• Published 24th Nov 2021
  • 1,294 Views, 16 Comments

Bumblebees Journey - Idiotboy24

Bumblebee finds himself in a world full of colourful ponies and has to try and figure out how he got here

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Where am I

Bumblebee awoke from his sleep but he didn´t know what has happend or where he is but all he could see was darkness, he began to move around the closed in space before suddenly the object he was in opened, light poured in on his face blinding him for a second before finally seeing where he was, from what he can tell he was in some sort of forest but it was not like any forest he´s ever seen.

After adjusting to his surroundings he became curious about the forest he was in but before he wandered of he quickly marked the location of his pod so that he would have a place to go to if he ever got lost, after marking the pods location he began wandering around taking note of his surroundings, after what felt like a minutes he the heard screaming coming from his right without hesitation he ran toward the source of the noise at a fast pace.

When he arrived he quickly hid behind a couple trees and bushes to observe what is happening, he saw three little fillies and two wolves walking toward the said fillies, Bumblebee realized what was happening and ran out to protect the three ponies but as he did he accidentally began playing some music which caught him, the three fillies and the wolves of guard.

The wolves then took note of what was in front of them but they quickly got back into a hunting stance and then charged at the thing that was in front of them but when they jumped for the bipedal creature it grabbed both of them and threw them at some trees which was sounded by a loud thud, Bumblebee quickly looked back at the three fillies who were still shocked at what was standing in front of them but before anything else could be said one of the wolves grabbed Bumblebees arm which was returned with a backhand to the wolfs face.

Bumblebee then ordered with a hand gesture to the fillies to hide behind the tree to which the trio of Ponies did so and hid while watching what unfolded Bumblebee then focused on the two wolves once more knowing that he can do this without endangering anyone in the process he then ran up to one of the carnivorous beasts and grabbed them followed by him smashing it on top of the other wolf this caused both of them to be smashed into pieces of wood and leaves which shocked the Autobot.

(Scootaloos Pov)

Me, Applebloom and Sweetiebelle where just about to be eaten when this giant thing appeared out of nowhere and protected us I still don´t know what it is but all I care about is me and my friends being alive and as far as I know that thing is on our side and it just grabbed one of the Timberwolves like it was nothing and smashed it on the other one and I´m in utter shock
(End song)

(Bumblebees Pov)

After defeating the wolves they rebuilt themselves before whimpering and running of into the forest deep enough to where I couldn´t see them anymore, after I was sure that they were gone I looked back at the trio of fillies who looked terrified of me still but I quickly gave gesture that they were okay to come out to which they did with hesitation of course they finally came up to me which I then crouched till I was almost eye level with them and they then proceeded to speak to me.

Scootaloo: ¨That was amazing how did you do that!?¨

Sweetiebelle: ¨What are you!?¨

Applebloom: ¨That was so cool!¨

All these question at once caused Bumblebee to slowly gesture for them to calm down to which they did but then came the question that he didn´t want to be asked.

Applebloom: ¨Can ya talk at all mister?¨

Bumblebee then lowered his head before shaking it left and right which caused the three filiies to feel bad for him which Applebloom replied with

Applebloom: ¨Ahm so sorry mister ah didn´t mean to hurt ya feelings¨

Bumblebee quickly rubbed his finger across Appleblooms mane to ensure her that he forgave her to which she was happy and looked at her other friends who also were filled with joy but the moment was broken when a certain voice piped up one that almost every single story has


After hearing that voice Bumblebee quickly looked behind him only to recieve a smack to the face from none other than the egotistical, fast flying pegasus who´s mane was rainbow and attacks first before asking questions known as Rainbow dash who has mistaken Bumblebee to be an evil monster.


Another pony came by as well and began using a rope to try and detain Bumblebee who had just gotten up after being attacked by Rainbow dash Bumblebee knew what Optimus had told him never harm innocent life so Bumblebee didn´t fight back instead he just sat there and watched closely as the pony known as Applejack continued to try and detain him after she was finished four more ponies showed up two of them were in a defensive stance the pink one was smiling and the fourth one was scared.

Applebloom: ¨Applejack, Rainbow dash what was that for!¨

Rainbow dash: ¨What are you talking about? we just saved you!¨

Scootaloo: ¨The only thing you two did was attack it without thinking and it hasn´t even fought back. I mean look at it¨

They all looked at Bumblebee who just stared at all of them with a curious look he was then interrupted in his observation by rainbow dash.

Rainbow dash: ¨How can we be so sure we don´t even know it´s intentions!¨

Bumblebee decided use his radio to mess with rainbow dash by playing a short moment of a song, when he was doing noise started coming from him startling the ponies before finally something normal was said

Bumblebee radio: ¨Why you gotta be so rude?, don´t you know I´m human too?¨

It then stopped and Bumblebee looked to see the shock of all the ponies including the fillies who didn´t understand how he did that Bumblebee decided to jumble his radio to make a sentence.

Bumblebee radio: ¨My name... is... Bumblebee... and I bring... no harm¨

Sweetiebelle: ¨See he didn´t do anything wrong and by the way he cannot speak normally¨

Twilight: ¨I understand, Bumblebee was it? (Bumblebee nods slowly) well it´s good to know your not a threat but we would like to ask you some questions? If that´s ok with you?¨

Bumblebee nods his head once more to which Twilight smiled and began to tell Applejack to release her lasso on him Rainbow dash wasn´t happy and didn´t trust him at all

Rainbow dash: ¨Twilight are you insane! your letting it go just like that!?¨

Twilight ¨Rainbow I said we will ask him some questions so we know the full story so then we can figure out if he is okay or not¨

Bumblebee then nodded while doing a thumbs up agreeing with what Twilight said before using his radio once more

Bumblebee radio: ¨I like this one¨ he said while pointing at Twilight which made her blush

Twilight: ¨it´s settled then we´ll make introductions back at the castle come on everypony let´s get going¨

They then proceeded to head toward a town called Ponyville and as they arrived a loud booming voice was heard


To be continued

Author's Note:

This is the first chapter out of this story and before anyone else says anything yes i´m still continuing the Sonic enter a new generation story it´s just that chapters may take awhile anyway I hope you enjoy this new story i´ve created and bumblebee is based of his movie version from 2018 both in design and personality