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During a simple winter day lunch with Twilight Sparkle, Sweetie Belle learns there's a lot she doesn't know about her sister.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 40 )

!!!!!Please do not read this unless you've finished the story as it contains major spoilers!!!!!!!

Bonus additional ending that is canon

-So anyway, like a month later, Twi and Sweetie go to the Ponyville arena like usual
-They have their popcorn, take their seats
-and then he goes and on THIS OTHER SIDE... WE HAVE... NEWCOMER FIGHTER....
-Twilight throws her popcorn all over Sweetie in HOLY SH*T excitement
-Rarity a la Chunky steps out, ready to kick ass
-Twilight's heart is racing
-Sweetie's heart is racing
-Fighter McFighty launches at Rarity
-She immediately yells out and pony suplexes him however that would even work
-he goes down immediately
-And then Rarity yells
-the end
-also they get back together

Unless there is a previous story to this idea I'm missing this sounds like one that needs to be explored more. :pinkiehappy:

A bite-sized emotional roller coaster. The bonus ending was the garnish to the soup. 👌

I've heard a lot of good things about you after being on Fimfic for a while, but I embarrassingly hadn't read any of your stuff because most of it was too long of a reading commitment for me. :twilightblush:

I enjoyed this story. This short one-shot flowed well (like a bowl of soup), and every word and sentence felt meaningful. I didn't know you were writing about RariTwi until later, and I like how you snuck into the story in a clever and believable way.

At first I couldn't believe Rarity would ever wrestle under such a crude name as "Chunky Mudslinger", but then I remembered this episode:

Wanderer D

11053627 I would expect no less.

Got to let out the stress somehow.

Christmas in August?

I was literally in tears until the 100% canon ending

Monochromatic, hitting readers in the feels since 2014

I giggled like a schoolgirl. :rainbowlaugh:

Haha this is grea—oh

Masterful job with that gut punch, no joke. It was great seeing, well, the premise in action, with Twilight and Sweetie talking about Rarity. Highlight there was, of course

Twilight mulled it over, because this she really shouldn’t be saying, but maybe if she modified it, it would be okay. “Okay, fine.” She cleared her throat, and lowered her voice while still trying to sound theatric. “Eat mud, mother F-worders!”

Sweetie Belle gasped so loud, Twilight was afraid Rarity would somehow find out.

Especially when Sweetie, also loudly, said:

“Eat mud, motherfuckers?!”

“Sweetie Belle!” Twilight yelped, suddenly aware of the various patrons immediately looking their way in disapproval. “Don’t repeat that!”

Back to the gut punch, it did a great job in recontextualizing the story up to that point. I just figured Twilight and Sweetie were awkward around each other, but then everything made sense, and Twilight's line about Rarity and soup had more significance.

And of course, that bonus ending is great. Overall, fantastic story.

Yay! I love when you write about RariTwi, and we get plenty of Rarity+Spike interaction from the show but I've been really interested to see your take on Twilight+Sweetie! Shame it's under such unfortunate circumstances, and I'm guessing this is a little later since this strikes me more as Teen Sweetie Belle.

I don't motherfucking know why, but now I envision Rarity's persona making liberal motherfucking use of profanity, especially "motherfucker." Kind of like a pony-er, female-er, cartoon-er Sam motherfucking Jackson. Just feels right, you know?


Posh #14 · Nov 18th, 2021 · · 1 ·

“Well,” she said, “there’s a lot about Rarity you don’t know.”

Sweetie’s chewing slowed to a crawl, her eyes meeting Twilight’s.

“...Like what?”

Twilight hummed. “Like the fact that she loves wrestling.”

“For the last time, Twilight, I know you weren’t ‘wrestling’ when I walked in on you two the other night. You’re only making it more awkward by bringing it up constantly.”

This is really upsetting. Can’t believe no one in this story like soup. I hate them all. I can’t relate to anyone. This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever read. I demand a story where they all eat soup and like it. I’m casting a soup curse on your guts, Momgo. How dare you.

damn. Wasn't expecting that to punch.

Goddamn Rarity, Twilight's willing to go watch wrestling in the hopes she'll see you. Let your hair down a little, relax a little, and get back together with Twilight.

Ow. That hurt. Loved it all the same.:raritywink:

Sad feelings at the end.

Smiley feelings with the bonus.

Giggling at the mental picture of Rarity suplexing someone into the mat and putting them in an head lock.

:raritydespair: "FUCK YOU"

Howdy, hi!

Ah, this was perfect! I love wrestler Rarity. It's such a dumb but fun characterization of her. Twilight and Sweetie's talk was just so heartwarming and sweet and I love it. As always I just love how you write these characters. Excellent work as always Mono.

Thank you very much for the read~!


So what you’re saying is that there’s going to be a sequel right?


I haven't added a story to my Excellent shelf in a very long time. :heart::pinkiehappy::heart:

Gods... I hate soup.

My father hated soup, and his father hated soup, even before it took his eyes out.

Oh wow, that is a fascinating source of conflict between Twilight and Rarity.

Excellently written, with some great buildup and a gut punch that recontextualizes everything. I'll be thinking about the conflict between Twi and Rarity for a while, since it feels very novel.

INB4 anyone asks, I was only made aware of the IDW comics where Rarity is a wrestler until after I finished the story lmao

I suppose great minds really do think alike

Excellent story, Mono. Equally touching and funny.

This is my new favorite comment

Well in canon her persona is Elegante Dynamite, which honestly fits her.
I discussed this before on the Game Loft M!P group where they based an event on the wrestler issue of the comic. Some questioned why Rarity would be a wrestling fan, it's all about the drama! Pro Wrestling is as much Performance as Athletics, it's theater with body slams. Also from the start we see Rarity is willing to us force, when the girls confront the Marticore in episode two Rarity was the first one to fight him, not Dash or AJ, Rarity kicked him in the jaw. When Garble threatened Spike, Rarity was ready to throw down. And Rarity's father Hondo Flanks is a retired Football Player women's likely grew up watching sports with him. She actually pays attention to Cash going on a it the Wonderblots which let's her keep up with the Canterlot Elite at the Wonderblots Derby.
I get what you where going for, but I don't think it's that Raritys High-class additude is fake, it's that she is much more than just that. Part of her character progression though the series was he accepting she can be a Lady and still embrace her rougher side too. That she could in fact be a Fashonista and a Professional Wrestler if she chose to be. It's not an one or the other choice. You can't be everything you want but you can be several of them.

Soups is not good. Unless it's Vietnamese. Then it's awesome.

Goodness this is very beautiful and super wholesome! And I love that extra little happy ending that ya made in the story comments! Absolutely magnificent! Hope ya didn't mind, but I couldn't resist making a reading of this sweet fic of yours!

Audio Linkyloo!: https://youtu.be/uTRuR9AHNkQ

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

11055229 soup is delicious. vietnamese soup, especially so. but all soup is valid.

Truly a modern masterpiece of the literary canon.

Greetings. Your reading has been completed and can be found below. I hope you enjoy.

Now this was an unexpected motherfuckin’ delight!

That secret ending! Perfection. I really love how you slowly revealed why they were there. It was so good.

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