• Published 1st Jan 2022
  • 1,597 Views, 296 Comments

The Light Within Us - theOwtcast

Be careful what you wish for; you might get exponentially more. Someone really should have warned Thorax what he was getting himself into by wanting friendship so badly.

  • ...


Not long after the buffalo had left, I noticed something equine-shaped flying in from the north. I assumed it was a changeling at first, until I remembered that all drones were supposed to be accounted for. A closer look revealed it to be a pony, and it was closing in fast.

Too fast.

I only had enough time to leap out of the way before the pony crashed face-first into a boulder, then ricocheted almost onto my throne with a painful oof.

Should I have turned into a pillow for her? Or would that have only injured both of us? Yeah, probably the latter… though I still felt bad about not having done anything to slow her down…

“Goodness!” I exclaimed, running up to her. “Are you alright?”

She rubbed her head, shook herself into focus, and stood up. There didn’t seem to be anything wrong with her except for the eyes. Had the collision done that?

“Is this the changeling hive?” she asked calmly as if nothing had happened.

“Uh… oh, yes, it is! We don’t get many ponies nowadays, especially so… suddenly…” Quit rambling! “Um, how can I help you?”

“Mail delivery for King Thorax.” She reached into her saddlebag, which had miraculously survived the ordeal and remained on her back, and pulled out a fancy-looking envelope.

Of course! She was a mailmare! Why hadn’t I registered her uniform?

“Thanks, Miss-”

“Have a nice day!” She waved and flew off.

I watched her leave until reasonably satisfied she could make it back to Equestria on her own wingpower, then sat down to read the letter. This was the first one since moving back from the Crystal Empire - the few previous correspondences had been done by scrolls sent via my own couriers on their way back from delivering outgoing stuff - and I thought for a moment that the ponies had established permanent mail delivery channels, or whatever they were called, to the hive. But wasn’t that expected to take longer, and how many drones were likely to be sending and receiving mail so soon? The mailmare had to have gone out of her way to deliver the letter this time! Whatever was in it had to be important!

Intrigued, I started to tear up the envelope with my fangs, only to remember I didn’t have fangs anymore. Tear it up with the horn instead, or maybe the antlers? Weren’t they a little too thick to squeeze under the flap? I could, of course, just shapeshift into- Hold on, I had magic now! Why not use that?

I tugged at the envelope until it came open; it had taken me a moment to orient myself, but in the end, it was actually easier than using the fangs!

The first look at the piece of parchment inside confirmed my suspicions of this being something important. The second look, including a glance through the text, wiped away all doubt.

Office of Princess Celestia, HRH/Office of Princess Luna, HRH, Castle of the Sun and the Moon, Canterlot, Equestria,
Office of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, HRH/Office of Prince-Captain Shining Armor, HRH, Crystal Castle, Crystal Empire,
Office of Princess Twilight Sparkle, HRH, Castle of Friendship, Ponyville, Equestria
To: King Thorax of the Changelings, HRH
Re: Award-giving Ceremony

Dear King Thorax,

It is our great honor and pleasure to inform you that the Offices of the Royal Princesses of Equestria and the Crystal Empire have reached a unanimous decision to award you one of the most honorable Equestrian awards, the Pink Heart of Courage, for your selfless actions in defeating a mighty foe and restoring peace and harmony in our lands. The ceremony is to be held on November 10th in the Castle of Friendship in Ponyville, starting at 11 AM, after which a banquet will follow. Bringing many guests is encouraged, and accommodation will be provided as required to anyone arriving in the preceding days.

We look forward to this momentous occasion.

Princess Celestia
Princess Luna
Princess Cadance
Prince Shining Armor
Princess Twilight

We landed in Ponyville late in the evening; after the previous official visit to Canterlot, I didn’t want to risk attracting another angry mob by showing up when the ponies were still expected to be out and about, though for Twilight’s benefit, I hoped to arrive before she herself went to bed. I was counting on her offer of accommodation to be genuine, but just in case, Pharynx had supplied us with a map of usable hideouts in the general area. Hopefully none of us would have to use it!

So far, so good. Nopony seemed to have noticed us, and some of the castle’s windows weren’t dark yet. I knocked on the main door and waited a little.

Nothing. I knocked again.

I was starting to think we’d have to resort to Pharynx’s hideouts when faint hoofsteps echoed from somewhere inside, and the doors opened a crack.

“Who is it at such- oh, good evening, Thorax!” Twilight said and opened the door wider. “...oh. You’ve brought changelings.”

“Is it a problem? The letter you sent said I could-”

“No, it’s alright! Of course we meant you to bring friends! This is a big day for you, after all, and you should have someone to share it with! But, honestly, I wasn’t expecting you at this hour…”

“I wanted to avoid upsetting the ponies if they saw an incoming swarm… and they’re going to be careful not to show up at the ceremony all at once… only as far as the other guests are comfortable…”

“Because of your old reputation?”

“You make it sound like it won’t be an issue.”

“Remember when my friends and I promised to prepare Ponyville for a visit of a friendly changeling, way back when you moved in with Cadance and Shining Armor? Those progress reports we kept sending you weren’t just empty words, and if anypony still had any doubts, your showdown with Chrysalis convinced them.”

“But you were preparing the town for one changeling, and there’s got to be at least twenty of us here-”

“Trust me, they’re ready,” she assured me. “Now, where to put you all? All the guest rooms in the castle save for the ones I reserved for Thorax are already taken by ponies from the Crystal Empire and Starlight’s old village, and even a few buffalo…”

“It’s alright, Princess,” Antenna said. “The rest of us can sleep on hallway floors-”

“NO!” Twilight and her aura both screamed, then quickly composed themselves to an extent. “I mean, you’re my guests, and I can’t expect you to sleep on the floor!”

“But we sleep on the floor all the time,” Sleuth interjected.

They did? I hadn’t realized! How had I failed to realize that my subjects were still in the habit of sleeping on the bare floor?! I must have assumed only Pharynx still did that!

“We’ll discuss that on the way back,” I told him. “Can you at least pass some cushions around, Twilight? They can share the room with me if it’s big enough.”

“I have a better idea. Why don’t we ask my friends to lend a hoof? I’m sure each of them could take at least a couple of drones for the night!”

We agreed hesitantly, and she teleported away with two drones, popped back alone a minute later, and repeated the process until everyling had a place to stay. I was still having second thoughts about it, but she assured me it was alright, as she’d chosen the ponies she trusted: aside from her friends - even Rainbow Dash in her cloud home, as Twilight apparently had a spell that allowed non-pegasi to walk on clouds - she also named Scootaloo, Lyra and Bon Bon, Cheerilee, Cranky and Matilda, Aloe and Lotus, and Thunderlane, whoever they were. Maybe I would get to meet them? Finally, she led me to a room I was supposed to use, where we said goodnight to each other, and soon I was sound asleep.

I woke up to the sight of Rarity looming over me with a scrunched face.

“Huh?” I blurted out.

“Oh! Beg pardon, darling, I was just… erm… checking… something… No need to fret!” she grinned awkwardly, then galloped away with a measuring tape in her magical grip. “Seeyouattheceremony!”

Okay, that was weird. But apparently it was also morning, so it made sense to get up and see if there was anything-

Who dares disturb Trixie in her great and refreshing sleep?!

-going on somewhere. Well, at least I wasn’t the only one to have been blessed with Rarity’s unconventional wake-up call. I stuck my head out into the hallway.

“Well well well, look who’s here to stand with Trixie as she receives an award for her great and courageous acts,” she said upon seeing me.

Oh. Right. Of course she’d be getting one too; after all, I hadn’t been the only one to risk my neck with that rescue mission! I should have realized it sooner! But where were Starlight and Discord?

“Takes your breath away, I know,” she continued. “Trixie couldn’t believe it either at first! But come to think about it, it really only makes sense, wouldn’t you say? The three of you at Trixie’s side against hordes of those monsters, fighting against all odds-”

“Trixie, you’re finally up!” Starlight shouted from behind me. “I must have knocked on your door ten times in the past hour alone!”

“Oh, hi Starlight-”

“Hi Thorax,” she said absent-mindedly, then shifted her attention back to Trixie. “Do you want breakfast or not?”

“How do you think Trixie would be her great and powerful self without breakfast?” Trixie hissed.

“Then you might wanna hurry while there’s still some pancakes left. You coming, Thorax?”

“I don’t really eat pancakes-”

“Eh, suit yourself.” She teleported herself and Trixie away.

I sighed. A gentle hoof touched my shoulder and I recoiled in surprise.

“Huh- oh, it’s you, Sunburst. Heh. When did you come here?”

“The train arrived last evening- oh, you mean now. Starlight teleported us. There’s still some time left before the ceremony, and she’s too busy with preparations to hang out, so I figured I’d see if Twilight had any new books. Wait, weren’t you supposed to only arrive this morning?”

“We came late in the evening. Why?”

“I didn’t see you yesterday so I must have assumed… nevermind. The ceremony will start soon enough anyway and, come to think about it, I could easily end up missing it if I go exploring the library, so, would you like to hang out?”

“Sure! What is the time, anyway? I don’t see any clocks…”

“It’s about a quarter past ten.”

“That late?! Wow, the flight here must have been more exhausting than I realized…”

“It’s alright. Twilight wanted a rehearsal, but only Starlight woke up early enough and Discord is still Celestia-knows-where, but we convinced her there was no need as the four of you are only supposed to stand there during the speech. Not much can go wrong with that, right?”

“Probably not, unless she forgets what she’s supposed to say. Hey, why don’t you come in?”

He did, and we sat down on some cushions. The conversation switched to catching up on what I’d missed in the Crystal Empire, but that topic exhausted itself pretty quickly as I’d visited not that long ago, and according to Sunburst, I was going to see a few of my friends again downstairs.

“You ran off pretty abruptly last time,” he said in the end, turning serious. “You know you can tell us anything, right?”

“Yes, but there’s not much to tell… it’s probably just that I need to get used to being in charge… things can get really frustrating sometimes, you know?” I grinned awkwardly.

“If you say so.” He neither looked nor sounded convinced. “So, who are your new friends?”


“The changelings you brought. A few came along with Twilight’s friends and said you’d asked them to come, therefore it’s safe to assume they’re your friends.”

“Oh, that… well, the invitation said to bring as many guests as I wanted so I kind of just asked the reformed drones I’ve cooperated with recently in one way or another… didn’t expect they’d all be interested, though… unless they were just being polite or thought it was an order…”

“Hey, at least they’re listening to you and you don’t have to resort to threats and such!”

“Heh… yeah, I guess… Hold on, you reminded me of something.” I reached for my saddlebag and levitated out a stack of scrolls. “I found this in an alcove of Chrysalis’ bedchamber and managed to figure out some parts, but most are written in some strange script that I can’t even begin to decipher. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in tackling them when you find some time? It’s okay if you don’t get anywhere. I was just, you know, wondering what they are.”

He accepted them eagerly. “I have yet to see an ancient scroll I couldn’t figure out!”


“I should probably take them to my room or I’ll leave them behind… actually, the ceremony will start soon and everypony’s expecting you, so why don’t we go downstairs now and I’ll just drop these off in my room on the way?”

That was what we did.

The large ballroom was already swarming with ponies, most of whom I didn’t recognize, which was expected, but none of the changelings were there, which concerned me a little. I excused myself to Sunburst and went around the room, thinking I might have missed them in the crowd at first glance. No success there; even after circling the room three times, there was no sign of a single one of them, not even the ones Sunburst had seen arrive!

Where was everyling? Had something happened to them?

I was about to take my growing concerns to Twilight when a pony tapped my shoulder.

“Is something wrong, Thorax?” he said. “You look upset.”

I was about to dismiss him politely when something clicked.

“Blade?” I whispered. “Is that you?”

He nodded.

“Why are you in disguise?”

“A precaution. We didn’t know how the ponies would react to us, remember?”

“Yes, but… uh, Twilight said she and her friends have been preparing Ponyville for my visit ever since she met me, and she swears the town’s populace is ready.” I took a deep breath and let it out. “I’m not sure if I’m ready in case she’s wrong, but let’s trust her, shall we? She did invite us, after all.”

He dropped his disguise. A few nearby ponies stopped mid-conversation to look at him. The next moment, a chain reaction of blue flames spread randomly among the crowd, revealing my subjects hidden in plain sight until now. The whole room went silent momentarily, and I felt my heart rise into my throat as the ponies observed the sudden change. I expected outrage any moment now! Bloodshed, too? I hoped not, but with so many ponies and so few changelings… If only Pharynx hadn’t refused to tag along! He could handle the chaos if anyone could!

But the chaos and bloodshed never happened; the ponies simply resumed their conversations, and some of them even invited a nearby drone to join in! The buffalo group on the other side of the room seemed to have claimed a drone’s company too if I was seeing it right! The aura in the room had no malignant flavors, only the bright warmth of genuine love! I allowed myself to breathe again.

Twilight trotted over and asked me to follow her to the stage. Starlight and Trixie were standing in that general area already, obviously better clued in on how to behave and what to expect than I was. As I joined them, there was an explosion of confetti and discolored fruit front-and-centre on the stage, and the fourth member of our rescue team appeared before us, dressed in vibrant yellow suit and red cape, standing on a floating couch, bowing theatrically to the crowd as singing roses rained down on him from a cotton-candy cloud.

“Thank you, thank you!” he exclaimed. “It’s so heartwarming to see such an adoring crowd of fans of yours truly, eternally grateful to the Lord of Chaos for so courageously saving them from the tragic fate of-”

“Ahem!” Twilight interrupted him.

“Aw, you’re no fun, Princess Bookhorse,” he grumbled. A snap of a claw landed him on the stage and removed his props and accessories. “Happy now?”

“Thank you,” she said with a slight hint of annoyance that, judging by Discord’s smirk, hadn’t gone unnoticed. “If we may begin?”

Starlight, Trixie, and I took a step forward, only to be teleported onto the stage with another snap of the chaotic claw. All three of us ended up crammed between Discord and the stage’s back wall.

“Oopsie!” he chirped as Twilight raised a warning eyebrow at him, then stepped aside to give us some space. Starlight and Trixie used this chance to trot around him and end up the nearest to the crowd. I remained where I was, more or less.

Celestia, Luna, and Cadance joined the five of us on the stage, and everyone in the room stood in reverent silence as an orchestra on a balcony above played a glorious melody. The anthem of Equestria? I decided to ask Sunburst later.

When the music ended, Celestia greeted everyone and started a heartfelt speech about our improvised rescue mission and its unexpected climax that, though undeniably favorable over the alternative, I still had mixed feelings about. The other three princesses took over the spotlight when their turns came. If I hadn’t been there to witness the events firsthoof, their words would have left me mesmerized with the heroes’ bravery and determination to prevail against all odds, jealous even, wishing I could do something even remotely as great with half such ease! Why weren’t they telling it as it had happened? They knew we’d all been scared out of our wits and clutching at straws the whole time! The victory especially had been a surprise to everyone, and these four alicorns were making it sound like one could have expected no less from us, as if this kind of thing was something we all did on a daily basis! What were they thinking?! No one with a grain of common sense could look at that story objectively and believe it to have been that easy! Why couldn’t they skip the theatrics and just say honestly that our victory, though welcome, had been just one big freaky accident?

None of it seemed to bother Discord. He was grinning the whole time, even interrupting the speech to cheer at himself or blow up more confetti whenever his name got as little as a passing mention. Trixie smirked most of the time, too, but kept it contained. I couldn’t see Starlight’s face, but her aura wasn’t as bubbly as that of the other two. Was she as uncomfortable with the princesses’ version of the events as I was? Was it just being in the spotlight? Both? Something else, maybe even unrelated to the whole thing?

The speech eventually ended and Spike approached the stage, carrying a pillow with four heart-shaped medals. Each princess levitated one. Starlight and Trixie bowed as Twilight and Luna hung their respective medals around their necks. Celestia started to do the same to Discord, only to stop in her tracks momentarily when he unscrewed his head off the rest of his body, then quickly gave him his medal so he’d put his head back on. At last, Cadance approached me; I bowed like Starlight and Trixie, noticing as I went that the band of my medal looked slightly different from the other three. Cadance ignored or failed to notice my confusion and wrapped the band around my neck. I felt something click together, and her magical aura let loose the medal.

A clasp! Of course! That had to be why Rarity had gone to my room earlier! Somepony must have noticed the size of my antlers and asked her to check if the medal could fit over them! But couldn’t they have said so? Rarity would have been spared an awkward moment, and I could have adjusted my form to fit the medal size! Unless shapeshifting was against protocol?

A thunderous applause filled the room, and Twilight thanked everyone and invited them to the banquet. Uh, invited us to the banquet? Discord dove right in, altering the food to his chaotic tastes as he went, and I decided to tag along with anyone familiar - or unfamiliar, if it turned out that way - who didn’t mind my presence.

Spike came to mind first, but he was already talking to Rarity. Twilight, Cadance, and Shining had continued their royal circle. Starlight? No luck there, either; she was in the middle of an oblivious-to-everything-else discussion with Sunburst on the matters of magic as far as I could understand. So, Sunburst was out of the count, too. Trixie had wasted no time in gathering a small crowd around herself and was too busy bragging about having single-hoofedly defeated swarm upon swarm of changeling soldiers to care if anything was going on beyond her circle of admirers. I couldn’t even notice any drones who hadn’t joined a conversation with a group of ponies or found something else to entertain themselves with!

Alright, who else did I know here? I looked around, did another stroll through the room, and repeated the process a couple of times, and in the end, was left with the conclusion that everypony and everyling, whether or not I was particularly acquainted with them, were too invested in their own interactions to pay attention to me, not that I wanted to impose my presence on anyone… but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try a more direct approach? I joined the nearest group, which happened to be Applejack and Fluttershy explaining friendship to Psycho and Hornet. I remained there for a while but eventually gave up when none of them showed a single sign of having noticed I was even there. The next attempt was… well, I could try Rainbow Dash and that group of pegasi… only it backfired when all of them suddenly stood at attention and fired off a perfect salute as one. Okay, not interested in just hanging out by the looks of it… next? Berry and Paladin drinking with the buffalo? I’d probably disturb them too much. Pinkie dancing with Mystique and Antenna next to a white unicorn’s DJ booth? Probably not worth the effort, and I wasn’t comfortable with dancing in case they did notice me and got the idea to rope me in…

The groups shuffled in the meantime. Spike had joined Celestia and Twilight at some point, Rarity had joined Applejack, Fluttershy, and Starlight in a conversation with Discord, who was now floating around shaped like a five-layer cake, Trixie had lost her entourage and was laughing at something Sunburst had said or done, Cadance and Shining had found a quiet corner just for themselves… And I still couldn’t find even one conversation partner! Frustrated, I decided to get out of the ballroom and catch some air. It wouldn’t help me find anypony to talk to, but at least it might cut down the awkwardness of being the only lone guy in a room full of people. It wasn’t like anyone would notice me missing for a few minutes, right?

I didn’t want to get lost in the maze of the castle’s endless hallways so I decided to spend those few minutes outside. I expected to be alone, but instead, I stumbled upon a black-and-white striped face familiar from a much darker time and place. She’d been studying the bushes around the castle and my arrival interrupted her. Hadn’t she been at the ceremony?

“Oh, um…” I fumbled under her gaze. “Am I intruding? I can go somewhere else…”

“I should not send you away,” she said. “In fact, I’d prefer you to stay.”

“Really? I, uh, I mean, why?”

“You are Thorax, I am told, a changeling with a heart of gold.”

“Well, you could say that, I guess, but I don’t understand… we met once before and you cowered in fear when my disguise failed…”

“I expected to become your food. I’d never dreamed changelings could be good!”

“I understand… What we did in Canterlot really freaked everyone out, didn’t it?”

“My fear stems from long before the swarm tore down Canterlot’s door.” She closed her eyes and her aura got grim and heavy. “A filly I was in a faraway village that met its end by a changeling swarm pillage. Out of nowhere one day they came and put our finest protectors to shame; very quickly it became plain that every zebra would soon be slain. As brave as they could, my parents held ground, so my brother and I would never be found. Afraid of the carnage, I snuck away; that burden I carry still to this day. I crawled under the roots of a tree; I could hear all, but could not see. Hooves galloped as zebra kin fled, and echoing screams fueled my dread. When all was quiet, I dared to come out and backtrack my escaping route. Wherever I went, there was blood on the ground, but not one villager alive to be found. With bitter farewells I went on my way; in the lost village I dared not stay. I wandered the world and honed healer’s trade, until the Everfree my home was made.”

“That’s horrible! I’m so sorry! Of course you were afraid of me that day! But weren’t there other zebra villages nearby where you could go to after the… um…”

She shook her head. “I tried in vain every one that I knew, and found them ravaged and desolate too.”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” I said. “For whatever it’s worth, a lot of us have changed, and I’m doing my best to get the rest of my subjects to abandon the old ways…”

“So I’ve been told, and it means a great deal; the nightmares could soon leave forever, I feel! Some of them, alas, still linger on. That is why out of the ballroom I’ve gone: to calm myself and clear my head, lest I do something to turn this day bad.”

“Oh… thanks, but I’m sure all of us would have understood if you’d just told us…”

“It’s been a long time but you finally know my story. I learned yours, too, and I want to say I’m sorry. Chasing you away was wrong of me to do; you could have helped me and I could have helped you!”

“There’s no reason why we can’t make up for it-”

The castle door opened and Spike and Pinkie came out.

“There you are, Mr Disappeary Guest of Honor!” Pinkie squeaked. “Why did you go away? Do you have any idea how long we’ve been looking for you?! Everypony’s looking for you! And those who aren’t are trying to calm down the changelings!” She got in my face and, for a moment, I thought her eyeballs would hop out of their sockets and hit me in the face. “Do you know how hard it is to calm down a swarm of panicking changelings?!”


Very hard! Have you ever tried to calm down just one?! Well I did! There was this reeeeeeeally scared one in the Crystal Empire and- oh, wait, that was you. Nevermind! Coming back now?”

“Yes, just give me a-”

“Okie dokie lokie!” She hopped back into the castle, la-la-la-ing a cheerful tune. She closed the door behind herself, then opened it again, and hissed, “Don’t make us wait for you!” before disappearing once again.

“So,” Spike prodded me out of staring at the castle doors, “I see you and Zecora found each other without my help, huh?”

“What do you mean?”

“I thought you might not care to listen to my explanation,” she said, “so I asked Spike to help prepare the situation.”

“And I told her it wouldn’t be necessary but promised to tell you to look for her. Didn’t expect you’d beat me to it!”

“It’s fine. What matters is that we resolved the issue! Zecora, would you like to join me at the rest of the party? I can introduce you to more friendly changelings!”

“To join you would be an honor and pleasure, and your kindness I will always treasure.”

I assumed that was a yes.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Spike exclaimed. “We’re gonna miss the cakes! Speaking of which, Discord made something he called a lovecake… not sure if it’s actual love energy or some imitation, but it does look kinda convincing… knowing him, it’s as likely as not to be the real thing… You think he can actually manipulate love like you guys?”

“I don’t know, Spike. I’ve never seen him do it, but just like you said, I wouldn’t put it past him. Let’s find out!”