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Dewdrops on the Grass

A lady in her 30s who likes to write. Like my works? Feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi account. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 20 )

Ho boy, this is going to be gruesomely fascinating.

Nice to see you here again, Dewdrops. Otterguy, I know OF you. Like the work so far.

This seems interesting.

“If we split up, that will make it easier for the monster to hunt us down,” Tempest retorted.

Exactly what I was thinking.

I see some ship tease between Flash and Twilight here.

That ending was horrifying.

Everyone are dead and only Sentry is alive... Something fishy here.

Man, as soon as Trixie was separated from them I had a horrible feeling she was going to die. Then not only was I right, it ended up being another graphic and violent death.

On the plus side I liked the moment between Flash and Twilight at the end.

Is anyone going to survive this?!

Wow, didn’t see that ending coming at all. Not sure I like it very much.

thank celestia Sunset wasn't here for this

Thank you Alden. Nice to write something else.
I was afraid that'd be the case when I saw you reading. Unfortunately this ending was planned from the start. There was supposed to be an epilogue that explained this better but we ran out of time. The TLDR is that Flash became a monster just like Adagio, only he feeds on betrayal. So his whole gig was to set things up and then betray at the last second.

Anygay, sorry friend. I know this one wasn't gonna hit you all that well.

This was a good little horror story. I guessed that ending and unfortunately I was right. Still it did give me some chills and had nice action.

Spike stared wide-eyed into the camera. “Help us! She’s killing us! She’s turned into some kind of–aaaaaaugh!” Blood splattered the screen as something stabbed Spike through the neck, cutting off his scream into a liquidy gurgle before the screen went black.

Not for the first time, Twilight fought back the urge to shed tears. She didn’t dare show that weakness right now, not in front of her squad.

oof, what a start! and seeing this in the context of the Twilight/Spike bond def makes this hurt more

“Triggering the umbilical,” called out Maud Pie, one of the combat specialists Twilight had brought along. With the possibility of hostile… somethings… aboard the station, Twilight wasn’t about to mess around with half measures, and Sergeant Pie was one of the toughest, strongest soldiers she knew.

hell yeah she was

Trixie seethed, her hand moving to finger her sidearm. “How dare you speak that way to me–”

“Trixie!” barked the final member of their crew, Captain Starlight Glimmer. “Get a grip. I told you not to start crap.”

foreshadowing? also, glad to see Trixie being Trixie

Splashes of crimson fluid also stained the deck and walls, sprayed in patterns similar to elegant firework displays.

ominous, and makes me think of Trixie again

“But she’ll need a proper medical facility to regrow that arm. It’s been shredded to pieces. She’s got numerous other lacerations from where the shrapnel penetrated her armor, including her right hamstring, which has been completely cut. She’ll be stumbling around.”

oof! though it's interesting to see this as an analogy to her pony version's broken horn

“Sweet Celestia…” Trixie cursed. “Eaten by what?”

interesting that they still curse by Celestia here. and ominous!

“HOLY CELESTIA!” Moon Dancer screamed, frozen in place.

yeah, uh, that would be my reaction, too!

“He’s gone, I’m sorry,” Flash said with a sad shake of his head. “He wasn’t the first one she’s… eaten. I keep hoping each victim is the last but…” He shook his head and flashed them a pained smile. “But hey, we’ve got a bunch of properly armed and armored soldiers here now. You can probably take her down.”

sadly, i am too genre savvy to trust the lone survivor on a space station attacked by shapeshifting monsters. "sus", as the kids say

“Yes, ma’am, Major ma’am.”

hehe, this does feel very FlashLight

Welcome, everyone, to the collab between DaOtterGuy and myself. As you can see, this is horror, which is not a genre I usually touch. In fact this is easily the goriest story I've ever written outside of Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake.

i don't normally read gory horror, but i've enjoyed that aspect so far! feels very appropriate for the story it's telling

A few important things to note: I followed U.S. Army/Air Force military ranks for this, and the claim that a cadet outranks an NCO is, in fact, 100% correct according to AR 600-20 Army Command Policy.

ah, nice, i was wondering about this point! and i can imagine that would be a very understandable sore spot for the NCO in question

We also threw in the idea that celestial terms are used as swears in this story. So for example, when they say Celestia, they're referring to the star in their home system. Luna would be their moon, and so on and so forth.

and the other thing i was wondering about! definitely fitting for members of a spacefaring civilization

“She got offered a deal and since she always craved power, she took it.” He took out a can of root beer from the mini fridge across the room. “Anyone want any?”

the juxtaposition of chilling backstory and root beers is fun! and yeah, that sounds like Adagio

Flash tossed the can to Trixie. She tapped the side of her helmet to open the dome, popped open the can with a snap using her shaking fingers and began guzzling down the sugar water.

Chekov's helmet opening mechanism? or Chekov's soda drinking? it's a mystery!

“Did you not write notes? Take pictures? The barest of readings?” Moon Dancer exclaimed. “A potential new form of sapient life and you didn’t take even the bare minimum of—”

i am def sharing Moon Dancer's reactions here

“I knew the station better than her. My late friend Zephyr Breeze had secret hideouts like this all over the station so he could skip out on work.” He rapped his knuckles on the locker closest to him. “Junk food, blankets, and old action movies on VHS.” He jerked a thumb towards the machine attached to the tele monitor. “Hooked up a VCR to stay off the station’s main electrical grid.”

ah, perfect! Zephyr Breeze also being the most useful in his death and laziness is very fitting, and i like it

Everyone turned to Maud who had been quiet through their conversation. “Yeah, she killed everyone. They were no match for her,” Flash answered as Maud clenched her fists.

oof, poor Maud! and it's interesting that there are two squad members with siblings lost to this thing, very cinematic

“Good, then we’re decided.” Twilight furrowed her brow. “Now, we just need to survive.”

this setup definitely feels very much like a puzzle video game! which i've noticed is pretty common in sci-fi action movies these days. excited to see where this goes

Her face flushed. “T-that is very kind of you, ma’am.” She rubbed her knuckles on her shoulder with a smug grin on her face. “Your praise is much appreciated to one as Exceptional and Glorious as myself.”

aww, love it when Trixie is flustered

“Sparkle,” Twilight interjected. “Major Sparkle or ma’am.”

yes, that's right!

Twilight returned an uneasy grin. “You’re right. I need to focus. Thanks, Flash.”


Lying dead in front of the stove was the corpse of Applejack. Her stomach was split open empty of its innards, pinned to the stoves by several long metal skewers. Hanging from her neck on a cord was the keycard.

well, that seems very deliberate and ominous!

“Wait, stop!” Trixie cried out.

my thoughts exactly

The pin Trixie pulled popped out easily causing her to fall back and skid along the floor. Flash’s stuck. He screamed in agony as the flames continued to lick at his arms, burning through the material of his suit. Veins popped out on his arms as the pin slid out bit by bit.

oof! though Flash's determination here adds another layer to my suspicion of him

“Twilight.” Flash tilted his head to one side. “You can just call me Twilight.”

character development!

“No, we don’t,” Starlight said, her voice heavy. “Come on, we need to move and fast. That map Sentry showed us didn’t tell us where Lieutenant Belle died, just that she died somewhere in these quarters.”

aww, poor Rarity Belle

Even through her mask, the stench of blood permeated Starlight’s nose. Mannequins in various poses were splayed out on the exercise equipment like garish lawn ornaments, propped up as if they were humans exercising. More mannequins laid in heaps around the game tables, so torn up they were more like the remnants of paper mache after a hurricane.

now that just seems deliberate!

She dropped the unidentifiable slippery object she’d pulled out and left that set of quarters, wishing she could take a long, thorough hot shower to wash all this disgusting mess away. Even through the suit, she swore she could feel the sickly, slimy texture coating her hand.

now that just seems ominous!

Tempest stepped forward and gently brushed Starlight’s shoulder. “You should step back, ma’am. Let me take the brunt, if it’s her.”

Starlight nodded. It was brutal, cold logic, but if that was the monster wandering around, Tempest was their slowest member.

oof, brutal, cold logic indeed

A shower of something sticky and chunky poured down on Starlight like the world’s most disgusting sudden rainstorm, along with fragments of rubber and other artificial materials that formed the skin of a water containment bladder.

all of this mysterious organic matter Starlight is being coated with really feels like it's leading somewhere!

Rarity Belle’s body was sitting there, laid out on what looked like a chaise lounge of all things, her hand on her hip, gazing at Starlight with what, if she’d been alive, might’ve been a sultry stare. But that was until you noticed the staples holding her eyelids open, the pieces of skin missing from her cheeks and jowls, and the way half her body had been flayed and the skin sewn up with pieces of jumpsuits and other clothing to form one of the most unappealing types of dresses anyone, alive or dead, had ever worn. A carving knife laid next to her feet at the end of the lounge, still stained with blood.

dang, you aren't holding back with these character theme-appropriate death dioramas!

Starlight cut off the recording, fighting off tears. “Sweet Celestia,” she breathed, staring at Rarity’s body.

yeah that would be my reaction too

Maud stopped, slowly pivoting around and stared at Moon Dancer with cold, almost dead eyes. “Stop.”

aww, poor Maud! augh, i just want to hug her

Adagio turned her head around to face up with Moon Dancer’s, then with a chuckle she pressed her lips against Moon Dancer’s with a kiss like a passionate lover, tongue and all.

“Holy…” Starlight whispered, feeling her stomach writhe at the sight. Then she had to open her helmet in a hurry, barely managing to slide it open in time to avoid vomiting inside it as Adagio switched from kissing to eating Moon Dancer’s lips and head from the mouth up.

Teeth and jaw bones crunched in Adagio’s maw like so many tortilla chips, swallowed greedily by the horrifying monster till she’d torn what was left of Moon Dancer’s head in half through sheer bite strength.

oooooof! yeah that is very unsettling

Adagio’s mocking laughter followed Tempest, Maud, and Starlight as the three raced down the corridor as fast as their feet could take them.

yeah i would run as fast as i could, too! really great stuff here. i am disturbed but in the fun way

Flash snorted while Twilight gave Trixie a small smile. “Yes, protecting Flash would be rather challenging with how annoying he is.”

“Hey!” Flash exclaimed. “I’m not… well, I mean…” Flash waved a hand weakly. “I’m sure I can’t be that bad.”

Both Twilight and Trixie answered his assertion with matching mischievous grins. Flash pouted, which only caused the girls to giggle. “Alright, time to focus, team,” Twilight said, “We go in on my signal.”

aww, this half of the group is having a much funner time than the other one!

“I’m alright!” Trixie said over the comms, her voice staticky, “but I don’t think I can get back to you guys with this rubble in the way.”

so sci-fi movie!

“She’ll be okay.” Flash placed a comforting hand on Twilight’s shoulder.

“What if she’s not?” Twilight asked quietly.

given sci-fi horror movie genre rules, Twilight a raison here

“It seems funny in retrospect that we broke up for that reason, because here I am, at the same station you ended up in.” She looked into his face searching for something. “I’m wondering if that was a mistake.”

He was silent for a moment in thought. “Do you want to fix it then?”

She stared at him for a moment longer, intent in look and heavy in her breathing. Finally, she leaned towards him. He leaned in towards her. Both met in the middle in a lip locked embrace. It was a slow, passionate moment filled with past memories of late night study sessions and heated moments under star filled skies.

ah, a classic moment!

She opened her eyes and felt… wrong. She brought her hands before her eyes and saw them slick with blood. A perfectly round hole was in the middle of both palms. She idly noted that she could see the tiles stained red with the blood flowing from the wound through the holes in her hands.

She looked up and came face to face with a long tendril sharpened to a point. It was slick with blood. Her blood.

Ah, Adagio had found her.

She was going to die.

oof! very Christ-like wounds tho

A message popped up on her screen.

She read it.

Then she screamed in rage.

The tendril plunged into her eye, and pierced her brain.

well now i am dying to know what that message said, but i guess not as much as Trixie was, oof!

Twilight ran briskly into the room. It was similar to the last with the only difference being the presence of a lanky woman with long pink hair covering her face seated in the chair behind the reception desk.

aww, lanky Fluttershy! and Trixie's death occurring during the time Flash and Twilight were separated is very interesting!

Behind them, bouncing from wall to wall and ceiling to floor like some kind of demented spider was Adagio. She cackled as she kept up the chase, always lagging behind, like she was luring them somewhere.

multiple Adagios? interesting

“Wow,” Starlight murmured as she beheld the end results. “That was easy.” She tapped a button on the ammunition counter of her shotgun, forcing it to load in more shells from the magazine. “Too easy. Pick up the pace, ladies!”

too easy indeed!

Adagio scooped the arm back off the floor and clawed the metal off of the hand, sticking Starlight’s finger in her mouth in a way that, in other circumstances, would’ve had Starlight blushing profusely. Then she bit down, the bones crunching between her teeth as she added, “Or don’t. It’s more fun that way.”

well that is certainly an interesting reaction by Starlight

Somewhere deep inside her, the little girl that had once been abandoned by her best friend for over a decade cried out in horror, clinging to her pillow as the monsters emerged from under the bed, ready to rend her to pieces.

oof, really adds weight to not only her impending death, but also her loss of Sunburst

Adagio’s claws stretched forward and took off Starlight’s arm, but Starlight found herself laughing giddily as even more blood flowed from her body. Her mind had all but shut down entirely now, her vision so grey and tunneled it was a wonder she’d remained conscious at all. “Hahaha, I hope you… hope you choke on it…” Starlight tittered.

really enjoyed this entire sequence of Starlight persevering on as she loses limb and limb, and ending it with this line of defiance was great. agh, Starlight is great

Her muscles seized up as she moved her hand across Pinkie’s face over and over, each time her mouth twisting further and further into a frown, her eyes turning misty. “...I’m sorry…” she whispered. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you.”

agh, my heart!

Grinning to herself, she glanced over to her sister’s body, close enough that Maud could reach for her hand. “I’ll see you soon, Pinkie,” she said.

An unholy shriek and a flash of pain were the last thing Maud knew as Adagio buried both sets of claws deep into her brain.

my heart again! poor Maud, poor Pinkie. also, definitely didn't expect Tempest to be the last survivor of this trio. right in time for the finale

Both stopped just before him. Twilight took in the ravaged corpse, the massive hole in his head, the gouges across his body. She felt herself shake from the emotion trying to claw its way out of her.

a nice touch to have the first death we learned of be the last to be discovered. again, very cinema!

Racking her brain through explosive chemicals that her roommate Moon Dancer had once recited to her on a particularly stressful examination day, she scanned across the room using her zoom scope.

aww! really nice to think of Moon Dancer being able to help her friend from beyond the grave, in a way

“Go to Tartarus,” Tempest calmly replied.

Then the world exploded in a fiery blaze.

hell yeah


oof! i mean, it almost felt like the story had to end this way, as otherwise it would be too on-the-nose as a "straight couple formed during the story are the only survivors" ending. since Adagio was mentioned to have accepted a deal for an unknown end, i am reading this as Flash having accepted a deal himself, in order to get revenge on Twilight for "breaking his heart", which is definitely a layer that i appreciate! something about the dark side of shipping and romance

this was a very enjoyable sci-fi horror action movie thing, featuring all of my favorite characters from MLP with all my favorite character dynamics between them; what's not to love! i really enjoyed this, and as someone who normally does not enjoy action or gore sequences, i think that says a lot about how well those sequences were executed here. they had just the right amount of tension and irony and fun, as well as horrifyingness. and the ensemble cast was going to be hard to juggle in the short timeframe you had, but i think you did an excellent job establishing and paying off each of their characters and deaths given those constraints, and i enjoyed each of their last stands or surprise deaths a lot.

and i never got to see what Trixie heard that enraged her so! augh, i need to know!

thank you both so much for writing this, i just had a lot of fun reading it!

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