• Published 17th Jan 2022
  • 851 Views, 49 Comments

Yugioh: Reunion - ShootingStar25

It's been a while since graduation and everybody went on their separate paths. And not only that, time to see how things have changed since they last left.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Kinfolk

It was now morning as the sun rose in the sky. Pinkie was already up early as she was making some breakfast for everyone in the house. She considered waking up Isaac to help her; she opened the door to the room of the boy and saw him sleeping peacefully. Normally, Pinkie would do something crazy to wake her big brother up, but based on how he was fast asleep. It seemed like Isaac was trying to get some more ZZZ's since his entire schedule had been cleared for him to prepare for his duel.

Pinkie knew how busy Isaac's life was that she thought it unfair to wake him up when he could use this time to get some much-needed rest from his daily duties. Seems growing up, made Pinkie a bit more responsible when it came to others and letting them have some space. So she just closed the door quietly and allowed the boy to sleep in a bit before he left.

It was about an hour and a half later when Isaac finally awoke. With the sounds coming from his window. He sat up and yawned while stretching his limbs.

"Man, forgot what it was like to sleep like a regular person. I've just gotta used to being on the road that sleeping in feels nice," said Isaac.

He then grabbed his phone as he got a few messages from Juniper. She told the boy about some things she had been taking care of during his trip. A few signings that he would need to take care of, with the only major thing being a Q&A panel that he would need to attend. Isaac responded that he understood but also contact Juniper about booking some more flights. With the info Pinkie gave him, Isaac had the location of two of the girls, but he'd yet to know where Rainbow and Sunset were. Regardless, Juniper said she would take care of it and get back to her client.

Isaac now exited his room and was welcomed to the smell of breakfast. He walked down the stairs and saw Pinkie in the kitchen as the sound of the stove was sizzling.

"Didn't wake me up to help you, little sis?"

"I wanted to give you some much-needed rest. You're on the road so many days out of the week. And with your schedule being light due to your upcoming duel, I'd figured why not give you a chance to get the sleep that you've been missing." said Pinkie.

"I appreciate that." smiled Isaac. He then began to set the table with all the foods that Pinkie made.

Once everything was set up, the pair now pulled out some plates as both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle came into the dining table rubbing their eyes as they just woke up. Soon everybody began to sit down as they began to fill themselves up with the tasty meal made by the party girl. After breakfast was done, the girls all wanted to have one final duel with Isaac as he was leaving. While Pinkie cleaned up, Isaac entertained the two by playing on the table in the living room.

After the duels ended, Isaac gave some praises to the girl as he told them to continue getting better. He then headed up to his room as he grabbed his backpack and duel disk as he exited the room. He now was back in the living room as he started to walk out of the front door as he stood outside with Pinkie and the girls standing in the doorway.

"Wish you could stay longer, big bro."

"Wish I could, but I still have things that I need to do, Pinkie. I need to complete them before my duel."

"We're gonna miss you, Isaac," said Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"I'm gonna miss you too, girls. It was nice seeing you. Keep at it," said Isaac as they came to hug the boy as he hugged both of them while patting their heads.

"Good luck, Isaac."

"Thanks, little sis. Be sure to watch my duel," said Isaac as he hugged the girl one last time.

Pinkie then let go of Isaac and planted a kiss on his cheek as he started to walk. Before Isaac disappeared down the road, he turned around and waved at the trio as they waved from the doorsteps to their friend. Isaac was now walking down the sidewalk with his backpack slung over his right shoulder. He had his phone out as he was looking at the GPS as he had his destination in hand.

"Sweet Apple Acres, here I come."

It took a while, but Isaac soon arrived at his place. The sight of apples that filled the orchard for miles and miles was still the same. In fact, it seemed to have gotten bigger. The smell of the air was clean and refreshing as he took a deep breath in and out.

He now began to walk as he came to the entrance of the place as he looked at the sign above. He read it and smiled. Once he entered inside, he saw the barn a few yards away as he was making his way towards it. All around he could see many farm animals as they all made a sound. Isaac took it all in as he passed by some pigs as he petted them on the head as they let out oink sounds. He then heard another sound as he looked in the direction and saw someone.

The person was a girl who compared to when he last saw them, had grown a few inches like Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. But the thing that remained the same was the pink bow in their hair.

"Come on. Just... need... to... pull!" said Applebloom as she struggled. She lost her footing and fell onto her rump as she felt it. "Ow." said the girl as she began to rub her behind.

"What have I told you about asking for help?" said Isaac.

Applebloom looked up at the sound of the voice and saw Isaac standing in front of her. She took a look at the boy as her eyes started to form tears as she couldn't believe what she saw.


"How are you doing, Applebloom?"

"It's you!" shouted the small girl as she got up and tackled the older boy to the ground as she lied on top of him. "I knew I'd see you again." said the girl as she wrapped her arms around the boy's neck and began to nuzzle him.

"Good to see my favorite CMC," said Isaac as he rubbed Applebloom's hair making sure to not mess up the bow.

Applebloom now allowed Isaac to sit up as she was sitting on his leg. She couldn't contain herself as she planted a kiss on the boy's cheek and nuzzled into his chest. Isaac returned the embrace as he rubbed Applebloom's hair.

"Did you miss me?"

"Of course, I did, Applebloom. I miss all of you." said the boy looking at the girl.

"What are you doing here?"

"That's a secret."

"Tell me."

"Can't say. Let's call it training for my upcoming duel."

"Oh, the duel that you'll be defending your rank as World Champ. I watched when you became champion. I told everybody that you were gonna win, but they didn't believe me. I made sure to rub in their faces for doubting me and you."

"Nice to see you haven't changed from that mischievous little girl." smiled Isaac. "By the way, how are things with you and Tender Taps?"

"Uh... well..." said Applebloom as she blushed at Isaac's question while looking away. Seems the girl still had a bit of a crush on the boy as Isaac could tell.

"I'm teasing, AB. Still, if you two do act on your crushes, make sure he treats you well." winked Isaac as Applebloom nodded.

Isaac then stood up as he volunteered to help Applebloom with the thing she was trying to pull. He was able to get it into the barn as Applebloom then began to grab Isaac by his hand as they were heading towards the house.

"Granny! We got a visitor!" said Applebloom.

"She's not here, Applebloom." said a woman.

Isaac saw the woman as she emerged from the kitchen.

"That's too bad, Sugar Belle," said Applebloom.

"Sugar Belle?" asked Isaac.

"Yup." said a voice as it belonged to Big Macintosh as Isaac saw the older man as he put his arm around the woman.

"Guess, I should have told you. A lot of things have changed, one of them is that my brother found someone who he's in love with and is married to," said Applebloom.

"So, you finally found someone who can handle your talking, huh, Big Mac?" mocked Isaac.


"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Sugar Belle."

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Isaac." said the boy shaking her hand.

"Isaac? You mean, as in the World Champion."


"So..." Sugar Belle then looked at her husband and Applebloom as they nodded.

"I'm assuming that they told you that they knew me, but you didn't believe them," answered Isaac. "Happens all the time."

"Well, it's an honor to be in the presence of the World Champion of Duel Monsters," stated Sugar Belle.

"No problem." Isaac then put his backpack down as he pulled out a print and a marker as he began to sign it and personalize it. "Here you go." stated the boy as she handed the picture to Sugar Belle.

"Thank you. I'll treasure this."

"Isaac, can I get one, please?" said Applebloom giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, anything for my favorite CMC," said Isaac as he signed another print and did a different message for Applebloom as he gave it to her and a kiss on her cheek. She was ecstatic that she finally got an autograph from him. She couldn't wait to show it off at school.

"So, where's..."

"She's in the orchard," said Big Mac as he knew what Isaac was asking.

"You can leave your stuff here, go to her," said Applebloom as she also knew.

"Thanks," Isaac handed his backpack to Applebloom as he gave a quick fistbump to Big Mac.

Isaac now exited out of the house as he looked in the direction of the orchard. He now began walking as he was hoping to find the person he came here for. Isaac was passing by many and many trees that had apples in them. Walking brought some memories for the boy as he remembered all the times he and his friends helped to get all those apples down. All the time they helped to make cider and other sorts of apple-related products. He soon heard a grunt as he knew he found it. He walked in the direction of the sound as he passed by a bush and saw what made that sound.

The person who was making those grunt sounds was a girl who was hard at work. Since he last saw her, she had grown and changed a bit, and not just in the bust and rear area. She had moderate sap green eyes and hair that was pale, light grayish olive. Her signature attire now changed as she wore brilliant gamboge shorts and vest with a white short shirt underneath, brown cowboy boots, and a stetson hat on top of her head. Another thing to note was her hip area, wide, and with the rear end to fill out her shorts nicely.

Applejack was busying pulling some twigs from the ground as her blond hair was soaked. She used her strength to pull as she was a bit too strong and fell onto her butt.

"Shit," said Aj as she rubbed her rear.

"Need a hand... partner," said Isaac as he now stood in front of his friend. He had his hand extended out as Applejack looked up and saw the boy as her eyes widen.

At that moment, all of time slowed down. Both girl and boy looked at the other as they were seeing one person they hadn't seen in a while. The memories came rushing back. From when they first met, to the Apple family reunion he helped her to set up just days before the Fall Formal. The biggest one was when they faced each other in the semi-finals of that tournament. The Friendship Games, and then the moment they each had in Appleloosa. Along with assigning her as one of the tutors for his program during their final year in high school, just to name a few.

"Sure thing... sugar," said Applejack as she reached out and grabbed Isaac's hand as he pulled her up.

Isaac pulled the girl to her feet as she wrapped her arms around the boy and he too hugged her tightly. Isaac felt Aj's head in his chest as he could sense a bit of tears as he too cried a bit. Both of them were giving a loving embrace as held the other. He ran his hands through her hair as it felt nice to be remembered for what it felt like. This was a moment for the pair as it felt so long since they last saw each other.

"Nice to see you again, Isaac."

"Nice to see you too, Applejack."

"Now don't get any ideas," she smirked, pushing him off with a little force but with a playful expression. "We've both grown, and I know what is probably on your mind."

"What?!" said Isaac as he had a surprised look on his face. He looked at AJ as she still held the smirk but directed her gaze to her ass. "I would never!" said the boy waving his hands about. "Not intentionally."

"Good to see you haven't changed, city slicker." said the country gal as she playfully punched the boy in his arm.

"Nice to see you have, country gal." said the boy with a mocking tone.

"I'm just havin' fun." laughed Aj. "But be honest, did you glance a look when you saw me?" asked the girl with a raised eyebrow.

"Well... yes." said the boy honestly. "You've definitely grown since we graduated."

"Ah appreciate the honesty. And you've done the same, look at ya. World Champ."

"Well, I don't like to brag, but... yeah. I am the World Champ."

"Bet I can still kick yer ass."

"Is that a challenge, Jacklyn?" taunted the boy.

"Oh, now you've done it," said Aj as she cracked her knuckles.

She then charged to the boy as Isaac now began to run around the trees with the girl chasing after him. It was now a game of cat and mouse. He and Aj were on opposite sides of a tree as they moved left and right trying to see what the other would do. Isaac somehow was able to fake out Aj as he took off with the girl recovering and going after him. Soon he began to climb a tree with Aj still coming after him. They were now moving from branch to branch, tree to tree. After moving through a few trees, Isaac finally jumped down onto the ground as he looked around and didn't see the country gal. It seemed like he had lost here when he turned around and suddenly was tackled to the ground as they rolled around on the dirt. Dust picked up as they rolled around as soon it stopped. Applejack had managed to launch a sneak attack on her friend as she was now on top of him and she had him pinned down with her hands on his shoulders.

"Got... you..." huffed Aj as she was out of breath. "Now... yer... gonna... pay... for callin'... me... Jacklyn."

"Uh-oh." stated the boy as he was a bit scared of what she might do.

He soon felt a pair of lips on his as Applejack leaned down and kiss the boy. Isaac then brought his hands up as he held Aj's face as the two enjoyed their little affection. It seemed this was one of the things that the farm girl missed as it gave her comfort on the small crush that she still had when it came to her friend after all these years. They pulled apart as they looked at each other as they were officially out of breathe. She allowed the boy to sit up as she sat next to him and placed her head on his shoulder.

"This brings memories," said Isaac as he placed his arm around his friend and stroked her hair while planting a kiss on her forehead.

"So, what are you doin' here? I doubt yer here just to see us."

"Why can't it be that?" asked Isaac.

"Sugarcube, you know ah ain't stupid. Ah, know you have a match in a few weeks. So that means yer here for some sort of trainin'. Am I wrong?"

"I mean... it's... yes, but it's not just that. I really did want to see you. You and the others." assured Isaac. "It's been a year and a half since we graduated. We haven't really talked like this since then, you and the others at least are in touch. Since I got started, and especially when I became champion three months ago, I've had a busy schedule, I'm lucky enough if every now and then, I can meet up with Twilight who keeps me updated on what you girls are doing. So, believe me, when I say this, I really did want to see you."

Applejack now used her trait as she listened to what Isaac was saying. She also looked into the boy's eyes to see if he was telling the truth. After a few moments, she got her answer as she wrapped her arms around the boy's shoulder.

"Seems, yer bein' honest. And I'll admit, I've missed you too." smiled the farm girl. "Me and mah family watched the duel when you became champion. After that, we received some donations to help our farm. You kept yer word."

"I told you, that when I became champion, I was gonna help you and your family business to thrive."

"I appreciate it. Thanks." Applejack then got up as she dusted her shorts and hat. She now walked a few feet in front of the boy as she added a bit of sway to her rear for her friend to see. She then turned around as she put on her duel disk and slotted her deck in as it projected a green card tray. "Ah meant what ah said. Time to pay for callin' me, Jacklyn."

"So be it." smiled Isaac as he now got up and grabbed his cap that had fallen off during the tussle. He dusted it off and put it on his head as he pulled out his small rectangle device and slotted his deck in as it projected a gold card tray.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Applejack's Life Points: 8000-
Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

"Let's duel!" said both young adults.

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start, here goes!" said Isaac drawing his card. "I'll summon my Berry Magician Girl(400/400). Then since I summoned her, I can now select a different 'Magician Girl' from my deck to add to my hand." Isaac's tiny baby magician appeared as she flew over to her master and sat on his shoulder sucking her pacifier.

"Why was I blessed to have so many cute girls?" asked Isaac with a smirk as he looked at all of his options as the spirits of the girls all appeared before the boy waiting to see who he would choose. "Berry, which of your sisters should be the one to spend time with me?"

"Hmm..." said the tiny baby making a sucking sound as she looked at her older sisters. "I pick... Lemon."

"Alright then," said Isaac to his magician with a nod. He then touched his duel disk as he clicked confirm and it slid out for him to grab.

"Thank you," said Lemon to her baby sister as she grabbed her and kissed her. She also gave on to Isaac as she nuzzled him before disappearing.

"Then I'll lay one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Applejack

"Mah turn. And to start, I'll gonna show off one of mah new cards to mah deck. I place my Predaplant Triantis in one of mah pendulum zones." stated the country gal as she placed the card on the far end of her duel disk. "Then I'll summon mah Predaplant Moray Nepenthes(1600/1200). And ah also play mah Rapid Seed Fire spell card." stated the girl.

Applejack then touched her duel disk as she saw the field; she touched the image of Isaac's card as she refreshed herself on what Isaac's Berry Magician Girl could do as she was thinking. She touched his facedown, but it was hidden so she couldn't figure out what he might have set. She then turned her attention back to the duel as she called out her move.

"Now mah Moray Nepenthes will attack yer Berry Magician Girl!"

"I activate the effect of my Berry Magician Girl, so I can switch her into defense mode. And then I can special summon a different 'Magician Girl' from my deck. So I choose my Apple Magician Girl(1200/1000)!" said Isaac as a floating apple appeared with wings on it as transformed into a girl wearing red garments.

"Either way, yer Berry Magician Girl is destroyed!" stated Applejack as she took out Isaac's baby magician. "And now mah monster's effect activates, so the monster it destroyed becomes an equipped card onto mah monster. Then I'll activate the effect of mah Rapid Seed Fire, so now ah send a 'Predaplant' monster from mah deck to not only lower yer monster's attack points by 600 but to deal you 300 points of damage!" stated the girl as some seeds fired from her spell as they landed near Isaac who covered up.
Isaac's Life Points: 7700-

"Then I play mah Foolish Burial so that I can send one card from mah deck to the graveyard," said the country girl as she selected another card to send off.

"What are you doing?" asked Isaac.

"You'll see soon, sugarcube. I end mah turn with a facedown."

Turn 3: Isaac

"My turn, I'll now summon my Magician's Valkyria(1600/1800). And then I'll play Dark Magical Circle so that I can look at the top 3 cards of my deck and add 'Dark Magician' or a 'Dark Magician' related spell or trap card to my hand." Isaac's duel disk then ejected his cards as he looked at them. "I'll take my Dark Magic Curtain," said Isaac as his duel disk ejected his card as he placed the other two cards in the order he wanted.

"I now end my turn."

Turn 4: Applejack

"Mah turn, I summon mah Predaplant Spinodionaea(1800/0). Then when he's summoned, ah can place a Predaplant Counter on one of yer monsters, so ah choose your Magician's Valkyria!" stated Applejack as her monster fired a seed as it attached to the girl's staff. "Now her level drops to one. Next up, ah place Mystical Space Typhoon. So yer Dark Magical Circle ain't gonna be banishin' any of mah critters anytime soon." A giant wind now blew over as it destroyed Isaac's card.

"Ah told you, city slicker. I ain't stupid."

"Yes, you aren't." chuckled Isaac.

"Trying to get me to blush, sugarcube. Don't think that's gonna throw off my focus. Now I'll activate mah Rapid Seed Fire, so ah send another 'Predaplant' from mah deck to the graveyard. So now both of yer monsters lose 600 attack points and you lose another 300 life points." stated Aj as more seeds bombarded Isaac's field.
Isaac's Life Points: 7400-

"Ah end mah turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll place my Magician's Robes(700/2000) in defense mode. And then switch my Apple Magician Girl also into defense mode. I then end my turn."

Turn 6: Applejack

"Come on! Yer the World Champ, and you ain't attacking!" stated Applejack.

"I'm not the World Champion just simply cause I attack recklessly. It requires you to think about the field and to prepare. Besides, you're one to talk, Aj. You haven't launched an attack either. All you've been doing is chipping away at my life points bit by bit." stated Isaac. "Where's that country gal that I knew like to get down and dirty?" mocked the boy.

"You want me to get down and dirty?" stated Applejack as she cracked her neck a bit. "Sugar, you're gonna regret that. I draw! I now activate the effect of mah Predaplant Cordyceps, by banishin' it from mah graveyard, ah can summon 2 Level 4 or lower 'Predaplant' monsters from mah graveyard. So welcome mah Predaplant Lilizard(1200/1200) and Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra(1000/1500)." Aj now had two monsters appear as a lizard and snake-like plants appeared.

"Now two things happen. When mah Lilizard is summoned from the graveyard, ah can draw an extra card. Then since Darlingtonia Cobra was summoned by the effect of another Predaplant monster, ah can add a 'Polymerization' or 'Fusion' spell to mah hand." A snake with a body like a plant vine slithered in front of Applejack, its jaws patterned like flower petals. It opened the petals as there was the card she wanted as she grabbed it.

"Then I'm gonna activate mah Rapid Seed Fire once again, so ah send another Predaplant to mah graveyard to make yer monsters lose another 600 attack points and you another 300 points." stated the girl as more seeds bombard Isaac's field.
Isaac's Life Points: 7100-

"The monster ah sent to mah graveyard was another new addition to mah deck, mah Predaplant Bibrisup. And when it's sent to the graveyard, ah can add a 'Preda' monster to my hand from mah deck." said the country gal as she had another card eject from her duel disk.

"Ah now play Polymerization! So ah fuse mah Predaplant Lilizard and Darlingtonia Cobra!" Applejack’s two monsters swirled together in a vortex of green light. “Ah combine mah carnivorous reptile and mah venomous predator, and let a vicious new plant bloom!” Applejack took the card her duel disk ejected as she held it up high. “Ah, Fusion Summon Predaplant Chimerafflesia(2500/2000)!” A large coil of vines burst from the chasm and splayed out on the field. A large circular mouth ringed with teeth and surrounded by plump pink petals was at the end of the largest of the vines, and two smaller mouths rose beside it on smaller vines.

"Now ah activate mah Chimerafflesia's special ability, once per turn, ah can banish a monster on the field with a level equal to or less than it. So yer Apple Magician Girl is gone, which means you won't be triggering her effect!" stated Applejack as her Chimerafflesia lashed out its two mouthed vines towards Apple Magician Girl.

"Now, ah reveal mah facedown, Plant Food Chain. This trap gives mah Predaplant Moray Nepenthes an extra 500 attack points. So now, ah have it take out yer Magician's Valkyria!" stated the girl as her other monster took out Isaac's magician. "Like before, when mah Moray Nepenthes destroys a monster, it becomes an equip card to mah monster. And now to attack yer Magician's Robe with mah Chimerafflesia!"

"I activate the effect of my Magician's Robe. During your turn, I can send one spell or trap card from my hand to special summon my Dark Magician from my deck. So I'm discarding my Dark Magic Curtain!" Isaac's duel disk then shined brightly as out came his partner as descended onto the field.

"Good to see him again." smiled Applejack as she saw Isaac's Dark Magician as it reminded them of their high school days. "Either way with that new monster, ah now gonna target yer Dark Magician. And mah Chimerafflesia's other effect allows mah monster to gain 1000 attack points while yers lose 1000 attack points."

"Now quite, cause I reveal my Shift! So now your attack is redirected to my Magician's Robe!" said Isaac as his other monster took the hit and was destroyed.

"Still as hard to get rid of yer monster as ever. Your move, sugar."

Turn 7: Isaac

"My turn and to start, I activate my Thousand Knives to destroy your Chimerafflesia!" shouted the boy as tiny daggers appeared and were sent towards Aj's monster as it was destroyed.

"Now you won't be banishing any of my monsters. Next, I play Dark Magic Inheritance. So by banishing two spells from my graveyard, I can add a spell or trap that lists 'Dark Magician' or 'Dark Magician Girl' in its text." Isaac's duel disk then slid out his Thousand Knives and Dark Magic Curtain as he put them into the banished compartment of the device as he touched his screen to make his choice as it slid out the card for him to grab.

"I then play Diffusion Wave-Motion. So by paying 1000 life points, I can have my Dark Magician attack all of your monsters and they can't activate their effects when he destroys them!" shouted Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 6100-

Dark Magician then leaped into the air as its staff powered up. A ball of dark energy was manifesting as he pointed his staff at Aj's field and fired it as both of her monsters were destroyed.
Applejack's Life Points: 6400-

"With that, I end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 8: Applejack

"Not bad."

"As I said, I'm not the World Champion simply by not having a plan."

"Then it's mah move, I draw. And ah use the effect of Chimerafflesia in the graveyard. The turn after it gets destroyed, Ah can add a Fusion card from mah deck to mah hand.” She then touched her screen and searched for the card she wanted from her deck and then clicked on it as it slid out for her to grab. “Ah’ll take Fusion Recovery and activate it immediately to get Polymerization and Predaplant Spinodionaea back to mah hand." said the girl as two more cards slid out for her to grab.

"Ah then summon mah Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio(1200/800)!" A black scorpion appeared in front of Applejack, roots on its back running up to a plant sprout behind its stinger tail. "Now the effect of mah Scorpio activates, when he's summoned I can send one monster from mah hand to the grave, and in exchange, I can special summon one 'Predaplant' monster from mah deck. So an' send mah Rose Lover to mah grave and special summon mah Predaplant Flytrap(400/800) from the deck!” The ground in front of Applejack cracked open. A small spindly vine with hand-like leaves and a pair of jaws formed from two large leaves grew up from the crack.

"Ah then use Predaplant Flytrap’s special ability and place a Predator Counter on yer monster.”

"Not gonna happen, cause now since you target a spellcaster on my field, I can summon Palladium Oracle Mana(2000/1700) from my hand." Isaac now had his female magician appear as Mana was now wearing her Egyptian garments. "And with Palladium Oracle Mana on my field, all my Level 7 or higher spellcasters can't be destroyed by card effects. So your Predaplant Flytrap can't destroy it using its special ability."

"In that case, I'll pull back," said Aj as her monster slithered back to its mistress.

"That's not all since I activated an effect during your turn, I can summon back my Magician's Robe," said Isaac as he had another monster on his field.

"I end mah turn with a facedown."

Turn 9: Isaac

"My turn and I'll play Card of Sanctity so that we draw till we're holding six cards in our hand." said the boy as he and the girl refilled their hands. "I now play Impact Flip and equip it onto my Palladium Oracle Mana. Now to attack, Dark Magician attack her Predaplant Flytrap!"

"I reveal mah facedown, Dark Seed Planter! So now all yer monsters become Dark-types and then you none of yer Dark-type monsters can attack mah Dark-type monsters," said Applejack as she avoided Isaac's attack.

"I'm not liking what you just did, so I end my turn with two facedowns."

Turn 10: Applejack

"Oh, you're right to fear what I'm about to do. My draw!" shouted the girl. "Here's another new monster that's a part of mah deck, I place mah Predaplant Buforicyura in the other pendulum zone to complete my scale!" Applejack now placed her other monster in the other zone as her pendulum scale was complete as it spelled out the word in between them. "I now play Polymerization once more and combine mah Predaplant Flytrap and Ophrys Scorpio!" A purple vortex with tendrils of green energy appeared behind Applejack and drew in her two monsters. The vortex spun and flashed, its light growing. "By craftin' these ravenous plants together, I'll create a botanical nightmare! I Fusion Summon! Arise, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(2800/2000)!" She slammed her card on her duel disk, the card tray lighting up purple.

The ground shook as a massive plant bud grew behind Applejack and rose into the air. It shone purple and burst apart, a dragon flying out of it and circling the field. Its body was lithe and green, armored in hardened purple growths with thorns emerging from them. Orbs of orange light lit up on its claws, shoulders, and wings, pulsing with energy. The dragon stopped its flight above Applejack, a vine-like tail lashing the air, and roared.

"But I ain't done, sweetheart. Cause now mah Starving Venom Fusion Dragon gains the attack points of all yer monsters!" said the girl. An aura of purple energy lit up over Isaac's field and trails of it swirled into Applejack’s dragon. The orbs on its wings grew brighter as it now had an attack power of 8000.

"Oh shit!" said Isaac as he saw AJ's dragon power up.

"Sugar, it's not over. I now activate Predapruning so that I can bring back mah Predaplant Chimerafflesia! Next, I'll activate mah monster's effect so that I can remove yer Magician's Robes." stated the girl as the vines wrapped around the monster and crushed it.

"Then ah play this, Super Polymerization! So ah combine yer Dark Magician with mah Chimerafflesia!" Both monsters then turned into lights and were sucked into a vortex. "Ah Fusion Summon, Predaplant Dragostapelia(2700/1900)!" Out emerged a monster as it let out a vicious roar as it unfurled its wings and showed off its claws as it hovered in the air next to its mistress.

"Two Fusion monsters?!" said Isaac.

"Now I activate mah monster's special ability, which means I can place a Predaplant Counter on one of yer monsters." Applejack's monster then opened its mouth as it fired a seed as it landed on Penny's Blackwing as it soon began to wrap around her monster as the vines were zapping away its power. "Then since yer monster has a Predaplant Counter, mah monster can be able to negate the effects of yer monster since it has the counter. And it's Level drops to one."

"Now Predaplant Dragonstapelia attack his Palladium Oracle Mana!" shouted Applejack as her monster took out Isaac's magician with ease.
Isaac's Life Points: 5400-

"Now the effect of Impact Flips activates, when it's sent to the graveyard, we both draw one card."

"It doesn't make a difference. Cause I got a powerful dragon that can wipe you out in a single hit." smiled Applejack as her dragon let out a roar. "So sugarcube, you gonna beg?"

"Yeah, right. I rather face your monsters than ever get down on my knees." replied the boy.

"Suit yerself, now Starving Venom Fusion Dragon attack him directly!" shouted Aj.

"You know you could have ended this duel if you attacked my Pallidum Oracle Mana with your dragon, Aj?"

"I could have, but those facedowns you still have. If I attacked with mah Starving Venom Dragon and you activate one of yer cards, then that attack would have backfired on me. So I choose to attack with mah other monster to test the water."

"Smart, but if I did have something to stop yer attack."

"If you did, you would have activated it to protect yer life points."

"But I could have also chosen not to activate it and then take the damage."

"But then I would attack with mah Starving Venom Fusion Dragon to end this duel liking I'm doing."

"But you didn't, did you?" smiled Isaac.

"Heh, you... you're something else, city slicker. Makin' me think and second guess mahself. You're more sly than a rattlesnake in a tall grass, it's one of the things that I love about you." smiled Applejack.

"Well, you were right. I did have something, but I was also banking that you would attack me with your weaker monster. It was a gamble, but it paid off. I reveal my facedown, Spellbinding Circle! So now your dragon can't attack and it loses 700 attack points," shouted Isaac as a magical circle came out and ensnared Aj's monster.

"So you did have a way to stop me if ah attack you with mah dragon first."

"Yup, I made a gamble, but I also made a safe bet. See my two facedowns were both a bluff and trap. Anybody would know not to attack careless with two facedowns. But then again, you could bluff and get into your opponent's head. So I prepared for both situations; then let it all up to you. I was hoping you would lean into playing it safe, that way I could stop your second attack. Granted I may have lost some points, but it was worth the price." said Isaac.

"Isaac, don't ever change." smiled the girl as she admired that the boy she knew was still the same. "Well, I end mah turn. Now mah dragon loses its extra points."

Turn 11: Isaac

"My turn and I play Graceful Charity so that I can draw three cards and discard two," said Isaac as he drew some more cards and selected the ones he wanted to get rid of. "I then activate the effect of my Magicians' Souls, so by sending it and my Apprentice Illusion Magician to my graveyard, I can summon my Dark Magician Girl from my graveyard!" stated he boy as he had his female sorcerer appear. "I now play Dark Burning Attack, so since I control Dark Magician Girl I can destroy all your monsters on the field!" Mana then lifted her wand high into the air as she prepared her spell. She then pointed her staff at Aj's monster and blasted them as they let out a roar.

"Now your wide open, Dark Magician Girl attack Applejack directly!" commanded the boy as she fired another attack as it made contact with the farm girl who covered up.
Applejack's Life Points: 4100-

"I now play the spell card, Spider Web. Now I can take one card from your graveyard that was sent during your turn and add it to my hand. So I choose your Polymerization!" said Isaac as a spider string shot out and attached to Aj's duel disk as it pulled out the card from her graveyard as Isaac grabbed it.

"Next, I'm playing my own fusion spell, Eye of Timaeus! So now I combine it with my Dark Magician Girl! I Fusion Summon, Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight(2600/1700)!" Out came his monster as his magician girl now wore a suit of armor as she raised a sword and rode on Timaeus' back as the dragon let out a roar.

"I end my turn."

Turn 12: Applejack

"Mah turn and I activate the effect of mah Chimerafflesia, so now I can add a 'Fusion' spell to mah hand." Applejack's duel disk then ejected the card she wanted. "I then summon mah Predaplant Squid Drosera(800/400) in defense mode." said the girl as a tiny plant-like squid came out and planted its roots on the ground.

"I end my turn."

Turn 13: Isaac

"My turn and I summon Breaker the Magical Warrior(1600/1000)! Now when Breaker is summoned, he gains a counter to give him 300 more attack points. But I'll remove that counter so that I can destroy one spell/trap card, so I get rid of your Dark Seed Planter!" Isaac's warrior then did a slash attack as it took out the card.

"Now, Breaker attack her Squid Drosera!" commanded Isaac as his warrior leaped high into the air and did a downward slash on Aj's monster.

"Now mah Squid Drosera's effect activates, so now all of your special summoned monsters gain a Predaplant Counter." said the girl as a seed attached to Isaac's fusion monster.

"Now to attack you directly, Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight, attack!" shouted the boy as his monster fired an attack as Aj dug her feet into the ground and slammed her duel disk into the ground to stabilize herself.
Applejack's Life Points: 1500-

"I end my turn."

Turn 14: Applejack

"My turn and I play this Plant Herbal Combination. So now I can conduct a fusion summon using monsters in mah graveyard. So I fuse mah Predaplant Squid Drosera, Flytrap, and Lilizard." Aj's three monsters then turned into purple lights as they were sucked into a vortex. "Ah Fusion Summon, Predaplant Triphyoverutum(3000/3000)!" Applejack's monster descended as it had three heads and it let out a triple roar.

"Now mah monster gains attack points to your Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight since it had a counter. So it now has 5600 attack points," informed Aj. "Now attack his Breaker!"

"I activate my facedown, Magicians' Defense. The damage I take is cut in half!" shouted Isaac as the blast made contact with the boy as she covered up with one arm as his feet skidded on the dirt.
Isaac's Life Points: 3400-

"I end my turn."

Turn 15: Isaac

"My turn and I activate Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. Then I'll play Mystical Space Typhoon so that I can destroy my Magicians' Defense. By doing that, I can bring back my Dark Magician. Then I play your Polymerization and fuse it with my Mirage Magician, thanks to her effect, she can substitute for a fusion material." said Isaac as his two monsters combined. "I Fusion Summon, Amulet Dragon(2900/2500)!"

"Not quite, cause I activate the effect of my Triphyoverutum, now if you summon a monster from yer Extra deck, then mah monster can negate it and destroy it!" said the farm girl as she got rid of Isaac's monster.

"Shit!" Isaac now looked at his hand as he had another plan. "I play Dark Magic Veil, so by paying 1000 life points I can summon a Dark spellcaster from my hand or graveyard. So I summon my Dark Magician of Chaos(2800/2500)! And by summoning my magician, I can add a spell card from my graveyard to my hand."
Isaac's Life Points: 2400-

"I then play the spell card, Card of Sanctity. So we draw till we're holding six cards. Then I play one card facedown and switch my Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight also to defense mode."

Turn 16: Applejack

"My turn and I play Dragon's Mirror." A large mirror appeared in the air, the wings, claws, and tail of a dragon carved from its frame. “This lets me banish the Fusion parts needed to summon a Dragon-type Fusion monster from mah graveyard and summon it. Ah, banish Predaplant Flytrap and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!” The mirror pulsed and glowed purple, its surface cloudy. Applejack reached to her duel disk, fingers poised.

“Ah combine mah botanical nightmare and mah carnivorous predator, to bring out a toxic terror like no other!” The mirror cracked down the center, the image of glowing purple eyes appearing in either half. “Ah, Fusion Summon Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon(3300/2500)!” The mirror shattered and a massive dragon flew out of the frame. Its serpentine body was glowing blue, purple, and yellow, streaks of light along with its limbs. Wings like the growths of a plant spread behind it, crackling with energy. It circled to float in front of Applejack, roaring down at Isaac.

"Now since you control a monster with a Predaplant Counter, I can summon mah Predaplant Helimaphorhynchus(1200/2400)!" Applejack now had a dino-like monster appear on her field as it let out a cry.

"Now to clear yer field, cause I reveal mah facedown, Aggressive Leech! With this, I can now use two monsters and with it, I can conduct a double fusion summoning ignoring its summoning conditions, but the monsters that I summon have their effects negated. And thanks to the pendulum ability of my Predaplant Triantis, I can use both of my pendulum monsters as materials. So get ready to see two more new creatures! I combine both of mah pendulum monsters twice!" said Aj as her monster now entered a vortex.

"Say hello to mah Predaplant Anbromeridus(1000/2500) and Starving Venom Predator Fusion Dragon(3600/2500)!" commanded Aj as field was now filled with tons of powerful creatures. "Time to win, Greedy Fusion Dragon take out his Dark Magician of Chaos!"

"When he's destroyed, he's banished from the duel," said Isaac as he removed his card.

"Now mah other dragon attack him directly!"

"I send Kuriboh from my hand so that I take no damage!" shouted Isaac as his tiny monster appeared and protected him.

"Just like back then, in that case, Triphyoverutum attack..."

"I reveal Negate Attack!" shouted Isaac.

"Ah hate you," snickered Aj as she ended her turn.

Turn 17: Isaac

"My turn, and now I'll play Magician Fusion Gate. This spell lets me fusion summon using monsters in my graveyard or Extra Deck, and I can also use this spell to substitute for a fusion material! So I'll use it with my Dark Magician!" Isaac's spell and his magician both turned into lights as they entered a vortex behind him as everybody was seeing what he was doing. "I Fusion Summon, Lychinus Enchanter(2800/2500, Level 8, Scale 1)!"

Isaac now had a pendulum fusion monster on his field as out came a male adult magician who wore a bycocket(robin hood hat) on his head as he wore a black cape and a magician's robe with the sleeves cut off as in his left hand was a staff that was the same height as him and in his belt, there was a small dagger as his outfit consisted of yellow, red, and black, with a hit of silver as he wore boots.

"Did you forget about mah Triphyoverutum? He can negate yer monster's summon."

"Not this time, cause since I used Magician Fusion Gate to summon a fusion monster, its summoning can't be negated."

"Even so, your monster is weaker than mines."

"Then it's a good thing that I'm ending this duel right now, cause I activate my Lychinus Enchanter's special ability, once per turn, I can deal you damage equal to a spellcaster in my graveyard. So I choose my Dark Magician and that means, you lose," said Isaac as his magician then infused his staff with the power of his fallen comrade as he shot it towards Applejack who covered up as it hit dead on as she smiled.
Applejack's Life Points: 0-
Winner: Isaac

"Good game, Isaac."

"You're still one tough country gal. Nice new monsters, by the way."

The two took a while to sit down as they had to catch a breath from that duel. After a while, they grabbed the baskets full of apples as they began to walk back towards the barn. The sun was slowly starting to set. The pair put the baskets in the barn as they would soon be turned into cider.

"Thanks for helpin', sugarcube."

"Anytime, Aj."

"Say, seeing as how you came to visit. I'd figured, if you don't have anything else, then about we go out for some drinks. Talk a bit and catch up. My treat." offered Applejack.

"That sounds nice."

"Great, just give me a few minutes."

Isaac now pulled out his phone as he received a message from Juniper telling her client that she booked his flight for him tomorrow afternoon. She figured she'd give time for him to say goodbye and get some breakfast before he had to fly back to her to handle some small duties. After that, he would then be on his way to his other friends. He sent his reply and put it away as at that moment out came Applejack. Nothing changed other than she just cleaned her hair from the small specks of dirt and she was without her stetson hat.

"Well, what do you think partner?"

"You look... beautiful," said Isaac as it was the first thing that came into his mind.

She smiled, seeming pleased and yet embarrassed. "Well gosh, you still know how to flatter a lady?" smirked the girl.

The pair now got out of the car as they had arrived at where Applejack wanted to take Isaac. The bar was country-themed, and a lot of the patrons were wearing cowboy hats. The place was called Silver Dollar as it was a good place to enjoy a night out. Aj then linked her arm with Isaac's as she pulled them inside. Upon entering some of the patrons took notice of the pair as they saw Isaac. They knew he was the World Champ, as a few made some warm comments to which Isaac thanked them.

They both found a table as the pair sat down and as a waitress came over to take their orders. The music being played, country style of course. The mood was high, people were laughing, eating, drinking, some were even dancing or playing pool. As the pair were talking and catching up, the waitress came back and placed two glasses with cider on the table. Aj reached for one of the glasses and took a sip. More drinks and more stories were shared, they laughed, and even argued a few times, but it never crossed the line. Before they knew it, they were now sitting at a bigger table with more people and more drinks were consumed. People sang, laughed, and yelled.

Isaac had no idea how it happened, but suddenly he found himself arm wrestling with Applejack?

It's no secret that Applejack was strong, but HELL! She was insanely strong, so much that they were both locked in place as Isaac's muscles were bulging. Applejack seemed to have a great time, but even she seemed to struggle and put as much effort into winning as she could. The table was shaking as both held each other in a tight lock, now it was a battle of endurance!

"You think you can outmuscle me, city slicker," said Aj grunting.

"I'm not trying to. Besides, you're slowing down. Did you forget that I had a lot of energy and drive when I took on Starlight in a one-hour duel? So that means, the longer this goes... means I have the advantage." said Isaac as he was showing off his high levels of endurance and stamina.

Even Applejack was worried as she knew Isaac had insane levels of stamina.

"Then you should show that to Twilight on your wedding night."

"Nice try, Aj. But that mind trick ain't gonna work. Nothing is gonna break my focus." said Isaac as he saw through Aj's trick as she was sweating hard.

At some point, it had become a battle between the males, who were on Isaac's side of the table, and the ladies, who were on Applejack's side. Both sides cheered and yelled at us, but at some point, one of the ladies leaned down and whispered something to Applejack. Whatever it was made her blush and glance down, which in turn made Isaac glance down as well. The way they sat made Applejack's wide shirt tighten and low enough for Isaac to see plenty of her cleavage. Applejack took advantage of that short lapse in focus and finished her friend off, his hand slammed against the table, making the glasses jump and shake for a moment, and making the group of ladies behind Aj jump and cheer, and of course, made the guys behind Isaac groan and laugh at his weakness.

Applejack was blushing as she adjusted her shirt. When the initial embarrassment had passed she looked at Isaac with a sly smirk. "I win sugarcube."

"Bullshit! You cheated!"

"How so?"

"You!... you... you..." Isaac was now having a tough time with what he wanted to say. "You... know..." He now started to roll his hands as he didn't want to sound like a pervert.

"Well?" smirked Aj even more.

"You... you... uh, exposed... your bosom." said Isaac in a quiet tone while looking away.

Applejack just simply laughed. She then grabbed Isaac's arm and hauled him to the dance floor, much to the entertainment of the entire pub. From there, the pair enjoyed themselves, moving to the rhythm of the music playing. After a while, the pair now walked to the bar, needing something to drink.

The bartender came up to us with a smirk of his own. "So, what can I get you two?"

"Just some water. With ice, lots of ice," Isaac answered, with Applejack agreeing, ordering the same.

Looking at his watch Isaac realized just how late it was, and just how long they had been here. "Damn, it's late. I'll go pay the bill, then we can leave after our final drinks."

Applejack nodded. "Sounds good, you go ahead, I'm just going to relax for a bit."

"Be right back."

Isaac left her to relax a bit with her cold water while he went to the cash register to get the bill and pay so they could leave soon after. As he was paying, however, the boy noticed a guy had walked up to Applejack and started to make moves on her. She didn't seem interested at all.

One thing Isaac quickly noticed was that the guy was not from around town, he wasn't a regular, which explained why he dared go up and chat to his friend. Anyone from town who had seen them together would not have done it and he could already tell those who saw it was looking disapprovingly at him.

For the moment, the flirting seemed innocent enough, nothing more than a few one-liners and so on. Though as soon as his hand found its way to her ass, Isaac knew he had to step in, or at least he thought so. Barely a second after the guy had touched her, Applejack swung around using the momentum of the swing and her pure strength to kick the guy so he flew back a few meters. Isaac had hoped they could avoid this kind of attention, Applejack was strong, so strong he almost felt bad for the guy who had laid a hand on her, but only almost. Unfortunately, it seemed the show was not over, the guy had friends, friends that didn't seem to appreciate their friend getting kicked. As soon as he saw the expressions on their faces and them getting up, Isaac made his move and walked over to Applejack. The first one tried to grab her, but he leaped forward and by reflex, sucker-punched him across his jaw.

"Don't touch her!" yelled Isaac, which gained the attention of everyone, but he didn't care. The rest of them glared at us, and the two idiots they had already knocked down stood up again.

"You're dead!"

In that moment all the other patrons stood up and walked closer, giving the four men a visual warning that if they wanted to fight the pair, they would get their asses kicked by the entire town.

"I think it's time for you gentlemen to get the hell out of our town." The owner of the pub said from behind the bar.

They seemed pissed but did not dare do anything stupid, and so they were about to leave but were blocked off by some of the regulars.

"Haven't you forgotten something?"

The owner coughed. "Your bill."

Isaac and Applejack couldn't help but smirk as the four morons were forced to pay the bill before they were forced to leave. When it was all over the entire pub burst into laughter, people came over and patted Isaac and Aj on the back, saying it was an amazing display, and congratulating the boy on defending the girl.

Looking to Applejack who seemed pretty pleased with the result, thought the same as Isaac, it was time to head home. One of the regulars called them a cab, even paid him for them, guess that's what a tight-knit community does for each other. The drive was short, but Applejack still leaned against the boy during the trip, if it was not for the adrenaline and the excitement, Isaac figured they would have fallen asleep right then and there. But when the small dirt road leading to the farm came into view. Isaac leaned towards the driver on the front seats.

"Stop here, we'll walk the rest of the way."

The car stopped and they both got out, starting to walk down the road, first in silence, but then, Applejack started to giggle. "You sure hit that fella so hard it hurt." She smirked, stepped closer, and leaned against Isaac a little. "Thank you for defending me."

Isaac snorted a little. "Didn't look like you needed any help, you almost kicked that idiot into next week."

She blushed and shrugged. "Well, even I wouldn't be able to handle all four of them, and you did save me. You're still playing the hero."

Applejack gave Isaac's arm a squeeze and he blushed in return, however, before the boy could reply the first raindrops fell down, and he looked up. "Damn, it's supposed to rain tonight." As soon as those words had left his mouth, it was like the sky itself opened up, unleashing the waterfall of rain that soaked us within seconds.

They started to run down the road, laughing like teenagers who had been out way too late. Isaac had given his cap to Applejack to wear to protect herself. The pair now arrived at the door as Aj pulled out her keys and the two entered all soaked, Isaac being a bit more than Applejack.

"Thanks, sugarcube," said Aj as she handed her cap back to Isaac.

"Thanks for a great night out," said Isaac as he wrung out his cap. "Well, I think it's time we get some sleep."

"You can stay the night," said Applejack trying to dry her hair.

"Mind if I get the couch?" asked Isaac.

"To be honest, you can share my bed."

"You sure?"

"Don't try anything funny, now. Unless you want a punch like that guy," said Aj.

"I won't try anything without a girl's permission," said Isaac putting his hands up.

Applejack smiled as she planted her lips on Isaac's as the two wrapped their arms around each other. Then broke apart as the boy and girl smiled. Isaac then grabbed his backpack as he followed Aj up the stairs as she lead the boy to the bathroom so that he could change out of his wet clothes. After hanging their wet clothes, both of them were now in Aj's bed as the pair now drifted off to sleep after a pleasant day.

Author's Note:

With the new Predaplant cards that are going to be released soon, I'd figured I would show them off for you guys.

Predaplant Triantis
Predaplant Buforicyura
Predaplant Bibrisup
Predaplant Anbromeridus
Starving Venom Fusion Dragon