• Published 29th Dec 2021
  • 2,593 Views, 94 Comments

Glamrock Takes Equestria! - Kibat Grenbuku

When Twilight accidentally transported Gregory into their world, she will have to help him get his life back together and back on his hooves.

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A Morning He Won’t Forget

The next morning, sunlight’s rays beamed through the windows, making Twilight start waking up from her peacefully calm slumber in her cozy bed. She was about to get out of bed until she feels small forelegs wrapped around her barrel. Twilight looked down at her body to see Gregory under the covers with her. Twilight smiled to see the colt holding onto her barrel, after last night seeing him this calm and peaceful with a smile in his sleep from the lullaby she sang to him, he has been startled awake.

She gently moves his legs off of her and quietly left the room, she went into the main floor and noticed that Spike has sent some of the messages, blowing his fire breath on them, sending them to their respective senders. “Good morning Spike!” She greets her assistant, “I’m surprised to see you up this early. Any particular reason why?”

“Well, see as to what happened with Gregory last night, I’ve been sending out letters to some ponies we know of the situation,” he explains, “I’ve also been waiting for the last three for your parents, Princess Cadence and Princess Celestia.”

She sighs, “Thank you Spike, but please have me notified next time, please.” She then heard a ringing at the door, she went to it, and opened the door and who would be by the door nopony other than the party and fashion ponies themselves. “Pinkie? Rarity? I’m quite surprised that you’re here what are you brings here?”

“Morning Twilight!” She greets in a singsongy voice, “I got you, Spike and Gregory some breakfast on the way here, the cute little colt’s gonna need his strength today for his ‘Welcome to Ponyville party!’”

“I’ve also took the liberty to get his clothes repaired,” Rarity added in, “Poor thing, these were in such terrible condition, and the smell, ugh, it’s awful, just awful! Thankfully, they weren’t too damaged.” She used her magic to give them to Twilight. The lavender unicorn was shocked, they took the time to help out a colt. A colt who went through trauma, lost a friend, and lived out in the streets, dirty and bruised.

“Thank you, both of you.” She says to them with a warm smile, “By the time we show him around Ponyville and throw this party for him, I’m sure we can see a smile on his face.” Her eyes widened and says, “Oh! Spike, would you kindly please get the letters ready for the Princesses and my parents?”

“Already working on it.” Spike gave a mocking salute and went to grab parchment paper and went to the writing desk, “Ready when you are Twilight.”

“Alright.” She says, she cleared her throat and began her message:

”Dear Princess Celestia,

I have some news regarding to the mysterious source of magic that you instruct me to locate, and I believe that I’ve found it! As you may recall, when you”re studying his teachings, Starswirl the Bearded was looking for a place where new forms of life can be born and created, only known to explorers as the Chamber of Creation.

Spike and I went to find the source you’ve mentioned to me, and you’re not going to believe where it was! It was in Everfree Forest, and nopony ever knew about it! That’s not all that found however, I’ve encountered one of it’s many designed functions and purpose it serves, one of the pods was lit and created a new body for a young soul that… sadly took his own life from a night of trauma and heartbreak.

He goes by the name Gregory, a human boy who has nopony to take care of him and has nowhere to go. Currently, he’s living with me right now, but last night he had a nightmare which regards me and Spike, and if I can further guess, my friends as well. From what he told me, he was scared that we would perish by this white rabbit named Vanny, someone of which, from what Gregory told us, was responsible for the disappearances of children for unknown reasons.

She has been defeated by an anthropomorphic bear named Glamrock Freddy, a friend and guardian of Gregory, who
unfortunately sacrificed himself to save this boy, sending her and himself off of a building. Gregory was traumatized by this event and the night during lockdown in a place after it’s closing.

I’m doing all that I can to help get through this trauma and getting a life he always wanted, to have a chance be like a kid and be with a family who can raise and love him. I hope you and Princesses Luna and Cadence are hoping to help him too and give me any other advice as to handle this situation.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle.”

Spike finished writing, rolled it up, and blew his emerald green flames on it. “Alright, now we just need to let your parents know and we have nothing else to do, but wait.” He grabs another piece of parchment paper and wrote down another message, “Ready to relay the message.” She nods and explains her message as the same for Celestia’s letter and it was sent through Spike’s flames.

“Speaking of Gregory, where is he?” Rarity asked, looking around the main area.

“He’s still asleep in my room.” Twilight explains to her, “I’ll go get him.” She went upstairs and into her room, seeing a sleeping Gregory, his sleepy smile hasn’t faded from his lips, his mane now messier from his movement from the pillow. She couldn’t help it as she let giggles escape her lips at the sight of the colt, he must’ve had a better last than the nightmare he had. As much as she wanted to let him sleep, it was time for him to get up.

“Gregory…” she whispers motherly to him, placing her hoof on his right shoulder, “Time to get up sweetheart.”

Gregory groaned and squirmed a little, he mumbles something in his sleep, “Mm… I got… flowers…” Twilight giggles quietly, she knows who he’s referring to in his sleep, he has been talking with Sweetie Belle the whole time back at the cottage and the two became close friends. As much as she wants to continue hearing him mumbling in his sleep, she had to wake him up, she gently shook him until he woke up. He looked into Twilight’s eyes and smiled. He then said, “Good morning, Twilight.”

“Feeling any better today?” She asked him.

He sat up and yawned, “Yeah! Much better! I feel like I can take on anything now!” He then looked at his hindquarters and chuckled in embarrassment a bit, “Th-though… heh, it’s kinda weird sitting like this, I feel like a dog or a cat.”

Twilight giggled and said, “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Now let’s head down and get some breakfast.” Twilight then got out of her bed, and then she used her magic to levitate Gregory off of the bed. She then placed him onto her back, and then headed on back downstairs.

Gregory took notice that Pinkie Pie and Rarity, whom of which has his clothes, were on the main level of the library. "Good morning, Gregory darling!” Rarity greeted, “I hope you're feeling much better today!"

“Much better thanks!” He says with a bright smile.

“Oh! I also have your clothes sweetie,” she levitates them towards him and Twilight, “I hope you like them, these clothes are unlike I’ve ever seen, the fabric and cloth on these have such terrible weather resistance, so I took the liberty of enhancing them with rainproof fabrics, all thanks to Sapphire Shores.”

Twilight set Gregory on the floor, helping him stand up, his legs were shaking a little, trying to keep up right and in balance. He stumbled a little, but luckily, Twilight caught him with her foreleg. She giggles a bit and says, “We’ll learn how to walk once we get these on you.” She helps him get his shirt on first, then his oversized jacket, which seems to almost go over his front hooves.

“Ooh!! He looks adorable in them!!” Pinkie Pie says excitedly, bouncing around him, then she caught a clean scent from his clothes, “Oh! Did you use the adventurer’s dryer sheets?”

“Oh yes, every new day is experiencing journey darling,” Rarity says with pride, “and considering how Gregory can get himself into any kind of adventures, I figure that it would be a good opportunity to use them.”

He smiles back at the fashionista pony and blushes, then he mutters under his breath, “Not many of them are good though…”

Twilight heard him muttering and asked in curiosity, “What was that?”

“N-nothing!” He says, blushing harder.

Twilight then stood up and went next to him, “Okay then, Spike, would you kindly please be in front of him in case he needs help?”

“Sure thing!” Spike agrees and went up to the colt, holding his shoulders in case he falls forward, or lean too far on the sides. He then looks at him and says, “Don’t worry, once you get through Twilight’s ‘How to be a pony 101,’ you’ll be moving about and around in no time!”

“Spike.” She giggles, then to Gregory, “He’s right though, so let’s start with walking. Just do what I do. Right left, left right.” She demonstrates as she first moves her right front leg and left hind leg, then her opposite respective legs, but given how tall she is comparing himself and Spike, it’s like a giant walking in normal motion.

He looks down at his front legs, which were still shaking, he then looked at Spike. “Hey, you got this.” He heard him say, “There’s nothing to be scared of.” Gregory, hearing those words reminded him when Freddy encourages him to be brave, if he could crawl through a dark vent shaft and take on animatronics to the height surpassing humans, then walking like a pony should be no problem!

He took a deep breath and started to walk and says to himself out loud, “Right left, le- whoa!” He caught himself from nearly fall, also in thanks to Spike holding on to him, he was now looking at the floor. Okay, so maybe this isn’t gonna be as easy as he thought.

“Hey,” Spike encourages, “Don’t be scared, you’re doing great.”

The colt nods and tries again, keeping himself straight and upright. He began his walking slowly at first with a few slips, but Gregory learns to keep his balance. With in a few seconds, slowly but surely, Gregory began to walk towards Twilight. “H-hey! I did it!” He cheers.

“Heh, see?” Spike says, giving him a pat on the back, “We knew you got this like the back of your hoof.”

“Okay, now why don’t we enjoy some breakfast before I give you a tour around Ponyville?” Twilight suggests.

Gregory suddenly gasps and cries out, “Oh no! I’m supposed to be meeting the Cutie Mark Crusaders at their clubhouse!” He began running to the door, but then suddenly stops and looks at them sheepishly. “U-um, could one of you lead me to where the clubhouse is… I have no idea where I’m going.”

The mares just giggles, while Spike just claw palms himself, shaking his head in disapproval. “Gregory, you got a lot to learn.”

The colt just chuckles in embarrassment, but Twilight then suggests, “Spike, why do you take him to the clubhouse? Some of the girls and I need to meet up Rainbow Dash.”

“Leave it to me! C’mon Gregory!” Spike exclaims as he went out the door with the basket of muffins and other pastries, Gregory’s excitement has sparked like a lighter and quickly followed the dragon. Twilight looked on as the two boys have left the library, so many memories went through her mind of her and her older brother Shining Armor. How she wishes she can turn the hands of time again.

“Perfect,” Rarity says, “Pinkie, while Gregory’s away, let’s get everything set up for his party!” Pinkie Pie gave Rarity a mocking salute and instantly got to work on the banner, she then turns to lavender mare, “Twilight dear, you go and enjoy your breakfast. Go on, shoo shoo!”

Twilight leaves the library and went on her way with a chuckle, “At least Gregory’s going to have a good time with some good friends like the CMC, I just hope Spike would make it back in time in case the Princesses or my parents sent a letter back.” She walks on her way to Sugarcube Corner, as she does so, many other ponies were doing their daily routines. Some taking care of their flowers, others were busy delivering mail. Twilight stops by at a building and smiles, remembering that she has an appointment with a certain doctor who has been here for three months.

“Good to have you helping everypony Doc.” Twilight says to the building as she resumes her trot to Sugarcube Corner. She opens the door to the bakery and greets Fluttershy and Applejack, whom have saved seats for her and a certain prismatic maned pegasus. “Hey Fluttershy! Applejack! How are you two?”

“O-oh! Hello Twilight.” She says timidly, giving her a shy wave.

“Hey-howdy-hey there Twi!” Applejack greeted, “Ya’ll seen Rainbow yet? I’ve gotten mah good ol’ rope in case she tries to fly off.”

Twilight chuckles just looking at the rope, “I don’t think you need your lasso of truth to keep Rainbow in place Wonder Mare, besides she’s the element of loyalty, remember?” The country pony just rolled her eyes from the nickname, earning her a chuckle. Suddenly, the bell above the door rang and who shows up none other than the Pegasus Speedster herself, who was panting heavily to what the unicorn could attest from her flight, but something tells her that was flight must’ve been different than her usual flights.

“S-sorry… I-I uh, phew,” Rainbow pants, wiping the sweat off of her forehead.

“What in the hay happened to ya?” Applejack asked, “You looked like you went through a stampede of ragin’ cows from the farm. D’oh, consarnit! Did I seriously forgot to lock up the fence again?!”

“No no! It’s nothing like that!” Rainbow reassures her, taking her seat at the table, looking around, she notices that two of her friends are absent, “Wh-where are uh… Where are Pinkie and Rarity?”

“They’re busy setting up the party back in Twilight’s library,” Fluttershy explains, seeming more concerned about her speed obsessed friend, “What happened to you?”

Rainbow Dash sighs in reluctance and explains, “Okay… before coming here, I was planning on backing out-”

“Ah knew it.” Appletree interjected with a crossed look on her face.

“Hey, hold on a sec, let me explain!” She snaps, making the three shocked from her sudden shouting, she once again sighs and continues, “S-sorry… anyways, I gave out a lot, and I mean a lot of thought. I just couldn’t get myself thinking at all, so I tried to do practicing with some of the new tricks… even that wasn’t helping an I’m just… I-I’m just-“

“Having a struggle to whether you want to discuss it or not?” Fluttershy asks filling in her friend’s words for her.

“Yeah…” she nods, “I just don’t really know what to think or feel about Gregory.”

Twilight then groans, “Get to the point!”

“Okay okay, jeez,” Rainbow says snotty, “So, after a few tricks, a thought came to me. Twilight, do you remember one of the functions of pods? To create, right?” Twilight nods, confusion was spelled all over on her face. “Well, I went back to make him and into my room. I remembered that there was something odd in one of Daring Do’s books and… well, here I’ll show you.” She pulls out one of Daring Do’s books.

Twilights reads the title, “Daring Do and the Secrets of the Shadow Prism?”

“Yep! And if you turn to page 66, there’s something that caught my eyes.” The speedster says, Twilight does so as she turns the pages with her magic and on the page there was a five panel artwork. There, Daring Do was reading one of the inscription on the wall, but next to Do was some kind of body.

The body was slumped against a dark stone wall, the bones seems like a different color, rather than white it seems like… a stony graphite? It’s hooves we’re a metallic blue. On it’s chest seems like some kind of insignia, a dimming glow of blue emanated from it, markings on it’s legs were etched on them, almost like the writings on the stone tablet. What caught Twilight’s attention was the eye sockets, one was blacked, but the other was also had the same dimming blue glow, as if some source was trying to keep it alive.

“Okay?” Applejack shrugs not even knowing what she’s trying to show.

Rainbow groans and rolled her magenta eyes and points at the drawn skeleton, “Look! Look at the design of it! Doesn’t this look familiar to something in the Chamber of Creation?!” Pointing mashing on the skeleton with every word she spoke, causing the table to shake.

Twilight looked closer at the drawing… Rainbow was right! From the colors, to the writings on the legs, it would seem likely that whoever this pony was, they seemed to be looking for the same artifact, but was it the author of the books, A.K. Yearling’s intention of including this detail?

“I don’t know Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy says skeptically, “It could just be a coincidence, besides-“

“Coincidence?!” She asked her quiet friend, slamming the table and getting up in her face, causing an eep to escape from her friend, “There is evidence that she saw the Chamber’s skeleton and you’re saying it’s a coincidence?! I! Don’t! Think so!”

“Rainbow, calm down!” Applejack commands with such stern in her voice, “Gregory’s just a normal pony like you and everypony else in this town. Plus, this doesn’t help your case as to why you’re so gull durn jealous of him!”

“I just didn’t want him to steal you guys away!” The pegasus raised her voice, a quiet and awkward silence once again returns, she sighs and explains, “Ever since that kid showed up, I felt like a weird feeling about him like if he’s trying to steal my thunder, being the cool one and getting the center of attention.”

“Rainbow,” Twilight says in a reassuring tone, “Gregory isn’t trying to take your spotlight, he just wanted to be loved like you do.” Rainbow just lowers her head in shame, Twilight just chuckles and adds in, “We all want to have that feeling to be loved Rainbow, you need to remember that it’s not just you that just needed to be loved, you need to take in an account that everypony needs to be loved as well.” She places her hoof on the pegasus’ shoulder. “You’re the element of loyalty Rainbow Dash, don’t ever forget that.”

The cyan pegasus raised her head to look at her bookworm friend, giving her a weak smile. “Yeah…” she simply says, “I know, I haven’t forgotten who I am. I’m the awesome Rainbow Dash for crying out loud!”

Suddenly, the bakery’s front door burst open, and to the ponies surprise, it was Spike, who seems to be out of breath from running. “Twilight!” He calls as he hurries to his friends side, “I just received a letter from Princess Cadence!”

20 minutes earlier

“…and that’s how me and Twilight moved into the library, and became fast friends to everypony in Ponyville ever since!”Spike said, finishing his story.

“W-wow,” Gregory says in shock, “Twilight must’ve been a brave sorceress to stand up against Nightmare Moon, but knowing she was Princess Luna and the sister of an opposing source of light? That’s one heck of a plot twist!”

“Heh, if you like plot twists, you should check out Power Ponies!” The assistant dragon replies to him, taking another bite of the gemstone muffin, “They have some interesting plots and characters that makes want to connect with them!”

“You have comic books here too?” Gregory asked

“Sure do! I can let you borrow some if you’re interested.” Spike offers. Gregory got intrigued and says that he’ll look into them later. As they continued on their way, Spike all of a sudden felt a bit queasy, clutching his stomach.

“Spike? Are you okay?” Gregory asked him, Spike nodded and burped out green flames, causing the colt stumble back in shock. “What was that?!”

“Oh! Sorry!” The dragon apologized, “That was a spell that Twilight placed on me that would send and receive messages and letters through my fire breath. I should’ve warned you ahead of time.”

“Okay, but next time, do it away from me. I don’t want to end up like a burnt pretzel.”

“Noted,” Spike replies, he looks at the scroll that has the emblem of heart, he knows all too well as to who sent this, “Oh! Princess Cadence sent a letter! Sorry Gregory, I gotta run this back to Twilight, but you shouldn’t be too far from the clubhouse now. Just continue on to the path and you should have no trouble finding it.”

Gregory nods and the two went on their separate ways for now. As the colt went down the path that was a secluded place from Sweet Apple Acres, home of Apple Bloom and Applejack, he then suddenly heard a shriek from Sweetie Belle, “IT’S NOT LIKE THAT SCOOTALOO!!” That made him walked back by a couple of steps, he never heard anyone scream that loud before. He decided to go and investigate, as he got to the entrance ramp way to the clubhouse, he went under the house and listens in on the Crusaders’ conversation.

At the same time

Sweetie Belle was pacing back and forth, watching her was her fellow Crusaders. Scootaloo just groans in annoyance and says, “Is he even gonna show up? I know it’s a secluded spot, but it shouldn’t be that hard to even find!”

“I just hope he’s okay.” Sweetie Belle says as she looked at the doorway.

“That reminds me,” Apple Bloom says in curiosity, “It’s kinda odd that ya’ll suddenly invite him as Crusader, don’t ya think we’re kinda rushin’ things a bit here?”

“I actually second that,” Scootaloo adds in, “You do seem awfully close with Gregory, but it was really odd that you just invited him with even holding a conversation with us.”

“Oh, come on you two,” Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, “I know it does seemed rushed, but think about it! We could have a equal gender group! This could give out some sort of support for other fillies and colts like us to find Cutie Marks of their own!”

“Well, yeah,” Scootaloo says hesitantly, “But why him? It’s like not he could-“ she stops, connecting the dots and thinking back, the agreement to watch him, being really kind and sweet to him, the nice attitude towards him. “Wait a minute, I see what’s going on here!”

“Huh?” Sweetie Belle tilted her head in confusion.

“I can see through your disguise Sweetie!”

“What do you mean?”

The gamboge filly calls her out, “You’re not doing this just because you want to make him a Crusader, you’re doing it because you…” she then says in a mocking dreamy voice, “Loooove him.~”

“W-what?! No that isn’t it!” Sweetie Belle protests, but try as she might, Scootaloo and now Apple Bloom caught on through this act, “P-plus, I thought you don’t like romance?”

“Oh, I don’t,” Scootaloo shrugs teasingly, “But when somepony does get all kindy and lovey dovey to somepony she just met, then you know you’ve pretty much given yourself up to him.”

“I don’t have feelings for him Scoots.” The white unicorn says in a deadpan tone.

“You have feelins’ for Gregory?!” Apple Bloom asked Sweetie Belle, whom by now is blushing a rosy red.

“No! I don’t- did you not heard me the first time?!”

“She’s hiding it AB,” Scootaloo teases again, giving her a smug look, “She in love with him. She won’t admit it, but it’s there to show itself.” She then pretends to be Sweetie and says, “‘Oh, don’t worry Gregory, not only you be a Crusader, I will be your one and only somepony you can depend and love on.~’”

“IT’S NOT LIKE THAT SCOOTALOO!!” Sweetie Belle shrieks, her face becoming more red than apples. “I like him as friend! He’s just a colt that is a Cutie Mark Crusader, and our friend! Don’t say anything about him like his… like his dreamy brown eyes, and his very cute smile… a-and his-“ She realized that she went into La-La-Land and sees Apple Bloom with a concerned and confused look on her face, while Scootaloo has a face that says, “Admitting already?” Sweetie Belle clears her throat and continues her arguement, “D-don’t get any ideas! We’re just friends and nothing else!”

“Uh-huh,” the pegasus filly nods, pretending to that she’s no longer interested in Sweetie’s intentions.

Gregory couldn’t believe what he’s hearing just from that part of their conversation, Sweetie Belle likes him?! He wouldn’t like to tell this to her, but he isn’t exactly Prince Charming and he’s far from rich or royalty. He shook the thought out and went up on the ramps and knocked on the door. “Sweetie Belle? Girls? Are any of you there?” He heard a squeal, no doubt coming from the white unicorn filly, then some muttering.

Gregory then tries to tidy his mane a little, sweeping his tussle to the side of his head and puffs out his chest. The door opens and sees the white unicorn, who greets him with a cheery attitude with a squeak in her voice, “Gregory! Glad you could make it! You’re just in time.” She fully opens the door, welcoming him in.

“Whoa…” he gawks in awe of the clubhouse, “This looks very nice.”

“Well, ya’ll got mah big sis to thank for this, “Apple Bloom explains to him, “This use to be her’s, but she offered and rebuilt the clubhouse and this became our HQ ever since!”

“Alright, alright,” Scootaloo says getting impatiently excited, “Let’s get the ceremony underway!”

“Oh! Right!” Sweetie Belle exclaims as she goes to the pedestal, “AB, capes, Scoots, the declaration please?” Scoots nods, but before she could get the paper, she heard her say, “And the short and revised version this time!”

“Yeah, yeah, I got it.” Scootaloo groans, last time the declaration took a little longer was with Babs Seed’s ceremony as a CMC member, while they admit with Scootaloo’s ability with a quill is remarkable, it’s just too wordy and long to even get to the point. She gave Sweetie the declaration, while they get their capes on with Apple Bloom holding Gregory’s cape under her right foreleg.

Sweetie begins to clear her throat and began reading the speech, “‘We, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, elect Gregory to join us as a brother, a friend, a confidante-’”

Gregory couldn’t help but chuckle at Sweetie’s mispronunciation and corrects her, “I think it’s actually confidant.”

The white unicorn’s eyes went wide in realization that she said the word wrong, “O-ohhh… that’s how you say it.” But that aside, she clears her throat once more and continues on, “Now, where were we? Oh, yes! ‘and fellow Cutie Mark Crusader! You are solemnly sworn in, here this day, in witness of your fellow sisters, friends, confidantes, and fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders of their activities, ideas, and projects, and working together to earn your and our own Cutie Marks.” She walks down from the pedestal and walks towards Gregory and continues, “Now Gregory, I want you to raise your left hoof and repeat after me, ‘I, state your name.”

He raised his left front hoof and says back, “I, Gregory,”

“Will promise to help my fellow Crusaders.”

“Will promise to help my fellow Crusaders.”

Then Scootaloo cuts in saying, “Even if I kiss you.”

“Even if I-“ Gregory completely stops himself before continuing that sentence.

“SCOOTALOO!!” Sweetie scolds, seeing her friend giggling.

“Okay, okay,” She says raising her fore hooves in defense, a few giggles escape her lips, “I’m done. No more, I swear.”

Sweetie sighs in frustration and continues on, “Sorry Gregory, from the top.” “Or the bottom.” She heard Scootaloo joke one last time, earning a her a glance for a few seconds to shut her up and resuming the oath, meanwhile the gamboge pegasus came up with another teasing idea, grabbing a couple pieces of paper and writing something down. Will it get more glares from Sweetie Belle? Sure. Will it be worth it? Absolutely!

She sighs, calming herself and says, “Repeat after me, ‘I, state your name,’”

Before Gregory could speak, he sees a sign that’s been lifted up and his mind went elsewhere as he then says, “‘I, Your Coltfriend?’”

Her eyes went wide as she looked behind her, only seeing AB and Scoots, whom of which her lip was twitching. She looks back at Gregory and clears her throat saying, “Try again, ‘I, state your name,”

Once again, the colt saw another sign and instead says, “‘I, Your Filly Swooner?’”

She turned her head around again, once again, just AB and Scootaloo, trying to keep her snickering in. Sweetie Belle now knows who was getting Gregory distracted, she was grinding her teeth and growling, but she calms herself again, keeping her composure and says in a soft tone, “Again, ‘I, state your name.’”

Gregory caught sight of another sign that said-

“Okay, I’m not saying that!” He protests, making the unicorn’s head quickly turn and sees… Apple Bloom was the one who raised the sign?

“Don’t look at me, she wrote them!” The country filly says defendingly, pointing her hoof at her friend.

“Can we get on with this without any form of interruption, please?!” Sweetie asked in a very agitated tone, she sighs as she turns to her attention to Gregory, who is now the one trying to keep his laughter in, but keeps his composure as she began again, “Now, let’s try this again, one last time, from the top, ‘I, state your name,’”

“I, Gregory,” he repeats.

“Will promise to help my fellow Crusaders.”

“Will promise to help my fellow Crusaders.”

“‘Even when I earned my Cutie Mark.’”

“Even when I earned my Cutie Mark.”

“‘I stick by my friends.’”

“I stick by my friends.”

“Congratulations Gregory,” She says, as Apple Bloom puts the cape on the colt, “You’re now an official Cutie Mark Crusader!” The three fillies cheer loudly, he winces and flatten his ears to block out their cheer.

“Say Gregory,” Apple Bloom says their new Crusader, “Since we’ve nearly tried every other activity, or talent, you should try to come up an activity!”

“M-me?” He asked, his eyes went wide, then he placed his hoof on his chin, thinking for something that they could do to earn their Cutie Marks. He looks around the room, then he noticed underneath the window sill was what looked like roller skates, the boots looks like they’re a mixed hybrid a human boot, but they seemed to be made ponies, the boot stops on the front were rubber black with a faded orange, the laces were an amber colored, and it had transparent orange wheels.

“Whoa! Are those roller skates?!” He asked in surprise.

Scootaloo looked at the roller skates, then back at the colt with shock, “You have roller skates back in your world?”

Gregory nods and went to the skates, “They we’re the talk in 2080s, though I… I never really tried them.”

“Seriously?! You haven’t tried roller skating?!” Scootaloo asked in shock, “Jeez, first not trying chocolate, now roller skates?! That’s like Apple Bloom being allergic to apples, or trying a rodeo! And she’s-”

“Scoots, you already did that joke.” Apple Bloom points out before her friend could finish the joke.

The gamboge pegasus looked at her confused and asked, “I did?” The fillies and colt nodded in unison, she shrugs then she looks at Gregory, “You want to give the roller skates a-“

“Absolutely!” He answers her before the question was fully asked and gets Scootaloo to help him get them on.

“Be careful Gregory,” Sweetie warns, “You have to keep your balance and don’t go too fast!”

“Oh relax Sweets,” Scootaloo says casually, “This is just gonna be a couple laps around in the clubhouse, what’s the worse that could happen?” She then ties up the rear skate’s laces and helps him up.

As he got up, he noticed that was a little taller, he chuckles as he tries to walk, but his hind skate’s wheels went backwards, causing to flail about and then went forward, “W-whoa! Whoa!” He cries out as he went to wall, slamming into it and fell backwards.

“Gregory!!” Sweetie gasps, she quickly rushed to his side, so did AB and Scoots, they looked at him with concern, his eyes was seeing stars when he had that impact to the wall. “Gregory! Are you okay?!” The unicorn filly asked him. The colt slurs on his words and then gives out a chuckle as he’s getting up, causing him to slip and spreads out his legs to keep him supported and in balance.

“Umm, maybe we should head outside before he wrecks the clubhouse.” The country filly suggests, the other Crusaders agreed and help Gregory roll to the doorway, a couple of slips here and there, but they got him safely to the door.

“Hehe, this isn’t so bad.” He says to the, looking down at the skate with a smile on his face, but then quickly to shock and horror as he accidentally went down the ramp, and then plummeted to the grass, but somehow still rolling through onward to the path.

The fillies shriek in fright as they see this happening, running as fast as they could to catch up with the roller skating colt. Sweetie Belle shouts, “Gregory! Slow it down!” He couldn’t hear her as more focus on not getting hit with the trees and bushes, as he barrels down to the path of Sweet Apple Acres, he quickly got up on his hind legs and grabs the wooden railing of the fence, his rear legs skating in place and breathing heavily.

“This is… this is harder than it looks!” He pants as his friends comes to his side.

The Crusaders were panting breathlessly as well from the running, then Apple Bloom quips, “I’ve been to many family activities that requires runnin’ and exercisin’, but this ain’t one of them!”

“S-sorry Apple Bloom,” he says to her meekly, “Th-this is my first time skating!” Then they heard a whooshing noise that surprised the fillies and startled Gregory, causing him to accidentally let go of the fence and fall onto his back. They all looked to the skies and saw a crystal carriage being pulled by two pegasi with golden armor, glimmers and sparkles trail behind them.

“Hey! That’s Princess Cadence’s carriage!” AB exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the flying carriage, “It’s going to Ponyville!”

“Who’s Princess Cadence?” Gregory asked them, tilting his head in curiosity and confusion.

“She’s the co-ruler of the Crystal Empire,” Sweetie Belle explains to him, “Ooh! You just have to meet her! Come on!” She took Gregory by the hoof ran to the path to Ponyville. The colt couldn’t believe it as he was wheeled away to town, meeting a royal? A ruler of an empire? He was excited at first, this is the first time to ever meeting a princess, on the other hand, this is first time meeting a princess.

“W-wait wait!” He shouts, pulling his friend to stop, “W-when you mean a princess, a-are you talking about like a princess that wears a lot of makeup and a dress?”

“Well, she doesn’t necessarily wears dresses,” Sweetie Belle explains further, “But she’s very kind and she wouldn’t hurt anyone! She’s the Princess of Love after all!”

While they continue on their way to Ponyville, Gregory was left with so many thoughts on mind, aside from how he should greet himself to the princess, he can’t just go up to her and say, ”Hey! I’m Gregory, I’m a human being and I wreck animatronics with a garbage compactor! Please to meet you!”

“S-should she be worried about the fact that I’m human?” He asked nervously.

“Ah, relax Greg,” Scootaloo says to him, “By the time you get to know the Princess, you’ll be friends in no time flat!” She gave him a punch on the shoulder and that sets up an unfortunate chain reaction.

Gregory wobbles about as the skates now picked up speed downhill, Sweetie tried to hold on, but her strength wasn’t enough and got dragged along, then her grip loosened and she watches in horror as the rollaway colt was heading to Ponyville with no one stopping him, off the dirt road and into the woods.

“HELP!!!” he cries as the wheels rolled on the grass, the colt kept getting hit by tree branches and bushes… this was not how he imagined how his first arrival to Ponyville was gonna go. He was going to cry out for help again, but then he remembers the lesson from Twilight.

“Okay,” he mutters himself, looking at the roller skates as his decent downhill continues, “Left right, right left!” He speed was picking up, a little slip one or twice, but his screams of terror turned into exclamations of excitement as the wheels suddenly hit the concrete and passing by pedestrians. He cheers out loud as he zooms around the town, the surge of adrenaline coursing through him as he skates past shops and the town hall.

Meanwhile with the Cutie Mark Crusaders

They’ve gotten to Ponyville, but no sign of Gregory anywhere, nothing skid marks from the roller skates. “Ohhhh, I seriously hope doesn’t damage them!” Scootaloo says anxiously, her fellow Crusaders looked at her confused, earning her a nervous chuckle, “Uh… I forgot to mention to him that they were Rainbow Dash’s skates.”

“Why the hay do you have them? Does Rainbow know?” Sweetie asks her.

“Well, yeah, why else do you think I have them?” Scootaloo asked deadpan, “I was gonna try them out to help go into flight by jumping off a ramp.”

“WHY THE HAY YOU THINK THAT’S A GOOD IDEA?!” Apple Bloom asked in shock for her friend’s plan for the skates.

“We’ll discuss this another time!” Sweetie reminds them her friends, “We gotta find…” she stops when she notices two fillies that were trotting their way, one filly was a light pink coloration, with a purple-grey mane, she wears a diamond encrusted tiara, which is also her Cutie Mark of said tiara. The other filly has a gray pelt with a two-toned gray mane, she wore light blue framed glasses and a pearl necklace, and her Cutie Mark has a spoon with a pink heart at the top of it’s handle. These two were not the ones that the Crusaders didn’t have the time to put up with at the moment, but then again, they’re Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

“Well, if it’s the Blank Flank club!” Diamond scoffs with chortle, “What are you up to this time? Trying to get a worm collecting Cutie Mark?”

“We’re trying to find Gregory,” AB explains to them, not having the patience for the two bullies, “He’s probably losing control of the skates when he came here!” Looking around, no sign of him at all.

“Who’s Gregory?” Silver Spoon asked them in confusion.

“He’s our friend,” Scootaloo says to them defendingly, “And if you two try to get on our nerves because of him-”

“Ugh, another Blank Flank?” The tiara groans, “I swear, today’s society are having a non-Cutie Marked ponies more than Cutie Marked ones! Hmph, I bet this Gregory is like the rest of the other Blank Flanks I come across.”

Sweetie Belle was not having any of this and retorts, “Don’t talk about him that way! He may not have a Cutie Mark, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t anypony different from you or I.”

Silver’s teasing then began, “Ooh, seems like the seamstress’ sister already has a coltfriend!” The two began laughing at her, making the unicorn blushing madly and tries to deny, but was interrupted by Silver yet again, “Hopefully by the time you find him, you can tell him to-”

“HEADS UP!!!” A familiar voice as a black and fair white blur zooms past the fillies, laughter and cheers came from the colt who oddly looks like Gregory, hearing him shout, “SORRY!!” As he continues on his skating spree.

“Gregory?!” Sweetie asked in shock.

The looked like he was having the time of his life, skating by and zooming through the town without any care of the world, he felt as if he was free… up until he notices that he was going too fast at a what appears to be a gingerbread house, he screams in horror as he’s speeding to the door.

At Sugarcube Corner

Twilight had turned another page on one of Starswirl’s books, scanning through the paragraphs. “Sugarcube, ya’ll should take it easy with the research,” Applejack says, “Ah’m sure answer will come once Cadence gets here.”

“I know, Applejack, I know,” she says with a sigh.

“Somethin’ on yer mind?”

The unicorn nods and explains what happened last night with Gregory and the nightmare he had, the three mares’ heart sank when they heard about this, especially for Rainbow Dash who is now having second thoughts about him being a threat and her jealousy instantly went away. Some element of loyalty she is, she’s supposed to be supportive of her friends and help those in need without question, but her whole conspiracy about the colt has rubbed off her the wrong way.

“Poor thing,” Fluttershy’s says sadly, “At least the lullaby you sang to him seemed to help.”

Rainbow puts her forehooves to her temples and sighs in frustration, “This is my fault.”

The three mares looked at her confused. “What do you mean Rainbow?” Twilight asked.

“All of my resentment and jealousy to him, me thinking he could be some kind of other creature than a pony, thinking he would steal my spotlight!” She sighs before she could loose herself, “I’m suppose to be example and inspire those around me. Instead I just got zealous from him and I acted out.”

“It’s okay Rainbow,” Twilight comforts her, “I’m sure he’ll understand if you just explained it to him.”

The athletic pegasus sigh and looked at her, giving her a sad smile, “I know Twi… If he’s in here right now, I just wanna say I’m-”

“COMING THROUGH!!!!” A shout blared out as the front door broke and a black and fair white blur zoomed through and slammed to the desert counter, the mares jumped in shock, with Rainbow Dash clutching to her chest as if she was about to have a heart attack. The slam caused a pie to jump off and splat on his face, a muffled moan of discomfort can be heard from him.

“Gregory!!!” Twilight exclaims in shock, rushing to the colt, removing the pie off of his face. "Gregory! Sweetheart, are you okay?!"

Instead of being scared or terrified in the beginning, he’s started to laugh as he wipes some of the pie off of his face and says, “I’m fine Twilight! More than fine, I never felt so alive! I haven’t gone that fast ever since I rode one of those go-carts at the Pizzaplex!” Twilight was caught by surprise, seeing him so happy even after an accident, laughing like as if nothing was wrong. She helps him up to sit, letting him catch his breath, that’s when they heard his name being called by the out of breath Cutie Mark Crusaders, with Sweetie Belle giving him an unamused look. He chuckles, the adrenaline still pumping through him as he says, “I’m definitely gonna do this again!”

“Again?!” Sweetie asked him in shock, then back into agitated as she trots to him a whacked him on the head, “You’ve nearly gave us a heart attack!” Then another whack, “You could’ve hurt yourself!” And one last harder whack, “And you nearly ran somepony over!”

Gregory rubs the top of his head, keeping his fun filled smile, “Hey, at least it was fun, wasn’t it?” Sweetie could not believe the words she was hearing, even after all of the chaos had settled, he still wants more?! She felt light headed and passed out.

Being witnessed to this was her older sister Rarity, who came in and asked, “Oh goodness, what did I miss?”

“Sweetie paaased out.” Apple Bloom explains.

“I can see that.” Rarity says deadpan.

“If you can see it, then why the hay are you asking us?” Scootaloo points out.

Ignoring that response, Rarity looked around and asked, “Where are Mr. and Mrs. Cake? Pinkie Pie needs to check on the cake that’s for the delivery.”

Twilight knows what she was talking about and replies, “Oh, they closed up shop a little early today, but they’ve allowed us to have breakfast here. I’ve also received a letter from Princess Cadence that she’ll be arriving in Ponyville.”

“Oh shoot!” AB says in shock, “I forgot! We saw her carriage heading it’s way here!”

“Yeah, that’s right!” Gregory chimed in, “I guess I forgot about that during my skating race.”

“Is that who I saw while on my here?” They heard a voice, they all turned to the source and there stood a mare and a stallion.

The unicorn stallion was taller than the mares, his pelt is white, at the end of each leg exposed a dark gray-blue hoof, blue eyes shined brighter than crystal sapphires, his mane and tail were mixture of blue and light blue with dark blue streaks and has a Cutie Mark of a six pointed Magenta Star on a Blue Shield, topped by three light blue stars. Something about the stallion carries a commanding and fierce presence to him, which almost makes Gregory nervous.

However, his eyes locked on to the alicorn mare in question, whom is none other than Princess Cadence herself, standing as tall as the stallion next to her, a graceful light pink covers her pelt and wings, eyes like purple gems, flowing purple, magenta and yellow colors serenes boldly from her mane and tail, and a teal crystal heart with a golden lace signifies as her Cutie Mark, she also wore golden shoes on her hooves and a crown with purple gems, showing a sign of royalty. Like the stallion, she shows a commanding presence, but she shows more love and gracefulness through her.

“Cadence! BBBFF!” Twilight greets excitedly as she and Spike went to them and embraced them both.

“Twily!” The white unicorn greets in return, “We gotten your letter, so we thought we would like to meet the little guy.” He looked at the already timid colt, “I think you’re him, aren’t you?” He gave him a kind smile, the same kind smile Twilight would give.

The colt got up and looked in awe and wide eyes at the pair. “W-wow… you’re really tall…” he says to them, causing the light pink alicorn giggle for a bit, causing to turn to his attention to her, bowing his head to her, “I-it’s also an honor to meet you Princess! I-I’m sorry for trouble I caused earlier.”

“Hehe, such a young gentleman,” she remarks, “You didn’t cause any trouble at all Gregory, you’ve put on quite a show for both myself and Shining Armor.”

Gregory lifts his head up at the white stallion and asked, “That’s your name?” The blue maned stallion nods in response. He began to stutter, “O-oh! Well, u-um, it’s a good name!”

He chuckles both he and Cadence noticed how nervous he was. Cadence then says, “There’s no need for formalities and to be nervous Gregory, here you can call us Shining and Cadence, we’re normal ponies like yourself.” Gregory was going to say something else, but then Cadence adds, “And there’s no need to apologize, believe me, we met many ponies that were in formals. It’s still takes me a while of getting use to.”

Gregory then looked at Twilight and then asks, “Hey Twilight, you called him your BD… BE… what was it?”

She looked at him confused at first, but then realized what he’s talking about, “Oh! BBBFF, that stands for Big Brother Best Friend Forever.”

Gregory had to do a double take when looking at the stallion first, then back at the lavender unicorn, finally looking back at Shining.

“Heh, I know,” he admits, “Other than our Cutie Marks, we don’t have any resemblance.”

“Other than your Cutie Marks?” The colt asked in shock, “Forget that, I couldn’t tell at all! I thought you would be Rarity’s brother!”

Hearing those words, Sweetie finally snapped out of her pass out and shot up and sat straight up and squeaked out, “I have a brother?!” She then noticed Princess Cadence there and she blushed madly. “I asked that out loud, didn’t I?”

The colt chuckles at her little mishap, but his attention was turned again when Cadence then spoke to him, “I’m quite surprised that you’ve settled in quickly to your new environment, but considering what happened to you in your old world, it’s very sad to hear as to what you went through.”

He hid his saddening expression and says, “I thought it would be a place I could stay for a while. Heh… boy was I wrong.”

“Well, look at the bright side Gregory!” Spike chimes in, giving him a gentle punch to his shoulder, “You’re gonna love Ponyville, even though you might have tough customers, we’ll be here for you.”

Applejack gave some thought and then says, “Mind if Ah make a suggestion? Ah know we’ve gotten used to his name, but it ain’t somethin’ exactly a name ya find here in Equestria. Don’t ya’ll think we should change it?”

“A new name?” The colt asked her tilting his head in confusion, “What’s wrong with my name?”

“Oh, there’s nothing wrong with it darling,” Rarity explains, “It’s just that… Well, it doesn’t really fit here in this world.”

Twilight gave it some thought and made her decision, “Well, if Gregory’s going to be staying with me and Spike, maybe we should give him a name that would at least be similar to my family or my traits for educational study, like the stars for example.”

“Wait, why stars?” The colt asked in confusion.

“Well, maybe I should’ve been more specific,” the lavender unicorn clarifies, “Basically, my family traits isn’t on just stars, but astrophysics and astrobiology, researching comets and planet in our solar system.” She gave him a smile as she continues, “I know a perfect last name for you Superstar.” The colt’s eyes went wide as he heard that, not that he wasn’t ungrateful for the last name that was given to him, but the sudden call back to what Freddy called him throughout the Pizzaplex. Twilight’s smile fades away as she notices the shock and then says, “O-or um, I could give you different name-”

“No no!” Gregory blurts out, “I-I like it, I… I just wasn’t expecting you would chose that one.”

She looked surprised at first by the sudden blurt, but then smiles as the name settled in for him and her. “Well, I’m happy that you think so. Now, for your first name…”

“How about Spikey?” Rainbow suggests.

“Oh, no, darling,” Rarity said. “That’s Spike’s nickname. It would be a little bit confusing for the both of them because they wouldn’t know who I’m calling if they’re in the same place, just so you’re aware.”

“Good point,” Rainbow Dash shrugs and crossed her forelegs, then a thought came to her, Spikey Superstar, she just had to chuckle at that.

“Ooh! Ooh! How about Moonstone?!” Sweetie Belle suggests.

“You seriously want to name him after a stone?” Scootaloo asked raising a brow.

“I thought it was good!” Sweetie retorted.

Gregory gave it some thought on his first name, then he thought back to type of animatronics that and style of his jacket, almost making him look like a glamorous rockstar, the only thing was missing was a rockstar hat.

“How about Glamrock?” He recommended to the others, causing all eyes to look at him. “Not a good one?”

“Actually, I think it fits you darling!” Rarity admits.


“Oh Gregory, the name suits you as well as the style you have!” She continues, “The colors, the glamour, oohhhh, I can see it on the headlines! ‘Glamrock Superstar takes Equestria by storm!’”

“Glamrock Superstar, hmm…” Twilight says as she gave some thought, “I like it, and I think it suits him well.”

Gregory, now Glamrock, smiled at the new name, for the longest time, he was just known as Gregory, or by some other names, to many other kids on the streets, he was known as ‘The Kid with No Name.’ He finally has a name of his own and that’s in a world that cares for him and friends that like him!

“Well, Glamrock,” Twilight says with a warm smile, “I think it’s about time we head home. Shining, Cadence, care for an evening stroll with us?”

“Absolutely!” Shining answers her.

“Twilight, there’s something that I should discuss with you since Glamrock will be living with you and Spike.”

“What about the Crusaders?” Glamrock asked his surrogate guardian, “Can they stay for the night too? Please?” He gave her a begging look.

Twilight playful gave it a thought, “Hmm… well, I don’t see why not, as long as Applejack, Rarity and Ms. Holiday and Ms. Lofty are okay with it.”

“Ah’m alright with that,” Applejack agrees, “But remember Apple Bloom, we have some serious work that needs to be done back at the farm, so don’t stay up too late, ya hear?”

Rarity chimes in, “Sweetie Belle, that goes for you as well, I don’t you to be tired in the morning, father wants to be prepared for a trip that’s coming up in two days.”

“You guys can go ahead and head your way there,” Scootaloo informs her fellow Crusaders, “If I don’t make it, it’s probably because my aunts and I have some company coming over.”

Twilight suddenly gasps and claps her hooves together, surprising everyone in the room, "Ooh! I just thought of something! I think this is a perfect chance to have another one of those sleepovers at my house!"

“A sleepover?” Glamrock tilts his head in confusion, “What’s that?”

“We’ll show you when we get there,” Twilight reassures him, “Rainbow? Fluttershy? Wanna tag along?”

“For a sleepover? Twilight, you know I can’t say no to that!” Rainbow says excitedly.

“I would love to go,” Fluttershy explains sadly, “But I promised that I would help Zecora with an animal problem she’s having back in her home.”

“That’s alright,” Twilight reassures, “There’s always next time.” They all say their respective farewells and head on their own way.

“Hey Twilight?” Glamrock asked his guardian, “Do you think this sleepover will be fun?”

“Oh trust me,” she says in playful manner, “You’ll be surprised how fun they are.”

Author's Note:

Still alive! I have to say, this was much longer than I thought it was originally going to take. I originally planned to release this on my birthday, which was January 16th, but due to school work and an up coming trip to Universal in March, I’ve decided to take a break in February and I’ll get back to work on Chapter 5, or maybe I can work on it on the flight to Universal, who knows?

I also want to give out some shoutouts to these awesome people who commented on my last chapter!

and hunterjackson2001

I also want to give out very special shout-out to Phoenix Heart 20. This chapter is dedicated to you and the huge amount of support you showed on the last chapter. I hope this isn’t too personal for you, if it is, then I sincerely apologize.

Anyways, I’m off to my break, but expect me to return and probably have chapter 5 up in April. And before you say, “Oh, that will take too long, why not have in done in March?” All I simply ask is your patience and time.

Thank you everyone! See you real soon!