• Published 10th Jan 2022
  • 498 Views, 9 Comments

Halcyon Days - Snow Quill

In the beautiful city of Canterlot, two best friends reconnect.

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A Collection of Letters in a Desk

Our tale starts, as most do, once upon a time, with two little girls who were the best of friends. They grew up together, thick as thieves, wiling away the hours with tea parties and dress up. As they grew older, tea parties turned to book clubs, and dress up got more serious.

And then one had to move away to attend a prestigious University.

The last day they saw each other was a somber, autumn day, as if the sky itself were sharing in their impending misery and cast the world in gray as a show of respect.

The sharp whistle of a train broke apart their crushing embrace, the conductor’s call nearly drowning out their last goodbye’s and promises to write. To most, they would seem more white lies than promises, but to the two with a bond as deep as they had, it was a solemn vow.

The one that stayed stood on that platform for nearly an hour after the last car of the train disappeared from sight, hand clutched around a simple necklace with a delicate gem. Even though she had no way of confirming, she just knew her friend was holding hers as well.

It was scarcely a week before the first letter was sent, and from then a flurry of letters back and forth, until the respective staff of the opposing post offices knew exactly when the next letter would be sent and received.

Each letter was carefully opened, lovingly pored over, and then it’s response crafted just as thoughtfully before being neatly stacked with all its predecessors. One set stored in a dorm room desk, the other in an antique roll top in a tailor's shop.

Neither missed a letter, whether they had big news like a perfect grade on a final or the opening of a dress shop, or little things, like the rapture of a sunny day off or found inspiration for a new dress line.

Eventually, they began to write to each other about love.


My darling Fluttershy,

I have the most wondrous news!

Last week, I had a rather stunning woman come into the shop. She browsed for a few minutes before coming up to me and, quite bluntly, asking if I had ever done a large order before. I told her that my largest commission thus far had been two dozen scarves, but depending on what she needed and when, I would do my best.

She didn’t so much look at me as into me, as if probing, searching for what kind of person I was. Imagine that, looking at a simple designer like myself as if the weight of my heart and soul would make an impact on my art. Apparently she was satisfied by her inspection though, because she promptly placed an order for forty ensembles!

I’m so excited for this order, I’ve been running around in an absolute tizzy trying to get it all done. It feels so good to finally be recognized and given a chance for such a large commission, though. I do hope things are going well for you my dear,

Until next,

- Rarity


Dearest Rarity,

Oh I’m so happy for you! I just know you’ll do a good job with the order. I also have exciting news, though. Remember the girl I told you about, the one I was paired with for my Care of Mythical Creatures project?

She asked me to go on a picnic with her, a romantic picnic in the park. Oh Rarity, it was just so lovely. We fed the birds and had a few rabbits come up to say hello. She even performed some magic spells for me!

If you could have seen the way she looked at me though, it was like I was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. I’m blushing again just thinking about it.

She really is just a lovely person and I get all fluttery when I think about her. I think she could even be the one. It’s all so very exciting and I can’t wait to see what happens next. We have another date next week, this time to visit the baby phoenix we hatched. Best of luck working on your order, I look forward to your next letter.

Yours Truly,

- Fluttershy


My darling Fluttershy,

That is wonderful to hear! I am so very happy for you, I hope she continues to treat you well. Speaking of the order, I’ve also had some developments on the romance front.

That same woman came and picked up her order just earlier and left a card with a time and a place on it. Imagine my surprise when I found it was an invitation to an exclusive restaurant! I have never been asked out as such, but I think it’s rather charming, a call back to the olden days of courtship and rituals. I have high hopes for it and look forward to telling you all about her in my next letter.

I’m so sorry for the short letter this time, but I have to go get ready. I hope your date goes well, and I can’t wait to hear more about her!

Until next,

- Rarity

And so time went on, with more letters sharing their growing experiences and relationships.

Many moons and countless letters passed before they had the chance to see each other in person again. When the opportunity came, plans were made and dates set, for the two to meet and introduce their darling beau’s to each other.

And that is where the story truly begins...