• Published 9th Dec 2021
  • 1,783 Views, 26 Comments

To Be Cared For - Nido_King

Silverstream LOVES to volunteer at the Ponyville Daycare, but new and strange feelings leave her questioning about her own childhood. What happens when the Caregiver is the one wanting to be cared for?

  • ...

First Time Foal

“Now, my little Hippogriff, where would you like to begin?”

Where to begin indeed, as Silverstream gazed around in awe at the veritable foalish paradise she was now standing in. Velvet Song had certainly gone all out in making sure her clients were not bereft of options when it came to these sessions. As her eyes settled onto the changing table, she finally knew where she wanted to begin, wordlessly pointing at the table.

“Good choice!” Velvet Song replied with a warm smile on her face. Taking Silverstream's hand in her hoof, she gently lead her newest client over to the table. Upon reaching it, she patted the top with a hoof. “Climb on up for me and we can get started.”

Silverstream's heart hammered away in her chest, both from nervousness and steadily building excitement as she pulled herself up onto the cushioned table and laid onto her back. A slight giggle escaped her lips upon noticing that there were numerous star stickers plastered over the ceiling above her.

“Excited, aren't we?” Velvet remarked as she briefly turned to face the shelves of diapers. “Now, what kind would you like to wear today, dear? Disposable or cloth?”

Silverstream hummed in thought, her mind drifting back to the photos of her when she was younger. She recalled that Terramar had worn cloth diapers when he was a baby, and she remembered seeing her much younger self wearing much the same. “Cloth, please.”

“Good choice,” Velvet replied as she used her magic to retrieve some cloth diapers from a higher shelf. Majority of her clients preferred disposable brands, but she still kept a few different styles of cloth brands for just such an occasion. After retrieving all the supplies she needed, Velvet Song turned her attention back onto Silverstream. “Feel free to suck your thumb if it helps, dear. I certainly won't mind.”

Taking the advice, Silverstream popped her thumb into her mouth. Instantaneously her concerns seem to diminish greatly as she felt a calmness come over her. Funny how such a small thing could have such a big effect, she thought.

“Such a good little one. Now, roll over onto your side for a moment.”

Doing as she was asked, Silverstream rolled over onto her side to allow Velvet Song to unfold the cloth diaper she had selected, one in a shade of sea foam green, and set it onto the table. When she was allowed to roll back onto her back, the first thing Silverstream noticed was the pleasant feeling of the soft padding as it cushioned her bottom.

With that done, Velvet Song floated up a bottle of foal powder for Silverstream to see. “I will let you know now that you don't have to use your diaper if you don't want to. If at any point you want me to remove it, simply ask and I will do so right away. This is just so you smell nice, understand?”

Silverstream nodded in response, still sucking away at her thumb.

“You're being such a good baby for me, dear,” Velvet cooed as she turned the bottle of powder up and began to sprinkle it all over Silverstream's lower half, the pleasing scent of lavender wafting through the air and tickling Silverstream's nose a little. Once that was done, she grabbed the front of the diaper and pulled it up until the top was aligned with Silverstream's waist. Holding it in place with a hoof, she reached over with her other hoof and pulled up the right fastening tab until it was securely fastened onto the front of Silverstream's diaper, quickly following it with the left tab. After a quick check to make sure the fit wasn't too tight she lightly patted the front of diaper, causing a small puff of powder to escape through the leg holes. “There, all done! You were such a good baby during your change that I think you deserve a reward!”

Before Silverstream could react, Velvet Song leaned down and pressed her lips against Silverstream's exposed belly before blowing a loud raspberry that caused Silverstream to erupt into laughter as she wiggled atop the table.

Picking up the still giggling Hippogriff in her hooves, Velvet Song gently set her down back into her feet. Once Silverstream stopped laughing, Velvet gently asked, “How do you feel now, dear? Do you like your new diaper?”

Glancing over her shoulder, Silverstream briefly stared at the diaper she was now wearing, the first one she had worn since being toilet trained as a child. Wiggling her padded rump a little, the first thing she noticed was how... comfortable it felt. Like wearing a soft pillow, one fluffy enough to push her back legs apart ever so slightly. After a moment, Silverstream replied, “I feel... comfy. I... I like it.”

“Wonderful,” Velvet replied, patting Silverstream on the shoulder. “I have dresses and other outfits in the closet if you want to play a little more dress up. What do you say?”

Once more Silverstream's mind drifted back to the photos of her childhood. The photos she had seen often showed her running around in just a diaper, and while the idea of getting all dressed up certainly sounded tempting, Silverstream decided the diaper was more than enough for now. “No, I'm good for right now, miss...” Silverstream paused, long enough for Velvet Song to notice.

“Is something wrong?” Velvet asked, having an idea of what Silverstream might be thinking about.

“No, it's just... what do I call you? 'Miss Song' just doesn't sound right...”

Velvet's smile widened slightly. “You can call me whatever you like, honey, but I've found that many of my clients like to call me 'Nana' or 'Auntie' while we're in here. How does either of those sound to you?”

After thinking it over, Silverstream nodded, a small blush spreading across her cheeks as she replied, “Ok... 'Nana'.”

Velvet cooed at just how adorable Silverstream looked. “Now that you're all dressed, I think it's time for some playtime.” Giving Silverstream a light nudge with her hoof, she stepped back to watch what the young Hippogriff would choose. Experience had shown her that letting her clients pick for themselves often allowed them to more easily slip into a younger frame of mind during these sessions.

Silverstream looked back and forth between the many options available to her, a feeling of giddiness bubbling up inside her at just the thought of getting to play just like the foals she looked after. After a few moments, her eyes settled upon the pile of plushies. A gleeful smile spread across her face as she practically pounced onto the pile, sending a few plushies flying as she dug through the seemingly limitless options of plush companions to choose from. Eventually she finally resurfaced with a large fluff filled plush shark in her arms, hugging it tightly against her body.

“Looks like you made a new friend!” Velvet Song said as Silverstream leapt back out of the plushie pile. “Do they have a name?”

“Blahaj!” Silverstream shouted as she continued to hug and snuggle the plush shark. With her usual bubbling enthusiasm, she immediately toddled over to the toy chest and began to rummage around inside. It wasn't long before she pulled out a most peculiar looking toy and plopped down onto her padded rump to examine it closer.

The toy in question seemed to be made almost entirely out of wood. The base of the toy was a single slab of polished wood and attached at the ends and sides of the base were three large coloured wires of red, green, and blue that had been twisted and bent in such a way so they could twist and turn across one another, but never actually be touching. Several wooden spheres painted in the same colours sat at the end of each wire, making it clear that the goal was to push them along the wires until they all reached the end.

Vaguely recalled that she had seen something very similar to this in a doctor's office once, Silverstream set it down in front of her and pushed the first sphere along the red wire, which had been bent to go up and down like a series of tall hills and deep valleys. Once the sphere had reached the end of the wire, she did the same with the other two, a satisfying clicking of wood reaching her ears as the spheres all clacked together.

The whole thing was very simple and juvenile... which was what made it so appealing to Silverstream. There was nothing to focus on or worry about remembering any rules, just pushing the spheres back and forth across the wires. She giggled as she moved onto the blue wire, which was shaped like a winding corkscrew that actually looped around some of the red wire. Around and around the wooden shapes moved along the corkscrewed wire they were to mimic one of Rainbow Dash's stunts. Once those had all reached the end, she moved on to the yellow wire, which had been bent into a trio of loops.

This time, as she moved the spheres around the loops, she unabashedly started making whooshing sounds with her mouth, now fully imagining in her mind that all these were actually pegasi and hippogriffs performing aerial acrobatics. However, as the last three spheres reached the end, Silverstream was far from done playing as she used both hands to reach for the red and blue spheres, seeing which ones could all make it the end the fastest, followed by even more whooshing sounds. Next it was red and yellow that were racing, then yellow and blue, and before the long the air was filled with the sounds of giggles, wooden clacks and clanks, and whooshing.

All the while, Velvet Song stood back and simply observed Silverstream as she slipped so effortlessly into a foalish mindset. Velvet was delighted that, despite her previous nervousness, Silverstream had so far had very little difficulty slipping into the role, which showed how strong these feelings had become after building up until now. It was even possible that Silverstream had been unknowingly suppressing this side of her for even longer that either her or Velvet realized, but all that was mostly conjecture at this point. Still, progress was progress, so she remained silent at she continued to observe from a safe distance.

As much fun as the odd toy was, eventually Silverstream began to get bored with it and decided to move on to another toy. Another few moments rummaging through the toy chest yielded a bin of coloured letter blocks and Silverstream happily dumped the blocks all over the floor. Holding Blahaj comfortably under one arm, Silverstream shifted onto her belly as she began arranging the blocks into a series of simple words, not caring one bit that her new position caused her padded behind to be on full display.

After a few moments, words began to form out the blocks, like “STAR”, “BIRD”, “BEAR”, and “CUTE”. Sticking her tongue idly out the side of mouth, she moved onto more difficult words like “WAVES”, “PONIES”, and “DRAGONS”. Unfortunately, it felt like barely any time at all before Silverstream found herself becoming bored with the blocks, forgoing spelling anything out and simply stacking them up as high as she could.

Once she had run out of blocks to stack, a devilish smile spread across her face as she leapt up and shouted, “Shark attack!”, swinging Blahaj like a club as she sent the blocks scattering across the floor and sending Silverstream into another laughing fit that caused her to drop back down onto her diapered behind. However, her laughter abruptly stopped as a sudden urge came over her, causing her to glance down at her diaper.

She had to pee.

All that tea had finally reached her bladder, and now Silverstream found herself at an impasse. She could just go into her diaper, that's what it was for after all! And yet, actually using her diaper seemed like way too big a leap for her to take. Wearing was one thing, this was a whole other thing entirely! Velvet Song's words from before echoed in her mind, “You don't have to use your diaper if you don't want to. If at any point you want me to remove it, simply ask and I will do so right away...”

“Na... Nana?”

“Yes?” Velvet Song replied, instantly at Silverstream's side with a warm smile on her face. “What is it, dear?”

“Umm...” Silverstream blushed, tapping her talons together in embarrassment as she slowly said, “I... I need to use the bathroom...”

Velvet's smile didn't falter one bit. “Of course. Let me show you where the bathroom is.” Taking hold of Silverstream's hand, Velvet lead Silverstream out of the nursery and down the hall before stopping outside the bathroom. “Here we are,” As Velvet turned to look at Silverstream, she giggled at what she saw. “Will Blahaj be joining you in the bathroom today?”

“Huh?” Silverstream glanced down to find that she was still holding the plush shark under her arm, not realizing that she had taken it with her. “Oh, uhhh... no?” Holding out Blahaj, she let Velvet take it from her before Velvet quickly undid and removed the diaper off of her.

“Take your time, I'll be waiting right here to change you back into your diaper when your done if you want to.”

As Silverstream stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, Velvet Song patiently waited outside just like she had said. Glancing down at the plush shark she was holding, she whispered to it, “I think she's starting to get comfortable with these new feelings of hers rather nicely, don't you?”

Blahaj said nothing, but Velvet giggled to herself nonetheless.

Velvet wasn't waiting long before she heard the sound of the toilet flushing through the bathroom door, soon followed by the sound of the tap running for a brief moment before being turned off once more. Seconds later the door opened and Silverstream exited the bathroom, smiling when she saw that Velvet was still waiting for her. “All done!”

“And you remembered to wash up afterwards too! Oh, Nana is so proud of her adorable little Hippogriff!” Velvet remarked, ruffling the top of Silverstream's feathered head and causing the Hippogriff to blush from the praise. “Now, how about the three of us all head back to the nursery and continue play time, hmm?”

“A-Actually...” Silverstream stuttered, having worked up a little more courage while in the bathroom. “I was wonder if... if we could...”

“Hmm? No need to be shy, dear. Just tell Nana what you want and I'll do my best to make it happen. That's what I'm here for, after-all!”

Her blush growing ever redder, Silverstream leaned over and whispered something into Velvet Song's ear, the older mare listening intently and nodded her head after a moment.

“Yes, that sounds like a grand idea, dear!”

“Yay!” Silverstream cheered, clapping her hands together as Velvet Song handed Blahaj back to her, scooping the plush shark into her arms and hugging him tightly as she followed behind Velvet Song back into the nursery, a giddy skip in her step now. This was going to be so much fun!