• Published 28th Jan 2022
  • 554 Views, 3 Comments

Feeling the Rhythm - DougtheLoremaster

What if you were told to create a dance, that it was important? Sounds silly, right? For Twilight, it could mean the fate of the world. Join her in an adventure across an Equestria where dancing to the music can perform incredible feats of magic.

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Chapter 3

Walking slowly through the streets of Ponyville, Twilight was lost in her own thoughts. Thoughts about yesterday’s conversation with Princess Luna.

“Your Aunt and I have decided that it’s time for you to chase your own rhythm.”


“It’ll be alright Twilight, my sister and I will be here if you need any assistance, but the time has come. You are a fully grown mare now, my daughter. This world is immense, from all corners and walks of life, dances await you; ones even my sister and I may never have seen. Partners of all kinds, and experiences that you’ll never know if you don’t leave the castle.”

“But mom I-”

“You can do this. Trust me. It may be scary at first, but in time you’ll be glad to have done it. Truth be told, if I was a bit younger and didn’t have to help run this kingdom, I would leap at the chance to have such an adventure, once more. Your father and I met while dancing, you know. Besides, you won’t be alone, you have Spike; plus Tia and I have purchased all six apartment spaces above the town’s record store for your residence; that way you won’t need to fuss over rent. We even got you an interview for an assistant position with the store’s manager. We leave tomorrow, sleep well, my child.”

“Twilight, we’re here.”

Twilight blinked as she was awakened from her reverie. On her back, a baby dragon sat; it had been a week since he first hatched. A week since Twilight had created him. A week in which Twilight had grown remarkably close to the somewhat haughty creature. Twilight looked up to see a sign that said ‘Help Wanted’.

The sign hung on an ancient three-topped oak tree, inside of which the record store of Ponyville rested.

“Thanks, Spike.”

Opening the wooden door, with a slight creaking sound, Twilight took a step inside as Spike spoke to her.

“So who is this manager you’re supposed to talk to?”

“I think her name is Starlight…something.”


Turning their head towards the speaker, Twilight and Spike were taken aback. Standing there, leaning against a stand of records, was a lilac-furred Unicorn with a violet, spiked mane that sported a vertical seafoam green stripe, with a tail to match. On her left forehoof, she wore a black spiked bracelet and her neck boasted a black choker. In her left ear, she wore a single earring. Blowing a bubble with the gum she had been chewing, her glare told Twilight she was already treading thin ice.

“The name’s Starlight Glimmer. What do you want?”

The way she stood there, that expression of disgust, and the way her voice seemed comparable to rough gritty sandpaper scraping against stone, caused Twilight to panic. She wasn’t used to socializing with other ponies, always keeping to herself inside the castle and shying away from interactions even with the staff.

Though recently she formed a connection with Spike, Twilight didn’t know how to respond, so she did the only thing she could; she turned around and bolted from the record store. She had no idea where she was going, but her legs wouldn’t obey her, she just had to get out of there.

And so she ran, as fast as she could until she ended up in front of a barn, and out of breath; tears streaming down her face. Sitting down on her haunches, she gave a whimper as Spike started comforting her.

“Hey Twilight, are you okay?”

Sniffing, she explained her distress.

“Sorry Spike, I’m not all that good with other ponies, I just didn’t know what to do and mom always said when you can’t figure something out, just leave it for another time.”

Spike used his claws to wipe away her tears, nodding as he did so.

“It’s alright, I get it.”

“Well howdy there, ain’t you a tall drink of water in the scorching summer’s heat.”

Turning, Spike and Twilight found themselves staring into the warm gaze of an orange-furred Earthpony mare. She wore a stetson on her brow and had flowing braids of golden hue in her mane. She spoke with a rather rural mannerism as she looked at Twilight.

“Mah name’s Applejack, and Ah welcome ya t’ Sweet Apple Acres. Though most our guests come t’ th’ house when they’re cravin’ our cider.”

Twilight shook her head, startled, as Spike intervened.

“We aren’t trying to-”

Applejack just laughed, with the same energy as a warm fire.

“Ya dun hafta apologize t’ me, Dragonboy. I ain’t mad, it’s clear ya ain’t from around here. Dun worry, come on, let’s get t’ th’ house. Ahm sure there’s plenty ta spare.”

“We aren’t here for-”

“Oh, it’s no trouble young’un. Come on, move yer flanks, I ain’t about ta send you away without some Golden Cider; never let it be said that the Apples ain’t hospitable. All are welcome in th’ home of the Apples.”

Perhaps it was the almost quaint way, Applejack spoke, or perhaps it was the genuine sincerity in which she said it, but Twilight and Spike soon found themselves at a round wooden table, sitting in oak chairs as they watched Applejack root through the fridge. After a moment, she stood up and revealed two large frothing steins of Sweet Apple Acres Golden Sparkling Cider.

“Here ya are, drink up!”

It was evident that Twilight and Spike both enjoyed the refreshing drink, though while Twilight smiled happily, only Spike actually spoke.

“That’s amazing!”

Twilight nodded excitedly and continued slurping down the contents of the satisfying drink. Applejack eyed her curiously.

“Ya dun say much do ya Sugarcube?”

Looking ashamedly down at the table, as though it could give her a hiding spot, Twilight nodded. Spike quickly spoke up.

“You’ll have to forgive her, she doesn’t socialize with other ponies much.”

Applejack raised her eyebrow.

“So a bit of a shy mare, huh?”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out other than a bit of a squeak and so she closed it again and looked down.

Spike replied.

“If it’s any consolation, she really did enjoy the cider.”

Applejack just laughed and turned, flicking her mane as she did so, before sauntering out the door.

“Oh, it dun bother me none, hun. If anything it makes her even more adorable. Anywho Ah gotta get back ta work. Them apples won’t buck themselves, after all. There’s more cider in the fridge if y’all want a refill.”

After she had left, Twilight sat there; quietly pondering what Applejack had said. Spike got up to pour himself another glass of cider when Twilight spoke to him.

“Spike, what’s apple-bucking?”

Pausing for a moment, Spike looked at her confused.

“I’m not sure.”

“Well, didn’t she say she was going to buck some apples?”


Twilight looked curious as she touched her hoof to her muzzle.

“Wanna go see?”

Downing the cider in a massive gulp, Spike gave a slight burp and nodded excitedly; as Twilight wrinkled her nose at the display.

“Yeah! Let’s go.”

Together the two rose from the table, after Twilight snuck a few extra sips of cider, and went to go see what it was Applejack was doing. It wasn’t long at all until they spotted her standing in front of the orchard.

Applejack was dressed in a black debutante’s dress with red lace trim along the edges, with a pair of black snakeskin leather spurred cowgirl boots that adorned her back hooves. The stetson that adorned her head, had transformed to a black velvet variety.

Twilight’s eyes lit up with excitement as Applejack bowed to a seemingly imaginary partner. As a fiddle could be heard, joined by a jug blower and a banjo, Applejack reached out to nopony, only for the glowing outline of a filly to appear and take her hoof.

Twilight grew more and more excited as she watched the two dance in time to an invisible caller:

“Now take your pardner circle right,

Promenade and hold on tight.”

Applejack and the filly locked forehooves and turned in a circle, moving to the right at a lively clip, before turning and raising their hooves up, while two mysterious figures appeared; a mare and a stallion’s outlines, causing just the hint of sorrow to show in Applejack’s eyes before the two went under the pair’s hooves. As soon as they went past the two raised their hooves in kind and Applejack and her partner went under theirs. Then the two momentarily vanished as the caller continued:

“Now do-si-do and round ya go,

Grab ‘er tight and circle right.”

Twilight could feel it welling up within her; the music, the rhythm. She could feel her hoof tapping along to the time of the fast-paced beat. Applejack and the filly she seemed to be dancing with, walked in time around each other, first facing and then without turning orbited around the other until back at the starting position. Locking forehooves once more, the two did a turn towards the right.

Twilight was growing excited, and her tapping became more, she wanted to join. She had to join. She had to dance! Without a second thought, she rushed out to where Applejack’s square dance was going on, and the caller continued without missing a beat:

“A new pardner now approaches, lock yer hooves, and sing ‘er praises.”

Applejack was taken by complete surprise as Twilight rushed in, a stylish black cowboy’s vest with gold buttons, and denim pants appearing on Twilight as she did so. With her hooves now covered with her own pair of spurred leather boots, Twilight’s eyes sparkled as grabbed Applejack’s forehooves in her own. And the caller continued:

“Now circle left, to n’ fro.

Circle right and do-si-do.”

Applejack couldn’t believe the change that had come over the shy Unicorn from earlier. Gone was the timid Twilight, instead there in her hooves was a bold, daring debutante. As the two flawlessly kept time with each other, they twirled, circled, do-si-do’d, and had an amazing time. Finally, however, the music reached its conclusion and the two received a final call:

“Now take your pardner, bend ‘er low

To the tune of th’ fiddles bow,

Thank ‘er fer this lovely chance,

T’ share in this wonderful dance.”

The music came to end, with Applejack dipped down over Twilight’s hoof. All around the glowing figures that had been dancing gave whoots and whoops of excitement as they applauded the dancing of the two. And then in a flash of light it happened.

The trees all throughout the orchard began to twist and shake their branches; almost as though applauding the performance, causing their apples to tumble down into the hundreds of buckets scattered throughout. Twilight stared into Applejack’s eyes for a moment before blinking and nervously releasing her, as the glowing forms faded entirely.

Applejack stood there dumbfounded as both sweat-covered mare’s clothing vanished once more. Twilight looked embarrassed and flinched as Applejack shouted.

“That was amazin’ Sugarcube, where in Equestria did ya learn to square dance like that?”

Muttering, Twilight meekly replied; no longer filled with her daring vigor.


Applejack leaned in closer.

“Ahm sorry, could you repeat that?”

In barely an audible squeak, Twilight repeated herself.

“I didn’t know what dance you were doing, I just moved my hooves in time to the rhythm.”

Applejack blinked and laughed.

“Well yore a natural!”

Her voice lowered.

“Though, you’d do well to keep that talent a secret in this town, Sugarcube. Trust me.”


Turning suddenly, Twilight and Applejack found themselves staring into the eyes of an annoyed Starlight Glimmer. On her back was Spike, oddly sound asleep. She spoke to Applejack.

“I see you found my idiot. I’m going to need that back.”