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Zatoichi Vokunkiin

Just an observer from the shadows.

Comments ( 120 )

They had it coming, those xenophobic/racist bitches! :twilightangry2:

And Go Aku, Go!!!! I was kinda hoping that he could be a mixed between a Anti-Hero and Anti-Villain.


Not really. They did screwed him over many times. It was alright to turn the favor a hundred of a thousand times fold.

Beautiful and beautiful this beginning is Aku's behavior, such a beautiful combination of a villain for these bitches and a hero for other people, you showed to the princess that they are at the bottom of his trust for him, like their nation, full of racists and hypocrites who consider themselves great rulers and shit they do may theirs, but not the absolute ones they lost to Celestie who mourned after she banished Lune to the moon.
Sorry for anny misspellings English is my secondary langueg.

I noticed that rising of the shield hero reference there.
Very good job and bravo!

Just as everything finally disappeared, Aku went back to his former form and the sword disappeared back into the ground. Just in time for the royal guards to show up with the princesses and the main six in tow. “Where is Tirek…? Did you send him back to Tartaros? Twilight told us what happened/ Where is the ‘dark world’ she spoke of?” asked Celestia as she looked around, seeing no evidence of any kind of fight. Aku looked back at Twilight before turning his attention to Celestia and her sister “Tirek is dead. That’s all you need to know.”. Celestia’s eyes widen for a moment before she stomps her hoof in disapproval “I said to STOP him, Aku! Not to kill him!”

“Guards, restrain him, and toss him into the dungeon!” Luna barked. “The deal is off! And we will take you prisoner for what you have done…” Just as the guards start to move in on Aku. A sudden round of gunfire carves a line between Aku and the guard as one of the helicopters soars down and ten soldiers drop to the ground with guns drawn. “Back the fuck off before we unload into your asses!” the ranking officer shouted as the clicking of the guns filled the immediate area. Right as when the helicopter landed, Aku was hurried into the helicopter and the soldiers back away with their guns still trained on the guards until they were all inside and the bird took off in the direction of Kazoku. “We got the boss, let's head home.” the pilot said as he went full speed.

“Looks like you were right on the money, sir. They weren’t going to honor the deal like you thought they wouldn’t.”. Aku wasn’t really surprised. This only increased his distrust in this country. And it was going to take a lot more than a little bowing to ever get him to help again. However, he had a new plan. And it is all thanks to an idea he got from his new friend who rested in his pocket.

Wow, just wow! :ajbemused:

They CAN'T be f******* serious?! I mean, they DON'T have to deal with Tirek anymore, because he is literally permanently dead. And after everything, this is the f******** "thanks" Aku gets????!!!!!

They are NO BETTER than their evil and racist/xenophobic nobles/subjects. Just let them be at the mercy of another villain that almost wins, next time ( for example: Queen Chrysalis, or the Storm King. ).

And do you know what is the best karma against them? What if some surviving ponies from Tirek's rampage are actually GRATEFUL that Tirek was "permanently gone" ( killed ) in the first place.

And when they learn that their own idiotic princesses were trying to arrest the true hero that not only stop him, but also did the "deed" to permanently get rid of Tirek from ever attacking Pony kind, ever again?

I HOPE there is a F******* angry mob at their castle. And peach Aku as a true hero/leader. And will also denounce the princesses all together for FAILING to stop the villain, once again!!!!:pinkiecrazy:

Celestia’s eyes widen for a moment before she stomps her hoof in disapproval “I said to STOP him, Aku! Not to kill him!”

Yep, and as you were begging him for help, that was never going to be anything more than a suggestion for Aku to take under consideration. He considered it. He rejected it. Your precious student is alive. Your precious subjects are safe with their magic intact. Your precious kingdom is still yours. What's the problem?

“Guards, restrain him, and toss him into the dungeon!” Luna barked. “The deal is off! And we will take you prisoner for what you have done…”

Um...what? Not only is Aku not an Equestrian citizen, he's also a leader of his own nation. You can't order his imprisonment because he was only ever on Equestrian land as a favor to you. Calling the deal off doesn't allow you to do anything more than say 'get off our sovereign land and never return', and that was his intent anyway. Is this what amounts to Equestrian diplomacy?

This only increased his distrust in this country. And it was going to take a lot more than a little bowing to ever get him to help again.

...But this implies that there is a way they can get you to meet with them again. Just that it'll be harder. Why are you even considering this? Your nation is already one for refugees. Just ensure that includes Equestrian refugees so that anyone who'd rather throw in their lot with you than the diarchy once this gets out is free to do so. Let's see how long the Elements of Harmony, the Apple Family, and Discord remain Equestria's assets.

Amazing chapter with great detail, keep it up:pinkiehappy:

As Aku walked through the streets, he was approached by citizens who knew him personally and even stopped by a few shops on his way to the city hall. Even after all this time, with someone in as much power as him still remained humble and down to earth. Interacting with the creatures he had built this small nation with. And there was no way he was going to let it be taken or destroyed. He’d even give his very life if it was needed. Aku even came up to one of the street food vendors and spent some time talking to the owner. An older griffon who ran a mexican food grill. Formally a bandit seeking refuge from the far reaching claws of Equestria seeked assylum Kazoku. Thanks to the kindness of Aku and giving the griffon a second chance, he was able to find employment and sell his family’s long practiced cooking skills here, And make a killing off it as well.

I ALWAYS hate it when he say that. Look, I ain't selfish, it's just unnerved me when I keep reading and seeing that in many stories, movies, anime/manga, etc.

Aku and Shadow sat at the kitchen table as Aku pounded cup after cup of sake while explaining what had gone down at the city hall. It was clear to the mare that this decision weighed heavily upon not only her now commander and chief, but her closest friend she had ever made. She gazed upon Aku’s flushed face as he gave a small hiccup. “I understand how you must be feeling, Aku. It is going to be a big change from what you are used to. But, I want you to know that I will always be by your side and support you in all that you do. After all, I am one of those ponies that you have helped. And I owe you greatly for that. I would follow you into hell itself if it came to that.”.

Another thing that is typical and unnerving. It's not you, author.

I just seen these types of sayings many times in FIMfiction, Fanfiction, and Wattpad. And it makes me want to cringe a lot.

After taking his sweet time eating his food on the way to city hall, Aku finally gets there and heads inside while waving to everyone on the way up to the conference room. He pushes open the double doors and stands at the opposite end of the large table with Ironheart and the other council creatures at his left and right. Aku wasted no time as he placed his hands upon the table and leaned forward with a sigh. “Negotiations didn’t quite go as planned I am afraid everyone. While half of Equestria’s leaders were quite pleased to make alliances and trade pacts with us, I am afraid that the other half, including the royal sisters, were rather displeased with me showing up there.”.

Aku lifted his head up before speaking further “I also against my better judgment, did them a large favor in defeating Tirek for them only to turn around and try and throw me in prison simply because I didn’t stop him the way they wanted me to. He would have found some way to come back anyway if I hadn’t done it the way I did anyway. Thankfully a part of my team was able to come in and extract me quickly without me having to hurt anyone else. I told you those helicopters were a good idea.”. After Aku finished his report, the council spoke amongst themselves in a hushed tone before Ironheart stood up and walked over to Aku with a serious look on his face. Nothing was said between them for a moment before a smile formed on Ironheart’s muzzle and he gave Aku a good slap on the shoulder.

“HA! That actually turned out better than we had originally thought, kiddo! You did good!” he said before he returned to the other side of the table. Aku, standing there visibly confused as to what his leader said about him doing good, was trying to think of what would warrant praise for failing a mission. “I..don’t understand, Iron. Sure I got some support, but not all of it.”. Ironheart took a seat at his chair again before chuckling “Don’t you get it Aku? We sent you there to test your diplomatic skills and you surpassed all our expectations. The fact that you got ANY support from Equestria leaders is amazing. From what you have told us, it seems there are those who are getting rather tired of the royal sisters and their bullshit. This is good news all around.”.

Ironheart’s smile became a toothy grin and his eyes narrowed “And the fact that you took down Tirek and they STILL turned on you. You don’t understand what kind of chain reaction that will set off. That news will spread like wildfire all throughout Equestria and the ponies who love their princesses so much will have a change of heart. “The Magic Eater and the Oni General of Kozaku destroyed Tirek.” they will say. And the citizens of Equestria will no longer fear you, but sing and speak of your deed for many, many years to come. Though, I suppose that your new title will now be ‘The Oni King’ from this day forward.”.

Like I said. Many ponies will be actually grateful, and praise him like they should. And I bet MANY ponies will don't like their stupid princesses for trying to arrest the real hero here.

I mean, Tirek has done tons of damage. And I highly doubt that many ponies will either forgive or even spare the evil centaur.

Comment posted by OP Omni God-Emperor Doom deleted Feb 12th, 2022

Princess Luna stood on one of the throne room balconies as she looked over the land below. Aku weighed heavily on her mind after he had been saved by his soldiers from being taken prisoner. The fact that he escaped so easily made her angry beyond belief. As she continued to look out, a thestral guard approached her and kneeled down “Your highness, i bring news of the nation of Kazoku. One of our spies has reported that the one known as Aku is going to be ascending to the status of ruler of the new nation. And..I bring more troubling news. It would seem that many of our own citizens had learned that Aku was the one who destroyed Tirek. And that..you and princess Celestia turned on him when the deed was done. Protests and ponies leaving their homes in support of Aku have already begun against the both of you…”


Luna slowly squeezed her hands into fists as she began to curse Aku from the bottom of her heart. She still hadn’t forgotten the fact that Aku made both her and her sister bow before him, even if it was just in the dream realm. Now that he was becoming a ruler and her subjects were either leaving Equestria or protesting in favor of him angered her even further. “Oh? He is planning on becoming a ruler is he? I am going to see to it myself that that never happens..I am leaving for Kazoku. Not a word of this to my sister. Is that understood?” she ordered. “Y-yes your highness..” the guard said as he could feel the anger swelling up inside Luna as she made ehr way to the royal armory.

:facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof:

“Wow..you look really handsome in that, Aku. It really suits you.” she said as she looked him up and down. He truly did look like one of the rulers of which he had told her about in his world. “The ceremony is prepared and everyone has gathered. We are just waiting on our great Oni King to come and take his rightful place.”. Aku took a deep breath and gave a firm nod “I may have accepted this position. But I am so fucking nervous right now..”. Shadow could see it on his face. She made her way to him and took both of his hands into hers “Listen to me, Aku. You have all of the military, citizens, and especially me wanting this for you. Even if one day, everyone should turn against you, I won’t ever do so. I promise.

I highly doubt that they will ever do that to you.

I really HOPE not!

As he made his way up the steps and stood under the tori gate, he turned to face the massive crowd before him as they all stood back up. Aku cleared his throat and closed his eyes for a moment. He took in the quiet scenery before speaking as loud as he could. “To all who belong to this nation. I am deeply honored that you have decided to make me your acting ruler. I honestly had serious doubts in myself about taking this position. But, I was reminded over and over that I was perfect for the role. As your new ruler, I will do anything and everything I have to to make sure all who call this nation home are happy, healthy, and live prosperous. Everyone who ventures here for a new life deserves a second chance. And that policy will never ever change. And I will even give my own life to make sure that we all stay happy forever.”.

Um. Hope that particular situation WOULDN'T call for it. :ajbemused:

Just then, Aku could sense something was off, a sick feeling in his stomach crept up on him before he looked up to see a rather large dark blue beam of magic heading directly his way. He pushed Ironheart back forcefully and leapt into the air as high as he could before letting out a loud battle cry as he thrusted his left hand forward and intercepted the beam. The collision causing a large shockwave to disperse and knock everyone down and onto one another. Thankfully, Aku swallowed up most of the magic so the damage minimal. After landing on the ground, he looks up to see Princess Luna clad in black and dark blue armor with a scythe in one hand, and her other extended out.

“So, here you are. Taking the place of a ruler in our world. I will not stand for this. Do you understand..? You have upset the natural order of things and I will NOT stand for it you bastard!”. Aku looked around at everyone to make sure they were okay. What he saw however were his people injured. Some had some broken bones, others had cuts and bruises. The civilian damage seemed to varey. The last straw was the fact that children were also involved in the blast. Aku feel silent for a moment before burying his face into his hands. He started grunting quietly at first, bearing his teeth as the grunting turned to growling as the dark purple aura started flickering around him.

The pipe fox could sense what was about to happen. They knew that this presence was that of the oni. And they flew out of Aku pocket and took their full form before trying to calm Aku down “W-Wait! Calm down! I know this is bad, but you have to-!” she was then interrupted by Aku letting out a roar of rage and anguish as the dark aura became a fiery pillar “I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE ANYTHING OR ANYONE ELSE FROM ME AGAAAAIIN!!” he screamed as he took his oni form once again and slammed his hand into the ground to pull out his saw sword. The blades and teeth revved up as he squeezed the hilt tightly. He lowers himself down, the ground cracking below him before he jumps and soars up toward Luna. Not caring if everyone sees him mutilate her. His hearts was now bent on revenge and murder.

Directing to Luna:


I hope you are f******* crippled for life, or even die! You Nightmare Moon BITCH!!!!!!!!!

I really hope that NOBODY ( Like that fox, Tempest Shadow, or anypony else ) interrupts him for giving that xenophobic moon bitch a massive beatdown. Because, I really hate that stupid "Don't do this" or "Don't kill her" mindset. Screw that! She attacked civilians and children! ( Just like how it happened in your other stories. )

What Luna ( Or better yet, Nightmare Moon! ) did is equivalent of declaring War against them! So, she had it coming ( Along with Equestria itself if they try to retaliate. ).

At least make it so that the Mane Six, Spike, Discord, Cadence/Shining Armor, and even Celestia be absolutely LIVID at Luna herself for this. I mean, she is NO BETTER than her "Nightmare Moon" alter ego.

Damn it! The next chapter hopefully comes soon I need to see what happens! This bitch stupid!

You know? IF any other non-pony nation hears about this? Like the Griffons, Dragons, Yaks, Zebras, Buffalos, Minotaurs, Diamond Dogs, Saddle Arabia horses/ponies, Abyssinian Cats, Birds, even the Hippogliffs or Kirins ( If they do show up? ).

While the Changelings are still bad and out of the question. Or god forbid, the Caribou!

Any other nation/kingdom WON'T make alliance's or trade with Equestria for a long ass time. Because of their dumb xenophobic views, and their mistreatment of Aku himself.

And they also know NOT to f*** with his kingdom/nation.

Guess NO friendship school for you, Twilight.

P.S. I hope that Luna's/Nightmare Moon's injures are PERMANENT! Because, I don't want a healing spell to just fix her or anything.

She deserves what she has got. And it's her karmic punishment for her sins!

Plus, I hope that the Mane Six, Spike, Cadence, possibly Shining Armor, and Discord themselves won't be happy with Luna either for attacking Aku and his people like that.

Heck, one of them can cruelly compare her to her dark counterpart ( Nightmare Moon ) for what she did.

Oh no. Her injuries are permanent. After all, they don't have any spell that can send horns. And her wings are completely detached and eaten. No fixing those either.


Good. :pinkiecrazy:

And you mean fix horns, not "send" horns?

So, about the other non-pony races? What do they think about this?

Or the Mane Six, Spike, Discord, Cadence, Shining Armor?

While Luna is still best princess, awesome chapter my dude

Hot damn! That’s some good wrath theee! Long may the Oni reign!

Oh she is indeed the best princess no doubt. But, that is this is the way the story is being spun. x3

Great chapter!
A bit sad that Lunas crippled now but it was justified.

This is enjoyable so far Tis sad it’s only these few chapters and that the sisters decided this route but I also can’t deny I do enjoy when those two get a lesson in humility either via violence based or deep word/emotional based and I also love these stories that have the MC help and/or lead a new nation into being it’s always such a joy to read. Anyways I can’t wait to see more of this as it’s very enjoyable and I’m loving it! And while I don’t know Japanese folk lore with onis and all I can get the vage idea of it based on your descriptions and actions so good job there mate!

Whoa, someone took back one of their dislikes? That's a first for one of my stories. O:

Ooooooh, part 2 is out? My word what have I missed these last 2 months haha

IT LIVES!!!! Great chapter. Looking forward to reading the next one!

Oooo it took me a sec to remember what the fuck this story is but I remember and I’m glad to see a new chapter after the decently long wait, hope to see more very soon!

Fluttershy understood why he acted the way he did. But here and now, he was showing that side of himself that she had missed while he was living back in Ponyville, that sweet and loving side she had come to love about him. After a few more minutes, she looked up at him before saying “I…I have thought about this long and hard since the last time I saw you, Aku. The others don’t know about this. But I have come to a final decision on the offer you made to me last time. I want to come and live here in this nation. I want to experience what this nation has to offer and support you in any way I can…”. The room fell silent for what felt like an eternity. Did he hear her right? She wanted to leave Equestria…?


Yeeeeees embrace the doubt and leave thou obsessive Equestria defect twilight, do it.

Anyways good chapter sad to see it so short but also understandable with how quickly this was pumped out, hope to see a new and longer one soon!

All was quiet for a moment as he had passed the scrolls around to the council members. Once he and they had finished reading them. Aku stood up and walked over to one of the windows as he looked out at the city.”So, your leaders are demanding I send back every single pony from Equestria, refugee or not, so that they can be returned to their proper home and the refugees properly punished? And the fact they demand that we share our military skills and technologies? And the gaul they have of even asking for this last one…” he said before turning to face them again. “..For me to step down as the ruler of our nation? Al for the possibility of not having to worry about Equestria sending in forces to take over?”

I'm sorry...what?

As they made their way back to Equestria, both Aku’s and Fluttershy’s words rang in her mind. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, he was absolutely right in his response to the peace offering and the way he was running the nation.

Is she for real?

the peace offering

Peace offering? That was a 'surrender or be invaded' ultimatum. Who wrote that? Are you trying to tell me that Celestia sent the mane six to Aku bearing that bullshit after everything else she and Luna have done to him already? Who is this bitch wearing the face of Celestia? There's OOC and then there's this! And it's not something recent, it's just continuing to escalate. It was already a horribly misconstrued caricature.

If you're writing a princess!bash fic, say so in your story's description. You can't possibly expect us to take your Celestia or Luna seriously? This Celestia would not have kept Equestria safe for 1000 years on her own. Hell, this Celestia would not have kept Equestria whole for 1000 years on her own. She somehow thinks she's going to get her way with foreign powers regardless of terms, and she's far too heavy-handed besides. This kind of Celestia would have destroyed the Tree of Harmony in a tantrum when the Elements refused to work for her after Luna's banishment.

oh man, i can hardly wait for the next chapter :eeyup::pinkiehappy::yay::heart:

They both obviously have a god complex it’s only more pronounced with Luna because of the banishment while Celestias complex has had more time to mature and paired with ruling a Country of ponies who practically worship her, I can see her writing that up as a default as she’s used to always having the upper hand. Or she didn’t personally write it up and instead it was handed to another who wrote it like that.


You are correct. Not to mention, they think that Aku is a naive. While he is a new leader, he knows a bad deal when he sees one. Not to mention he has the help of his council looking out for him as well.

As I stated above, this isn't a princess bash fic persay. But, the princesses are so used to having others roll over for them. And so I am writing this fic out to show that things are certainly not going to go their way anymore. After all, they are part of the reason why Aku has become what he is now. He wants to show them that a nation can be ruled while also not putting himself above the people he rules. In the words of Ling from Full Metal Alchemist "A king's duty is to his people, without his people, he is no king at all. You are no true king."

May I ask where you got such an amazing idea for a character? Was it spur of the moment or was it on the back burner a long while?


Hmmm, kind of both I suppose? I had been wanting to find a character that was meant to walk the line between 'good and evil' while also maintaining the favor of his people. The idea was to create someone who wanted to prove that who thinks what is good and what is evil is a matter of perspective. You can be an absolute monster of a person, but at the same time, you genuinely care for your subject and want them both happy and healthy. While you may be a monster, they see you as something that is far from it. And that they want you to be in charge because you are doing what is necessary while keeping them happy. And that tends to upset certain rulers because they think they are the only true good in the world. But are being proven wrong.

As for the whole 'becoming an oni' and 'eating magic' things, those were the spur of the moment deal which have worked out better than I hope. I will admit., I did get the magic eating thing from Fairy Tail, but it wasn't meant to empower him further. It is simply another form of nourishment. While he cannot cast magic, he can cancel it out. You notice that he can't use the magic he eats doesn't boost his abilities or heal his wounds. But it certainly works in his favor if he is getting overpowered by his enemies. Even when it comes to yokai magic, he will never be able to cast onmyo magic. The mixture of both human and oni are preventing that.

Does this all make sense?

Yeah I get it. I just wanted to know the origins of one of my favorite fic characters


Edit: All done.

Peace offering? That was a 'surrender or be invaded' ultimatum. Who wrote that? Are you trying to tell me that Celestia sent the mane six to Aku bearing that bullshit after everything else she and Luna have done to him already? Who is this bitch wearing the face of Celestia? There's OOC and then there's this! And it's not something recent, it's just continuing to escalate. It was already a horribly misconstrued caricature.

If you're writing a princess!bash fic, say so in your story's description. You can't possibly expect us to take your Celestia or Luna seriously? This Celestia would not have kept Equestria safe for 1000 years on her own. Hell, this Celestia would not have kept Equestria whole for 1000 years on her own. She somehow thinks she's going to get her way with foreign powers regardless of terms, and she's far too heavy-handed besides. This kind of Celestia would have destroyed the Tree of Harmony in a tantrum when the Elements refused to work for her after Luna's banishment.

Gosh damn! Very good points, amazing character evaluation and showing the obvious faults of the two bitch princesses and their hypocrisy by thinking they are the 'good guys" in the end. And calling out the OOC-ness of all of this.

But, we already knew this ( since the very first part-one story of Aku's journey. ). Ever since they wrongfully fear his Anti-Magic/Magic Absorbing powers, being racist, xenophobic, and bias ( Because he is a "outsider/foreigner" to their eyes. )

False arresting him, made a kangaroo trial, and almost killed him?! Just because he saved their ungrateful asses from the Chrysalis/Changelings. Almost the same thing by permanently getting rid of Tirek.

And after what have Luna did earlier to his innocent subjects/friends, and now Celestia with this clearly fake "peace offering". I LOST full respect, and hope for this two "princesses" of being forgiven. Celestia is SO gonna get hers! ( Including the BAD ponies from Equestria ). ALL end up just like her pathetic young sister. :pinkiecrazy:

One more thing;

And the fact they demand that we share our military skills and technologies?

You got to be f****** kidding me! :facehoof:

Okay, a part of me knew this was coming a while ago ( Considering that I seen this happened many, many, many times from the very greedy/jealous antagonist/villain/baddy/corrupt and fake "good guys/heroes", etc.. From fictional stories like this. ), but instead of hearing it from somepony like Blueblood, or the nobles themselves.

It's bitch Celestia of all ponies in here. :facehoof:

Saying this again, I seen this very old, overused cliché/trope happened many times in fan-fictional stories, etc.

But Celestia, a "peaceful loving, friendship, harmony, sunshine and rainbows" princess? Demands to learn/have the MILITARY technologies and skills like Guns, Vehicles like helicopters/planes/jets and tanks that are bred for WAR?! All from that "peace offering" piece of paper??

Sure, Celestia has done worse things in here.

Examples from that same "peace offering":

So, your leaders are demanding I send back every single pony from Equestria, refugee or not, so that they can be returned to their proper home and the refugees properly punished? And the fact they demand that we share our military skills and technologies? And the gaul they have of even asking for this last one…” he said before turning to face them again. “..For me to step down as the ruler of our nation? Al for the possibility of not having to worry about Equestria sending in forces to take over?

But, I'm heavily focused on the demanding the modern military stuff away from Aku's nation. Is all a NEW TIME kind of low. Even for her.

How would her own niece ( Cadence, the Princess of LOVE. ) feel about this? Then again, she is the same ungrateful bitch that criticized Aku for SAVING her own damned wedding from Chrysalis/Changelings.

You can't just tell us that this characterization of Celestia always got her way with foreign diplomats. You don't run a kingdom in a thousand-year era of peace by responding to the slightest act of perceived defiance by smashing open the hornet's nest. You also don't inspire loyalty in your subjects by violently quashing the slightest hint of dissonance on the world stage in order to create the illusion of retaining peace, which I bring up because I could see this Celestia doing that and then wondering why her subjects are wary/afraid of her. This Celestia doesn't have the patience, the charisma...hell, she doesn't have the intelligence to keep the peace on the world stage. I made that much clear in my previous comment. Just so you know it's not a thousand year era of peace if there are conflicts with foreign powers, no matter how brief, scattered throughout, so that can't be it.

This, all of this is my biggest point of contention. That we're expected to believe that this entitled bitch, this spoiled brat kept peace with Equestria's neighbors for a millennium. You say she's used to getting her way? That's a horrible mentality first off, and if that's how her mind perceives her position, then that's a whole other can of worms that again, does nothing for what you're saying we're supposed to just accept about this character you've named Celestia and replaced the kind sun princess with. Moreover, to go along with that mentality you've laid out, where are the piles of skeletons and halls of statues that were those who didn't just submit? Where are the horror stories passed down through the generations from the mouths of residents of Aku's nation who came from Equestria's neighbors? Or even better, where are the horror stories passed down through the generations behind closed doors, from the mouths of the Equestrian refugees, if Celestia did that illusion of peace thing, and then made it illegal to talk badly about her. That sounds like something she could do too, since she expects that everyone will just 'roll over' for her. My point is, this Celestia does not get a 100% approval rating.


Yep! There has to be more to this. I bet that Aku himself is starting to has this same mindset or conclusion sooner or later. I mean, the way she is acting right now. He rightfully questions that her thousand years of peace is possibly BS, and a cover-up LIE!!!!!!!!

You know, propaganda and crap like that.

P.S. Those two highly delusional, and arrogant IDIOTS ( Raindow Dash and Applejack ) are really trying to be permanently disabled in their physically ( Like R.D's wings, and A.J's earth pony powers and muscles. ) and magical departments! :pinkiecrazy:

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