• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,704 Views, 1,505 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Monday blues

Sunset sighed as she reached over and silenced her alarm clock. She spent a few seconds in bed before sitting up and stretching. She sat there like that for a moment, noticing she actually felt pretty good this morning.

It had been a day since her and Applejacks day out and while she had some initial insecurities on Sunday, her and Twilight talked things out. While there was still that nugget of doubt in the back of her mind, she felt more secure in herself and her place in the world than she had in a long time.

She got up and got ready for school, taking a moment to shoot finger guns at herself in the mirror before running off. Her bag vibrated and Sunset reached for the book. “Right on cue.”

“Morning Sunset. How’re you feeling? Still worried about AJ?”

“Good morning Twili. Well, to tell you the truth, yeah. It just feels too good to be true. It was great hanging out with her on Saturday, but she threw me away before. But I also feel bad because I know she genuinely wants to be my friend again.”

“Hey, it’s alright. You just don’t want to be hurt again, that’s completely understandable. It’ll take a while for you to trust any of them again, though I imagine Fluttershy is in a pretty good position.”

Sunset scowled and rolled her eyes. “Why does everyone give her a free pass?” She grumbled.

“Rainbow Dash will probably be the one friend I’ll have the most trouble trusting again, especially after she accused me of blackmailing Scootaloo.”

She felt awful for keeping this from Twilight, but she just didn’t know how to break the news to her that she and Fluttershy were done. Twilight was busy enough, she didn’t need to try and force her and Fluttershy to be friends again.

Sunset and Twilight talked the whole way to the school, finally saying goodbye when she reached the premises and walked to her locker.

“Mornin’ Sunset.” Applejack walked up to her own locker, giving Sunset a small wave.

“Morning Jackie.” Sunset said as she rummaged through her locker. Applejack chuckled, earning an inquisitive look from Sunset. “What’s so funny?”

“It’s just that this is probably the least awkward morning since Anon. We haven’t said a word at our lockers since this all started.”

“That’s not true.” Sunset protested. “There was that one time I said ‘Applejack’ in a desperate tone and you said ‘Ah don’t want to talk to yah’ super rudely.” Applejack looked annoyed at Sunset's exaggerated country accent. “Then that other time where the roles were reversed and I said the same thing.”

“Funny, Ah seem to remember yah saying ‘Fuck off’ when Ah tried talking to yah first day after break.” Applejacks said with an amused look.

“It was too early, it was my first day back in the Human world, I had just barely stopped crying every other hour.” Sunset closed her locker. “... Sorry about that though.”

Applejack's smirk had disappeared after what Sunset said. “Sunset, Ah’m no fool. Ah know one good day and some long talks aren’t gonna fix everything between the two of us.” Sunset turned to look at Applejack. “Yah have any… rules yah want me to follow?”

“You know, I’m actually glad you asked, cause I was gonna sit you down later and give you a list.” Sunset turned her whole body so her and Applejack were face to face. “First and most obvious, don’t try forcing meetings between me and the girls.”

“After Bloom? No way.”

“Second, I’m not against you sitting with me at lunch, but try to text me first to see if it's ok. Third, I have days where I just want to be alone, so don't be offended if I don’t want to hang out or talk with you. Fourth, try to text me if you’re planning on coming up to me, I don’t want to be blindsided and end up yelling at you.”

“What if we’re at our lockers?”

“Lockers are fine, we can't help that. Fifth, don’t try to rush me, I’ll progress at my own pace with each of you girls. Sixth, I’d love to hang out with you and some of the other girls, but I want to plan it out first. And finally seventh… don’t accuse me of shit.” Sunset glared angrily at Applejack. “If you think I did something, you can investigate and even question me, but don’t accuse me outright and cut me loose when I deny it.”

“That was pretty much the plan from the beginning. Ah think at this point there could be video evidence of yah committing a murder and Ah’d still question it.”

“Ok, I’m not unreasonable. If there’s video evidence of me then that’ll be hard to dispute. But just keep in mind there are shapeshifters back home, so.” Sunsets glare softened and she closed her locker. “Right now I mostly just want open communication. Think of this as probation: Sunday was you getting out of prison, these are the rules you have to follow, and I’m your probation officer.

Applejack nods. “Ah take it these apply to the other girls as well?”

“Yeah, just not that bitch Fluttershy.”

“Sunset.” Applejack tensed. “Ah Know yah and Fluttershy have some… issues with each other, but yah said Ah could remain friends with Fluttershy, and Ah’d appreciate it if yah didn’t insult or call my friend names... Please.”

Sunset scowled at Applejack angrily, before her expression softened. “Alright… alright that’s fair. I won’t call… her insulting names in front of you. Just don’t tell her the ground rules, I don’t want her getting ideas.”

“Well, Ah was planning on telling our friends individually when yah started feeling comfortable around them.” Applejack explained. “Speaking of friends, yah talk to Derpy yet?”

Sunset shook her head. “No, I haven’t seen her yet. I was planning on going up to her during lunch. She usually tries sitting at my table.”

“Yah think maybe Ah can… yah know.” Applejacks asked sheepishly.

Sunset couldn't help but snicker. “Fine, you can sit with me at lunch today. The other girls will probably get jealous though.”

Before Applejack could continue, the intercom came to life. “Would Sunset Shimmer report to the Principal's office please.

Applejack gave a teasing hum. “What’d yah do this time?”

“Punched out your dozens of ‘guys and stuff’ of course.” Applejack immediately lost her composure and blushed furiously.

“... Ah’m never gonna live that down, am Ah?” She grumbled.

“Nope.” Sunset said with a cheery smile as she began walking away.

Celestia sighed as she read over a report of yet another fight in the cafeteria over Anon-A-Miss. She was thankful that these reports had become less numerous over time, but she still saw them too frequently for her taste.

She wrote a sticky note to speak with the students and their parents later, looking up when someone knocked at the door. “Come in.”

The door was pushed open and Sunset peeked her head in. “You wanted to see me Principal Celestia?”

“Ah, Sunset. Please, come in.” Principal Celestia said with a reassuring smile.

“I’m not in trouble am I?” Sunset asked nervously as she walked into the office and sat down.

“No no, of course not. Quite the opposite in fact.” Celestia reached over for some papers and handed them to Sunset.

“What’s this?” Sunset asked as she began reading over them.

“Your disciplinary report written after the Fall Formal.” Sunset cringed at Celestia's words. “You know we’ve reinstated your right to extracurriculars, but I’m glad to inform you that you are now allowed to partake in the Spring Fling this year.”

“Really?” Sunset looked up from the papers for a moment before looking back to them. “This is unexpected. Why did you overturn it?”

“Well, after some consideration, I thought it was fair to allow you to participate after you confessed to sabotaging your competition. Plus, I know you’ve been dealing with Anon-A-Miss the hardest, and thought this might help cheer you up.” Celestia said with a nod. “You can even run for Princess.”

Sunset nodded, a small smile gracing her lips. ‘Sweet! I always loved going to the Fling. Today’s just getting better and bett-’ She stopped in her tracks when she read the next sentence on the paper.

For her years of delinquency and terrorizing the student body, Sunset Shimmer will not be considered for Valedictorian nor will she be allowed to walk at graduation, regardless of her academic record and achievements."

Sunset stared at the paper, rereading the sentence over and over again. 'No no no no. That's not right. I-Im dreaming. This isn't real.'

Celestia gave Sunset a worried look. "Sunset, is everything alright?

Sunset looked up at Principal Celestia shakily. "I-it says I-I'm not allowed to be V-Valedictorian."

"Sunset, I thought you knew." Celestia's face fell. "You looked this over after the Formal."

"I-I only skimmed it once, I was too depressed to read it in any detail." Sunset held the paper shakily. "Please, I d-don't care about anything else, j-just let me be Valedictorian."

"I'm sorry Sunset." Celestia said sadly. "But this came directly from the school board. They didn't want someone with a… checkered past giving the Valedictorian speech. Said it looked bad to allow a delinquent to have such an honor."

Sunsets dropped the paper and shook violently. "O-oh…" She looked down to hide the tears welling in her eyes. "I understand."

Sunset got up and went toward the door. "Sunset, please wait."

"Thank y-you for allowing me to participate in the Spring Fling." Sunset said on the verge of tears. "I better g-get to first period before the bell rings."

"Sunset-" Celestia was cut off as Sunset practically slammed the door. She gave an annoyed groan. "Great…"

Sunset stood on the other side of the door, willing her body to stop shaking and took deep breaths. 'Don't cry. Not right now. You can cry after school.' sunset thought as she gained her composure.

She heard the bell ring and practically ran down the halls, trying to distract herself from the news she had just learned.

Author's Note:

Uh oh, Sunsets keeping something from Twilight. That's not good.

This can only end well when Twilight finds out about Sunset and Flutters.

But hey, Sunsets giving her friends a chance, albeit with restrictions. So that's a good sign.

Also, has anyone noticed that in the Anon comics Sunset and AJs lockers are right next to eachother? Idk if one of them moved it after they became friends or what, but I'm surprised this isn't brought up more in Anon fics.
How awkward must that be?

Too bad that Sunset was feeling great this morning, only to have her whole week ruined with the revelation she won't be Valedictorian, the thing she's been working towards for years.
What's she gonna do? There's no way the school board will overturn their decision.

Anyhow, thank you all for reading my fic!

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