• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XXIX Episode V: Fight Breakup

“Oooh, a fight!” Salad Fork stood with an excited grin on her face, earning a glare from Diamond Tiara which caused the former to swiftly change her tune. “I uh…I mean…oh no--I should probably intervene as the responsible adult--”

Silver Spoon was already walking towards the group…

But someone else had already stepped in.

“Hey hey hey--that’s enough,” Flash Sentry stepped in, getting between both boys. “Don’t make me toss you outta here, kid.”

The boy who instigated the situation grit his teeth and stepped away…

“Huh,” Keiji gave a surprised gasp, “Didn’t expect to see you here, Sent. What’s the deal?”

“Silver Spoon wanted live entertainment for her party and called me up,” he explained as he tilted his head in the direction of the nearby stage. “She’s paying us an amount that’s…almost ludicrous.”

“Yeah, that’s Spoon for ya,” Keiji added, “Always generous as possible whenever she has the chance. So how have things been goin’ for ya since we last talked?”

Flash scratched the back of his head, hesitating for a moment until he realized that he was being asked about how his life had been. “...oh! Still not used to that, sorry. Anyway, I’ve been great actually. I recently got signed into a contract with Fortuna Entertainment--it’s a company from the Far East--Nihon I think.”

“Sweet--sounds like you’re moving up in the world,” the vampboy complimented him with a pat on the back. “Looks like you really don’t need to worry about us down here at the bottom, eh?”

“Hey, I’m not gonna just abandon where I came from,” Flash replied with a scoff, “Sure, it’s come under attack by monsters and demons numerous times and the folks at the top are a bit questionable, but dammit this is my home and I love it.”

Keiji sighed and replied with a wistful smile. “Good answer. Glad to see that you humans still care about each other.”

“It’s the only way we’ve been able to continue as a species after all.” Flash started walking back towards his stage and started tuning his guiltar. “Sure, we’ve gone and done a whole lot of warring against each other, but we keep each other safe when the time calls for it.”

“As expected. Good on ya. Hey, think you could teach me some of that?”

“Hm?” Flash looked up from the strings, “Guitar? You sure?”

“...Yeah, I’ve been thinking…” Keiji glanced over at Silver Spoon who had resumed speaking with her cousin. “...about how I’d like to learn how to make music.”

Flash hesitated--it had been ages since someone had asked him to share his talent with them, to the point where he was unsure if he was the right choice. “Sure you don’t wanna learn from Sunset? Or Applejack? Or Rainbow Dash? They all play too ya know.”

But Keiji wasn’t having it. “Bruh, if I wanted to ask them, I would’ve asked them. Don’t get me wrong, they’re cool to hang around, but I’m starting to understand more and more about how humans work.”

“Oh really?”

“The males and females of this world are built different from each other,” he shrugged his shoulders, “I guess that’s not really too different from how it works back home, but still. As a guy myself, there’s only so much I can learn from the gals, ya feel?”

“Ah. I see now,” Flash nodded, “You’re looking for some ‘bro’ time. Don’t worry, I feel ya. In fact, it’s kinda why I wished I had a little brother sometimes. Thunderlane’s lucky he’s got Rumble. Me? I don’t really have anyone to share my passion with, ya know?”

“Well ya do now,” Keiji shot him a grin, “I don’t exactly have a guy-figure to talk to either when I need advice, so it’d be nice to chat with ya.”

“Advice? What’s going on, Kei?”

“Well…I’m asking you specifically because I wanna know how to be more emotionally available for a girl.”


Nearby, with Silver Spoon and the others…

“Whew…I’m glad that didn’t get any worse,” Spoon commented with a sigh.

“Hey kiddo. Who’s that hunk over there?” Fork asked her cousin, looking in the direction of Flash who was currently speaking with Keiji.

Spoon adjusted her glasses. “Hm? Oh that’s Flash Sentry. He’s a talented musician and I wanted his style of music here at my party. Why? Wait--don’t tell me you--”

“Oh nononono….” Fork denied her cousin’s accusation with an uncertain smile on her face. “I’m not looking for anyone else at the moment anyway. I was just…curious as to who he was.”

With her hands on her hips, Silver Spoon raised a dubious eyebrow. “Uh-huh…just don’t do anything weird with your adult-level hormones.”

“I won’t! I promise,” Fork said with a forced cough as she stepped away from her cousin.

Silver Spoon sighed into her hand.

Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara had gotten herself a plate of food and intended on sitting at a table when she noticed Coral Currents sitting by herself nearby.

“Oh, hey! Aren’t you Sandbar’s little sister?” Tiara called out to her in an attempt to be friendly.

“Hm? Oh yeah, I am,” she replied while tapping on her tablet before putting it away. “Sorry, was just talking to a friend of mine that lives overseas.”

“Oh? Like a pen pal? What’s her name?” Tiara inquired as she nibbled a slice of pizza.

“...Kurumi,” Coral replied, “She’s from the Far East and is a bit of a tech whiz like myself.”

Tiara reacted with an interested tone, “Ooh…you kiddos grow up so fast, huh? When I was your age, I could barely figure out my math homework. Yet here you are coding and hacking drones.”

Coral stretched her arms out. “Mmm…yeah, I do it for my brother and our family mainly. Still, it doesn’t beat being a kid and having fun sometimes,” she said with a small grin, “Halloween was a massive haul this year. Skeedaddle dressed up as Odysseus and I dressed up as a wraith utilizing some stealth tech I borrowed--”

“...say what?”


Tiara rolled her eyes and smiled while leaning against the table. “Well, as long as you guys had fun. That’s what matters. Speaking of which, is Skeedaddle with you here?”

“Oh yeah, he’s getting food for us both. Can’t believe we actually got invited…”

“Pfft--well I could wager a guess,” Tiara scoffed with a grin.

“Eh?” Coral tilted her head.

“I’m willing to bet Silver Spoon wanted you here as like a form of mobile security,” Tiara explained as she pointed at Coral’s backpack. “Don’t you have all your stuff in there? Betcha got a drone flying around above us watching over everything right now too.”

Coral reached in her backpack to press a button on her tablet, causing something to whizz across the sky.


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