• Published 5th Jun 2022
  • 398 Views, 3 Comments

Waning Moonlight - Amarandream

After the banishment of Princess Luna, her followers find themselves in an increasingly hostile Equestria where survival is no longer guaranteed.

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2 - Cracks in the Guard

"Commander Steelheart, to what do We owe the pleasure?" Princess Luna asked in surprise. "With your retirement in a few days, surely you wish to get your remaining affairs in order."

"Apologies, Princess, but that's why I'm here," he said gruffly, the voice of a stallion who spent too much time with his pipe. "I've found a suitable replacement for my position. Pending your approval, of course."


"It's Captain Starside, your majesty," he said as if it should've been obvious. "He's fiercely loyal, maintains an iron grip on his subordinates, and has no compunction with completing any sort of task you might imagine. Including the very worst, should you require it."

"He sounds like the worst possible choice," she said coolly, not wanting to offend him but also finding herself baffled at that particularly poor decision.

"What? Respectfully, your majesty, I'm not sure what you mean. He's perfectly qualified. Just look at his test scores or his years of experience with us."

"Starside is overzealous, too easily manipulated, and lacks heart." Luna took a deep breath, appearing to ponder the decision she'd secretly long since made. "How about Captain Silverbright? She once saved Our favorite maidservant, you know."

"Again, with respect, her job was to save you. Servants are expendable, you are not." By his tone, it sounded as if he too was more than a little baffled at her thought process. But of course, he was one of those who still saw Silverbright as little more than an upstart country bumpkin.

"We were safe behind Our barriers," she explained patiently, even if internally she seethed at having to explain herself at all and to her own commander no less. "Rather than waste time worrying over duties that didn't need doing, she intuited Our desires and carried them out without hesitation, saving a life in the process. Besides, she always thinks of the good of Equestria as a whole. We like that."

"Very well, your majesty," he said with tired resignation. "I'll inform Silverbright at once."

Commander Silverbright sifted through the reports on her ebonized oak desk, listening to the dark blue unicorn with eyes that matched perfectly to the name "Azure Gaze" describe the increasingly uncertain situation within Equestria. Ponies were scared. The change to the moon could be seen by all and word of the battle at Everfree had spread faster than camp fever at the siege of Canter’s Motte.

That was nothing compared to the panic felt by the thestrals of Tzinacatlia though. Word was the Moonspeaker Conclave had convened and would soon decide the region's official stance on recent events, but even without a statement from the Conclave many had already decided this was an attack upon the denizens of the night. And Lunar intelligence indicated they were preparing themselves accordingly.

All of this Silverbright had only learned so quickly through the extensive network of eyes and ears the Lunar Guard had at its disposal. The largest in the world, insofar as Silverbright was aware. But even with such a powerful tool at her disposal, Silverbright had to admit the Lunar Guard was in trouble.

Recruitment was expected to fall drastically, the younger members of the Guard openly discussed leaving, and the sense of tension permeating the walls of Blackwatch was palpable. Many expected violence, though nopony knew yet who the enemy might be.

Even their equipment was failing them. The blades of living moonlight they wielded now appeared not silvery white but sickly yellow, a result of the great distance existing between them and their creator. Silverbright just thanked her lucky stars they still functioned at all. The protective barriers around Blackwatch were gone, the portal network Luna helped set up across Equestria was nonfunctional, and the wards in the training rooms that prevented serious injuries were flickering on and off at a dangerous frequency. Even the star bespeckled magi-lamp in the corner of Silverbright's desk seemed a few shades duller. No wonder, since it had been a gift from Princess Luna to Commander Steelheart, who left it when he retired.

Princess Luna had never set in her enchantments in the same way other enchanters often did. She’d feared these items might be used against her or her followers if they fell into the wrong hooves, so she made them reliant upon both her will and her survival. But now that over-cautious mindset was backfiring against them all.

As if things couldn’t get worse, the door suddenly burst open with such a force as to ruffle the blue-purple banner next to the Equestrian flag on the dark stone walls. Following the crash came a practically snarling gray earth pony with purple gold-flecked eyes, a sky blue pegasus with pale yellow mane and eyes not far behind. That would be Starside and Sunsear respectively. Of course.

Starside didn’t even wait to be greeted before shouting, “It's a coup! Those light-blinded Solarists have always hated us, and now they dare to not only banish our princess but also besmirch her good name? Blame her for the whole affair? Villainy, I say! Treason!"

"Are you done?" Silverbright raised an eyebrow. "Not only do you speak without basis, but you know quite well that is not how I expect my officers to act."

"Or what?" Starside snarled. "You need every officer you can get, and we all know you're losing your grip."

"Or I cut your throat," Sunsear answered, sounding almost bored. "We're all expendable, try not to forget that."

Starside turned and stepped up to her, sputtering in anger. "You dare! Commander, this one's probably working with the flaming Solars! How convenient that she should transfer to us less than a year before they enacted this vile plot."

"You're kidding," Sunsear said flatly. "Is there a single pony in Equestria that doesn't know how much Dovekin and I hate each other? You're grasping at straws, and you know it. But then again, anything to back up your delusional conspiracy theories, right?"

"Enough!" Silverbright bellowed just as it was looking like it might come to blows. "Starside, you will not be spreading your conspiracy theories. Sunsear, nopony is getting their throat cut. And both of you, get out of my office before I demote you and put one of the thestrals in your place!"

To his credit, Starside seemed to suddenly develop the good sense to salute and walk out, though his eyes said this wasn’t over. Sunsear, on the other hoof, had to get her last word in.

“Commander, I urge you to remember which of us is on your side, and which isn't."

"We're all on the same side. One Guard, one banner."

"Right," Sunsear scoffed. "Remember that little rebellion at Canter's Motte? Remember how the Solar Guard buried their muzzles in the sand, refusing to believe it could happen until the last moment? Don't make the same mistake." And with that, she trotted out of the room.

Silverbright heaved a sigh of relief at seeing them gone. "Those two... Starside wasn't right, was he? Am I losing my grip? Azure?"

"No," Azure Gaze said. "If anything, your grip is being pulled out from under you. Even the deftest officer would suffer from such problems given the current climate."

"How comforting," Silverbright muttered. "Still, Sunsear was right about one thing: I have to do something. When we're done here, I want you to write up a letter admonishing Captain Sunsear for her recent insubordination. I'll sign it. Oh, and write up another one relieving Starside from his duties. Make it temporary, but with a provision to be made permanent if he causes further trouble. I can't have one of my captains agitating for war with our own people, and I'm sure a 'vacation' will do wonders for his mental health. In the meantime, that thestral lad can take over his post. You know, the one with the name I can't pronounce."

"Enneadecaeteris, ma'am?"

"That's the one. Luna curse me, but he needs a nickname."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Oh, and I suppose I wouldn't be doing my due diligence if I didn't at least look into Starside's claims. Is there any chance some part of what happened actually was caused by Celestia or the Solars?"

“No, ma'am. Our spies would have seen it coming. And if not them then my husband.”

“Right,” Silverbright said. “I nearly forgot. You two are a very dangerous couple. You know that, right?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

"Now, onto the issue of Lieutenant Nightly. He and his unit were supposed to be on guard the night Luna disappeared. Have you discovered what happened?"

"I have. Nightly reports receiving orders from Princess Luna earlier that same night. Apparently, she asked him and the other guards to vacate the castle, and in doing so also fabricate a reason to get the Solar Guard out with them. He claims she ordered him not to report this to Blackwatch, but since the orders were entirely verbal, there is no physical evidence for any of it. Moreover, Nightly appears to have been the only one on duty the princess spoke to directly, so none of the others can corroborate the story."

"I see." Silverbright leaned back in her chair. "Still, with everything that happened with Princess Luna, her ordering the guards away is certainly not out of the question. And Nightly is known for being steadfastly loyal. He would have followed any order from her, even one as strange as that."

"So, you don't think he's just shifting the blame?"

"No. His story may be highly irregular, but it's also the only one that makes sense. It does paint us in a rather unfortunate light though. Makes it look like we were conspiring with Princess Luna to remove the Solars and take over."

"Indeed." Azure Gaze nodded. "I already have our agents working overtime to protect the image of the Lunar Guard. It's unlikely to be completely successful though."

“Naturally.” Silverbright let out a heavy sigh. "I think I've heard all I need to. Any more and it'll only serve to depress me." She eyed the younger mare. "How's your family? It can't be easy at a time like this, what with you here and your husband a Solar."

Azure gave a wan smile. "In all these years, the bonds between he and I have never faltered. They're not about to because of this. We'll be alright."

"And the colts?"

"Good grades, do their chores, plenty of friends. What more could a mother ask for?"

"Good," Silverbright said. "That's very good to hear."

"What about you, Commander? I don't believe I've ever heard you talk about your family."

"None to speak of. Now, once you finish that paperwork, you can take the rest of the day off. Visit that family. I have a feeling things will get a lot worse before they get better."

"Yes, ma'am. And thank you."

Silverbright smiled. "Don't worry about it."

Princess Celestia gazed out the window of her chambers within Castle Everfree, staring at the starry night as she tried to see the beauty she had so long since taken for granted. No matter how hard she tried though, her eyes were always drawn back to the same thing.

It was a cruel twist of fate that her sister’s banishment should mar the moon so. Every time Celestia looked up she would be reminded of her failings. Of how she had refused to listen, refused to believe anything was wrong until it was too late. If only she’d listed to the warnings. She’d certainly had plenty.

Grand Marshal Dovekin once warned her that Luna might try to seize control, but Celestia dismissed it as mere paranoia. She’d scolded him for insulting her sister so, but it turned out he was right. And then there was Commander Silverbright. She once came to Celestia with concerns about Luna’s wellbeing, tried to tell her to spend more time with her sister and to give her more time to have her say within the government. Celestia, in all her foolishness, merely assumed Silverbright was attempting to curry favor with Luna and in doing so increase her own influence.

When Luna became more closed off, began lashing out in anger, Celestia scolded her for making a temper tantrum. And even when she genuinely did try to connect with Luna, when she tried to find out what was wrong, she let herself be rebuffed far too easily.

“It’s all my fault,” Celestia whispered, tears streaming down her face. And yet those tears lasted for only a moment, for when a knock came at the heavy door, she wiped her face clean and answered, “Please, come in.”

In came a member of the Lunar Guard in full, pitch-black combat uniform decked with crescent moons at the collar and left foreleg—Lieutenant Nightly she believed his name was, at least if her recollection of the stallion with a coat and mane as dark as his uniform was correct.

When he bowed, it was as deep as with any member of her Solar Guard, and he spoke with the same respect. “Your Highness, I have the updated security arrangements. Our night patrols will keep a better watch than ever before, and I have names picked out for your own security detail should you have cause to go out at night as Princess Luna so often did. I can also answer any questions you may have regarding these arrangements or the general operations of the Lunar Guard. We understand your relative unfamiliarity with our organization could strain things, but I assure you, Commander Silverbright wishes only to have a fruitful working relationship and we intend to make that as easy as possible.”

“Good speech,” Celestia said, trying to be light-hearted even if her current mood brought it out sounding closer to an insult. “Do you practice these things in front of a mirror?”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Nightly said without hesitation. “Would you like to look over the arrangements?” He held out a sheaf of papers.

Celestia almost smiled at the humorous admission. On another day, she would have, but it now seemed likely she would not smile again for some time yet. Instead, she quickly took the papers in her magic and began skimming through them.

“Is Your Highness finding everything to your liking?”



Celestia set down the papers. “I’m afraid none of this is necessary. After everything that has happened, you and your fellows deserve a break. Please, pass those papers on to Captain Sparks of the Solar Guard. He can make any arrangements that are needed. You and yours should return to your families for the time being. Don’t worry, I’ll see to it that you are well compensated for the time off.”

“Your Majesty,” Nightly said, “I remain more than happy to serve, even now.”

“You have your orders, Lieutenant. Please, enjoy the vacation.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you, Your Majesty.” Lieutenant Nightly bowed even deeper than before, such that Celestia could not see his face for several seconds. When he came up, he wore a small smile, though a slight crinkle around those violet eyes told her he was less than pleased. Even then, had she any less experience in diplomacy and politics than she did now, she doubt she would have noticed it.

Once Nightly was gone, Celestia got the sudden impression that he was unlikely to go straight home. If anything, he and his troops would report straight to Commander Silverbright at Castle Blackwatch. Perhaps she’d have to send a letter to the good commander. The last thing she needed was the Lunar Guard overworking themselves trying to compensate during such a stressful time. That would only lead to conflict. Though she still needed to figure out what to do about them in the long run.

Once that was done, she could finally return to what seemed like her two new favorite activities: weeping and staring at the sky.