• Published 12th Sep 2012
  • 8,257 Views, 177 Comments

Rolling in Beaches - Bico

On a summer trip to the beach, Spike meets two interesting females, and Rarity is none too happy.

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The Rainbow Pearl: The Rainbow of Darkness


“So ponies are descended from transformed dragons,” Spike summarized. “Well, that would explain that weird teal unicorn. She’s always just… sitting there on that bench… like a dragon. Always kinda weirded me out, though.”

The king nodded. “Yes, it’s no surprise that some pony might have throwback tendencies. If we destroy that curséd Pearl, that unicorn will finally be fulfilled, as will all ponies all over Equestria!”

“Give it to Grandsire, Spike,” Scales implored the young dragon. “Just think of it: everypony will be a dragon, just like you. No more conflict between our kinds. Relationships between dragons and ponies will be a normal state of affairs and not seen as something deviant because ponies will be dragons. As they were meant to be.”

Spike thought of Rarity, and how it would be if she were a dragon. She would have the same stature as Scales, but with a pearly white hide and shimmering purple spikes which would curl to the side. She would be a sinuous and graceful noble dragoness. It might take a few years, but a dragon like Spike getting together with Rarity would no longer seem like such a strange thing like it did with some ponies now. Perhaps Rarity wouldn’t resist her feelings for him if that admittedly large obstacle were taken from between them. Then he shook himself out of his fantasy. “Even if that’s the case… would it be right to change everypony into a dragon just because we want them to be? No, making somepony be something they don’t want to be wouldn’t be right.”

“They should be what they truly are,” the king said. “To deny one’s true nature is to invite doom! That is a lesson I learned far too late.”

“Spike,” Scales pleaded. “I know that you are friends with ponies. I could tell from the things you said before. That’s fine. I understand that you want to take their feelings into consideration. However, just think about it: being a dragon is just better. They might not want to be dragons now, but they’ll come around once they realize how much better off they are.”

“That’s assuming a lot,” Spike said. “I can’t do that. I certainly can’t just say that being a dragon must be better than being a pony.”

“Do you think ponies want to die after fifty or sixty years?” Scales asked. “Do you think they like being so small and frail in comparison to us? They would still have their minds and even their magic. The only thing they would do is gain from it.”

Spike shook his head. “It’s… it’s not about that. What you think is important may not be what anypony else thinks is important. In fact, maybe some ponies like being smaller and like not living for a thousand years.”

“Those ponies would be what we in dragon society would call ‘crazy’,” Princess Scales rebutted. “Give me the Pearl, Spike. Everything will be alright, I promise.”

“Promise,” Spike repeated. “You know, I also made a promise to somepony. A promise that I would help get the Pearl back to her Princess. I won’t betray that promise.”

Princess Scales scowled at the purple dragon. “Spike…”

Spike turned and ran out of the cavern, navigating the tunnels with no knowledge of their layout. However, he knew he could feel a gust of wind coming from up ahead and he could begin to hear the rushing of water. He was getting close to an exit. Finally, he came upon it, and before him was the flowing Scaly Backs River, itself. He looked behind him to see Scales charging out of the cave behind him, and he steeled himself. He turned back to the river, held the shell up high, and tossed it in.

“Spike!” Princess Scales said as she skid to a stop, fixing him with a dark look. “You’ve made a big mistake.”

“Your Majesty?” Rarity asked. “I wonder… how do you know so much about this Tirek character and the Rainbow Pearl?”

Princess Rodi gave the unicorn a gentle smile. “Oh, fair Rarity, my father sent hippocampi to keep an eye on my half-sister whom he had chosen to be his Hero in old Ponyland.” She snorted, seemingly a bit incensed. “The hippocampi reported what had happened to my father, and when he chose to leave my husband and his sisters in charge of the land, he left me in charge of the seas around it, and imparted all this knowledge to me.”

“Ah,” Rarity said. “Still… I wonder if everything he told you was entirely accurate. It just seems so…”

The three hippocampi gasped, and the Sea Princess glared at the white unicorn with unbridled fury. “You would question the word of my father? The Creator of all ponykind. The King, not only of the seas, nor only of your little principality, but of the whole of the continent of Atlantis, which he did claim eleven millenia ago? You would question King Neptune, himself?”

The princess was clearly as given to mood swings as the sea she governed, the unicorn thought as she backed away in fear. “Of… of course not, Your Majesty. It’s just that even great rulers like yourself and your father can be misled by false information. I was merely concerned that perhaps His Majesty the Awesome and Terrible King Neptune may not have had all the information available…?”

The Princess of the Deep smiled gently and spoke with the soothing rhythm of a babbling creek. “My dear Rarity, there is no need to worry about such a matter. Whatever may not be known, I am very familiar with the nature of the Rainbow Pearl itself after having safeguarded it for one thousand years. The power of the Master Rainbow contains the Darkness within, and that Darkness is… very dangerous.” She jerked upright. “That’s it!”

“Your Majesty?” Wavedancer said timidly.

“The Rainbow Pearl,” the princess said. “It’s been found.”

“Then we should go!” Rarity declared. “Princess, where is he? I mean ‘it.’”

“No time to explain!” Rodi’s horn glowed and Rarity and the hippocampi were encased in a bubble of blue light. They found themselves being lifted up into the air and then the bubble shot out the window and into the sea.

Scales moved to strike the purple dragon, and Spike cringed in anticipation of the blow. It never came, however. He heard a torrential splash and a loud voice shout. Then there was a thump. Spike opened his eyes and saw a hippocampi decked in what looked like oxidized copper armor that had the appearance of scales and holding a bronze trident with a spiral conch shell at his waist standing on top of a surprised looking Scales. Spike looked to the shore of the river and saw similarly garbed hippocampi, and also noted their shared impossibly blue eyes and sharp teeth. “Wow… scary. But I’m glad you guys are here.”

“Silence, dragon!” One of the Tritons growled with a voice like a wild beast. “Your lot always was foolish, but we did not think you would be stupid enough to drop the Rainbow Pearl into the river.” The Triton held up the shell of the Pearl and grinned. “The Princess has already been notified of our location. Your whole clan is doomed.”

“Um…” Spike said with a quavering voice. “I’m… I’m not with these guys. They’re crazy!”

“Spike!” Scales wailed. “My most trusted lieutenant! How could you say such a thing?” She shot him a smug, toothy grin.

The Tritons leveled their tridents at the young dragon. Spike smiled sheepishly and tried to push one away with the tip of his claw. “Um… I don’t suppose we could talk about this?”

“No!” the Tritons declared.

“Oh,” Spike said. “Okay.” He turned and fled at full waddle. “Get these ponies away from me!”

Meanwhile, Scales used the distraction of the panicking dragon to slip out from beneath the hippocampus and counterattack with a vengeance. Scales attacked with far more precision than the hippocampi, taking her foes down with maximum efficiency. The Triton squad leader, a young but skilled member of Rodi’s Royal Guard named Beach Comber, backed toward the river with the Pearl, waving his trident in a warding fashion. “Give us the Rainbow Pearl!” Scales growled.

“Over my dead body!” the Triton said.

“If you insist,” Scales said with a grin. She lunged at the Triton, and swatted the trident aside. She snapped at the pony, but her jaws stopped short and she gave a surprised squeak.

Spike drilled down on Scales’ tail with his own, pinning the adolescent dragon in place. “I can’t let you have that Rainbow Pearl!” he said with a quavering voice.

Princess Scales laughed. “Spike, you truly are a noble dragon. It’s too bad you’ve chosen the wrong side.” Her bat-like wings spread wide and she launched herself at the purple dragon, knocking him on his back, using her greater weight to hold Spike down. “Now you can’t stop me from getting that Pearl!”

“Um…”Spike said slowly. “But now you can’t get that Pearl.”

Scales paused and looked back at the Triton, who seemed a bit stunned at the sudden turn of events, but was obviously recovering his wits quickly. She then looked at the purple dragon under her claws. “D’oh!”

A massive form then emerged from the cave, roaring loudly, and the two dragons and hippocampus turned to see the massive blue beast that towered over them. The king of the Scaly Backs River Clan glared down at the Triton before stretching his mouth into an anticipatory grin.

The Triton swallowed loudly.

The large dragon swiped at the Triton, who dodged out of the way with the grace of a serpent and jabbed the dragon’s claw, causing the king to howl in pain. The king shot flame in retaliation, which the Triton weaved around, the heat curling his mane. The Triton lunged forward, jabbing at the king with his weapon. The old dragon spun around angrily, swinging his tail into the Triton. Beach Comber took the tail full on and collapsed to the ground, and he lost his grip on the sparkling shell. It skittered across the ground and settled between the king and the Triton and Spike and Scales.

“Grandsire!” Scales growled as she saw Beach Comber recover quickly and shoot toward the shell. She saw that the king would be too slow to retrieve the Pearl, so abandoned her prisoner in favor of making a play for the ultimate prize. Her speed was far superior to the Triton’s, though he had a head start on her. She knew she would reach the Pearl just a fraction of a second ahead of the hippocampus, however. She just knew she would have, if they hadn’t all been stunned into frozen silence by a sudden explosion of water followed by a high pitched whine that filled the air and the eardrums of all present.

AAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhh….” Rarity’s screech ended in a weak squeak as she ran out of air. She desperately gasped in oxygen as the three hippocampi that had emerged with her from the river looked at her with concern. “That… was…” she wheezed.

“Awesome, I know!” Seawinkle declared boisterously. “I hope we get to do that again.”

“Why would you even say that?” Sealight cried. “Don’t tempt the Fates!”

“That’s enough, girls,” Wavedancer said. “Look! It’s the Rainbow Pearl!”

Scales and Beach Comber only then remembered what they had been doing before they had been so rudely interrupted, and turned to lunge at the Pearl, but ended up getting into each other’s way. They tumbled over each other biting, scratching, and stabbing as they desperately fought for control of the Rainbow Pearl.

“Spike!” Rarity called, galloping toward the purple dragon, who was just shakily getting to his feet.

Wavedancer slithered for the Rainbow Pearl at the same time, hoping to retrieve the relic before Scales and the Triton finished their fight. She was determined to correct her mistake and hoof-deliver the Pearl to the princess on her own. A giant blue foot then stomped on the shell holding the Pearl moments before she could reach it. She looked up into the king’s face in horror. “What… what have you done?!”

Scales paused in her assault on the Triton and looked at her grandsire gleefully. “You’ve done it!”

The king laughed uproariously. “That’s right! All of dragonkind shall be freed of the equine curse! I have crushed the Rainbow Pearl under my feet, and now… now…” He faltered as he felt an arctic jolt go up his leg. He looked down, lifting his foot slightly and pure blackness shone from underneath, and an arc of darkness snaked up his leg, the feeling of freezing spreading and settling in his gut like a block of ice. He screamed as he was engulfed in a swirling tornado of shadow and that scream slowly turned into a bestial roar that seemed unnatural even for a ravenous dragon. The gloom formed into the appearance of a monochromatic rainbow which arced over the king, whose scales were dulled and who was now much spikier than he had been. His eyes were also completely blank of consciousness, an observation which shook Princess Scales deeply.

“G-G-Grandsire…” Scales said. “What… what’s happened to you? Breaking the Rainbow Pearl was only supposed to break the spell on the ponies to turn them back into dragons. You’re… you’re already a dragon… what…?”

The king roared in response, drool flying from his jaws as he thrashed like a maddragon.

“I have a feeling you were wrong about the Pearl, Scales!” Spike shouted, leaning on Rarity for support, though the white unicorn was shaking so badly at the sight of the insane dragon that he was probably supporting her as much as she was him.

“No, really?” Scales said.

“That… that’s the Rainbow of Darkness!” Wavedancer said, pointing a hoof at the monochromatic arc over the king.

“Are you serious?” Spike said. “That doesn’t even make sense. Darkness can’t make rainbows.”

“It can in Tartarus!” Wavedancer said. “Listen, the only thing you need to know is that this thing is evil. It will turn everything into something like that, and we have to stop it.”

“I-I-I…” Scales stammered. “I agree. We have to stop that thing!”

“Oh, so now the Rainbow Pearl is a good thing!” Wavedancer scoffed.

“Well excuse me, hippocampus!” the princess growled. “But I don’t like the idea of being turned into a big, dumb animal.”

“Lady Wavedancer!” Beach Comber shouted as the slavering dragon apparently grew tired of thrashing about at nothing and chose the hippocampus filly as his first victim. The Triton leaped to the Princess’ disciple’s aide. He found himself swat into the ground by the dragon’s giant claw, but recovered quickly, shouting at the dragon to draw its attention.

“No, Beach Comber!” Sealight shouted, galloping toward the battle. “You’re going to get hurt!”

Beach Comber ignored the protest and tried to strike again at the dragon, who breathed flames at him. His twirling trident swept the flames away, though he winced as the heat blistered his arms. The wild dragon didn’t hesitate, however, and slashed at the hippocampus again, sending him through the arc of the monochrome rainbow. Beach Comber’s scream as he passed through the darkness was feral and insane. When he hit the ground he writhed as blackness slithered around his body. He began to grow and his scales spread across his body. A sea dragon now roared in rage and thrashed insanely.

“Oh, Beach Comber!” Sealight said, tears in her eyes. “What’s happened to him?”

“He’s been changed back to a pony’s natural form. That of a dragon!” Scales said.

“That’s not…” Wavedancer started, but Beach Comber snapped at her with fearsome jaws, forcing her to quickly dodge.

Rarity’s horn flared to life as the king lunged at her and Spike as well. “How dare you attack a lady!” She lunged forward and head-butt the dragon’s palm, her horn piercing the soft flesh there. The king squealed in pain and recoiled, allowing Rarity time to grab Spike and attempt to put some distance between them and the crazed dragon.

Wavedancer, meanwhile slithered to the water. “Sealight! Seawinkle! I need a whirlpool!” The draconized Triton chased after her, tossing the king aside when he stumbled into his path. He followed the hippocampus into the river, where she joined her two friends in swimming around and manipulating the currents to create a whirlpool. T other Tritons were fortunately recovering and joined the formation, trapping the sea dragon in the currents.

“This isn’t going too well…” Spike said. “We can’t keep this up against those two… and then there’s that…” He gestured toward the Rainbow of Darkness, which was growing larger and rotating more wildly than before.

“You’re right,” Rarity said. “We need something to contain it. Something with the same power of the Rainbow Pearl!”

“Something like the Elements of Harmony?” Spike said.

“Yes…” Rarity said. “Too bad they’re all the way in Canterlot.”

“Heeeeere comes the cavalry!” a voice shouted in the distance. Spike and Rarity looked to the sky and beamed as they saw a small multicolored streak enlarging rapidly. Applejack was also approaching at a breakneck speed toward them, twirling her lasso menacingly. Their other friends were a little further back, but still approaching at an impressive clip.

“Yeehaw,” Applejack whooped as she tossed her lasso at the king. “Time to hog-tie this varmint.” She caught him on the tail and tugged, which caused the monster dragon to look back at the orange earth pony querulously. He tugged on the lasso experimentally, and then gave a mighty wrench, hauling Applejack off the ground. “Wha~a?” She found herself pulled right through the black arc and her shout of surprise became a scream.

“No, Applejack!” Spike shouted.

Rarity drew a deep breath as she stood perilously on her two hind legs, her fore-hooves pressed in shock to her cheeks. “Applejack! Nnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!”

Rainbow Dash gasped and flew toward her friend and sometimes rival. “Applejack, are you okay?”

“Get away from her, Rainbow Dash,” Spike warned. “Anypony who touches the Rainbow of Darkness will get turned into… well… that.” He gestured toward the king, who had gone back to clashing with his granddaughter who was holding her own capably so far.

“’Rainbow of Darkness’?” Rainbow Dash said with a puzzled expression as she paused in midair. “Spike, listen: I know rainbows and let me tell you there is no possible way that rainbow can be made of…” Rainbow Dash was cut off when Applejack interjected with a sudden swipe of her new, scaly claws. “Rainbow of Darkness! Don’t touch! Gotcha!”

Twilight and the others arrived as well, gaping in shock as they saw a draconified Applejack looming over them. Stranger was the onyx necklace that had formed around her thick neck with a black jewel shaped like an apple at its center.

“What in Tartarus is that?” Pinkie Pie said loudly.

“Oh, no…” Twilight said. “It’s the Rainbow of Darkness. It’s turned Applejack into a dragon, and because she’s a bearer of an Element of Harmony, she’s now become a channel for a part of the Darkness’ power as well. If you look closely, you’ll notice that one of the bands of darkness is missing from it now.”

“You know about this?” Spike asked, slack jawed.

“Of course!” Twilight said. “You know I’ve been into studying ancient lore since before Nightmare Moon was freed. I came across the legend in the old Twilight section of the library—she invented the field of Wish Fulfillment Magic, you know, and she’s apparently my ancestor which is why my dam and I were both named after her. The Rainbow of Darkness was used by an immortal centaur who was friends with the only other immortal centaur in existence, Chiron, but some colt of Jupiter ended up accidentally getting him shot with a poisoned arrow when he offended the regular centaurs. Apparently he went crazy and went to Tartarus to get the Darkness, which is different from regular, lowercase darkness, and he started turning ponies into dragons. He amassed a whole army and tried to invade Olympus where that colt of Jupiter had ascended, but all of the dragons in his army were wiped out except for the children who were still too young to fight. Actually, there was a really famous dragon who I named you after who…”

“Okay, okay!” Spike said. “Do you know how to stop it?”

“Um…” Twilight Sparkle pondered. “Do you have a fragment of the Master Rainbow?”

Spike faceclawed. “This is no help.”

Applejack roared at her fellow Element Bearers and her necklace glowed with the absence of light. Rainbow Dash blitzed in an attempt to discombobulate the dark orange dragon, but Applejack seemed to retain some measure of control as she plucked the blue pegasus out of the sky. She roared in Rainbow Dash’s face, blowing her mane back into something resembling a comet’s tail.

“Whoa, AJ,” Rainbow Dash said. “You need a breath mint.”

A black beam blasted out of Applejack’s necklace, engulfing Rainbow Dash whose scream pierced her friends’ hearts. Another band of darkness faded from the arc that bent over the land. The orange dragon dropped Rainbow to the ground, and by the time she hit it, she was already transformed into a hulking, scaly beast with spikes every shade of darkness. The draconic Rainbow Dash raised herself to all fours and a necklace with a black jewel in the shape of her former self’s cutie mark formed on her neck as well.

“We have to make a coordinated effort here!” Twilight said. “Rarity, I’m going to need you to lend me your power for a containment spell.”

“Of course!” Rarity said, galloping to Twilight’s side. Her horn glowed as she fed Twilight her magic to weave into a powerful spell. A circle of power formed around Applejack and Rainbow Dash, a shield of complex symbols rising around them. “It’s working, Twilight!”

Applejack snarled at the shield, and reared up on her forelegs. She bucked at the shield with all her might while as the same time Rainbow Dash punched it. The energy field shuddered with the force of their strikes, but held.

“Looks like it is,” Twilight said with a smile. “Now… the Princess will—” Before she could finish her sentence, the arc of blackness swept wide and struck both Twilight and Rarity.

“No! Rarity!” Spike cried out. “Twilight!” He sobbed as he saw his best friend and the mare of his dreams twisted into dark parodies of dragons. Worse still, the containment spell broke the moment they were turned, and now four dragons stared down two ponies: Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

“Ooh, this isn’t fun,” Pinkie said.

Fluttershy Stared at the Rainbow of Darkness. “How dare you turn my friends into dragons against their wills!” Generally, pure embodiments of evil are immune to chiding in much the same way that a threat against a rock’s life for tripping a pony will be met with general apathy. However, Fluttershy’s Stare was known to be quite intimidating, and a discerning pony might note that the arc shrank just a bit.

Rainbow Dash reached out and grabbed Pinkie in her massive claws, grinning maliciously as she brought her fist close to her neck in preparation to blast the pink pony. When she opened her hand, however, the small party animal was nowhere to be found.

“Ahhh, what’s up, Dash?” Pinkie said from her place on Rainbow’s shoulder. She munched on a carrot which she kept on her pony in case of an allusion emergency.

The enraged dragon tried to smack the pink pony, but she suddenly seemed to appear behind Dash’s head. Rainbow then punched at the pony, but only managed to clock herself, causing her to see stars, and stars made the dragon so mad.

Applejack abused the multishaded dragon further by popping her on the head and suggesting in her insane dragon manner that Rainbow was being an idiot. By way of argument, Rainbow socked Applejack across the chin.

“Rarity!” Fluttershy said, landing on the aforementioned dragon’s snout and glaring into her eyes. “I’m very disappointed in you. This isn’t how friends treat each other is it?”

Rarity attempted to stare down the yellow pegasus for a moment, but within seconds her eyes began to water and she broke down in tears, wailing in misery as she reared up on two legs and staggered about, growling, “Gragharowr grargh rowr graaarghraargh… grargher rargh… rargrarh… rarh!” She made to faint, but then seemed to think better of it when she glanced at the ground, which was so dirty, really, and would just ruin that new scale gleam.

Twilight, her dark element looking less like a tiara and more like a pegasus war helmet with her cutie looking particularly menacing mounted on it, rose from behind Fluttershy and seized her with dark magic.

“Eep!” Fluttershy squeaked, trying to turn around to face Twilight. “Wait, you don’t want to do this! Twilight, I am disappoint—” She was cut off when a black beam engulfed her from Twilight’s helm. Pinkie was likewise hoisted into the air, torn from her party cannon as she was attempting to further exacerbate the situation with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Twilight fired her black beam again, and within moments two more dragons joined the herd, and the Rainbow of Darkness faded from view.

To be continued…