• Published 4th Nov 2021
  • 321 Views, 2 Comments

A family at heart - Babycord

A life with eight caring and protective sisters is an interesting one.

  • ...

Readying for a party.

AJ wasn't the type that is overly interested in playing video games of any sort.

However, that didn't mean that she didn't partake in watching others enjoy themselves

Hence why she sat watching both Heart and Pinkie play. The game itself was called Collector of the demon head. A loosely based first-person shooter with high graphics and almost nonstop violence. Fortunately, it also had a multiplayer setting.

"On your six!"

"Take that, you big meanie!"

Currently, both Pinks and Felt we're stuck in a rather small tunnel battling what looks to be a never-ending horde of demonic-looking creatures straight from the Bible.

"I'm hit!"

Pinkie Pie gasped upon seeing her brother's character get hit in the chest by what looked to be a mixture between a human and a scorpion covered in red spikes.

"I'm coming, little brother!"

Switching out her shotgun for a chainsaw pinkie charged towards the thing. Mowing down hordes of beasts who foolishly decided to get in her way. Upon reaching her brother Pinkie then used her chainsaw to split the demon in two. However, unlike its brethren, the thing wasn't so easily defeated. Dodging the chainsaw the thing opened its mouth before breathing out a wave of fire. Upon seeing this Pinkie chose to evade. Rolling out the way she then swapped her chainsaw for an automatic rifle. She then wasted no time showering her enemy in a rain of bullets. Unfortunately, the demon's hid proved to be too strong to penetrate. With that said the thing rushed towards her, sending the woman's character through a wall and taking a good portion of her health in the process.

Charging through the hole the demon charged. Spewing a wave of fire directly at her. Seeing this Pinkie managed to roll away just in time. Switching from her gun to a mini grenade launcher.

"TAKE THIS!" The pink female roared

However, instead of taking it, the demon dodged. With that said the resulting explosion there is somewhat off balance. Seeing her chance Pinkie then pulled out her enchanted blade. Releasing a war cry she charged at the behemoth, ducking under the swipe of its claws. As such, she dug the blade deep into the thing's heart. Causing it to roar in pain. However, before she could finish it off the demon headbutted her. Once again her character was sent flying.

"Hold on Pinks im coming!"

Jumping through the hole was none other than Heart Felt. Having managed to fully heal his character. Upon seeing the demon he immediately began firing. However this time instead of using a normal gun he used an enchanted firearm blessed by the four priests of the holy word. The bullets within tore through the beast's hid like toilet paper. Screaming the scorpion-like humanoid turned its attention to Heart. The manic rage-filled look in its eyes was unmistakable. However, before it could so much as take a step a large blade pierced its skull.

Killing it instantly.

"Take that!" Pinkie grinned.

Both siblings then proceeded to high-five one another.

After that, the two proceeded to regroup before advancing towards the next level. As they did they were met with great counter-resistance Fortunately the two when working together served to be a force to be reckoned with. As such no horde was able to effectively stand in their way. At least until the higher level, demons showed up.

AJ for her part smiled as she watched her siblings play. The orange-colored woman missed moments like this. It's been a while since she saw Pinkie truly happy. Sure she was happy before that munch was obvious, but it wasn't as much as the pink woman would lead you to believe. Of course, no one but AJ knew this. This was mainly due to her ability to read people. Of course, she couldn't read the pink girl's mind, but she can tell that often than not that Pinkie's smile was forced. All though AJ knew that, that itself wasn't uncommon it was munch more present than usual. Pinkie Pie herself was a person who loved making people happy. Not only that but she also cherished those around her. The pink woman was the type to try to see the good in every little thing in life. Even under the bleakest of moments. However, while Pinkie was good at heart she was also more than willing to put her life or the lives of others on the line for the sake of those closest to her.

Taking a swing from her bottle AJ sighed.

Unfortunately like the rest of them, the pink woman's past left scars that might never heal.

She hoped Heart's return would give the party girl more reasons to smile.

Or at least help her deal with the other side of herself. The one who bore as a reminder of what happened in the past. Well, it wasn't like the past was going to forget about her or any one of them any time soon.

"Hey AJ!"

Shaking her head Apple Jack looked over at Pinkie and Heart. Both of whom paused the game to look over at her in concern.

"Something the matter?"

Heart shrugged.

"I don't know, you're the one who spent the past five minutes zoning out".

"Yeah! And your face was all scrunched up and sad looking you look like you needed a hug, do you need a hug? Or a blanket? Or-"

"I'm fine" AJ interrupted. Not wanting either of them to worry about her.

Both siblings shared a look.

It was a well-known fact that AJ was stubborn in more ways than one. For instance, if a situation arose she would deal with it herself not letting the others get involved unless absolutely necessary. She also tended to keep most if not all of her problems and emotions bottled up. She hated the thought of showing weakness to those who often looked up to her for guidance and or emotional support. In fact, Once upon a time ago, Apple Jack used to bore the responsibility of paying for the bills on her own. Refusing any help whatsoever. However, the stress proved to be too much and her drinking increased. She began to snap at the others for seemingly no reason at all. It got so bad that at one point a mistake from Derpy led to a five-minute one-sided shouting match.

They were barely able to hold Fluttershy back.

After this, the others confronted her about it and the rest was history.

"Do you wanna play?!"

At her sister's question, AJ shook her head. "Naw I prefer to watch you two have fun".

"I can't help but feel that that statement alone was sexual in nature" Heart said.

Both women stared at him.

Upon noticing this Heart's expression turned into a look of mock innocence.

"What?" He asked.

Turning to look at each other then back at Heart they did the only thing they could.

They laughed.

Heart joined them not long after.


How does one prepare for a party?

The answer varies depending on the type of party involved. For example for a kid's party, all you have to do is pop up some balloons, set up a bouncy house or two. For a party that mainly consists of a small number of individuals, it is best to bring a few alcoholic drinks as well as a small-time DJ. For a party involving someone's 18th birthday or older perhaps a stripper or two would do the trick. If the individual that it involves is into that sort of thing of course.

However, the types of party Pinkie Pie involves herself in aren't exactly legal. At least not this one. As such the pink woman needed a few things to get this going.

First things first she needed a place to party in.

Fortunately, this wasn't difficult as she managed to call in a few favors. After that was settled they took the time to clean everything up beforehand. The second thing they needed was a DJ who had no problems turning the other cheek. Once again after making a few calls everything was sorted. Now with a place to party, lots of room, and a DJ they needed one more important ingredient to make everything complete.


And lots of them.

"Are you sure that this isn't a setup?"

"Don't ya trust me?"

"It's not you I don't trust.'

Once nearly everything was set up Pinkie went ahead and called someone who was capable of getting what they needed in a short amount of time. That person was someone Heart never met before. Usually, a woman by the name of Crystal Shades would be the one delivering the goods. However, it turns out that she got busted by the feds three months ago. Because of this Pinkie's party business took a pretty big hit. While the pink woman did host other types of parties they weren't as profitable. As such, she had no other choice but to find a replacement, and she did.

Now parked in a secret location in a car that may or may not have been stolen the trio waited for the individual to show.

Heart on the other hand was more than a tab bit suspicious.

"What time did she say that she was going to show up?"


"It's almost five o clock".

Pinkie rolled her eyes.

While she loved her brother deeply for who he was she wished that he was a little less jumpy. The same could be said for Twilight but she wasn't around at the moment.

"We did just place a pretty big order."

"If that's the case then she should have said that she might end up being late".

While he did have a point Pinkie likes to think that the woman simply ended up sidetracked. Plus no one was perfect. Not even high valued drug dealers. "You got to give certain things time silly".

"I'm not silly! I'm just not ready to get locked up and potentially face real-time".

"soo paranoid as usual then?"

"I thought that was obvious".

Giggling pinkie reached over to squash her brother's cheeks. He merely rolled his eyes in response.

"Who's my little adorable paranoid gangster who still needs his stuff zebra to sleep at night? You are."

"This is why Fluttershy is my favorite."

Pinkie gasped putting a hand over her heart. "You wound me so".

"Aye we can't all be emotionally happy all the time am I right?"

In turn, Pinks stuck out her tongue.

Rolling his eyes with a smile Heart looks out the window. As he did so he briefly thought about his friends back at High Moon. He felt bad about leaving them in that hellhole but at the same time, there wasn't much to be done on his part. It's not like he could mail them money or anything of the sort. The only thing he could do was wish them the best and or pray. Unfortunately, his belief in a higher power died a long time ago.

"What was it like?" Pinkie asked. Seemingly reading his thoughts.

At this Heart snorted. "Like hell on Earth".

"It couldn't be that bad".

"I saw someone hang themselves on the first day".

The woman flinched. Now that was a mental image she didn't want to have.

"As if being able to read her mind Heart shrugged.

"Eh, I've seen worse".

That wasn't a lie either. Still, she could tell by the way his fist lightly shook that it somewhat bothered him. With that said she knew that now wasn't the right place to talk about it. At least not when they're expecting someone.

"Tell me about them."

Upon hearing the softness of her voice mixed with a hint of concern Felt sighed. He didn't need to ask who she was referencing.

"There were two of them, Daisy and Shaky though he prefers to be called ground, I can understand why".

Pinkie nodded.

Daisy was sent there due to shooting up a liquor store the cashier having been five dollars short".

Heart chuckled at the thought.

"Ground ended up beating a 14-year-old nearly to death for insulting his mother".

Pinkie whistled. Now that was someone who took the label mama's boy a little too far.

"At first we had our issues, though about slicing Ground's throat with shank a few times".

"Wait you had those?" Pinkie asked in confusion.

"Naw, but I knew I could make one out of a piece of metal I found lying around."

She grinned, "Talk about cutting it close".

He snorted.

"Anyway after a while, we managed to work things out, afterward we along with a few others became good friends".

The pink woman hummed.

"It sounds like your going to miss having them around". Looking over at his sister Heart opened his mouth to respond. Only to jump upon hearing someone knock on the window. Looking over the duo saw a figure waving at them from outside the car. An apologetic look on her face.

"It's about time" Heart muttered before getting out.


The three of them stood side by side facing one another.

"Hey, Cheerilee!" Pinkie waved.

"Sorry I kept you waiting, I had to deal with a few loose ends on my part" Cheerilee explained. Her smile was still present. The pink female of course opened her mouth to respond, only to be interrupted.

"Where's the stuff?"

Frowning Cheerilee looked at Heart. Her eyes narrowed upon realizing that she saw him before.

"Who's this?"

Rolling her eyes Pinkie answered. "Just a paranoid brother of mine that I wouldn't trade for the world".

The woman nodded.

"I see, well in any case I shouldn't keep you waiting any longer follow me if you will".

Walking over to her car Cheerilee popped the trunk.

Looking inside both siblings couldn't help but gasp, before grinning wide. "I take it that this should suffice in your endeavors?" The female drug deal asked. A knowing smirk on her face.

Momentarily sharing a glance with his sister Heart looked over at her. A glint of excitement mixed with greed in his eyes.

"It's perfect".