• Published 24th Dec 2021
  • 769 Views, 262 Comments

SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Nugget Run Horizon - Jojoleopard

Summer Shine, the daughter of Sunset Shimmer, finds herself pulled into an international plot that could mean the end of civilization as we know it.

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Chapter 7: Operation Airpain

If things had been bad before, Summer Shine felt as though she had been downplaying it. Sure, the plane’s controls were damaged. Sure, the windshield had shattered, and there were plenty of screaming people on board as well.

But as she had been busy trying her best to level the plane out so that she could potentially land it on the water, someone had run in and grabbed Blueblood’s last remaining parachute and then popped open one of the emergency doors and hopped out. More wind flooded the cabin and some people who hadn’t buckled themselves in had been sucked right out.

Now, Summer had lost what control she had left of the plane and it began to plummet from the skies. Summer was no ace in physics, but she figured that going at this speed, when the plane hit the water, it was not going to be pretty.

“We’re going to die, it’s the end for us!” One woman ran around the cabin screaming. She grabbed Prism by the sleeves and yelled in her face. “We’re all going to dieeeee!”

“Get off!” Prism shoved her away. The woman staggered back and got sucked out the open doorway. “Oops. Things aren’t looking so good!”

“Nothing ever looks good.” Fuchsia had returned to her seat and buckled in. “What is the point of even living?”

The windows began popping and glass was shattering into the cabins, slashing people across the skin and killing groups of them as well. Summer didn’t know what more she could do, but it wasn’t going to be pretty, especially not for all the poor souls on board.

“I can’t save them. I can’t.” Summer looked at the damaged controls, willing for them to fix themselves, but unfortunately, that wasn’t something her Stand could do.

“It’s not over yet, Summer.”

“How is it not?” Summer asked, then realized she didn’t know who was speaking to her.

She turned around and there was a woman she didn’t recognize standing behind her, her purple and pink hair whipping around her face from the turbulent wind in the plane. She had on a purple jacket over a striped shirt and a yellow skirt.

“Who are you?” Summer got up off the pilot’s seat, though she still had to hold on or risk falling around as the plane buckled. “You’re with Weather Alternate too, aren’t you?”

“Far from it.” The stranger shook her head. “I’m your way out, Summer. Or should I say… Sushi.”

Summer eyed her carefully. She didn’t know what to expect. “Just who are you?”

“I’m an old friend of your mom. She traveled with my sister on an adventure thirty years ago…” She looked down for a second. “And my sister sacrificed herself for them. I still visit her monument in the forest everyday.”

“Her monument?” Something in Summer’s mind clicked. “You’re Rarity’s sister?”

The woman nodded. “That’s right. I’m Sweetie Belle, and I’m here, Sushi, to make sure you all get to your objective safely. Honestly, I didn’t think I would have to step in so soon.”

“You can help us? You can help us land this plane safely?” Summer looked at her hopefully.

“I don’t know how to fly a plane,” Sweetie Belle shook her head. “But I can keep the quest alive, with my Stand, REO Speedwagon.”

“You’re a Stand user too?” Summer asked, but she was interrupted by the sound of the plane’s altimeter going off. By the looks of things, there were only about thirty seconds before the plane impacted the water below. “We don’t have much time before we crash.”

“Actually, I don’t even think we’ll have as much time as you think.” Sweetie pointed a finger to the side. “The turbine on the right has been damaged. I think someone flew into it when they fell out of the plane. Even now, it’s already on the verge of exploding, which will take out the rest of the plane with it. Either that or the plane’s gonna tear itself apart from the pressure.”

“But you have a way out of all that?” Summer looked at her incredulously. She couldn't even think of what to do. She figured she could use Pegasus Forever to change the plane’s energy to keep it frozen in the air, but that would likely kill everyone else from the sudden stop. “We have to help everyone on board.”

“Well, I’m not sure how many people can fit.” Sweetie Belle snapped her fingers and a camping backpack appeared beside her, though, it wasn’t just any normal backpack. This one was brown and it had what looked like crab legs coming out the bottom. “This is my Stand, REO Speedwagon. It might look just like a backpack, but think of the space inside it like a portal to another dimension. It can fit fishing rods, food, rope, you name it, anything one might need to survive.” She pointed at the side of her head with a finger. “And it also becomes a space where people can be safe, say, from a situation such as this?”

“We’ve got to get everyone in it, there’s not much time left.” Summer looked out the windshield. She guessed they still had another twenty seconds before impact, and less time before the plane would explode, according to Sweetie Belle. They had to move. Now.

“It’s going to be a little hard to get everyone into my Stand. Especially if they can’t see Stands. It’s gonna mess with them a little bit.” Sweetie Belle reached a hand out to help Summer over. “And I might help us survive the crash and explosion, but we’ll be dead in the water.”

“You leave that one to me. I have an idea. Part of one, at least.” Summer cracked her fingers together. “I just need to know, which direction is the UK? As precisely as possible.”

“Um…” Sweetie Belle looked out the window. “That’s a good question.”

“It’s east.” Fuchsia suddenly appeared beside them, not looking one bit worried in the slightest. “We haven’t changed course throughout the plane’s destruction.”

“Alright, everyone get in.” Sweetie Belle waved a hand and her Stand’s zipper swished open, revealing a black void within it.

“What? Who’s this? Why should we listen to her?” Prism still sat in her seat, holding on for dear life.

“Prism, she’s a friend. She’s Rarity’s sister.” Summer pointed to the Stand. “Just get in the bag.”

“Get in the bag? Are you joking?” Prism looked at it. Summer didn’t know what she could see, looking at it, but at least she could see there was a bag on the floor. “How am I supposed to fit in there?”

“Fuchs this…” Fuchsia Blush grabbed Prism and flipped her seatbelt off. Then before she could react, she tossed both Prism and herself into the bag and to Summer’s surprise, they simply shrank down and got sucked into the Stand.

“Now, REO Speedwagon!” Sweetie spun around and flicked one wrist forward.

The Stand began to run through the dying plane on its spindly crab legs, snatching up screaming people from their seats. By the looks of it, there weren’t many people still alive and in their seats, but they were going to save who they could. The remaining people began screaming louder as they saw the bag approaching them, sucking up people. One man tried to get away and unbuckled himself, and before the bag could reach him, he opened another emergency door and tossed himself out.

“They certainly aren’t making it easy.” Jojo shook his head as he watched more people scrambled from the bag. “They don’t know that the bag is their only chance out of this.”

“Well, even for us Stand users, it’s… bizarre.” Summer gave her arms a wriggle. Once REO Speedwagon returned, she would have to enact her plan. “I hope this works.”

“Me too. I hope you know what you’re doing, Sushi.” Jojo put a hand on her shoulder, then as the bag came back, he hopped in himself.

At last, Summer and Sweetie were the only ones left. Sweetie Belle nodded to Summer and hopped into the bag, which scuttled over onto Summer’s back. It felt very light, but then again it wasn’t an actual bag but a manifestation of psychic energy or something.

Summer made her way over to the door of the plane and, taking a deep breath, closed her eyes and leapt out. She shouted as she was caught up in the air currents and she smacked into the plane’s wing. She couldn’t hold on, but Pegasus Forever’s hands had a stronger grip. She used her Stand to steady herself, and just as the plane’s nose hit the water, she and Pegasus Forever gave a mighty leap, jumping clear of the doomed airplane as it smashed into the water and exploded into a giant fireball.

Now came the most risky part of Summer’s plan. If she remembered science class correctly, anything that was in motion had kinetic energy. This included flames and explosive blasts. At least, that was what she hoped. If she was wrong, she would end up as crab food at the bottom of the ocean.

Spinning around, Pegasus Forever planted a finger against her forearm and Summer found herself floating in the air as they waited for the fiery carnage to get close enough. When the time was right, Pegasus Forever brought its arms up and took in the blast as it seared across its form. Summer stayed behind her Stand, but she could still feel the heat of the fire as it raged around her, even singing the ends of her hair. Absorbing the kinetic energy of the explosion, Pegasus Forever used a portion of it to blast itself up into the air with its jets, then slung Summer around in front of it. She only had a second to unzip the bag before her Stand punched REO Speedwagon as hard as it could, sending it blasting through the air at supersonic speed.

Summer quickly got herself into Sweetie Belle’s Stand as they rocketed through the air above the ocean, the speed of the bag’s flight sending shockwaves of water across the surface of the sea.

She thought the inside of the bag would be all dark like it was seen from the outside, but instead, it was quite well lit. It resembled a large area with shimmering walls and a high ceiling, and there were shelves and chests scattered about, containing all sorts of items, like books, canned food, sleeping bags, and even things like guitars and harmonicas. It was completely still inside, with no indication of the bag’s movement noticeable.

“Wow,” Summer said to Sweetie Belle. “I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this.”

“Wasn’t expecting you to launch us across the ocean as well.” Sweetie Belle got up from a bench and walked over to shake Summer’s hand. “Great idea. You’re indeed your mother’s daughter, Sushi.”

“You knew my mom?”

“I mean, of course I knew her. We went to school together. Same goes for Fuchsia's and Prism’s parents.”

“What about mine?” Jojo walked over. He had been hanging around by one of the bookshelves, browsing through its contents. “My dad never went to school with the rest of them. Did you know him?”

“Not much, I’m afraid, though I did know about him.” Sweetie smiled. “Nice to meet you, Jojo.”

“Likewise.” Jojo waved a hand at the room. “All this is amazing! It must be really convenient to have a Stand that can do all this.”

“Yeah, I guess it is.” Sweetie looked around the room.

The other plane survivors were all across the room, some still shaking from the experience, while others were busy going through Sweetie’s stuff. Fuchsia was just sitting in one corner, looking as bored as ever and Prism was running her hands through a stack of cricket bats.

“What is all this stuff?” Summer asked as she looked around.

Sweetie shrugged. “I’ve kind of been using this place as a spot to store things that I have nowhere else to put. It just kind of accumulates and sorts itself. And hey, you never know when you might need one of these things. There was one time I got trapped in a restroom cubicle. It was a good thing I had a power drill, or I would’ve been stuck in there for much longer.”

“Could come in handy one way or another.” Jojo nodded. “So, did our parents send you to keep an eye on us?”

Sweetie Belle laughed, then shook her head. “No, I’m doing this on my own accord. You kids are children of my sister’s friends. If you’re going to Germany to fight this shady organization, you won’t be doing it alone. I owe them as much for avenging my sister’s death.”

“So how long till we reach the UK, anyway?” Fuchsia blew a raspberry and sloped down closer to the floor. “This is more boring than the plane ride. Do you at least have snacks in here…?”

“I have some on that shelf.” Sweetie Belle walked to one between two couches and grabbed a packet of gummy candy and tossed it to Fuchsia.

She caught it and tore into the packet immediately. “Meh. better than nothing…”

“How do we know how far we’ve flown, by the way?” Summer asked once she realized they couldn’t see where they were now, nor could they feel it. “Could we be in the UK already?”

“Would you like to see?” Sweetie Belle clapped her hands and a lever appeared beside her. She yanked down on it and a portion of the wall slid open, revealing a glassy dome with a view of passing clouds and blue sky. “We’ve been flying for ten minutes now, that would mean we’ll be arriving on land in… thirty seconds.”

“Woah, that’s fast,” Jojo commented. “Just how hard did you punch the bag, Sushi?”

“Pretty hard.” Summer grinned.

“So your Stand…” Jojo looked to Sweetie. “How hard of a landing are we expecting? Like, we can’t feel the travel through air, but what about the landing?”

“We shouldn’t feel it.” Sweetie gestured to the wall, then bent her body at a forty-five degree angle and put her other hand on her waist. “REO Speedwagon is a highly durable Stand, and also took one of Pegasus Forever’s kinetic punches. It’ll be fine.”

True to her word, as they began descending towards what looked like fields and farmland, the Stand continued to hold strong, not even tilting or flipping them all over as it smashed into the dirt, rolling forward for a while before coming to a stop against a large tree. People had begun screaming, but once they realized they were safe, everyone calmed down.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in the United Kingdom. Please ensure you have taken all your baggage before you disembark Speedwagon Airlines.” Sweetie Belle walked around the room. “Once again, I would like to thank you for traveling Speedwagon Airlines and we hope to see you again.”

“Never!” One chubby woman yelled and pushed her way past other people as she exited through an opening zipper-like exit beside two of Sweetie’s bookshelves.

Once they saw her leave, the rest of the plane passengers followed suit, quickly exiting the Stand in an unruly manner, leaving only Summer and her group in the room with Sweetie Belle.

“Good work, Sushi!” Prism ran over and grabbed her around the neck, before twisting a knuckle against the top of her head. “You got us to the UK! And you too, Sweetie Belle! Your Stand is awesome. I can’t believe I can see it! I wish I had a Stand.”

“Fret not, Prism Dash.” Sweetie Belle gripped her shoulder firmly. “One does not need a Stand to be useful.”

Once everyone was out of the bag, Sweetie Belle picked up REO Speedwagon off the ground and slung it over her back. “Right, we’re on the west coast of the UK, based on my calculations.”

“We were supposed to meet someone near Norwich airport,” Summer supplied.

“We’ll need to get to the other side of the United Kingdom, then,” Jojo confirmed. He looked around to see if there were any means of transport nearby. “By now news will have reached the authorities that the plane went down. And even if they didn’t know, those survivors from the plane won’t stay quiet.”

The group headed towards the main road where the other passengers were going. It was an idyllic countryside with long, winding roads and very little traffic. In the distance they could see a beachside town that looked fairly large.

“Shouldn’t be more than a few miles’ walk,” Prism said. “Then we can get a taxi or something to get to Norwich Airport.”

“We don’t need the airport, now that we’ve landed.” Fuchsia sighed. “It’s just going to take us longer to get to the port now…”

“We should probably also give our folks a call,” Jojo suggested. “Let them know we’re alright, in case news of the plane crash reaches them first.”

“Yeah, uh…” Summer fished out her phone from her pocket. “I hope we’re not charged a whole lot for calls here.”

She entered her mother’s number, then put the phone to her ear and waited. There was a series of beeps and boops, then a frantic voice made itself known on the other end.

Summer?!” Sunset Shimmer’s voice was fast and flustered. “Sushi, please tell me everything’s okay! We got word that your plane exploded?!

“Umm… yeahhh…” Summer smiled awkwardly, not that her mother could see her. “But we’re okay. We had to deal with another Stand user on the plane. Sweetie Belle helped us. You know her, right?”

Rarity’s sister? Well, I wasn’t expecting to hear that, that’s for sure. So no one’s hurt?

“We’re all fine. Maybe a little shaken.” Summer let out a small laugh. “Never been in a crashing plane before. Especially one that blows up.”

Just be extra careful, alright? I love you.

“I love you too, mom. Everything alright on your end?”

Had another Stand user attack, but we handled it easily enough. Turns out it was an old classmate. Weather Alternate seems to have roots all over the world. We thought we would have attracted the attention away from you, but it seems they’re more resourceful. Be on your toes, Sushi. You and your friends.

“We will mom.” Summer nodded. “We landed somewhere close to the west coast, so we’ll be heading to Norwich by land, I guess. I just hope it doesn’t take too long. The plane would’ve gotten there quicker.”

It would’ve. But we make do with what we have, yeah? You’re a Sushi. Your best weapon is your mind, remember that, dear.

“I will, mom. And don’t worry, we’ll be okay. I’ll be sure to keep Prism in line.”

“Hey, I can hear you, you know?” Prism folded her arms.

“Wouldn’t have said it otherwise.” Summer smirked at her best friend. “Anyway, we better get going, mom. We still need to find out where in the UK we landed.”

Alright, get going then, Sushi. In the meantime, we’ll see what we can do to convince Weather Alternate to keep their attacks in Canterlot.

Summer said her goodbyes and hung up, slipping her device back into her pocket. “Well… It could’ve been worse.”

“How so?” Prism looked at her.

“Well, we could’ve been at the bottom of the ocean by now. Or maybe not even reach Europe.” Summer shrugged. “But hey, if life gives you lemons, you make lemon soda, right?”

“I think you’re thinking of the grass is greener saying,” Fuchsia added, then got off the grass and dusted her skirt. “But fuchs this, what do I know? I’m just someone who enjoys making cakes… Something I can’t do on this mission… Ugh.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll get to the head of Weather Alternate, cut it off, then you’ll be back home making cakes in no time, Fuchsia.” Sweetie Belle put an arm around her as they began walking away from the field. “You certainly don’t have your mother’s optimism.”

“She doesn’t have her mother’s anything,” Jojo said. “Well, except her love for dessert.”

“I’ll cut you.” Fuchsia narrowed her eyes at him.

“You see what I mean?” He looked to the others for support.

“Umm, right, we better find a car and get moving.” Sweetie Belle put a hand over her eyes as she surveyed their green surroundings. “Do you think they have cars around here?”

Author's Note:

I can't fight this feeling anymore. Three cheers for the group arriving in Europe! :yay:

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