• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 1,004 Views, 9 Comments

Steel the Night - Blue Horizon

Steel's life gets turned upside down in one night. He hoped for the best, and found out that dreams can truly be nightmares.

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I opened the door, my maw stuffed with mail. I quickly trotted to the closest table I before emptying my portable mailbox. I sat down, letting out a sigh of relief. I was finally able to properly breathe again. I moved the mail across the tabletop and skimmed it over before continuing on to the kitchen.

The kitchen for my apartment was small, but a normal size for any non rich pony in Canterlot. There was a small blue fridge in the corner of the room. For a room of that size, it had an atmosphere of simple but adequate luxury. Ornate teak cabinets lined the light blue walls behind them. A stainless steel microwave rested on the counter beside the fridge.

I flipped the light switch on and headed straight for the fridge. With a hoof I wedged open the door and slid the nearest bottle of water toward me. I pushed down the nuzzle and began drinking the cold water. I hated the taste of paper, and wanted it as gone as soon as possible. I didn't stop to breathe, as I drained the water from the bottle. Some sled along the sides of my mouth before falling onto the floor, but I didn’t mind, as long as the taste of paper and my thirst were gone.

I slowly went back to my living room where the mail was placed. I steered through the junk mail, setting it off to the side. The newest issue of ESP caught my eye, Sweet! A Wonderbolts issue, and Spitfire is on the cover! I gently picked the issue up and set it aside for later. I went back to viewing the mail. Junk, junk, and more junk. I should really think about getting somepony else to check my mail while I'm gone. I pushed through the junk mail and picked up the latest issue of Equestria Daily.


“Earlier this week another rose has been found in Baltimare, making this the sixth rose. The rose was found by Sweet Tooth, the famous ice cream shop owner. Sweet Tooth had expected a normal day, but when she opened the door to her store, to discover the rose resting upon on the counter. At first the mare thought nothing of it until she went behind the counter. The freezers appeared to be thoroughly cleared out, including most of the machinery! However, that was still not all.

According to Sweet Tooth, she frantically ran into the back room and found her small, portable, and impenetrable safe torn open. Pieces from the hinges were scattered across the floor, and appeared as if something mechanical had ripped the door away. She was devastated to find that secret recipes for some of her most famous ice cream flavors and an exceedingly rare diamond necklace had been taken. The victim went immediately to the police station with the rose. Within a few minutes, Chief Night Stick promptly sealed off the area. The Chief of Police held a press conference near the crime scene to discuss the incident.

“As you can see behind me, there has been another larceny by the pony we all know as the ‘Rose Thief.’ This incident marks the sixth rose to be discovered. We are continuing the search for all other items that have been stolen, as well as the pony responsible, and this case has become our top priority. Admittedly, we don’t know much about the offender, other than that she prefers to attack only at night and leaves a rose in the vicinity of where the theft occurred.”

Below are questions answered at the press conference:

“Mr. Night Stick, you said ‘other than she’ do you know for a fact that it is a mare?”

“The department is not 100% certain, but we believe that it is a mare due to the fact of how she is able to break in through small areas, such as small windows and ventilation shafts, without causing much damage that a colt would. Next question.”

"Chief Night Stick, what can you tell us about the Rose thief besides her gender?"

"We don't know much about the thief. There is no connection between any of the six victims and the only thing similar between the incidents is the importance of some of the items missing for the owners. We have to assume that the thief is a mare, and possibly steals to get revenge on those who have wronged her. If this is true, then the thief will most likely be social, to make new friends. However, we do not know her true motives. As painful as it sounds, we need more time to create a solid estimate on who the thief is. Next question"

“Mr. Police Chief, do you know if the Rose Thief has anything to do with the disappearance of Cliff Diver and the eight violets discovered outside of random homes earlier today?”

“We have sent out a search party to look for the missing earth pony, but so far we’ve found very little evidence that suggests that a kidnapping took place. It is possible that he has left the city to go on one of his random cliff jumping trips. However, we want to be positive that he is safe. As for the violets, we don’t yet know if there is a connection between them and the Rose Thief, or if we have similar criminal on our hooves. Next question."

"Mr. Stick, do you plan on requesting assistance from the Equestrian Bureau of Crime Investigations?"

"Excuse me, we are done here."

The press conference ended abruptly after the question. The police chief entered the crime scene effectively ending the press conference. We will keep you updated on the case in further reports. In the meantime, be safe and be sure to guard your belongings with vigilance.”

I gently set the paper down. I went through the mail one last time. Then I came across an odd-looking envelope. It had no addresses or anything; only my name written on both sides.

"Huh, what's this?" I mumbled aloud. I opened the envelope carefully and slid out the letter. The border consisted of unusual, thin emerald lines. The letter was short, incredibly short. I read the letter out loud,

“Steel, it will be nice to meet on your next late night shift. Be prepared, and be excited. See ya soon!”

I was dumbfounded. With no idea on what the letter meant, I re-read it. I hoped to find some clue as to who might’ve written it. But after minutes of reading the same line, the only thing that had changed was a headache. I felt the headache grow as I re-read the same thing again and again. I grabbed my head in frustration before dragging myself back into the kitchen. I opened one of the cabinets next to the fridge to grab some medicine, but before I could reach the door, I felt my hooves slip out from under me. I painfully collapsed onto the floor.

I groaned for a few minutes before crawling to the fridge. I slowly rose to my hooves again and grabbed another bottle of water. I reached up to the cabinet and successfully grabbed some medicine. I placed a few pills on my hoof before popping them into my mouth then chugged the bottle. When finished, I tossed the bottle onto the table carelessly. The only thing on my mind was lying down. I slowly moved my way through the house and slumped into my bed, sprawling out all across the freshly cleaned covers. I stretched my wings out while trying to relax as best as possible. With a sigh my heavy eyes shut and refused to open, even with the sun shining brightly into the room, and it wasn’t long before I fell into a deep sleep to start the new day.


It was the beginning of a cold, dark winter night. The sun was resting well into the horizon as many shades of oranges and reds outlined the night sky. The wind was soft and light, while the cloudy night sky graced the land with a small amount of snow. Ugh, this is going to be a long night. It’s cold, it’s damp, and I much rather be sleeping. The thought of sleep was quickly making me frustrated. I was supposed to have the next few days off, but apparently Shaded Dreams had another idea. I had to wait for my mysterious partner, but at least I was ready for it to start, and end.

The rest of Princess Luna’s night guards were already leaving to their posts. One of the guards turned to face me. He bore the generic lunar guard armor and already appeared tired. “Steel, good luck tonight. Don’t do anything too stupid okay?” I stood there slightly confused. He just chuckled and walked out of the room, following the rest of the guard.

It was an eerie feeling to be standing in a pearl white hallway that looked out onto a scene that was if the sky had caught fire. I rested my body along one of the walls as I felt my eyes start to close. A brief image of the letter flashed into my head, making me jolt from my leaning position. If it wasn’t a prank, I didn’t want to look like a slacker to whoever wrote it. I slowly paced around the hallway, thinking about what it all meant. My eyes were completely fixated onto my reflection in the spotless tile floor.

“So you’re Steel?”

The sudden voice startled me so badly that my wings flared out as a reflex. I never heard anypony even walk or fly behind me. I slowly turned around and saw the owner of the voice. Cute…! I felt my lips murmur ever so quietly. My eyes scanned the stranger over and over in slight disbelief as I blushed uncontrollably, which made the beautiful emerald green mare let out a soft chuckle.

"Wow, I knew I was beautiful but I didn't think I was that beautiful." She lifted a hoof to hold her laughter before giving a soft wink, which only made me blush more.

The sported a long, glistening, navy blue mane that flowed down her neck with an uncanny elegance. Her eyes were a smooth crimson with the trademark slit pupils that all night guards had during the job. The red eyes did contain a strange and ominous look in them, but my mind couldn’t bring itself to figure out how or why. To me, they just felt… off. My gaze was led to her uniquely stylized armor, which completely covered her cutie mark, if she had one, but then again who didn't. The armor bore a similar color palette to the rest of the night guard, consisting of multiple shades of blues and purples that exist in the night sky. However, a unique white and yellow pattern flowed along the edges, which reminded me of a windy night sky.

A cute unicorn mare? I guess it’s my lucky day. At least, I hope so. I just need to stay calm, and act professional.

I never heard of anypony in the guard receiving a unicorn partner out of the blue before. Besides, unicorns were very rare in Luna’s royal guard. I could feel myself growing antsier by the second, and the awkward silence was not helping, either.

She has to be a Commander; she has to be! If she is, than it all makes sense. And if she is a Commander, than what’s she doing here with me, of all ponies? Was this the pony who wrote me the letter? My mind steadily filled with questions, and I really wanted answers. But if she truly was a Commander, then I had no right to answers.

“Shall we begin our shift, then?”

I returned her question with a simple nod. The mare started down the hallway, and I followed. Her voice was incredibly soothing to my ears. Listening to her was was pleasant in and of itself, but the mare’s voice felt off somehow, as if she was a loving, seductive kidnapper. We moved through the hallway in silence, until exiting the castle.

Once we were outside, I couldn’t help but pause to steel a glance at the night sky. The temperature steadily dropped as the night completely overtook the last rays of daylight. It wasn’t very late, but it was undoubtedly going to be a cold evening. My body shivered as the crisp breeze moved along my wings. There wasn’t going to be a full moon tonight, but the sky was still breathtaking to look at. The stars were gleaming joyfully, shining upon all over Equestria.

“Are you coming, Steel? I know it’s a beautiful sky, but shouldn’t you focus on walking with a beautiful mare right now?” the emerald pony chuckled softly. I remained quiet and quickly trotted to catch up with her. But I kept glancing up to the night sky or at the emerald mare as we headed to our posts.

Tonight the shift was in an area that I was not very familiar with. The mare slowed down, and I figured that this was where we would be stationed for tonight. But I couldn't help wonder, why’re we working here? There is absolutely nothing here; only a small plateau with a forest and mountain in the background. I can’t see any doors or windows—it’s pretty much impossible for anypony to break into the castle from this place.

I sighed before speaking up to the mare that was now standing like a statue in front of what appeared to be a plain wall of stone, “I heard that the Princess will be gone for most of the night. Do you know when she’ll be back?” I pushed the creeping nervousness out of mind again, and thankfully, my voice. I really didn’t want to stand out in this cold weather for hours, so I hoped that she would be gone for the whole night.

“She won’t be back until around three or four in the morning. You can take it easy for a little while.”

What’s she mean by ‘little while?’ Many images popped into my head, and just as quickly as they appeared, I suppressed them as well.

“I see.” I was able to relax and loosen my limbs before looking back at the mare. This got me to start thinking about my situation. I was moving up ranks a lot faster than my peers, faster than even many exceptional ponies do. It took a lot out of me, but I knew that when I got high enough it would be well worth the work. I still hated normal guard duty, but at least it was only once or twice a week. No matter what, I had to become a Commander. For a group relatively unknown by the average pony, the mystery and rank motivated me to work my flank off to join them. And here my opportunity was potentially about to come. I could be an equal with Shining Armor or Orange Ring!

In order for me to become a Commander, I have to first meet one. I took a quick glance at the mare next to me. “Thank you, Commander.” My voice was hesitant but still audible.

The Commander slightly chuckled and sat down on her haunches. “I see you’ve figured out who I am. Took quite a long time, though… which is a little disappointing. What took you so long? Couldn’t you tell from my elegant armor, my beautiful emerald coat, my shimmering crimson blood red eyes, or of course, my unique and powerful horn?” she paused and laughed loudly, “please, don’t tell me you were just fantasizing about a chance to be with me! though that certainly would explain why your wings won't stop fidgeting.”

I couldn’t help but look away. I thought about giving a response, but I really didn’t have one. Originally I was unable to tell she was a Commander, I still wasn’t completely sure when I spoke up. But she didn’t feel like a normal guard, or even a normal pony. I just inferred, and apparently I inferred correctly.

“You’d be surprised at the kinds of answers—or lack thereof—I would get,” the Commander spoke with a soft chuckle. “So, are you going to answer me or just sit there with a blush on your face?”

I hadn’t even noticed that I was blushing, but I somehow managed to find the confidence to voice my thoughts, “It wasn’t any one of those by themselves,” I paused briefly while stumbling through the rest of the sentence, “somepony can explain why they have a horn or a different coat or unique armor, but if you put them all together, it becomes obvious.” I felt accomplished in my response. It made sense and was, well… honest.

Nopony really had any information about the Commanders, even amongst ponies of my rank. They really were the Princess’ most well kept secret. The only known history about the Commanders was that they were the organization the squashed the civil war over a thousand years ago. Before the war, they were much more popular and well known. During the war, the Commanders became ruthless and protected the Princesses and their ideals at all costs. There are very few stories of the war, but those that exist depict the group as intelligent and ruthless. After the war, it seemed as if the whole group disappeared overnight. Every so often, you hear a rumor of some event that could possibly involve the Commanders, but nothing was certain. Those in the guard knew of their existence. In the bottom ranks one hears of them only as rumors. But the higher in rank a pony is, the more information he or she is privy to, it seems. That’s how I found out all I know now, and for that reason is why I wanted to join them many ranks ago. I had so many questions for the mysterious pony next to me, and I didn’t have a single clue which to ask first.

“So Commander—“

“Arc,” the mare interrupted. I simply sat there with a confused expression. “It’s my name. The title I mostly use is Commander Arc, but you can just call me Arc.”

What kind of name is that? I was honestly dumbfounded by her name, but I fought to stay focused on my first question. “Arc…” I took a brief pause, “sorry, it’s just a, strange name to me. So Arc, what is it like to be a Commander? Like, what all do you do?” My nerves were creeping up on me again, and I continued to contain them, or at least try to. I was never good with mares to begin with, but this… this was a completely new experience and a much higher difficult.

Arc glanced over me and could easily tell how awkward I felt. The green mare chuckled for a few brief moments before she started to explain, “It is a very interesting and fun job. Most of the time we just train to keep ourselves sharp, which gets boring after a while. Most members split up into groups and work in teams for missions. The teams all have their strengths and weaknesses, so we train hard to eliminate the latter. When the training gets boring, we hold special training competitions against our rivals, Princess Celestia’s solar squad, to restore the excitement. It’s a respectful but cutthroat competition that betters everypony’s skill. Most ponies don’t know of these sessions, and only the highest-ranking members can participate. If you do get the opportunity to attend, you have to watch General Ore compete against Shining Armor. That rivalry is probably the biggest and most competitive one in the world. General Ore usually manages to gain the upper hoof in the end, which is a big boost to morale for us. Anyway, on top of having the best training for missions, we get tons of perks that… I’d rather not get into now.”

I struggled to digest all the information she had just spilled all over my head. Somehow, she also managed to evade actually answering my question. It was obvious that there would be training but what about the missions? I grew more curious by the minute.

“What kinds of missions do you get to do?” My voice pleaded for a truthful answer.

“Special missions,” for the first time Arc spoke sternly and hastily while maintaining her elegant tone, “but don’t worry about it, Steel. You’ll find out soon enough.” Her voice turned cheery in an instant. She winked at me, and I couldn’t help but blush even more than I already did.

I figured that even if I asked a follow up question, she wouldn’t answer. I just smiled and looked out into the sky as my partner did the same, only without the blush. We watched the beautiful stars gleam all over Equestria as soft white snow fell from above. The smiles on our faces never faded, and I promised that tomorrow I’d thank the night shift weather Pegasi for such a beautiful night… and, of course, Princess Luna, if I ever had the opportunity.


For nearly an hour we stared into the night, sitting side by side. Arc eventually looked at me, letting part of her beautiful mane fall in front of her face before using a hoof to move it out of the way. “So have you figured out why I am here with you tonight?”

My mind exploded in joy upon hearing her question. All my hard work paid off, or was about to. I struggled to contain my excitement as my dreams were about to become reality, or so I hoped. My response came in the form of a slow nod.

“It’s because you have heard about my good looks and charming personality.” Finally! I said something smart...ishWe both chuckled at my response as Arc lightly poked me with her hoof. “I will say this much, you are pretty cute.”

I felt like I had melted on the spot when hearing those words. Was—was she flirting with me? That particular thought process completely superseded my surroundings, and I only managed to catch the end of her sentence, ‘time to begin the evaluation, so go stretch.’

It was like my body drew from a new source of strength, one I had never experienced before. I bolted uncontrollably into the air, stretching my wings. The sound was a pleasure in my ears, and felt just as good to my body as my wings pierced the cold air.

I gently folded my wings against my body as I landed. I stood boldly in front of the Unicorn and held my position, full of excitement anticipating my first command from her. Arc stood gracefully as she trotted in front of me.

The expression on her face was considerably more serious than before. But she then gave a smirk intended to make me wonder what she was up to exactly. “As you may already know, being a Commander is a privilege many ponies will never get. Officers of the guard can work their whole lives and be stuck with simple guard duty, or as a brute in the army. In order to get to this point, you have to be an exceptional leader, filled with talent and experience, or just be something really damn special,” Arc’s face now bore a full smile.

Great! Now I know how she got the job…

“Steel, are you hearing me…?" I nodded. "Anyway, you have risen through the ranks very quickly through hard work and determination. Princess Luna took notice of you because of this, and she permitted me to test you.” I smiled at the statement. Needless to say, being noticed by the Princess was an unbelievable honor—maybe I could get the chance to thank her for her wondrous night sky, after all!

Arc was slowly trotting in front of me, pacing side to side as her horn emitted a soft aura that blended with the deep purple of night. “While Princess Luna was banished, the legacy of the Commanders still lived on. Princess Celestia took over the organization and let General Ore lead. I was one of the few Commanders that had the privilege to join during those trying times. So now I am giving you the privilege to be the first to join since the Princess’ return.”

I looked into the mare’s eyes, those blood red eyes. Arc stepped closer and tapped me with her hoof. She turned around and walked further ahead, her aura expanding rapidly as it revealed a straightaway within the small forest in front of us. “First I will test your speed and agility.” The purple aura thinned out and became a thin line pointing all the way through the forest. The mare gestured to the violet passage with her head before facing me once again. “I want you to fly along this little path in less than one minute. If you make a single noise, I will penalize you. And believe me, I will hear you.”

My nerves started to creep up once more; it wasn’t often that I had to fly as a test, especially for one so rigorous! Sure, I’ve been in an aerial race before, but I could tell that this would be a new experience entirely. I trotted over to where the pathway started. Arc’s violet light separated the straightaway at both sides, piercing through the darkness amongst the trees. The wind seemed to be at a standstill as I could feel the cold air begin to dampen. I turned my head to look back at the mare, who tapped her hoof in a steady rhythm.

Clop, clop, clop… I could faintly hear her hoof tap against the rocky soil where she stood. I was on-edge while waiting for her to tell me when to begin. Clop, clop, clop… It only took a few more taps to understand what they were. Her hoof seemed to count seconds, quite accurately, in fact. After a few more seconds, Arc’s light suddenly turned into a light blue, and I instantly assumed it was the signal for me to begin.

I pushed from the ground while shifting my weight forward. My wings began to flap quickly in rapid, silent beats. My focus was on making no noises whatsoever, so I couldn’t just bolt forward as fast as possible. With my unique wings, I had to pierce through the sky, not swim through the ocean. I continued to accelerate as my body began to get used to the motions. The straightaway started to shorten in width, and I snapped my head downward to keep my attention locked onto the blue light.

Just as I thought that I was nearing the home stretch, the pathway directly ahead faded into darkness. I looked up in barely enough time to evade a large tree and rolled through the air to my left. Shit!! My glowing guide craftily weaved around the trees while gradually increasing altitude. I struggled to follow the path while maintaining my current speed—after all, I was still thinking about that sixty second time limit. The forest canopy almost completely obscured the night sky, preventing snow from falling onto me and adding unwanted weight. The cold wind blew through my mane as the leaves I zoomed past snapped from their branches and lightly fell to the ground.

Eventually I adapted to the winding route by flying closer to the light. I dipped all of my weight to my left side in order to turn, but I then saw just how sharp the turn really was. It was impossible to pull it off at my current speed, and my body tilted much too early. With some quick thinking, I slowed down just in time to continue on without making a sound. I saw another set of trees that created a much wider turn in the same direction. It was still risky, but certainly a safer option.

As I approached the first tree around the corner, I quickly extended my front hooves and pushed off from its trunk. If there was a sound, I couldn’t hear it. I lost sight of the path again when I cleared the tree. Adrenaline coursed through my body, and my senses overruled all emotions and nervousness. I pushed off of another tree and came across the blue light again. I shifted my weight back to my front as I quickly started to regain speed again.

With a silent breath of relief, I broke past the other side without encountering much else. There were still trees along the path, but not as close together as in the rest of the woodland. The cold air felt much heavier as I could start to hear the faint sound of raindrops. I looked around to see if it warmed up enough to turn the snow to rain. No rain? Then where am I— Then it hit me: the light banked toward the sky, and the faint sound suddenly became a loud roar. I tried to change my flight path, but it was too late.

I could feel ice cold water harshly pound onto my back. I quickly flew out from underneath the waterfall, but I knew for sure that it’d count as a penalty. The rush of water was incredibly loud, but the sound of me blocking its path, even for a split second, was unmistakable. I fought against the added weight and cold of my soaked coat to fly higher. Eventually I eclipsed the waterfall as the blue light faded. I was met with a crimson red segment at the top. When exiting the tunnel I took a quick downward glance as the stars beautifully reflected off the water below me. But I didn’t have much time to admire the sights. I took off and chased after red segment as fast as possible.

I could feel my body almost effortlessly jet through the crisp air. Within a few short moments, I was high above the forest and directly over the path where I was before. At that point I could feel my body start to slow down as the adrenaline started to wear off and cold numbness was settling in. Eventually my aerial zoom turned into a gentle hover. That took more out of me than I’d hoped. My legs were numb with exhaustion, and my breathing was heavy. My hooves touched the ground before trotting to a halt in front of Arc with a hopeful smile that betrayed my fatigue.

Clop, Clop, Clop… Arc’s hooves were still tapping. She eventually stopped after a few moments of my standing in place. I struggled to muster up words while being completely winded. Before I attempted to speak, I turned to look back at my former racetrack and realized that it was much longer than I thought.

“How,” I took a deep breath in as the cold air harshly filled my lungs. “How well did I do?”

Arc smiled at me to lifting my spirits, but I only grew more anxious to know. She tilted her head nonchalantly, “Not bad Steel, not bad at all. There were a few mistakes… around five. No one has ever been perfect at this, but you applied yourself and still did really well.”

“What… was my time, Commander?”

The mare hesitated briefly as she did figures in her head, “105 seconds.”

My jaw dropped in pure dejection. I worked so hard to beat the time limit and to fail by over half… I wanted to collapse on the ground right then and there.

“You did really well Steel; you were aggressive, plus your quick thinking skills kept you conscious and flying strong. Since I became a Commander, there’ve been only seventeen Pegasi to attempt this test. Ten of them were just as aggressive, and only half of those finished. The fastest was over two minutes. The other seven flew through much more cautiously. The fastest from those made it just slightly less than two minutes. So you should feel glad, you were the fastest yet!”

I was stunned; I, with all the mistakes and penalties, still made it through the test with the fastest time. If my jaw could drop to the ground—with me still being alive—it would have. I fell back onto my haunches. Pride, honor, and accomplishment overflowed my mind, superseding my bodily fatigue as Arc placed a hoof on my shoulder. I truly didn’t know how to react to such news.

“You really should feel proud,” the emerald mare’s voice was almost motherly now, as if I was a child of hers who made her proud. She kissed me on the forehead, causing another faint blush on my cheeks before taking a few steps back. Did… did this just happen? Did she just kiss me?... Must keep wings down... Must keep wings down... Was all I could think, over and over again.

“Would you like to experience something very few have?” she asked cryptically.

I nodded slowly, and she gestured for me to follow her. Even though my legs wobbled, I managed a slow trot behind her. Arc slowed her speed so I could catch up with her. My breathing was almost normal now, but I could already tell that my wings would be pretty sore tomorrow. I turned my head upward to look at the beautiful Unicorn in front of me, and I couldn’t help but chuckle when thinking about her crimson eyes and how vividly they reflected the stars.

Arc turned to face me, causing me to slightly flinch this time. Her crimson pupils seemed to pierce into my mind in a way that escaped my ability to explain. Suddenly I heard words flowing out of my mouth as if I was simply saying them with my thoughts, “So, I was thinking… isn't it a little funny how the best night guards have a unique fascination with the stars and moon.” I didn’t want to say that out loud, but for some reason I couldn’t help it. She smiled at the comment before vanishing in the blink of an eye. A confused expression was frozen upon my face before a sharp pain assaulted my head, knocking me backwards with a stunned gasp.

I slowly opened my eyes to large, twisted branches looming above me. Afterwards it took a while to stand up and keep my balance enough to look around. Arc was still out of sight, but I walked forward as I could hear the faint sound of the waterfall. I then stopped in my tracks when a small, purple glowing orb appeared in front of me. I quickly took a step back in shock as the bright sphere just hovered in place. Using one of my wingtips, I scratched my now throbbing head before cautiously reaching out to touch it. My hoof moved through the orb as if it weren’t there, and I pulled back. Filled with pure curiosity, I poked at the orb again, this time with a different response. The light moved.

The airborne purple sphere started to zigzag through the air, entrancing me with its beauty. I eagerly followed it while avoiding the surrounding trees, and the roar of the waterfall became louder and louder with each step I took.

After clearing the small, forested area, the orb and I stood still in front of the cascading water. This time beautiful lights illuminated the surroundings. Greens, Blues, purples, reds, and even hints of yellow and orange were glistening in the water and mixing with the reflecting moon and stars. I was awe-stricken by the dazzling experience, and I was compelled to slowly walk forward. I could feel the cold water splashing onto my hooves. Even though I steadily sunk deeper, I continued to walk forward, thoroughly entranced by the mesmerizing colors around me. My hooves stepped very deep into the water, the liquid ice almost completely surrounding my limbs. I still trotted onward, the water now touching my belly. I could feel my body temperature start to drop, and my body shivered in response.

“Ow! What the hell!” I quickly bolted out of the water, my wings stretched out to lift me above the surface. My hoof striking an underwater stone broke the entrancement. I looked at my throbbing hoof, but couldn’t tell if it was bleeding. Either way, it hurt pretty badly. I could hear the faint sound of chuckling amidst the churning water. Then I suddenly found myself back underneath the cliff behind the waterfall.

“What took you so long?” Arc said as she took a moment to chuckle. I looked down at the shadowy figure and lightly landed near to her. If it weren’t for her eyes and voice, I would’ve never been able to tell who it was. “Enjoy the show?”

I tilted my head in slight puzzlement. An adequate description of what I saw in that cave escaped me, except for that the water and lights were there one minute and gone the next. For a few seconds my stare was blank before I nodded silently.

“At one point,” a purple aura illuminated the rock we stood on behind the waterfall, “this used to be a ritual in welcoming those who were to become a Commander. Normally, Princess Luna would explain the ceremony to the inductee beforehoof, while controlling the light while a few others spectated. The newcomer would stare into the light, letting it fully envelope them. They’d let themselves be lost in the beautiful sights that resulted and walk deep into the water. Once fully submerged, the pony was chained to the ground underwater. The Princess would release the submerged pony only when his or her life was nearly lost. The tradition symbolized each Commander’s complete submission to the Princess, and that they were never afraid to give their lives for her. This tradition ended once the civil war began. Only recently have we started to use this method again, as a symbol that we have a new fledgling.” A slight grin appeared on Arc’s face when she paused, “additionally, the rest of the tradition holds true today. What you just saw was simply a preview.” Her grin became one that could be a little frightening to most ponies.

I gulped, not particularly liking the idea of nearly drowning to death, even if it was to become a Commander. I’m glad that most of the tradition’s been done away with. Arc took a step forward with what I could have sworn were two sharp teeth protruding from her mouth—wait… sharp teeth?! Before my mind could figure out whether what I saw was real or not, she disappeared again! Once again, she left me stumbling through the dark looking around for her. My senses were totally disrupted, and this time there was no light to guide me. The roar of the waterfall sounded closer and louder than ever, pain sweeping over my entire body, rather than just my head and hooves. But I bared the pain and trotted forward clumsily, calling out to the mare.

Seriously, how many times does she intend to disappear tonight?! Twinges of pain shot up from my foreleg, and I could tell that I was suddenly bleeding. I grimaced with every step I took. You can’t limp, Steel. Stay strong. In just a little bit, this will all be over! A short gust of wind blew from behind. I turned around to look, only to find only more darkness.

“You ready to join the herd, Steel? Are you ready to become part of the group that swears its loyalty to the Princesses and the Princesses alone? The right forehoof of the Princesses, who affect all of Equestria in the moonlight and sunlight?”

I swallowed, much louder and harder than I thought was possible. My mind was a jigsaw I tried sorting all the pieces in my mind, but then I discovered my answer. I turned to the crimson-eyed mare, and simply replied, “Yes!” I tried to stay still as Arc crept closer, and at that point I discovered what made her grin so scary: fangs. Two long, sharp fangs protruded from her otherwise perfect smile. I took an unintentional step back. The Commander took a step a forward in response, but the fight-or-flight part of my mind continued to scream ‘flight!’ The blood was starting to drain out of my leg in thick streams as the pain escalated with each step.

The mare’s horn lit up again, a purple light enveloping the small island where we stood before. The vampire took another step forward, and I felt a cold rope held down my bleeding hoof. I looked down and froze my movements instantly. Four purple ropes shot from underwater and wrapped around my legs, holding me to the ground indefinitely. My heart was pounding making my wound bleed faster. I raised my head to brace myself, tightly shutting my eyes and waiting for whatever my fate would be.

“Don’t be afraid…” The motherly voice allowed me to relax enough to open my eyes. Arc’s smooth hoof gently brushed along the side of my face. I leaned my head into the soothing touch. This was one of the only times in my life that I could easily admit that I was scared. Yet even as scared as I was, Arc’s touch made me feel so… comforted. My body loosened up for the mare, and I actually started to anticipate whatever she had in store for me.

Arc waited, watching every subtle reaction of mine. She leaned in, breathing upon my neck. I felt subtle nibbles on my coat and skin, causing the occasional unintended cringe. Arc then worked her way up, closer to my ears. She whispered softly, “You want this Steel. Everypony does.” Before I could react, the sharp, glistening, pearl-white teeth dug into my neck. If it was normal for there to be pain from the bite, I didn’t feel it. My injured leg buckled, yet I didn’t fall. The emerald vampire was holding me up as she drank from me. I couldn’t help but let out a soft moan. The feeling was strange, a mix of pain and pleasure swirling throughout my whole body. I could feel whatever blood I had left rushing to my head as a small amount poured from my leg. The loud roaring of the waterfall behind us seemed as if it didn’t exist. All I could hear was the suction of Arc’s lips on my skin. My eyes started to dim as I could feel my sense of balance dissipating, along with the feeling in my entire leg. The mare pulled out of my neck and softly licked her lips in delight from the apparently delicious meal.

“Very good, Steel—high in iron and calcium…!” Arc’s voice seemed so distant now. Meanwhile, I could barely keep my eyes open. My blurry vision could barely make out the unicorn move right in front of me, still holding me up, probably with her unicorn magic. The effects of blood loss now were all too apparent; my vision and hearing were becoming very indistinguishable very fast.

The mare sank her teeth into her own front hoof. Only when she saw blood start to ooze out of the wound did she pull out. She quickly pressed the blood-soaked hoof upon my mouth. “Drink,” she spoke like a calm yet determined mother trying to save her dying foal. My energy was nearly gone, and just opening my mouth was a struggle. Arc insistently pressed her wound into the small opening between my lips, letting the fluid slip into my mouth. I coughed and spat when the metallic taste touched my tongue, and I desperately tried to turn my head away.

Arc firmly kept her hoof in place, filling my mouth her unique blood. The liquid was terrible, but I knew that I’d die if I didn’t drink. Blood loss… from an unknown… wound… how pitiful… embarrassment to the guard… don’t die… can’t die…

My mind was in pieces, and I could barely breathe now—I had to drink to survive and to prosper. I disdainfully managed to swallow the mouthful of red iron-tasting liquid. Strangely, my strength started to replenish in a way that puzzled and frightened me. I swallowed again, and again, and again. With each sip, my strength grew. I started to like the taste, especially since it made my whole body feel better. One of the most common fluids in the world was able to rapidly heal me: blood!

The feeling in my hoof gradually returned, and all of my pain slowly washed away each time I swallowed! I continued sucking on her hoof, not because I had to, but because I wanted to. Even my mind was becoming so much clearer. I looked up at the mare, and she returned the look with a loving smile. Not only did Arc save my life, she was giving me a new one! The sensation was pure euphoria. Finally, two sharp fangs grew from my upper gums as my eyes turned into a similar blood red.

The mare quickly pulled her hoof from my mouth, “Welcome to the Commanders! Not a bad feeling, is it?”

All I could give was another silent nod as a new sense of bloodlust broke through my rational mind. I looked down, noticing that her restraints were gone. An eerie smile that wasn’t entirely my own grew upon my face. I picked up my formally damaged leg and stared at it. Healed, all healed… covered in blood. Eat it, lick it down to the hoof, you know you want to! I sniffed at my blood, smelling the rich metallic aroma. My tongue peeked from my mouth to take in its flavors. In an instant, that sense of hunger washed over me even stronger, as if I had never eaten or drank anything in my entire life! I licked all of the blood I could from my leg, but it only left me begging for more.

My senses completely shut out the other vampire near me, and all I could think about was getting more blood for my newly healed body. I stopped licking my hoof as a foreign thought popped into my head. I could hear a new voice controlling, urging my thoughts. I found that I wanted listen to it more than ever. Feed on the guards. You can get all the food you need from them. Imagine the pleasure you’ll get from all that blood! Bolt out of here, Steel. Even if she is a vampire, a meager unicorn can’t catch you! Let yourself drink!

I eagerly obeyed and stretched my wings out. They felt so much lighter, so much stronger, so much better. I looked at Arc one last time, and this time I was the one with the smug grin. “See ya!” Before she could react, I took to the air and jetted out through the waterfall with an expertly backflip.

“Steel! Wait!!” A faint and worthless plea sounded behind me as I disappeared into the night sky.

I flew high above the tree line, hungrily scoping out the area. My vision was vastly enhanced, as with everything else about my body. The wind and snow had stopped, leaving only ice-cold silence. I paused to hover take in a deep breath. I yelled out in enjoyment, screaming at the top of my lungs to let the world know of my power. When finished I the perfect place to find my prey came to mind.


I stopped flapping and dove into a free fall, enjoying the whistle of wind flowing against my bloodstained body. I could feel a different form of adrenaline pumping through my veins. With one simple push of the wings my body paralleled the tree line. I opened my eyes and peered over the forested land. I saw the castle in the distance and focused on the topmost turret as the place where I would strike first.

I dipped lower and flew through the canopy, returning to the testing pathway where Arc’s stream of light used to be. With the help of my newfound strength, it was now it was the easiest flight in the world. To my surprise, I had cleared the path in only a fourth of the time it took the first run, and minus the fatigue, no less! I lowered my body even more and glided only a few inches from the ground. I realigned my body sideways, as if the castle wall was the ground, pulling off the sharp turns flawlessly.

In the distance there was the chatter of guards inside the tower, along with the faint aroma of apple soup. I continued my mission, stealthily evading the areas where other Pegasi guards were likely to be patrolling from the air. I paused to rapidly scan and evaluate my surroundings. There was almost nopony in sight, since a majority of them were stationed inside. I placed a hoof on the cold stone, lightly dragging it along as I flew upward. The sensation brought a tingly, pleasurable feeling as the smooth rock grazed my bloodstained hoof. I could sense that I was nearing my destination as the laughter and card games grew closer.

When the guards’ chatter grew louder, I gently landed parallel to the wall. Amused at my new ability, I crawled towards the top with frightening speed. Wait! my new conscience screamed, causing me to stop mid-step. Do you really want to do this, just burst in and feed? All along the watchtower they are just sitting, relaxing; playing cards… why not enjoy yourself on each of them, one by one?

I stood still upon the wall, debating on what I should do next. Multiple strategies flooded my mind—I might be able to swoop in and easily snatch a guard, or I could tease my food before feasting on one and knocking out the other. I could do so many different things to my prey; I just had to figure out what would best ensure that I got the blood I wanted.

I focused on the two closest guards, listening in to they were doing and saying. One of the guards was still shuffling, but then I heard him finally slam the deck onto the ground.

“I’ll be right back, and no messing with the cards. I’ll know if you did.” The sound of his hoofsteps echoed through the silent air, followed by the door quickly swinging open and shut. The other guard was alone, at last! I peered over the edge, hungrily staring at my prey. The colt’s back was facing me, and his attention seemed to be focused solely on his set of cards. I had no idea what game they were playing, but it didn’t matter, anyway.

The sound of laughter rang through my mind as I snuck over the edge, and within a second I was behind him. The inexperienced vampire in me wanted to dig my teeth into the colt right then and there. But my logical self had a plan, and what an awesome plan it was!

“Boo!” I whispered into his ear. Before he could turn his head, I already moved onto the table in front of him. He had no clue what was going on and returned his focus onto his hoof, until he looked up to notice that I was looming over him. Sharp fangs hung from my upper jaw as my blood red eyes pierced through his soul like an arrow. I swiftly twisted my body around and then bucked him square in the muzzle with both hind-hooves. The guard tumbled into the wall before slumping to the side, lost to unconsciousness. With a satisfied grin I walked through cards that the colt held as they flitted to the floor. I used my front hooves to pick up my prey with nearly no effort. But I was halfway over to the edge when the door opened again! A mare walked through the door, “I hope you didn’t look at my cards.” She kicked the door closed with a back hoof and turned her head to see me holding her partner. Her jaw fell agape as shock staid her movements, and I grinned at the mare before diving off the tower. Thankfully the prey’s added weight helped quicken the descent. The mare called out to me, but I was long gone by time she could reach the edge.

It took only a few seconds to get used to the weight of the cargo in my hooves. I turned to the left and flew in the same direction from where I came. We passed the spot where I smelled the apple soup, so I used that as a checkpoint. Good, good. Now just stop right ahead and feed! Feed on this weakling of a pony; feast on his dreams and his life! Drink! I let his body fall from my hooves before quickly decelerating and landing. I trotted back to the colt with a newfound pride—my first meal of my new life was lying right there in front of me, helpless and waiting for me to dig my fangs into him!

Once I stood directly over my prey, I eyed him over and moved my head to his neck, sinking my teeth into him just as Arc did to me. My fangs dug deeper into his neck, letting his blood drain slowly into my mouth. My lips wrapped around the wound as I savored every drop I could get. The flavor was unbelievable, and it only got better with each sip!

The fluid flowed down my throat, quenching my thirst. I already felt its effects throughout my body. My mind restored to a more normal state as it quieted that new inner voice. At the same time the full effects of being a vampire grew stronger inside me. Speed, strength, reflexes, intelligence, endurance and all my senses were enhanced in vast amounts.

I continued draining the pony’s blood. The colt’s breathing became shallow and raspy. His body temperature dropped as well. Blood was starting to messily pour out of the wound, and I could feel the fluid dripping from the side of my mouth and trickle onto my coat. But I didn’t care; I continued to feed. His body was starting to loseter, chap its firmness, and I could tell that he was dying in my hooves.

“Steel!” My ears perked at the voice that rang out through the wind. The name resonated through every part of my being, causing me to drop my prey. The voice returned to its previous overwhelming volume, and my mind began to tear at itself again.

What are you doing?! Don’t worry about HER! Keep feeding off this guard! I could feel the dark voice screaming at me once more. My logical mind tried to rationalize and come up with a reason not to. However, the new, deadlier part of my mind was furious with me. It wanted to feed, but I could feel regret forming in the pit of my stomach. The dark voice along with my hunger for blood forced my head back down to the guard, only this time he was not under me. I quickly lifted my head, frantically searching for my food. Your incompetence has lost us our dinner! Find another guard to feast on! Quick! My body had no choice but to obey my other self. My wings stretched out instinctively.

“I COMMAND you to stop!” Again, Arc’s booming voice broke through the haze that suppressed my sense of self. My wings grudgingly folded at my sides, and my fangs retracted into my jaw. I turned to face the furious Unicorn mare, once again scared for my life. Her face was full of rage as she marched towards me. My reflexes told my hooves to step backwards, but they caught on something that caused me to stumble onto my back. I felt like crying. Arc was nearly right over me, like I was with the guard. Our eyes only met for a brief moment, but her face haunted me. It was full of rage, sadness, and love… and most apparently, disappointment.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” Tears profusely flowed from my eyes.

Arc’s horn glowed with a light red. “So am I.” Now her voice was more sorrowful than anything else. I felt something make contact with my head. Dazed and confused, I slowly took in my surroundings. The mare trotted away with a crimson aura surrounding the dying guard. I felt as if my head was leaking, and my eyes began to close on their own, even though I wasn’t drowsy. I lifted a hoof to the new wound on my head. Just as I could piece together all that happened, I fell unconscious and collapsed.

Well, I finally /partly\ fixed this chapter, it has been edited three or so times by now. (Thanks to my good friends Coffee and Razor!) I still can't get the formatting right which... sucks but I digress. Anyway, the next chapter is a lot darker. I promise that after the next chapter it gets a little brighter! Hope ya'll enjoyed this one enough to stick around and see what happens next!!

Author's Note:

In the process of updating everything, bare with me... I know it wasn't the smartest decision to do this while I am having computer issues...

Comments ( 4 )

I remember when this was originally just a paragraph long mini story idea me or another (I forget now) brought to you. You pursued that idea further, grew and improved on it, and look at it now. You gonna submit it to Equestria Daily?


I plan on submitting it when I complete the first story, whether or not it is after my next or final chapter, I really don't know. It mostly depends on how often I hand write my story and when I get my laptop situation fixed.

Looking good so far, Blue! Story, picture, and all!

Starting to read.....

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