• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 948 Views, 5 Comments

Go Go My Little Pony! - Bigby Wolf

The Mane Six must team up with the Power Rangers to defeat Lord Zedd and the Legion of Doom.

  • ...

The True Master Returns

In some faraway swamp, Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, had seen better days. “You’ll see. One day I will defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends,” She let out a burst of maniacal laughter. “And they shall pay for stealing my kingdom!”

Who was she talking to? A log that she had used her magic to carve the likeness of a changeling face on. Scattered around were similar logs, each one bearing the face of a changeling drone. Ever since she had lost her hive to that traitor Thorax, she intended to reclaim her throne by any means necessary. Victory had been within her grasp when she tried to get her hooves on the Elements of Harmony but those treacherous copies of Twilight Sparkle and her friends had failed horribly.

Chrysalis kept telling herself it was just a minor setback, but to see her today, nopony would believe that she used to be a danger to Equestria. The former queen used her magic to levitate another log and began to carve another changeling face into it. Suddenly she was engulfed in a flash of fire. When the fire died, Chrysalis was gone. The log that she had been levitating fell to the ground unceremoniously.

* * *

Within the realm of Tartarus, Lord Tirek sat idly in his cage, waiting for the next visit from his little protege. The thought made him chuckle; these little ponies were far too trusting when it came to their own. Sure, Cozy Glow’s plan had failed but there were always chances in the future. Oh it was hilarious how the greatest figures in Equestria were being played for fools by a little filly. It was one of the main reasons Tirek agreed to take the pegasus pony as an apprentice. That and he admired one so young having such grand ambitions.

Just then he heard the faint sound of light flapping. Turning, he saw a small, pink shape flying to his cage. Cozy Glow, wearing a satchel, had returned and from the beeline she was making toward his cage, she certainly had big news. Once she landed, she took a moment to catch her breath before smiling up at him. “Hi, Tirek!”

The centaur resisted the urge to groan. One of his few grievances with his protege was that she never referred to him by his title. Forcing himself to smile, he said. “Welcome back, my student. I take it Cerberus wasn’t any trouble?”

“Nope~” Cozy Glow chirped. “A few good belly rubs and he was completely helpless. Why is he the guardian of Tartarus again?”

“Get on his bad side and you’d find out the hard way,” Tirek said with a chuckle. “Though I highly recommend against it. So, how are your “therapy sessions” going?”

Cozy Glow giggled. “Like a charm. They’re convinced that I’m just a “poor little thing who was desperate to feel loved and adored”.” She said this last bit in a high pitched, cutesy manner, holding her front hooves against her cheeks with a mock pout.

Tirek chuckled again. “Those ponies and their giant hearts. Shed a few tears, quiver your voice a bit and they’ll overlook any transgression. Course, I wouldn’t be surprised if the ponies would rather it was all my fault. They still bear a grudge against me after I took all their magic, no doubt. I’m surprised they didn’t try to increase security here, or at least made sure you couldn’t reach me.”

Cozy Glow puffed her chest proudly. “They think I’ve truly learned my lesson and didn’t feel the need to.”

Tirek shook his head with a smirk. “Did they really? Oh, what fools these ponies be. Well, not all of them,” he added with a glance at Cozy Glow, who beamed at the compliment. “So, I take it you have big news to tell me from the way you darted in here.”

“I sure do,” Cozy Glow said, flying up so that they were eye level. “Turns out Celestia and Luna are giving Twilight Sparkle a ‘trial run’ to see how she would feel being the ruler of Equestria.”

Tirek stroked his beard. “Yes, I remember when I first escaped; Discord had mentioned the princesses were training Twilight Sparkle as an "emergency successor" in case something happened to them. So, have they decided to officially resign and give her the throne yet?”

Cozy Glow shook her head. “Not that I know of.”

Tirek crossed his arms as he processed this information. “A trial run eh? Is it because Celestia and Luna are preparing to give up the throne sometime in the future? Or is something else going on that only they know?”

Cozy Glow scratched her chin, mulling over her teacher’s words. “I don’t know. I could try to find out.”

Tirek shook his head. “Don’t risk it. If you try to act too curious now, they might become suspicious. For the time being, I suggest that you keep pretending that you’ve seen the error of your ways and let them think you’re completely harmless. Best to play it safe for the time being.”

Cozy Glow smiled. “Okay! Oh by the way, I have something for you in case you get bored.” Reaching into her satchel, she pulled out a miniature figurine of Tirek and herself, the figure of Tirek holding the figure of Cozy Glow in his hands. She put it in the cage right by his hooves “It’s a rock sculpture I made! Hope you like it.”

Tirek was annoyed yet amused at the same time. Obviously Cozy Glow was hoping to manipulate him with that insincere, syrupy sweetness of hers. Such acts did wonders on those little ponies but did she really think it would work on him?

Tirek was about to at least fake some gratitude for the “thoughtful” gift but just as he opened his mouth, a flash of fire engulfed him. As quickly as it had appeared, the fire burnt out. Cozy Glow had just enough time to gasp when she too was engulfed by the flames. The only trace left of them was Cozy Glow’s sculpture.

* * *

In a realm lower than even Tartarus itself, a figure drew a circle in the ground with a stick. The circle glowed with a faint blue light as the figure added arcane symbols in the center. Once it was done drawing, the figure stepped back, satisfied with their work. Purple crystals began to emerge from the circle before a mass of black smoke began forming, swirling like a vortex. A pair of green eyes and a curved red horn appeared from the smoke. Nodding in approval, the figure disappeared into the shadows.

* * *

Tirek and Cozy Glow were certainly no longer in Tartarus, they knew that much. Where they were, they couldn’t say. They appeared to be in some large cavern, with numerous pathways and even an upper level. Was this...somepony’s home? Before they could make sense of their predicament, another figure appeared at the far end of the room: Queen Chrysalis. She looked over her surroundings in confusion before she turned around, her eyes landing on the only other two occupants.

“Lord Tirek!” she exclaimed, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Tirek raised a brow. It had been a long time since he had seen one of her kind but he recognized what she was immediately. “A changeling?”

“Chrysalis,” the fallen monarch introduced herself. “Queen of the Changelings.” She made her way over to Cozy Glow and Tirek, who in turn began approaching her. Once they met up in the middle of the cavern, she went on.

“Or at least I will be once I’m restored to my rightful place. Why did you summon me?” She leaned down to snarl at the pegasus filly standing beside Tirek. “What do you want?”

With a cry, Cozy Glow hid behind Tirek’s leg. She was well aware of who Chrysalis was. Still, she immediately began working her charm. “Oh, golly. We didn’t bring you. I thought you summoned us from Tartarus.” She gave a big smile.

Unmoved by Cozy Glow’s little display, Chrysalis mulled over her words. “Tartarus? Whoever pulled you from there must have been somepony very powerful indeed.”

The sound of a great wind drew their attention to the upper level of the cavern, where a swirling mass of smoke had somehow formed. A figure emerged as the smoke began to die out. It was a dark grey unicorn with a mane made of the very smoke he had stepped out of, draped in a red cape and armor over his neck and hooves. A spiked crown sat upon his head.

Tirek and Chrysalis were particularly taken aback by this newcomer. “King Sombra? You have returned?” Chrysalis asked before she and Tirek glared at the unicorn, prepared to attack. “Why did you bring us here?”

“He didn’t.”

Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow turned at the deep, snarling voice that came from behind them. A new figure was walking towards them, his appearance catching them all by surprise. The figure walked on two legs, like a minotaur, donned in golden armor. In his right claw was a long, wicked looking sword. His face was the only part of him not covered in armor, revealing a blue, lion-like maw and ruby red eyes. That, combined with the great wings he was sporting, made him appear like a manticore that learned to walk upright.

Tirek and Chrysalis stepped back as the figure walked past them, Cozy Glow trying to hide herself further behind the former’s leg.

“I am Goldar,” the figure said as Sombra disappeared in a puff of smoke to stand beside the others. He turned around to face them, his mouth curling in a sneer. “I brought the four of you here, to the former lair of Grogar himself.”

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Sombra gasped.

The Grogar?” Chrysalis inquired.

Tirek stammered. “But he is just a legend.”

“I’ve heard of him,” Sombra said quietly.

Cozy Glow flew up to them. “Who?”

Goldar growled, earning a squeak of fright from the filly. “Oh how the mighty have fallen. To be nothing more than a myth that children don’t know about.” He shook his head. “I had such high hopes for Grogar. How could he have failed his mission so badly?”

Mission?” Chrysalis’ eyes narrowed. “Explain yourself.”

Goldar hoisted his sword. “Watch your tongue, former queen of the Changelings. Though you show promise, I will not tolerate insolence.”

Chrysalis’ horn lit up with magic, ready to attack, when she felt Tirek put a hand on her shoulder.

“You’ll...have to forgive us, Goldar,” he said diplomatically as he stepped forward. “But Grogar is said to have been an ancient and extremely powerful ruler. Yet, you mention a mission. Was this mission the conquest of Equestria?”

“First Equestria and then the entire world,” Goldar answered. “Grogar assured us this world would be easily conquered and our master could focus on other matters.”

Now it was Sombra who stepped forward. “Are you insinuating that the First Emperor of Equestria, the Father of Monsters...answered to another?”

Chrysalis and Tirek shot Goldar skeptical glances. Cozy Glow, who was completely lost, stayed off to the side.

“I “insinuate” nothing,” Goldar said calmly and yet the edge in his voice was so obviously there that the conqueror of the Crystal Empire found himself, to his own amazement, suppressing a shudder. “And now that we have learned of his failure, our lord will finish the job.”

Chrysalis scoffed, even flipping her hair haughtily to drive her point across. “You honestly expect us to believe any of this? If Grogar had a master as you claim, then where is he?”

Goldar rested the flat of his blade against his shoulder, chuckling low and deep. All four felt the exact same way at that laughter, but it was Cozy Glow who put their thoughts into words.

“Something really bad’s about to happen isn’t it?”

No sooner had she said those words, the ground began to tremble. Tirek looked at the ground in confusion before the trembling increased. The whole cavern was shaking with such force that Tirek, Chrysalis, and Sombra sprawled to the ground. Goldar was the only one apart from the fluttering Cozy Glow to be unaffected and he began laughing even louder at the state of the would be rulers. The ground was shaking so badly it seemed a miracle the cavern hadn’t caved in.

“What is this?” Sombra demanded. “An earthquake?”

Thunder boomed outside, like the blasts of cannons. From the opening Goldar had come from, they noticed the outside had become completely dark. Suddenly there were great flashes of lightning, as if the entire sky was lit with electricity. The wind howled like a great beast was before blowing inside the cavern, Cozy Glow struggling to fight against it. Eventually the gale was too much and she was sent flying to another side of the cavern.

“You!” Chrysalis pointed a hoof at the still laughing Goldar as Cozy Glow crawled her way over to the group. “You’re responsible for this!” She tried rising to her hooves but was thrown off balance by the quaking ground.

“Not I,” Goldar said as the four struggled to pick themselves up. “Be honored, the four of you, for you will now witness the coming of the one true emperor:


Suddenly their collective vision went white and then there was an explosion, as if a lightning bolt somehow struck the inside of the cavern. All four were blasted off their hooves, sending them crashing together in a tangled mess. Cozy Glow squirmed her way out; her body sore from being piled upon. Her ears were ringing from the explosion, and her eyes blurred with colors from the flash. Shaking her head to clear the cobwebs she looked up to see what had happened, letting out a sharp intake of breath. The other three, who had managed to separate themselves, turned to see what had caught her attention: their reactions were the same.

On the upper level of the cavern, where Sombra had revealed himself, was a great stone throne. It crackled with energy, briefly illuminating a stylized Z in the center. Slowly, the throne began to turn. Already Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, and Cozy Glow’s minds were a whirl, trying to process everything that had been happening. What more could possibly happen now?

When the throne fully turned around, they had their answer. Tirek reeled backwards, nearly tripping over himself. Chrysalis’ already wide eyes grew so huge they seemed to encompass her entire head. Sombra felt his entire body freeze in place. Cozy Glow let out a whimper, trying to curl herself into a ball and pray she wasn’t noticed.

Goldar bowed. “I welcome you, my emperor,” he said with awe and reverence.

A dream, this was all a dream. It must be a dream; it had to be a dream. For sitting on that throne, looking down upon them... was something straight out of a nightmare. The being, for lack of a better word, stood on two legs like Goldar and that was the only similarity between them. This vision of horror had no flesh at all! His glistening, red muscle was on display for all to see. Metallic platings lined his body, tubes ran along it, filled with an unknown, purple liquid, and his head….

Oh sweet Celestia, his head.

His face was covered by a metallic, grill-like mouthplate and a crimson visor that seemed to glow. His forehead sported a horn-like crest, the tip ending with the same stylized Z as the back of the throne. But the most frightening part of all was….his scalp was gone, exposing the top of his very brain! Stretched out from one side of the throne to the other, resting on the being’s forearms, was a great python.

“Per your instructions, master,” Goldar said, standing to attention. “I have gathered the ones who had tried to take over Equestria and similar lands like the Crystal Empire: Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Lord Tirek, and even the young one called Cozy Glow.”

Lord Zedd rose off his throne, holding the snake up. “Excellent work, Goldar,” he said in a deep, guttural voice that increased his ominous presence. The snake began to glow red when, in a quick flash, it had been transformed into a metallic staff. The tip ended with the same stylized Z, while the end sported a curved spike. He looked down at the other four, who flinched at his gaze.

“I am Lord Zedd: emperor of all I see. Because Grogar failed to complete his mission, I will now resume command! I tasked Goldar with bringing you here for I have learned of your accomplishments and see that each of you have potential."

Tired was the first to find his voice, though he had to lick his lips a few times first, finding his mouth incredibly dry. "Potential for what?"

"You have all come close to victory, only to have it snatched from your grasp by those pitiful little ponies, specifically the bearers of these “Elements of Harmony”. Do you know why?”

The reminder of their defeats was able to snap the four past threats out of their stupor, some angrier than others for Chrysalis immediately yelled “Because they cheat!”

Tirek crossed his arms. “Because they are annoyingly lucky.”

“Well,” Cozy Glow said shakily. “I’m just a kid so…”

Lord Zedd threw back his head and let out a laugh that chilled all four of them to the bone. The icy winds of Northern Equestria would have felt like a gentle breeze compared to how they were feeling now.

“How sad, refusing to accept responsibility for your failures.”

“My thoughts exactly, Lord Zedd,” Goldar said, laughing alongside his master.

Chrysalis’ lip curled at the warrior. “You little suck up…”

“Lord Tirek,” Lord Zedd went on, cutting off Chrysalis. “You underestimated how forgiving Twilight Sparkle would be to Discord despite his betrayal and that act allowed her and the others to gain the magic to defeat you.”

Tirek scowled, his defeat replaying in his mind. After so long, he had finally gained all the magic in Equestria...yet Twilight Sparkle was able to gain magic even greater than that. Tirek’s fingers dug into his arms.

“King Sombra: your traps were indeed cunning and insightful, but they were obviously meant for an individual. You did not stop to consider the possibility of someone seeking the heart bringing others alone. All your planning and you were foiled by a tagalong assistant.”

Sombra snarled as he glared up at Lord Zedd, kicking up dirt. Goldar stepped forward, sword raised, to face him. Zedd struck the ground with his staff, causing Goldar to halt his advancement. He lowered his sword but his red eyes remained fixed on Sombra.

Lord Zedd turned his head to Chrysalis next. “Queen Chrysalis: your defeats were done by love; the very thing you feed on! Foiled by your own food source due to sheer arrogance! How humiliating.”

Chrysalis’ body had been shaking the entire time at Lord Zedd’s words. Finally she could take it no longer and charged at him. Goldar tried to intervene but she flew over him, aiming her horn directly at Lord Zedd’s stomach.

“My Lord, look out!” Goldar cried, preparing to take flight.

A clang ran throughout the cave as Lord Zedd effortlessly blocked Chrysalis’ horn with his staff. “There it is. There's the fire that made you such a threat."

Then with one hand he grabbed Chrysalis by the throat and threw her backwards. She soared through the air towards her three unintentional compatriots. Cozy Glow was the first to break out of her stupor, diving out of the way just as the changeling queen crashed into the still stunned Tirek and Sombra. The collision knocked all three back onto the ground. Cozy let out a sigh of relief at her close call….only to find Lord Zedd’s gaze fixed on her.

“Ah, Cozy Glow. You may be a child but you were willing to risk draining all the magic in Equestria and incapacitate its heroes so that you would be the one to save the day. Tirek may have taught you what you must do, but the plan was all yours. I see in you exactly what he does: Ambitious, cunning, and willing to go to any lengths to get what you want. You have possibilities.”

“Oh, she gets praised despite her failure?” Chrysalis muttered as she picked herself off the ground, Tirek and Sombra following.

“At least she has a reasonable excuse, being a child,” Lord Zedd said. “You on the other hand do not. You call yourself a queen? Considering your list of failures, you wouldn't be fit to run a flea circus!”

Her anger flaring again, Chrysalis’ horn lit up. In turn Lord Zedd raised his staff, electricity building up around the Z. Out of the corner of her eye, Chrysalis noticed Goldar had aimed his sword at her, flames engulfing the blade.

“Don’t!” Tirek hissed at Chrysalis. “I can tell he possesses powerful magic. Considering how well you did when you first tried attacking him, I expect the same results will happen again.”

Chrysalis’ eyes remained fixed on Lord Zedd but she heard Tirek’s words all the same. The two simply stared at each other, or at least Lord Zedd seemed to be staring, no one could tell with that visor. Finally Chrysalis lowered her head, her horn ceased glowing. Zedd lowered his staff, the electricity fading. The flames vanished around Goldar's sword as he rested it on his shoulder.

“As I said, despite your failures, you all have potential, especially when aligned with my vision,”

“Your vision?” Sombra repeated.

Lord Zedd sat back down upon his throne. “Join me and when Equestria is under my command, you shall each have a place at my table. You will have power the likes of which you have never seen before. Then we shall seek other worlds to rule!" He looked down at Tirek. “Other worlds with magic to claim.” Then to Chrysalis. “More creatures with love to feed on.” Sombra was next. “More to enslave.” Finally to Cozy Glow. “More friends for you to make.”

Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, and Cozy Glow shared a glance with each other. Equestria conquered? More worlds to rule?

“A tempting offer, Lord Zedd,” Tirek said. “Yet this proposal is quite a tall order. How exactly do you intend to accomplish it?”

Lord Zedd chuckled at the centaur. “Did you not wonder how I knew so much about you four? I have studied this world and all who inhabit it. I know the strengths and weaknesses of those who would oppose me: The alicorn princesses, Twilight Sparkle and the Elements Bearers, Starswirl the Bearded and…”

“Starswirl?!” Tirek exclaimed angrily. “He’s back?”

“Indeed,” and the four felt that if he had a visible mouth, they would see Lord Zedd smirking. “He and his little band, “The Pillars of Equestria”, were freed from Limbo.”

Tirek scowled at Cozy Glow. “And you didn’t think to tell me this?”

“I didn’t know you knew Starswirl the Bearded,” Cozy Glow said, holding her front hooves up. “All I know is that he was a big deal a long time ago apparently.”

"It seems Grogar is not the only one who has almost faded into obscurity," Goldar noted.

Tired looked up at Lord Zedd. "I want that unicorn to myself. He and I have a score to settle."

"Ah yes. It was he who convinced your brother Scorpan to betray you to the Alicorn princesses. Very well, Lord Tirek. Join me and I guarantee you shall have your revenge."

"I would be able to get my revenge on Starlight Glimmer?" Queen Chrysalis asked, trying not to seem too eager.

"And I onto those usurpers and the baby dragon who aided them?" King Sombra added.

"That and more," Lord Zedd answered.

Chrysalis smiled, already imagining herself punishing Starlight in the most brutal way possible. Then she paused before her smile shifted to a frown. " A very tempting offer, Lord Zedd. But why should we believe that you can succeed when we could not?"

"Because I have come prepared to deal with these defenders, even Discord." Lord Zedd held out his hand. "Behold, the Green Chaos Crystal!"

Electricity coursed along Lord Zedd's arm before gathering at his palm. The bolts seemed to merge together and an object appeared in his hand: a long, green crystal. To the untrained eye, it looked like a regular gemstone. Sombra and Tirek could tell that it was anything but ordinary. They could feel power emitting from it, even from a distance.

"Discord may be the spirit of Chaos, but he is far from the only source of it," Lord Zedd said. "This crystal is charged with chaos energy. With it, not only will the four of you become more powerful than ever before, the chaos energy will enable you to even counteract Discord's own chaos magic."

Eight pairs of eyes stared in wonder at the crystal. Chrysalis' smile threatened to split her face. Despite his calm demeanor, there was a manic glint in Sombra's eyes. Tirek was practically salivating. Cozy Glow was softly giggling to herself as she rubbed her front hooves together.

Lord Zedd nodded at their eager faces. "So what say you?"

That brought the four back to reality. They looked to the crystal, then to Zedd, then back to the crystal. There was still eagerness in their eyes, but so was uncertainty.

"I see," Lord Zedd mused. "You still doubt my claims."

"Perhaps a demonstration of your power would convince them, my Lord," Goldar suggested.

"My thoughts exactly, Goldar. Now, then, what shall I…"

A buzzing noise cut Lord Zedd off. A fly happened to enter the cavern, casually buzzing around the room.

"Mmm...yes, that will do nicely," Lord Zedd aimed his staff at the fly. Bolts of lighting fired from the Z and struck the fly. Instead of frying the poor insect, the lighting began making the fly glow. "Arise, Horror Fly!

The light around the fly began getting bigger and bigger. Then in the blink of an eye, the light was gone. Unable to handle any more surprises, the four felt their minds halt.

Standing before them was a monster as tall as Tirek, possibly taller. It had the appearance of a fly, but its body was similar to Goldar's and Lord Zedd.

"Horror Fly here!" The monster said. "And I'm buzzzzzzing with excitement!"

Lord Zedd nodded in satisfaction before addressing the enemies of Equestria. "I taught this very magic to Grogar. It was how he gained his title as Father of Monsters. That was but a mere fraction of my power and I've only just begun. Consider this a little extra incentive. Lord Tirek; upon you I shall restore what was once taken away."

Lord Zedd aimed his staff at Tirek and fired electricity before the centaur could react. Like the fly, his body began glowing and growing. When the light faded, Tirek was showing to not only be taller, but also far more muscular. His beard was short and his horns were longer. Delight filled Tirek's eyes as he began flexing his newfound muscles, smiling widely. Chrysalis, Sombra, and Cozy Glow's jaws hung so low they threatened to fall off.

Lord Zedd leaned back on his throne. "I take it you're convinced now."

Tirek gave a deep bow. "Lord Zedd, in gratitude for what you have given me and promised to give, I shall join you."

Sombra spoke next. "You indeed possess powerful magic, Lord Zedd, and vast knowledge. Not only will I have my revenge, I believe there is much I can learn from you. I'm in."

Cozy Glow rubbed a leg. "Well...having entire worlds full of new friends does sound pretty great. Count me in."

All eyes were on Chrysalis now, even the newly christened Horror Fly. Realizing that everypony and, as Lord Zedd had said, everyone, was expecting an answer Chrysalis took a deep breath.

"Very well. You have proven that you can more than deliver, Lord Zedd. If this can guarantee me revenge on those worthless ponies... then I'm in as well."

"Excellent," Lord Zedd said softly. The Green Chaos Crystal began to glow. "Together the four of you shall join Goldar as my generals in this great conquest. Today Equestria. Tomorrow, the entire world!"

Beams of light struck Goldar, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, and Cozy Glow. The latter four screamed as energy surged through their bodies.

"It might hurt now but the pain shall be worth it! Rise, my Dark Rangers!"

The entire room shook and lights exploded as a million lightbulbs in a power surge. Horror Fly stumbled back from the sight. The other five were donned in various colored, monstrous armor. Tirek was the first to stand. His body armor was a deep crimson with black lines running along it like webs and a white mouthplate. Even Tirek’s horns were armored, looking longer and sharper than their natural state.

“So...much...power!” he exclaimed. “Dark Ranger Red!”

Chrysalis looked herself over: Her armor was completely black save for her mouthplate. Her horn also seemed sharper as if replaced with an actual blade. Her wings were not only armored but also bigger. “I haven’t felt this powerful in ages! Dark Ranger Black!”

Sombra’s blue did not just cover his body, it even changed his smoke-like mane into a blue fire. “Not even the magic of the Crystal Heart could stop me now! Dark Ranger Blue!”

Cozy Glow fluttered excitedly. She was still small and her armor was a dark pink, but there was a bestial look to her now. Her wings were also armored, and appeared skeletal. “Wait till all my future friends get a load of me! Dark Ranger Pink!”

Goldar bowed, his armor making him appear as if he was made entirely out of gold, saved for his mouthpiece. “Lord Zedd, I thank you. You will not regret this! Dark Ranger Yellow!”

“See that I don’t, my Dark Rangers,” Lord Zedd said.

“So, what is our next move?” Sombra asked.

“First, we shall remove the Elements of Harmony so they cannot be used against us,” Lord Zedd answered.

“Ha!” Chrysalis said proudly. “As it just so happens, I know where the Elements are and the Tree of Harmony that holds them. It’s in the Everfree Forest, though I alone know their exact location.”

“And you never tried to take them before because…?” Tirek asked.

“Twilight Sparkle and her friends happened to be in the area at the time,” Chrysalis quickly lied. “Without my hive to assist me, I couldn’t risk them distracting me with sheer numbers.”

Tirek tapped his chin skeptically, but then Lord Zedd spoke.

“Excellent. Chrysalis, you shall lead the others to the Elements of Harmony. Horror Fly, you will go to Ponyville. Wreak havoc and destruction to your heart’s content but make sure Twilight Sparkle and her friends do not enter the forest!”

“Azzzz you command, Lord Zzzzzedd,” Horror Fly bowed.

Lord Zedd looked at his Dark Rangers. “When you find the Elements, destroy them and their precious tree! Reduce them to nothing more than dust!”

Chrysalis hissed in delight. “Gladly!”

“That’s what I like to hear. Now go forth, my Dark Rangers!”

The five Dark Rangers were engulfed in light based on their respective colors, flying out of the cave and into the sky like a wicked spectrum. Lightning gathered around Horror Fly and he too vanished, leaving Lord Zedd alone in the cavern.

“At long last, this world shall finally be mine. Once I control this world and all its magic, nothing shall stand in my way!”

The cavern echoed with Lord Zedd’s horrible laughter.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

When I had learned about Lord Zedd’s return in the latest Power Rangers installment, Dino Fury, it started getting me back into Power Rangers and its Japanese counterpart, Super Sentai. Aside from being one of the most iconic American made villains for Power Rangers, Lord Zedd has always been my personal favorite. With his ability to turn ordinary objects and animals into monsters, I could see him serving as a precursor for Grogar. While we don’t know how exactly he created Equestria’s monsters, the Season 8 finale implies all the monsters were ordinary animals transformed by magic.

The Dark Ranger angle was something that appeared in the original Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. The episode itself gained infamy due to the ridiculous costumes the Dark Rangers were wearing and the fact that the Power Rangers foiled Zedd’s plan without actually fighting their counterparts. (Apparently the costumes were super fragile and everyone was worried they were going to break). I won’t give anything away but the Dark Ranger angle is a significant deal, along with the Green Chaos Crystal, in the Power Rangers comics being written by Boom Studios. Also, in case anyone felt Lord Zedd was being extremely generous in getting the Legion of Doom into joining him, this is also somewhat based on his comic book characterization. While still as ruthless as ever, comic book Zedd was willing to acknowledge his minions’ efforts and would even reward them if he felt they did a decent job. 

Comments ( 5 )

You've gotten me hooked as I grew up watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and when I gotten to the part of Lord Zedd's introduction I went to YouTube to listen to his theme as it really made the introduction of him to the Tirek and the others very fitting.

Anyways very great job on the first chapter, keep up the awesome work!!

This certainly caught my eye.

I wonder whats in store for Spike in this too?

This shall be interesting to see what Zohram of Eltar/Lord Zedd has in store for Equestria. Will the Rangers show up to help Equestria?

I'm starting to like it but 'The End' part, I think it should be 'To be Continued...'

Nice work I like it.

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