• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 10th

Gabriel LaVedier

Just another University-edicated fanfiction writer who prefers the cheers and laughter of ponies to madness and sorrow.


Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon get such a bad rap. Almost every story I see shows them as abject villains. Or convenient "guilt-free" victims. In the last three stories I read about them before I lost my regular internet connection, all of them involved savage beatings, one had both of them beaten to death, one had Silver Spoon beaten to death by Diamond Tiara and the other was Silver ruthlessly beaten, and sexually assaulted.

These are foals folks. Foals. Really.

So here's something that I have intended to do for a long while. Stories about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon (Though mostly slanted to Silver Spoon) that gives them at least some vindication. Please, enjoy. and try to cut them a little slack. They're FILLIES for Luna's sake.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 100 )

I'm liking and favoriting just based on the description. I'm sure the stories themselves will be great, too.

I am with you, one hundred percent.

They are spoiled brats, yet they are also ponies with complex sentiments and pasts. I am sure an exploration of their incentives would make for a great tale.

You know, this was similar to an idea I had. Like how people always picture Silver Spoon being nice, but was only mean because Diamond Tiara was making her do it. My idea was the exact opposite, where Silver Spoon was making Diamond Tiara act like a little bitch. But I think that people hate these two characters just because they are supposed to be hated. They're there to be the main antagonists when the CMC are involved, and the fact that they are pretty much 4th grade versions of Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian just make people hate them even more. Just my opinion. Anyway, decent story, will be paying attention to it.

Jesus Christ man, what were you reading?

Edit: And why the hell does it have two thumbs both up and down with no views?

“Of course, of course... no wonder they allowed you to com here. This makes perfect sense...” The chief stroked his chin slowly and nodded his head.

That should be 'come'. CHECK YOUR SPELLING AND GRAMMAR BEFORE POSTING!~ just a friendly tip before you start getting add to the TWE and getting disliked...

This needs some serious revision though...

~sorry if that was rude.... but I was just taking the time to read your story and help ya know? If you ever need advice or help, don't hesitate... I'm only a friendly fellow writer. :twilightsmile:

Very nice. They are neither outright evil nor helpless victims, just two fillies in love.:heart::heart:

1272269 Rude much? You go all rage over one typo? When even stuff that gets EQD feature has some? Please just chillax and enjoy the stories, or if you wish to comment on someone else's writing, do so in a constructive, friendly fashion, OK?

On Topic: Daymn. Gotta follow this one. Seems like a nice change from the usual 2D representation of those two.

<3 Bump, Bump, Sugarlump, Rump! <3


You're making some kind of joke, right? It has the feel of satire or farce. I found it slightly amusing, thank you.

What is the TWE anyhow?

Fillies, yet jerks.
I would never harm them in those sorts of ways, I'd just let Discord work his magic.
DISCORD FTW:pinkiecrazy:

:1272269F-Friendly? That--- that came on not as rude, but downright harsh.

They may be spoiled, but you make them three-dimensional.


Every story with a Diamond Tiara/Silver Spoon tag. Which ends up with a lot of grimdark clop. The sexual assault one also had "Insane decadent pervert sociopath serial killer Rarity." That such a character exists in quantities enough to be described as a common sight is sad.. The one with Tiara beating Spoon to death was actually sent to EqD. It was rejected, of course.

"Convenient 'guilt-free' victims"
"Both of them beaten to death"
Par for the course
"Silver Spoon beaten to death by Diamond Tiara"
Shot the eagle on Hole 8.
"Silver ruthlessly beaten"
It's rolling to the cup...
"And sexually assaulted"
...Albatross on Hole 14
Fav'n this story cause I want to see the Hole-in-One on Hole 18 while the wind's blowing 22 mph eastward for the win :pinkiehappy:


Much as I did with Gilda and Trixie, I used romance and "human" emotion to redeem supposedly irredeemable characters, though that's easier with Gilda and Trixie since some give them a free pass anyhow. I guess because the average raging troll can't get out of fourth grade when the popular girls called them a name and now they want to punish the pony versions while the angry grown ups make their special place tingle when they're mean to others.


I get that it's humor but I'm wondering if you realize I am positive towards Diamond and Silver. :scootangel:

Wanderer D

Huh. I'll add this to my read later list. I've whined about the lack of DT & SP fics.:pinkiecrazy:


What...the...fuck? Good thing I've dodged that crap.

It's not really my cup of tea, but have a thumbs-up on account of my whole-heartedly supporting your effort. There is something to be said for your prose and style, too.


Not a big fan of Diamond and Silver? That's cool. Few are. Thanks for separating you feelings about the characters from your ability to appreciate unique things. I thank you greatly.

to com here. Missed the 'e'.

She was staring at a wonder, her vision practically filled with a slow-motion, Gaussian-blur filly without a single flaw.
Sentence took me five tries to read it correctly, could use tweaking.

That's it Silver, reject the boring reality and substitute your own! Great sequences throughout, makes me love her even more.

It was somewhat present in the Apples, and in the Dames, but I hadn't figured the more stable, plebian ponies all hold this reverence for young love. It's a very interesting addition to your world.

It isn't that I'm not a fan. I'm just more of a SilverBelle fan. Each to their own ship.

straighteners remove and. Missed a 'd'.

That all makes perfect sense to me, growing up rich, but not the 'right' rich, in Canterlot would most likely cause some bad habits to be learned. I hope they can make some more friends, I know their situation all too well, minus the money.

So Pinkie got hyphenated? When did the wedding happen? Does that mean Twilight is Sparkle-Pie or Pie-Sparkle too?

Was the pre-school teacher a reference? She definitely feels like one of the demon bitch's followers.

Edit: How exactly does Diamond's hoofgear work? If the ends are curved, how does a device correct that when filing would seemingly do the same?


SilverBelle? That's different. Nice ship name, too!


Indeed, the wrong kind of rich (the labor kind, though Filthy loves to put on airs to make up for it, and the Lodes as well) and the wrong kind of... Pony. Oh yes, the Canterlot snobs are not just peer-conscious and class-conscious, they are deeply race-conscious. An earth pony with money is an earth pony. Diamond was thrown into a lion's den. She not only had to thrive among foals that thought she was unworthy, she had to protect Silver as well. It... changed her. Her only concern is for Silver's wellbeing, and she can no longer "turn off" warrior witch mode. Silver is Diamond's dearest and nearest, and knows she will always be there and believes Diamond is always doing best. At least when she is concerned. And there's no fear of betraying or abusing that trust; Diamond would sooner die than exploit Silver.

Since this takes place "five minutes in the future" as the trope goes, I decided it was appropriate. At an unspecified period, all the Mane Six wed (and Bad Apple suffers unimaginably because he can't be there for AJ; it's why he so eagerly went to the wedding of his ersatz niece) and get hyphenated as appropriate. Twilight Sparkle-Pie (to appease the Pie family) and Pinkie Pie-Sparkle (to make Pinkie happy).

The name... It comes from Dagny Taggart from "Atlas Shrugged" and Dominique Francon from "The Fountainhead." As noted, she was arrested in the great Randomoid purge, probably sold out as an active agent provocateur trying to remold the minds of the young. It all connects.

I'll fix the errors next week when I have access again.

Also, think of the straighteners as a cupping horseshoe that goes around he bottom of the hoof rather than just on it. The blocky portion that is most visible holds it securely on and prevents accidental or intentional removal. It was me giving her the equivalent of braces.

I do, sorry if I wasn't clear :derpytongue2:


I'm still having a hard time figuring out how they work, but you know me; I have to obsess over how shit works. A hoof is keratin like our nails, so it can't really be cajoled into working right. Now if it was the ankle joint and it was fixing her stride, I'd get that.

Huzzah, I was right! Her followers are everywhere, ruining the lives of all. I'm not surprised I didn't know the specific name references, with anything that bad I try to scrub the details from my mind.

1275072 Can I have the links to the three fics you were reading? It has to be somewhere in your history tab.


I can't search for them right now. Why would you even want to see them? Plus I don't even remember one of the titles.

I don't mind the story.
But I can't seem to connect with either character in this one. I guess I'm just not feeling it.

1291296 ...
That was only reason I've came.

Really interesting!
I'll add to my Read later list... Which is showing how little time I have to actually sit and read by its length. Hoo boy.

Wonderful. I might complain that you're moving a bit quickly, but obviously that's how the story goes. One little error that I noticed (and made note of):

Her white dressed hugged her slim form near the chest...

Should be "dress."

who is silver spoons secret lover?


The sentence about the gaussian-blur filly made sense to me, but I realize because I'm so immersed in tropes I know what a "gaussian girl" is. I can't fix it so I'll just apologize for it.


There isn't one. Featherweight assumes that she has one because in his experience, Canterlot rich folks more often than not have secret loves.

Happily ever after only happens in fairy tales. Who's truly delusional?

When I made my Inner Demons story, I imagined Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in a more positive light as well. Silver Spoon is genuinely nice, but originally she just clung to Diamond Tiara for the sake of their families. Diamond Tiara is one of those kids who craves attention and friendship, but doesn't know how to get it unless she's insulting someone or putting herself higher. She gets better as she gets older though,and even becomes friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders later on.

This is really cute, Favoriting this.


Nightmare Moon: Cleansed.
Discord: Imprisoned.
Chrysalis: Defeated by the power of love.

Pony Tales DO come true in Equestria. And for a soul as dedicated as Silver Spoon, wishing and hoping becomes working and trying. They'll be together forever, just like she said. Rocking chairs, grandfoals, peafowl.

How sweet. Those two mares really do love each other.

This ISN'T some stupid romantic. Missed the starter quotation mark.

She always had to get others. Awkward wording.

Being without consistent internet really makes you a quicker writer.

Past, present, future; now where have I seen that story structure before? :pinkiehappy:

Another damn fine job Gabriel. So many Dawwws, you made them just perfect together and you had their cutie marks be relevant, which I've only seen once before (Facets and Flaws, I think). Although I do want to ask Silver if she needs some 'assistance' with that newspaper, Featherweight needs to learn a little lesson. :pinkiecrazy:

I tried to read the first chapter... WHAT IS GOING ON?

Eventually, I got so lost I decided to tl:dr

After reading the first chapter, all I can think is: adorable. The interactions between Silver and Diamond are amazingly cute, and you've managed to make them likable without really violating their canon personalities. The way Diamond authoritatively states that Silver is her fillyfriend, in the sort of tone that one reserves for a royal proclamation, is really endearing, and Silver's reactions to Diamond's haughtiness are even better. I love Silver's little fantasies, which come off as very much the sort of thing a filly her age would dream up. In each one, even though she's always an accomplished genius and the "youngest X in history" she somehow manages to find herself following Diamond, who isn't necessarily more accomplished or smart than her, but Silver just sees her as so beautiful and confident that she's glad to be putty in her hooves.

Very sweet, looking forward to reading the rest.


Insane decadent pervert sociopath serial killer Rarity

Hey, now be fair. The Rarity from my story is not a serial killer. :duck:


It is interspersed with fantasy sequences for Silver Spoon's perspective. This is in homage to James Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty."


Yes, that's generally how it goes. Silver is a follower but not out of some sophisticated submissive D/s instinct but because she realizes that if Diamond takes the lead and is subtly directed towards a proper social direction, Silver can focus on her projects and own life, which she gets to share with a mare she regards as most beautiful in the world.

Sorry about the mistake. But I had to add the full title of the common Rarity isomer. It was close, I just added an excess element. And I though the point of the "Garden" story was to imply sociopathy and the building blocks of a serial killer.

Not quite. Rarity specifically says in Garden that she does not want to kill, and finds it wasteful. Of course, your point still stands about her being a generally terrible pony.


Which is a bitter pill to swallow. I might not really do much with Rarity (If I work with the Mane Six I tend to prefer Twi or Pinkie) but I still find her pleasant and enjoyable when paired with Fluttershy. But, variety is the spice of life.

Glad you enjoyed it. Think of it less as an "attack" or "repudiation" of yours but more as... A story all of its own that has Silver being a different kind of follower. A leading follower who knows for certain what she wants and does her best to get it. And gets it. As the third story shows, she knows what she wants well and is iron-clad certain she will get it, right down to grandfoals and peafowl.

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