• Published 5th Dec 2021
  • 582 Views, 4 Comments

The Adventures of Flare Brimstone - Burningbloom78

Join the adventures of an esteemed mare and agent of Princess Celestia!

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The Legend of Celestial Lake

The day was young and full of mystery, perfect bait for Adventurer Extraordinaire, Flare Brimstone. Finally free of the clutches of Princess Celestia, the ardent pony hastily took the opportunity to get back on the road of adventure.

The bat pony had a map her mother and father charted when they discovered a kingdom beyond Equestria during their silver years. It delineates the location of the prosperous Holy Kingdom of King Era Dreg, home to the ever-mythical Celestial Lake.

As the legends claim in the Holy Kingdom, its prosperity was wrought from the power of Seraph; a holy and majestic alicorn from ages past. When Seraph vanished, it left a string of hair from its mane in the center of a lake, consecrating the blue basin with arcane energy that was believed to be the cause of the Holy Kingdom's long-lasting fortune. It is also said that a small shard of an abyssal orb rests at the bottom of the lake.

Although free of her duties, Flare Brimstone decided that it'd be prudent to present the rare treasure (if it exists) to Her Celestial Majesty when returning from her excursion after she was done examining the shard.

To reach the Holy Kingdom, one had to go by ship, and what better moorage to choose from than the shipyard in Duty Shoals? It's been a few months since the last sea-bound voyage, and Flare Brimstone wondered how Gorge and Star Flow were holding up.

With no pony to distract the eager mare, Flare Brimstone trotted in place, whipping up a small dust cloud with her hooves before reeling back and darting forward in a wicked blur, shouting to the top of her lungs with excitement.

Indeed were the sweet sounds of adventure beckoning, how could Flare Brimstone possibly resist?

Within two hours, Flare Brimstone skids to a halt, arriving at the shipyard in Duty Shoals. She vehemently veered her head restlessly, wagging her tail like a dog on a blistering Summer day, hoping to shoot a glimpse of her first and second mates.

"Gorge! Star Flow!" she exclaimed, prancing around the energetic shipyard with a cherry skip. "Guys, where are y'all?!"

The enthusiastic mare blitzed from ship to ship, but she didn't see her oceanic companions. Further still, Flare Brimstone scanned the entire shipyard thrice times over, but her fervent search around the dockyard had failed; she came up short with nothing to show.

Flare Brimstone sighed and pondered, her right hindleg tapping feverishly on the ground, however, this setback didn't deter her determination, rather, it fueled her.

Then it hit Flare Brimstone; a lightbulb went off in her head. How did she not think of it sooner? Gorge working at noon? Preposterous, it was practically daybreak for that lazy bum.

"His house!" she cried to the heavens, attracting the attention of onlookers. Her chagrin had no place to shame her, so she blitzed to his home. It was a quaint house to behold, if a little rough around the edges, but what could one expect from Gorge?

Flare Brimstone thought about busting in like she always does, but then a memory ceased her advance. The recollection was about Gorge complaining to an antsy mare about breaking down his doors and barging in without permission.

With a concealed shrill and restraining a cheeky smile, Flare Brimstone decided to abide by Gorge's rules and knocked on his door...without breaking it.

Seconds pass. Minutes pass. Flare trotted in place, anxious. "Come on, come on, come oooon!" she whined under her breath. "We're burning daylight!"

As if answering her plight, Flare heard hoofsteps followed by an elongated yawn. The door fastened from the other side and hitched open, revealing a peach-coated, black-haired stallion leaning against his door with another yawn. It was Gorge in all his...glory?

His brown-colored eyes glanced at an auburn coat, a dark red mane, a red bandanna stretched across an eager pony's neck, cute bat wings, pristine white fangs, beautiful pink eyes, and adorable bat ears.

Gorge's eyes widened as he saw Flare Brimstone smile and trot tirelessly in place like a giddy school filly.

"N-no... no, no, no," he repeated. "Please don't say it."

"Adventure time!!!" she cried out, sending Gorge spawling across his floor.

He sighed, rubbing his face. "Adventure time... but to where?"

Flare Brimstone showed him the map. "Here!" she exclaimed. "I've only been there once as a filly, but I'm returning there for something special, and I need my first mate along for the ride."

Gorge lazily stood up, slouching like a depressed bugbear, and studied the map Flare painfully shoved in his face.

"The Holy Kingdom of Era Dreg?" he asked, his mouth muffled against the map. "What's so special that you had to bother me for?"

"You're my first mate; my chief officer aboard the ship?" she announced, booping his muzzle. "Silly. I need to know if the vessel needs repairs, the equipment well-stocked and in good condition, and status on the crew."

Gorge groaned, smoothing his sensitive muzzle. "Maintenance and repairs on the ship were conducted last week. I took the liberty of restocking new equipment and made sure each one was up to snuff, and I routinely checked up on every crew member aboard the ship every month, which was yesterday."

Flare Brimstone almost fainted, she couldn't believe to hear that Gorge doing his job to near perfection. He didn't appreciate her bodily quips, nonetheless, Gorge cracked a small grin.

He got up and sauntered over to a table next to the window. He picked up a clipboard and presented it to Flare Brimstone.

"This is last month's reports and records," he said, holding up the clipboard in front of Flare's face. "It details what I had already told you in length. Skim through it."

Flare Brimstone examined the clipboard. Everything checks out wonderfully.

"Also, any cargo from the ship has been unloaded. It's at the bottom of the report. If we head out to sea soon, there will be no extra weight to worry or concern us," he added.

Despite presenting and behaving like a lazy bum, he had drive... with what little he chose to disclose. That's just how Gorge was, but when the job had to get done, he was the pony to get it done... while complaining the whole way. You just had to see it to believe it.

Flare looked at him with a sly expression. "I may have to change my opinion of you, Gorgy," she snickered, but her tasteless quip only received a light smack on the head with the clipboard.

"We aren't foals anymore, Flare. Don't call me that," he snipped. "Now... I'll round up the poor saps while you fetch Star Flow."

Flare Brimstone rubbed her head. "Where would he be? He's not in the shipyard."

"I know you live in Ponyville now, but you should know where your other childhood friend would be," he said. "Where he heard stories that made him become a navigator perhaps? Does Tarley's ring a bell?"

"Oh, right," she uttered. "Be sure to get ready, Gorgy."

Flare Brimstone zoomed away, leaving Gorge eating dust. "It's"-he coughed-"just Gorge!!!"

Flare Brimstone rushed past ponies and arrived at the front of Tarely's Tavern, a welcoming and warm building. Flare proceeded through the doors to lay her eyes on the dark brown interior with tables seating four as far as she could see.

It was a wonder.

The stallions were drinking, the mares were dancing, and everypony was having a good time wherever an eye gazed. The smell of home-cooked meals filled Flare's nostrils, which was made evident since Tarely's Tavern is run by the mare herself and serves as her home.

No matter how enticing the establishment was, Flare Brimstone searched for her second mate, Star Flow. She heard his laughter coming from a table tucked away in a warm, dark corner of the establishment, where the loveable dork was edifying others about the skill of navigation; charting the stars, and leading everypony to and from their destination.

For a moment, Flare Brimstone stared at Star Flow's smooth face and gleaming blue eyes, watching the stallion passionately talk about his job. He was always good with directions and advising travelers and teaching navigation to any pony interested in the profession.

He always knew where to go, and his word on anything regarding the stars was more than truthful, it was dependable, even essential to some. He's a good stallion with a good heart.

She giggled to herself and called him over. Star Flow jumped up and immediately presented himself to Flare Brimstone with a sweet smile across his face.

"Adventure time, Captain?" he asks.

"Indeed, second mate Star Flow," she answered. "Gorge is getting everypony else, but I need my navigator when I'm out on the sea. Would you oblige?"

Star Flow's eyes beamed with brilliance. "Always, Flare! When are we departing?"

"Very soon. Let's get going."

The two friends head out to the shipyard where the whole crew was waiting. Gorge was already on the vessel, double-checking everything before they set out. Flare chuckled to herself.

The adventurous bat waves her hoof to catch the stallion's attention."Gorge! Lower the plank, would ya?!"

Sighing, Gorge lowered the plank and allowed the crew to enter the ship, the last onboard were the bat pony and the avid navigator. He directed everypony to their stations. Flare and Star Flow, who had his navigation tools already supplied, went to the ship's stern. Gorge joined them.

"All ships have been safely removed for our departure. We're ready to disembark, Captain," Gorge said, yawning. "Oh... I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today."

Flare rolled her eyes. "If you took any longer getting to the door, I would've knocked it down."

Gorge rubbed the back of his head, looking out to the distant blue. "Well," he started with a stretch, "at least you're showing some self-restraint."

Star Flow chuckled. "I got my navigation skills primed and at the ready, Captain!"

"Good," Flare replied, handing Star Flow her map. "Use this map to guide my steering hooves."

"Wow, it's pretty darn detailed," he said. "I'll get you there, Captain!"

Flare nodded. "Gorge, sound it off!"

Gorge bobbed his head. He licked his hoof, to his dismay, and felt the wind blow forward in a strong breeze. It was time. "Cast the lines, pull the fenders, raise the anchor, lower the sails! The wind is giving us a head start, and I'll be a flying feather if we miss this chance!"

The crew did their best to follow Gorge's orders to a near-perfect degree. The lines were cast, the heavy anchor rested at the undercarriage of the ship, and the sail opens with a magnificent woosh, revealing a black sail fastened to a strong mast.

With that, they were off, bracing the ocean's eerie waters to their destination: The Holy Kingdom.

The waters were calm for once; Flare and her crew were granted a reprieve from the ocean's usual churning fury. The air was salty and the sun followed them every beat of the way, but it was welcome company.

Before she knew it, Flare Brimstone sailed under the darkness of night. It was so quiet with the faint voices of the crew talking amongst one another at the bow of the ship. They were singing, dancing, and laughing wholeheartedly.

Flare looked to her left and saw Star Flow examining the map and gazing at the stars above to be certain they were heading in the right direction. It was cute seeing him so engrossed in his profession. Although he could steer the helm as it pertains to a part of his profession, Star Flow passes that job to Flare Brimstone.

The mare peered to her right and witnessed Gorge staring out in the ocean. His black mane flowed through the soft breeze, his eyes gazed at the shimmering reflections mirroring the night sky.

He didn't yawn or grumble, nor did he sleep. Gorge was fully awake. He looked fascinated by the shimmering lights, or maybe, she thought, that it annoyed Gorge. It was too beautiful to nap. She wouldn't put it past him, giggling under her breath.

The night trailed on, and the entire crew did get to rest during the voyage. Time flowed fast and when the dawn of light graced Flare Brimstone's face, a whole two days have passed her by.

Then, a voice called out to Flare from the crow's nest to draw her gaze to land just a few hours away. It was The Holy Kingdom of King Era Dreg. As they near the shore, Gorge draws the attention of the crew.

"Raise the sails and lower the anchor! We'll dock at the shore!" he said.

They've arrived at their destination. Gorge lowered the plank as Flare Brimstone dashed right past him, however, he yelled out her name just before Flare could set a hoof on the kingdom's earth.

He approaches the eager mare with a look of caution. "Promise me you'll be prudent; mind your manners and be wary."

Flare rolls her eyes. "You do this every time I leave the ship for treasure," she said, but Gorge's face frowned. "Come on, you know I'll be fine."

"I do this because you tend to get yourself injured," he stressed. "Aside from our last voyage, others had you with broken bones, deep cuts, and large bruises."

"Gorge, you know I'm fast, very strong, and durable, even if the situation gets dire, I always pull through. There's no need to be scared."

"That mindset of yours is the reason I fear for you. Now if you would just-"

"Listen?" she asked, cutting him off. "I am listening. I listen every time you needed an ear. Don't you trust me?"

Gorge rubbed his head. "I trust that you'll heed my warnings if there is danger. I just don't want to lose you, Flare."

Flare sighed. "Okay. Sorry I got a little out of line."

"It's fine. Do what you came here to do, but hurry up. I'd rather you not linger longer than you have to."

"Okay, mom. I'll be back," Flare said in a teasing tone, sticking her tongue out at her friend.

Flare Brimstone trotted in place, gathering speed before reeling her head back and dashing off in a magnificent blur.

Gorge rolled his eyes, grinning. "Show-off."

With no time to waste, Flare Brimstone blitzed through the Holy Kingdom's land towards King Era Dreg's castle. Other than the legends, The Holy Kingdom is home to avians, winged anthropomorphic birds, and ponies being very few and far between.

Although it would be nice to sit back and enjoy the kingdom for what it was, Flare Brimstone left no room to talk about the hallow land. She rushes through the citizens, leaps past the guards, dashing inside the castle, and bursting through the throne room with a vigor one would describe as uncanny and alien.

She announced herself to the old bird with a fervent shout that shook the throne room before charging herself at King Era Dreg and falling into his aged wings with a loveable squeal.

"Era Dreg," she shouted with glee. "Did you miss me?"

The King laughed loudly. "Of course, Flare Brimstone. I haven't seen you since you were a filly. How goes the adventuring?"

"It's going great so far, but I am here for such adventure," she said. "Think you could... give me access to the Celestial Lake? I had read about the legends surrounding it and I want to check it out for myself."

Being an old friend of the large bird, Flare Brimstone has been given access to the lake.

King Era Dreg told Flare Brimstone not to get her hopes up. After all, legends tend to not be true. However that may be, Flare Brimstone was determined to figure out if the legend is real or not, despite the King's disbelief.

The King gave her a little blue fruit. She asked what it was for and the King told her, "It is a tool to help you in your endeavor."

In The Holy Kingdom of King Era Dreg, there are certain types of fruit that hold magical properties. The blue fruit allows the consumer to temporarily breathe underwater and swim expertly like a seapony.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you been in that lake before," Flare Brimstone said, a smirk plastered on her face.

"I have spent many days diving in that lake to find nothing but disappointment. You do well to not waste your time."

"Whether or not the treasure exists, I'll be happy that I explored one of the oldest locations in history," she vehemently retorted.

King Era Dreg let out a hearty laugh, forgetting who he was speaking to. With a smile, he gave her the map that leads to the lake and prays that she finds the shard. Flare Brimstone bowed in gratitude and left The King's castle and followed the map to Celestial Lake.

After a few hours of trotting on the lush land, Flare Brimstone came across tall, oddly colored trees in a giant circle. A bright light overtook Flare's vision, revealing a beaten path with a sign saying, "Celestial Lake up ahead."

Flare Brimstone examined the trees.

"Blue bark and white leaves? Interesting," she whispered. The grass around the trees was a golden yellow. So far, the magic of Seraph rings true.

Giddy, Flare Brimstone dashed onto the path and made her way through the giant-sized trees, occasionally picking the leaves and peeling off small, damaged bark off the trees. She also took some of the grass and carefully set them into her brown and gray colored bag she always carried around.

Flare Brimstone finally got to the end of the path, gazing out to Celestial Lake. The lake itself was the clearest batch of water Flare Brimstone had ever seen in her life. It glistened under the shine of the bright sun.

The blue basin put her mind at ease. The lake was very large and spherical, untainted and purer than any other equestrian location.

The leaves surrounding the edges of the lake were golden with the wind blowing softly against the clear waters. Approaching the Celestial Lake, Flare Brimstone felt warm and calm.

"The magic from this lake has to be real," said Flare Brimstone as she set her pouch on the ground.

She looked through it and took out the little blue fruit given by the King. Flare Brimstone swallowed it and instantly felt a rush of magic flow through her body. She could now breathe underwater.

With no time to waste, Flare Brimstone leaped into the lake, diving deep into the depths.

Flare Brimstone journeyed deep into the lake, the dark depths surrounding her pony body until no light was shinning but her own.

She thought to herself, Celestial Lake is much deeper than I had ever expected. Even though I feel calm, I get a feeling looming over me, like something is watching.

Delving deep into the water, the depths of the lake looked massively deceiving from the surface; there was much more room from underneath. As creepy as the dark depths were, not a single soul lurked inside the lake.

Flare Brimstone continued her descent, letting herself go on for almost an hour in hushed sways.

Flare Brimstone's eyes reflected a small fraction of light, turning to her attention. She saw something twinkling on what finally seemed to be the bottom of the Celestial Lake. Without hesitation, Flare Brimstone swam towards the light.

Looming over the illustrious glow, the light gradually changed its form before Flare Brimstone's eyes. The glimmering light lost its luster and turned into a small obsidian shard with gray marks of an unknown sigil emblazoned on its surface.

Flare Brimstone silently squealed in excitement as she hurriedly snatched the obsidian shard and rushed back up to the surface. As the mare arose from the lake, the magic from the blue fruit expired. She jumped and landed on the ground soaking wet from mane to hoof, nonetheless ecstatic about finding the shard.

"Hah! I knew it! A piece from the Seraph! The legend was true!"

Reveling in her finding, Flare Brimstone suddenly felt a burst of a cold chill coming from behind. The wind howled as the light around Flare darkened. She turned around and saw the Celestial Lake's center churn. Flare Brimstone could see her breath.

She saw something taking shape in the center of Celestial Lake. It was a silver-like creature with shining white wings, a long white horn, and eyes glowing gold, hovering over the Celestial Lake's surface. Flare Brimstone could not believe her eyes. With a supernatural ethereal mysticism, Seraph had appeared before her.

Struck with awe, Flare Brimstone fell on her flank, enamored by the holy creature's divinity.

"Flare Brimstone," it announced with an echoing voice, "I did not expect for any creature to find what did not want to be found. Finicky object, it is, to not want to be found, but decided to be. You are different from the others."

The Seraph's voice was angelic as it reverberated throughout the area, shaking the heart of Flare Brimstone. Ensorcelled by Seraph's divine presence, she bowed in reverence.

"Seraph," Flare Brimstone uttered in a hushed whisper, "I'm afraid that I do not understand. What has happened?"

Seraph levitated the obsidian shard from the ground and placed it in front of Flare Brimstone's face.

"This small shard was part of my Obsidian Core, an object that used to contain my magic for eons, now spread across this land, blessing it with prosperity. It became useless to me, and thus I shattered it, but a single piece from the core sank deep into the Celestial Lake."

"Part of the legend isn't even true? About the strand of hair blessing the lake which blessed the land?"

"Legends tend to be exacerbated, little one."

"I understand... but why did the shard reveal itself to me?"

The majestic angel smiled. "Tidbits of my magic still flow through it and made itself invisible to those unworthy. It can only be seen by those with a heart of flame. It is no mistake that it showed itself to you, child."

"And you're just giving it to me?" Flare asked.

"Yes," the Seraph replied. "The shard is yours to do whatever you desire with it. The paltry magic that still dwells within can be harnessed, so perhaps you may find a way to access it. I must go."

"Wait" she cried. "The King, Era Dreg, has been searching for this for a long time. What do I say to him when I return?"

"Tell the Holy King you found nothing. You did not find the obsidian shard. It is only a legend. That is my only request. The King is a good avian, but he need not the knowledge. That is all. Farewell, child."

The Seraph coated itself in a white glow and dissipated into particles that sank in the Celestial Lake, leaving Flare Brimstone with a small shard from the obsidian core.

Respecting the entity's request, Flare Brimstone returned to the king and told him she found nothing, that he was right, and left the avian with a hug.

Flare Brimstone galloped back to her ship and greeted her crew. Gorge was relieved to see Flare back and Star Flow happily waved to his friend.

She boarded the ship and headed to the stern with her friends following close behind her.

"Find what you were looking for, Captain?" Gorge asked.

"Yeah," she said, showing them the obsidian shard. Gorge and Star Flow ogled at the sheen shard.

"So what are you going to do with it?" Star Flow asked. "Sell it?"

Flare Brimstone shook her head. "I'll present it to Princess Celestia in the coming days."

"Interesting," Gorge uttered from his lips. "Why not when we head back?"

"I want to run some tests first, so until then, I'll keep it a secret from Her Majesty. It could be of use for Equestria."

"Just don't blow yourself up," Gorge quipped. Flare playfully punched his side. "Hey, careful! You could've broken my bone!"

"Sorry, mom."

"Very funny. Let's return home."

Star Flow trotted in place. "I'll get us home!"

And with that, the crew sailed back to Duty Shoals. Will Flare Brimstone be able to unlock the magic that still slumbers within the obsidian shard?

Until the next adventure of Flare Brimstone.