• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 1,718 Views, 34 Comments

The Unstoppable Moron - aegishailstorm

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"Owwwww!" William awoke to find himself in a white hospital room, with a heavily bandaged shoulder.

"Wh-where the hell am I!?I'm alive? Oh thank goodness. I swear when I find the abomination that did this to me-" William kept on ranting, completely disregarding the splitting pain shooting through his shoulder.


Joey awoke and looked around.

"Heh, It was just a dream after all, no monster, no horn, no hooves, and no gunfire." He breathed out a sigh of relief, and raised his arms to rub his eyes. Only once again find a pair of hooves surrounded by white fur, staring him in the face.

"GAHHHHH!!!" He pulled away the white bed sheets to find the body of what appeared to be a...horse?"

"So, I've been turned into some kind of white horse-unicorn thing. Just great!" He looked around the room, to see find he wasn't the only one there. On the far side of the room sat a similarly sized hospital bed, on it lay a figure dressed in all black, to the it's side was a table, on it sat a black helmet, with what appeared to be night vision goggles of sorts mounted to the top, to its side lay a rifle, what kind he couldn't tell from here, he watched as the figure sat up in its bed, looked around and began yelling about revenge on the thing that had injured his arm.

"And then, once I'm done tearing of your arms I'll-" William stopped, and looked over at the bed that sat on the opposite side of the room, on it lay... a white alicorn with a dark blue mane. He remembered the forest from the night before.

"You!!!You almost got me killed!!!" Joey's ears perked up and he continued watching.

"Wait, I recognize that voice... William?"

"Hold on, Joey, is that you!?"

"William, it's is you!!! Wait, what are you doing here? And why am I a horse!?" William continued staring at Joey.

"Uh, Joey... you have wings."

"What?" He looked off to his side, and sure enough, a pair of folded white wings sat on his sides. immediately, his attitude towards his new situation changed.

"Holy ####, I HAVE WINGS!!!!" He poked one of them with his new hooves.

"This is awesome!!" William facepalmed.

"Joey, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"I'm supposed to be here! How did you even get here?"

"Well, I was just minding my own business siting on my couch, when a giant purple light storm like something out of the scp foundation came straight out of nowhere and hit me, I blacked out, and when I woke up, I was falling, hit a tree, found out about...this." He raised his new hooves." And then fell some more, then you found me." Last thing I remember before blacking out again was gunfire, you I take it?"


"So, any idea where we are?" Just then the door swung open and seven... things came trotting in, they looked a bit like him. Joey blinked.

"Am I seeing things?"

"No Joey, I see them too, they're real." The head purple one spoke up.

"Hello William, welcome back."

"Hello Twilight, mind telling me how I ended up here?" Joey looked on at the unraveling conversation with confusion." Who where these things, what were they, and most importantly why did William know their names?"

"Uh, can you please fill me in?" All seven of them turned to face Joey.

"William, who is this?" Twilight asked.

"That, is one of my friends, Joey, Joey, this is Twilight, Rainbow dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack and... That." He pointed over at Pinke and shivered. "Oh and that, is...uh, what was her name again? Ah yes... Nurse Redheart."


"Yes, I know, weird names, just go along with it."

"How do you know their names?"

"Well, that's a story for later."Redheart trotted over to Joey and looked over him.

"Huh, his wounds from earlier are almost gone." She looked over at his side. Her eyes widened.

"Uh...He's not a unicorn." Twilight looked over at William.

"I thought you said their weren't any ponies in your home dimension, how do you 2 seem to know each other so well?"

"Well, Joey.. tell them."

"Well, Its a long story, but somehow, I got brought, here, where ever that is, and turned into... this." He gestured to his body.

"You're... an alicorn." Responded Twilight. Joey looked at her with confusion.

"Sorry, a what now?"

"An alicorn, a hybrid of earth pony, unicorn, and pegasus?" Joey shook his head.

"What do you mean by pony?"

"Well, that's what you are, isn't it?"

"Uh...you know what, nevermind, I've got wings!" William looked over at Joey and groaned.

"Wow, way to rub it in my face." William slid to the size of his bed, and managed to stand up.

"You should thank Futtershy for finding you 2 in the forest."

"Well, thank you." She smiled in return.

"Hey Joey, you need help getting up, or do you want to stay in be a bit longer?"

"Are you kidding!?" He pulled away the rest of the covers and jumped out of bed, landing on his hind legs. He stumbled and fell to the floor.

"Need help?"

"Yes please." William began walking over to his friend, he looked over at his shoulder and winced slightly.

"Can you guys help him? I've got a wounded shoulder to deal with. "

"Ok." Nurse Redheart and Applejack helped Joey get to all fours.

"This feels, surprisingly normal." He shifted from hoof to hoof, almost falling in the process.

"Careful now, lets see if we can get you to figure out how to walk." William sat back down on his bed.

"I'm just going to kick back and watch the chaos unfold." Joey rolled his eyes.

about 15 minutes later...

After multiple failed attempts, Joey had finally figured out how to walk on his new hooves. And was now pacing around the room with a giant grin on his face.

"Great, Now, flying!" Nurse Redheart spoke up.

"Well, I think you might want to practice a bit more before you try that."

"I'll teach you, If you can keep up that is!" Rainbow dash responded.

"I can't wait!"

"Joey, Get a hold of yourself, I'm hungry." He got back up and limped towards the door.

"Now hold on there, You can't just go out in this condition!" William looked down at Redheart.

"Fine, can you at least get something for the 2 of us to eat?"

"Sure." She turned and trotted back out. Leaving William and Joey alone with the six.

"So....Joey, Whatcya been up to?"
