• Published 10th Apr 2022
  • 3,490 Views, 13 Comments

Pony Rangers Mystic Force - CookieScript

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New Mystics, Part II

Previously on Pony Rangers Mystic Force...

Shining was about to respond before he felt a trembling below his hooves and he cast a spell to keep his wife and daughter steady as the trembling was felt all across the land, an earthquake that sent the ponies outside scrambling for cover to dodge the rubble as he looked at her. "Yeah, I'd say that's very significant."

"Pharynx, get to Canterlot and warn the others!" Twilight told him urgently as she struggled to hold a shield against the Nightmare Force and Chrysalis, who was also battering Twilight's shield with a sickly green blast of magic. "I can hold them off here!"

The Royal Sisters gasped in shock, their ears folding down as Luna shouted, "That! Cannot! Be possible!"

"Somepony mention my name?" A familiar voice rang out before the side of the building exploded, Shining and Nick shielding the group with their magic as rubble pelted it, before the dust cleared to reveal Chrysalis, armored and rearing for battle. "Missed me, dear?"

The ponies and young dragon faced down the deposed Changeling Queen as she laughed wickedly, Shining and Nick lowering their shields as they kept their horns ready to shoot her.

Rainbow flew up and shouted, "What did you do to Twilight, you bug?!"

Chrysalis regarded the rainbow Pegasus. "Oh, it's not what I did to her, my bright Rainbow. It's what Nightmare did to her."

Luna frowned worriedly as her ears folded down. "I wasn't imagining the Nightmare then!"

Celestia stepped forward, her own horn flaring in a golden aura. "Let Twilight go, Chrysalis! She has no use to you!"

"I'm actually afraid you're mistaken, Celestia." Chrysalis fluttered down and landed before she paced around the Sun Princess and explained, "Out of all of the Elements, Twilight holds the most responsibility, the most weight. Her becoming the Princess of Friendship only served to make her mind more frazzled. After I was defeated the second time, Nightmare approached me and told me of her own defeat by Princess Luna and the Elements. But she had a plan, one that was so daring and resolute, that even I was surprised."

"That doesn't explain what happened to Twilight, Chrysalis!" Spike snapped angrily.

"Patience, Spike. I'm reaching that point." Chrysalis told him before she continued, "I learned a bit more about Twilight through reading her mind. She still has her doubts. Her usual Twilighting fashion, you know? That's what allowed Nightmare to control her so easily. And a new friend of ours also provided the Princess with an insurance that will keep her loyal to us! You won't be able to get her back!" She laughed a bit.

As if to prove her point, a dark purple magic surge appeared in the room and out poofed a mare who looked as tall as Celestia, but had a flowing mane of indigo, violet, and magenta. A mane that was very familiar to the drake.

Spike couldn't believe what he was seeing in that moment. "T - Twilight?"

The girls were horrified by their friend's new look and seemingly demonic glare.

Spike slowly walked forward and smiled in relief, "Twilight, it's me! It's Spike, remember? Your number one assistant!"

Twilight looked down at Spike and tilted her head slightly, not seeming like she was caring in the slightest.

"Come on, Twi! I know that's you!" Spike looked at her, starting to show concern.

Twilight scoffed a bit and responded in a voice unlike her normal, "Twilight Sparkle is no longer with you ponies. I control her thoughts and her actions. So from now on, refer to me as Midnight Sparkle!" She blasted Spike back with a darker magenta beam.

Spike yelped in pain and rolled back to the ponies, his stomach smoking from the blast.

"Spikey-wikey!" Rarity and the other girls dashed over to him.

Spike sat up and looked at Twilight, his eyes tearing up as he realized, "I can't believe it..."

Chrysalis laughed maniacally as she walked up beside the new Midnight Sparkle and patted the dark purple alicorn's shoulder as she spoke, "Magnificently wicked, isn't she?"

"You MONSTER!!" Rarity shouted angrily as she glared at Chrysalis, "You're nothing but a leech of pain and torture!!"

"Aww, that's sweet of you to say, Rarity," Chrysalis smiled at her. "But don't just let me have all the praise." She flicked her tail with a snap and summoned another Hidiac army from a spell seal, along with a golem like monster who laughed brightly.

Starlight saw the Hidiacs and folded her ears down, "Oh no, not these guys again!"

Clare stepped forward and charged her horn, "Nick and I got the monster. Spike, you and the girls fight the Hidiacs and try to get your friend back." She shot at the Golem as she charged forth with Nick.

Rainbow flew up and shouted, "You heard her, team! Let's take these bozos!" She rocketed down and started battling the Hidiacs as Starlight and the other newly elected Rangers followed behind, Spike still staying back out of shock.

Starlight led off by blasting some Hidiacs and doing a few flip kicks to knock down others before she got surrounded. "Okay, now might be a good time to try this!" She dug deep into her heart. "I do believe in magic!" She placed one hoof forward and saw the time around her reverse itself, blasting the other Hidiacs before they surrounded her, smiling in surprise. "It actually worked!" She looked at the other Rangers quickly, "You have to believe in the magic within you all!"

Rainbow heard her and nodded, looking at the Hidiacs before her. "I definitely believe in the magic within me!" She got ready to charge and as she rocketed forward, she delivered a Sonic Rainboom that was double the ripples and charged with lightning, her wings sparking with energy as she zipped through the Hidiacs she was facing and skidded to a halt halfway across the room, the Hidiacs exploding from electrocution. "Whoa, now that's electric."

Pinkie giggled and smiled as she watched Rainbow before she refocused on the task at hoof. "I believe in the magic within me!" She charged forward and spun around, creating a pink twister that picked up Hidiacs and flung them out the windows before she stopped, her eyes swirling as she stumbled and spoke wobbly, "That's gonna take some getting used to..." She shook off the dizziness before seeing herself surrounded by Hidiacs. "Uh-oh..." Suddenly her ears flopped up and down, giving her the cue to jump aside.

Fluttershy surfed in on a wave of sea water that looked like it was coming from nowhere as she washed out the Hidiacs before jumping down and landing by Pinkie and giggling slightly, "That was fun! I can't believe I can actually surf on water!"

Pinkie smiled and gave her Pegasus friend a high hoof as she joked, "I guess you gave those Hidiacs a wipeout!"

Applejack faced her own horde of Hidiacs, deploying skilled mare-tial artistry before she got blasted back and went high. "Okay, I think now's a good time to believe in the magic within me!" As she said that, a vine sprouted from her outstretched hoof and wrapped around the nearest rafter, allowing her to swing down to the others. "Yee-haw! Who says a mare can't be Tarzan of the Jungle?" She kicked down some Hidiacs before landing on all fours by Pinkie and Fluttershy. "Now that's shooting for the trees against these weirdos!"

A teal blast of magic zoomed by the girls before it somehow reversed and hit the Hidiacs behind them as Starlight ran over. "Tell me about it. I think it's about time these clowns learned not to mess with Equestrian defenders!"

Pinkie's tail started twitching before she heard Rainbow's yelp. "Everypony DUCK!" She pulled the trio down as the cyan Pegasus zoomed above them and destroyed some Hidiacs before coming back around and screeching to a stop by her friends.

Rainbow stomped out a flame on her tail as she panted, "Okay, I know I'm used to being the fastest pony in Equestria, but this is ridiculous with the lightning now. I think I hit Quadruple Rainboom levels with how fast I was going."

Fluttershy yelped in surprise when she saw the Hidiacs surround them again and she ducked behind Rainbow as a result.

"We need Rarity here!" Applejack shouted to them.

Rainbow felt a chill in the air and looked over her shoulder, seeing a white cloud and smiling slightly. "There she comes."

Rarity was making a snowstorm with her magic now being enhanced by her new powers as she froze the Hidiacs solid before she blasted them to pieces as she walked up next to the girls and admired her handiwork. "That's what I call a cold snap."

"Nicely done, Rarity!" Starlight hoof bumped her friend.

Nick and Clare were suddenly knocked back to the others, both of them having bruises on their bodies as they stood up again, horns lit up and wings flared defiantly.

Midnight Sparkle stepped forward to attack, but Chrysalis held a hoof in front of her to stop her as she spoke, "I think we've done enough here for now, Midnight. Let's get out of here and revel in this little victory." The Changeling made a spell seal that enveloped her, the corrupted Princess, and the golem and teleported them away.

The girls sighed in relief, grateful to have a break from the attacks... for the moment, at least.

Cadence passed Flurry Heart to Shining Armor and walked over to Spike as she asked, "Spike? Are you okay?"

Spike was curled up on the ground, visibly shaking judging by his tail and his tear filled eyes when he responded in an equally quivering voice, "She... she doesn't recognize me anymore... what did they do to her?"

Later that night, Spike was in the royal castle's library and trying to find a book with a clue on how to break the spell on Twilight, but he wasn't having any luck as he groaned, "Nothing at all on this dark magic or that Octomus guy's power?! This is getting ridiculous!!"

The door opened as Ember came into the room, walking over to him and speaking, "I heard about what happened earlier, Spike. I'm so sorry."

The young dragon looked at his fellow drake and sighed softly before he sat down and looked at her.

Ember sat with him and placed a claw on his shoulder. "If I were in your clawsteps, I'd probably be doing the same thing right now. I don't know much about how pony life adapts to having a baby dragon around them, but it really doesn't matter. Dragon or human, you still have the courage within you to fight for your sister, to get her back somehow, someway."

"But... without Twilight, the Elements don't work," Spike muttered sadly, "It happened before when Rainbow Dash was corrupted by Discord and left the group, so when they tried to use the Elements with me as a substitute, it flopped. It might happen the same way this time if they use me or Starlight as a substitute for the Element of Magic."

"Oh, for goodness sake, Spike!" Discord's voice came through the space as the Draconeques appeared and continued, "Hello! You were chosen as a leader because you are a leader! Remember Ogres and Oubliettes? You're the Dungeon Master of the game, for crying out loud! Just think of Twilight like Shmarity! A damsel in distress, held captive by the Squizzard and in need of rescue from Garbunckle and his loyal compadres!" He changed into his O&O costume as he spoke, shooting arrows and knocking down some small stuffies before he changed back.

Ember blinked as she watched the scene before she whispered in Spike's ear with a smile, "Okay, remind me to come to your next Guy's Night. I wanna see how crazy you all get."

Spike thought over Discord's words. "Even if you're right, Discord, I wasn't able to muster up the courage to let my inner magic out." He looked at his claws and huffed slightly.

Ember smiled and hugged Spike, feeling slightly uncomfortable about it, but doing it nonetheless as she told him, "It's perfectly fine to be scared, Spike. What matters is you gaining the strength to push through that fear and fighting for what's right."

The smaller dragon hugged back and bit his lip slightly. Maybe she had a point, as did Discord. What good was he gonna be to the group if he couldn't find the courage to help Twilight?

Back at Chrysalis' lair, the deposed Queen of the Changelings was reviewing footage of the battle at the castle with Nightmare, the latter of which was disgusted and pointed out, "Hmph. So those Rangers found their inner magic, so what? The drake hasn't found his courage yet."

Chrysalis smiled and responded, "Yes, and that's exactly what I'm counting on when the sun rises. When he learns of who the true culprit behind his big sister's change is, I'm sure you, him, and Sanguisa will have a wonderful time in a battle."

Nightmare looked at her and retorted, "And yet that leaves us with the matter of the former Rangers and the Royal Sisters. What should we do against them?"

The Bug Queen smirked as she looked at her companion with a question: "How badly do you want eternal night still?"

Nightmare grinned wickedly, her sharp teeth showing behind the darkness.

The next morning, everyone was getting ready for the celebration, Spike going over a checklist for the umpteenth time as he looked at the sky.

Pinkie walked over to him. "You're worried too, huh?"

Spike nodded a bit as he looked at the party pony, noticing her hair was slightly flattened. "Whoa, you alright?"

Pinkie shook her head. "Nope. My mane hasn't been poofy since yesterday. Not to mention my eyes are baggy beyond belief. I know my Pinkie Sense is warning me about something, but I don't know what."

Spike frowned before he noticed their shadows growing larger and shuddered a bit as the wind picked up. "I think I might have an idea..."

Celestia and Luna noticed the clouds as well and looked up in concern, Nick and Clare joining her after a moment with the same expressions.

It wasn't long before Nightmare appeared and laughed mirthlessly. "Surprise, ponies!"

Everypony nearby either yelped and gasped upon seeing Nightmare, some even attempting to escape, only to be stopped by Hidiacs and back away in fright.

Rainbow saw the Hidiacs and looked at the remaining Rangers. "Come on, we got work to do!" She lead the six ponies away.

Spike thought for a moment before he followed the group.

Nightmare chuckled as she watched the ponies being surrounded. "Oh, how pleasing to hear the screams of fear and despair! It feels more powerful to me than creating nighttime ever did!"

"Create this, you dark freak!!" A lightning bolt shot out at the mass, forcing her to dodge before Rainbow kicked her out of the air.

The others jumped out to fight the Hidiacs, each of the ponies utilizing their abilities.

Pinkie made wind currents to knock away the Hidiacs and created mini tornadoes to knock them into each other before she roundhouse kicked a couple into Applejack's boulder crushers.

Starlight found herself surrounded again and about to be struck, but she simply reversed time and got the Hidiacs paused at the point where they were about to hit her, stepping aside and letting Rarity blast them with ice beams and buck them all into oblivion.

Rainbow Dash zipped around, launching lightning at the Hidiacs and looking at Fluttershy, who nodded and created a water spout to conduct the electricity better so that many more Hidiacs were destroyed.

Spike ran towards Nightmare, intent on burning her to a crisp, but skidded to a stop when he saw Midnight Sparkle appear again. "Great. I gotta get through you first." He got ready to fight, watching the former Princess of Friendship charge at him before he jumped to the side, avoiding her blasts and kicking her in the chest before jumping up and kicking her multiple times over, landing on his claws as he smirked at her. "Not bad for a weak dragon, huh?"

"Yes, impressive. But now let us see what you can do against a truly powerful opponent!" Midnight stepped forward and changed into a purple themed armor, more suited for a quadrupedal form though.

The ponies saw the armor and gasped, Nick and Clare being especially scared as they spoke in turn; "No... How is this possible?!" "That's Koragg's armor... But I thought Koragg was gone!"

"Or so you believed it to be." Sanguisa emerged from a spell seal near Chrysalis and stood by the Changeling's side.

Spike saw Sanguisa and growled angrily, green flames snorting from his snout, "You're the one who's helping Chrysalis and Nightmare out!"

Sanguisa chuckled and clapped sarcastically. "Bravo, dragon. Bravo. But in the end, your power of Friendship is for nothing! Without your precious Princess, what chance do you have of stopping us?"

Spike frowned slightly and looked down; she had a good point. How could he fight Twilight? His caretaker, his mother figure, his... his best friend?

"Spike's stronger than you give him credit for!" Starlight's voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he looked up to see the remaining Mane 5 and Starlight standing beside him proudly.

"Spike's more than Twilight's number one assistant! He's her baby brother!" Fluttershy spoke courageously.

"He's a dragon who's just as loyal as I am, if not more so!" Rainbow smiled as she ruffled Spike's head slightly.

"A dragon so willing to help, he'll sacrifice his needs for the good of other ponies!" Rarity chipped in, causing Spike to blush at her words.

"A dragon who's such a great friend, he'll help someone in need when they truly need it," Applejack agreed.

Pinkie nodded and stood tall as she finished up, "He's our best friend and one that's definitely worth celebrating every single day!"

Spike smiled at everypony's words of encouragement. They were right, he shouldn't just give up because Twilight was in danger! In fact, he should stand tall and help them!

"How touching of a speech from all of you, but you are still powerless without the element of Magic!" Koragg spoke as she opened the crystal on her shield. "Dark Magic Strike!" A beam of energy shot at the girls.

Spike raised his head high and instinctively ran forward, holding his Mystic Morpher high and shouting, "I don't just believe in the magic of friendship! I believe in the magic within my heart!!" As he shouted these words, his Mystic Morpher started shining with a bright red light and produced a flaming shield that sent the dark blast back at Koragg.

Koragg dodged the rebounded shot and looked at Spike in shock. "What?! How?!"

Rarity gasped as she watched Spike, the others in the room looking on in amazement and awe.

Spike started growing in size and shifting forms before the red glow died around him and he opened his dragon eyes as he stepped out with a new look that made him seem like his dragon DNA had mixed with a pony. His body was certainly equine with a horn to resemble a unicorn, but he still had his dragon tail, claws, and a new set of dragon wings that flared out proudly.

The girls were stunned by Spike's new look before Fluttershy spoke up excitedly, "Oh my Celestia, he... He just became a qilin!"

Spike glared at Koragg. "The magic of friendship may be gone without Twilight for now, but a new kind of magic is standing in its place: The magic of courage from within our hearts!" He instinctively whipped his Morpher open with a green aura coming from his horn and pressed the top three numbers to input the code before he got on his hind legs and posed with his Morpher aimed at the sky. "Magical Source, Mystic Force!"

The other Rangers nodded to each other and followed their leader, typing in the morph code and raising their Morphers high, "Magical Source, Mystic Force!"

The seven Rangers transformed in a flash of light and stood together in their new suits, each of them looking largely similar, save for Spike, Starlight, and Rarity with the former having a male version of the suit and the latter two having extra armor on their suits respectfully.

Starlight looked at herself in shock and shouted, "Whoa! Did that just happen?!"

"Now this is a big turn of events," Applejack spoke up as she looked at herself.

"My goodness, this feels amazing!" Rarity smiled under her helmet.

Fluttershy giggled and twirled around a little as she agreed, "I feel as light as a feather!"

"Oh, totally!" Pinkie grinned excitedly.

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow cheered with them as she looked at herself proudly.

"Let's do this, ladies." Spike looked up proudly.

"You may have received your magical powers, but you are still no match for me!" Koragg charged at the ponies.

The Rangers charged forward, Spike even running forward without fear this time as they started fighting the evil Koragg.

But despite their best efforts against their opponent, Koragg was quite strong, especially with Twilight's magic.

Spike didn't give up, firing flames at her while using his tail to catch some flames and slam them down on Koragg to try and pierce the armor.

Koragg slid back and growled angrily as she glared at Spike. "Seems I underestimated you, young drake. You'll make a wonderful opponent for me eventually. But for now, deal with our monster!" She summoned the Golem monster back. "Destroy these brats!" She teleported away through a spell seal.

"Time to rock and roll, Rangers!" The golem punched his fists together.

"Whoa, Nelly. Big boy sure looks like a tough one."Applejack frowned slightly.

"Pfft! We can take this guy easily!" Rainbow fired off a few lightning bolts at the golem.

The golem blocked and laughed brightly. "That just tickled!"

Rainbow gulped nervously and smiled sheepishly as she saw Spike facepalm.

"For Celestia's sake, Dash!" Spike glared at her. "If we're gonna be able to stop this ugly freakazoid, we have to have a plan!"

Pinkie nodded in agreement and thought quickly, a light bulb suddenly appearing over her head... somehow. "Ooh! Ooh! Genius idea!" She grabbed the others and pulled them out of the way of an attack quickly before she looked at Fluttershy while releasing the group. "Fluttershy, water bomb that rock boy!"

"You got it!" Fluttershy saluted and charged forward, summoning a stream of water and firing multiple shots at the golem.

"Water you doing?!?!" The golem shrieked in surprise, getting splashed every time.

"Rarity, ice cracking time!" Pinkie looked at the White Ranger next.

Rarity nodded in understanding. "Time to give this ruffian the cold shoulder!" She launched an ice beam at the golem.

Fluttershy noticed in time and jumped out of the way, allowing the Golem to be struck and get frozen as the Pegasus landed by her friends.

"Starlight, speed it up a bit and AJ, smash when he's about ready to crack!" Pinkie instructed.

Starlight nodded to Applejack and blasted the golem with an erosion time spell, keeping up with it before she shouted, "NOW!"

A.J. jumped up and held her Magi Staff up."Magi Staff, Axe Mode!" Her Magi Staff shifted forms into a double bladed axe form before she slashed the golem and sent him flying back. "I'd sure call that a home run."

Spike smiled at the girls, especially Pinkie. "Nice thinking, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie saluted to Spike. "Always a pleasure to help our leader."

"Time for me to finish this up!" Spike smirked under his helmet and crossed his claws, making the signature hand symbol. "I summon the power of the Mighty Phoenix!" He created a fireball and jumped up, kicking it at the Golem as he did a reverse backflip.

The Golem screamed as he got hit. "What kind of burn did you have to put out?!" He fell to the ground as Spike landed next to the girls.

"And that's checkmate!" The Rangers spun around to face away before they flicked their tails (or snapped a claw, in Spike's case), all of them making a snap sound as the golem exploded.

Nightmare growled angrily, upset that her monster had been defeated. "This isn't over yet, Rangers! Just wait!!" She teleported away with Sanguisa as the skies cleared up from darkness.

The ponies came out of hiding and cheered for the heroes, excited to have the new warriors to protect them from Chrysalis and the new threats.

Clare smiled at Nick as she watched the new team receive the praise. "Looks like everyone is glad to have the Rangers back in action."

Nick nodded and smiled to his cousin. "No doubt about it."

Soon enough all the preparations were ready and the Royal Sisters were getting ready with Spike being behind them to stand in for Twilight, the drake looking a little nervous as he paced around the area and muttered to himself, "Ah man, what if I can't pull this off like Twilight? What if the ceremony goes wrong because I can't pull this off? What if I mess everything up so bad that I get everypony mad at me and then I get my leadership status revoked for the Rangers?!" He grunted as he bumped into a tree and hit the ground, seeing stars for a moment before he shook his head as Rarity came up to him.

"Oh, Spikey, there's nothing to worry about, dearie." The unicorn helped him up as she smiled and continued, "You showed a wonderful spurt of courage today, and I see no reason to stop now."

Trixie smiled as she walked up to him and chuckled lightly. "So true, and you inspired me to make new fireworks for the celebration based on the Mystic Force, and in such a short time too."

Spike rubbed the back of his head slightly. "That was just today against all the Hidiacs and Koragg. Even if I'm able to lead some heroes, I'm not cut out for princess stuff."

"Who cares if you're cut out for being a princess?" Rainbow smiled at him and ruffled his mane gently. "You're definitely leader material no matter what happens."

"Exactly, Spike." Applejack smiled as she walked over and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Besides, the real perks of leadership is that you get to inspire not only your team, but the entire country as well. And buddy, when you inspire us, you're the best leader I've ever seen."

Spike smiled a bit and nodded a little. "I guess you're right, guys. I can't give up because of a small hiccup. And I know with Twilight gone for now, it's gonna have to be down to me to help the citizens of Ponyville and Equestria all the way. No way am I letting that many creatures down."

Pinkie appeared behind him and smiled at him. "Alright, now go get them, new Prince of Friendship!"

Spike chuckled lightly and smiled back, walking up next to the Princesses as they smiled at him.

Celestia looked at the crowd and smiled regally. "Today we may have seen another battle against evil, but once again, we have heroes to save us all."

Luna smiled as she finished up the speech. "Equestria has never been safer. Thanks to the Mystic Force, there will always be hope throughout the lands." She lit up her horn and flapped her wings to fly up, raising her hooves and slowly lowering them as the moon was lowered before Celestia flew up and raised her own hooves, raising the sun as it coalesced with the moon's appearance.

Spike smiled and spread his wings, crouching down before he took off and flew at a high velocity, creating a sonic boom that emitted the Mystic Force team symbol.

At the same time, Trixie fired off the new fireworks and let them explode to show the individual symbols of each Ranger in the dawning sky.

The ponies cheered happily, some rearing on their hind legs as Thorax and Ember clapped for the performance and show.

Spike flew back around and landed by his friends, getting a big hug from them and smiling proudly as he looked at the sky and silently told himself, 'Don't worry, Twilight. Somehow, someway, I will get you back or die trying.'

Back at the lair, Midnight let her suit disappear as she looked at the crown that was her Element of Magic, the pink gem now a darker magenta and the crown a silver color to reflect her corrupted nature. "Magic has its own ways of coming back, but it's only a matter of time before the Master is resurrected."

Author's Note:

Yeah, this episode was a real doozy. Spike having to gain the courage to fight Twilight and believe in the magic he has, the girls gaining their magic, it's all just... Yeesh. Anyway, the next episode is gonna be slice of life with the Rangers gaining new powers, the next few episodes doing the same for a while. Let me know what monsters y'all wanna see next!

Comments ( 8 )

That was a pretty epic battle.

Wonder if the Golem is a existing kajin or its fanmade?

Yeah, honestly I have no idea. I haven't watched Mystic Force in YEARS, like since I was a kid and it was still on Jetix.

This was great, I wish for the next chapters you would explore Clare and Nick more, although many already know who they are, the new Rangers should know more about them.

I'm definitely thinking about doing that, as well as expanding more on the dangers of the Mystic Force magic around other ponies and Spike trying to rein in his new abilities, pun intended.

I seen Mystic Force on ABC Kids on Saturday mornings when it aired.

Did you update the story or something since the fic appears in the Latest Updates section?

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