• Member Since 26th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Peace Petal

I'm a botanist from Zephyr Heights. I play trumpet in a jazz band, I like flying, and I love God. I'm also vegan and asexual.


  • EThe ruins of Las Pegasus
    I decided to test out my endurance by flying all the way to Bridlewood Forest. There, a unicorn called Dust needed my help to overcome her phobia of the outdoors. We went on a hike to an extremely cool ruined city.
    Peace Petal · 14k words · 214 views

Peace Petal, a botanist from Zephyr Heights, goes to Bridlewood Forest to study the plants there. He ends up learning about the unicorns and about himself, as well. The story is set in the world of G5, just after the events of the movie. Peace is a pretty unfiltered interpretation of myself, with my same interests, strengths, and flaws. Other characters make appearances—both characters from the movie and other original characters—but the story is focused on Peace Petal. As always, my writing is pretty tame. If you can watch My Little Pony, you shouldn't have a problem reading my fan fiction (although the story does take a small look into sexual orientation and gender identity, so there is that). There are some big words (mostly biology technical terms) that could make it a tough read for children. This is a slice-of-life story. The world is not in danger; we're just learning about overcoming biases, making new friendships, and enjoying life. The story fits into the canon of G5.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 5 )

Your short description uses the term "species" to refer to the three major types of ponies. Despite their morphological and magical differences, G4 showed us that they were all capable of interbreeding and therefore all the same species. (Mrs. Cake and her husband were both earth ponies, yet she gave birth to twins: a pegasus and a unicorn. This was explained due to both pegasi and unicorns being in the family tree, and would probably make for a fascinating study of dominant and recessive genes.)

You may want to consider using the G4 terminology of "tribes" instead, or at least calling them sub-species.

Neat little start. I like it.

You may be right. I was using "species" after the G5 synopsis called them species. Perhaps in G5, amongst the misinformation about the other pony types is the belief that interbreeding is not possible? I'll probably fix it anyway because it is not scientifically accurate.

Huh. I had no idea you were still alive.

Does the G5 movie have a villain song?

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