• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 16,394 Views, 1,308 Comments

The Night's Shining Armour - Appleody

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods and has some issues.

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5: Soapy Troubles

Chapter 5

Sleeping is a very similar experience for everyone. You’d think so anyway. For me when sleep finally came, it was a return to a place I thought I'd escaped earlier that day, but alas surrounded once again by the dark void. I hate to admit it but this place has really started to terrify me.

Just one day in the real world that’s just not fair. Well, if you can call it the real world, with its magical talking animals. Was the world just a dream and this my true reality? Still if it was just a dream, I preferred it over this nothingness. Non-existence might have been comfortable after I’d gotten used to it but now, I wanted more of well anything.

After what could have been another hundred years of staring into the void I managed to calm down and take stock of the situation. This place was pretty similar to my past home but with a key difference that filled me with hope. There was another familiar presence in this place close by. It was only a small light in the dark but anything would do. With the sight of my hope in the distance I floated my immaterial form through the black towards salvation.

This salvation turned out to be a very out of place object in the nothingness. A door floating in the emptiness. What A strange object to find in my little abyss, but it would serve as my companion for a while if it was the only thing here. Out of curiosity of my inanimate friend, I decided to open said door that led to nowhere.

What resulted was a surprise, as on the other side of this door lay a room. Not just any but a very familiar one with way too many moon themed items. An interesting find to be sure, but not as interesting as the little moon pony sitting in the rooms centre, watching images upon a mirror. She appeared to be enjoying some popcorn, while watching the events of the day.

“Nay armoured one not the Griffonian breakfast!” She said while throwing popcorn at the screen.

What was wrong with the breakfast? “Luna?” I questioned before rushing over to her for a maybe hug. This place won’t be as lonely with her around. As she turned around to see me a smile graced her face before she faded away. Well, that was disheartening. At least now I felt more at peace as Luna’s presence hadn’t completely faded away. In fact, it felt closer than ever. Light even seemed to be breaking through the room's windows straight towards me, trying to get me to act. Wow really don’t like being pressured into doing things.

This is when I realized. Man, I’m pretty tired let’s just stay here in the dark room a few more minutes. It’s safe here. I’m always safe in the dark. How could I forget? After a few more moments, a prodding sensation was felt upon my forehead. Go away will you. Trying to swipe at nothing in an empty room. What else is here?

The prodding continued and I continued trying to shake it away, until the sense of something material met me. Fine annoying jabbing thing have it your way. Moving towards this feeling returned me to that alien place called existence.

I could once again feel my full body and it felt good. You have to learn to appreciate the little things when you’ve been in the void as long as me. The strange thing about what I felt upon returning to the material realm, was the complete lack of the comfortable bedding I had lied down in. Another weird thing was that I was already standing. As well as that I wasn’t stood on all fours but on 3 while one of my own hooves jabbed me repeatedly in the face.

“Will thou awaken already,” a familiar irritable voice said, “Thou art worse than a foal on attending their first lecture.”

Staring straight at me through a mirror, was one slightly dishevelled pegacorn who was repeatedly poking her tiara. Upon seeing this sight she suddenly gained a glad expression before saying, “Luna your awake?” Well, I should say I said it using Luna’s mouth, woops.

“Yes, mine friend it is thou who would not awaken,” she said while ceasing to prod me and then gaining her own smirk, “Thou hast had an interesting day, dost thou not agree?”

Got to admit that’s got me feeling a little guilty, but hey it was Luna’s fault. “Sorry about yesterday your highness,” I said using my own voice this time, “I tried my best to free you.” Well here comes the punishment.

Luna walked us over to a chair before pouring a drink for herself, “Ah no need to fret my friend, We are not going to scold thee,” This got me to look back at the mirror. “Nay, far from it. We are going to congratulate thee.” Before she took a drink of orange juice. That tastes pretty good.

What? Clearly some wires have been crossed here, “erm, what?”

She put down her drink before continuing, “Thine actions were all honourable and to the benefit of Equestria. Not to mention your heroics at the dinner table. Thou deserves a medal of honour that will be awarded by yours truly.”

That’ll blow my cover! “But Celestia will find out,” I couldn’t help but start to pace around the room a bit at that.

“Calm thy mind, Celestia has always been the calm and collected one of us.” She said as I walked back to the mirror. “she will accept thine act of valour for what it was and will reward thou in kind.” She then cleared her throat, “could thou refrain from jerking thine head so much? Thou art making us dizzy.”

“Sorry about that but could you please keep this to yourself,” I said before letting out the big guns, “Friends keep secrets for each other don’t they?”

“Thou consider us a friend?” she questioned before doing a happy hop, “Huzzah! We told Celestia We were ready for friendship.” When she calmed down, she continued, “okay my friend we will keep thy secret.”

“Erm, one more thing.”

“Anything my friend.”

“Can you take me off now, please?”

At that Luna grew hesitant, “thou seems happy enough, why bother?”

“Well, I just don’t want what happened before to happen again.”

“Dost thou believe that the same mistake will be repeated?”

“I’ll try not to.”

“Then We shalt trust thou. Anyway, thou only sent us to the dream realm, it was a triviality to escape once We were oriented,” Luna assured me.

“Princess, I think it would be best for us to separate, someone of your importance can’t have someone like me affecting them.” I Reasoned; it really doesn’t make sense for her to want to wear me any longer. You’d think being possessed would be quite a distressing ordeal.

“For starters call us Luna, and secondly We have a counter proposal for thou,” this is gonna involve me staying in place isn’t it. “We are new to this land and thus require an advisor of sorts to aid in matters such as this. We believe that thou would make an excellent advisor.”

“Luna, I don’t have any qualifications in anything. You’re asking a creature that knows nothing at all about this world to help you.” This is absurd why would she want my help?

“Thy qualifications are irrelevant,” She then stood all high and mighty with her hoof on her chest, “We are a Princess lest thou forget, and can award them to thou at our leisure.”

“I still want you to remove me,” Some times you just have to put your hoof down, “It doesn’t mean we aren’t friends if you aren’t wearing me.”

“That is true my friend,” Luna said solemnly before saying in a small voice, “We have no spare regalia to wear for the remainder of the day without thou.” She then with a sad smile looked into the mirror, “Please don’t make us go to our diplomatic function underdressed.” Damn those puppy dog eyes.

I just had to relent, “Fine, but drink some more orange juice first,” to which she obliged, “ah that hit the spot. I think you also need a shower.”

“Dost thou believe that our smell is unpleasant?” Luna offendedly said while giving me a stare down.

She is a little sweaty not to mention still has some egg yolk on her chin. “Everyone needs a shower to wake up.”

“Thou art correct,” she said while sniffing under her wing before heading to the ensuite bathroom.

“Wait a second, aren’t you forgetting something?” I said while stopping her opening the door.

“What dost thou mean?” she asked quizzically.

“You can’t bring me in their,” I protested, “you’re going to be naked.”

“Thou hast seen us unclothed before,” she said in an amused fashion before again trying to open the door, “Technically We are currently naked underneath thou.” Alright I’ll try not to think about that.

“It’s different in the bathroom,” you have to stand firm on these things.

“Very well my friend,” she said as she kicked off my shoes and placed my regalia in a neat pile. She then patted me on the head as I reformed myself and said, “thou really needs a name for us to call.”

I haven’t really thought about this hmmm, “How about Dave?”

Just before closing the door to the bathroom, she gave me a slightly disappointed look, “thou dost not have to decide just yet.” What’s wrong with that? Maybe John or something then?

With some time to myself again, I decided to have a slight pace around the room. Not having another person in your personal space is quite freeing really. I’m able to easily walk anywhere in this room without any issues and my head doesn’t just move in a random direction at an unspecified moment. Ah the joys. Still, I do feel a bit empty like something is missing. Probably the lack of blood flow and breathing.

There's also this feeling of hunger cropping up. Maybe I need to eat something without using Luna's mouth? The only edible thing in the room was the orange juice so let’s give it ago. Picking up the glass I poured it into where my mouth would be and quickly spilled it onto the floor. Dammit. No, one’ll notice, I’m sure. Ah well, suppose it's best to just wait for the Princess. The bed looks pretty comfy.

After 5 minutes of twiddling my shoes around a bit, there was a knock at the door. Okay, panic stations what to do in this situation, ooo I know. With my best attempt at stealth, I rolled off the bed to hide from the invader. *thunk*. Wish there was space to hide underneath.

With no more time to debate the door was opened and I could see some taloned feet and paws from under the bed. Okay, somebodies here to see Luna. Best not be another assassin. Come on Luna hurry up. How come girls take so long in the bathroom?

The first set of lower appendages entered the room and were swiftly followed by a second. “Tisk, these royals are awfully messy. Look Tidy Feather she’s even spilled her drink,” a female voice complained.

“That’s why we have a job green claw,” another voice chimed in. Before they both started to walk around the room, I assume doing cleaning things.

What do I do? They’re gonna see me for sure. Okay, stay calm, just gotta act like clothes, that’s all. Quickly dropping all my limbs to the floor and hiding my smoke was easy. I just wish I’d managed the neat pile Luna had placed me in.

As the two griffon maids made the bed one caught sight of me, “look at that, she’s just tossed her regalia so haphazardly,” Tidy said. It was a rush job, sorry Luna.

“Don’t let her hear that she might eat you.” Green responded. Before moving to more neatly position me. I find it highly unlikely the pony is going to eat the griffon. Green then looked up towards the bathroom as she picked me up, “It looks like her majesty is bathing herself, we’d best wash these or she’ll just be wasting her time.” Hey that’s Luna’s sweat, I don’t smell of anything, probably and what the heck this is stealing. Luna you’d better hurry up because I’m in a washing basket. LUNA! LUNA!! Dammit, why are you still in there? As the maids left the room my silent cry for help went unanswered.

“The emperors going to be so impressed with us,” Green said as they walked down a corridor I’d never seen.

“Why?” Tidy questioned while Luna’s door disappeared around a corner.

“Well Luna saved his life and we’re providing her a peak service,” Green happily announced. They’d better bring me back.

“I think the Princesses will expect us to do our jobs as a minimum Green,” Tidy responded. Just hurry up Luna's gonna think I’ve ran off.

“I still think the emperor is going to thank us as, keep this on the downlow, but some of the guards are saying he has the hots for her.” Green whispered the last part.

“Green, that’s treason. Stay quiet about that.”

“Oh ok.” Finally.

After the agonising journey, we ended up in a strange room that looked like no laundrette I’d ever seen, which was non. It was more like a blacksmiths than anything else. Suppose that makes sense seeing as I’m made of metal. The maids placed the washing basket down and tried to remove me piece by piece which didn’t really work to well on account of my magnetized limbs.

“Huh look at this the armours enchanted,” Green said amazed “Luna must be an amazing enchanter.”

“Well, yeah it’s an alicorn princesses stuff, of course it is.” Hey I’m my own armour dammit. “Just put it in the oil together.” Oil? That doesn’t sound too good for me. While thinking this, gravity suddenly took me from the basket into a large barrel as the maids tipped me out. Well, this is just rude. Warm oil then started to pour into the barrel. Ok, am I going to be alright here? The maids didn’t answer my soundless question and just kept pouring until I was completely submerged. So, am I going to drown or what? After a few minutes of sitting at the bottom, that answer was a clear no. Maybe this won’t be so bad? They are just cleaning me after all.

After another minute, I felt some sort of metal instrument grip me and pull me to the surface, before I was laid out on a table. Ah that was quite refreshing actually. Each maid then grabbed a shoe and began to scrub the oil off both the inside and out along with whatever imagined stains they’d seen. This wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest and in fact It was quite enjoyable. Its always nice to be spoilt I suppose.

Once each of the shoes and chest piece were oiled, they moved onto my tiara. For this they took out some silver polish and began carefully working around the gems. Don’t forget behind the ears, if I had any anyways. I’d be smiling if I could.

“No need for the oily sand Green, it appears there’s no rust present,” Tidy then said. Oily sand is used to clean armour? Who knew? The polishing of the remainder of my armour was all that was left and let me tell you having someone polish the inside of your hoof is incredibly ticklish. With that I couldn’t help occasionally moving around. “These enchantments are a bit of a pain”. Tidy complained pining my hoof to the table with a claw. Okay ha I think your done ahah, please. Oh, they’ve stopped. Damn 5 more minutes.

“You think that enchantment can be recharged with a storm crystal?” What’s that?

“That’s what the emperors personal guard use, so why not?” What’s this crystal thing?

To answer my question the griffon known as Tidy carried a small sparking crystal to me. Wow that thing has an incredibly bright aura. Way brighter than any of the ponies I’ve seen.

“How would we charge it?”

“Just press it against the central gem, that usually works.”

The griffon maid then pressed the gem to my tiara forehead and wow that is a lot of food in one go. It's like someone’s tried to shove a full cake into my mouth in one go. Don’t really care though, I want it all.

“Okay Green that’s enough.” No wait. The griffon then began moving the crystal away from me. Almost without thinking my shoe shot forward and grabbed the crystal, so I could continue consuming that glorious magic.

“What the? Hey that’s mine,” My actions may have startled the birdos, woops ah well. As suddenly as the giant cake went into my metaphorical mouth it was nothing more than a crumb. It seems the cake that burns twice as bright gets eaten twice as fast or something like that. “Oh griffon feathers, that was supposed to last the week, stupid pony enchantment.” Hey I didn’t call you stupid, or did I?

After they completed the job, they carefully placed me upon an armour stand. “Okay, let’s get started on the emperor’s office before that important meeting.” Hang on are you two going to leave me here? What about Luna’s clothes? she needs those. The two maids then as imperceptive as ever left me alone in the room. Well, I’m sure they’ll be back. Wonder if Luna will be impressed? All things considered this was a good day.

Ten minutes later and I’m still stuck on this armour stand. What is taking them so long? Maybe Luna will come rescue me? Well, it looks like matters may need to be taken into my own shoes. This damn armour stand is a real pain, how do people get off of these things? After an attempt at removing myself from the stationary ponyequin, I tried a little more force which sort of splintered and split the wood. Well, it made my extraction easier and I’m sure the maids will clean up the mess.

Now then let’s take stock only one entrance and guards can clearly be seen patrolling the corridors out there, so that’s a no go. There's a window however so here’s the plan. Jump out the window, fly around to Luna’s room and show off my new cleaned state, Job done. Surely this will go to plan? So sitting on the edge of the window there was nothing more to do but jump. How do ponies fly again? Also, where’s my wings? Oh, yeah I had to get rid. Well, who’s the stupid one now then? I wish we were on the ground floor. *THUNK*.

After my most embarrassing moment since coming back into existence, I quickly magnetted myself back together and took stock. Well, that fall wasn’t too bad, no scratches or dents so hopefully Luna will still be impressed. Apart from the flying part this is fine.

“Aaaah!” oh no! Gotta hide Quick, bush, yes, success. Few that sounded like it came from that cleaning room. “The princesses Regalia’s gone!” Figures the moment I jump out the window the help returns. Wish I could roll my eyes. “What do we do? Luna will eat us for sure!”

“Calm yourself Green. We’ll report this thievery to the emperor.”

You can’t steal yourself. This isn’t fair. Okay, stick to the plan. Just steadily creep around the castle wall until you reach Luna’s room. No biggy. At that, I kept as low to the ground as possible, while trying to stick to the shadows. This was going to be a cake walk. Now where was Luna’s room again? Oh dear. Well best shoe forward and all that.

After a good twenty minutes of inching around the castle walls a bell started to ring out. That’s probably trouble. Sure, enough numerous griffon guards began to circle the skies above and some even landed on clouds starting to search for something using binoculars. I’m fairly certain that something is me. Okay outside the castle is a no go, looks like I’m going to have to pick a window. The closest window to me happened to be a good Twelve feet up. Great. Okay, no biggie I’ve climbed up a cliff before, just got to jump as high as I can before climbing the rest of the way.

After waiting for another flying patrol to pass, I squatted my non-existent legs and jumped. Twelve feet isn’t as far as you'd think turns out. My jump not only took me straight up to the window but straight through it as well. That would have been a great success, had I not also smashed straight through the top of the window frame and destroyed the floor boards in the room. Stealth should be my middle name. Or first name, whatever.

The strange room I found myself in, was filled with rows upon rows of books on shelves. Apart from the destroyed window it looked perfectly empty of life. Maybe no one noticed?

“I heard something in the library. Griffons on me!” Ah that makes sense this room clearly has a load of books. I should ask Luna if Canterlot castle has got one.

Anyway at the shout, I bravely trotted further into the room and hid behind one of the larger book cases. The sound of company joining me in the room was pretty noticeable. From the sound of it, some had come in through the door while some others were entering the destroyed window.

“We know your in here, come out with your claws up and we’ll be merciful,” shouted the same deep voice as before, “we have you surrounded.”

Okay, this seems bad. I surrendered before and that went okay and technically I haven’t done anything wrong. Besides breaking and entering anyway. If the situation is properly explained, they’ll probably return me to Luna with a few questions. But then Celestia will find out. Oh no, that can’t happen. Who knows what she could do to me?

With my decision I decided to heroically remain hidden in the shadows.

“That birdie isn’t budging sir.”

“I can see that private. If you won’t come out, we’re coming in!”

Okay, this is bad, I’ve just got to move to a more hidden position. A few clunks of my shoe steps later.

“Sir! I think he’s near the west wall.”

Damn these shoes! They’re so loud. All I can hear is ting ting as they hit the floor.

“Right, Swift you flank left, Talon flank right, I’ll go up the middle. We’ll corner this thief.”

The sound of their claws clacking on floorboards started to steadily get closer. Okay this is fine, they’re still a few book cases away. Just have to make myself quieter some how. I lifted my shoe and stared at the bottom. Maybe I can change to a softer material? With that thought I concentrated and the base of my shoe subtly changed. Doesn’t seem any different as I tested it on the ground. Hmm no sound, perfect.

Now to the next problem. The guards were coming at all angles a normal pony could traverse, however I’m not a normal pony. Underneath the book cases was a gap of about four inches. I can probably fit through with my shoes and mostly immaterial body. I might need to flatten my chest piece a little though. With my quick change done I pushed under the first bookcase just as the griffons rounded the corner.

“Sarge, we’ve lost sight of them.” Ha you lot never saw me.

“I can see that private, fan out! They won’t get far. ”

After popping out the other side of the bookshelf I quickly got to my hoofs and started to walk slowly for the door in the hopes they wouldn’t notice. It seemed luck was turning in my favour, as the guards had left the door open. Okay, just walk super casual no one can see me, I’m invisible on the other side of that bookcase la la la. As the guards thought they had cornered me, they’d neglected to post someone at the door and I just walked straight out into an empty corridor.

Well, this corridor doesn’t ring any bells. With only one option I decided to follow the corridor as close to the outside wall as possible. Luna’s room had to be along that way. Hopefully most of the guards were outside looking for someone fleeing from the castle, rather than guarding the inside. Needless to say, I didn’t just walk in the middle of the corridor no sir. I stuck as close to the wall as possible darting from pillar to cupboard to cabinet and so on. No throwing caution the wind no sir.

After a painful amount of time, I came across a room with bars on the outside and a lot of shouting. Dare I say it, curiosity got the better of me, causing me to poke my head in for a nose. Inside the room were two guards shouting and beating another griffon. That same griffon who tried to assassinate the emperor. Well he deserves that.

“Who are you working for?”

“How did you get past the guards?”

“I don’t know. I can’t remember. one moment I’m at home, the next you’re beating me up.” The badly beaten griffon responded. It's funny he isn’t all green and glowy now. “Please believe me, wwwhhhyyy!” Well he’s clearly crazy.

“A likely story, hey what’s that.” One of the guards said with his head pointed at the door. Okay, I’ve clearly overstayed my welcome its probably time for me to be off.

“It’s the thief, she’s got the Princesses gear,” oh dear, at those words I’d already started running and wasn’t surprised when the barred door suddenly slammed open behind me. Okay, just gotta keep running down this corridor.

“She’s running down towards the east wing!” Is that where Luna is?

“Carful lads, she’s using magic,” That’s probably because of the mist and was that more voices?

A quick look over my shoulder revealed at least 5 guards behind me.

“Halt or we will fire upon you,” I didn’t see any ranged weapons, they’re bluffing.

“Okay lads, just try to stun,” uh oh. Well, turns out they don’t need any, as lightning bolts suddenly started to follow after me. One of them struck my rear shoe and I couldn’t help but let out a slight yelp. Ooo that really smarted I mean it fed me a little but ouch. Wonder if that pain means its damaging me? No sense worrying about that just got to keep running.

“They’re not slowing down.”

“She’s running on borrowed time, we’ll have lads coming up in front soon enough.” Oh bother.

Okay, this way does seem pretty familiar. Wait, I see it, the promised land. Luna’s room straight ahead. She’d better not be taking a shower still.

“She’s heading for the Princess, hurry or we might end up with a hostage situation.” I’d never hold a hostage, probably.

Upon reaching the room I immediately threw open the door and slammed it shut behind myself. Within the room sitting reading a book was a pretty miffed Luna.

“Where hast thou been all day? We have had to complete the negotiations in thine absence.”

“No time to explain save me Luna,” I begged before collapsing in a pile in front of her.

At my words Luna immediately closed her book and jumped to her hooves, “What is the matter my friend?”

At her words, five griffon guards burst through the door and prepared to pounce, before immediately backing down at the sight of Luna.

“Your majesty,” the lead guard started, “We are in pursuit of a dangerous thief. For your own protection we must search your room.”

“No need sergeant,” she said after glancing at his helmet, “Our regalia has been returned to us and the thief dealt with, good job soldier.” She then saluted him before picking up my tiara and putting it on.

“Dealt with?” he said before looking at me on the floor, “oh I see, sorry for intruding we’ll just get out of your mane. Come on lads.” The griffons then each left the room with their tails between their legs, before the sergeant carefully closed the door.

“She really ate that thief!”

“Stow it Swift.”

“Sorry sir.”

Luna then sighed, before starting to put the rest of ‘her’ regalia on.

“We hope thou art happy, We were forced to go fully unclothed to the meeting with Thunder Wing,” she said while putting on her chest piece, “it sent him all the wrong messages.”

“I’m really sorry Princess. I was taken to be cleaned up by the maids,” wow feeling a bit guilty now, “I didn’t mean to break my promise, I just made a bad decision in trying to come back myself, it can’t have been all bad.”

“Yes, We have seen the effects of thy decision making and nay it was not all bad as thou says,” she said after slipping on my shoes. “The negotiations were a complete success.”

“There ya go. You didn’t even need me,” That’s a relief, but what could have been the mixed messages? “What issues could my absence cause?”

Luna quickly cleared her throat before looking in the mirror, “well you see my friend, the emperor believed We may have been interested in forming an alliance, in the way that would potentially lead to hippogriff airs to both Equestria and Griffonia.”

That took me a few moments to process but when it went through, I couldn’t help but laugh and stomp Lunas’s hoof which resulted in her face heating up.

“Wow that’s amazing, he probably would have suggested it anyway after you saved his life,” I said once my composure returned.

“Thou saved his life, besides if thou hadn’t been so forward during the negotiations offering our hoof for him to kiss,” she then stuck out her tongue.

“Hey I’ve never been a pony before, that’s not my fault.”

“On that note, thou clearly hast no concept of a ponies diet let alone a royal one.” She said while pointing a hoof accusingly at the mirror.

“What makes you say that?”

“Though the food thou chose tasted quite agreeable at the time, in thine absence the after taste was quite revolting,” that makes sense. She then said with a smile, “No pony would willingly eat meat my friend.”

Welp, another thing to feel guilty about, “but you had sharp teeth and other predator stuff?”

Putting a hoof to her chin Luna mused, “That is likely something to do with thine presence within us at the time, thy own nature must be that of a predator and if it surfaces again, We may be open to consuming a small portion of meat.”

Yes! I couldn’t help the slight happy jig. Bacon is just the best.

“Only occasionally though.”

After our conversation we headed down towards the carriage to meet up with Celestia, who was waiting quite impatiently.

“Ah sister there you are, we’ve been waiting for a while,” she said while tapping an imaginary watch.

“Celestia, We had some business to complete before leaving,” Luna said while boarding the carriage.

Her sister following close behind, “Yes sister let me say that on this trip you’ve made me proud. Managing to get the griffons to commit to such a deal on our first visit is momentous.”

Luna seemed to deflate a little at that comment. Huh I wonder what’s eating her. “Thank you Celly, but it wasn’t all me," she said looking down.

“Nonsense sister, I myself played little part in the success of this negotiation,” Celestia not sensing the mood there. She then continued on with a slight smirk, “I do hope to one day become an aunt.”

I felt Luna heat up underneath me at that, “Sister please.”

“I wonder whether the foals would have bird heads and pony bodies or pony heads and cat bodies?” Celestia mused.

Luna, filled with embarrassment, decided outside the carriage was very interesting and I have to admit the view was pretty nice.

Author's Note:

I think I need to slow this down a bit.