• Published 27th Nov 2021
  • 250 Views, 0 Comments

Paper Craft World. - Neutral Boy

Sunset and her friends must traverse to survive in this mixed paper craft land. Which neither of them were prepared to face the horror world of reality as they need to stand together against the unknown group and there creation master.

  • ...

Prologue: Enter the Craft land.

In the school hallways, a red & orange haired girl's eyes wakes up in shock.

She gets up to see that she's in the Canterlot High School hallways.

"W-Where am I?" The girl named Sunset says in confusion.

She scans around to notice something is off, the whole hallway seems to be out of any colors.

The only ones she saw were the grey color.

"Weird, last time I remember is when I was going to a slumber party with the girls."

Getting up off the ground, she walks to see if any of the girls or anyone is inside the school or yard.

"Fluttershy?! Rarity?! Pinkie Pie?! Rainbow Dash?! Applejack?! Principal Celestia?! Vice-Principal Luna?! Snips & Snails?! Flash Sentry?! School Nerds?! Nurse Redheart?! Isn't there anyone out here?! Helloooooo?!" Sunset's shouting yells out

Her voice echoes in the hallways, but there's no one responding, meaning that she's alone.

"Oh great, first I get one good of a day, then a slumber party, and now I'm who knows where exactly. No one in this strange school that's for sure. It's probably another potential threat to everyone in this human realm from my Equestria home again. Plus I can't even get into contact with Twilight since the portal won't open back up in less than 30 moons."

While walking along the hallways, a sudden tremor occurred stopping her from going any further.

"Whew, o-okay that doesn't seem normal. I've seen aftershocks and earthquakes on tv, but not like this."

Searching around, her eyes spotted someone in the air flying towards.

"Uh oh, I better get go-"

Only the figure flew past by her and she felt someone shouting behind her.

"Follow me and run fast! The behemoth is heading right for us!" The figure yelled to Sunset.

"Wait a minute, behemoth?! What are you talking about-"

Her question is answered when a gigantic figure appears before the CHS student.

Sunset's eyes widen upon seeing the giant monster with a sword right in front of her.


"Okay! Big scary behemoth! Got it! Wait for me!"

Sunset backs up and turns around to follow the flying figure as the giant roars, chasing after them.

The flying figure seems to slow down as Sunset manages to catch up.

"Any ideas on how to get rid of this big freak thing?!" Sunset shouts to the figure, noticing it's a female.

"I do, but you probably won't like it!" The figure says, confirming it to Sunset of the voice.

"Well do something if it means saving me cause I don't want to die here!"

"Alrighty then, don't say I didn't warn you!"

So, the flying female figure quickly picks up Sunset as the giant draws in closer.

"See ya on the flipside! Tell your leader that I said F you!"

The female figure waved to it before flying down with Sunset to the floor. It became a liquid pond as they both disappear in it before the floor went back to normal of concrete. The giant swung down with the sword, only it sees that the contact was too late as the intruders successfully escaped.

The giant screams in a roar and uses it's sword to smash the lockers & walls, damaging them.

Far off outside the school building, a concrete floor opens up in liquid form.

Both Sunset and the female flying figure appeared as the concrete went back to normal.

The female figure gently puts Sunset down who's trying to catch her breath.

"*Huff* N-Next time, *huff* warn me when y-you would *huff* d-do that. Also though, *huff* t-thanks for saving me back there. I *huff* I-I don't know on how I was *huff g-going to outrun from th-that thing." Sunset says, collapsing on the ground.

The female flyer descends upon the ground as well.

"I told you and your welcome." She warmly smiles to her.

"The names Sunset Shimmer. And you are?"

Sunset saw the girl's appearance a slim figure with short turquoise hair. Her eyes are bright purple and a golden ring around her neck. Her outfit is blue color of military form like a dress. She also has the cool golden clippings on her right hair part. The wings on the other hand, all four of them are behind the girl's back. They do look like green color, only those wings do seem as odd to her.

"Eureka, I'm a pilot. Although, you may refer to the behemoth at the school as the enforcer. The giant honor guard who's one of the table's order. They are here to sustain order if anyone tries to trespass on our lands or when those who try to defy ours leaders and the god who watches us from above the corrupted heavens."

"Guards? Order? God? What in Tartarus are you talking about?"

"I'll explain more in at a later time. For now though, we better head over to my house to rest since it's not far from here. Don't want the order that we've passed curfew now, would we?"

Eureka then proceed to go by skipping along with her feet hopping.

No way of getting into contact at CHS, Sunset hangs her head low and groans, following her.

"Ugh, I might as well rest up at her place. Assuming she has any decent meal than my apartment does."

The two girls walk around the streets as the sun is already setting outside.

"So um first of all, Eureka, where am I exactly?"

"Why Sunset, you're in the Paper Craft Fantasy World! The home to our god!"

"Okay one, I don't get that and maybe believe you I'm in a different world. Second, home to your god? As in another Alicorn who has mysteriously appeared in Equestria and made a name for himself or herself?"

Eureka stops and turns around, tilting her head.

"Huh? Aliahcorn? Equistriea? I don't know what your talking about Sunset."

Sunset facepalms herself in the face.

'Or course Sunset, why do I feel so stupid of bringing that up everyone? Knowing that those who isn't around my CHS school or perhaps far off away doesn't know that there's a portal at the statue leading to my birth home.' Her mind exclaims, mentally banging her head at an imaginative wall.

She began to breath in and out before explaining herself to Eureka.

"Okay so, where I come from is my old home in Equestria full of many different sapient creatures. I'll tell you more on my part later. Speaking of, by any chance have you seen of mine that perhaps came here before you found me?"

"You mean you aren't the only one?"

"Probably, any friends of mine you've seen with rainbow, blonde, pink, yellow, and purple hair?"

Eureka thinks in her mind before shaking her head.

"Nope, not one that I have found before you."

Sunset felt her head hang low in sadness.


Eureka notices Sunset's negative emotion and walks over to her, patting both of her shoulders.

"Aw come on cheer up, I'm sure they must've been separated around somewhere else. From the look of things, you look much different than any other person I've come across. How did you get here at the abandoned school?"

"I don't know, the last thing I remember is having a good day of the weekend. I got a text from the girls asking me for a slumber party and I said yes, despite my hesitation of wanting to say no. Now, here I am."

Eureka rubs her chin, puzzled on how this girl appeared and why the giant is ordered to search the school.

"Well, we can probably worry about it later some time. Let's go back at my place. A few of my friends can possibly help you out on this situation and can gives you the ground rules since you'll be staying here for who knows how long until you go back home."

"Right. Sorry, lead the way then."

Eureka nods her head and goes to skip again, unaware of seeing Sunset glancing to the school far away.

'Home. I wonder how my own former mentor and Princess Twilight is doing on the other side? What about my human friends? Did they get captured or something? Ah well, better not dwell on it. Got to first rest up at Eureka's house.'

So, Sunset follows Eureka to the house while running by the beautiful oceans.

What neither of them have notice is a couple of figures in the air watching them from afar.

"What should we do with them? Capture alive or shoot to kill?"

"Nothing, for now though, make a report to Chenille while I inform on the R team to make preparations. We can't let anyone else know of our plan, we have to focus on flushing them out in due time or else the god will punish us."

"Yes sir! I will not fail them nor our god!"

"Good, then let's head out."

The two figure nodded as they split up to their destinations.

{Meanwhile. . .}

Near the ocean beach sea, two female humans were searching around, calling out to their friends.

"Scootaloo?! Applejack?! Sunset?! Where are you girls?!"

"Applebloom?! Fluttershy dear?! Sweetie Belle sister?! Squeak with your voice so that I can hear you!"

Both of them didn't hear any echoes, only to them as they walk back to the beach.

"Anything from your side Rainbow Dash darling?" The purple hair curly girl asked her friend.

"No luck on my side Rarity, no sign of them nor our sisters." The Rainbow haired girl responded, sighing to herself.

"But there must be some way of getting into the contact world. M-Maybe we can-"

Rainbow shows her the phone with no signals.

"I've tried Rarity, a dozen times and there's no signal around. Hell, we don't even know on where we're at exactly! Let's face it; We're in another world, our friends have gone missing, our sisters as well, and we don't even know if it's because of another threat from Sunset's home world! I betcha it's probably Sunset's back up plan in case she does get reformed and wants to go back as the bully we already know her as."

Rainbow crosses her arms in frustration as Rarity felt confused on what Rainbow said at the last part.

"Rainbow dear, as much as I would want to agree with you, I doubt it was Sunset's doing. Besides, I don't think she has ever plan for a back up plan if she does want to be reformed for all the trouble she has caused around CHS. What would she need to gain from it entirely? The poor dear really did felt so sorry and yet, a part of it was our fault when we sometimes didn't want to help her clean the damage up. Probably because we haven't forgiven her yet and we did promise Princess Twilight to look out for her as a true friend, despite Sunset's dark past history she didn't tell us yet."

Rarity's friend thought about it before sighing and smile to her.

"I guess you've got a point, but that still doesn't erase her past actions completely. Not by a long shot."

"Quite right darling, now I proposing to our liking. Once all of us makes it out of here, I say we treat Sunset as our true friend by taking her our clubs, music class, shops, sports, and even set up her up with a new since she clear has broken up with Flash. How does that plan sound?"

Rainbow hums at the idea and smirks, knowing that sports and music are her favorite."

"Okay then Rarity, you've got yourself a deal on my end."

"Very well, now we better go find some shelter. My shoes are sticking into some icky sands."

Rainbow rolls her eyes as they walk off to go find any settlements of life.

In the beach ocean, they didn't see a big creature watching them before diving into the deep ocean.

{Elsewhere. . .}

Pinike Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy are seen hiding behind pillars.

Above them is a figure shushing them.

"Quiet, no sudden movement or running lest we get discovered by the demon of the lake."

The three nodded there heads and glances out in the fields.

A giant serpent lamia is slithering around for the prey who are hiding somewhere.

In the middle of the field are Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo under the logs & boulders.

All three of them is very terrified of moving since they don't want to be eaten by a scary snake lady.

Author's Note:

Sorry folks, I accidentally deleted my story and wanting to publish it again so I had to restart from ground up and fresh. My mistake on my part. Also though, happy thanksgiving and I hope everyone's doing okay since it's one month away soon before the end of 2021.

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