• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 327 Views, 30 Comments

The Painless Murders - bkc56

Every private investigator gets the occasional case that requires their every skill to solve. And if they slip up, a pony’s life will be ruined. This was such a case, and I was not going to let that pony down.

  • ...

Chapter 8

I blasted through the double doors to the squad room and made a direct line for Detective Shadow Hunter. Citrine trailed behind at a trot, trying to keep up. Shadow happened to glance up and saw me coming. It dawned on him that I was not a happy pony. He pushed his chair back and stood up as I got to his desk. I slammed a hoof down, causing him to take a step backward.

“What the buck are you doing re-arresting Quicksilver? And Misty too?”

He lifted a leg. “Listen, Steel. We found Outflank dead in a seedy downtown hotel. He was covered in the Painless mixture. We figured that--”

I leaned forward over the desk. “Figured what? Quicksilver had no reason to kill Raven Silverwood, the first clerk. So you figured he must have killed Outflank, the second clerk?”

He shook his head. “No, that’s not what I’m saying--”

I slammed my hoof down on the desk again. A picture frame fell over. “Quicksilver didn’t do this. Did you consider finding and arresting the actual murderer? I realize that would take actual police work. You know, like an actual detective is actually supposed to do?

The detective raised both legs. “Steel, if you’d just listen--”

I was yelling now. “Listen to some lame excuse for arresting the wrong pony, again? And his wife too?”

Mr Steel!” I turned to see the captain standing in his office doorway, listening. “Would you please come in here for a moment? Detective...”

I looked at the detective and snorted. As I entered the office, the captain was already seated behind his desk. “Steel, Citrine, please take a chair. Detective, close the door.” After shutting the door, Hunter moved to the side of the captain’s desk.

I realized I was so infuriated that I was shaking. I took a couple slow, deep breaths and sat down next to Citrine. The captain and the detective were staring at me. Something was wrong. Had I missed something? What’s going on?

“Mr Steel. You have a solid reputation as a detective, both from your time on the force as well as privately with your agency. It is therefore surprising that you are acting like a complete buffoon.” He paused to allow the impact of his words to sink in.

My head was spinning. I glanced at Citrine and back to the captain. “I… I don’t understand. I have a witness that said Hunter arrested Quicksilver and Misty from their home this morning.”

The captain nodded. “Picked up, yes. Arrested, no.”

“Not arrested? But then why did you pick them up? If Outflank was murdered, and you didn’t arrest Quicksilver, then you don’t think he did it. But then why… Unless… Wait. You already know Quicksilver didn’t kill Outflank. That’s not the issue. You think that Quicksilver might be next!”

The captain smiled. “Ahh, yes, there’s the detective I was expecting. Hunter here came to that conclusion almost as soon as we found Outflank dead. He decided that Quicksilver was at risk. So he suggested we get him and Misty somewhere safe until we figure this out.”

I glanced at Hunter who gave me a single nod of confirmation. I buried my face in my hooves. “Oh, scat. Hunter, I’m so sorry.” I looked up. “I was told you’d arrested them. I was so enraged that I didn’t think it through. And the way I yelled out there…”

You idiot. You made one of the biggest mistakes you can make, you let your personal feelings for a client cloud your judgment. Fortunately, the only damage is to my pride and perhaps the cost of an apology lunch with the detective.

The detective raised a hoof. “It’s okay. I know how invested you are in these two ponies. And for just a moment that overly influenced your thinking. But you’re back now, right?”

I sat up straight in my chair. “Absolutely.” I looked at the captain. “Where are they now?”

“We delivered Misty to her parents’ house, cautioning her to remain there. We took Quicksilver to a more secure location.”

“Why didn't you keep them together?”

“Partially protocol, as Quicksilver is the one at risk. But also because it’s just a bunch of stallions sitting around in what is clearly not the best Canterlot has to offer. She'll be more comfortable with her parents.”

“Honestly, she’d be more comfortable with her husband. They are not pampered ponies. They are well accustomed to less than ideal accommodations. They should be together. Perhaps you could pick someplace a bit nicer.”

He raised a hoof to his chin. “I see. I’ll consider that.”

“So what’s next?” I asked.

Leaning forward, he rested his legs on the desk. “We have a killer to find. You wouldn’t happen to know who it is, or where to find them, would you?”

Do I know? I’ve been juggling clues for over a day now. Dismissing some, hanging on tightly to others. My inner voice has alternated between total silence and screaming at me. The puzzle pieces have started to fit together, and I could almost make out the picture.

“You know…” I said with a grin. “I have a theory about who, and I’m pretty sure I know where they’ll be tonight. If you’re interested…”