• Published 7th Dec 2021
  • 670 Views, 12 Comments

Thera Victoria! - Joe Toon

The world of Equis connects to another Earth that survived a hundred years of the Great War.

  • ...

Prologue: The Deployment

League of Nations of Thera Conference Hall,
Island of Malta, Thera

"Are these reports to be believed?"

"Yes Minister General, they are. Our Benefactor from Toonworld confirmed that there is in fact a breach in the fabric of reality in this world, along with a substantial presence of the New World Order. As they mentioned, normally they wouldn't get us involved were it not for the traitors being there."

"What do we know of this world? Is it inhabited? Are they civilised?" Are there resources we could use? Systems of Governments? Technological development?"

"From what Lord Toolonie tells us, it is inhabited by Intelligent and Civilised Equines that mostly resembles several of our animals as well as mythological creatures such as Dragons, Griffins and what have you. "Their forms of governments are Monarchical Empires at best and Nomadic Tribes at worst. Only one of them is the world's leading superpower and their nation is on par with ours in terms of society and culture but technology wise, we overshadow them by at least a hundred years."

"Are they Hostile? Can we trust them?"

"The better question would be, can they trust you?"


"Lord Toolonie! I wasn't told you would be joining our Conference."

"Oh it's alright Riza, I had to give one more piece of advice before you lot make any more hasty decisions. And please, I told you to call me Joe. We're friends after all!"

"Ahem, Very well Joe, what was it you wanted to share?"

"These lot are far from Hostile. In fact, one can say they are probably the friendliest folks you'll ever encounter."

"Please tell me they aren't like the Xeno-loving Kaldivians! Those Fox-heads already tied an eighth in this room to a political marriage!"

"Oh don't worry. Interspecies relationships in there are rare and far between. The best description I would use for them are Xeno-tolerant so long as they are familiar with them. They are suspicious of outsiders to a degree of paranoia due to the abundance of bizarre wildlife and repeated attempts of conquests of would-be Tyrants. All you need to do is earn their trust, be in their good graces, and they will go the extra mile to provide their cooperation. Trust me, compared to all your Xeno allies in this galaxy (other than the Kaldivians) you will not find a more trustworthy ally."

"........ Very well. Thank you for your insight Administrator Jonathan Toolonie."

"It is my pleasure, Minister General Riza Truman. (Although, it's not the first time we've had this conversation.)"

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing! Good bye!"

"(Ahem) A vote is called; each nation representative call out "agree" or "disagree" to the decision to send a division of Volunteers to World Equis two!"

"The Allied Kingdoms of Britain agrees!"

"The French Empire agrees!"

"The Prussian Confederation agrees!"

"The Austro-Hungarian Empire agrees!"

"The Swedish Empire agrees!"

"The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth agrees!"

"The Spanish Empire agrees!"

"The Kingdom of Portugal agrees!"

"The Byzantine Empire agrees!"

"The Holy Vatican states agrees!"

"The Russian Empire agrees!"

"The Ethiopian-Arabian Empire agrees!"

"The Kingdom of Kongo agrees!"

"The Mali Empire agrees!"

"The Iroquois-Cherokee Confederate states agrees!"

"The Empire of Ming agrees!"

"The Nihon Empire agrees!"

"All votes unanimous. The Volunteers will be sent."

Inter-Universal Volunteer Army Headquarters,
Floating Fortress Valletta, Thera

"Riza, what your asking for is outrageous!"

"Paul, this is an urgent matter! The league are unanimous on this issue. We must send the Volunteers."

"MY VOLUNTEERS! MY MEN! Riza we are stretched thin as it is! It's bad enough that we are assisting our allies against the threat of the Kalderin Swarm and the Sim Purifiers, we still have the threat of the Mauradans raiding our planets as well as the twelve worlds we've sent our lads to guard our protectorates and hunt down the New World Order. Now you want me to open another front in another world?!"

"Commander Paul Thornwood Andrews, this is an assignment requested by our benefactor from Toonworld! Were it not for his contributions we would not be having this conversation. There is a breach in reality in another world which would most definitely affect us and the New World Order is most definitely involved! We have a duty to hunt down these traitors and see that they hang for their crimes and we have an obligation to assist our benefactor should we be in the good graces of his employer!"

"...... Very well, but I can't guarantee you an elite force or the numbers."

"That's fine. The world we're sending them off to will be relying on the locals to assist them anyway."

"Let me guess, another scheme to add another inter-dimensional ally to our roster?"

"An added bonus, but not quite. If they want their world to continue existing or to remain free from the influence of the New World Order, it would be in their best interest to cooperate with the League and the Volunteers."

"(Sigh) I'll organise a staff of officers for the mission. The most I can pull from the reserves are five hundred however."

"It will be enough. Thank you Paul. Oh, and one more thing; is the wanderer from the Mystic Isles still with us?"

"Yes, she is. She's been our guest for quite some time since she arrived from the world called Eorzea. Why?"

"Can you request her assistance for this matter? I know she will not turn down a request and we will need her expertise on the nature of this new world we will be venturing."

"I'll see what I can do."

Percival Estate, Northumbria,
Allied Kingdoms of Britain, Thera

"You doing well there Joshua?"

"(Horse Noises)"

"I know it's not much but, it's home."

"George! George! Come quick!"

"Matilda, what's wrong?"

"This came to you by the men from the IUVA. They said it was urgent!"

Sgt George Arthur Percival
Your nation and your world has called upon you to serve once more. Your mission involves the hunt for the Traitors of humanity who were responsible for the billions of deaths of the Great War. More of the details will be debriefed once you arrive in IUVA Headquarters.

God Speed, Sergeant.
General Paul Andrews, Commander of the IUVA.
Thera Victoria!

"I-I have been called for duty again."

"Oh no. George, please. What of our wedding? Your mental state! The Doctors diagnosed you for Shell shock, you can't go!"

"(Sigh) I have to Matilda. I..."

"No you don't! I've already lost a brother to the war, I don't want to lose you too!"

".......... I know darling. Little Wilbur's loss is still heavy on me too. But I have to answer the call. There's no way around it."

"(Sobbing) I don't want you to go George! I cannot bear another moment without you!"

"Neither do I, but I swear to you I will return. Besides, I'll have Joshua look out for me."

"....... Joshua (sniff), will you promise me to bring him home alive."


Town of Chenonceau, Tours,
French Empire, Thera

"Colonel Sabine Lafayette, this is for you from Headquarters!"

"Let me guess, another assignment?"

"I'm afraid so."

...... Ils ont trouvé les traites! "What's your name and rank?"

"Captain Aidan Woods, ma'am. I'm assigned as your second in command for this mission."

"I hope you're not planning to stay for sightseeing, Captain. We are leaving immediately! Katrina, faire mes valises!"

Royal Palace, Constantinople,
Byzantine Empire, Thera

"And that, your Royal Highnesses was how my Father, Immortal King Listhim d'Vhakk of the High Kingdom of Otharia, Second of his name, fought off the Knatza of the Reshian Cartel and rid the foul Syndicate from our systems!"

"(Clapping) I must say Prince Rakthim, I am impressed. Though it makes one wonder why a Vailon of Royal blood such as yourself is part of our humble Thera's Volunteers?"

"Please, call me by my rank, Emperor Michael. Major sounds a lot better than Prince. To answer your question, this Alien Cat as some of you would put it, simply wishes to avoid his Royal duties of Succession. When you are third in line for the throne with seven brothers and sisters, things get a lot messy. What better way to avoid the potential bloodbath then to join the Galaxy's most infamous Mercenary Corp?"

".... You do realise that joining the Volunteers is considered to be the most hazardous job in the Galaxy?"

"Hazardous? Pfft! I have a better chance surviving in the field than the courts of my own kin! In my time as part of the Volunteers, I have not encountered a conflict I couldn't handle!"

That's probably due to his father's influence.

"Still, I'll miss this Army. Less than a year left of service; oh how I wish I could be assigned one more mission before I'm dragged back to Otharia."

"Your Majesties, sorry to interrupt but a messenger from the IUVA has arrived for the Major."

"Let him in. It appears Providence has heard your wish, Major."

"Oh, I definitely hope so. ........ Ah, Guild Guards, read it out for me will you."

"(Ahem) Major Rakthim d'Vhakk,
The world of Thera has called upon you to serve once more. Your mission involves the hunt for the Traitors of humanity who were responsible for the billions of deaths of the Great War. More of the details will be debriefed once you arrive in IUVA Headquarters.

God Speed, Major.
General Paul Andrews, Commander of the IUVA."

"Yes!!! Oh Yes!!!! By the Shrouded Lord, Yes! Guild Guards, pack your things! We're off to one more adventure! Emperor Michael, it has been a pleasure in your courts."

"The pleasure is mine, Major. When you return, do tell us the details of your exploits. You know how my wife and children enjoy your tales."

Hiroshima Medical University,
Nihon Empire, Thera

"Excuse me, I am searching for Doctor Ilia Kirito."

"You mean "Doctor Fox?" This way."

".... Excuse me, Doctor Fox?"

"Yeah, we called her that because of her species. She's one of the Kaldivians."

".... Right."

"Doctor Fox, someone's here to see you."

"Send him in Kaito. ...... Sorry about that, these kids just couldn't resist my foxy charm. Sorry, poor humour. I am Doctor Ilia B'Eren Kirito, how may I help?"

"I am Sgt Percival, I'm part of the IUVA. I understand you are also a member, being a field medic?"

"Yes I am, why? Have I been called to duty?"

"Actually, we both have been called. Our mission is to hunt down a NWO cell in another universe. Your medical expertise as well as your knowledge of Sociology would be a boon to our mission."

"(Sigh) How long have you served the IUVA, Sergeant?"

"Four years, but I briefly served six months in the British Army in the last days of the Great War, and served a year in the war against the Starcatchers. Why?"

"I was one of the first to join the Volunteers. Served from the Battle of Verdun to the Siege of Sabak."

"Y-you were at Verdun?"

"My unit was sent to flank the Starcatchers but we ended up rescuing a demolished unit. That was how I got transferred to medical and has been a Doctor since. Were you there in Verdun?"

".... I lost the closest thing to a brother there. My unit was almost wiped out by those Stareaters."

"My condolences. (Sigh) I joined the Volunteers in hopes of immigrating to this planet. A chance to live in a world that runs on steam-powered technology, considered primitive by the rest of the Galaxy, yet somehow held the line against the horrors from beyond where most thought it is hopeless. It sounded too much like a science-fiction dream. Nowadays I wonder to myself why I'm even here. Don't get me wrong, I love the people here. It's just I feel as though I've lost something in all my years of service. Have you ever felt that way?"

"Several times Doctor. And each time I just try to think of my finance."

"Ah, haven't tied the knot yet? ...... Well then, no time to dilly-dally as it were. I have to inform my husband that I've been called. Ryoga doesn't like short notices, but I guess it can't be helped if it is urgent."

Church of Saint John, Valletta
Island of Malta, Thera

"Padre Romero Lorenzo?"

"Templar Yurulek, you old bird! It's been too long since the summit at Sargosa!"

"Ah yes, when we narrowly escaped the Kalderin Swarm. That was a good day to die!"

"Hah! Please, what brings you to our humble monastery?"

"Well, two reasons. First, is the Holy Order of Sabak's agreement to offer five hundred of our finest Templars as part of your reserves, and second was to pick you up. We have been summoned by the call to serve the Volunteers."

"Ah yes, I received my notice straight from the Vatican myself. Apparently, the world we are entering is inhabited by civilized creatures. The Pope thought it prudent to send me to minister the word of God in this strange new world."

"And you have reservations about it?"

"Not at all! It is my sacred duty to spread God's word to every corner of creation. However, I do have reservations of the church being too involved in this venture. We don't want a repeat of our early colonial age."

"Ah yes, your uncivilized ventures of your colonial history. To be fair, we Zangalds did far worse."

"Oh, right. Your schism with the Church of the Shrouded Faith."

"Yes, it was a gruesome affair. But no matter, it's just the many flaws of History. Much like your Great War."

"Ah, right. The War. ... Oh, would you look at the time. Will you be joining us for super? We are not expected til tomorrow morning, and we are just an airship away from Headquarters."

"It would be my honour, brother."

Slums of Jamestown, Eastern Colonial Territories of North America,

"Are you sure we will find Ms Willsing in here?"

"She's here alright. It's just the matter of finding her with her Endowment."

"What exactly is her Endowment?"

"Sorry lad, that's Classified and for SGI eyes only."

"Great, never thought I'd be withheld information by a small talking rabbit."

"Well, I'm glad you're taking this all too well. Normally, folks would want a piece of this tuft and go googly eyed with the urge to pet me. (Eyygh!)"

"I'll bear that in mind. So how do we find her among these slums?"

"Check for soup kitchens, Catholic Missions, Charity stores and orphanages. Just look for the most unnoticeable person in the room."

"How does one notice someone unnoticeable?"

"Have you experienced a perception filter before?"


"(Sigh) Great, guess I have to do all the work. Just follow my lead. Let's start with the soup kitchen."

"Let me stop you right there and save you the trouble, Master Sergeant Bunnings."


"You're a hard woman to reach Polaris. Or should I call you the Wanderer?"

"It's good to see you too Bunnings."

"I beg pardon, but who is this?"

"Oh right, the perception filter. Polaris, could you lower your hood? ...... Lt. Braun, meet Polaris Willsing of Gildaar."

"H-honoured to meet you, Fraulein!"

"Likewise. So, why did the Secret Global Intelligence send their finest Janitor to find me?"

"It's because I know your face and name and I was the only one available. I came here at the request from our friends in the IUVA. Apparently, they want you to join them in this new mission to another world; said you wouldn't refuse them."

"It's not that I wouldn't refuse them actually, I'd call it more an oath. How soon can we leave?"

"Now actually. We have an Airship waiting for us."


Inter-dimensional Gate site, Valletta,
Island of Malta, Thera. Several days later.

"George, is that you?"

"Rakthim! It's been a long time! How've you been you feline rascal?!"

"I've been doing purrrfectly well. Bwahaha! Sorry, I couldn't resist. How've you been doing fellow Blueblood? Tied the knot with the Mrs yet?"

"Ah, not yet I'm afraid."

"Are you serious? You've been together since what, more than a decade? Bah, sometimes I think you've got a more intimate relationship with your horse. Speaking of which, where is that trusty steed of yours?"

"With the others. ...... Oh, where are my manners, Rakthim this is..."

"Doctor B'Eren!! Or is it Kirito now? Last I heard you were married!"

"Lovely to see you again, your highness."

"Wait, you two know each other?"

"Of course, we've served three tours of duty together. The first time, she saved my Guild Guards from food poisoning."

"There was a reason why I specifically instructed you Vailons to avoid onions, leeks and chives. Those stuff are poisonous to cats!"

"That didn't stop you from eating chocolate when I dared you to."

"I-I..... It was that ONE time!! And you got me drunk!"

"Captain Woods?"

"Ah Polaris. Glad you could make it."

"Always willing to offer my help. Any details of this mission that I should know?"

"The debriefing will be about an hour from now so you'll know more of the details. I'm pretty sure you know our intended targets, correct?"

"Yes, I was told we'll be dealing with the New World Order. I'm more curious to know about this new world we will be entering."

"As far as I know, it's a universe we haven't been to yet."

"Very well, that's all I need to know."

"Is that young master George I see?"

"Padre Lorenzo! What are you doing here?"

"When God calls you to serve, one does not refuse lest he be a fool."

"Let me guess, missionary work?"

"Si, but also your humble chaplain.

"Well it's great to have with us Padre! We sure could use your well of wisdom."

"Hah, the wisdom is not from me but from God. I just hope he will provide us the wisdom to discern the right course of action in this new world."

"Doctor B'Eren."

"!!!.... Chulta Yurulek, I can't say I'm pleased to see the big holy birds are partaking this mission."

"We're only sending a claw-full of our templars to this mission. I'm more curious to know there aren't more of your Xeno-loving dogs joining us in this expedition."

"Hmph! They'll make their entrance once you lot put down your guns and send in the delegations."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, and quite frankly I'd rather you not have your templars present once we establish an embassy. I may be the expedition's chief medical but I am also the social advisor for the mission commander. I don't want a repeat of Sargosa. You lot were lucky the Kalderin Swarm showed up before talks in the Summit broke down."

"Ah yes, awfully convenient that your nation's monument of sin arrived at the summit when the negotiations were not in your favour."

"(Snarls) That was uncalled for!"

"...... You're right, it was. Forgive me for that disrespectful remark. You are after all our chief physician; mustn't upset the doctor who hold's our lives at the palm of their paws when we receive treatment."

"Captain Woods! And is that Dame Willsing with you?"

"Hello Prince Rakthim! It's been a while."

"Has it been a while? Too long if you ask me. And please, call me by rank. Titles are less flattering."

"Good to have you with us, Major. I thought you were retiring."

"Finishing service actually, Captain. But I'd rather serve the Volunteers for as long as I can than to return to politics."

"Sounds familiar."

"Well, being an ex-revolutionary, you would know that Dame Willsing. ..... Oh, by the stars! That was insensitive of me! My profound apologies!"

"It's fine, one has to come to terms with their mistakes after all. I made mine with the help I can provide."

"And we are all better for it! It will be an honour to have an Endowed from the Mystic Isles of Earth with us."

"All units, Stand to Attention! I am Colonel Sabine Lafayette, I am in charge of this expedition! As many of you know, after the New World Order escaped Thera, they scattered across hundreds of realities; corrupting them, influencing them, conquering them. We know reasons for this, to return to our sacred world of Thera with greater numbers and to finish what they've started, spreading their tyranny across reality!

"Recently, we have received reports from our benefactors from Toonworld that they found them in a distant world labeled World Equis 2 and they may be responsible for a giant breach on the skin of reality. We were informed that this universe is an Anchor World, and as many of you would know an Anchor World if tampered or destroyed will send ripples across the cosmos, destroying reality as we may know it.

"Reports also state that this world is a Class Five inhabited planet, meaning there is civilization there comparable to Thera a hundred years ago. The inhabitants are mostly quadrupedal resembling much of our wildlife, domesticated animals, and if the reports are to be believed; mythical creatures such as griffons, unicorns and dragons."

("So what else is new then?")

("Great, there be Dragons! Again.")

("I left Faerûn to avoid this nonsense! Now I have to deal with this again?")

("Magical Unicorn land? Pfft! This'll be easy.")

"Everyone silent! Our mission is simple; We are to enter World Equis 2 through the Inter-dimensional Gate and establish a base of operations. Next is to establish contact with the locals and open diplomatic ties with each other. Our primary objectives however are to Search and Destroy the New World Order Cells and shut the Breach closed. Should the indigenous governments interfere or have already been influenced by the traitors, we are to "Liberate" them.

"So as to not antagonise the locals and to make the message clear of our intentions, we will be entering with light equipment. Which means no air-support, no heavy armoury, no mechanised infantry, no Automatons and no heavy artillery. Our primary mode of transport will be on horseback and horse drawn carriages. We cannot impose ourselves as aggressors! Therefore this unit shall be formed formally as the 93rd Cavalry Expeditionary force.

"I need not remind all of you why you are here. You all volunteered for this duty for numerous reasons. A new life, a sense of duty, a higher cause, a life debt, or even unfinished business with our enemies. For those new to the service, you and your chosen family will be guaranteed citizenship within any of the nations of Thera of your choosing so long as you remain to your duties. These benefits remain should you die in service or complete your service for Thera. Desertion or Treason will terminate this agreement and your chosen family will be extradited back to their world of origin.

"Thera has offered her sacred ground to you, do not betray her. Stand together with your comrades. Watch out for one another, just as the good Lord watches over us. And by his will, we shall avenge the dead by the hands of the traitors and see them judged for their crimes against Mankind. So comrades, let us march on forward! For God! For Kin! For our World!
Thera Victoria!"


Toonworld Central
"Joe, did you inform the Volunteers the Information about Equis, properly?"

"Of course I did, Rocky. What kind of Administrator would I be if I sent them Blind?"

That's not what happened last time. Did you tell them about the locals?"


"Their governments?"


"Their magic?"

"Y..... Oh. Forgot about that."


"They're going to find out eventually. It's not like it's the first time they encountered a world full of magic before."

"(Sigh) Did you at least inform the Equestrians about them?"

"... I may have informed them in a roundabout way."

School of Friendship, Ponyville
Equestria, Equis

"Um Headmare Starlight, can I bother you for a second?"

"Sure, what is it Ocellus?"

"I've been reading this book called Predictions and Prophesies and I think you should have a look at this."

Author's Note:

G'day all.
As promised, the rewrite is here! 🎉

Sorry if anyone is put off to the dialogue form of storytelling instead of descriptive narrations. This was intentional to hide some of the descriptive details of Thera for later chapters. (Also I wanted to experiment if this form of storytelling works.)

As always, let me know what you guys think, give me your best (or worst) criticism, how do you think I should improve it, etc.