• Published 8th Nov 2021
  • 3,004 Views, 94 Comments

Equestria Girls: It's Showtime – Looney Tunes - Phantom-Dragon

The Equestria Girls have a Looney Tune time with Bugs Bunny and friends.

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LARPing with Looney Tunes – Devil Monkey Run

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Sorry it took so long to update this story. But it's still going, like the others, and on behalf of everyone on Equestria Girls: It's Showtime, I hope this chapter's worth the wait!

Somewhere, deep within a dense jungle, the landscape itself is ablaze under the blazing sun. The air is murky, humid to all that cross its path. All the insects buzz loudly, a sure sign of an adventure of a lifetime unfolding.

Running through the jungle’s treacherous trees, a young woman races breathlessly down the trail. She swings across several vines, and swatting the annoying mosquitos away, with her latest quarry… a golden idol in the shape of a humanoid ape-like creature.


A loud bellowing roar erupts from behind the running woman. The brave adventurer briefly turns behind her, spotting her chaser. The silhouette outline of a menacing hulking beast, waving its humongous arms, its horrifying eyes glowing red like those of a demon. A creature so grotesque and unusual, no form of science can explain it.

The young woman immediately quickens her pace. Though her legs are sore and burning, she musters every ounce of energy to run for her dear life. The young adventurer is more than determined to escape the ravenous beast. All of a sudden, the adventurer trips upon a tree root. She falls forward, landing on her face, her stolen prize loose from her grip.

The adventurer barely has time to stand up. The moment she rolls on her back, the pursuing beast now stands up close to her face.

The beast laps on top of the woman, reaching its claws inches toward her.

“Are you okay, Scootaloo?” The beast asked.

“Are you okay, Scootaloo?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I’m fine, Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo replied.

The young girl takes Sweetie Belle by the hand, the latter helping her up to her feet.

“Though, no offense, I still think we could use a scarier monkey than Musical Jolly there!”

She points a finger toward the Musical Jolly Chimp the girls are playing with.

“Looked pretty creepy when I was a toddler,” Sweetie Belle replied.

Currently, the members of the ‘Canterlot Movie Club’ are playing a game of LARP – Live Action Role-Playing. The three girls are dressed as treasure hunters, a cross between Daring Do and Indiana Jones. Each girl holds a specific prop in hand: Apple Bloom arms herself with a rope for a lasso, Sweetie Belle carries a jewelry box, and Scootaloo holds a camera to capture the moments on film.

As of now, the three girls are in the midst of a dress rehearsal for their latest project. As it seems, however, the girls are far from happy about the overall project.

“I’m just going to call it as it is girls,” Scootaloo sighed. “This game isn’t right. We can’t just pretend we’re running from Musical Jolly. We need more ‘players’! Seriously, how many people do you know want to see a video of three girls, carrying a golden idol, running from a tiny chimp banging cymbals?”

A heavy sigh escape their lips, as the three girls are clearly bored out of their mind. All they could do is sit back and wonder what more than can do to liven up their little game.

“Too bad Pinkie Pie couldn’t join us,” Scootaloo shrugged. “Or even Rainbow Dash… either one could really live the game up.”

“You want Rainbow Dash,” Apple Bloom replied bluntly.

“… Yes.”

“Button Mash would be fun!” Sweetie Belle smiled lovingly.

“If he wasn’t away at Computer Coding Camp,” Scootaloo pointed out.

And all at once that happy face on Sweetie immediately turned into a sad frown.

“Don’t even get me started on our last LARPing game,” Apple Bloom muttered. “Remember how Snips and Snails botched Transformers?”

Last LARPing Game

Sirens off the fire trucks blare, as several firefighters try to tame a heavy fire off one of the trees. Several paramedics carry a few hurt civilians into the back of the ambulance, while another officer jots down some notes from nearby witnesses. The girls stand there in their Autobot costumes at the scene, before they slowly turn and glare toward Snip and Snails, both dressed to resemble Decepticons. Like the girls, they have some soot on their outfits after a stunt gone wrong.

“… My bad!” Snails spoke meekly.

"My leg!" One of the injured civilian shouted.

"My cabbages!" Another screamed in horror.

Another heavy sigh escape their lips as the three girls continue to brood over their misfortune. It is in that moment the girls eyes spot three particular Looney Tunes – Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig – just passing through the park, still in their disguises.

“BUGS! PORKY!” Apple Bloom greeted.

Excitedly, she, along with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, ran toward the three living toons who turn toward the girls. Bugs and Porky receive their hugs from the three girls, returning the greeting.

“Hiya goils!” Bugs smirked.

“Aw s-s-s-s-shuck!” Porky smiled, returning the hugs.

“And what am I? Chopped livers-th?!” Daffy quaked in disdain.

“Get on over here!” Scootaloo ushered.

Daffy merely rolls his eyes for the initial ignorance, but still strolls toward the group as Scootaloo wraps an arm around his shoulder.

“How you boys doing today?” Apple Bloom asked the toons.

“Oh, w-w-we, w-w-we, we’re all good!” Porky Pig stammered.

“Yeah. We just came back from Twilight’s house,” Bugs Bunny confirmed, chomping his carrot. “She’s smart, fawh a goil huh age!”

“Right… a real egghead,” Daffy Duck quacked.

“D-D-Daffy! Be nice!” Porky Pig scolded.

“What?! She’th got a really big head! All that thienticth talking and mumbo jumo’th giving me a mother of all headacheths!”

“But remember de golden rule Granny always says?” Bugs reminded. “’Never talk about someone behind their back’. Besides, yu should be thankin’ dem fawh goin’ through all de troubles fawh us.”

“Fine!” Daffy frowned. “Tho long ath I don’t get to thuffer through another boring lecture. I be needin’ me some ibuprofen for all of them headaches.”

“… And that is why he’s always held back in school,” Bugs told the girls.

All three girls merely shake their heads, to which Daffy merely turns away with a look of annoyance.

“So, what ya up to girls?” Bugs asked the CMC. “With them costumes and camera, yuh looked like you’re making a movie or something.”

“We’re playing a game of LARP!” Apple Bloom explained, holding the rolled rope.

“And we wanted to record the whole thing for posterity!” Scootaloo explained.

“But… we’re short on a few players,” Sweetie Belle sighed.

“Oh d-d-d-dear,” Porky Pig stuttered. “Th-Th-Th-That’s a bummer.”

“What kinda game ya playing?” Bugs Bunny asked.

“We’re role-playing as treasure hunters,” Apple Bloom explained. “Like Daring Do… Indiana Jones…”

“Lara Croft!” Scootaloo added.

“Right, her too,” Apple Bloom acknowledged. “Anyway, we just got the golden idol and we’re on the run from some angry Devil monkeys…”

“Or we would be if we ‘had’ some monkeys,” Sweetie Belle pointed out. “It’s no fun when we’re short on players…”

“Hmm… I see why that’s a bit of a dilemma,” Bugs Bunny nodded in understanding.

Suddenly, an idea lit up like a light bulb over Apple Bloom’s head.

“I got an idea!” She declared, facing the toons. “Can you boys play with us?”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo smiled excitedly. “It’d be totally exciting to LARP with Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, and Daffy Duck for real!”

“I love that idea!” Sweetie Belle squealed.

“Hmm! Treasure hunters, eh?” Bugs Bunny pondered.

“D-D-D-Devil M-M-Monkeys?” Porky stuttered.

“I’ll play,” Daffy hugged. “Stho long asth it’sth fair! I wouldn’t play a game where sthomeone hasth an unfair advantage.”

“Sure Daff,” Bugs rolled his eyes. “Whatever ya say.”

“It’ll be fun!” Scootaloo replied. “Bugs Bunny with his wit, Porky Pig with his guidance and reasoning, and Daffy being… well, it’ll be a blast!”

“Uh, excusthe me!” Daffy spoke up.

“Now yer talking my language, kiddo!” Bugs smiled.

“W-W-W-Well, I g-g-g-guess it w-w-wouldn’t-I guess it sounds fun,” Porkey stuttered in agreement.

Daffy merely folds his arms with a ‘harumph!’, nothing he, once again, is left out of the conversation.

“I CALL IT! Bugs Bunny’s on my team!” Scootaloo grabs Bugs’ hands.

“Don’t you mean our team?” Apple Bloom asked. “We’ve all got the golden idol.”

“Oh… yeah!” Scootaloo blushed. “I forgot.”

“Welcome to the team, Porky!” Sweetie Belle welcomed the stuttering big.

“Th-Th-Thanks, S-S-Sweetie,” Porky smiled.

“Excusthe me!” Daffy Duck quacked, drawing everyone’s attention. “What about me?! What’sth my role?”

In response, the CMCs, Bugs Bunny, and Porky Pig give Daffy Duck a mischievous glance. The like of which makes ‘anyone’ regret ever asking. Catching onto what they have in mind, Daffy shakes his head and waves his hands rapidly.

“Oh no… no, no, no! Wait a minute! I know that look! I know what you’re thinking! It ain’t happening! Don’t even—No! No! You can’t make me I tell you! You hear me? NO! That’sth my final ansthwer! I will NEVER… like never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, like INFINITY EVER let you GUYSTH make a monkey out of me!"

Unfortunately, despite his protest, Daffy Duck finds himself forced into a monkey costume… against his will. The scariest monkey costume for a Duck to ever wear.

“You’re dethpicable!” Daffy Duck said. “I’ll thee you all in court for this-th!”

“Give it a rest, Daffy,” Bugs said, turning toward the CMCs and Porky. “Okay everyone! Let the game begin!”


And just like that, the CMCs resume their LARPing game. Only now with the addition of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Porky Pig… all three really getting into their roles. Daffy, now the Devil Monkey, mimicked some monkey screeches, hooting and hollering almost akin to his icon ‘Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo!’

“The golden idol is mine!” Daffy hooted. “Gimme my idol!”

“Oh d-d-d-dear!” Porky Pig explained in horror. “It’s the D-D-D-D-D-Devil Monkey!”

“What do we do, Bugs?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Don’t worry, goils!” Bugs Bunny winked. “I’ve got this.”

The CMCs watch, as Scootaloo records the whole ordeal on camera.

“Hey, Mr. Devil Monkey!” Bugs called out, holding a banana. “Is this what ya want?”

“HAH! Nice-th try, rabbit!” Daffy Duck quacked. “Ya can’t fool me. That’sth foolsth gold! And furthermore, it’sth a banana!”

“What are ya? A monkey? Or a big ape?” Bugs argued. “This is gold!”

"That'sth a banana!"

"It's gold!"

"It's banana!"









"Gold! Banana!"











“Gold! It’sth gold!” Daffy quacked, grabbing the banana. “And I don’t care if the whole world knows it”!

“Okay, Mr. Devil Monkey,” Bugs shrugged. “Have it your way. Bye-bye! Sayonara! Adieu!”

And just like that, Bugs Bunny zip away regrouping with the CMC and Porky Pig. The whole team gather together to get into the camera view.

“Wow, that was amazing Bugs!” Sweetie Belle smiled.

“Y-Y-Y-You tricked the b-bi-bi-big ape!” Porky Pig stuttered.

“Nice work supplying him with the banana, Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo complimented her friend.

“I never gave him the banana,” Apple Bloom replied, perplexed.


Meanwhile, with Daffy, the duck-in-devil monkey costume, realized that he's once again been duped. With a shrug, he proceeded to have a banana snack, when–

"I LIKE CEREAL!" The banana shouted in a high-pitch squeaky voice.


Not too far everyone, all heads turn toward an explosion rising toward the sky. Scootaloo, her camera pointing toward the air, spots a black object descending towards them.

“Look! Up in the sky!” Apple Bloom pointed.

“It’s a bird!” Sweetie Belle shouted.

“It’s a flying monkey!” Scootaloo added.

“N-N-Nope, it’s the d-d-d-devil monkey!” Porky Pig corrected.

And Daffy lands on the ground with a thud, his entire outfit in soot and the duck coughs out smoke upon impact.

“Gosh! An exploded devil monkey!” Bugs Bunny smirked, bouncing his eyebrows. “Ain’t I a stinker?”

With an angry holler, Daffy Duck picks himself off the ground. He growls furiously like an angry beast, his eyes turn red, dead set upon the rabbit who made a fool out of him. At this point, Daffy Duck not only looks mad… he is really peeved. One might even say he is ‘definitely’ getting into the character of a truly angry monkey.

“B-B-B-Bugs?” Porky stammered in fear.

“Yes?” Bugs replied.

“Sh-Sh-Sh-Shall we run now?”

“Oh yes, let’s!”

Jazz music plays in the background, conveying all the fun and comedic elements of a chase taking place in the park. Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, and the CMCs, take off running for dear life from an angry devil monkey that is Daffy Duck.

They race toward an elderly couple sitting on a bench and feeding the birds. The moment the group race by, they frighten all the birds away and startle the elderly. For a moment, the elderly couples pick themselves off the bench, with the old man waving a cane, running a few inches… only to cough their lungs out muttering, "Ah, forget it!" before going back to the bench.

Meanwhile, a race takes place in the park with various patrons bearing numbers on their track outfits. To their shock, the pursuit featuring the girls and the toons race right by the whole competition with the forerunners looking utterly puzzled by the display.

The angry monkey is running after the group, passing a pair of park-goers in trench coats playing a game of chess. But the monkey skids to a halt and back-tracks upon recognizing the ‘gloves’ on their hands. The beast quickly removes the hat, revealing Porky Pig, who merely smirks nervously. But then Bugs Bunny pulls out a mini foghorn from his coat and the loud blare rings against Daffy’s ears sending him back shaking. The pair race off, as Daffy clears his ears and continues chasing them.

Somewhere in the park, Lyra Heartstring, and her girlfriend, Sweetie Drops, were on a picnic, when they suddenly found themselves in the crossfire of the CMCs and toons' antics. When Lyra opened up a jar of peanuts for Sweetie, out popped Bugs Bunny, who hopped out of the jar, carrying the Golden Idol. Sweetie Drops was looking through her picnic basket, when she happened to pull out Porky Pig. At that moment, Daffy Duck, still hooting and screeching like an angry monkey, came charging at them. Both bunny and pig screamed at the top of their lungs, before they took off running, with Daffy Duck on their tails, leaving both Lyra and Sweetie dumbfounded at what just happened.

Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig soon passed the CMCs on the way, with Bugs making the switch with the Golden Idol to Sweetie Belle. The Devil Monkey was still chasing Bugs and Porky, until he realized the rouse, skid to a halt, and chased after the CMCs. Sweetie Belle made a pass of the Golden Idol to Scootaloo, who then passes it to Apple Bloom. Eventually, it became a three-way game of Monkey-in-the-Middle, until the CMCs regrouped with Bugs and Porky.

The three girls, bunny, and pig, quickly got into a huddle to discuss their next plan of attack. Then, with a wink, and a cheer, the friends broke away, and got into positions like professional football players.

"Set!" Scootaloo quickly passes the Golden Idol underneath her to Porky Pig. "Hut hut!"

The CMCs and Bugs Bunny quickly charged at Daffy Duck, plowing him into the ground, as if he's been run over by a bus, paving away a safe path for Porky Pig.

Eventually, they pass by some bikes parked along the park and quickly hop on. The girls and their friends peddle as hard as their legs can carry them, while Daffy grabs another bike… a tricycle with a bell. They race side-to-side through various directions in the park, Daffy pursuing them at one point… then hilariously the group are chasing Daffy and vice-versa. Bugs leans high on the back wheel, Porky sits on the front of the handlebars in comedic fashion, and Daffy, at one point, peddles with his gloved feathery hands while he is upside down.

"I'm stho crazy, I don't know thisth isth impossible!" Daffy Duck hollered. "Whoo hoo!"

And yet through it all, everyone is actually having fun with this chase. Even Bugs Bunny gets a laugh seeing the three girls going about, like it is the most fun either one have had in weeks. Just then, he hears a girl’s voice… only it’s not Apple Bloom or her friends.



Startled out of his laughter, Bugs Bunny turns his head to catch whoever is calling for him. But to his confusion, there’s no one else in the park. None but himself, his two Looney Tune co-stars, and the CMCs, all still caught up in the chase.


“BUGS!!!” The girls shouted.

Bugs quickly turns his head forward… and before he can react further…


“Oooh…” The girls and Porky cringe.

All of them skid to halt, staring at the display before them. Bugs Bunny, flat as a board, slams into a tree in front of him, his bike overturned, bent, and one wheel spinning with a squeak. The Bunny peels backward off the tree, leaving an imprint of his frame on the bark. Daffy merely chuckles at the sight, while Porky Pig looks at Daffy with a ‘Really?’ look. The girls quickly gather around Bugs, as little Tweety Birds fly around his head.

“Hey Bugs! You okay?” Scootaloo called.

“… I’ve looked betta,” Bugs replied dizzily. “Wut happened?”

“You zoned out for a moment. Are you sure that you’re all right?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine,” Bugs Bunny reassured, though secretly unsure. “I was jus’… thinkin’.”

“About what?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“… Lost my train of thought,” Bugs shrugged off.

“I think we’ve got more than enough for the footage for today,” Scootaloo declared. “That’s a wrap!”


The girls turn seeing Porky Pig holding up a film clacker from out of nowhere.

“T-T-T-T-Too obvious?” Porky asked nervously.

To which the girls merely chuckle, as they join the two toons and make their way out of the park. Yet as Bugs stands back up, brushing himself clean, he can’t help but survey the rest of the park before him. He can’t help but feel utterly certain that indeed a familiar voice called out for him. Surely it can’t be a mere coincidence… nor some R.K. Maroon playing tricks on him. A voice of which he has not heard in… so long. So nostalgic that he starts to feel… a faint trace of heartbreak.

Lola…” Bugs muttered.

A Few Days Later...


Scootaloo’s voice rings out so loudly that it can wake the entire neighborhood. Birds fly out of all the trees, all startled by the very scream.

“Girls! Look at this!” Scootaloo shouted.

From inside their clubhouse, on Sweet Apple Acres, the CMC gather around a laptop on Scootaloo’s lap. All eyes watch widely over the skyrocketing number of views of their latest videos. In particular, the video of their LARPing event gone wild.

“I just posted this video only yesterday and it’s already gotten ten million hits!!!” Scootaloo smiled, in awe.

“I’ve ain’t ever seen this many likes on ‘any’ of our videos,” Apple Bloom observed in awe.

“Does this really say that the video is currently #1?” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“That’s right!” Scootaloo nodded. “It’s already gotten more views than ‘Hamster in My Pasta’, ‘Literal Cat Fights’, and ‘Smile Factory’! There’s even some new links showing reactions of our video!”

“That is so cool!” Apple Bloom spoke up. “I wonder wut the comments say…”

“No, no, no, no, no, nope…” Scootaloo pulled Apple Bloom’s hands away. “First rule about the internet: Never, ever… ever read the comments! Besides, I already spent the last two days editing this video alone.”

“Boy, are all our friends going to burst if they haven’t seen this yet,” Sweetie Belle replied, then pondered. “Are you really sure this is okay?”

“Hey, come on! We got the toons’ permission,” Scootaloo answered.

“No, what I mean is… suppose that certain people might see this video. What if they… start poking around… and asking questions?”

“Relax! As far as I’m concerned, anyone who sees this video will think it’s all special effects… or some committed cosplayers. Besides… what kind of people would be ‘that’ interested in our work?”

Meanwhile, in a fancy apartment complex in Canterlot City, Diamond Tiara sits casually upon her lounge chair in her bedroom watching the very same video on her own laptop. She can’t help but giggle at the antics taking place, especially with the big chase scene complete with added sound effects. She is so attentive to the video, she scarcely hears the sound of a door opening nor notices the approach of a certain figure… her father, Mr. Filthy Rich, just passing by her room, a briefcase in hand, and a cup of coffee from the local joint. By the looks of it, he is completely exhausted

“Hi Dad…” Diamond greeted absently.

“Afternoon darling,” Filthy Rich spoke tiredly, sipping his coffee. “Sometimes I really hate these long hours. So many people in this city, no wonder traffic’s a nightmare. What’re you watching?”

“Oh, just a video from some girls at school. Really funny stuff.”

“That’s lovely. Probably another one of those singing videos…”

Mid sip, Filthy Rich peeks over to see the video. Then his eyes widen at the sight of some ‘familiar’ faces… and he spits his coffee toward the side, as he tries to clear his throat. His daughter looks at him with such confusion.

“You okay, daddy?”

“I’m fine…” Filthy Rich answered hoarsely. “Please excuse me, dear… I’ll be right back.”

Diamond’s father quickly races out of her bedroom, as she eyes his departure. Soon as he is out of his daughter’s view, he hastily enters his office, drops the coffee cup onto the counter, locks the door behind him, and tosses his briefcase onto the floor. He quickly takes out his cellphone from his jacket pocket and quickly dials a number. He can hear the ringing from the other end.

“C’mon, c’mon, pick up the phone,” Filthy muttered, till someone answered. “Yes… yes it’s me. Filthy Rich. About those folks I was talking about…”

Comments ( 8 )

I do wonder whoever it is that Mr. Filthy Rich has contacted to come after the toons? Loved the crazy antics the Tunes and the movie club had while LARPing, keep up the good work.

Ha! Oh that was funny stuff with the LARP and chasing, but now Filthy knows the Toons are real and who they're involved with. And Bugs hearing Lola's voice. I got a feeling she isn't too far behind.

Oh, man. Nice to see another chapter. How are you doing?

“Relax! As far as I’m concerned, anyone who sees this video will think it’s all special effects… or some committed cosplayers. Besides… what kind of people would be ‘that’ interested in our work?”

Scootaloo wishes you had never said that.

This was done to perfection! Daffy can't catch a break, can he?
Keep it up!!

Thanks for this. Had a bit of an update drought for stuff I'm watching lately, but that just comes with the territory of your basic fanfic site usually.

I caught the reference to "Avatar, The Last Airbender" with the cabbages merchant. It's been a fun chase, especially with Daffy dressed as the monkey from "Temple Run" and the banana bomb prank (although he wasn't that amused). It is good that the CMCs have achieved the success they were looking for and that video is famous overnight. Unfortunately, that makes it easy for Rich to find them, and this character is the complete opposite of the pony version of him (in the original series, and not in this universe. Recall the Mane 6's adventure at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory). However, it seems that it is not the only surprise that awaits us. What did you hear, Bugs?

IF it was worth the wait? Totally. I hope the next chapter doesn't take so long now that things are going to get serious (a bit).

Things are getting bigger!

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