chest.

  • ...

Leap of Faith

Author's Note:

A few key changes from the show episode, will explain if asked in the comments.

Oh as for the opening scene, they are all in at least neck deep water and they are all skinny-dipping.

Now on to, Leap of Faith

Applejack and Apple Bloom were splashing the water near the surface of the pond on the grounds of Sweet Apple Temple (a slight misnomer as it was water that filled a long inactive quarry). They were not alone with another young woman slightly younger than Applejack. She had brown eyes, light orange hair, her skin was slightly darker orange with a set of small curved horns coming from the side of her head. The woman then splashed Apple Bloom causing the young farmer to almost gag. After she resurfaced, Apple Bloom coughed, “Not cool, Strongheart.” she complained.

Applejack swam to Apple Bloom and patted her on the head, “Don’t be too sour, Sugarcube, she’s family after all.” the older farmer.

Before Apple Bloom protested, “EEEYYYUUUPPP!!!” was called shortly before the Apple Sister’s big brother cannon balled into the pond. The three ducked into the water to let the wave pass over them. After a second or so they re-surfaced as Big Mac swam to be a meter away and threaded water like the three girls.

“Nice one, Big Mac.” Apple Bloom complemented before she looked around. “Say where’s Braeburn?” she asked as she failed to spot her cousin on the shore. Big Mac pointed to one of the cliffs along the side of the pond about 30 meters up. Everyone looked up to see a man somewhere between Applejack’s and Big Mac’s ages. He had light brown hair with light amber highlights and green eyes, not an uncommon trait among the Apples.

Strongheart looked from the height of the cliff to the surface of the water and made some swift mental calculations. She didn’t like the results indicated by her eyes widening before she shouted in a slight panic, “Brae, hon, what are you trying to do?” It wasn’t really a question.

“If Granny can be an award winning high diver, one of her grandchild should win gold in the high dive.” Braeburn called back.

Apple Bloom, Applejack and Big Mac looked at each other then to Strongheart, “He can’t be that…” Apple Bloom started but was stopped short as they all heard, “GERONIMO!!!” shouted by the cowboy cleric of the Applesoolian branch of the Apple Family Tree.

“Eyup.” Big Mac answered as he covered Apple Bloom’s eyes, just as Applejack shut her eyes and Strongheart covered her face and turned away. All unable to watch as Braeburn’s shout turned into a scream until they heard the distinct thud of a hard belly flop from over ten meters.

Applejack was the first to open her eyes before she swam to help her cousin. “Looks like the swim is over.”

About two and a half hours later, as the Trunk of the Apple Family and their visiting kin were walking back to Sweet Apple Temple from Magiville General Hospital, “What in the sam hill got into yah, Boy?” Granny scolded the massively bruised Braeburn. Granny and the rest of her immediate family were in their usual garps, while Braeburn wore a leather steton of darker brown than AJ’s, with a similar leather vest with the typical white rodes of a cleric. Strongheart was now wearing what looked like a white headband with a feather and what looked like a one piece yellow gown like attire that covered her whole body from afar but was of several colors and patterns, all renderings of life along the plains. However, even with her attire, Strongheart’s bison-like tail and feet could be discerned. She was of the Tatanka. That was not the only thing that was not hidden.

Braeburn tried to laugh, but could only groan, “I thought I practiced my high divin’.” he replied.

Granny sighed, “High divin’ is incredibly dangerous.” the sage pointed out, “It is the riskiest, scariest, darn-fool thing I ever did do!” she added almost shouting. Her tone softened and saddened, “Done almost killed myself at least five time, almost sent my husband, your Grandpappy, Barrel Mac into an early grave a dozen more times, with all the worrin Ah put the poor man through.” After a moment of silence from the matriarch of the Apple Clan, she then pointed her staff to Strongheart’s slightly swollen belly. “And you got your own youngen to think about.” Braeburn was about to protest, but thought better of it after he opened his mouth and shut it. Granny then continued along the road home, “Now let’s get you back to the farm and start that special bath Dr. Redheart recommended. At least she gave them fancy salts for only two bits.” The last part was a slightly unjustified complaint, but none of the younger Apples, by blood or by law, felt any compulsion to comment.

Big Mac and Strongheart headed on ahead with Granny Smith, as Applejack pulled Braeburn aside with Apple Bloom electing to be with her sister. “Cus, yall know Granny’s discouragement was because she cares about you?” she asked.

Braeburn nodded, “Ah know, AJ,” he sighed before he looked up into the sky, “but Ah want my kid to be proud of me, not just because Strongheart and I were the first Tiefling-Earthborn couple.”

“You know they prefer their tribe name of Tatanka?” Apple Bloom asked before she was given a whack on the back of her head from AJ. “Ow.”

“Yah missin’ the point, Sugarcube.” Applejack pointed out. She then turned her focus back to Braeburn, “And yah thought that if you could earn the gold in men’s high diving in the Mystican Games your child would be proud of you?” Applejack elected to get to the heart of the matter. Braeburn nodded. The Apple Sisters were not sure what to say or do. Braeburn was going to be a father soon, and while being part of the first married couple between the tieflings of the Tatanka and the Earthborn of Appaloosa was a big deal, it was something more focused on bring two peoples that almost went to war together in a mutually beneficial bound that made both better. As the two tried to figure out what they could say to Braeburn they soon noticed that a loosely pack crowd of people were walking past them. Each person in various states of need for medical attention. “What the?” Applejack asked, “Where are they going, the hospital is that way!” she said as she pointed in the direction the Apples came from. “And Zeroca’s hut that way.” She said as she pointed in the direction of the Everfree Forest. Just then the three then started to hear something like fairground music, yet fairly far off. Apple Bloom and Braeburn both silently agreed to follow the crowd. “And where are yah two headin’?” Applejack asked them.

“Gonna see what this commotion is all about, Cousin.” Braeburn answered as he and Apple Bloom left Applejack.

Applejack sighed as she looked at a shadow of a nearby tree. “Well, Dr. Redheart said that he doesn’t need that bath for a couple hours.”

After about fifteen minutes they arrived in one of the open areas near Magiville, there was a large red and white circus style tent from which the music was coming and into which everyone was going. Applejack elected to fail back and watch, from the rear. Inside the tent was a decent size stage. On the stage was a steam powered wheeled contraption that seemed to be some sort of mobile presentation wheel. “Thank you, one and all, for your attendance, and we guarantee that your time here will not be spent in vain!” came a familiar voice of a man, Applejack knew it as once as Flim. This was followed by the voice of another man, and Applejack knew it was Flam as the two stepped onto the stage, “In fact, we think it will prove to be the most valuable time you've ever spent!” Applejack scowled at the two knowing that there was something a miss, but she couldn’t tell what or how. Flim took over the Brothers’ pitch, “Welcome, one and all, to the demonstration of a lifetime!” Then Flam took over, “A demonstration of a better life!” Then he passed it off to Flim, “A demonstration of a better time! And if we haven't captured your interest just yet, by the time we've finished, an unfortunate phenomenon practically guarantees that we will!” Flam took over the pitch by asking his brother to explain a particular word used, as if several in the crowd also didn’t know the word,“A phenomenon? What's that?” Flim smiled as he gave a reduced dictionary definition of the word, “It's a circumstance perceptible by the senses,” and then proceed to give an example, “but in this case, it's the simple fact that: There's ailments all around us in everything we touch and see.” he point out as he tapped the machine and it began to cycle through many images of a common afflictions.
Flam began to sing, this was clearly not the first time the two presented this. “A sickness that lies waiting there in every breath you breathe.”
“Disease will up and grab you as it crawls from land and sea.” Flim took the next line of the song.
“It's amazing how infected that the natural world and all its things can be,” Flam sang, as the two have gone from one to the other.
Flim stopped singing, but the music continued to play, “Now I understand that some of you don't think you're sick.” Flam then took over, “But twisted wrists and ankles and aching joints don't heal all that quick.” Flim then took the next line, “Consider just how dangerous this world is! You might…” he then trailed off as Flam sang the next part of the pitch, “Slip and fall, break or sprain something here tonight.”
Then Flim joined his brother as they both sang the rest of this pitch, “But luckily for you, we've got the thing you need
And it's easier when all you need's the cure
The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic
Is just what the doctor ordered, I'm sure.” As they sang ‘Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic’ the presentation wheel showed an enlarged image of the bottled drink with their faces on the labels and the basic claim, along with its name.
The two once again stopped singing and Flim spoke, “Now I know our claims seem fantastical.” Flam then jumped in with “Impractical.” Flim then took over again with “Improbable.” which and the pitch then again passed to the brother as Flam said, “Impossible.” and the two said together, “And magical!” There as a second or two allowed for the brothers to look over the room again and while many seemed interested, this was still not an easy pitch. “So we welcome every suffering person to make their way up to the stage.” Flim said as he waved his hand and his focus gem glowed as the every front of the stage transmuted into a ramp with railing such that anyone could go up it. “Now don't crowd.” Flam requested the audience, “There is no need to for further injuries.” Flim cleared his throat as he saw that still the audience was nearing the point of purchasing the tonic, but not yet there. “And we'll prove our tonic's effectiveness before your very eyes.” he said as he and Flam levatiated a crate of the tonic and took one of the bottles out. “First one is on the house.” He announced. Flam looked around and then pointed to a person in the audience, “You there!” Flam called to the man he selected. The man in blue overalls standing in the back not far from Applejack. He had a set of ergonomic crutches with the upper part going around the upper arm as opposed to under the armpit. He also had dark silver hair and wore a set of large black frame glasses.

Applejack couldn’t tell his age, but she swinted at this, ‘why this guy all the way back hear?’ she thought. ‘There are plenty of people in worse cases much closer.’ she continued to muse to herself.

“Come up here, good sir.” Flam requested and the man approached. As he got up to the ramp, Flim took off the cap of the tonic he showed, “I'll wager you're tired of those crutches, my friend.” he reasoned. The man sighed and nodded. Flim then handed the man the tonic as Flam used his own body to support the man. “Try taking a sip of this!” Flam declared and the man drank the whole bottle. The man then pulled from Flam and was able to support himself without the crutch he held onto with his right hand. He then let go of the one he held with his left and was able to stand. He then lifted one of his legs and the crowd gasped as he was able to support himself on one leg.
After he put his foot down, “That's why you're so lucky we've got the thing for you
Just come on up, we've always got some more
Of the Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic.” The brothers sang as they walked with the man across the stage a few times, neither touching him, as if to sell an act.

The man scuffed at his crutches and started to dance out of the tent without them and threw the open ‘door’ of the tent as he sang, “I won't need these crutches to dance out the door.” and left the tent. Applejack raised an eyebrow at that, it sounded too in sync with the music for it to have naturally come from the man. It sounded rehearsed to Applejack’s ears.

Flim then took over the song, renewing the pitch. “Now some of you may suffer from feelings of despair
You're old, you're tired, your legs won't work, there's graying in your hair.” he said as he pointed to some of the older members of the crowd.
“Just listen and I'll tell you that you don't need to fear
Your ears will work, your muscles tone, your eyes will see so clear.” Flam took over the last part of the song just as the crowd started to chant, “Tonic... tonic... tonic…” the crowd chanted, almost everyone having been swept up in the presentation. Applejack could even hear Apple Bloom’s and Braeburn’s voices in the chant.

It was clear the brothers were closing in on the sell. But there was a little more they had to do. Flim started up the next part of the pitch, “It cures the runs, the spurs, and hair blight. Flam then added, “diarrhea and dysentery cured in just a night.” he claimed. Flim once again took over the pitch, “You've got swollen feet and rear or terrible orofacial cleft.” he listed off more afflections. The last one was not among those present, but still was in the pitch. Flam once again took over from his brother, “Saunter sitz and gallop plop will give your head some heft.” he pointed out , this time acknowledging a couple of the aflections among those there. “Hair loss, hay fever, or terrible tonsillitis.” Flim added to the list. Flam took over the pitch again as it seemed that they were nearing the end, “You heard it here, folks -- this is the only place in all of Mystica you'll find it!”
Flim once again began to sing with the music as they were about to end the pitch, “It can make you shorter, taller, or even grow old.”
Flam took over and questioned in song, “But who'd want that?”
Flim once again took over and sang “When with one drink”
Flim was then joined by Flam and the two seemed to arrive at the very end of both the song they have song somewhat piece mealy and the pitch for the tonic, “You can even be young again–”

“SOLD!” Shouted Braeburn as he leaped on to the stage cutting the song short.

Flam was shocked, the pitch as it was more geared to the more seniored in the audience who would appreciate some youth. However, Flim was not phased and took Braeburn’s hand and shook it, “Congratulations!” he declared, “You just made the purchase of a lifetime!” Applejack could only groan.

The next morning, along the shore of the river that cut through one of the farther corners of the Sweet Apple Temple farming ground, Apple Bloom, Applejack, Granny Smith, Big Mac and Strongheart were fishing with no hook or bait, just casting a line with a weight and burble. “Boy, I just can't believe all the things that Flim Flam Tonic can do!” the youngest Apple declared as she read the back of one of the bottles of tonic that Breaburn the afternoon before.

Applejack reeled her line in, “There’s an old sayin’ ‘When somethin’ sounds too good to be true, it usually is,’” The paladin pointed out.

Apple Bloom was not sure what to make of that. She “You mean Breaburn wasted his money?”

Applejack prepared to cast her line again, “Well, I don't know about that, but I don't think there's a tonic in Mystica that can even make the old young again like those two adversities. Too bad Twilight’s off tryin’ to keep A.K. Yearlin’ from filin’ a restrianin’ order on Rainbow just because the next damn Daring Do book was delayed.”

Apple Bloom was about to protest and defend the series, but that was a battle she was never gonna win, beside there was more immediate matters. “Okay, so why don’t we ask Zecora?” Apple Bloom elected to ask as she prepared another cast and sent her line flying. “She likely forgot more about potion in an hour than Twilight has learned in a year.”

“Ain’t in the mood to translate her rhymes today.” Big Mac commented, with his response being atypically worded and he reeled his line in. This got a nod of agreement from Applejack and Granny Smith. Apple Bloom had to grant that Zecora would be much clearer if she didn’t speak in rhymes.

“Besides, Ah thought she was spendin’ this week on the other side of the Everfree getting thin’s some ingredients that only grow there.” Granny pointed out. She elected to not touch her line and just let it bub.

Strongheart was not as visually calm as her in-laws, or so they rightfully assumed as she chucked her rod instead of casting and almost growled, “I should have been there!” as the rod plummeted and splashed into the river. “I could have stopped him from wasting that money that snake oil.”

Applejack patted Strongheart on the shoulder, “Braeburn’s a grown man, and while any married man should take his wife’s opinion into account, he’s decisions are his own.” Strongheart could only sigh in frustration. Applejack was right, she had to allow Braeburn to make his own choices. But it still stung that he spent any money on what had to be a bogus thing.

“Oh don’t be like that, Hon. They’re Enterprise Skim’s boys. They’re kin.” came the voice of Braeburn from the other side of the river. They all looked and saw Braeburn, wearing a set of swimming trunks, his massive bruise from yesterday was completely gone. They were all slightly agape, Dr. Redheart said it would take about two days, but there Braeburn was almost as good as new.

“BRAEBURN!!!” Strongheart shouted, more out of fear of what he might do than over anger at what he did. “Dr. Redheart said to take it easy for three days!” she called out.

Granny was the next to speak, “Besides, Enterprise Skim was a quack. Alway tryin’ to make some new fangled contraption to do a job in ten hours that an honest worker could do in three. Plum fool, got so wrapped up in those dime store novels of future tech, never could get him to work an honest day.”

“Didn’t he die when a branch fell on him fifteen years ago or there about?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac answered.

Applejack cleared her throat, “Not the time for this family history lesson.” she pointed out. “Braeburn, you better not be thinkin’ on div…” Applejack never finished as Braeburn took a diver’s stance and sprung into the air before he turned midair to complete the dive. Unlike the day before, he managed to not belly flop and dove into the water. Everyone gasped as Applejack and Big Mac stripped so that they would get the least of their clothes wet to go in after him. However Braeburn surfaced and started back stroking upstream as if he was done floating downstream and wanted a bit of a challenge going back up.

Applejack and Big Mac redressed themselves as they all headed for the shore and were greeted by Braeburn as he was drinking another of the tonics. It had to be at least the third he drank since he purchased a full crate last night. “How…” he started before he was silenced by Strongheart slapping him across the face with the back of her right hand.

“You almost gave me a heart attack, you idiot!” She tried her best to keep herself together.

As Braeburn rubbed his check, “Ah sorry, hon.” he was able to say. There was no reason to doubt his sincerity. “Ah go so caught up with this sprin’ in my step after Ah took this tonic and when I woke up to see my bruising was gone.” He stopped himself, “Ah got carried away and Ah was wrong to not talk with you first. I am sorry.” he repeated.

Strongheart took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “Talk with me next time before you do anything that requires you to start above 5 meters for the next four days.” she stated her condition. It was understood that she had forgiven him.

Applejack was the next to speak, “While we’re all glad to see yah ready to get back inta the water and that yah’re feelin’ well. Ah ain’t so sure that tonic really does anythin'. Are yah’re sure it’s not that the treatment Dr. Redheart prescribed worked faster than she stated?” Applejack question.

Braeburn shrugged, “Well Ah could go back to the quarry and do another 30 meter belly flop and just really on Dr. Redheart’s treatment.” the actual cowboy there pointed out. He didn’t need to shift his eyes from Applejack to Strongheart to know the later was about to throw a rightful fit, “But Ah’m on thin ice as it is with meh wife and angerin’ a spouse is not, how would yah say, condosive for one’s health.” There was no further protest on Applejack’s part. She has no qualms with Strongheart and frankly didn’t want any at this point. She nodded, accepting Braeburn’s point. Braeburn then turned to his wife, “Say hon, I left my clothes back upstream, mid if I go and swim to get them?” he asked Strongheart. Strongheart thought for a second and then nodded. Braeburn smiled before he turned to Big Mac and Applejack, “Say, Cuz, wanna race?”

Applejack and Big Mac looked to each other and then the larger cleric spoke for the two of them with one of his two his renowned one-word answers, “Nope.” as he and Applejack shock their heads.

Braeburn shrugged his shoulders with his eyes shut, “Shoot you self, Cuz,” Braeburn then dove back into the river and swam upstream.

As Granny, Strongheart and Big Mac all started back upstream and home, Apple Bloom and Applejack had both seemed to stay behind. “Gee, it looks like that tonic works after all!” the younger farmgirl declared. She then rubbed her chin, “I wonder what's in it.” she mused.

Applejack could tell that Apple Bloom wanted to know how it worked. However Applejack was also curious, but she couldn’t help but feel that the tonic was not as advertised. “Ah think maybe it's time we found out.'' She agreed and the two spoke softly as if to plan something they wanted no one else to know.

That night, Applejack and Apple Bloom followed the path to the tent were the FlimFlam Brothers sold their tonic. It was just outside the limits of Magiville. As they approached, they couldn’t help but hear the jiggle of the ‘FlimFlam Miracle Curative Tonic’ faint as it was. Apple Bloom was the first to speak, as they had not spoken since they left the farm house, “So you're just gonna walk up and ask them how it works?” she asked.

Applejack took a slight second to look up to the starry sky, “Ah’m gonna start there,” she said, “Though if it's a genuine cure, Ah don't suppose they'll be too keen on sharin' the recipe.”

Just as Applejack said that, the two were a couple meters from the tent’s entrance as the man from the pitch that Applejack, Apple Bloom and Braeburn saw came out singing, “–out the door!”

The two Apples stopped in confusion, “Wait a second!” Apple Bloom was the first of the two to speak as the two recognized the man, and noticed his blue eyes. “That's that same man from before!” she pointed out.

The man looked to the Apples and then away and bolted. “Hey!” called out as she and Apple Bloom followed the man around the tent into the ‘backstage’ area. Soon they had him cornered in what seemed to be an open air dressing room. “Now hold it right there, Mister...?” the paladin trailed off as she had never got this man’s name.

The man gulped, “Shill.” he said weakly, “Silver Shill.” he gave his full name. It was then that the two farmers noticed his aura mark, two silver coins. “What do you two want?” he asked as he was looking around like a trapped animal, but not yet scared enough to lash out.

Applejack started closing the distance “Our cousin took some tonic and we want to know how it works.” She elected to not mix words and get to the heart of the matter.

Apple Bloom then started with the story, “Braeburn had this really bad bruise and was told to do little for the next couple days, and after he took it, he’s back to normal. Not unlike you couldn't walk and now you can.'' She made the comparison. “But what are you doin' back here?” she asked, confused. Applejack’s eyes widened and then narrowed as her sister spoke, the paladin’s suspecitions starting to be shown to be well founded. Silver’s gulp confirmed it.

“It’s because he's part of the act!” Applejack stated bluntly. Her left hand started to drift to her sword’s hilt, “It's time for you to tell the truth! You never needed crutches at all, did ya?” she asked getting ready to draw it. She was going to have the truth one way or another, and it is neither chaotic or evil to make it clear what would happen if one found out they were lied to. Silver panicked and saw a decommissioned version of the machine that Flim and Flam used in their pitch. He kicked it and it jetted out steam, forcing Applejack and Apple Bloom to take a few steps back. This enabled Silver to slip by them to the part of the track that forked into the place the two cornered Silver and another route.“Hey!” Applejack shouted. Once the steam died, Applejack and Apple Bloom doubled back and split to better find Silver. Applejack managed to find the right route as she saw him run pass that night’s crowd and into the tent. If the crowd noticed him, they didn’t care.

Applejack then followed Silver in, only to be greeted by Flim and Flam. Flim was the first to speak, “Well, if it isn't our most favorite Apple!” he said as he offered his right hand. When Applejack didn’t accept it. Flam spoke, “What brings you back to our humble abode?” he asked, getting to the heart of the matter.

Applejack then saw Silver trying to hide behind Flim. She glared at him before she turned to the brothers. “You two charlatans sold my cousin a bottle of tonic, and now he's off actin' like a bachelor without a care.”

The two brother’s looked at each other and smiled, Flim asked, “What's so bad about that?” addressing that Braeburn still having a spring in his step as a good thing.

Applejack glared up at Flim, “First off he’s married with his first child on the way, done near gave his wife a heart attack, which could have resulting in a misscharge.” Applejack started. “His bachelor days have been over for months and he needs to focus on being a father.” She then raised her right hand and held out two fingers, “Second, Ah know for a fact that yahr crony here.” she lowered he hand and pointed her finger at Silver, “is dressin' up as a different person every night so he can pretend to be cured!”

Flim nodded to the left and Silver left the three. Flam then spoke, “Well, well, well, that's quite an accusation.” It wasn’t a denial, but it was far from a confession. Flim then took over as Flam took backstage their earning, “But let's say that it's true…” he trialed of as he lead Applejack to the back following Flam. “Hypothetically…” Flam added as he pulled out an used crate and trailed for Flim to take over. Flim then added, “Theoretically…” and yet again trailed off for Flam to take over, “As I understand, our mutual cousin Braeburn wants to earn the gold in the Mystican Game Men’s High Dive.” he pointed out. Flim then took over for dramatic effect as he levitated as juicer as Flam made turn the crate upside down to be used as a table. “To be the star of the show, if for only event.” Flim said as he placed the juicer down and Flam levitated a sack. “But had a bad belly flop yesterday afternoon and narrowly avoided breaking a few ribs, and wouldn’t able to get enough training in.” he said as he emptied the sack showing it to be nothing but apples and beet leaves. Applejack nodded. She wasn’t about to say a word to confirm what they said, but she knew she couldn’t deny it. She also more focused on what they two put on their makeshift table. Flim then took over, “Well, then even if our tonic were nothing more than a mixture of apple juice and beet leaves…” he trailed off as he leaviated a couple of apples and a few beet leaves into the juicer. As Flim pressed, “Hypothetically…” Flam added, and elected to trail off for Flim to continue. Flim did so as he readied an empty bottle of the tonic for it to receive the blend, “Theoretically…” Flam then took over as the tonic was juiced into the bottle, “The fact is that your cousin, Braeburn, is happier now than before he tried it.” he pointed out. Applejack again elected to hold her tongue, but she had to grant the two at least one small nod. As Flam capped the bottle, Flim continued. “So, the question is…” he trailed off and then Flam finished as he handed Applejack the tonic and asked “Do you really want to be the person who takes all that happiness away?”

Applejack was about to counter, but somewhere deep down she agreed with the two. This left her tongue tied. Just then Apple Bloom arrived, “Ah’m sorry, Ah couldn’t find that Silver fella.” the younger farmer said, she didn’t see what Applejack was holding at first. But after she got closer, “Did yah find out what's in the tonic?” she asked.

Applejack looked at the bottle in her hand and then to the FlimFlam Brothers and repeated it a couple of times. She then shut her eyes and handed it back to Flam. She turn and spoke, “Honestly, Apple Bloom…” she trailed off as she tried to find the words, “as long as it works, I…” again she hesitated unsure of the ground she was treading on. “don't suppose it really matters.” she finished.

Apple Bloom dipped her head with an ‘oh’, she really wanted to know the recipe, if for nothing else then to study it. But she smiled and raised her head, “Well, if it doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't matter to me either, sis.” she declared before the two started out of the tent.

As the two passed the ‘threshold’, Flim called out to them, “That's the spirit!” Then Flam called out, “Come back anytime!” and the two returned to their collected funds, just as Silver joined them. It was time to count.

The next morning, at one of the other watering holes on the grounds of Sweet Apple Temple, Big Mac, Strongheart, Granny Smith were cooling themselves in the water. Applejack was on the shore. It was her turn to keep an eye on Braeburn as he continued to practice his drive, increasing the height five decimeters at a time since yesterday. At his rate he was practicing, he could easily do a 25 meters dive that afternoon. Applejack wanted to feel happy for Braeburn, but she could only feel sick to her own stomach. After another successful dive and surface. “That was great Braeburn!” Apple Bloom all but shouted, cheering her cousin on.

“Ah’d give it a solid 8.” Granny scored, “Don’t be in such a rush to get to a higher start, yah all get sloppier than Barrel Mac’s old biscuits and gravy.” She declared. She then hummed to herself and smiled, “They were still the best dorn biscuits and gravy Ah ever did have.” she pointed out. “Good thing he left the recipe.”

Braeburn swam up to his family, he nodded, electing to not argue the point. “You’re right, Granny,” he agreed. “Also can’t over do it, Am still taking part in the Magiville Swim Meet with Apple Bloom.” Braeburn then caught himself, “That is my wife is okay with me doing it.”

Strongheart thought for a few seconds, “I don’t know, you’ve been drinking alot of that tonic, sure it looks like it has been helping you with your recovery....” She trailed off unsure about how to feel or what to say. “Especially since Dr. Redheart said you should take it easy.”

No one seemed to know what to say. Strongheart had a point. Applejack, being farther from the rest of the family, was able to see that both Apple Bloom and Braeburn were somewhat crushed by this. Heck the swim meet was one of the reasons why Braeburn was here, it was the perfect chance to show to the Magiville team that he could, despite technically being from Applelossa, bring home the gold in the Men’s High Dive. Also the couple needed some time away from their neighbors every once in a while. Applejack took a breath and then spoke, “Well, Ah don’t know Strongheart,” Applejack started. “Dr. Redheart said that sometimes recoveries can be faster than she expected. And for much of Mystican history, most medicine and treatments were tonics and potions like what Flim and Flam sold.” Applejack started. She then stopped with the ‘history’ and ‘medical’ lesson. “Besides, a swim meet sounds pretty safe. And after all, if that tonic helped him with his dives in a river and a swimmin' hole, a pool should be no problem at all.” she added. This wasn’t a lie, but to call it the truth would be a stretch.

Strongheart thought on those words. After a few seconds she turned to Braeburn, “If you drown, I am not going in after you, and if you do need CPR, I am singing ‘And another one bits the dust'.’.” she stated her conditions. “Just to keep the tempo.” she added with a wink. Everyone could only give a weak nervous laugh. But it was the closest thing to a straight up yes Strongheart was going to give at this point.

“I’m gonna have to get some more of that tonic.” Braeburn said as he rubbed the back of his head.

It took a couple hours for the Apple family to arrive at the tent were Flim and Flam were selling their tonic, this time they were not having another ‘show’ instead it was just a stand at the entrance. Flam started the pitch, “Welcome, friends, and step right up! The next show starts in five minutes!” he said, while true, Flim gave a weak smile, because if these shows happened too often some one, other than Applejack, was going to put it all together and since Applejack had not given them a single bit, well those that have lost money are not known for their ready forgiveness. “But why not buy your tonic now and avoid the rush?” he asked as he levitated one of the bottles.

Braeburn, took the lead and placed another bag of bits on the stand, after side stepping the line, “Ah'll take another whole case!” he said. One of those in line, a young woman with some badges around her head and in a wheelchair, “Are you saying this stuff actually works?” she asked.

Applejack wanted to say ‘no’, but she couldn’t say it, Braeburn had recovered faster than what Dr. Redheart said he would after he started drinking the tonic, “It seems to work for him.” Applejack ultimately equivocated as she placed her left hand on Braeburn’s shoulder indicating the him she was referring to.

Flim then leapt upon the table, “You heard it here first, folks!” he declared as he held up a bottle of his tonic, “The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic is Apple Family-tested and Applejack-approved!” he said as he gestured to Braeburn when he said the tonic was Apple Family-tested and then to Applejack when he said Applejack-Approved. The woman that asked if if worked reached into a pocket and took out a few coins, “If Applejack says it works, that's good enough for me!” she declared. The rest of the townsfolk cheered and started handing over their money for the tonic. Applejack could only grit her teeth, more so in horror of what she had possibly unleashed than of anything else.

That afternoon, at the Magiville public inground pool, a decent number of the Magiville residents were either showing off their aquatic skills (with some expecting to make the Magiville team for the Mystican Games) or they were there to watch, cheer, and for a few of them, judge. Off to the green Braeburn was in his swimming trunks and was stretching, making sure none of his muscles were tense. With him was Apple Bloom in a one piece swimsuit. Sitting in the area were the rest of the family. “Just remember, you two. The most important thing is to be safe and have fun, right?” Applejack asked, she was not yet ready to inform Braeburn that the tonic was little more than juiced apples and beet leaves but she was going to prod the two to act safely.

Braeburn didn’t stop his laugh, “With the routine Little Bloom came up with, it would be an abomination if we don’t win. Right, A.B.?” he asked.

Apple Bloom gave him a slight glare, “First, no, do ever call me Little Bloom or A.B. again,” while the youngest Apple didn’t specify what would happen if Braeburn did, it was not something he was going to push. Apple Bloom then softened, “but second, yeah, we’ve got this in the bag.”

While Strongheart, Big Mac and Granny Smith gave soft applauds at the confidence of the two. Applejack, was not so sure, “Well...uh... good luck, then!” she offered.

Braeburn barely fought back a chuckling snort, “Luck?” he asked dismissively, “Who needs luck, Cousin?” He continued his dismissal. “With Apple Bloom’s routine, our skill and some of this tonic...” he said before he picked up the bottle that was close to his feet and drank from it. After he swallowed and gave an ‘ah’ of refreshment, “on our side, how can we lose?”

Before Applejack could counter, “Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic!” came the voice of Flam. This was followed by the voice of Flim saying, “Get your Applejack-approved tonic!” he declared. It was then that Applejack saw that the two hoodwinkers had set up a stand a few meters away and were selling their tonic at the meet, “The Apples drink it – why shouldn't you?” He finished the pitch as residents of Magiville started to form a line.

Applejack could only sigh, what could she say? However this was lost on her cousin as he and Apple Bloom walked to one end of the pool, “Sorry Cous, but if'n you'll excuse us, we got some swimmin' to do!” he said before he and Apple Bloom did a near silent ribbleless dive and began the routine. It was a synchronized swim to the tune of ‘Blue Danube’. Applejack could never describe the movements or plot them out, that would have been Rarity’s department, but the farmer knew that it was beautiful and awe inspiring. Once the song was done, Apple Bloom and Braeburn exited the pool and bowed to the judges. There was thunderous applause. Applejack could only shake her head and give a small smile. All the while images of Braeburn and Apple Bloom were being made as they were given the first place trophy. Among them was a sport reporter, “That was some of the most amazing aquabatics I've ever seen!” the man declared as he pulled a pen and notepad, “How in Mystica did you do it? Hard work? Lots of practice?” he asked.

Braeburn smiled, as he patted Apple Bloom on the shoulder, “Well of course, you just can’t pull off any aquabatics without practice, training and hard work. You also need one of the brightest people around to develop any routine, especially one like the one we did.” he nodded toward Apple Bloom indicating that it was her idea. “But for myself, it was this tonic that gave me that helped me recover quick enough to perform today.”

Flim and Flam then almost slid from the ground next to the victors, “That's Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic, to be precise.” Flim said as he showed a bottle. “Buy it now while supplies last.” Flam added as he pointed to their stand.

Applejack took a deep breath and turned away, she just couldn’t face her family or all this right now. That was when she spotted Silver Shill, dressed in a black and white striped shirt like those often worn by referees but with a tray of the tonic that was supported by leather straps that went around his neck. Applejack walked up to him after he had made a sale of one bottle of the tonic. “What are you doin' here?” she asked, electing to get to subject matter.

Silver turned to face Applejack and after giving a short nervous laugh, “Oh, things are going so well, Flim and Flam gave me a promotion!” he declared. He then took out the bit he just got from the purchase that Applejack witnessed. “Just made my first bit as a salesman.” He couldn’t help himself from smiling, “No more costumes for this man.” he declared as he pocketed the coin and shut his eyes as a massive closed mouth smile formed on his face. After a second the confidence dropped as he opened his eyes and looked at what he was wearing and looked into the bemused face Applejack had on. “This is more of a uniform.” he equivocated. Applejack’s bemused expression didn’t change. “I used to wonder if I was doing the right thing. You know, pretending to be cured, basically lying to folks about this tonic. But thanks to you, I realized that sometimes honesty isn't the best policy.”

Applejack was shocked at what Silver Shill said, she looked away unsure what to do until she saw Braeburn take one of the tonics, she saw a rainbow made of the colors orange, yellow, alabaster, cyan, purple and pink glitter on the bottle. Applejack’s eyes then reflected the same rainbow and she knew what she had to do. As Braeburn was about to drink the tonic that Flim and Flam sold. Applejack took her lasso and pulled it away. “STOP!!!” she shouted. Everyone turned to the paladin as she drew her sword and pointed it into the air, “Zona Vero!” she shouted as a clear bubble formed around those gathered. “That tonic is nothing more than the juiced beet leaves and old apples. It has no healing properties. Ah been equivocating for those charlatans!” she said pointing to Flim and Flam. “They have done nothin’ but con yall of yar hard earned bits! And Ah helped them.” Applejack lowered her head in regret.

Silver Shill then stepped forward and threw the portable tray he had on the ground. “So have I, I have helped them con you all and many others. Not only that I helped them force Applejack into equivocating on their behalf. I am sorry.”

“Thank yah, Silver.” Applejack said as she accepted Silver’s apology. Her face, however, grew stern as she turned back to Flim and Flam, “But no more and never again!” She made a cross with her right hand as it glowed green like a granny smith apple. “Ah curse myself, should Ah ever help these two with lies and equivocations, may Ah die where Ah stand!” Applejack’s body then glowed with golden delicious yellow light as the curse took hold. She then turned to Flim and Flam and made the same cross pointing at them. “And Ah curse yah two, too. May yah never leave Las Magus ‘til yah both become honest men, through and through.” The brother’s bodies also glowed the same shade of yellow. “And leave your ill-gotten gains!” After making the curse on the brothers, Applejack swung her blade as a granny smith green bolt appeared to be sent from it striking the two and sending them flying.

Everyone was silent, none knew what to say. It was almost abdominal to most of Magiville that Applejack would so blazingly engage in such a falsehood that swindled money from so many of them. Yet she did confess to them when it would have been easier for her to let the lie continue. On top of that she had cursed herself. Such an act was unheard of. Applejack however, only sheathed her sword and headed home.

Once she was there, Applejack effectively dropped into one of the chairs on the front porch of the Sweet Apple Temple farm house and covered her face and wept, still riddled with guilt and shame. She didn’t know how long she cried but she felt a hand placed on her shoulder. She lifted her face and saw Silver Shill standing next to her. “I know I said it before, but I am sorry for my part in all this and how it affected you.” he started as he took a seat in the chair next to her. He reached into his pocket and took out a one bit coin. “This is the last bit I have to my name,” he said as he looked it over, “It’s also the first bit I was actually given by selling that damn tonic.” he continued to mused. He then closed his right hand around it. “And it will be the last one I will earn through dishonest means.” He looked from his hand to the farmland that made up the Temple grounds. “I’ve thought about throwing it away.” he said before he turned to face Applejack again, “But I want you to have it, as a reminder of how you helped a wretch see what is the truth.” Applejack wasn’t sure if she should accept it. “The reason why it’s the last bit I have is because I gave the person I swindled for this one of my own bits.” Silver said before he took Applejack’s right hand and placed the coin in. He closed AJ’s hand around it and stood up. “Well I need to be off, I have to find another town so I can start my honest life.” He smiled at Applejack and turned to the dirt path. “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound…” he started to sing to himself softly and left.

After passing Silver, the rest of the Apples arrived home. Applejack gave a small frown, “Ah’m sorry, Cousin, I hope this doesn’t mean yah’ll stop trainin’ for your high dive.”

Braeburn laughed, “Why in tarnation would I do that?” he asked. “I just need to train smarter.” He stopped as he could feel the glare from Strongheart, “After I get the all clear from my wife.” he added with a weak laugh. “ and without any tonic.” This brought a laugh out of Applejack.

Later that night as Applejack was preparing to go to bed, she took out the group journal. She had finished describing everything and after some thought jotted down a reflection, ‘Bein' honest sure gets hard when it seems like the truth might hurt someone you care about. But I think believin' a lie can end up hurtin' even more. Maybe some people don't care about that – but I sure ain't one of them.’She finished jotting down. She looked at the calendar, tomorrow she would pass the journal to Rainbow. She failed to notice that the coin flashed a rainbow of orange, yellow, alabaster, cyan, purple and pink.