• Published 8th Jan 2022
  • 560 Views, 9 Comments

Sunset Hunter - Marezinger Z

Hunter finds himself in one of the positions he's feared the most when another agent begins targeting Sunset. The threat becomes even more grave once he learns just who has her in their sights.

  • ...

Part 3

As soon as they were through the portal, Hunter had Sunset follow her back to his rental car. Hunter got behind the wheel and sighed heavily as he watched Sunset slide into the passenger seat.

"Sunny." He tapped his fingers on the wheel. "Before we get going, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" She asked, noticing the atypical hesitance is his tone.

"I know I didn't exactly ask for permission, but I... I had to tell Ajax and Lily who you really are." He looked at her with apologetic eyes.

"Oh," Sunset recalled their first encounter and his warning about his agency finding out about her.

"They both understand, and they promised to keep you a secret too, it's just... I wanted to be straight with you about..."

"Hey," Sunset reached over and took his hand. "I told you I trusted you with my life, didn't I?"

Hunter slowly smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

"Then that's the end of it," She smiled back. "If you trust them that much, then so do I."

He squeezed her hand in acceptance. "Alright then, let's get a move on." He got them back on the road and began heading further into the downtown area.

“So were you able to learn anything?” Sunset asked.

“Well, you’ll be proud to know that you come from excellent stock.” He chuckled over at her. “Sunset has an impressive record, and her vendetta against otherworldly creatures led her to take on nothing but highly dangerous missions against some heavy hitters, which means she has some serious combat experience."

"I would say good to know, but..." Sunset trailed off, not excited about finishing her thought.

"I went through her training and testing logs as well." Hunter continued. "She excelled in strategy and tactics, espionage and POS missions.”

“POS?” Sunset repeated the foreign acronym.

“Procure on-site.” Hunter explained. “Basically, you go in what we call 'naked'; everything from basic supplies to weapons are procured by the agent during the mission. It’s reserved for rare scenarios where we wind up dropped in contested territory or regions where our governments aren’t technically allowed. In that scenario, if you get caught, well… you’re just plain fucked.”

“She must be as tough as they come.” Sunset said with some degree of respect.

“Well, she isn’t perfect.” Hunter added. “She's not well rounded in diverse weapons and has no particular expertise in explosive ordinance. More importantly though, she has some red flags in her psych profile. Highly defiant, especially towards authority; showed symptoms of PTSD from the attack on her family, prone to outbursts of anger and demonstrates controlling behavior." He let out a short, hard breath. "In the field, when it comes to interacting with friendlies, civilians and hostages she’s not exactly a saint; she's not against collateral damage or public endangerment if it means taking down her target. Her own agency started keeping her off missions that required heavy contact with a civilian population."

“That part sounds familiar.” Sunset nodded, seeing a reflection of her past self in the description. “So, how do we fight her then?”

“She’s doing what she does best right now, controlling the battlefield.” Hunter continued. “We have to take that power away from her, make her fight the fight we want to have and not the one she wants to have.”

“We should get the others.” Sunset noted. “Our magic could really turn the tide.”

“We can't do that.” Hunter shook his head. “Not that I don’t have faith in them, but remember, she’s like me without the moral compass. If she finds out about them and their magic, then that goes right back to her superiors.”

Sunset immediately tightened up at the idea. “Right… I forgot about that.”

“I’ve been trying to think of a way to draw her out… get her off her game.” Hunter mulled as he drove along. "I know her buttons, just have to figure out which ones to press and how hard." He glanced over as he heard Sunset laugh.

"You're kidding right?" She asked. "If you're still thinking about that then you're not looking at this from the right perspective."

“What do you mean?” Hunter shifted his eyes between her and the road.

“You’re trying to strategize and come at this as a fight between soldiers; but don't forget that she’s also me at her core, which gives you one expertise that she can never have.”


“Getting on my nerves.” Sunset toned with love. “No one is better at screwing with me than you; so screw with her like you would me. Not as a soldier; but as a dirty, mouthy, quick witted, smart ass.” She gestured to him. “Her Hunter already hates you for that reason alone; and since she doesn’t love you like I do, your BS probably sends her up the walls too.”

Hunter laughed to himself. “You know what, that is an excellent idea.” He grinned. “And I know just where to start.” He quickly changed direction and began driving towards the outskirts of Canterlot. Once again, he returned to Applejack’s farm and she was quick to come running out when she saw the foreign vehicle. As soon as Sunset stepped from the passenger side, Applejack hugged her tightly with a heavy sigh of relief.

“I’m so glad to see you in one piece, Sugarcube.”

“Same here,” Sunset smiled as she gripped her back. “Are you and the others still okay?”

“Yeah,” Applejack nodded. “Nothing strange happened, haven’t heard a peep around here.”

“Well, we excel in not making peeps.” Hunter said as he rounded the car. “She was here for sure.”

“So what do we do now?” Applejack asked.

“Hunter is going to get her attention in the most obnoxious way possible.” Sunset informed.

“Right, which means I need to find her equipment.” Hunter began panning around. “Going to be up high, full view of the main grounds and the front door…” He clicked his tongue as he eyed the silo. “There.” He waved for them to follow.

The girls followed him to the silo and Applejack showed them how to reach the top; as they climbed up onto the main dome, they found a small surveillance set up just as Hunter had predicted. “That snake,” Applejack scowled. “Not even Winona or the pigs heard her.”

Hunter picked up the camera and turned it to face him. “Hey there, Pancetta Pompadour.” He smiled and waved. “I hear you’ve been looking for me. Sorry, I had to take off and take care of some business out of town; but I’m back now.” He put on a gimmicky frown. “I don’t appreciate you keeping tabs on my friends; nobody gets to secretly film my lovely county rose but me. That being said, all this cat and mouse is really cutting into my off time; so I’ll do your job for you, Sunny and I are going to be at the condemned De La Cruz packing plant at five tomorrow night.” He paused to wave again. “Don’t forget to bring my shitty twin brother and uh… wear something a little more casual; that cat suit is nice and all, but you’ve got the body so show it off.” With that he ripped the camera clean from its wire and tossed it off the side of the silo. “There, if that doesn’t light her fire then nothing will.” He chuckled.

“What the heck kind of plan is that?” Applejack looked to Sunset worriedly. “Telling her right where y’all are going to be?”

“All part of the plan.” Hunter assured. “She’s a master tactician, so I’m throwing all her strengths out the window.”

“Ok, so are we setting another trap at that plant?” Sunset asked.

“Nope.” Hunter calmly answered. “I’m going to let her go over that place with a fine-toothed comb and not find a god damn thing.” He smiled. “That’ll really piss her off.”

Sunset laughed. “Now you’re in your element.”

“We’re going to let them look for a trap that isn’t there; meanwhile, we'll set up a little ambush of our own just like they did to us back at my place.” He continued. “Now all we need to figure out is how this ends.”

“Well hold on now,” Applejack came in. “What about the rest of us?”

“Sorry, Applejack,” Sunset gave her an apologetic look. “But Hunter made a good point, if she finds out about your magic then you won’t be safe; she could report back to her own people about all of you and then you’d be in serious danger.” She took her shoulder. “Hunter and I have to fight them on our own.”

Applejack tried to argue but had to begrudgingly accept. “Alright, just make sure you two win.”

“Don’t worry,” Hunter gently took her hand with a cavalier grin. “I’ll always come back to you.”

Applejack shook her head and laughed. “For once, I’m hoping that’s true.”

Across the city, Hunter’s opposite stood behind his Sunset with wide eyes as they finished watching the feed.

“Is… is his childishness truly without limit?” He growled. “How dare he speak about you in such a manner; and to suggest that your fiery, silken hair resembles… pork product.”

Sunset stared at the black screen with cold eyes. “He’s lucky this whole affair is off the book; he’s a disgrace of an agent.” She set her phone down. “But this has to be an act; he knows he’s at a disadvantage so he’s forcing a fight at a location of his choice.” She looked to her Hunter with concern. “But why would he tell me he left town… what the hell was he up to?”

“Surely he must have been securing something he believes would give him an advantage. Some weaponry or some other equipment?” He suggested.

“Maybe,” Sunset considered. “But he doesn’t have a lot of other options but to fight.” She rapped her fingers against her thigh as she thought. “This is obviously a set up, but what kind?”

“Telling us exactly when they shall be there is odd, is it not?” Hunter asked. “Unless he truly seeks an honorable showdown with you… which I highly doubt someone of his caliber is capable of.”

“We’ll just play it safe.” Sunset concluded. “Let’s head there right now and make sure we control the location. If he is planning some kind of set up, we’ll catch him in the process and take them down. If it comes to a straight fight, then we’ll do what we have to do.”

“Yes,” Hunter walked over to a nearby table and ran his fingers along the blade of a massive claymore; the blade etched with runic symbols, cross guard a pair of stone studded dragon’s heads and the pommel set with a stunning ruby. “And with this, I can be the deciding factor.”

“Hunter,” Sunset eyed him. “What good is that thing going to do you in a firefight? Besides, it’s almost as big as you, can you even use it?”

“Of course, my love.” Hunter easily hefted the blade in one hand. “This sword is unique, and despite its size it feels light as a feather in my had.” He smiled at her. “I may be weaker in this world, but in Equestria I was a blade master. I promise you I can more than handle my own with such a weapon and I will ensure your victory.” He aimed the blade at the sky.

“Where did you even find that thing?” Sunset asked as she joined him, observing the weapon more closely. “I can tell that it isn’t a reproduction, it looks like it really is a few hundred years old.”

“The person who advertised this blade said that it is a true artifact, but as strong and sturdy as the day it was forged.” Hunter detailed. “I must admit, the historical humans of your world were true artisans when it came to swords; it is a shame the art is lost.”

“Well, I can shoot down ten enemies in the time it takes you to cut down one with that ancient meat cleaver.” Sunset scoffed. “But, if that’s what you’re comfortable with then it’s fine with me; if anything, having a wild card like you with an unorthodox weapon is something that can come in handy on the battlefield.” She allowed herself a quiet laugh. “And it does make you look pretty slick.”

“Praise that means to world to me, Sunset.” Hunter tipped his head to her.

The two of them quickly headed for the building that was named to them; at once, Sunset began scouting the place from top to bottom in search of anything untoward while Hunter monitored the surrounding area from the roof. After the bulk of the day, the place came up clean and the pair then set themselves to wait. As tomorrow came, they maintained their silent presence until the agreed upon hour tolled; but as five o’clock came and went there was no sign of their targets. As three more hours passed, Sunset finally conceded that she was being toyed with and packed up to fall back. Abandoning the site, they hiked back to their vehicle and stopped as they found the tires slashed.

“What!?” Sunset quickly dropped to her knees and began opening her rifle case, a shot rang out and the case flew from her hands and skidded across the dirt. “Damn it!” She drew her sidearm and pulled her Hunter behind the commercial Humvee.

“Attention all red heads!” Hunter’s voice rang out. “I have you surrounded!”

“Surroun…” Sunset growled. “You little coward! What happened to five!?"

"I meant five o'clock eastern standard time!" Hunter yelled back. "Did I not make that clear!? Sorry!"

"Oh my god..." Sunset's knuckles cracked as she gripped her gun. “I didn't think you were actually childish enough to pull a stunt like this!” Sunset called back. “Treating me like a joke is going to be your last mistake, you bastard! I don't care how much trouble I get in! I'm going to gut you like a fucking tuna!"

“Ow!” Hunter retorted. “Do you kiss me with that mouth!”

The Equestrian Hunter got to his knees and pulled open the rear door. “Enough of this.” He reached in and took his newly acquired sword. “Face us like a true warrior you lout!” The rear window on the opposite side of the vehicle shattered as a bullet went through it.

“Stay down!” Sunset took his shoulder and yanked him lower. “He must be somewhere high if he saw you move from this position, but close enough to hear us.” She maneuvered towards the front tire. Reaching up, she grabbed the glass of the rear-view mirror and ripped it free from its mount; using it, she began peering around the front bumper until she spied a glint of light reflecting off of Hunter’s scope. “Found you.” She looked back at her own Hunter. “I’m going to shoot at him to make him back down, when I do, you make a move in the opposite direction. We can pincer him after that.”

“As you order.” Hunter readied his sword.

Sunset dove out and emptied her clip at Hunter’s vantage point; as soon as she did, her own Hunter made his move and sprinted in the opposite direction. He watched where she was firing and began heading for the adjacent building. Sunset continued shooting until her clip was empty and dove behind a pair of dumpsters to reload; she could hear running somewhere above her and peeked up to see Hunter sprinting across the roof to get above her. Leaving her hiding spot, she fired three rounds up to let him know that she had seen him and headed around the building to the fire escape. With expert skill she clambered up the side of the three-story structure and leapt onto the roof; jumping behind the entrance to a stairwell leading into the interior just as a bullet chipped the old brick.

"You should have head shot me when you had the chance!" Sunset yelled out.

"Unlike you, I don't just aim to kill!" Hunter responded.

"Unlike me!?" She laughed. "You don't know a damn thing about me!?"

"I know you still have night terrors because of what happened to mommy and daddy!" He called back.

"What..." Sunset muttered.

"I also know that you didn't get your first period till you were sixteen, Ms. Late Bloomer!" Hunter added.

"How can you..." Sunset's eyes angered fiercely. "You accessed my files!?"

"Told you I had business to take care of!" Hunter reminded.

"You son of a bitch!" Sunset banged her fist against the brick. "You've got high ranking personnel doing favors for you!?"

"It's called having friends!" Hunter pointed out. "You should try it sometime!"

Sunset had been paying enough attention to his voice to estimate his location, she moved around the opposite side of her cover and began firing in Hunter's direction. She pulled back as Hunter returned fire. "Don't think you've gained some kind of edge just because you read up on me!" Another shot whizzed by, but she ignored.

"Oh really!" Hunter challenged. "I learned enough that you'd probably not be able to recognize a S-Mine on sight!"

"What?" Sunset paused and began looking around; another shot rang out and this time it struck something over to her left. She turned towards the sound and saw that the round had knocked away some kind of support, an unfamiliar canister that was upside-down began falling towards the roof. With a quick shout, she was forced to dive from her cover as the fall struck the pressure sensor and after a short delay an explosion sent shrapnel into the surrounding brick and metal. Saved by the structure she was once hiding behind, she tried to get to her feet but her beretta was sent flying from her hand as another rifle shot disarmed her. She looked forward to see Hunter approaching with the barrel aimed at her head.

"I also know that you really stick with that M9; don't really carry much else on your person." He lowered his weapon. "Can we stop this now?" He asked. "I'd really hate to have the death of a fellow agent on my record; you know how much trash on the side of the highway I'd have to pick up to get that removed?"

"Is everything a joke to you?" Sunset asked bitterly.

"Not everything," He shook his head. "I take protecting Sunset very seriously."

"I'm Sunset!" She screamed. "Not that... thing!"

"You're both Sunset." Hunter countered. "Do you see me getting in a tizzy over another me running around? As long as he doesn't subscribe to a bunch of weird fetish sites in my name, I couldn't give less of a fuck what he does in this world. He's living his own life with you, why can't you just let Sunset live her own life with me?"

Sunset lowered her head and let out a long sigh. "Maybe... maybe you're right."

"I know I am." Hunter tossed his rifle aside and went over to her, extending his hand. "Can we talk with our mouths instead of our guns?" Sunset reached her hand up to his, jutting it past his palm and taking his wrist; she lunged forward with a knife in her other hand, but Hunter twisted his body and blocked the attack. "I knew you were going to do that too." Hunter admitted with a wry smile. Sunset slammed her forehead into his and sent him back, quickly diving for her gun and raising it again as Hunter pulled his own sidearm.

On the adjacent building, the other Hunter planted his feet on the rooftop. Hearing the explosion a few moments ago, he hurried for the opposite edge but stopped as he was called out to from behind. Glancing back over his shoulder, he saw the younger Sunset with a gun pointed at his back.

“Don’t move.” Sunset instructed.

“Heh…” Hunter smirked. “A Pony with a gun, what a sight you would be back home.”

“Not my first choice,” Sunset responded. “But you aren’t leaving me much of another one. I don’t know much about Hippogriffs, but the ones I met in Equestria were a lot kinder than you.”

“Perhaps that is why we find ourselves in this world.” Hunter suggested. “Neither of us hold much to the standard. Still, if it makes you feel any better, I only do this because it is the will of the one I love.”

“There’s more to love than blind devotion.” Sunset countered. “You know there is no reason for us to fight.”

“Her desire is all the reason I require.” Hunter turned to face her. “You are not a warrior; you may hold that weapon, but I doubt you have what it takes to use it; especially given my visage.” He held his sword up. They stared at one another in silence until with sudden and precise motion, Hunter dashed in and ran his blade across the barrel of the gun; it flew from Sunset’s hands and he moved in further to grab her.

Sunset reached up and wrapped her hands around his face; he stopped as he felt a rush of magic as she used her ability on him. After a few seconds, Sunset pushed herself away and landed on her butt a few feet from him. She looked up at Hunter with stricken eyes as he collected himself.

“What was that!?” He barked. “What did you do!?”

Sunset merely looked at him. “It wasn’t your fault…” She muttered.

“What?” Hunter glared down at her.

“I saw her… it wasn’t your fault.” Sunset continued.

“Her.” Hunter repeated with confusion.

“My magic can read people’s memories.” She explained. “I wanted to see yours, see how you wound up here and why.”

“You dare violate my mind!” He pointed his blade at her.

“You loved her so much, I could feel it.” She continued.

“Shut up!” He commanded. “You know nothing!”

“Cloud Dancer.” Sunset spoke the name that came to her.

“Don’t say her name!” Hunter’s eyes watered as he threatened her. “You… you have no right to…”

“Sunny!” A second Hunter’s voice came from behind her as he appeared; he saw his double with sword aimed at her and trained his sidearm on him in kind.

“Hunter!” The other Sunset appeared on the opposite side of the roof. “What are you do…” She stopped as she saw the situation. “You had her this whole time?"

“I’m… I am sorry…” Hunter looked back at her, revealing the tears in his eyes.

“What did you do to him, witch!?” Sunset asked quickly and angrily, aiming her own weapon at her.

“I read his memories.” Sunset explained.

“What?” She asked.

“It’s my magical ability.” Sunset continued. “I saw his past before he came to this world…I saw who he lost.”

“Lost?” She again repeated. “What is she talking about, Hunter?”

“Feel free to fill me in too.” Hunter suggested with a rock of his head.

“No!” Hunter readied his sword. “I will end this so we can move on with our lives!”

“Drop it!” Hunter fired at his counter but with supreme skill the bullet was deflected, with a smooth motion he flowed into a horizontal swipe and brought the blade at Sunset’s neck. Sunset pushed herself back, but the blade caught just above her breasts and sliced her. “Sunny!” Hunter moved forward and fired again into his leg.

“Damn you!” The other Sunset fired in response but missed out of fear of hitting her own partner.

Hunter grabbed Sunset and pulled her behind the large AC compressor and immediately began inspecting her. “Sunny, let me see…”

“I’m okay,” Sunset took his hand and held it tightly. “He just grazed me.”

“Hunter!” Back across the roof, Sunset ran up behind her own Hunter who had fallen to one knee but remained still. “Hunter, are you okay!?” She stared in confusion as he stayed silent.

Hunter suddenly rose to his feet and eyed his blade, collecting Sunset’s blood on his finger and placing it in his mouth. “Ah… fresh blood, it has been ages.” Hunter spoke, but in an unfamiliar voice laced with a Swedish accent.

“Hunter…” Sunset noticed the runes on his blade begin to glow red.

“I most certainly was, girl.” Hunter turned back with a smile.

Sunset immediately raised her gun. “What the hell are you?”

Hunter eyed the gun curiously. “Is that supposed to be some kind of weapon?” He asked. “This is a true warrior's weapon.” He raised the blade.

“Hold it!” Hunter and Susnet stepped from behind their cover and he aimed his gun at them, noticing the other Sunset with her gun pointed at his counter and pausing in confusion.

“What’s going on?” Sunset asked.

The other Hunter looked over at them. “Ah, and who are you?”

“What the hell…” Hunter muttered.

“Look, the sword.” Sunset pointed to the weapon. “There’s some serious magic coming off of that thing.”

“Magic?” The other Sunset asked in frustration. “What did you do with Hunter!?” She quickly shouted.

“If that is who this body belongs to, then I have some unfortunate news, girl.” He turned back to her. “I am Ulf Backe, slayer of the north lands.”

“Well… this is unexpected.” Hunter looked over at the other Sunset who stared at her Hunter with conflicted eyes.

“Get out of Hunter!” Sunset commanded. “Now!” She aimed at his head, but her hands were clearly shaking in hesitation.

“You do not command me, girl.” Ulf stated boldly. “If you wish to fight, I will cut you down; a fitting start for my return to the Midgard.”

“I will shoot you if I have to!” Sunset challenged.

“Oh, will you now?” Ulf asked mockingly. “Your quaking limbs and unsure eyes say otherwise.” He approached Sunset but she only backed away in response; his procession halted as a bullet struck the ground between his feet.

“Hold it!” Hunter called.

You seem prepared for a battle!” Ulf reared around and brought the massive sword down onto the roof; a red crescent of magical energy left the edge and tore up the rooftop as it headed for Hunter and Sunset.

“Watch out!” Hunter pushed her in one direction while diving in the opposite. As soon as he was on the ground he aimed upward and fired off several more rounds, the shots again being deflected.

“Just like the cowards who hid behind their bows.” Ulf scoffed. “Neither of you are worthy of facing me in combat.” He turned back to Sunset and repeated the attack; Sunset however stood frozen, unable to bring herself to shoot. She only watched as he attacked, but as it was upon her, her other self dove in and tackled her out of the way. The side of the roof shredded and blew apart, brick and siding falling to the street below. “Bah!” Ulf looked out over the new city. “Your blood is not worthy of my blade!” He began heading for the southern side of the roof. “I hope this foreign world has more to offer than the likes of you.” He leapt from the side and disappeared.

Sunset got to her knees and looked over her human self. “Are you okay?” She asked.

The other Sunset managed to look at her. “You…”

“Saved you, yeah.” Sunset nodded. “It’s what I do.”

“Sunny!” Hunter ran over and looked down at them. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Sunset nodded.

“Hunter…” The other Sunset stared over at the place he jumped from.

“What the hell was that?” Hunter asked as he knelt down. “Sunset!” He tried to get her attention.

“I… I don’t know.” Sunset shook her head. “That sword…”

“We need to get out of here,” Hunter noted. “No way the police haven’t been notified by now.”

“I have to go after him.” Sunset got up and began heading off.

“Stop.” Sunset took her wrist. “We need…”

“Let go of me!” Sunset wrenched her arm away. “Don’t think just because you saved me that anything has changed!”

“I don’t care about that right now!” Sunset yelled in exasperation. “Whatever possessed him is loose now and we have to stop it. Let us help you.”

Sunset looked at her with hard eyes, turning them to Hunter after a long moment. “Why?”

“Well, for one, it’s both of our jobs.” Hunter reminded. “And two… like Sunny said, it’s what we do.”

Sunset found herself so flustered with emotions in the moment that all she could do was nod in reluctant acceptance. “Fine.”

“Good.” Hunter nodded in return. “First of all, we need to get to a safe location and learn what we can about what we’re dealing with.”

“I set up a safe house in the city,” Sunset informed. “We can go there.” She eyed Hunter with lingering irritation at her slashed tires. “Have to use your vehicle though.”

“Okay.” Sunset calmly accepted. “Lead the way.”