• Member Since 21st Dec, 2019
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underrated Drake

Just a regular guy who has very little knowledge on MLP but a lot of creativity.

Comments ( 28 )

I really like this story so far has a very nice beginning

That's rather lovely! I apprechiate the kindness he Shows and being a Gentleman, its rare these days

This is pretty sweet. Feels very rom-com so I am here for it.

Comment posted by ShadowSpectrumSwordtails deleted Oct 7th, 2023

He wonders why he's the love target of three girls. Gee, maybe because despite how mean girls like Lilith was to him, he was willing to help her when she was at her lowest.

Chapter the Queen Bee 0_0

Pretty good so far...

For an erotica work, this story is extremely well constructed. I like that the Zero and Lilith ended up developing friendship instead of resentment. It's an interesting wrinkle that I'm interested in seeing play out.

I wonder what's going to happen if he saves enough money to get his own place or his parents move out

And that my friend, is called foreshadowing...

Once again, light's caring and Gentleman side honors him. I wonder if he called the police or if they were just close by

I'm really liking what I'm reading so far. I'm beginning to understand why he's caught in their crosshairs. It's that generous and kind heart of his. I wouldn't be surprised when things start to get a little steamy,he's unable to decide between the three. That's just the kind of guy he is. I only hope this story ends well with Light Shine and all three girls happy together. It's only fitting.

Me too. I don't even mind that they have a little playful rivalry every now and then.

The final girl of this amazing trio in the next chapter. Has HER life too been changed for the better having met Light Shine or is this someone new?

And just like that, they dropped a bombshell on him. Oh boy, you can tell next chapter is going to be a whirlwind.

I wonder how many grandkids he's going to give to his parents

Ooooooooof, they wasted NO time dropping that bomb.

Nicely done and with this kindness, he is a good person

Once again,a poor lady's miserable life has blown in Light Shine's direction by the winds of fate.

Like I said before,I hope that doesn't that have to choose between these three lovely ladies before this story is over.

Now that Lilith,Zero Gravity and Spring have finally confession their true feelings for him,what will Light Shine do now?

Good premise!
I look forwards to see where it goes.

“That conniving, manipulative, BITCH!” Lilith's thoughts grew darker, a stark contrast to her usually calm demeanor. Every touch, every shared laugh, every moment between Zero and Light Shine felt like a needle pricking at her heart.

Of course she would recognize that.
Not too long ago she did similar things, didn't she?

A pang of something unfamiliar stirred within Zero Gravity. Jealousy? Concern? It was hard to pinpoint.
“They've grown close,” she mused, a hint of bitterness touching her thoughts. “Too close. I was gone, and she took my place. But I won't let her have him so easily.”

Poor Light Shine. he is caught in the middle of a storm, and he doesn't even realize it...

The playful war continued. From juggling condiment bottles to flaunting their tray-carrying skills, both girls were pulling out all stops. At one point, Zero even started an impromptu dance routine to the tune playing overhead, much to the amusement of the customers.

I wonder what their boss thinks about this.
She is probably very amused, isn't she?

Lilith nodded, understanding dawning on her. Their bond had taken a new turn, from competitors to friends, united by a shared affection for Light Shine. When he returned, he found the two girls in quiet conversation, a newfound camaraderie evident in their interactions.
And though the rivalry would still flare up from time to time, there was now an underlying bond that neither could deny.

Yay! :heart:

As the group made their way inside, ready to begin another day, the bond between the trio was evident. Their adventures were just beginning, and the house was about to get a lot livelier.
“Oh… this complicates things even more… but don’t worry Lighty… soon we’ll be together,”.

The stage is set!

Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.

"We did it!" Zero Gravity cheered, squeezing Lilith's arm. "Can you believe it? All that hard work!"
Lilith smiled, her eyes misting over slightly. "I knew we could. But I still can't believe we managed to pull up our grades to a B+ average!"


"L-Light Shine..." Lilith began, her voice wavering just a tad.
Zero Gravity nodded in agreement, "We wanted to tell you..."
Their words, however, were abruptly interrupted by a melodious voice that seemed to echo across the courtyard, capturing the attention of everyone present. "Light Shine!"
All eyes, including those of Lilith and Zero Gravity, turned to the source of the voice. Emerging from the crowd was none other than Spring, the school idol.

Maybe it's just me, but I suspect things are about to become even more complicated for poor Light Shine.
He probably should research whether anthro ponies are still allowed to form herds...

Spring leaned closer to the window, her reflection barely visible. Her eyes, normally warm and kind, now bore an unsettling glint. "Those girls don’t stand a chance. They don't know the depth of my love, the lengths I'd go to ensure that Light Shine is mine."

There is a good chance it's her who is miscalculating the situation.

Spring sidestepped gracefully, laughing as she did. "Oh, how cute. The little childhood friend is trying to play the hero. Well, guess what? This isn't a fairy tale, and you're not the princess."

Says the textbook villain.

Throughout the week, Lilith and Zero Gravity's efforts continued in this vein, with every plan being either interrupted or upstaged by Spring..

They could simply tell Light Shine about the stalking and the pictures.
Far easier, and most likely very effective at convincing Light Shine to keep a healthy distance to Spring.

Light Shine was left speechless, the weight of their confessions pressing down on him. His heart raced, the enormity of the moment not lost on him. He opened his mouth, searching for words, but none came.

Great, now you broke him.

Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.

The Damned Things' song is quite appropriate here. Because holy shit my man is in a serious situation.

Comment posted by ShadowSpectrumSwordtails deleted Tuesday
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