• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,142 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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73 - Sisters True

Twilight raised a hoof. "Please wait here. Spike! I'll be right back." She spread her wings and flapped off in the direction of the town.

Spike poked his head out. "What'd she, oh." He spotted the new filly. "Hey there."

"Hi!" cried Screwball, zooming in for a closer look at Spike. "Look at you, a dragon! Ooo."

"That's me." Spike puffed out his chest, looking proud of this fact. He was quite a dragon. "And you're a pony."

"Mostly." She inclined her head. "With a dash of chaos." She threw her hooves wide with the last word, a rainbow following their motions with strange colors that didn't match a prism. "You met my sister?" She waved back at Comforting.

Comforting waggled a few fingers as she stepped closer. "Hey, Spike."

"Hey yourself." He considered the two shining examples of chaos before him. "You're not going to do some weird chaos things, are you?"

Comforting smiled at that. "Do you want us to?"

"We can try," joyfully added Screwball.

Spike considered with a hum. "Well... Can you give me a big moustache?" He twirled the facial hair he was missing. "Something really dashing looking?"

Screwball considered how to do that. "Um..."

But Comforting had an idea. She pulled out a fake moustache and slapped it on his face without even a moment for him to realize what was going on.

"H-hey!" He swatted at her. "What are you doing?"

"Giving you a moustache, clearly." She bounced back a step. "How's it look?"

"That was just..." He ran his fingers over what was a moustache. If it was a fake, he couldn't confirm that. "Woah!" He suddenly ran off, but came back just as quickly with a mirror in hand, gazing upon his new self. "Nice..."

Screwball burst into airy giggles. "That was amazing! Can I do that?" She fished out a fake moustache and peered at it skeptically. "Gonna try!"

"You already messed up," cautioned Comforting. "Our magic is like a stage trick. The longer you wait, the more chances for the trick to be seen, and it's messed up."

"Oh..." Screwball looked amazed at that chaotic insight. "Wow... Discord would just get angry if I tried to ask him about how chaos works."

Comforting frowned, imagining poor Screwball, ignored by the one that made her, or robbed her of memories? It was hard to know. Either way! Unkind... "I won't do that."

"Which is why you're the best big sister!" Screwball hugged Comforting tightly about the neck. "I'm already learning new stuff and I love it."

Comforting smirked at that. "Learning is very fun, especially when you're learning what you want to learn."

Spike twirled his for-real moustache. "So... how long do I get to keep this? Twilight's only lasted a little while."

Two ponies were coming on wings. Twilight was flying next to Fluttershy. "Oh my," let out the latter, coming down gently and looking at the two fillies.

Comforting whirled on Fluttershy. "Mom! Oh, Screwball, this is my mom." She waved from Screwball to Fluttershy. "She is the absolute best."

"Hi." Screwball zipped over, circling over Fluttershy's head. "If you're her mom, and she's my sister, does that mean you're my mom too? Wow, that was fast. I thought finding my mom would be way harder."

Twilight raised a brow at Spike's new adornment. "You know I have to get rid of that, right?"

"Aw..." But he didn't fight as she zapped the beard away. "Nice while it lasted... Comforting's getting better at the whole chaos thing."

Twilight pressed a hoof to her forehead. "That was very nice of her... Comforting, please don't alter the body of a growing young dragon."

Comforting inclined her head. "Any more than you did?" Her eyes swirled with colors. "Sorry! That was really mean... I didn't mean it."

Twilight recoiled at the sudden burn. "W-what? When did I alter Spike?"

"Technically," joined Fluttershy. "You used magic to make him hatch, and that involved a few major changes if I recall the story correctly."

It was Twilight's turn to cringe. "That was an accident... And one I will not be repeating!"

"I'm alright with the hatching thing." Spike shrugged with a casual meh. "The alternative isn't very interesting."

Fluttershy coughed into a hoof. "Back on topic... We have a new filly here." She watched Screwball float about, mumbling something to herself. "She... looks..."

"Cute?" proposed Comforting with a smile.

"Certainly, but also a little..."

Twilight waved at Screwball. "She is clearly affected by being steeped in chaos for years! Poor thing."

Screwball zoomed over to Twilight. "What's wrong with a little chaos?"

Comforting crossed her arms. "That's called being isolated for way too long. Come here, Screwie." She grabbed Screwball when they hovered closer. "You are worth loving."

Screwball somehow smiled wider, eyes swirling with the joy. "Oh, um... we're sisters. This is so sudden!"

Comforting laughed at the misunderstanding. "Not like that. Just as a pony, you're a lovely pony that deserves a helping hand." She wriggled a few fingers at that. "Are you ready to get used to company that isn't just a Discord that's trying to ignore you?"

Screwball threw her hooves up and wide. "Yes! That sounds like tons of fun. What do we do first?" She leaned in, eyes swirling wildly. "Do we have a party? I never had a party, beside by myself. I hear they're way better with other ponies."

Overwhelmed with dreams of happy times, Screwball babbled to herself with snatches of what a party would be like, drifting away.

Fluttershy inclined her head slowly. "Twilight was right. Screwball needs some love and attention... Comforting, how do you plan to give that, and still do your own things?"

Comforting scowled a little, but it turned into an unhappy sigh. "Do they even have a mental hospital in Ponyville?"

Twilight nodded at that. "Actually, yes."

Comforting blinked with amazement. "You do?! Where?!" She twirled around, lifting to do so. "I never saw one..."

Twilight pointed to the hospital in the distance. "The hospital cares for injured bodies and minds. I'm sure they would gladly treat Screwball."

Comforting landed, rubbing the side of her head and over her ear-feather. "Huh... Alright, but only if I get to visit her, a lot. She's not dangerous! They wouldn't put a straight jacket on her or anything, right?"

"I don't want a crooked jacket," added Screwball, floating over Comforting's head. "Why would you want that?"

"They're no fun." All ponies jumped in surprise. Pinkie had arrived without warning, being a chaos touched mare herself. "So I hear some little pony never had a party. This injustice will not stand." She clopped her hooves together in a firm strike. "I need to know your favorite cake flavor, color, and if you like things loud, quiet, sparkly, or, my favorite, yes please."

Screwball floated towards Pinkie, eyes wide. "You smell nice."

Pinkie raised an arm to give her armpit a sniff, sticking out her tongue afterwards. "Smell normal to me!"

"You smell..." Screwball's nose danced in the air. "Familiar. A good familiar. Hello!" She thrust a hoof at Pinkie. "I'm Screwball, the screwiest pony around." She giggled, which turned into a laugh, then a cackle, overwhelmed by her own madness a moment. "Nice to meet you."

Pinkie met the hoof despite the unhinged laughter. "I'm Pinkie Pie, but just Pinkie's fine. So, favorite flavor?"

"Mmm. Mmmm!" She reached up and pulled a slice of cake free of her head. She took a casual bite. "This one's good. What flavor is this?"

Pinkie grabbed the plate and slapped it down on a counter that hadn't been there, wearing a full scientist get up as she manically began testing the cake to determine its flavor. "Mmm, every time I measure it, it changes! Twilight, I need some extra science power!"

Twilight watched Pinkie work manically a moment. "Have you tried tasting it?"

Spike snickered, face held behind both hands. "I wasn't gonna say anything."

"Oh." Pinkie sat, letting a bit of the cake fall to the counter. "Right. How silly of me." She smashed her face against the fallen cake, coming back up with the counter entirely clean. "Mmm, Cherry berry blast, you got it!"

Screwball let out an appreciative yay, clapping rapidly with her hooves, though the sound was a mixture of clops and very human sounding applause. "You're so nice. Are you like Comforting and me? You feel like it..."

Pinkie waved that away. "As if. I haven't been around much chaos, so unless it happens in the future and echoes back to now, that's impossible!" She casually swept away the counter, no longer needed.

Comforting considered the display. "You are a great example."

"Yes!" Pinkie pumped a hoof in triumph. "Great example of what now?"

Comforting floated up to be eye level with Pinkie, eyes swirling colorfully with happy thoughts. "You are a harmonious pony, very harmonious. You do a lot to help Harmony out, eagerly and happily. But you're also way chaotic. You prove my point, that a pony can be both of those things."

Pinkie grabbed Comforting by her pinchable cheeks, rubbing them between her hooves. "And so are you, miss Harmony fan!"

Comforting ducked back away from those grasping hooves. "How do you...?" But the question died before it was finished being born. "Chaotic viewpoints." She didn't have that. She still only saw what she saw. She only thought linearly. A limitation? She liked having linear thoughts, really... "How have you avoided Discord's attention, chaos mare?"

Pinkie shrugged at that. "I dunno. We both have things to do and just don't bump into each other all that much. If he wants to help bring some parties to the next level, I'm ready!" She giggled at the thought of such wild affairs. "But he's busy doing his chaos thing. It's alright." She shrugged a bit more grandly than required. "How about you? You're a chaos thingie. Too cool for me?"

Comforting opened her mouth to talk, but Screwball got in there first. "I'll be your friend!" cried the new chaos filly. "But first, the party."

"The party!" Pinkie clapped her hooves. "You have your priorities straight. We have to introduce you to the town, and celebrate. This is kinda your birthaversary, sorta." She considered with a curled hoof. "I'll work on that. Gonna get on that!" She bounced away, the conversation over.

Fluttershy started off. "Come along, Comforting, Screwball." She led the two chaotic creatures away into town. "Thank you for getting me, Twilight!"

"Any time." Twilight and Spike waved at her departing form.

Spike raised a scaled brow. "She's going to the hospital, yeah?"

"I hope so." Twilight turned for inside. "Tonight is your turn. What do you have planned?"

Spike rubbed his hands together with a big smile. "I hope you're in the mood for skewers, because I have just the thing in mind!"

"Ooo." They headed inside, both looking forward to Spike's delectable offerings.

Fluttershy walked along at a sedate pace. "Screwball, that's your name, isn't it?"

"Sure is, mom!" Screwball hovered just over Fluttershy, pawing at her ears gently. "Wow, it's nice having one of those..."

Comforting felt a flash of jealousy, but stomped on it just as quickly. Being mad at the poor lost filly wasn't nice, or proper. She wasn't losing her Fluttershy.

Fluttershy nodded gently. "Now... I want what's best for you, Screwball... I think you should go to a place that has ponies that know how to best care for you."

Screwball's expression sank. "Wait, are you getting rid of me?" She brought up her hooves, shaking. "Discord tried! Why does everycreature want to throw me out?!"

"No, no... no..." Fluttershy shook her head quickly to emphasize that. "I'm not throwing you out. In fact... I imagine you and Comforting have so much to talk about, and are already good friends."

Comforting floated up at Screwie's side. "We're sisters," she repeated to be sure that was clear. "So what's your idea?"

Author's Note:

Flutter has an idea, but is it a good one? What would you do in her place?

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