• Published 20th Sep 2012
  • 1,140 Views, 24 Comments

Six Hundred Words (written by OtterMatt) - Spabble

One writer, several writing prompts, six hundred words each.

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Body Language

It was just before the main course was served when they walked in, bound for a table. Just the four of them, Rarity in front leading her parents, followed by—her, looking even better than usual. Sweetie Belle’s white coat was practically sparkling and her mane was mostly straightened for the occasion, making her look older and more lovely. Rarity was chatting away about how if her parents were visiting then it was her duty to treat them to a fine meal, and besides, they had a graduation to celebrate. This prompted a proud hug from Sweetie Belle’s mother, which the nearly 16 year-old filly took with good grace.

Featherweight stared, subconsciously trying to groom his mane, waiting for the time when she would notice him as well. His own family was chatting quietly, leaving him out of mind while they waited for the meal to arrive. The unicorn family sat down and lifted their menus, when Sweetie Belle caught sight of him between the scattered tables and dining couples, and their eyes met.

Featherweight gave a large smile, and waved, keeping his hooves low so his parents wouldn’t notice. She smiled in return, and glanced at her own family, who were deep in debate over how they could let their own daughter pay for such pricey food. Sweetie Belle looked back, gestured subtly between the two of them, and glanced pointedly at his family with a questioningly raised eyebrow. Featherweight looked abashed, and shook his head slightly. He nodded at her and raised his own eyebrow to turn the question around, and she froze with a blush, shaking her head. He laughed silently, sticking his tongue out at her.

A waiter had arrived with their meals just about the same time as one trotted over to Sweetie Belle’s table, and he brought his attention back to his lemongrass linguini, keeping one ear turned across the room. He could clearly hear Rarity gushing to the waiter.

“Yes, we are celebrating. My little sister has been accepted to the Royal Musical Academy in Canterlot!”

Featherweight almost dropped his fork, turning to look back at Sweetie Belle with shock in his eyes. This was entirely new news to him. There was a hint of either shame or regret in hers as she met his gaze, nodding to confirm the statement and mouthing “I’m sorry” across the dining room. Pride warred with anxiety in the colt. Unable to decide what his feelings were, he tried to hide his pained face and pantomimed clapping his hooves for her. She gave a slight bow, but from the look on her face, it seemed he hadn’t been entirely successful in hiding his feelings.

He took a bite of his pasta, hoping to let the warm, flavorful food soothe him, but the hole had already been dug. How much time did they have left? Weeks? Months?

With a sudden glint in his eye, Featherweight checked to make sure his family hadn’t noticed anything yet, muttered something about needing the colt’s room, and got up, gesturing with his head to Sweetie Belle. She caught on instantly, and slid over in the booth just enough to lean over to Rarity and excuse herself from their table.

In the hallway behind the bar, she found herself quickly enveloped in a firm hug of both hooves and wings, and a pair of familiar lips planted themselves gently but eagerly on her own. She returned the kiss with equal fervor until they broke for air.

Featherweight smiled, even though his brown eyes were sad as he looked into Sweetie Belle’s. “Hey,” he said.