• Published 6th Dec 2021
  • 1,462 Views, 17 Comments

Ramirez, beat friendship! - aegishailstorm

Sgt. Foley orders Pvt. Ramirez to teach the main six common sense

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Ranger- I mean...Ramirez, lead the way!

Pvt. Ramirez grappled onto the first ledge, pulling himself up. An angry look in his eye, these ponies had said something which contradicted the orders of his commanding officer. And he wasn't about to let his fellow Ranger's down, or himself for that matter. He pressed on, not even breaking a sweat.

Far below, the main six struggled their way up the side of the mountian.

"Come on girls, we can do it, there's ponies up there waiting for us!" They groaned, the altitude, and the cold had begun to take it's toll on them.

"Huh, can't we...stop...for... a...moment?" Rarity asked, out of breath.

"No, we can't let him beat us!" Twilight called out, they continued on.

Half an hour later...

Ramirez was almost to the summit, meanwhile, the main six were only about 2/3rd's of the way up the mountains. To make matters worse for them, a blizzard had come in. Temporarily grounding Rainbow.

"How do we know Discord wasn't lying!?" Rainbow asked over the wind.

"We don't!" Shouted Twilight.

"Uh, help!" They looked over to find Fluttershy, clinging to the cliff face in terror.

"What are you doing? You can fly!" Shouted Applejack. She turned to grab her friends hoof, but to her surprise, she found a gloved hand grabbing her first, pulling her back over the cliff. She turned to see the frost covered form of Ramirez, staring them down.

"Quick thinking Ramirez, now, go rescue the others!" He turned and began to climb back up the face.

"But-how?" The rest of them watched as he disappeared into the snowstorm.

"Thank you..." Fluttershy whispered out, Ramirez was already out of earshot.

Ramirez pulled himself over the edge of the peak, scanning the summit for the wreckage, it didn't take long for him to find it, logged in between 2 boulders. He approached it, igniting a flare. Following along it's hull for a way in, he found soon found one. A half broken doorway. Using his hands, he pried it apart, and peered inside. It was dark, he stepped inside. He could hear rustling noises coming from around the corner, he crept farther into the dark interior, he could hear whimpering from one of the cabins. He raised his foot and kicked the ice crusted door in. Within, he found a group of ponies, huddled around a fire. At first, they didn't notice him, he snapped, and they turned to see him. They looked up at him with a mixture of wonder and terror. One of them spoke up.

"Hello,who are you?" The voice sounded femine in nature, Ramirez didn't answer back. He gestured to the doorway.

"You're... here to rescue us?" He nodded. They got up off the floor.

"Well then, lead the way!" He turned and began to walk through the door, Sgt. Foley stopped him.

"Ramirez, there could be more, keep looking!"

"Uh, who's that?" They asked.

"Sgt. Foley's the name, saving you's the game! Or rather, it's Ramirez who's playing, I'm just his commanding officer." They looked at him, confused.

"You ponies don't mind telling me if there's any other passengers on board?"

"No, just the 7 of us."

"Alright then, Ramirez, get them back down the mountain!" He motioned for them to follow him again, they left the airship's wreckage, stepping back out into the cold. On the far side of the summit, Ramirez could see Twilight and her friend, stumbling over the side. They spotted him as soon as they were over the edge. The look on their faces changed from one of triumph to one of confusion and disbelief.

"How did you get up here before us!?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well, that doesn't matter, he found the passengers...all of them, right?" Ramirez paused for a moment, and nodded.

"I see you've done what I asked you!" Discord appeared. And the 7 passengers disappeared.

"Don't worry, they're safe back at home's, now, for the next challenge!" He snapped again, and the snowy summit changed to a grassy field.

"What now?"

"Simple, beat Private Ramirez here at a race."

"What kind of race?" Asked Twilight.

"Just a race, anything goes, first one to... that tree over there wins!" He pointed off at the horizon, there stood a single lone, massive oak tree.

"Well, ok. Don't worry, I've got this!" Rainbow stepped forward, and trotted over to Ramirez, a smug look on her face, as soon as she stood next to Ramirez, Discord began counting down.

"On your mark's, get set, go!"

"Ramirez, ruin that pegasi's ego. Win!" Rainbow flew into the sky, high above Ramirez, meanwhile, he took of on foot, as fast as he could.

"Hah, do you really think you can beat me like tha-" Her voice trailed off when she saw that Ramirez was beginning to pick up speed, fast.

"Oh no you don't!" She flew faster in a vain attempt to surpass him. She watched as he slowly turned to a blur, shooting across the field at a speeds that for all intents and purpose's, shouldn't have been possible. Rainbow tried to keep up as best as she could. She watched helplessly as Ramirez stopped at the oak tree, fatigues smoking from the acceleration. She groaned in defeat and flew down to him.

"Hey, good race, you're uh...you're smold-" He gave his uniform a tug, and the embers stopped glowing. She noticed that he was panting.

"Out of breath already? I could go all day!" As soon as Ramirez heard that, his heavy breathing stopped. He turned, to see the rest of the six approaching them.

"How did you do that!?" Twilight demanded. Ramirez stood still.

"Sure is a quiet one, ain't he?" Applejack said. Discord reappeared.

"Alright, next, I'm not giving you any context for this one!" He snapped again. They appeared in the middle the changeling hive.

"Well, I must be going now!" He disappeared, leaving the 7 of them alone in the dark corridor.

"Ah ponyfeathers! How are we supposed to make it out of here?"

"L...umm-" Twilight looked over at Ramirez, who was staring blankly down the corridor. Without telling them, he took off down one.

"Well, I guess we're going that way!" They hurried off after him.

"Ramirez, find a way out of this place!" Foley shouted over the radio. He turned back to look at the other Ranger''s, still listening to the shenanigan's unfolding in Equestria.

"I'm hungry, who else is hungry?" They nodded. Foley swung his swivel chair around to face Cpl. Dunn.

"Dunn, hit up Burger Town! Usually I'd ask Ramirez... but he's off frocking with pastel colored horses! You know the drill!" Cpl. Dunn groaned, and headed out the door.

Back in Equestria, Ramirez continued his way down the hallway, M16 raised, a grin on his face. He came to wide open chamber. Inside was about a dozen bug looking creatures, in the center of the room, on a throe of sorts, sat a large one, when it caught sight of Ramirez, it snarled.

"Just who are you, and what are you doing in my hive!?"It called out, the smaller bug around it formed into a defensive circle.

"Ramirez, squash that bug!" He fried his M203 into the crowd of black horse bug things, just as Twilight and her friend's entered into the room.